Login Here

strength: 5

Inteligence: 8

Agility: 11

Spirit: 5

Contitution: 5

points available: 3

gold: 56

Yuna listened to the paladin explain about the gods of this world, it was quite interesting, especially since she hadn't really noticed that those were a feature of the game untill the warlock brought it up. When the paladin told about that Luna person she looked up really quickly, she heard her name. no she reminded herself this is not your name anymore, in this world you're Yuna, the ranger, not Luna, mother of the twins. it was silly to even think that they ment her actually, Luna was quite a logical name for the godess of the moon, since Luna ment moon after all. Quietly, Yuna listened to the rest of the explaination without saying another word. 

Then she warlock started talking about how being trapped in this game was probably not a good thing, and Yuna wholeheartedly agreed. She really wanted to get out of here, the longer she thought about it, the more trapped she felt in this beautifull open world. The sense of freedome was gone and this escape had turned into a prison. she wanted nothing more as to be able to log out and go back to her normal life. but it was not like they were trapped here forever, that was impossible, maybe it would take a day or two but surely not more than that. 

Yuna looked up at the warlock when she mentioned her, she nodded "yes, I indeed wanted the crafting skill, but also some other skills... but I'd love it if you would show me" she said with a smile, but then she was cut off because the warlock send her a party invite, Yuna hesitated, she didn't actually want to join a party already, the thought of being tied to other people, needing to take care of them, made her feel even more trapped. "I'm sorry, I don't want to join a party already" she said politely, then she denied the invite "but thanks for the offer anyway"

She heard a shout and turned around, there was another player approaching them. she didn't actually want to have another person join their little conversation, not because he didn't look nice but because it was simply too many people to her. She took a few steps in the direction of the city and looked at the warlock "shall we go then?" she asked her so that they could leave quickly.

@Sizniche @RaynaFon @Quinlan63 
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"I don't think I can join myself either," he said waving away the invitation. He wasn't opposed to joining parties, it's that for now in this moment the need for it wasn't really there. "But I have some time on my hands so I might just go with you both., I actually might want to get a couple more for myself." He was about to start leading the way until he heard the sound of someone calling out. That really at this point seem to odd for someone looking for help in some way. Although he was wondering if for some reason he had something that made all of these types show up around him. He wasn't some hero type to always be there to save the day but he did like to help any way he could. 


"hold on a second I think that guy need some help with something. By the looks of it he might need more help then even I can give." He wasn't sure what he might need but the look on his face was of a man scared for his life. Now that he thought about it not everyone was taking this well. But to be sure he had just hear it from the man himself.


He walked up to the player hoping that whatever it was he had some kind of way to help. Well unless this guy is just trolling them, that would not be in his good interest. He may not have the ability to ban someone but he had his way of dealing with people in VR. 


"Hey there is there something that you needed? We were heading to the guild buildings so if you want you can tell me while we are on our way there."


Loki was a bit disappointed, and resisted a frown when both of them rejected her party invite. Well, there went her plan on keeping tabs on both her source of entertainment and her endless beacon of skill information. Guess she'll just have to make the best of it. Who knows, down the line she might be able to get them to friend her, and she can keep tabs on them that way. Turning around she heard a shout in their general direction and spotted some guy picking himself off the ground. All the alarms in her body was saying that this kid was 'completely hopeless'.

"Shall we go then?"

It looked like Yuna also had the sixth sense to know when to bug out, cause she was already on her way off.

Nodding, Loki began following Yuna when Mr.Paladin began walking towards the kid.


Loki let out a quiet sigh only Yuna was in range to hear has Mahan invited the kid to join them. Well to be fair, they weren't in a party, so they didn't have to wait for them. Loki turned to Yuna with a half-smile.

"Well, I don't mind walking ahead, they can catch up to us. What do you say?"
Max bent over to catch his breath as the man spoke to him. He looked back up, and took a short pause to register what the man had said. "H-huh...? ...Oh, right, guilds," he said, shaking his head quickly. "Maybe it would help me to join one..."

