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Realistic or Modern Light and Darkness (Powers/Superheroes/City RP)

Well,... That was a bit of a request.
Twenty minutes, and he'd only seen three Tenebris, total, including himself. One was still standing there, but the other had flown off in the direction of the Diner. This would be the perfect time for Tenebris to come out of hiding.
Indeed it would.
He whirled around, looking for a reporter. It wasn't time to reveal the Tenebris existed; at least not yet. But it was time to acknowledge the existence of superpower beings. He, though unidentified, was already marked as suspicious. It wouldn't hurt to have his mask show up on the television, actually. He spotted one off in the distance and made his way towards it.
"-though the battle is won, the question remains... who are the victors?" The reporter was saying into the camera. The cameraman pointed behind the reporter, and he turned around, seeing the man in a suit and handkerchief.
"We are the victors." He said to the reporter. "If you would like, I have an announcement for the people of Detroit." The reporter was stunned. Anderson realized he probably needed proof and conjured his sword in his pocket. He pulled it out and ignited it, demonstrating it.
"Citizens of this great city. In times of desperation, a man's true colors come forth. The police? They ran and hid. The inhabitants of this area? Wisely, they ran and expected the authorities to take care of the problem for them. But who didn't run? A dragon, a savior. I did not run either. And neither did another of our number. One who could manipulate the life-blood of the earth; he did not run. We did not run. I'd like you to know that while the authorities ran and hid; your saviors did not. And that is what we wish. To save, not to destroy. We call upon more of our number, for we know you remain hidden. We call upon you to join our cause, to fight for and with the people of Detroit against the numerous crimes that plague it. Thank you. And rest yourselves easy, for tomorrow is yet another day."
Anderson said this ins a deeper than normal voice which, combined with his handkerchief, hid his voice well. The reporter, stunned, nodded vigorously.
"Breaking, and found only on Channel 5!" They said, and Anderson walked away. He'd certainly not found any Tenebris, but he hoped he'd done the next best thing. Making the Tenebris look purer than the Spritz was imperative, and when an opportunity laid itself before him, well... That was that.
As Caymen walked towards one of the booths with three bags full with burgers and wings with large fries to complement them, he stared at the one of the TV screens. It was set to a news forecast. He almost dropped the fry in his mouth as he saw Simplistic in the screen.
"A smart man." Lucy muttered. He indeed was. Caymen knew he had set Simplistic up for a mighty task. He'd bet Simplistic knew too. What he did on live Television made Caymen nod. He was spreading word, making him and the Tenebris visible. That was better than any amount of Tenebris he brought in the next half hour. He ate his food in solemn and caught the gaze of some people on him. A little boy walked up to him, apparently from the mother who looked at Caymen in disbelief.
"Are you the dragon guy in the TV?" He asked. Caymen looked back up at the chanel, seeing himself upon a building. In time the entire city would know of him.
"Yes, boy, yes I am him. And you know what?" He asked the boy rhetorically, but he seemed to linger closer for a response. "Dragons don't just breathe fire. They breathe hope."
Max was doing her usual business, checking in a book for the parents of a little girl, specially a friendly children's book. She passed the book to the mom, who picked it up and said, "Thank you." She replied to her, "N-no problem." The two then walked off to find their daughter, as the ginger herself whistled a tune.
Hmm... Okay, why am I not getting recognized as 'the lady with the power whip'? And besides, I can barely recognize the tune. That, and rock, plus metal, are what I AM familiar with. Wait, no, I might've drifted from what I was thinking about...Oh, right. I was pondering on the...recognition and stuff.

But the last time I saw them, I think they might've stayed at where the battlefield was, and...wait, what were they doing? Hmm... Looks like they were talking and...yeah. I might have to try persuading this lady to check the news if she has time, though.
(Why the heck didn't I receive notifications from this roleplay? God damnit, RPNation.)

[Jakal & Verebrys] (I suppose the robot has already been defeated)

They run away from the place where the battlefield took place at, trying to keep their identities a secret. I mean, they're both pshycopathic idiots but I guess they have some brains inside their heards, so they may not be that stupid and reckless as they seem.
He hoped he'd satisfied Mr. Davis's request. He deactivated his sword and put it in his pocket before making it vanish. He then turned his back to the camera and hopped onto his bike. He realized his license plate would be seen, and so he pulled out a spare handkerchief and covered up the license plate. He turned it on and rode off, driving in the general direction of Charlie's Diner. When he was far enough away, he made his sword vanish and pulled over into another alley. He took off both handkerchiefs and hid them away before folding up his suitcoat and holding it in his hands. The change should have been enough; no suitcoat, no sword, and face clearly visible. But just in case, he drove down the length of the alley and came out on the other side before peeling away towards Charlie's Diner. When he reached the establishment, he parked it and stretched. He still had about half an hour, so he should be able to reserve a table for the two of them. When he entered, however, he was surprised to see Mr. Davis had already taken a seat. He decided to wait in line and order a cheeseburger and a milkshake.

