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Multiple Settings ๐‹๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐ซ๐ž๐ž๐ค [Main] (CLOSED)



god of dreams



hungov - SHIT



academy hallway

interactions ; mentions



Morpheus had gotten up to go into the nearest bathroom and splash water on his face. It wasnโ€™t doing much to help this hangover he was wrestling with, but at least his eyesight was a bit clearer. The eyes themselves? Still hooded. As always. Were he a different god, he probably would have winked and pointed at his own reflection or some shit, but he wasnโ€™t in the mood for that right now. Also, that was corny. Who the fuck actually did that?

As he left the bathroom, he realized he was hearing a voice further down the hallway. Finally, someone who could direct him to something to fill his stomach. Or find some godsdamn aspirin. Morpheus set off down the hallway to catch up with the voice, soon realizing his swaggering gait was not quite fast enough to close the distance between him and other gods who were much more awake than he was. This just wasnโ€™t his morning, was it?

It was starting to look creepy, him just following slowly behind the goddess. Dear gods. Olympus above. Morpheus scrubbed a hand through his hair with a sigh. He picked up his pace and caught up to ther, plastering an apologetic and charming grin on his face.
โ€œHey, uh, do either of you happen to know where I can get some grub? Or aspirin? Iโ€™ve got the worst hangover in the heavens andโ€”โ€

Morpheus was not one to lose his place in a sentence. But in his defense, the goddess in front of him was a picture of supreme beauty. Subtle pout, gorgeous dark hairโ€”wait, he knew those nails. A gentleman would not reveal how he knew them, but heโ€™d often woken up from his dreams with, uh. Yeah. You get the picture. His eyes studied her face, slackjawed as he tried to find the words to voice the sluggish-yet-rapid thoughts churning through his hungover mind.

After a few awkward moments of staring, he finally managed to speak.
โ€œDream girl? Youโ€™re a goddess?โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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goddess of rainbows



whoop dee do



dorm 202 > leaving

interactions ; mentions



Iris huffed out a chuckle, a rare sound, considering she was pretty well-known for her aura of negativity. Laughter wasnโ€™t something she was used to; in fact, the sound was strange coming from her throat. Not that a smirk would have conveyed her amusement half so well to her half-asleep friend.
โ€œI mean, youโ€™re perfectly welcome to skip today, but that would mean leaving me all by my lonesome to face the world out there. Which isnโ€™t what you want, I take it?โ€
She didnโ€™t need to confirm the face with a look at his face. Just the thought of leaving her alone would probably send him into the slight panic-slash-overprotective mode it always did. Having Natos was like having an older brother always hovering over her shoulder.

She pretended not to notice that the outfit Natos changed into had come from her closet. Iris was well aware that heโ€™d stored some of his clothes in there. Naturally, she had a few of her own in his room for emergencies, but it was funnier (at least, to her) to pretend she didnโ€™t know how this occurred. If anybody asked, they were obviously just wearing each otherโ€™s clothes. Never mind how Natos โ€œfitโ€ in hers. That wasnโ€™t the problem at hand.

Smirking at his complaint, Iris snarked,
โ€œMaybe they just want to lecture you to not beat up every person that insults me or torture every soul that wronged me somehow. Gotta balance it out and torture a few just because theyโ€™re dicks, right?โ€
She shook her head. Though sheโ€™d never asked him to always be so defensive about her, she did appreciate it, deep down. It was hard, sometimes, being the bitch that she was, and the insults cut deep into her heart upon landing. But she couldnโ€™t let anyone know that. Ever. Only Natos would ever know, and that was because heโ€™d always seen, somehow, even when she didnโ€™t physically react.

It was kind of damning having somebody know her that well.

As they got ready to leave, Iris slipped her hand into Thanatosโ€™s. Another chuckle slipped out of herโ€”she must have been sick, or somethingโ€”as she peered up at him.
โ€œYou could stand to take me with you on those runs instead of taking it upon yourself to act like my errand boy. Your ghosties donโ€™t seem to like me that much. Must be the rainbows.โ€

The flicker of a smile crossed her face as she led the way out of her dorm room and towards the stairwell to the first floor and, eventually, the exit.
โ€œWe could run away, but letโ€™s at least trick them into thinking we wonโ€™t for a day. Give them a false sense of security. Besides, I still wanna paint. Youโ€™re not getting out of that part of my day so easily.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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goddess of discord



raising hell



nem's room

interactions ; mentions



โ€œWe donโ€™t have to, but it would be so much more boring if we just stayed here all day, wouldnโ€™t it?โ€
Eris pouted sympathetically at her sister, fluffing her hair and preening in the mirror. She certainly wasnโ€™t the most vain goddess around, but she was quite entranced by her own reflection this morning. Had to make a horrible impression on the people whose lives they were going to make a living immortal hell, didnโ€™t they?

Spinning to face Nemesis, Eris faux-gasped.
โ€œWhy, Nem, how could you forget? We may know how to do this whole goddess thing just fine, but weโ€™ve never caused chaos for any of these self-obsessed gods. Wouldnโ€™t it be simply divineโ€”wink winkโ€”to make them all miserable so they never mess with us when weโ€™re all grown up or whatever it is? You gotta admit, the thought is pretty tempting.โ€
She shrugged, a wide smirk spreading across her face. Heartless bitch she may be, but she was nothing if not dedicated to her craft.

It shouldโ€™ve been terrifying that chaos was her one true craft.