He calmed his breathing for a moment, though he was still honestly terrified. He extended his hand to the man. "Hey, my name is M... Nightshade, my name is Nightshade," he said, almost accidentally saying his real name. "Would you mind if I tagged along with you? I kinda messed up character creation, and... well, it would seem it's a bit late to re-spec my character." He looked over the man's shoulder at the two girls he was with. "Hey, who are they?"

@Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @RaynaFon
strength: 5

Inteligence: 8

Agility: 11

Spirit: 5

Contitution: 5

points available: 3

gold: 56

Yuna couldn't help but look at the poor guy, he was not very handy it seemed, poor thing, her instinct almost kicked in and she wanted to set off and help the guy but she reminded herself that she wasn't Luna in this world, she was Yuna. here she had the chance to be someone else and she would take that chance. She was kinda reliefed when the warlock suggested to walk ahead, that way she wouldn't accidentally try to help the guy. "d'accord" she muttered autimaticly, but then she turned red "I-I mean, sure" she stuttered quickly. 

she wasn't sure why she was so ashamed of speaking her mother language, maybe she wanted to hide it from others where she came from or maybe she just didn't like messing up her languages but the fact was still that she hated it when she accidentally slipped in some french.

"so... ehh.." she stried to start a conversation, so she would hopefully distract the girl from her little mess up. she realised she didn't even know the girls user name, but then she also realised she had heared her use the name Yuna for her before so appearently she knew it. "eh... you seem to know my name but I don't know yours, where I do I find that?" she asked her and hoped it wasn't a stupid question and she was just being silly and looking over obvious things, something that happened more often as she would like it to.

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Anthony was a bit surprised on how uninformed Nightshade seemed to be about this game. One because he seemed to think that we were going a guild ran by another player. With that he was pretty sure no one had started there own yet otherwise you would someone running around looking for members to join. The second was that he had apparently messed up his stats when making his character. Now he wasn't really going to worry about the guild thing for now. He would learn the difference really quick. But he did know that he did have a chance later to re-spect himself later when he makes some money.


"Nice to meet you I'm Mahan and the two girls leaving us behind are Loki and Yuna. As they are not waiting up for us I suggest we hurry up if you want to come along." Anthony started after them waving for Nightshade to come along.


Loki smiled and pointed above the girl's head to where her status bar was, displaying a full hp/mp bar as well as the girl's name.

"You can turn that off in your options menu just so you know. No worries, it can easily be missed if you aren't used to game UI. Also, not need to be embarrassed over a slip up. Oish chust ein kame right? Take it eazy."

Loki showed off her superior German from years of living in Germany before her move to the states.

"Anyways, let's get a move on. Seems Mahan is done with his talk with that boy and is headed our way. So if we don't want our little group to get to crowded we should get moving too."

Headed towards the skill guild trainers, Loki grinned wide. Fun times ahead were sure for her!

Loki couldn't help but think to herself. "Hold on to your party hat Freja, cause it looks like you just found a jackpot! Full speed ahead for this train, cause there aren't any breaks, Ahha!"
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yuna nodded as she noticed the name above the girls head, Loki it said. "thank you, Loki" she thanked her new friend "nice name by the way" she added, she was happy to have found such a nice person so soon in this game, she was sure that they could become great friends. then she blinked her eyes, she hadn't expected this Loki girl to be a foreigner too, she didn't have an accent at all, unlike herself who had a noticalbe french accent, she wanted to ask about it but decided it was best to keep the personal questions to a minimum for now, she didn't want to make it akward.

then she looked around and she saw that the paladin, who's name was Mahan appearantly, was approaching them with the new guy who's name was Nightshade. "yes, let's go to the guild buildings" Yuna agreed and she walked down the road towards the building she had seen earlyer. she knew exactly which way to go, but it was always nice to have someone with her. 

"so, uhm... which skills do you actually want?" she asked Loki, who seemed to be in a great mood judging from the smile she had on her face. "I want to learn some usefull things like cooking and crafting and also fletching since I'm a ranger and being able to make your own arrows is quite usefull and it'll safe me money" she was quite exited about all the things she could possibly learn. she liked learing new things and these skills all seemed like a lot of fun to master.

Max followed Mahan, his low-agility showing through his miserable movement speed. He tried to go as fast as possible, but some strange limitation kept him from running as fast as he does in the real world, and he felt strangely winded. He had to pause for a breather, inhaling deeply. "...S-sorry..." he spoke in between wheezing breaths,"...I... I need... a moment..." He was embarrassed to be so winded by such a short run. He continued to follow behind Mahan.

@Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @RaynaFon
"Hmmm" Loki hummed to herself. "That does sound nice, as for myself, I'm going to get the alchemy and cooking skills so I can make potions and food. VR or not, sooner or later people are gonna get hungry and the inn surely doesn't have enough room to house the more than 2 million people here with us. Pluse every one needs potions. Those two things combined sounds like the sound of gold coins in my pocket." Loki gave Yuna a smile and a thumbs up.

"I've already gotten the herbalist skill, so I figured alchemy and cooking would go best with it."

Loki decided it would be best to omit the part about making poisons to have an unfair advantage in pvp combat.

Passing the inn, weapon and armor shops, Loki and Yuna arrived at the Guild's building.  It was one of the stops you went to during the starting quest, so there were many new player coming in and out of it.

"Hmm, I guess this is were we part ways, unless you wanna join me in buying some gear after this too. Just made enough to blow it all on a caster's staff. Hah. At least I can get rid of this stick now. You might want to start thinking about gear yourself. Well, you were out in the forest you can sell any useless drops you got from hunting over at the weapon and armor stores. After that, I'll be headed back out, want to get to lvl 7 before night. It's aways best to stay ahead of the crowd."
"Well, a dungeon might pose some difficulty for us, as both of us are just starting out. I've stocked up on supplies, but it would make sense to build our power level before trying to tackle that," Gale replied. "I'm pretty close to leveling myself, but I came back to stock up on useful supplies. With what I've gathered, we should be able to explore without much difficulty."

She motioned for her new comrade to follow and began leading the way to the forest. It would be safest to grind there most likely, and presuming that the leveling system was designed properly, leveling up would be relatively easy at first. Gale typically found the early levels of any game to be relatively uninteresting, but she did have to get more accustomed to the game's  controls.

"The forest is this way,"  Gale continued. "You're bound to pick up the basics of fighting in no time. I'm sure the passive skills you've built will also come in useful, though I don't really remember what they're used for at the moment. Did you gain any useful items while training?"

Gale glanced over at Asuna curiously, intrigued by the fact that there was a person who didn't immediately jump into fighting as the first course of action in the game. It seemed unusual to her, but then Gale had spent most of her time around people who were more combat focused.


Anthony was doing his best to be patient with Nightshade but every time he started to so down they had slowed to a crawl. Now it was really clear to him that he was not going to do well by himself until he gets his stats fixed. Luckily for them at the moment they had made enough distance that they made it to the skill guild buildings. The girls had already been there about a minute or so ahead of them so Anthony was close enough to hear them talk about the skills they wanted to get. He didn't really see the need to interrupt their  conversation so he just hung back.


"Alright Nightshade here we have all of the skill guild buildings. Here you can get skills that help you in the game like smithing and crafting. You can have as many as you want so you can go on and get what you want at your hearts content."


He walked  over to Loki and Yuna leaving Nightshade to get whatever he wanted. He heard Loki say something about parting ways and that actually struck chord in him. No he wasn't heart broken or anything like that but he just thought it would be cool to have people to hangout with before he had to head back to killing mobs. That gave hi,m a good idea...


"Hey if you want after you both are done do you want to head out and kills some goblins. I'm not saying we make a party just go out together so if one of us comes across a problem they won't have to deal with it alone. Plus if we aren't in a party we won't take any experience penalties." Before he forgot he turned around to address Nightshade. "Hey when you are done if you want you can come out to kills some mobs with me?"


Yuna was happy that they arrived at the guild buidling, she was exited to learn new skills and really wanted to see how much she could learn and what exactly she could do with her skills. But even though she was exited she also felt a little sad that she already had to part with her new friend, although it wasn't nessecary because Loki mentioned buying gear. Yuna hadn't even thought of that before but she was pretty sure she could use some too, a bit of protection was always welcome, but she didn't want it to limit her movements since she valued agility above armour. 

"gear you say?" she muttered "eh... I think I indeed need that, I got enough gold I think and I can also sell some of the items that I got during my hunt." she had opened her menu to see what all she could sell, mainly rabit drops but also the armour the goblin had dropped, she didn't need that, she would just sell it, aswell as some of the plants she had found. 