The public began to panic at the sudden, booming voice of the giant dragon, and the police tried to get everybody calmed down. Instead, many of them began to run in all directions, running over some police officers in the process, getting some hurt. The IIF operative team immediately be to recalled to their HQ, trying to figure out the IIF's next move. The National Guard was called off from deployment, but the state governor still kept the news regarding the dragonic creature in mind.

Later that night, the news reports are filled with stories regarding the now dubbed "NuKorp Robotic Incident", with experts from all related fields being called in to comment on the situation. The Detroit Police Department is keeping vigilant patrols for any more appearances of the super-powered individuals from the earlier battle, and the IIF is doubling its efforts to keep the Spritz and Tenebris under control.

Meanwhile, the NuKorp Company CEO, Marduc Ronnesault, received the reports from his technicians regarding the Mk.5 AERIS. It seems that the robot was much more effective at combating the Spritz and Tenebris than expected. A small smile appears in the corner of Marduc's lips, as he dismisses the technicians.

"Things are certainly getting interesting here...", murmured Marduc to himself.
Max, by then, would be grocery shopping by now, having gotten her usual paycheck, but instead, she sat at her couch at home, watching the news. Suddenly, she then heard a familiar-sounding voice...
'Hey. The other supposed heroes you were fighting with? They're Tenebris. 'Reason why? Because I had picked up some rather...ominous darkness from a few of them. But hey, we're lucky that the guy with the glasses was an exception, alright.'
She nodded, then thought back to the Spritz, 'But what about--'
'NuKorp? Oh-ho-ho, it appears that both us Spritz and them Tenebris have a common enemy if they were remotely serious about taking action against the two...races.'
'Not only that, but last time I saw the two before seeing them right now on TV, I think they were trying to talk to the citizens, and...to be frank, it didn't work. Heh. Serves them right.'
Her usual monotonous-looking expression on her mouth slowly turned into a small, if not normal, smile. A quite uncommon thing for her to smile instead of having Latarki do it while controlling her body.
Caymen caught sight of Simplistic as he entered the restaurant. He gave him a quick nod and continued to eat his meal. He had never felt so hungry in his life. Only God knows how much he spent on this. He devoured the last batch of wings before drinking is Cola and sighing. His eyes hover towards the news. He takes in all the information with a grunt. The Detroit Police department was a joke. Patrols would only result in more death. Caymen did not mind killing, though. He thought of how he could further show himself has ruler. All the people had done is flee. They were terrified. How could he fix that? Perhaps Simplistic had an idea. Caymen SAT up straight as the Tenebris walked towards him.
How much did that man eat!? There were three bags crumpled next to him. All he'd been hungry for was a hamburger and milkshake. Sure, each to their own metabolism, but still! He sat down across from Mr. Davis before unwrapping his hamburger and taking a bite. He chewed and swallowed before noticing his new best friend was staring at him. He raised an eyebrow.
"What?" He asked, sipping. "Oh, the stunt on Channel 5? I did my best to change my voice and hide my identity, so I shouldn't be identified. Besides, best way to 'spread the word,' if you catch my drift."
"And because you want to be the recognizable face, not the dragon." Simplistic added silently. Anderson lowered his head to take a bite before raising it, silently agreeing with Simplistic.
(My character will wake up in the next DM)