Eris perched on the edge of Nemesisโ€™s bed, folding her legs primly as she waited for her sister to get dressed. Unsurprisingly, even without truly planning it, they were dressed very similarly. Green was a lovely color on both of themโ€”they were sure to be the talk of campus.
โ€œLovely as always, my dear, your taste is unmatched, except perhaps by me.โ€
The suggestion of a genuine smile flashed across her face before she caught the sharp grin from her twin and mirrored it.

โ€œOh, dear, it simply wonโ€™t do for my twin sister to be pissed off. Shall we go make a point that no one makes Nemesis and Eris sleep on a shitty bed? Wonder who we could terrorize.โ€
Eris stood and tapped her chin, wandering over to the bedroom door and throwing it open.
โ€œIt seems weโ€™ll have to go outside to find someone to terrify into submission.โ€

The goddess of chaos swept into a curtsy and gestured outside the door.
โ€œAfter you, darling. Letโ€™s raise some hell.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Goddess of the Underworld
Hades walked up to the gates, she had spent the night before with her best friend. Well, she had really helped her best friend escape her overprotective mother to make sure that she came to school. Even with the fates ordering that every future god and goddess needed to come to this school, to learn how to rule for the future, Persephone's Mother didn't want the child she had carefully protected from the godly realm to be taken without her protection or rules. Hades wasn't about to go to this shit show without her girl. She just wasn't, so she made sure to get Perce out of that prison and swore that she wasn't going to leave her side. Not without a fight.

The shittest part of it all was that she was in different dorm rooms. A whole floor above her, but she won't let that stop her from picking her all the time, and even walking in when she needs her. She would do anything for her. As she looks out at the school, she thinks of her brothers who are also forced to be here. Zeus, because he's the future king of the gods. Honestly, all of the siblings had the future of rulers of their respective domains. Poseidon was to be the ruler of the seas, and she was to be the ruler of the underworld. Zeus was to be in charge of all of that, and ruler of the skies. Of course, her baby brother would get the most out of all of them. Not that she ever talked to him without being forced to.

It was the agreement between her father, Cronos, and her. She will take everything and bear the anger of him as long as he doesn't touch her brothers or her mother. She couldn't care less about her mother. The woman had no backbone, allowing her children to bear the anger of her husband while tending to them after the damage was already done. The only reason she included her mother in this deal, is because her brothers still loved and cared for her. She wouldn't let her own beliefs hurt them, she wouldn't let anything hurt them. She was the oldest, it was her job to bear the pain so they didn't have to. She snapped at her thoughts as her best friend called out for her. Hades turns to her softly, seeing the anxiety rise up in her. She quickly took her hand holding it softly. "Baby girl, there's nothing in this world that would keep me away from you. " She told her softly as she looked into her eyes.

"Dragul Meu, every morning before classes, I will be at your door to walk you to them. I will walk you to every class if you want me to. I'm only a shadow away baby. You'll get sick of seeing me so much, I swear to you." She said softly as she tried to reassure her that nothing could tear them apart. "How about we have another sleepover tonight? Hm? I get your favorite food and some movies, and we can get ready for classes in the morning together." She tells her softly as she tugs her into a hug, holding her close. Hades kissed the top of her head as she held her close. "I promise you, nothing is going to stop me from being by your side. "

outside the gates
happy slightly
coded by natasha.








  • home (filler tab)



The brunette could never tire of seeing that smiling grin that was always present on the goddess of joy's face that always gave Hera the hope she needed to keep pushing through. She is still baffled to a certain extent how such a young girl has been through so much can still muster and won't let it falter. Not even at the slightest. Hera proceeded with her agenda, she could hear the chatter behind her from the same blonde as she could practically hear the bounce and all the energy omitting with the chirp of her voice followed by the comments returned from Khaos. Her beautiful girls were two opposite sides of a coin but they were both special to her in their way. Whilst one was experiencing all the first-day excitement, her other was simply quiet, trying to keep to their inner circle which Hera could not blame her for. Hera made it a point to let her hang around when she does decide to move.

Looking at the sinking expressions of the girls she tried to uplift it with a smile of her own. Hopping onto Euphrosyne's comment she followed by a nod,
"Yes, definitely. There are no rules against sleepovers, how else are we going to continue our movie marathons if not?!"
the female exclaimed to make a point, covering Rosie's octave drops. With a raised, reassuring, and perfectly trimmed light brown eyebrow shot towards her blonde daughter,
"Good, because it is costly to get a replacement and they will come out of your savings if you lose them."
The mother could not help but let out a hearty giggle at the suggestion and bravado of talking through the walls before frowning at how she stopped upon realizing that she, herself, was over-talking,
"Now now, Rosie... if you do manage to successfully talk through walls do let me know! I am quite intrigued now... especially how the really big stick fits in, into all of this!"
she enthused her ideas, encouraging creativity to shine rather than shut down. Throughout this mini conversation, her palm did not leave Kay's hand, her glittering eyes looking through her daughter's for reassurance, knowing very well the internal spiral she sent herself through. Her thumb soothing her soft skin in support, easing the fact that she was never too far away when she needed her. Hera spoke more to anchor her back to reality,
"Kay, my gem, I am one call away. You can always stay in my room or I can come up to sleep with you as we do back home, okay? How does that sound?"
a soft smile assured Khaos that Hera would do anything for her, this was very minor compared to the lengths. Hera respected Khaos' silence and slowly stopped the conversation there to steer it somewhere else not to put more salt in the wound but she did not let go of her hand as a sign she was there if she needed to squeeze it to not let the chaos run through, run wild.

