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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
As it says on the tin, I'm looking for a casual roleplay partner for some meaningless fluff. I'm fine with long or short term, ghost friendly.

As far as romance goes, I'm up for MxM or MxF. Content with a friends to partners scenario or established relationship scenario.

As for settings, I like medieval fantasy, high fantasy, modern or historic fiction, and Isekai.

Fandoms are Harry Potter, Love and Producer, Ouran host club, Sword Art Online, and I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting. Some fandoms I'm happy to play canon characters; others I just want to play in the world.

As for partners, I prefer 18+ because I'm definitely in the "+" category lol. For this roleplay I'm not too bothered with length as long as it's more than one sentence and has decent grammar.

I haven't really pulled any plots out of the hat right now since I'm really trying to use this roleplay to get out of a slump. So hit me with your ideas!


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