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Life is Strange Roleplay (Closed)

While this would be rather embarrassing for both of them, Chloe shrugged. Oh fuck me... She didn't want to lose this thing. She wasn't wearing any pants in the first place. Probably fit already. Humming the tune to some arbitrary, late rock song, she circled closer to Rachel, drawing up uncomfortably close, one knee on the couch as there was a lot of hip movement. Smirking as she neared, she ran a hand across Rachel's arm, maintaining the close contact measure of an 'erotic' dance that she believed possible. Both her knees were on the couch and she was making suggestive, slow movements against her friend's side, her eyes keeping a faraway look as she leaned up, her hands and knees on the couch, murmuring. "Is that erotic enough for you.."
God, fuck, why do you even bother, maybe if you let the smarter side of you actually make a fucking choice for once this wouldn't happen. There was no lie that she'd gotten red..again, and a bit hot under the collar, but she would feel like she lost if she denied the dare that Chloe had accepted without much of a problem apparently, asking if it was erotic enough, Rachel nodding much to quickly and saying "A-a bit too much. You win." She said, admitting a kind of defeat to this turn as Chloe did accept the dare and in the end it was actually Rachel that ended up on the more embarrassed side of the scale, she gave of a nervous smile and shifted a little bit, saying "Damn, you're..good at that." somewhat sheepishly, then saying "I'll just have a truth this time.." As she wanted to just forget her natural reaction to the erotic display, yeah it was natural, definitely wasn't me right? Nope, it was you. Yeah well fuck you too. Just saying. Well don't, let's just not talk about what happened. And again she went off arguing with herself, you'd think that someone who was so used to social interaction wouldn't need to do this kind of stuff, but in reality it was doing this, arguing with herself that really got her into being such a sociable person.
Chloe found it adorable the way Rachel was getting flustered by her so called 'erotic' dancing. Rather, it proved that she was being taken over by the suggestive nature of it, and fighting it off at the same time. Backing off again, she had to come up with a good truth. Something that would top that erotic dancing, or rather manic grinding episode. "Would you ever...Would you ever..." She had to stop herself before the subject became too real. Before all the humor was emptied out of this. "What is the most attractive personality type someone could have." She murmured, changing it. There was no telling what Rachel would have said if she had asked the prior question.

((I have to go soon. Will be back in 2-3 ish hours.))
Rachel let out a relieved sigh as Chloe backed off, she was beginning to worry that she herself might go a little too far, stupid instincts not working with my brain. But then Chloe began to ask her question, attractive personality type..mhm, she'd never asked that question herself, she usually just saw someone then was kind of attracted towards them, kinda like Ch--well no, maybe no--it didn't matter, she shook of the suggestive thoughts that were popping into her head and instead said. "Uhm, funny, charming, exciting, strong, mentally and physically. And not too feminine definitely." She said, listing it out with her fingers, which came to 5, putting her hands into her pockets now as she kind of shrugged the rest of it off, she didn't think to hard about it, as it wasn't exactly an important question for her, although. "Why'd you ask?"
"No reason." Chloe blew it off quite nervously, in a jumpy sort of tone that betrayed her. I just...wanted to know was all. "Anyway, I'll take a truth then too." She spoke up, pretending that her face wasn't burning either. Shit. She got up to go get a glass of water. All this intense, fun stuff was starting to make her high strung and a little scared of what was coming next. C'mon. One of us is gonna lose, and it won't be me. Not at all. Not today. Never. She made her way back with the glass of water, waiting for Rachel to pick a sufficient truth.
"Mhm, alright then." She said casually, although she did notice how jumpy Chloe was getting, especially when asked about why she wanted to know, although now she couldn't think properly, thanks Chloe, with your erotic dancing...Hey! Focus, we've got a question to ask. She disciplined herself with, having gone off track into a little fantasy whilst complaining at her lack of concentration oh so conviently after the last turn. Now going to ask the question that usually broke the will of most players "So, who's your crush?" She asked, that was THE question that almost everyone either avoided or didn't answer at this particular point in life, the teenage years were always a sensitive time when it came to asking about love interests, it was like the checkmate or something for this game, and Rachel was satisfied that she'd asked it before Chloe had.