He nodded in agreement.
"Good. Keep up the good work." He yawned and had to blink back sleep. How was he already tired? Maybe the gigantic meal was to blame. "I'm feeling a bit tired. Going to rest in my dwelling. Keep me updated." He gave Simplistic his phone number and walked out of the restaurant. He struggled to light up at first. Finally, he was able to take flight. He zipped straight to the apartment complex he lived in. He fell sooner than expected and landed on the hard concrete. A few people nearby looked at him and either stared in awe or ran. He got back up from the concrete, feeling scrapes on his elbow.
"What the hell was that?" Lucy knew that this happened occasionally.
"You're exhausted. Your powers aren't strong when you're tired. Get rest and you'll be fine."
He walked into the complex, the doorman nodding to him as he entered. He clearly had not seen the news. He took the elevator to the fourth floor and in ten minutes he was sprawled on a queen sized bed. He was asleep in a minute.
He finished his hamburger before standing up. He started to walk out when someone tapped on his shoulder.
"Hmm?" He asked, turning.
"Are you, uh, planning to pay for that?" The cashier asked, worried. Anderson smiled.
"I wasn't, no. For curiosity's sake, how much would that cost?"
"Seventy eight dollars and fifteen cents." She answered. Anderson let out a whistle.
"Well... I'm in a good mood." He said. He handed her a credit card, which she swiped. "Thank you." He said, putting it back in his wallet. He turned back to his motorcycle and began roaring in the direction of... where? Well, wherever he'd intended to go, it certainly wasn't a bar. But hey, didn't matter. He had time to kill.
Anderson woke up when the man poked him in the ribs... hard. He'd tested the waters and had seven shots of vodka. Turns out that was a bit too much for his relatively low blood/alcohol tolerance, and he'd fell asleep. The man woke him up poked him again.
"Let's get you outside, huh?" He asked, friendly in his demeanor. Anderson was still groggy, so he agreed. It was night by now, and the newcomer helped Anderson, a regular, towards his motorcycle. He was surprised when all of a sudden he was rushed to the side of the building and pinned against the wall.
"Give me all your money." He said. Anderson felt a knife against his throat. That woke him up. His eyes snapped up, suddenly fully aware.
"Alright, alright. Settle down, man." Anderson mumbled, now acting. He reached towards his pocket and the knife against his throat was removed. He accidentally gave a grin, and in the low light, he looked downright frightening.
"Oops. I seem to have dropped it." He said. The man glanced down, and in that moment Anderson took his knife and stabbed between the third and fourth left rib, piercing both ventricles in the heart and quickly making him bleed out. He jerked his hand back before the blood really gushed out. The man fell forward, dead, with crimson flowing. Anderson made the knife in his hand disappear. Interestingly, the blood on the knife fell to the ground and splattered at his feet. He smiled again. Murder didn't feel that bad. Surprise him.
He drove up to his apartment and got off his bike before finally trudging his way into his bedroom and laying down on the bed.
He screamed into the pillow before falling asleep.
By now, she had already gone to sleep, allowing Latarki to take control of her body without interruption.
He, in Max's body, opened his eyes and reached for her phone. He then grabbed it and called Booker. If Booker picks up, he would say, "Hello." Otherwise, he'd call again.

As the morning dawns, a strange rumbling permeates near the city limits. Suddenly, a massive motorcycle convoy appears over the horizon. Each of the riders have sunglasses on and are chewing cigars, invoking a rather tough motorbike gang image. The convoy stops at the Detroit city sign. The apparent leader of the gang spits on the ground and takes his sunglasses off.

"Looks like we're huntin' some good power users today!"
"Oh yeah!"

The motorcycle gang leader flairs up his motorcycle, performing a wheelie as he leads the gang towards the center of Detroit. This is the notorious SPTB Hunters, a motorbike gang known for hunting down Spritz/Tenebris hosts for fun. All of them have managed to avoid the police for some time, but this will be the first time that they attacked a well known city in broad daylight.
Latarki, while Max continues to sleep, sat at a bench in the city, holding a cup of coffee, having not received contact from Booker. 'Oh, goody,' he thought to himself, 'this looks like a slow night.' While he does not notice the light from the sun beginning to emerge, he drank from his cup.

The SPTB Hunters quickly descend upon the somewhat still rattled city center, drawing eyes to their loud and obnoxious bikes. One of the gang members pulled out a pistol and fired into the air, causing many to freeze in place for a second, before running away in multiple directions. The Detroit Police Department is called to the scene, setting up barricades to prevent the SPTB Hunters from leaving the area.

One of the police cruisers pull up to confront the maniacal motorbike gang, with an officer walking behind cover with a loudspeaker.

"SPTB Hunters! You are surrounded! Drop your weapons on the floor and put your hands behind your heads!"

The leader of the gang, Bigly Krom, s1mply laughed and bellowed towards the police officer.

"Yeah right! We're taking over this place!"

With that declaration, the SPTB Hunters let out a massive volley of fire from their concealed rifles towards the DPD police cruisers. The officers quickly dropped to the floor to avoid the flurry of bullets, with some of them retaliating with their own pistol fire. Shockingly, none of the gang members fell to the ground injured from gunfire. Instead of bullet holes, a massive energy shield appeared on their wrists, protecting the SPTB Hunters.

