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Realistic or Modern Let's Travel

(Thanks) Dwyer pulled the papers out in pairs and read them out. "Jasil and Sky. Ian and Faye. Paige and Ryan. Me and Carter." and just like that the rooming situation was decided. Ian looked over when he heard his name. "I'm fine with that." @Skylark @Jasil @TheLovelyDead @youngin @AmRosey @Ldybug123
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Sky looked over at the Ryan Ian Faye and Paige. "If you guys even dare do anything I will knock down those doors and slap you across the face" she said. Seriously

"Excuse you, sir, but Sandlot never had a dull moment." Faye replied. As Dwyer and Sky settled the room dispute by picking out of a bowl, the blonde simply nodded. "Good choices," she said with a small smile. Though, being called out by Sky came as a shock. "Hey now, Mama Bear, what fun would it be if there wasn't a little hell to be raised?" Faye stated, her eyes giving that devious sparkle the group knew all too well. "Besides, it's Ryan you gotta worry about." she joked, but she gave a wink to the lad. "I'm sure Ian will find something random to preoccupy himself with anyway. As we all know," she cupped the side of her mouth as if she were to whisper, "he's like keeping up with a puppy." Faye finished her comment, but it wasn't at all in a whisper. The blonde giggled a bit at her own joke, but she waited for other responses before doing anything else.

{I'll tag the people so they know they've been mentioned.
@youngin @Ldybug123 @AmRosey }
Sky looked at Ian "I really want to smack you" Sky laughed at the puppy joke "that's very true" she replied
"How bout we all meet up in me and jasil's room once were all settled in and we can maybe plan some stuff for tomorrow and eat" she said with a smile at the thought of food
Ian attempted looking up at Faye, but ended up crossing his eyes instead. Dwyer laughed at him. "It's too bad you're up there Faye. Ian just made himself look like an idiot. Again." Ian fixed his eyes. "Yeah, like I've ever done that. In the past five minutes.." He turned his attention back to Faye after the puppy comment. "Well if that's how it is than you better hope that this puppy's attention remains on keeping you on his back. It would be terrible if you fell." he grinned at himself.

Jasil laughed and made kissy faces to Sky at her friends comments. "So are we going to be children or old people tonight?"

If they decided to be children everyone would pile in one room for a few hours playing games and being stupid

If they were old they'd just hop in bed. This was a choice Jasil asked everynight
"Children" Sky said "we're going to meet in me and jasil's room and eat food that I brought and maybe order pizza" she smiled (it's ok:))
"Yay!" Jasil grabbed her bag and patted it, knowing she had a crap ton of games inside.
"Damn, I always miss the good stuff." she said with a smile. The thought of falling made Faye's eyebrows furrow. She bent her head down close to Ian's ear, "Let me fall, I dare you." The girl's comment was practically like poking a bear with a stick. "Obviously we're children. I mean, have we ever really acted our age?" the blonde paused to think for a moment, "Well, with the exception of Sky." she added, nodding to herself.

Sky smiled she handed everyone there key most of them had connecting doors sky's and jasil's had it with Ian and Faye on the left and, Dwyer and carter on the right. Ian and Faye didn't have anyone on their left Dwyer and carter had Paige and Ryan on their left. While Paige and Ryan didn't have anyone on there right (ok I really confused myself while doing this but hopefully you sort of get the picture xD )
Jasil rolled her eyes "Well Mama bear needs to go into Hibernation." She picked up her bag and started walking to the room. She strutted like she was on a catwalk, trying to show the lady at the desk that yes, they were all out of their minds
"Act my age?" Ian said over-dramatically horrified. "My friends say I should act my age. What's my age again?" Ian started singing.
Sky turned into her dancer self and started doing dance moves down the hall after jasil leaps keytrees front walkovers back handsprings. Pirouettes extensions and when she got to her room a front flip she then stood there like a gymnastic that just finished her routine then walked into the room.
Jasil clapped and threw her bag on a bed. Slipping her jacket and shoes off she sighed. She began to pull out her shorts and tank top fro night clothes. Changing in the bathroom and then throwing her purple hair up, she waltzed back out and struck a pose before sitting on her bed
Ian followed behind Sky, with Faye on his back, and Dwyer followed behind Ian. When Sky finished her routine Dwyer golf clapped. Ian smiled. "I'd do that to, but my hands are full here." he gestured to Faye's legs he was holding up. Then in an announcer like voice he said. "A stunning performance from Sky, let's see what the judges have to say." He turned to Dwyer. "Ten." Ian nodded. "I agree ten. Judge Faye and Judge Jasil your scores?" Ian said.
Sky still standing there in the same pose waiting for her scores she then did this really cool but sort of gross thing where she bended back and her head touched her butt (I don't know how to explain it but I've seen a video and it is hilarious xD ) "extra points huh?" She said still I the same position
Jasil glanced out the door from her bed "10, and I'm ordering the pizza what kind do y'all want?" She folded her legs and pulled out her phone
Jasil wrinkled her face "Ew, okay guys Sky is getting a separate pizza just for her, what do the NORMAL people want?" She yelled and started typing in the number
Ian tilted his head sideways slowly, staring at Sky's flexibility. "While impressive...no extra points. Besides you got the max." He shook his head, both fascinated and disturbed. "You guys will hate me for this, but I'm going to say Hawaiian. I'm weird I know." he turned to Dwyer. Dwyer shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me. I eat anything."
"Y'all are too weird. I'm ordering Ian's, Sky's and then just pepperoni and some wings, I'm not in a pizza mood."

She was on the phone ordering the food a moment later. Laying back on the bed
Sky got up from the position and walked in "I'm going to change" she said she grabbed her clothes. She Goes to the bathroom and gets changed she comes out in a Victoria's Secrets pink (brand) shirt that was a light mint green color and black shorts. She put her hair in a bun and came back out she jumped onto her bed "pizzzaaaaa" Sky said with a smile

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