Upon providing them both with their keys and finished text, she shouldered her duffel bag on the opposite shoulder which was unoccupied as well, and took her luggage in hand, taking most of the weight so both Khaos and Rosie only had their carry-on to move which was rather easy considering they could roll it along the path. She knew that half of the current party was eager to start their ventures. Even if not, it would do Khaos good that Rosie drags her out and about at times. Hera always worries that the young female keeps to the confines of her room way too much. Hera was not one to pressure Kay. She knew she was her safe space, so she did not drag her out much unless it was needed or to go for small walks. It was not the first time the sisters went out together albeit rare. However, if Khaos did not want to explore and rather stay in her dorm, Hera was not going to pressure her (especially when she convinced her to return to the Godly realm. Hera has no other alternative as she was not going to leave anyone behind - she already made that mistake once, with her beloved Damian who still plagues her heart and mind). She will make it a point to join them later in the day. Hera loved family time. She always wants to unite them all at least every night for an hour or two (when possible).

She could hear a faint notification sound as well as her phone vibrating in her back pocket but she did not take any notice at that moment in time. Her main focus was to get the girls sorted into their dorms so that they would then be allowed to venture on their own, on-premises as per the stricken deal. Hera's favorite hobby was worrying about them and making sure they were okay. The boys did not worry her that much but the girls both have trouble grasping their powers and sometimes they need the right ambience. She trusted both Rosie and Khaos adventuring out alone, but their powers, not so much. Rosie has tendencies that when her allergies kick in, she sneezes and when she does her shifting usually kicks in, one second she is humane and the other she is an unattended balloon floating into the atmosphere. Hera cannot recollect the number of times Zephyrus had to haul her back down when the blonde ascended. On the other hand, Khaos was easily angered when unnecessary peer pressure was put on her which could lead into well... chaotic results that Hera would rather keep at bay for the young ones' sake more than anything. Not till they are worked on a bit more.

Circling back to the deal, she had agreed to let them run around a bit to get well acquainted with their new ambiance as well as she needed to. Coming back to the godly realm was something she surely wasn't looking forward to but upon her mother's request, she had no choice. Ever since she was made aware of her fate, it felt as if her leg was bound with a ball and chain. Mainly because it was well-written and not flexible, to say the least. As the trio started walking towards the building, her eyes scanned the area to check for the building she had been directed to earlier by the admission officer. A hum escaped those lips at the youngest's question,
"Well, I told him we could meet around dinner time, that way we can share our first meal! You know, nothing spells the first day like a good family meal or whatever they offer here in this fine establishment of course."

As she was about to progress forward yet again, she heard another couple of notification messages coming from her back pocket as her rear was vibrating now, halting her suitcase and placing one of the bags down, the female rested the leather purse on the suitcase so she could take out her phone from her back pocket. "Hold on for just a minute girls," she excused herself yet again before shouldering her bag so she could multi-task in carrying, walking, and replying at the same time. Hera's brain immediately dictates that it could be an emergency text whenever she hears multiple notifications going off in a short period. She could feel her chest tighetening but as her display brightened being unlocked by facial recognition, the knot slowly untangled in relief. The texts were from Zephyrus and Nyx. A smile danced on her lips as she messaged back her adopted son, 'I'm glad you settled! Great, dinner meet-up it is, then! Cu, Take care - Lots of love x.' The female was now a bit more relaxed knowing Zephy was settled in the day before and was out and about, which made one in line, three more including herself in the count that was left to settle. Oh, how she wanted to see him again. It had been a month or so since she saw him last before school started and Hera truly missed him and his quirkiness running around.

Hera's face shined as she read the texts from her best friend. Knowing he managed to make it and that she was to reunite with him for some catching up was well-needed, especially since they had a romantic past. Hera rarely confided in people that are not even her family. To a certain extent. Although she speaks with her children, she was never one to bother them with her sorrows and worries, she only wants them to get through life as best they could without her hidden scars. Only two people truly knew them, her best friends. Nyx was one of them alongside Gaia. The years ran deep within each friendship. In this regard, Hera was too absorbed with getting everything in order the past month, making sure all precautions were taken, and all documentation was ready when it came to Euphrosyne and Khaos.

A chuckle escaped her lips as she attempted a text with only her thumb whilst proceeding with Khaos in her other hand, ''Settling in the girls first - I saw we're roomies I cannot be more relieved. Are you free to catch some lunch later? x.' Okay, it was time to put the phone away back to where it was and finally focus on what was important. Getting into those dang dormitories. As the trio started to progress, Hera could hear various laughter, chattering, and discourse in the background but she could hear a particular call out coming closer and closer towards them.

With a swing of the head, she faced the source of the call whilst still motioning her party toward the direction of the dormitories, she noticed the familiar dark brown article of clothing that was snug to his chest. It was indeed quite familiar,
"M-my hat?"
she managed to mutter under her breath before the male reached the destination in front of the three females. As much as she adored that hat, due to focusing on the need to settle down, she almost forgot it and deemed it lost to the winds. As the stranger holding her hat slowly halted, her hazel and light blue gaze fell onto his chocolate brown one, scanning him briefly with a very subtle side smile before her gaze fell onto that grin of his. The same grin she was all too familiar with. One that usually breaks hearts.

