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Fantasy Looking for Group for a Specific Thing


I know this is the reverse of how things should work, but I am really in the mood for a good classic superheros and supervillains RP. Maybe if there's not one out there this will attract some likeminded individuals and we can start one! I have this supervillain character that I saw in a dream, and have been itching to use her ever since.

What I'm looking for, exactly, is a conventional superhero RP, no real sci-fi or magical twists or anything. Think classic Marvel or DC. It'd be cool if we could also poke fun at, invert, and lampshade some of the tropes of the genre with affectionate parody. So if you're running an RP like that, sign me up! If that doesn't exist but you want it to, then maybe we can start one! 
I hope we can get an experienced GM in on this too. I'd do it, but the last few RPs I GMed did not turn out well.

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