The question sat around in Chloe's mind for a while. Who is my crush? She had to ask herself. It took a few moments of hard thinking, of confused communication from herself, before realizing that some things were much better left unsaid. It was a funny thing to her that she'd all of a sudden felt guilty. She could have just as easily lied about who she liked, except lies were pretty detectable, especially with her mind always sabotaging her. Probably blushing far deeper than she realized, she pulled off her socks, and stared blankly ahead, in case Rachel had suddenly developed mind reading powers. We're good...We're goood. It was one of those episodes where every adolescent thinks they're gonna die of mortifying humiliation. Her eyes level with the TV screen, she sat there for a good minute until she noticed that she'd forgotten to ask. "T-truth or dare."
Rachel looked over Chloe as she appeared to zone out for a few moments, obviously thinking about her answer very closely, but she was a very deep shade of red, all over her face by the time she pulled her socks of, obviously not answering that one, Rachel now raising an eyebrow as Chloe even stuttered when asking the game's priority question, she was half tempted to ask her friend if she was okay, but she probably wouldn't want to talk about it or she'd just dismiss any claims she made, although Rachel was beginning to have her own suspiouns, not any of ill-intent but there were thoughts going around involving why she'd be embarrassed to answer, but it was probably just wishful thinking, so she began to dismiss any of her thoughts surrounding the topic and replied calmly with "Truth." And a shrug, they'd levelled out the dares and truths by now, asking an equal amount of each she assumed.
"Same question." Chloe shot, trying to play it off like she just hadn't made herself look like an epic, stuttering idiot. No doubt this would end in declines, or the answer would be someone she'd never heard of from Blackwell. One of the faculty there? I've heard Mark Jefferson's a sweet thing for girls. Heard, but hadn't much seen. She fiddled with her two thumbs, pretending to be oblivious to anything else, and only quietly humming a soft tune. She wondered if they would stop playing soon, or if not, who was going to decline to take off another article of clothing first.
Am I a hypocrite now? She wondered, taking off her tank top now, getting a slight shiver from the sudden change in temperture she felt, that tank top really done more than she thought it had done, but her body adjusted to the room's temperture and she felt fine after a few moments, growing her own blush to match Chloe's avoiding the question as admitting her crush wasn't something she was prepared to do at the moment. Wait, I've still got my socks on.. She inwardly groaned at her own stupidty, but felt happier that now she still had one more chance to beat Chloe before she herself was only in underwear, so she had an advantage, Chloe at this point only having her tank top on excluding underwear obviously, as she assumed they weren't going that far, although that humoured her slightly. "Truth or dare?" She asked, they were drawing closer to the end of their game.
Chloe watched as another article of clothing was removed. This time Rachel's tank. It was weird being partially stripped, sitting on a couch, and feeling the tension surround them. Well that makes two of us who didn't want to answer that. What if it was Mr. Jefferson...But then what would have been the deal? She was secretly glad that Rachel had done so. It made Chloe look less of an wimp. As it came down to the last pieces of clothing, she wondered how far they would be going to prove this till the end. "Dare." After a truth, which she previously thought would be so easy to do, it seemed dares were the only 'easy' way out. Which wasn't easy at all, if Rachel wanted to burn her eyes out with hot sauce.
