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Fantasy Lunar Light [Closed]

Kenzi smirked, "Good night, Alpha Born, I look forward to having some time in your pack."
Kenzi smiled as she watched him, not wanting him to go. Their connection grew while they were together. But as the day proved, she longed for him when they were apart.
Ward's smile disappeared as soon as he was out of sight of her. He wanted to stay with her. Wanted her to be the one he was going home to and he felt guilty for that. Guilty that he was wanting her after he'd chosen Shalimar. He tried to push the thoughts from his mind. Especially as he got to the town and near the home he shared with his future bride.
Shalimar was already getting ready for bed, when she heard him. She knew it was him from his smell and smirked as she went to met him in her nightgown. She smiled when she saw him, "Late usually means when I am sleeping. But I'm happy you are home. Your father made a quick visit, thought I would like to use something of your mother's. I told him we would go look at what he thinks would work for me tomorrow morning. Maybe even have breakfast with him and the Beta? It sounded like a good idea, what do you think?" She asked. But she expected him to be happy with the idea. She never expected him to argue so she just smiled as if his answer was already yes.
Ward sighed a little. He just felt tired, but he also wanted to still be with Kenzi. "In the morning we can but the emissary I was telling you about? She's coming into town tomorrow. I told her I'd meet her and then show her around. She also wants to see Mike, knows him from when she was younger." He says.
Shalimar nodded, "I'll come with you when she gets into town. Maybe she'll come after breakfast and Mike can come with us. But if she is a emissary, wouldn't she be more comfortable in the pack in the first place?" she asked it had been a question in the back of her mind for days now.
"She is rogue...like Mike and Luna Zy had been. That's how she knows them." He says. He was trying to keep everything as close to truth as possible. "She wasn't comfortable coming to the pack but she wants to see Mike and now she knows that the Alpha won't hurt her, she's gonna give it a try." He explains.
Shalimar sighed, before she nodded, "Okay, I'll get her something suitable to wear and she can have breakfast with us. There is no way we can allow her to be presented as a rogue while you parade her around and show her the pack."
Ward clenched his jaw a little but then took a deep breath and offered a half smile. "Imaure she'll appreciate it. Though having them know she's rogue may not be so bad." He says with a shrug.
Shalimar sighed, going to him, "I know. But you know that we are not in good terms with the rogues." she smiled taking his hand, "It's best they don't know." she assured him, "Come, let's go to bed, you can help me pick something for her."
Ward sighed but then smiled. "Alright." He agrees. At least then he had some control of what Shalimar tried to make Kenzi wear.
Shalimar smiled leading him to their room, "So, I was thinking, maybe we should get you your suit soon. Your father might have some ideas on a good suit for you."
Ward held in a cringe. He hated suits. "I'm sure he has plenty of ideas. Darling why don't you pick something for me. I am sure I will like it better then, than if my father chose something." He says.
Shalimar grinned excited before he stopped by the bed and pulled closer to him, "I thought you would say that, so I did. A deep blue tie with a black suit was the best I could think you would love. After showing the rogue around, you can try it on."
Ward smiled this time and kissed her cheek. "Is love to. I'm sure whatever you picked will look good." He says.
Shalimar grinned as she moved to get to her side of the bed, "To think, when everything is done, when we've mated, we can put all this planning behind us."
Ward chuckled and he moved to his side of the bed. "True. Though you seem to thrive on it." He says with an easy smile.
Shalimar smirked as she cuddled against him, "I enjoy the planning, but with everything, I think I will be happy to get back to my events that don't have to do with being Luna."
Shalimar smiled, closing her eyes, "I can't wait for it to be over, just us two. That is all we will be, all we have to focus on."
He gently brushed his finger through her hair. "Just is." He agrees, but he felt a pang of guilt. Why did he wish it was Kenzi instead of her? He knew he was falling for her but he just...he was confused.
In the morning, Shalimar was up and looking at dresses. She selected there outfits that she thought would look good. But of course, she had no idea who the emissary was or what they looked like. But she tried, before going to get Ward to select one. "What do you think?" She asked. "I know she's rogue, but they can walk in heels can't they? "

Ward smirked a little. He was sure some could. "I think avoiding heels will be best." He says as he looked at the outfits. He wasn't so sure Kenzi would like any of them. She might feel they would restrict her too much. But he was drawn to the dress, he'd love to see her in it. "Let's keep these two out," he says, pointing to the last two. "Let her chose between them." He says. He leaned over and kissed Shalimar's cheek. "I'll be back soon love, I need to go meet her to bring her here." He explains.
Shalimar frowned, "Really?" She asked, then sighed, "You're right. Go and I'll wait here. I'll let your father know we are having breakfast her. I'm sure he will be fine with the change. Mike on the other hand is not always happy, but I'm sure Hailey will be able to handle him."

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