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Fantasy Lucid

Alright, I thought this was going to be typical "we can make dreams real and do whatever we want in reality" kind of RP, I looked at it out of sheer curiousity. Boy, am I glad I did. This looks fantastic, I'll definitely be giving this a shot once it's finally up, it's just the kind of creative environment I've been keeping an eye out for. Great job on that lore, I like the way you're releasing them in "episodes" or teasers, simple and easy to understand, but highly variable and open for creativity. 10/10 would join XD

Thanks for the info actually, is it the title? The tags? I'll change whatever lead you to that first assumption, can't have good people passing this over based on incorrect assumptions XD
Thanks for the info actually, is it the title? The tags? I'll change whatever lead you to that first assumption, can't have good people passing this over based on incorrect assumptions XD

Yeah, a little of both I suppose. The foremost tags on the interest check thread is "dreams" and that combined with the title gives the general impression that it's your pretty standard dreams-into-reality shtick XD If I could make suggestions, perhaps a title and tags that portray living inside the dream rather than producing it outward into reality, something that really gets your attention in a unique way. The tag "animus" means nothing to a passerby unless they read the thread, which is your goal, yes, but much fewer people would look into something that has tags they don't understand, simply passing it off as "too complicated" and therefore not worth their time. 

I'd consider making at least a more eye-catching title, something that really pinpoints what you're looking to create but also stays as far away from the normal cliches as possible. I've seen and even tried to participate in quite a few "dreamworld" RPs and they typically degenerated into "Look, I imagined a rainbow-pooping unicorn and it came to life!" pretty quickly XD You're not trying to make Adventure Time, this is a much deeper and more interesting plot line and you should convey that to your potential players at first glance to get their attention.
Yeah, a little of both I suppose. The foremost tags on the interest check thread is "dreams" and that combined with the title gives the general impression that it's your pretty standard dreams-into-reality shtick XD If I could make suggestions, perhaps a title and tags that portray living inside the dream rather than producing it outward into reality, something that really gets your attention in a unique way. The tag "animus" means nothing to a passerby unless they read the thread, which is your goal, yes, but much fewer people would look into something that has tags they don't understand, simply passing it off as "too complicated" and therefore not worth their time. 

I'd consider making at least a more eye-catching title, something that really pinpoints what you're looking to create but also stays as far away from the normal cliches as possible. I've seen and even tried to participate in quite a few "dreamworld" RPs and they typically degenerated into "Look, I imagined a rainbow-pooping unicorn and it came to life!" pretty quickly XD You're not trying to make Adventure Time, this is a much deeper and more interesting plot line and you should convey that to your potential players at first glance to get their attention.

And here I thought 'Lucid' was a clever and edgy title that would catch attention. I suppose it would work for a teen novel, but perhaps not as well here. What would you suggest?
And here I thought 'Lucid' was a clever and edgy title that would catch attention. I suppose it would work for a teen novel, but perhaps not as well here. What would you suggest?

See, that wasn't my intention, I didn't want to make you think it wasn't good enough. After all, it did catch my attention and that of many others, so it's not all that bad. I suppose I just wasn't expecting as much depth and thought put into it as you did, and it was surprising to find such a good RP idea hiding behind what I thought was going to be an average plot at first glance. 

 I think you're on the right track and honestly the title and tags accomplish everything you need them for, to portray a thought and catch attention. After all, we're not here to play with a title, it's the story beneath it we're all interested in. 