Rachel was somewhat happy that a dare was chosen, but now she was stuck for ideas, she wanted something not painful, as she didn't like seeing Chloe in any pain, but something comedic, yet devestatingly embarassing for the other girl, still a bit bitter about the hot sauce one, she could still taste that god aweful sauce in her mouth, so it wasn't unjustified. "I dare you, to call your mom and..say you're.." Now this one had SO many oppertunities, and she had at least 10-20 ideas in her mind that could be expanded on, then again they were nearing the end of the game and she needed one that Chloe would never do, although that was hard considering she'd actually done the dance one. "Call your mom and say you're touching yourself, WITH noises." She said, now FINALLY satisfied that she'd caught the other girl out now, she wouldn't do that, and even if she retaliated with another impossible dare or a truth she didn't want to answer, they'd both still lose, so technically she'd be happy with either outcome now.
"Rachel..." Chloe glowered. A slight pink crept into her features, as she fixated on the fabric of the couch. It was too mortifying a process to even think about doing. The difference is you don't wake up in the same house as this woman every morning.... And I do. The conversation following that phone call would throw her into hysteria, or maybe Joyce would make David talk to her (to what purpose she had no idea). "Fine...fine..." Chloe slipped out of her own shirt, tossing it aside till she was basically down to her bra and underwear, and nowhere near comfortable with going any further. "You win, Miss Badass." She was rather relieved it was over, because sitting there, wearing pretty much nothing else than the undergarments was interesting enough.
Ah ha, embarrassing your foes wins again Amber, she couldn't help but give a smug look as she folded her arms and said "Yes I do win, Miss Rebel." It might've been a little childish..okay it was really childish that she was taking so much pleasure in winning such a simple game, but hey she did it, and practically got an award for it anyway, not that she'd ever mention that to Chloe, speaking of which her eyes were literally refusing to communicate with her brain or follow it's damn orders, like a fuckin' mutiny inside her head as she kept stealing glances at the other girl, not even checking to look if said other girl was noticing, very sneaky glances there Amber. Oh shut up, you telling me you don't want me to continue? No, but it's still obvious. But now she didn't really know what to do next, their little impromptu game was fun while it lasted, so she took the situation into account, two girls, alone, in a house, half-naked. Well then, she hadn't expected her day to be like this, it was slightly comedic.

"I'll give you a half victory for that by the way, just for the little show you put on." She said with her usual happy smile, now leaning back against the couch as she began flicking through the channels again, hoping that the flashing images of the TV screen in-front of her would distract her from the girl beside her's clothing state, and it did..partially, stupid eyes not knowing when to take orders from the brain. Rachel had noticed a trend where she had began arguing with herself at everything she done wrong ever since Chloe arrived, she assumed it was so that she didn't feel responsible, arguing like she was with another person, it did help with the whole `not feeling responsible` thing though, so that worked.
"Okay." Chloe thought about putting her shirt back on at least, but the full impression of having just lost sank in, and she thought that she might as well play the part. Besides, it wasn't like she wasn't looking at Rachel either, from time to time. Just not her face. Perv. Chloe yawned. Their excursion at the junk yard, and now this game had pretty much made her sleepy, but she was determined to stay out through their journey today till the end. "Couple more hours....We should go." She murmured, fighting to keep her eyes open while Rachel flipped through channel after channel. She leaned against the arm of the couch, her arm propping up her head, and wondered if it would be so bad to....-No don't do it! The ongoing battle with fatigue pursued.
Rachel noticed that Chloe was beginning to get a bit sleepy, although, unsurprisingly she was determined to stay away, obviously not wanting to perhaps miss the time when they'd be going to the beach together, Rachel nodded and said "Hey, you can always go to sleep if you want, I'll wake you up when it's time to go to the beach, or if your mom walks in and sees..this." She said with a light laugh near the end, wondering about the conclussions her mom would come to upon seeing the two girl's together with most of their clothes missing, but Rachel would surely use her powers of always being believed for some reason to say that they'd gotten..hot? Or something, meh another worry for another time, perhaps Chloe hadn't gotten much sleep before the two had met on Wednesday, it'd explain how she was suddenly so tired, Rachel rested herself against the couch, her legs off the couch itself and laying on the floor, wanting Chloe to take up most of the couch so she could sleep comfortably obviously.