It seemed the pair exchanged a few seconds of glances before his voice brought her back, silently swallowing she extended her hand to take the hat from the man's.
"Y-yes, indeed. I thought I deemed it lost,"
a grateful smile was now shining as she carefully placed it back where it belonged and she noticed the embroidered H which confirmed it was hers. Finally, the top of her head no longer felt naked, so to speak.
"The weather. You can never guess how abrupt it can be, am I right?"
she asked quite ironically accompanied by a soft chuckle before trying to lift the duffel bag yet again and at the same time needing an available hand to hold her hat in case the gust of wind decided to show up again. With a soft sigh she softened her features towards the male,
"While I owe you my gratitude, I don't suppose you could be a gentleman and aid me with one minor request?"
looking down at her rather decently sized and full bad looped on her arm and then back at him,
"Would you mind helping me in carrying our bag to one of our nearest dormitories, please? I can take it once I am less overhauled..."

She hoped he would not flip her off or decline but it would not be the end of the world, either way. However, if rescuing a lady's hat scored automatic points, just wait to see how many automatic points carrying a lady's bag to her dorm will score. Or will it?

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • home (filler tab)

Earned It

The Weeknd

As suspected, his sleeping beauty was quite taking his sweet ass time to wake up and start the day, much like his own self after all.
"What wonderous fantasy you were drifting off to, mate?"
He could not help but laugh as Phil muffled out something that made Eros open his mouth like a goldfish.
"I am gonna assume you said 'Okay Eros, I will be up' okay?"
he rallied before proceeding to get ready by raiding his best friend's closet and adorning his body into a rather vibrant outfit.

"My dorm is rather far away for me to do that, hon. I'd rather not,"
the blonde remarked as a matter of fact (even though it was legit across the hall in the same dorm - pause for dramatic effect) before getting hit with rather over-used boxer shorts. The fabric slid down his face, revealing a rather unamused love god who thought his time was best well spent in the bathroom getting his best asset ready and with that, whilst his friend made his way over their latest conquest's body, Eros exchanged a rolling-eyed look before disappearing into the bathroom. However, as he heard the last couple of sentences, he could not help but dip his head from the door frame,
"Ahh how I love when you declare me as such. Also, you can make all your best efforts to outdress me but you know you can't,"
a hint of teasing was laced in that comment as much as in his mind, it was quite true.

Knowing very well he and his best friend were quite head to head in their life-sworn commitment to bed the world, he still took his best efforts to revel in his victory of constantly one-upping the god of affection. Affection could only give you so much that desire can marvel in after all. Chuckling to himself as he faced his nearly perfect reflection in the mirror, earning himself a confident wink while leaning in over the sin. Scooping up a ball of gel with two slender fingers and running it under the tap to soften it, he could hear Philotes and his mumbling. Eros prioritized his now well-gelled, slicked hair style giving himself a chef's kiss,
"My my how handsome."

Deeming his physical attire and look perfect for the public's eyes, he leaned against the doorframe, shrugging off Phil's question,
"Not really, no. I think the lady can escort herself out."

He couldn't help but groan at how he folded the clothing as best as he could and placed them by her side. How caring it was, disgusting. Though it seemed that was the difference between Eros and Philotes. Aftercare. Understand what you understand by that word and meaning but Eros simply did not have the patience. It was partially one of the reasons why he did not sleep twice with the same partner. Usually, when he did, they started to expect more intimacy and little sweet nothings that make their hearts swoon. Eros only does that once, to get his conquest to bed, of course.

Opening the door to the hallways, he moseyed on and allowed his friend to follow suit, letting his friend close behind him before snorting out a laugh,
"Beats me, I know we picked her up from that shitty bar we decided to crash. For our sake, I hope not."

Curving his lips in thought he swung a hand over his mate's shoulder and started to direct them out of the building,
"I need something to eat my friend, I need sustenance after a night filled with my brilliant performances, don't you think?"
he chuckled, keeping his eyes peeled for any of his sisters. He needed to catch up with both of them. He hasn't seen the little brat, she has not made her way to his flat in the mortal realm in quite a while ever since their sister migrated to the mortal world. He would not admit it out loud but he did also miss Hedone...
"Who knows maybe we run into my beloved sister as well. I think both of them were bound to make their way here as well. Haven't happened to see them, right?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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God of the Sun
Apollo knew this day was going to be amazing. Artemis didn't think so, already hating it from the single fact that they weren't in the same dorm and were separated. Plus she was in a dorm with two males, and she hated every part of it. They had gotten here earlier in the day to grab their dorm assignments, and now they were heading up to Apollo's dorm room to drop his stuff in and help him move in. Before they went off and moved her stuff in. Luckily they were neighbors, so it wouldn't be hard. He was humming along to his favorite song, as her sister was scowling at everyone they walked past. If it wasn't for the fact that they looked alike, they wouldn't be taken for siblings. They were day and night, hence why their domains were the opposite of each other. He was the shining sun while she was the dark and cold night of the moon.

But Apollo wouldn't change his sister for a thing.

He loved her just as she was. The perfect sister in his eyes. Sure she was sometimes violent and cruel to others but to him, she was his best friend. Everything that they did, they did together, and he wouldn't have it any other way. "Hey, do you think our rooms are on the opposite walls?" He said as he hummed a little tune. "Like we could maybe punch a hole in the way and so we have a little window so we can talk to each other?" His sister just stared at him as they got to his dorm room. "Apollo, we can't damage school property." She told him rolling her eyes. "Cause we would get kick out, be living right back at the fucking hellhole we were at." She said as she just walks in the dorm without a care to the world. Apollo followed her. Heading to the last dorm, knowing his sister would rather be at the way back if she were to sleepover.

He looked at her as she talked to him, "I mean, we could just like hide with a poster?" He thought that if they did that, he could at least have his sister by his side in some way at night. They have never slept apart since the day that they were born, always in the same room. When he had nightmares for a month after they were taken away from their mother, she was in his bed comforting him. Apollo doesn't know how to survive without his sister and hopefully never will have to learn

He couldn't.

in his dorm room
coded by natasha.








