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Life is Strange Roleplay (Closed)

"I think we should save the beer till the beach." She said, perhaps they could bring along one of those coolers to keep the beers cold so they could have them on the beach later on, the mere thought of that drove her senses insane, that sounded like an amazing way to end the friday. A walk, usually that would've been one of the ideas that she would've proposed, but walking was a somewhat straining activity now, still not used to the effort it took to use the crutch, drinking games, she didn't want to get drunk before they actually got to the beach, she stifled a laugh as she suggested "Strip poker Miss. Rebel?" And stretched her legs as they had gotten a little lazy whilst sitting on the chair by the table, were you being serious with that suggestion? I don't fucking know, I'm you remember? Oh yeah..so were we?
Chloe Price was not one to back away from a challenge. Smirking deeply, she raised an eyebrow inquisitively. As if daring Rachel to go through with what she had just suggested. "I'm game. If you want to play, Miss Badass." She currently had only a vague idea of what strip poker actually was, although usually it ended up with the players rather confused and probably not 'winning' either way, she would take a minor visit to it if Rachel was being serious. Which I'm not sure she entirely is... It also depended if they were playing cards or something. Maybe first who places the highest number wins or something... She waited for Rachel's response, happy to just be sitting there either way.
Fuck.. Was the only word that went through her mind when she noticed Chloe's smirk, god damn it, what do we do? Back out? She continued to think, she was pretty sure that at this point her brain was going to DEFCON 1 if a brain had that, she didn't want to seem like a pussy, but at the same time that was..more of an explicit game that you played when you were either drunk, high or both at a party. She wasn't even that good at poker, she could go through with it, but what if Chloe was good at poker, she'd be screwed, she was growing a little flustered as she continued to think hard about her decision, before making an..unwise choice and saying "I'm game, you got a poker set?" She asked, well..then again it didn't have to be poker, wait she had a better idea. "Actually, let's not do poker, why don't we play truth or dare with the strip element." She suggested, now telling the truth was more her style, and she was pretty sure that she could do any dare that Chloe could throw at her. This was definitely her game.
"You're on." Chloe hadn't been much prepared for an actual poker game at that point. Sure, she liked drugs, but she'd never done much gambling for them. Kind of relieved, because truth or dare was much simpler than actual game of poker, she nodded, ready to indulge. Is it such a good idea to do this without some form of liquor? Her mind was buzzing a little from excitement and nervousness. Probably not. "You first. Give me any truth you've got." She crossed her arms expectantly. Judging by Rachel's previous demeanor, it was probably going to be some kind of straight forward truth, to which she would not have any trouble answering. But from the mysterious look on her friend's face, she wasn't quite sure what she had in mind.
Rachel decided to keep the questions to a down low and a sort of need to know basis at the moment, and gradually raise the bar, to ease them both into this game that neither had played before obviously, with a simple question that she was sure Chloe would answer "Ever done drugs, and if so, which one?" She asked casually, sitting on the opposite side of the couch now, facing Chloe as she asked her probably easy to answer question, she just suspected that due to her punk nature that she'd do that kind of thing from time to time, although maybe she was being stereotypical? Rachel had gotten high many times before, but all quite long apart from each other, at random Vortex Club parties she'd been to throughout her time here in Arcadia Bay.
"Weed. Or grass." Chloe resisted rolling her eyes. She guessed it was fortunate that the opening question had been so easy, as she had no moral quarrels to answer it. There was practically some of her stash still in her room as they spoke. Raise the game, Rachel. "Your turn. Truth or dare?" She had turned to face her friend on the couch, her blue eyes glimmering with a kind of prompting energy. She actually had no idea what she would ask for a truth. Maybe... There was no one else in the house but Chloe Price and Rachel Amber. And things were suddenly intense, despite a game that revolved around the galvanizing process of stirring each player into submission.