Indeed, the SPTB Hunters have managed to harness Positive Energy into portable energy dispensers, which takes its form into whatever the gang member can think of. With that in mind, one of the Hunters created a gigantic hammer with his Energy Dispenser, slamming the ground to create a massive shockwave, turning over multiple police cruisers and sending officers flying.
Oh crap. I overhear what the police officer said. SPTB Hunters? Oh boy, do I really have to not only hide from them like they're the boogeymen of us and, fortunately, the Tenebris, but looks like I'm gonna have to deal with them. I throw my now-empty coffee cup in the trash before getting up, my arms having been mostly recharged and ready for battle, heading for the gang, while creating a super-long electric whip that takes up about 30% of my electricity sources.
He woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing frantically. Ugh no.
Oh yes. There was another news alert. Some supernatural biker gang was downtown. Mmm... energy shields. Mm... officers down.
Alright. That sounded great. He may need to discuss with Mr. Davis on plans, but that could wait. If they annihilated these men like they had prior, they would certainly be sung about as heroes. Anderson crawled out of bed and grabbed the suit he had worn the day prior, along with a handkerchief. He put it on his face before walking out.
"Huh? Aren't you gonna ride your bike?" Simplistic asked, curious. Anderson shook his head.
"No need. I don't see my riding a traceable automotive method of vehicular transportation as very wise. It just means I'll get there slower. But no matter. Even if we lost, our opponents would die. The reserves will see to that. They have better weapons than the DPD."
James walks through a warehouse down by the docks humming a song as smoke begins to fill the air as he spreads some gas around as the flames grow higher. If one looked closely around the room they would see scattered bodies of a mafia cell he was hired to take out not all of them in one piece. Well the capo and his 5 soldiers who has been skimming profits off the top of a smuggling ring. He netted a few thousand for this job. He listens into the radio and laughs to himself as he realizeds with the current commotion going on no one will be able to respond untill long after he is gone.

The SPTB Hunter leader, Bigly Krom, quickly noticed the incoming stranger heading straight towards them. According to the Positive Energy/Negative Energy detector, that person ( marc122 marc122 ) is definitely a Spritz or Tenebris host. Bigly ordered several of his men to turn their attentions to the incoming host, and fired his own rifle towards the incoming host.

Unknown to the host, Bigly already has the Negative Energy Containment Field ready to negate any powers the host could wield, and enjoy his time killing the host within his own murder-house.
Oh crap. As soon as several of those guys turned towards me, I immediately ran towards a nearby alley to hide. I then heavily breathed, and...oh man. I could've been killed by walking straight up to them. Damn. Looks like they're still serious about killing us hosts. Hmm, what do I do, what do I do... I disintegrated my electric whip back into my main electricity sources, gaining much of that sacrificed power back. I then formed an electric grenade in my right hand, before throwing it blindly at the SPTB Hunter gang and going back to full hiding in the alley I am in.
Well, he did have plenty of free time on his walk. He tapped his phone and waited as carter_ carter_ 's number flashed across the screen. He hoped the man would pick up. They would need his help, and maybe the even police's. That would be entertaining, indeed.
"Simplistic, it looks as though we may get serious about this after all."
Caymen's phone made him explode from bed and made his powers activate. His eyes turned a dark red for a split second and that changed back to their normal brown. He shook his head, lightheadedness taking control and making him blink several times. He had slept longer than usual. His dreams, he tried to think of something he dreamt. He couldn't think. He was sure he dreamt of something, he just couldn't remember. Fire was the only thing that stuck. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and proceeded to answer whoever was calling him. He had a feeling it was Simplistic. Meanwhile Lucy hovered in his head, feeling a rift in the plane of power. Someone was in the city. Powerful people. He could only feel an unbalance in it. Like if someone dumped a bunch of water in an already full cup. Lucy told Caymen off his thoughts as he reached for the phone. Caymen didn't stress about it. But it clearly was a problem Simplistic couldn't deal by himself. He picked up the phone, ending its putrid sound.

"What is the matter now, Simplistic..." He faded slightly to get out of bed and prepare to depart his apartment.
I begin to pick up more dark feelings from...what the? A Tenebris... Hmm... But it's kinda the same feel I picked up back when I fought that robot... The heck? Is that thing even trying to hijack my chance?

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