  • home (filler tab)

Ocean Eyes

Billie Eillish

"Let me win?! NOO! That would not be a fair fight now, clownfish!"
earning himself a frown from the bubbly female as he finally did manage to catch up to her.
"There we go slow poke, even a sea slug is faster than you. Pftt... it's okay, brother dearest is also a portable trolley, right? Like those metal thingies on wheels!"
she proceeded, gesturing with her hands as if trying to form a car but gave up into jazz hands amid her sentence. With a sigh, she slowed down her pace in order not to worry him for now. He was right though, the more energy she exerted with her legs, the more her pendant drained and it risked going full fish in the middle of the courtyard. It was sweet how he cared for her and protected her. Amphitrite was known for her airheadedness sometimes... okay most times and many took advantage of that. It was thanks to good people like her brother and her best friend. Boy, she was glad her brother was here with her. It would have been so lonely if not. Especially since her dolphin could not be here with her.

Upon his reassurance of her outfit, the female's facial features slowly softened and relaxed, her freckles now no longer knotted together with her nose scrunch,
"You think?! Yes I thought so too... how can people stick to all those clothing on them... I can never. Even these sandals are giving me the itch and it's not just the lack of scales..."
involuntarily her fingers reached to a random patch of skin of her exposed thighs, scratching at it. Cutting their mesmerizing awe with the need to delve in, she made haste and grabbed his hand to speak with their first friend (Amphitrite loved making friends, the word stranger did not exist for her - back in the ocean all creatures were her friends so she figured it should be no different here after all). Having the half-siblings break the ice by taking a jab at his talking with the sky hysterics, it was a breath of fresh air that the male played along (or so she hoped).

Amphitrite was quite confused, yet intrigued as to how this stranger was quite mesmerized by a head topper (meaning hat) that happened to fall into his hands. Especially since the hat seemed rather feminine. Nonetheless, she was not going to be the one to comment, whatever made his boat float after all. Trying to decipher and translate the meaning behind the word 'uh', she grew even more confused. Her freckled nose scrunching. Did the crab bite his tongue or something? However, after his following question, the brunette noticed she may have not been clear but also, that was all she knew. She doubted Ate was going to be of help either as he was just as lost as she was after all. She was unsure how she was going to describe the start but at his suggestion, she clapped and pointed as if he hit the nail on the head,
"Yes! YES that. We just did so these dorm assignments sound like the next step,"
she trailed before she noticed the male get distracted by another event and Ate's comment, "Don't mind my brother, he can be a doofus. A doofus with a good point though,"

Return it... Aha so now the female hat made more sense in the man's hand. Amphy was not up to date with the trends of course but it was rather odd, the style did not suit him at all.
"Well...THANK YOU!"
she shouted after him to attempt to give her gratitude with a wave. Once the male with a black hat in his hand quickly darted off to wherever he urgently needed to be, she noticed the wide joker-like grin that was beaming on her brother's lips and so she playfully wacked him in the back of the head.
"Focus, clownfish. We need to get our coordinates right before stirring the pot. Rule number one, come on you know this. Lay of the land,"
she commented, her index finger pointed towards Ate's nose as if a mother was lecturing her son about what he should do or not do (only this mother was bound to break the rules first). Her eyes darted towards the building and pointed,
"Shall we get our 'dorm assignments'? I am starting to feel a bit faint so maybe I can sit for a little bit and get a refill... back in dorm later."
she muttered under her breath as she started walking towards the admissions building with Ate, toying with the small water bottle attached to her shorts that refilled her necklace.

Upon entering the building she gestured for Ate to move forward inside so he could do the talking with the receptionist so they could get their dorm assignments. Ate was much more familiar than she was with land people and their general slang and did not usually get the blank eyes she gets whenever she asks something. How the male answered her question before successfully she did not know but she must be doing something right at least. Leaning against the desk, she awaited her brother's conversation with the nice lady who seemed to be giving them keys, earning a small pout,
"Awhhh barnacles. We are not together, clownfish,"
she whimpered noticing the different dorm number tags attached to the keys. After noticing that, she pretty much zoned out, staring into the abyss of a corridor right behind the desk as Ate tried to charm their way into rooming together or at least closer. Amphitrite wasn't sure how her new roommates would react with a nereid living in the dorm either. She can always thump down on the floor in hopes he would hear her from above.

From her sudden zoning, she noticed a male in the distance. Two if she noticed correctly but one of them had a familiar set of brown curls and drooped over shoulders she would notice anywhere. Amphy's head and posture jolted upwards, her eyes squinting in hopes of seeing better detail.
she muttered under her breath,
"It can't be, can it?"
she asked herself as if expecting her brother or someone else to answer. The same brother who was probably talking to her but ended up zoning him out just briefly. For a second she thought she spotted her beloved dolphin. Her cherished friend. Amphitrite be damned, as the male looked out the window, she could see it. It was her Dolphin. It was the same look he gave the oceans when he looked beyond the horizon whenever he visited her beach. Only he seemed more depressed. The trapped nereid could understand the feeling.