Rachel shrugged, saying "Fair enough." Casually, the question was easy enough to asnwer, but not exactly exciting, she'd definitely have to ask something better next time or dare her to do something stupid or funny, although she didn't have many ideas on her mind though. Saying "Truth." As Chloe asked the question, she wasn't in the mood for dares just yet, perhaps next turn she thought, now quite nervous what Chloe would ask her, this game really put you on your toes, she should've played it a while ago, then again this wasn't the type of game you'd play with the preppies at Blackwell, someone closer to you would probably be more comfortable, like Chloe for example, so despite how nervous and excited she was about the whole deal, she was still comfortable with it surprisingly.
"Okay...Have you ever made out with a guy If more than one, how many?" For not having a boyfriend, she must have gotten something. Chloe thought arguably. She was growing edgy with every nerve wracking second. Of course there would be the possibility that one of them declined, and that was when mistakes were made and thinks got dangerous. Not dangerous enough, apparently. If we're doing this. She considered to herself. She doubted that Rachel would decline this. Although maybe there was some secret faction that she wasn't going to share, in which case the 'strip' version of this game would start to immerse itself in the two girls' game.
Well..she'd made out with a guy before, multible in-fact, and that was her only problem with the question, she didn't want to seem like a slut or anything like that, so it took her a few moments before answering somewhat truthly as she didn't know the full answer herself "Couple of guys, couple of girls, Vortex parties get pretty crazy sometimes." She said with a shrug, there was probably a ton of different scenarios when that kind of stuff happened which she didn't even remember, so ` a couple` was probably the most accuracte answer she could give, although she did rub her arm a little embarrassed about those kinds of things that went on during the parties she attended, a sheepish smile on her face as she grew a little blushed. Comfortable still, shockingly yes, this may have been due to the fact that she felt safe? Sharing these things with Chloe, in comparison to other people.
Rather impressed with Rachel's unabashed answering, she hadn't expected girls to be in the mix there. Then again, alcohol makes you do crazy things. She also couldn't exactly determine if Vortex Club parties were the real shit, having never been to one, and never actually planning to go to one. This is going pretty well so far. She thought to herself. No one had ended up doing the actual method of the game, as they were pretty straight on with answering so far. So she decided to kick things up a notch and ask for something she'd regret later. "Okay then...Give me a dare." There was a wry smile that hid an excitable teenager.
Once Chloe had asked for a dare, it really hadn't taken Rachel as long as she imagined to come up with one, although this one was actually dangerous if you asked a doctor, although they were sitting on a couch, it couldn't be that bad, besides Rachel was responsible enough to keep it safe. "Dare you to drink an entire bottle of beer while doing a headstand." She said slyly, folding her arms as she gave off a smirk, it was a win win for her either way, even if she did accept it, wouldn't go well, if she didn't, wouldn't go well, for her anyway, not for Rachel of course. Nice going Rach, stop being cocky to yourself that's stupid, you're stupid, nice going idiot..
((I apologize profusely. My computer stopped working and I had to put the wifi back on. ://))

Listening fully for the dare to be completely said, Chloe thought about it, thinking I could do that before racing off to the kitchen to grab one of David's beers, flipping off the cap, and racing back to the dining room. Of course doing a head stand on its own, in the middle of a furniture-crowded place could prove fatal, so she sort of winged it with putting the head of the beer bottle in her mouth, leaning up against the wall, and then balancing partially on her head while chugging down the beer. It was all going so well until she choked mid way, spat out the bottle, and less than half the bottle was not successfully gone. "Shit." She muttered, although in a good nature way, sitting down and raising her hands in defeat. "That's one piece off." She took her beanie and tossed it onto the couch. Of course it was kind of cheating. "Okay...Truth or dare?"
Rachel felt a sense of accomplishment in the game by winning that turn, although Chloe choking wasn't a neccassarily pleasurable thing to see, and also she took off her beanie, god damn it I should've worn layers she couldn't help but think as Chloe took the loss well and asked for her choice in truth or dare, she thought it was only fair and replied with "Dare." Which she was sure to regret somehow, Chloe's mind went god knows where and finding out via a dare wasn't exactly calming her nerves, was it exciting of course it was, the atmosphere was extremely intense around them as each turn they had to nervously wait what their oppenant would say in reply, or thinking of a dare or truth to ask. It was all very nerve wracking, fun, but nerve wracking, so it was a pretty cool game.