The Fiends

[SIZE=12pt]There are 9 known types of Fiends divided into classes based on level of threat:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Primal class[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Fear and anxiety Fiends are the most basal: they usually manifest as small, black flashes or shapes that flicker or shiver across a dreamscape. They can also appear as the dreamer’s deepest fears: a plague of rats or spiders, a faceless killer etc. They latch onto the dreamer, forcing them to dream of their fears and feeding like ticks. They cause the most common nightmares and generally can’t do much on their own to tip a dreamer’s mind. They can however be used by more intelligent fiends.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The next fiend types are a fair bit worse:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Force class[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Greed, Gluttony and Sloth Fiends are semi-intelligent and perpetuate the primitive survival thoughts of the dreamer, causing them to abandon reason and compassion to fulfill needs or wants. These Fiends usually try and offer the dreamer ‘material’ gain or an ‘easy way’ in exchange for condemning their sense of right. They can take the form of a being, mostly they appear as objects or inanimate items the dreamer wants.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grimm Class[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Envy and Pride Fiends are crafty, and evil to boot. They prey upon self-entitlement, over-confidence and self-righteousness. They are manipulative, and exceptionally talented at steering the dreamer towards self-serving goals. They have a nasty habit of twisting wrong choices in a dream to make them look just or good. They almost always take the form of an animate being, and they have powers strong enough to challenge Animi directly, though they generally won’t until we interfere with their work on the dreamer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Destructor Class[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Rage and Desire Fiends are incredibly resourceful and determined, and want nothing more than the total obliteration of every human mind that enters a dreamscape. They prey upon the emotions of hate and yearning, “feeding the Shadow” and bringing out the darkest aspects of the dreamer, these effects often last into waking if the Fiends aren’t confronted or exposed in the dream. These Fiends will often seek out Animi that enter dreams with the specific purpose of ending them. They are fast, powerful and capable of manipulating the dreamscape to their advantage. Only the highest ranking Animi have power that rivals a destructor class Fiend. Though, with a bit of good thinking, and a solid knowledge of the enemy, they can be defeated by any Animi. These Fiends are the most dangerous, and should never be engaged alone. They will also go after Animi without any provocation, sometimes even appearing as the dreamer to lure their victims into a false sense of security.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I will say right now: ANY of these Fiends also has the ability to turn their powers on the Animi, and they will. Without a strong resolve and sense of self, you could easily fall prey to them and believe me, if that happens…they will kill you.[/SIZE]


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The dreamer.jpg

The Dreamer

[SIZE=12pt]The dreamer most often appears as one entity: The Self, but occasionally there is another form…the Shadow. The Shadow is a darker part of the dreamer, sometimes hard to tell apart from the Fiends…but this entity, no matter how grim or twisted is a part of the dreamer. It cannot be killed by any Animi. We can only fight the Shadow by influencing the dreamer to face their inner demons and fight it themselves. Oftentimes the Dreamer will take on what’s called a Persona, a different form in the dream, sometimes these forms can make them hard to find or distinguish from other beings in the dream. In most dreams, we need to find the dreamer, and its not always obvious.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Good thing about Shadows is they normally don’t want to kill us.[/SIZE]
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So that's pretty much what I have in terms of lore, I'm still working on the rules. Is there anything I left out that you would like to know?
So that's pretty much what I have in terms of lore, I'm still working on the rules. Is there anything I left out that you would like to know?

Everything looks good; there's one question curiousity compels me to ask: is there something similar in tune to a council for the Animi? Is there a leader/leadership structure or is it based on the class-ranks you've previously described?
Everything looks good; there's one question curiousity compels me to ask: is there something similar in tune to a council for the Animi? Is there a leader/leadership structure or is it based on the class-ranks you've previously described?

Short answer: The masters are in charge.

Long answer: They have about as much authority as teachers at a school, generally they are respected but they are not an absolute power and there isn't much punishment beyond barring people from missions that they can implement.
This looks very well thought out. 

Well done, you blew my expectations out of the water.
Hmm, this is awkward. I think I may have just posted something similar so there is a high chance I will be interested in this since it already seems to have a lot of interest. 
OK, so I can confirm the change will likely happen this month. If its ok with all of you, I want to wait and see how this transition happens before I start putting anything official up. 

You found me out! All of the images I posted are part of the dragon age tarot card art. I love it all so much and it fits well with the mood I'm trying to build.

Also DA IS life. As is mass effect (bar the end). XD
You found me out! All of the images I posted are part of the dragon age tarot card art. I love it all so much and it fits well with the mood I'm trying to build.

Also DA IS life. As is mass effect (bar the end). XD

I didn't play much of inquisition, mainly played origins, though I do know one thing. 

Cass is love.

Cass is life. 

And Alister is adorably innocent.

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