She closed her menu again and smiled at Loki "I would love to join you with buying gear" she said, then she turned around and saw Mahan. Going out hunting together was a good idea "sounds like a lovely idea, I'm almost to level three, just a few more goblins and then I'll level up!"

normally Yuna wasn't that focussed on levels, but she really wanted to level three skill, the ability to tame animals, her main goal right now was to get herself a pet, preferably a fox, to keep her comany in this game.

she turned around to face loki again "do you want to come along too?" she asked her. going out hunting with friends was always more fun, and even though she didn't know these people for long, she felt as if they were really nice and she would love to hang out with all of them more and get to know them a bit better.

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @Sizniche
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Max looked up any the buildings whilst bent over, panting. His hands were pressed against his knees as he desperately tried to catch his breath. "Skills?" he said, confused for a brief moment, before remembering a passage in the strategy guide he skimmed through. "Oh, right, skills."

He took a step into one of the skill buildings; a small kitchen with a man handling some vegetables. He quickly realized he was in the cooking skill building, and decided to train a few levels of cooking before moving onto fishing, and then finally camping. As he was in the camping building, he heard Mahan ask if he wanted to kill mobs with him.

"Sure, I'd love to," he said, coming out of the camping building. He wasn't exactly confident in his ability to fight mobs, but at least he could survive with someone to help him out. He then asked,"Hey, do you know where I can buy a bedroll?"

@RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @Quinlan63

(Sorry for the short post)
Loki picked up both alchemy and cooking, then worked on making some healing potions. The first couple didn't turn out so well, but the last two were at least usable, restoring 10 health. She if the poisonous plants in her bag to save for using later.

As she was doing this, Mahan came by and invited them to join him in killing goblins. Loki didn't mind, after all she had planned to go and kill some mobs after all. Hmm, maybe while she has there she could 'accidentally' create a situation. Yuna agreed and invited Loki to tag along.

"Sure." Loki replied to the both of them. "But, I'd like to switch out this useless stick for a caster's staff first if that's alright with you all."

Loki opened up the door of the skills building and was reacquainted with the sounds of the busy starting city.

"If you all don't need to use the armor or weapons shops, how about we meet up at the city gates in a few minutes? As for a bedroll, I'm not sure, but you might have to craft it? Try checking camping in your skill menu."

To show an example, she swept her hand towards the right, as if she was brushing air way from her body, and bought up the UI. Pressing on skills, she had Herbalist, Alchemy and Cooking. Pressing Alchemy gave her a list of potions and poisons she could make as well as how many times she had made each. It also showed whether or not she had mastered a recipe and showed some potions she didn't think were even in the game. There were also blanked out recipes with question marks over them.

"Hmm, secret potions? Interesting." 

"Well, I think I'll head over to the weapons shop now. See you all soon unless you feel like coming with"

Closing out her UI, Loki walled towards the inn and shop area.

@Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze @Sizniche

"Alright, I'll meet you all at the gates I have some I have to pick up." Anthony was pleased to hear that his invitation wasn't declined flat out. Before leaving he walked over to the the enchanting skill trainer. He was a full blown spell caster but he knew well that learning this would make anything he smiths into a a much better piece of gear. After he decided to go and do some good with the last of his 30 gold. Rushing to inn he had plenty of time to think about away to help Night shade. He had enough to buy some chain mail for himself but even if he gave it to Nightshade for now the bonuses would not be enough to help him. Thinking it over he cam to the conclusion that it might be best to get him a couple of turkey legs from the inn. +3 to his strength would help to kill the mobs faster so he could level up and fix his stats. 


After paying 15 gold for three turkey legs he decided to head to the tailor shop real quick so he could not be running around in nothing but the white shirt and pants that he started off with. The cool thing about the shoo was that everything you wear could be tailored to the players choice. The more unique it is the more would cost up to only 20 gold. After that it just wasn't necessary for players to get charged so much for something that was only cosmetic. To make sure not to break the bank he just asked for some slacks, boots, and a white shirt with a sun burst on it. Now he really felt like a paladin. Maybe only a beginner but that was the point until he got some nice armor to put over it.