"Hmm...." Various types of information were swarming through Chloe's mind. "I dare you to prank call one of your friends using my phone, and tell them you want to be theirs..." She handed over her phone, preferring that caller ID not be used, but it didn't matter. "Oh, and speaker phone, please." She murmured, picking up the half-empty bottle of beer and placing it on the table in front of the couch. This should be good.... She thought to herself. Despite choking on beer, the afternoon was quite...unexpected.
God damn it..that can't mean what I think it means, right? She asked herself in her mind rather panicked, she looked down to the phone that Chloe had handed her and looked back up, saying "W-what do you mean theirs?" She asked nervously, she didn't fancy the idea of saying that over the phone to one of the preppies, but she only had a tank top, jeans, boots and socks on, she didn't come with all this added on clothing like Chloe, so it'd only take her a few lost turns to get literally down to underwear status, although, boots and socks could come off, that was fine..she didn't have many options, so she waited for Chloe's response, probably just a sub-conscious attempt to prevent the inevitable.
Chloe had to stop herself from bursting out, laughing. Instead, she leaned over the couch and whispered in her ear. "Like you'll be their slave. Do whatever they ask." Of course this was dignity shattering. No matter which way you played, the game of truth or dare was not designed so that the players felt fine about it right after. "Unless you don't want to..." She said, much too innocently. I'm gonna win this game. Yes, I totally am. Chloe put the beer bottle in the fridge best not to let it go to waste, whatever's in there... and walked back to Rachel.
Rachel got a shiver up her spine as Chloe whispered menancingly into her ear, shaking her head quickly and sliding her boots off. She hadn't even realised just how red she'd gone on the face about that whole scenario, her heart was beating a lot faster strangely enough and she found herself a little short on breath, now facing away from Chloe as she thought of what to ask for a truth or what to command for a dare, she'd have to find something to top that, but how, it didn't seem plausible at this point, Chloe didn't seem like the type to give that kind of reaction, the one that Rachel had unfortunately given, stupid brain, fuck you she thought somewhat angrily to herself out of sheer embarrassment as she asked now. "Truth or dare?"
Chloe was taken aback at Rachel's refusal, and how red she had gone in the face over it. Maybe I was being a bit too extreme with that one... She tried to think it over reasonably. It made her a bit nervous to see her friend that way, as she began to wonder if she was pushing boundaries too quickly. As Rachel made the obvious point not too look at Chloe directly in the eyes, she gave up trying to make eye contact and sidled back onto the couch, pausing for a moment before insisting. "Dare." She was ready to roll with whatever punches, or dares were being thrown at her. Yes, the beer chugging had been a fail, but there were plenty of other considerable options for Rachel to choose from.
Rachel was suddenly back to her usual bright self when Chloe insisted with a dare, turning around to face her properly again as her expression turned into a thoughtful one, now wondering on how to get her back for that, something unpleasant would be prefferable at this point, Rachel gave off a grin as she hopped off the couch and made her way into the kitchen, opening the freezer and grabbing a pack of ice cubes from it, closing the freezer door over as she walked back over to the couch now, sitting down as she said. "I dare you, to put 5 ice cubes down your pants and keep them there till they melt." She said it with a almost smug attitude, although not properly smug as that wasn't Rachel's way. Drawing a quote from Chloe now as she said "Unless you don't want to do it?"
Fuck. Of course, Rachel had just stepped up her game, and now it was time to painfully freeze herself. "Okay...okay.." She cautiously took the ice cube tray from her, popping out one cube after another until they were in her hands. Shit. Even in my hands, they're starting to burn...How am I gonna-Without a second thought she fitted them into her pants and instantly regretted it. "Okay fuck.. Is this what hell feels like?!" She jumped up from the couch, skidding across the kitchen to yank her jeans off before she had some comical type of 'ice cube burn' all across her thighs and lower stomach. "Fuck..you win..." She'd only lasted ten seconds before the burn just got much too real for her. Trotting back to the couch with her pair of garments in hand, she wondered how far this was going to escalate. "Truth...or dare."
