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Fantasy Legends Will Follow - OOC

*shuffles in awkwardly*
Is now a bad time? That looked like a nasty argument earlier.
You came at the perfect time
View attachment 473847
Current characters in the roleplay, and their order of introduction:
Name - Age - Summary - Level - User

Sarious Solus - 27 - Fun-loving thief - 7 - BackSet BackSet
Yema Ren - 22 - Half-giant Barbarian(big bobs) - 12 - SoftSmile SoftSmile
Eridan - 23 - Elf magical thief-ranger - 10 - Birdsie Birdsie
Kolu'luka Oondaemate - 19 - Loud barbarian - ??? - _Line 213 _Line 213
Solana Riviera - 17 - Sun paladin - 9 - Noble Scion Noble Scion
Fillaston Fran Cavleton - 25 - Human swashbuckler - ??? - Axel The Englishman Axel The Englishman
Selena Foster - Kitsune magic knight - 9 - Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Kasumi - 21- Kitsune ninja - 4 - GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205
D.O.O.M - 212 - Undead abomination knight - 15 - Rage Rage
Meditrina Tangedivinus - Princess healer(big bobs) - 14 - Hanarei Hanarei
Varis Theeil - 20 - Sly elf magician - 12 - CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
Ivan Reito - 17 - Weak werewolf with golem - 11 - VioletShadow VioletShadow
Luna Levan - 18 - Little reaper - 15 - Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Grant Maysfield - 27 - Simple soldier - 15 - simj26 simj26
Seraphine Reizylle - 25 - Smug witch - 13 - Reinhardt Reinhardt
*peeks in*

*sees everyone dead*

*casts a necromancy spell*



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Location: Meeting Room
Direct Response to: Selena Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Mentioning: Everyone
The princess remained silent even with the rather bombastic woman came in as if she was the greatest thing since caviar on a perfectly crisped biscuit. She never really got that type of attitude personally, having know several nobles who were so full of themselves she half questioned whether they even realized others existed in the world besides themselves. She didn't nessarily hate people like that, though they could be a bit too much at times. Meditrina was really the type that had a problem with disliking anyone, even if she might be uneasy about them. She had that childish naivety about believing in the greater good of everyone to a fault. It made it worst perhaps that in a way she knew better but still always played ignorant to it.

She snapped back to reality as a chair came cracking as the occupant found themselves on their rear end. She shuffled a bit to check on her well-being though it was a bit slow as others were quick to pick up on it before she could. She pulled back from her desire to help. It was a bit uneasy for her though the girl seemed like she was fine as it was. She was trying to be as low key as possible. She mustn't make too much of a fuss and keep as low of a profile as possible. She nodded her head a little to herself not really even realizing she made the gesture. Having been around only a few servants she had built up a bit of a habit of giving herself pep talks and as such tended to be less hesitant of making odd gestures as if she was in conversations with others while thinking out loud in her own mind.

Meditrina's attention suddenly shot back to the topics at hand at mentioning of a group name, and even more so at the mentioning of what the group's intentions should be. A sense of excitement filled the princess as her little pep talk in her own mind all but fell away as she forgot about trying to make a minimal presence. Too much childish excitement filled her for her to hold back making a response.

"We are there to protect those in need and to serve the good of all others naturally! It's the job of the great adventure to out and save villages in need, exploring unique locales most could only dream of seeing with their own eyes, and then eventually saving the world from the great evil plaguing the land!" She spoke cheerfully of her rather romanticized version of an adventure she got from the many books she read in her time stuck within the castle. She knew better then to really believe such a thing would work in that clean of a manner but her excitement all but made it hard from her to resist speaking of it in such a glamorous way.

"We can be the Heroes of Light... or the Knights of the Land... or the Crusaders.... or maybe call ourselves the Guild of Heroes!" She spoke out throwing out names haphazardly not really thinking things through. She paused after her last response, blushing lightly as she realized she had gone against her own plan to keep more quiet as she began to fidget shyly with her fingers as she suppressed her excitement. She couldn't help but feel like the names she gave weren't that great to begin with. I mean what kind of idiot would name their group the Guild of Heroes? How could anyone really be certain all their members would fit the tag of being a hero, not to mention a Guild was far from a good term to use for an adventuring group. Even if it was, who would take anything with that type of name seriously and not just laugh at them rather then show any sort of respect for it at all.

"F...forgive me I didn't mean to prattle... c... carry on..." She spoke much more meekly.
Stop making bridsie feel bad.

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