Fully pleased with his new clothes and ready to meet up with everyone head headed over to the main gate to await there arrival.


Paladin lvl 3 

HP 70/0

MP 90/90

Strength 9

Intelligence 9

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Constitution 6(+1)

Spare Points: 10

Gold: 5

@RaynaFon @Summer Breeze @Sizniche
strength: 5

Inteligence: 8

Agility: 11 (+3)

Spirit: 5

Contitution: 5

points available: 3

gold: 30

Yuna was very happy to hear that everyone was comming "okay then, see you all at the gates" she said waving goodbye to Mahan and Loki. The newest guy, Nightshade, was the only one left there. "seems like you are in need of some better stats" she said as she turned to him "I picked up some goblin mail armour thing. not sure what it does but it says +10 armour. maybe you can use it to craft something? I don't exactly know but I'm not really in need of armour, do you want to have it?" she said as she opened her UI with a wave of her hand and sent him the item as a gift before he could even answer. 

then she turned around to get some skills, leaving Nightshade behind "see you at the gates" she said as she waved him goodbye aswell. 

She went to pick up some skills, she really enjoyed cooking, just like she did in the real world. But she found that also cartography was a really usefull and fun skill, she didn't actually know what it was untill she saw it in the building and she was exited to try it and make maps of the area around the city and of the rest of the world, it could come in handy. Camping and fletching were mainly usefull skills, Yuna wasn't a fan of staying at inn's, mainly because it cost her too much money, and arrows were too expensive to buy all the time aswell so those skills would safe her a lot of money. 

When she left the guild building she had some rabit stew in her inventory, made from the rabit meat that the rabits had dropped, she also made herself some arrows, they were actually terrible but she was proud of them and wanted to keep them as a keepsake because they were the first arrows she had ever made. 

Yuna went to the shop and sold all of the spare rabit meat there, she kept only a few for later use. She had saved up quite some gold now so she went to the weapon shop to see what she could buy, but the hunters bow was too expensive for her, she would not have any gold left if she bought that so she decided that she was satisfied with her current bow and spend money on something else.

she left the shop and went to the armour and robe shop, she looked around a bit because she didn't want anything that would lower her agility but to her surprise most of these actually helped with that. her eye fell on a pair of leather boots, she payed for them and decided to safe the rest of her money for later, she wasn't sure on what. 

as she walked towards the gate, on her new boots, she passed the battle mount shop, her curiosity got the better of her and she entered. She knew that all of the mounts were too expensive for her but the idea of having a battle mount was really nice. She remembered that when she was little she had always wanted a pony, but the deers were also really cute. it didn't matter now, she had to safe up for a long time before she could even start thinking about which one she wanted. 

Yuna arrived back at the gate, where she saw Mahan waiting already " 'ello" she greeted him.

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @Sizniche
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Real Name: Maximilian Ainsley

Level: 1

Class: Warrior

HP: 50/50

MP: 10/10


Strength: 1

Intellect: 1

Agility: 1

Spirit: 22

Constitution: 5

Points Remaining: 0

Gold: 0

EXP: 0

Nightshade turned towards the girl – whom he guessed was Yuna out of the two, given the trickster-like aura coming from the other girl that led him to assume she was "Loki" – offering him a set of Goblin Mail Armor."Oh, uhh, thanks," he said, though she had already sent it to him as a gift and left to get more skills by the time he uttered the words. He waved goodbye in silence as she walked away.

Desperate to equip something that wasn't default gear, he opened up his own UI to equip the armor. As the armor rendered into the world from his inventory, he felt strangely heavier, as if he was carrying a sack of potatoes. Strength is getting a boost as soon as possible, If I can help it, he thought. He looked through the rest of his UI to get acquainted with it, when he realized that he had no experience, gold, or stat points to spare. Great. He doubted that a single set of random drop armor was going to do his character much good; he needed something more.

He decided to go into the Inn area, hoping there was some sort of in-game loan broker, or at least someone willing to float a few coins his way. He saw Loki on the other side of the shop, and rushed over to her.