Rachel couldn't help but to keep a grin on the entire time she saw Chloe go into an ice induced panic, it looked painful and she let out a laugh, to be honest it was pretty funny, as Chloe headed back and admitted defeat, Rachel smirked and joked "Nice legs." Before responding to Chloe's question with "Dare." The dare's were proven from experience to be a lot more intense and fun than the truths, as telling the truth about something wasn't all that bad, unless it was a big question, which kinda put her on edge just thinking about it. So she layed back on the couch, and folded her arms casually, awaiting the next dare.
Chloe rolled her eyes at Rachel's' joshing comment, and got down to thinking of a good dare at this point. "I dare you to drink a bottle of beer...After it's been tainted with hot sauce." Talk about heat. She walked over to the fridge, pulled out a full bottle of beer, opened it, and then poured some of it in the sink, taking one of the extra hot spice sauce from her cabinet, and pouring for maybe four seconds, as the color began to change inside the bottle. She waited, believing this would be the crossing bridge between the more risky endeavors and what else either of them was willing to try.
Rachel was at first cocky at the dare, only hearing the first part of it before hearing the second part, to which she suddenly went blank, that's not good, at all.. Hot sauce, fuck she didn't handle spice well, but what's the worse that could happen, she nodded, accepting the dare as Chloe went over to the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of beer and presumably tainting it with the hot sauce required for the dare, after coming back and handing Rachel the bottle of spicy beer, she looked at it for a few long moments, before taking a very long swig of it, chugging most of it down rather quickly, perhaps it was the inclusion of the hot sauce or how quickly she'd drank most of the bottle, but she was beginning to feel lightheaded a lot earlier than when she usually began to after drinking beer, finishing the bottle and placing it on the floor, it had taken a few seconds for the effects of the hot sauce to come rolling in.

"Oh fuck me.." She let out breathlessly, beginning to cough harshly and loudly as she got up from the couch and literally sprinted, regardless of any stupid limp, which her ankle didn't thank her for and twisted the cold tap as hard as she could, it spraying out with a large ton of force into the sink as she began to drink from the tap itself, it was like Satan threw a party in her fuckin' mouth, she felt naucious, lightheaded and she was certain that she was gonna be sick, should've taken it slower you fuckin' idiot she scolded herself with, the water did absolutely nothing to help, her eyes were watering beyond all belief and yeah..that happened. After at least 5 minutes of consistant gulping of water it appeared to die down, slumping against the drawers in the kitchen now, pale faced as she gave Chloe a middle finger from where she was sitting, she let out. "Truth or dare?" Satisifed that she had at least WON the turn.
This was a dare that Chloe had been sure Rachel would refuse. And yet she amazed her by taking the bottle in her hand, finishing it, and then racing over to the kitchen to clear the hot sauce that was still in her mouth. Gaping, with her mouth open, Chloe watched cautiously, because she felt a tinge of guilty at making her drink that much hot sauce, and another tinge of horror as she spent forever at the water tap. She would have offered her a glass of milk, but the mix of milk, beer, and hot sauce might just serve for someone to puke. At one point she tried to ask if Rachel was okay, but quickly got her answer as the middle finger was raised, and she crossed her arms defensively. "Christ, Rachel. You really took that seriously." She muttered. She was met with her own second part moments later, when Rachel had recovered enough to ask.

"Dare." She said, her arms still crossed against her chest. Anything that Rachel threw at her now, she had to take. Especially after that epic beer bottle chug with fiery hot sauce.
"How bout you try nearly passing out in a kitchen, then we'll see how you react." She said with a raspy laugh, getting up now as she slowly made her way back to the couch, slumping down onto it now as she pondered on what to make Chloe do in retaliation for that massacre against her mouth, stomach and brain all at the same time, although perhaps making it a painful one wasn't the way to go, dignity damaging, that was something that could potentially hurt far worse than any kind of hot sauce or ice cube, saying now. "Gimme an erotic dance Miss Rebel." She said with a smirk, she won't do it, she's got to keep her dignity doesn't she? She asked herself mentally, although what if she does, that'll be equally embarassing for me, damn it Amber, perhaps it'd be good if you stick to truths now. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a tad bit nervous about Chloe's choice now after thinking through about it.

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