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Fantasy Luxor Academy OOC

YungJazz YungJazz Sorry Jazz, gonna be gone for a while due to work and such, so I can't RP for a while! Just pretend I wasn't there in the first place. Sorry Jazz!
YungJazz YungJazz Sorry Jazz, gonna be gone for a while due to work and such, so I can't RP for a while! Just pretend I wasn't there in the first place. Sorry Jazz!
It's cool, sorry you gotta get bogged down by life and stuff. I got a whole bunch of bad heading Ryo's way so that should keep him preoccupied for most of this RP
YungJazz YungJazz I'll probably have Hundun show up to the office so they can wind up having a little bit of a discussion. If Ryo wanted he'd take him to Behemoth HQ with him to see Setsuna and his Grandchild but that's entirely up to him, if he doesn't he'll probably just show up there anyway.
YungJazz YungJazz I'll probably have Hundun show up to the office so they can wind up having a little bit of a discussion. If Ryo wanted he'd take him to Behemoth HQ with him to see Setsuna and his Grandchild but that's entirely up to him, if he doesn't he'll probably just show up there anyway.
Oh we're definitely doing this with Setsuna and the unamed kid, it'll be even better
H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Heyyy, long time no see!
Also, assuming you were referring to Tobin in your post, he's completely human. His red eyes are contact lenses.
Might I recommend linking all the pages together for easy navigation? If you're unsure how I can show you, it's very simple.

That said as soon as I can locate it my first sheet is done.
I kinda feel like Spiar is too weak for this RP hahaha. Will delete her CS and post and submit another one soon~
When you're a wizard but also work at an abortion clinic

That's a spicy meme there

A slightly offensive meme, a non-P.C. meme many could take offense by.

A slightly offensive meme that almost anyone can laugh at.

No, the forest wasn't an illusion.
They were actually in Luxor Academy's forest, I must've forgot to explain Cicero bringing them to the Luxor Academy forest.
During Cicero's conversation they were transported without notice, it was right after Elena arrived.
It was going to be further explained later on in the story when mentioning Cicero's abilities.
No, the forest wasn't an illusion.
They were actually in Luxor Academy's forest, I must've forgot to explain Cicero bringing them to the Luxor Academy forest.
During Cicero's conversation they were transported without notice, it was right after Elena arrived.
It was going to be further explained later on in the story when mentioning Cicero's abilities.
Oh ok... Now I just gotta find out how to leave XD
Ooh wait SidTheSkid SidTheSkid (I might be a potato so don't get mad if I missed something please) Is the forest far enough for a helicopter pick up, or a simple ground vehicle?
posted at same time LOL
Not sure if Kisaki stated this in the lore but it's on an island, a bridge crosses over from this island back to the city.
Not sure what the name of the island is again but it's definitely accessible to helicopters or ground vehicles.

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