"Oh, hey, Loki, right?" he said; he heard the names of the two girls, but Mahan never did a direct address. He was tempted to ask her for money, but he didn't want to come off as arrogant and entitled; no normal person asks a person they just met for money outright, even virtual currency. Instead, he asked, "So, what do you plan on buying?"

@RaynaFon @Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze
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Loki made her way towards the weapons shop. After confirming the price of the caster's staff, she unequipped her useless stick.

"60 gold hmm? I'll have just enough if I sell the useless potions I made. Then I can keep the staff and use it as practice for enchanting if I decide to take that skill up. Alright, I'll do that."

Selling her useless potions, Loki spent all of her money on the caster's staff and equipped it. Immediately, Loki could feel the difference in the two weapons. She was gald she didn't regret her decision. As she was about to turn around to leave, she heard the door open and a voice asking her what is was buying.

"Sigh, of all people, the useless one."

Loki turned around to face the voice, and sure enough, it was him. Loki tired to look at his name as discreetly has possible.

"Right, Nightshade. Not sure why he needs to know what I'm buying for." 

Loki showed him her staff.

"Actually I already bought it. Cost me all my gold though sadly. Oh well, it'll help me make some more gold. Um, did you need something? You seem a little out of breath. Surely you didn't run all the way here just to ask me about my purchase, right?"

Loki looked at him..then got an idea. She need to know whether or not taste worked properly in this game like it said it did...and she had no idea how her potions, failed or otherwise, were like. Some hapless people in this game needed coin, and she need subjects. Heh, it could also prove to be a bit...entertaining, the results that is. 
Ramis - Healer - Level 1

HP: 90
MP: 150

This was not an ideal situation.

Ramis had gotten caught up in the panic too, when the servers went insane. No way of logging out? What was this? Unprecedented.

She had planned on checking out this game with her brother, but after a bit of grinding he'd left with some of his mates. They'd ventured outside the city and hadn't returned.

Ramis scratched at her fingernails. So realistic. Everything here could have been real, if not for the fact that fantasy wasn't reality. 

Even so, it felt so odd. Ramis still wasn't used to her dwarf height, looking around at the other players and NPCs that towered over her. 

Ramis went to one of the city gates, glancing at the open fields outside. Out there, danger and adventure awaited, like every fun MMORPG. But in other games, you weren't forced to play, and could quit at any time. She bit her lip, frustrated. If she knew this would happen, she definetely would have created a warrior or paladin instead of a lousy healer.

Anthony had a bit of time for himself while he waited for everyone so he decided to use the time to think about his progression. He was sure that he might at some point either join a guild or make one of his own. That way he could live comfortably in a castle with the added bonus of having others be around. This made him think that if he was going to do this he might have to really make sure that he gets strong enough that others would like to join him in the long run. He opened up his UI to check his stats again. Currently he was doing pretty well thanks to the level up bonuses he got from being a paladin. With the 10 extra points he had to think of what was going to be a good place to put them. Any normal player would just add 1 point to each and move on, but lucky for him he wasn't. He did have an advantage that other player's didn't because he had to run test on how every class would be if you took time an added the points to the stats that mattered the most for each class. As a paladin it made more sense to invest more in everything other than agility or spirit. Thinking it over he added 3 points each to constitution, strength, and intelligence. With the last point he decided to leave that alone for now as it might be needed for later.


Closing his UI satisfied with the changes he made to himself he looked up to see Yuna walking up to him. "Hey, nice accent you got there. I guess we still have a little time before the other get here."

Paladin lvl 3 

HP 100/100

MP 120/120

Strength 12

Intelligence 12

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Constitution 9(+1)

Spare Points: 1

Gold: 5


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Yuna blushed and looked away when Mahan mentionned her accent, she had done her best to hide it but a proper english accent was just very difficult to her. "ehh... sorry" she apologised, even though it was a silly reaction because he had complimented her accent, not made fun of it, but Yuna didn't really know how to react differently since it was quite a sensitive point to her, she didn't like spoilng her nationality but there wasn't really a way to avoid it when she was just talking. 

