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New Member

Hello, I'm Banra! Nice to meet you! It's been a few years since I've RPed, but I'm really looking to get back into it! Here are some things you need to know about me.

About Me

- I'm 24 years old, so I would like to RP with partners who are 18+ years old. If you are reading this and are younger than 18 years old, I'm sure you're a lovely RPer, but I'm just not the partner for you.

- I used to describe myself as an "advanced literate" RPer, but given my rustiness and time constraints, I'd say I'm just "regular literate". To be honest, those terms don't mean a whole lot to me. Basically, I try to aim for at least 3 solid paragraphs because I have to respond to my partner's OC's actions/dialogue and then move the story along with my OC's actions/dialogue. Nothing is worse than getting excited for a post from your partner only to see that nothing much happened story-wise. In terms of upper limit, the sky is the limit... JK, my mood is the limit. Generally, I'll just match my partner.

- I'm a medical student in my clinical years, which means my hours are long and erratic (because hospitals like to use medical students for free labor since residents are protected from overwork by law). I try to reply 1-2 times a week, and I will let you know if I cannot accomplish that. So, if you wish to RP with me, please understand my situation and do not inundate me with messages about posting. Of course, if it has been a week or two without response, feel free to hit me up because my caffeine-fueled brain may have forgotten! Also, just FYI, I live on the East Cost of the USA, so I operate on EST.

- I do not have any triggers. I actually love to dive into and discuss dark, difficult topics that make my and my partner's OCs uncomfortable. Of course, if something makes you uncomfortable, just let me know, and you won't have to worry about it at all.

- I am most comfortable writing male OCs in cis/het relationships (purely because that is what I am), and I am open to doubling and making as many disposable side characters as we need.

- I am game to RP here on the site or on Discord, whichever you prefer.

- I like talking with my partners OOC, not only to plot the progression of the RP, but also because I'm a naturally chatty and curious person. Feel free to talk politics, vent about the guy that cut you off this morning, whatever. No worries if OOC chatting is not your cup of tea, though; we can keep it to strictly RP-related discussion.

RP Preferences

If you're okay with all the above, we can now get into the specifics of what I'm looking for.

- Now, I'll warn you up front: romance is a MUST in any of my RPs. Perhaps I'm compensating for my lack of a love life, but deep down, I'm a romantic. It's to the point that my bookcases (plural) in my childhood home are filled with an embarrassing amount of romance novels. That being said, I am comfortable with inserting romance into whatever genre you like. Action, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, etc.

- I'm also an absolute sucker world-building, and I will want to do that via OOC chatting. You can contribute as much or as little to the world-building as you like.


Finally, we have reached fandoms. To be quite honest, I prefer OCs in an original world. However, I would be amenable to pairings from the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Bridgerton (a recent guilty pleasure of mine).

Final Invitation

Congratulations if you have made it this far! I completely understand if my quirks and preferences are not to your liking, and in that case, I wish you happy RPing. However, if you think you'd be interested in building a vibrant world where our OCs can fall in love, send me a PM!
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