Upon her realization, of the little energy she had left in her legs, she quickly jolted towards the corridor. Leaving Ate behind with his, correction, their registering, and dorm keys she simply skidded down the hallway, trying to dodge the few people that were now slowly crowding the hallway. At this point, she hoped it was not her imagination toying with her or that the person was someone who looked like him. After all, his being here would mean much more but at that point, it did not matter. Upon reaching a safe jumping distance to her target she leaped just barely as her own body collided against the male's back in an all-familiar piggyback ride assault she so loved to give, arms swinging around his neck, eyes closed in hopes she caught the right person,
"DOLPHIN! Please tell me this is you and not just my imagination."
she squealed from behind, briefly opening one eye to notice whether the male looked sideways enough for her to recognize.

Speaking of Ate though, she hoped he tagged along behind her. Oops.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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You would not believe you eyes, if i turned into a firefly fae
Academy Entrance
revalia revalia (Hera) AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (Zeus) & r e i r e i (Khaos)
As their mother began to gently comfort Khaos, Rosie skipped ahead slightly, allowing the pair to have their own private moment. She was worried about her sister, off course she was but Rosie knew given the chance that Khaos like herself would thrive here. She just needed to want to succeed. She glimpsed back at them and bit her lip as she thought ... and maybe a little push. Like it or not, Khaos was going to have to gain more confidence here and Rosie would be right beside her to ensure she did.

The bouncing blonde slowed her skip and fell back into line with them as Hera addressed them all again, she pouted her lips for a moment before nodding "Yeah that sounds perfect, hopefully they have nice food". It seemed that in the excitement of it all, Rosie had forgotten the deal of being able to venture out on their own until that exact moment, a grin played on her features as she already began her plans for the long period between now and dinner time, looking around as she decided on where to even start. Firstly, the bags dropped at the door ... then text Hebe.... so much to see and do and OH.

A familiar and unwanted tingle ran through her body electrifying her nervous system as the excitement within her seemed to hit its highest peak. She drew a quick breath as she clenched her fists trying to calm herself with methods that Hera had taught her like deep breaths and focusing on her breathing but unfortunately, Khaos had been right and through her excitement Euphrosyne had lost control. She sighed to herself before looking towards Hera with a look of panic and confusion, her mouth opened to call her name when a stranger approached them, taking them all by surprise and distracting Rosie from her current predicament.

Euphrosyne's eyebrow raised as she heard Hera stutter. In all her years of knowing her, Rosie had never once heard her mother sound unsure let alone stutter and the entire scenario confused the blonde as she looked between the man and her mother with a somewhat quizzical look before the penny seemed to dropped and a smirk took over her features, maybe this will be my new Dad She found herself beginning to hum the song Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen as she stepped forward closer to the stranger to introduce herself "Hi I'm Euphrosyne but everyone calls me Rosie and who are ....."


Sighing loudly, Rosie looked down at herself to figure out what she had changed into. She noted that her dress was still the same , she had arms and legs and was that .... wings... Her eyes lit up as she tried to get a better view of the luminescent Fae style wings she was now sporting and giggled delightedly as she made them flutter. The joy and laughter stopped instantly as she turned to realize that her mother, sister and the stranger were now giants compared to her as she stood at a mere approximate 6 inches. Taking a deep breath, Rosie put her focus into her new found form, slowly moving her wings as she began to slowly fly up towards them, a smile forming once again on her expression as she seemed to easily take control of this form.

If only she could do it on demand ...
My Fashion Sense is obviously better
Dorm 204/Outside
revalia revalia Eros (mentions Hedone izayoiix izayoiix )
Philotes bit his lip in thought but ultimately nodded as Eros commented on the girl being able to let herself out, he didn't feel it was the gentlemen thing to do but when he really thought about it, was any of what he did the gentleman thing to do, last night certainly was not but did he regret it? absolutely not and the smile that played on his lips from the thoughts of last night only confirmed this.

Looking at the girl one last time, Phil turned on his heels and followed his best friend out of the room closing it quietly behind him to as to not waken the girl. Scratching the back of his neck, a smirk played on his lips as the memories of the bar came crashing back to him "yeah I hope she doesn't either" he laughed easily "last night was definitely the way to start of college and make the dorms ours..." a thoughtful look played on his expression before a small frown played on his lips as he seemed to remember then that the pair were roommates "hey actually why did you crash in my room, yours was literally across the living room and" his voice raises an octave a little as he turns to face Eros "why my clothes" his tone filled with exasperation as his hands motioned towards Phil's clothes on Eros' body before he rolled his eyes and began to walk again, deciding to just shake it off.

A laugh bubbled in his throat as Phil shook his head "I think you mean my brilliant performances man, you were uh" Phil trailed off as his expression portrayed him to be deep in thought, trying to figure out the right word to use for Eros' hand in last night's antics. "uh you were...." biting his lip Phil trailed off once again as though failing to find the correct word, a mischievous glint shone in his eye but he kept his expression looking somewhat puzzled and thoughtful "just there" he gave a small shrug as he spoke, fighting the smirk threatening to play on his lips "at some points I even wondered if you were in the room, just unremarkable I guess" the smirk broke out on his lips as he spoke the last word unable to keep the amusement in any more, his tone finishing more light and playful than he had begun the critique of his best friend.

At the mention of Eros' little sister, Phil nodded as a soft smile played on his lips. Having known Eros since the pair were essentially in diapers meant that Phil had also known Hedone all of her life. He thought of her as a sister and had always treated her as such and so having not seen her in a while, Phil did honestly miss her, even if she could be an absolute pain in the ass but he supposed that's what younger siblings were for. Knowing that Hedone would potentially be here made it a little easier on Phil that his actual twin sister had run away and started a whole new life with her one great love. He was happy for her and all but he would have preferred her here with him.