"eeh.. yea, guess we still got some time" she said to change the subject "you were finished rather soon, did you get anything?" stupid question! obviously he got new clothes, she had noticed it inmediately when she was him, he looked different, why did she even bother asking. Sometimes she really wanted to facepalm herself because of the stupid things that came out of her mouth. usually she wasn't this akward but this just wasn't a good day for her, first being trapped in a game, then slamming face first into a tree and now all those new people, she couldn't help but act a little akward sometimes, especially in strange times like these. 

@Quinlan63 @RaynaFon @Sizniche

strength: 5

Inteligence: 8

Agility: 11 (+3)

Spirit: 5

Contitution: 5

points available: 3

gold: 30
Healer lvl 1

HP 90
MP 150

Strength 5
Intelligence 15
Agility 6
Spirit 15
Constitution 9

Brushing her talisman absent-mindedly, Ramis stared out at the fields. Populated with low-level creatures, surely even a healer could grind for a while here. She would be in need of some better equipment as soon as possible, and since she'd spent most of the time in the city already, she really should get startet.

Everyone would have a head start on her.

Ramis walked out of the gates and into the dangerous area. She saw small bands of players, some alone, most grouped up, running around and killing rabbits and foxes. 

Taking a deep breath, Ramis spotted a tranquil rabbit shaded by a big rock. Pointing at it, she activated a spell. 

"Life strike!" It took a few strikes, but she gained a small amount of experience points and low-level loot.
(Asuna´s POV)

I could only gulp and nod as the girl spoke of dungeons and useful items and think about how unprepared I really was to face much of a fight. I didn´t even think about it before, but would it hurt? With the place being VR and all, maybe we would also experience some amount of it, for realism´s sake? Then again, that sounded like a really silly idea to implement in a game. A game where you could literally get hurt, who´d ever think of playing something like that?

On top of that, I couldn´t help but feel excited about going into a forest. I had seen a map, but actually been there never. A whole forest to explore, I couldn´t wait to level up and just be able to go around in it and not leave a single stone unturned or a single leaf unfound! I found myself cheerfully smiling again, dreaming of a stroll, of some badass armor while I helped people, blowing away foes like birthday cake candles with some really awesome magic, me dropping the coins to buy the cutest pet in the store, people in game commending me for my brillian... Wait, she said something. I tilted my head in response, both confused and nervous.

"Training? What...training?" I inquired with a now forced smile. Though just cosmetics, the tail pushed straightened itself and the ears twitched at the same rate my left eyebrow did.  Did I miss a tutorial or something like that? In any case, though, the answer to her question was simple. "I don´t think I gained anything with any training... I don´t think I did any training... Did you get anything?"

I was pretty safe to say, I would do pretty much anything to get off the hook at that point.

At that moment, as if heeding my request, a mob came into line of sight. A single jade-colored panther rather well camouflaged against the grass darkened by the shadow of sun-blocking trees. Looking carefully, one could notice the barely moving stance at which it seemed ready to pounce at however came nearby, and it stared into the infinite with the only thing in it´s body that didn´t blend into the vegetation, it´s two yellow eyes staring into the infinite (it seemed).

"Uhm... I am pretty sure that it is somewhere around here..." I muttered as I looked through the menu to see the button which would enable the sight to see the mob´s level and name... I eventually started giggling at the sounds it made again, until I found the button, then looked at our "foe". Grass leopard, level 1. Fair game, I supposed. Time to show what I was worth! "I got this, abilities are used by saying their names, right? Life drain!"

I raised a hand at the panther, and these green flowing things came out of it and into me. The creature turned to face me and leaped, knocking me back with a "tiny" scream (from me).

"Ouch!" I protested. The mob was already reading for another attack. I gulped, stood up. "Life drain!"

Max gave Loki an uneasy look. "Uhh... you aren't... planning anything, are you?" he asked. He was nowhere near being able to get a grasp on the kind of person Loki is, but he couldn't help but feel that there's a layer of deception to her personality; not in a deliberate way like a liar or a con artist, but rather simply hiding an ace in the hole. Max shook his head, breaking from the tangent. "Hey, we should go meet with the rest of the group," he said, "they're probably waiting for you." Max then made his way to the door. He would have to keep an eye on her, and find out what kind of person she's like.

After setting foot outside of the Inn, Max turned towards the gate and waved to Mahan and Yuna, making his way over to the gate.

@RaynaFon @Quinlan63 @Summer Breeze

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