"Just promise you won't fall asleep on your watch." Chloe gratefully whispered, as she dozed off for some shuteye. It was rare that she'd trust someone to keep awake while she slept. Maybe it was because she trusted Rachel, or sleep just seemed too favorable. Despite having half a beer, she might have dreams like she use to, she imagined. Of course a lot of them hadn't been the funnest to absorb, but there was a possibility of something happy. Some dreams had ended up reenacting horrifying memories of her past, the worst being the day William never came home. The happiest probably being when she'd dreamed that Max had come to visit her for once in two...or had it been three years of silence. She'd like to think so. Try not to oversleep and look all lethargic before we have to get going. Halfway through sleep, gravity was probably the greater force, and she ended up leaning against Rachel's shoulder slightly. There was a definite, slow rhythmic breathing process to when she was passed out, like now.
"I promise" She said, with absolute intent to stay true to her promise, after that Chloe had very quickly fell asleep, but from how quickly she'd done so you'd think that she had passed out, Chloe's head resting on Rachel's shoulder, Rach now wrapping her arm around the blue haired girl as she rested her own head against Chloe's dyed blue hair, bringing out her phone from her jeans which remained on and beginning to scroll through her text messages for the first time in a few days, most of them being from Victoria or Taylor or Courtney about where she was or how come they hadn't been hanging out recently, all of which she just ignored and didn't respond to, not wanting to have to make up a lie about where she was or what she was doing, what they didn't know couldn't hurt them it was as simple as that, at the same time constantly checking up on the time on her phone, she knew that the sunset on the west coast was around half 8, so they still had a while to go. Meanwhile she somehow hadn't noticed that she'd been running her hand up and down the resting Chloe's arm in a soft manner, Rachel cursing her caring personality as she felt a little intrusive to be doing this, but at the same time she felt like caring for her whilst she was asleep might give her a nicer experience in whatever dream world she was currently in.
Chloe pretty much stayed sound and asleep for another two or three hours, the dream prospect perhaps doing well for a change. She'd been enjoying what could be described the most safe feeling nap she'd ever had, when she woke up, leaning next to someone on the couch. Exactly who, she couldn't immediately recall, probably the minimal alcohol still had a hazy effect on her. Afraid to move and disturb the person, who's legs looked pretty slender, so probably a girl's, she wasn't sure who it was. Until she looked timidly into the reflection presented by the dark TV screen and saw herself, shirtless, getting all comfortable with an equally shirtless friend. What did we do... For some reason she thought her mind wasn't telling her everything. But it was. They'd been playing a strip, truth or dare game. Towards the end of it, she'd been feeling tired, so Rachel let her sleep in. Does she know I'm awake? I swear I haven't moved an inch. Except for an accelerated heart rate, she'd been lying in the same position. Feeling a hand run lazily against the length of her arm, she assumed Rachel hadn't noticed. Or wasn't saying anything at the moment. "Hi." She started, because there wasn't much else she could think of.
Rachel had actually fallen asleep for at least an hour, but had been woken up by the vibration of another text, again from Victoria, not even bothering to check it she turned her phone off and put it back into her pocket, feeling at peace with herself as she had Chloe laying against her, sleeping and peaceful and the house was completely quiet, minus the low volume emitting from the TV. Two hours later Chloe had woken up, saying hi as she did so, Rachel looked down at her and said "Rise and shine sleepyhead." quiet, but softly with a warm smile on her face, she wasn't going to act all hyped up and excited after she'd just woken up, so she chose a more relaxing approach to suit the fact that the girl had just woken up a few seconds ago, but she chuckled and said "Were you running a marathon in your dream? Your heart feels like it's gonna burst out your chest" Attempting to bring a little humor into their afternoon together after the three hour nap.