"No no I haven't seen her yet but I'm sure if she is here we'll bump into her soon, this place isn't that big" he commented as they exited the dorm building, Phil pushed the door opening and walked outside first. Once out in the fresh air, Phil stopped walking, his eyes scanning the new comers arriving onto Campus before nudging Eros with an amused smile playing on his lips "Looks like a good enough talent pool" he muttered. "But food first then conquest" His voice were stern and it was obvious in using a word that Phil would never use, that he was warning Eros not to get too giddy and jump headfirst into seducing the newest pray on the campus at least until things were a little more settled, before he began walking in the direction he believed the canteen to be.









  • home (filler tab)


X Ambassadors

When he saw the reaction of the vampire, he couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle. It did not take his powers as the god of fear to know his friend was scared of the sunlight.
"Glad to grace me,"
the sarcastic remark left his lips as the female slumped back down on her bed as if she hadn't been startled awake. He leaned onto the side table barely resting, awaiting for Apate to orientate herself when it came to her surroundings. Arms crossed over his chest, watching intently at the confusion unfold.

Phobos raised an eyebrow as she was about to justify herself as if saying please go on before she gave him the right to their never spoken conversation. Phobos was not a man of many words but his actions and facial expressions (when present) speak wonders. As she proceeded he clicked his tongue,
"Sure. But this is the nicest way I could wake you,"
he stated before standing up yet again to sit beside her.
"Or would you rather I wake you up with a night terror, hmm?"
his expression rather serious, as two fingers rubbed against his chin before letting out a sigh, in return for her scold. The man cared about very few people. The daylighter, as he called her, was one of them.

The man narrowed his eyes at her before snatching the glass bottle from her hand as she told him to step out.
"Fine, but me and your friend here are both going out for you to change,"
he stated before using his arms to stand and sauntered away and out of the doorway to give her the privacy she had requested in the first place. He proceeded towards the shared kitchenette to empty the bottle of alcohol or what was left of it. Knowing very well the female wouldn't take much of his time, he knew he needed her to get out of bed and watch her out the door at the very least. Patiently, he leaned against the wall to the main area before proceeding to sit down as Medusa slid out from under his sleeve, he gently tapped her nose before gesturing for her to slide back in as the door opened.

"And the Daylighter emerges,"
he emphasized at her choice of dull clothing and light make-up to hide her hangover and lack of proper sleep. As she inquired about the day Phobos' only intent was to make sure she got up and ready for the day, nothing more than that.
"I am up this early to get you up and go meet Deimos. You on the other hand, are going to walk out this door and go around, make some new blood buddies or whatever you call being social these days,"
he stated as he slid up from his seat, heading to open the picklocked door for him to go through and her follow after.
"Do not even think of crawling back in there, my brother is right next to yours, I will know,"
an adamant tone was made sure to get the point across. Apate was like an adopted god-child to him. Ever since he had found her when she was younger, caught in the middle of a crossfire between two families (one side being his own), he couldn't help but acquire a nurturing bond with her. This was the best way to do that in his eyes.

Heading out of the dorm, he slid onto the next one and knocked briefly on Deimos' main door, intensifying the dark feeling of dread to make him aware that he was close. Feeding him the energy.
"Brother, I know you are in there. Come on, let's go have a look around. I can hear you sulking from here,"
he insisted as he stepped back to await his younger twin to emerge from behind the wooden door. He knew his brother feared being separated again, he did too. Phobos took it upon himself to protect his twin and make him feel like he always had someone on his side. Because he did, together they were unstoppable.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Goddess of the Moon
Artemis hated today. She hated every day but this day fucking sucked. First, she found out that she had to go to this stupid school to 'train' her powers, like what the fuck. She knew how to use them, isn't that all that matters but no. Then they also wanted them to learn how to lead, but she didn't want to lead. Well, she kinda already does with her group of women who followed her and protected the mortal world from harm. Other than that, she wanted nothing to do with the godly realm. Nothing at all.

Yet here she was.

Next, she found out that her brother was on a different floor from her dorm room. She was furious, Apollo got in enough trouble with her by his side. Now he's gonna be all fucking alone, and clueless on how to act. Then he will get into a fight accidentally, and Artemis will have to save his ass again. It was fucking annoying. Yet she did it every time because he was her twin brother and she would never let anyone hurt him on her watch. Never. Which is why she was at this stupid school, with these stupid gods, and now on the way to her brother's stupid ass dorm. She was lucky, she was roomed with all girls which solved her issue of dealing with males other than her brother.

Artemis hated males, and would never willingly go near them. Apollo knew it which is why he suggested that they come to his dorm room first, hearing that none of his other dormmates had come to get their keys, he suggested that they go to his first since he does have male roommates and she could avoid them. She didn't miss the hope in his voice, knowing him, he was just tired of healing the hurt boys who dared to even look at her, and apologizing on her behalf because she would not. Apollo then opens his mouth with the dumbass question that she heard him ask. . Hey, do you think our rooms are on the opposite walls? He looked at her as he spoke. Like we could maybe punch a hole in the way and so we have a little window so we can talk to each other?

"Apollo, we can't damage school property." She told him as they got to his dorm. Rolling her eyes. "Cause we would get kicked out, be living right back at the fucking hellhole we were at." Artemis adds as they walk to the back of the last dorm with his things. She might have not wanted to be here, but it was still better than getting ignored and hated on at that fucking hellhole. She swore one more time if she saw her brother getting hurt by being ignored and mistreated. She was going to hurt them all. Her brother then truly looked at her as they plopped down his things.