"Aha. I'm not even sure. Can't remember much, except it was pretty happy and excited." Kind of like what I'll feel at the sunset. She rubbed her eyes, blinking a couple of times to become adjusted to the lighting and the finer details. The small space between them felt so warm, and she wasn't sure she wanted to leave just yet, but her neck was starting to hurt after being at an odd angle for so many hours. Pulling away to grab her shirt, she slid it back on before getting up to find her pants. They'd fallen behind the couch or something. "What time is it?" She asked, struggling to pull up her pants with her still sleepy coordination. It feels like so little has passed. Although the lighting in the house has changed. She felt around in the pocket of her pants and found her keys. Still there. She was happy that David hadn't come home early and woken them up with some kind of 'don't get half naked in my house' speech, even though, again, it wasn't even his place.
Happy to hear that Chloe had a nice dream, nto so happy that she had pulled away to go grab her clothes, but that was life, Rachel stretched her arms and neck, grabbing her tank top from it's position next to her on the couch and putting it back on, then her boots following closely behind, looking up at the clock nearby the corner of the room and saying "Half seven, we've got another hour." Before standing up and grabbing her crutch, hopping on over to Chloe and asking "So, we've still got another hour, what do you wanna do to kill time till then?" curiously, wondering on if Chloe had any ideas to do that would fill up an hour until they went to the beach to gaze at the sunset, they could just hang around the beach until it was sunset, but that'd kill the kind of first time seeing it magic that the sunset always brought to new places, like the lighthouse, it sitll would've been amazing no doubtly, but not AS amazing if she had already seen the view before. Although, if there were no other ideas, she guessed they could do that.
"We could always do more hot sauce dares...Kidding, kidding.." She finished her sentence with one last, final yawn, and then vowed no more until later. "Well...I do have a backyard. And I do have old water balloons from a couple summers ago." She began, a hint of a question following her smirk. "Water balloons in the backyard. Hmm? I promise, no running." She added, because for crutches over here, that would be most likely unfair. She'd already started going to the drawer across the room, pushing aside some old, dusty stationary to find her unopened pack of water balloons. Yes, they'd most definitely get splashed, but it wasn't like they were going to some fancy dinner party later, and had to wear not-soaked attire. Bite me. She though to herself. It was better than most ideas she came up with on a Friday afternoon.

((I will be gone for about thirty minutes.))
Rachel had opened her mouth to interviene, a small glare on her face as hot sauce was brought up, but t quickly faded when she continued on with the `kidding` part. Now listening with a satisfied smile at the idea of water ballooning each other. She nodded and replied with "Thanks for the consideration darling." With a light laugh as she followed Chloe over to the drawer, where she was looking through her pack of water balloons, and she was sure that the water would dry in once they got into the sunlight, besides after the shock and awe that Mother Nature handed to them via that huge ass storm yesterday she was pretty sure that they'd grown a tolerance to being in soaked clothing, not in that way damn it I've really gotta control my dirty mind, not even I'M safe from it. A fond smile spread across her features as she was yet again reminded of her childhood back in California, where they played with water guns on the hottest days of summer, good times, although probably not as good as these times.
"You're welcome." Chloe nodded. Yes! Water balloon fights like old times. She felt very much like her ten year old self.Taking her pack of water balloons to the sink, Chloe found two separate, large basins to put a dozen or so in each, for a fair and length fight. The first water balloon she started to fill, a bright, electric green, popped as she had been neglecting how strong the faucet was in consideration to the volume the balloon could expand to. This resulted in her being slapped in the face with a couple drops of water as it exploded. Great. However, the other balloons proved to be more tolerant, and she more or less got to the end of the bag in a handful of minutes, taking breaks to tie up the ends so that water wasn't just leaking out inside the basin. Picking up one at a time, she used her free hand to open the back screen fence, and placed each basin a good couple yards apart. "The battlefield is set." She declared. Gosh, I'm being such a dork today.

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