I mean, we could just like to hide with a poster? He said with a questioning look on his face.[/i] Artemis having enough of his stupidity, slapped him in the head. "Apollo, first of all. we are on two different floors. Floors you fucking clueless idiot. Meaning it would be a hole in your ceiling and my floor. " She said as she began to put up his things. Wanted to hurry things up. "Second of all, what part of damaging school property do you not understand? Plus I'm ninety percent sure that the three old bats who created this dumb fucking school, charmed it so even if someone would try to blow it up, it wouldn't be harmed. " She said as she looked at him.

"Seeing that we go to school with a bunch of fucking idiots. Who like to fight with each other. " She adds, as she shrugs. Done with this conversation. "We'll fucking have sleepovers, and whatever else you want to fucking do. I'm not going anywhere stupid. " She tells him as she knows that the reason he was so scared was that they have never been far from each other. Sharing a room, a bond of that kind either breaks you apart or brings you together. For them, it was a little bit of both but they both have issues with being separated and try to avoid it but she wasn't worried.

As he said, they were only a dorm apart. She can just jump down from the ceiling as well.

in apollo's dorm room
coded by natasha.
Protective Brother Mode Activated
Academy Entrance
Mystery sky man AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Bubbles revalia revalia & Dolphin izayoiix izayoiix (mentions Hedone)
A smirk played its way on Ate's lips at the mans obvious discomfort at his question, it wasn't one of his best lines by far but regardless it made its way under the man's skin and that was all he could hope for. The look his sister gave him didn't go unnoticed but Ate brushed it off, allowing it to go over his head and float away into nothingness, she surely should be used to his little jabs at people by now and if not, well, she would be soon. After all what was life without a little mischief and fun, especially if that fun came from another's expense.

As his sister spoke to the man to figure out how enrollment worked, Ate's eyes came to rest on the hat in the mans hand. He raised an eyebrow curiously as he looked him over "I don't know if that's really your color man" he commented, a small frown made its way onto his lips as the comment seemed to go unheard and the mystery man mumbled something about returning the hat before running off towards a group of three people ahead of them but the frown was quickly washed away as a grin found its way onto his expression, now that he knew this man was easy to annoy, Ate had found his first target for when he got bored.

A pain in the back of his head snapped him back to reality and he turned to face his sister while rubbing the back of his head "hey what was that for?" amusement laced his tone "ah you always have to stir the pot its testing the water as they say" an amused grin growing on his features as he wiggled his eyebrows.

As soon as she mentioned feeling faint, the amusement dropped from Ate's expression and a more serious one took over, a look that not many could provoke out of the God of Mischief, it wasn't until his sister came into the picture that Ate even realized he could feel this way for another person, sure he cared about his friends but they could all protect themselves and none of them were as innocent as the girl in front of him, Hedone in particular came to mind and Ate couldn't help but look around them, hoping she was here. It had been a while since he saw her and it would be nice to have his partner in crime back again.

Ate followed his sister towards the building, holding the door open for her to enter before approaching the desk to check them both in. With the keys and dorm assignments in his hand, Ate came back over to her with a small frown on his lips "yeah sorry bubbles but look I'm only just a call away and at least its all in the same building" he commented with the most soothing voice he could muster as he put his arm around her shoulders. "C'mon lets go check out your room first and then we can go see mine" he suggested gently but it was too late, Amphitrite had gone quiet and Ate knew that meant she was beginning to spiral.

As he thought about what to say, Amphitrite spoke again but this time quietly and Ate wasn't sure if it was too herself or to him. He raised an eyebrow and followed her line of sight to a boy standing down the hall. "What?" he asked as he looked back towards her confused, trying to figure out who could she possible know that was here? Without so much of a word, Amphy suddenly bolted down the corridor surprising Ate. He stood watching her for a second confused before he broke into a sprint after her, unlike his sister, Ate did not try to dodge people rather he ran through them, nothing was going to get his way.

"This is Dolphin?" he asked a little breathless as he came to a stop beside her, eyeing up the boy that she was now talking to.
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EW why is everyone so happy
Phobos // Ares revalia revalia
"Not by choice" she mumbled as she stopped beside him a small smirk made its way onto her lips but was quickly replaced by annoyance when he told her his plans. "You mean you woke me up and dragged me out of bed to ditch me?" she questioned incredulously, looking him over in the hopes that he was joking but it didn't take long for her to realize he was serious. She groaned annoyed before rolling her eyes and before she could stop it a faint hint of amusement played on her expression at his comment. "but i dont want to make friends" she muttered like a stubborn child "I have enough and I made some last night ...." she trailed off as the look on his expression meant that she had no real choice in the matter.

As Phobos stood, Apate looked around the living area and gasped when she noticed the now empty bottle of beer by the sink. "and you ... ugh" she huffed and crossed her arms but followed him obediently out the door of her apartment, stopping briefly to make sure she actually had her key before closing the door behind them.

She did think about going back in but the thought was slashed, just like her hopes of staying in bed all day, when she realized just how close Deimos' room was to hers, even if she waited around the corner for him to go in and then snuck back into her room she had no doubt he would come back over. Even when they were younger, Phobos always seemed to know what the Goddess of Deceit was up to and it was just as annoying now as it was back then but he meant well she just had to keep reminding herself of that.

"Fine, I'll go out and shrivel up in the day light" she muttered but her tone was a bit nicer now than it had been all day. "I'll see you later?" her words came out as a mix between a question and a statement before she left him standing at Deimos' door and continued down the corridor and towards the exit.

Walking outside Apate's lip curled into an unimpressed grimace at all the new arrivals running around excitedly on their first day at school. Rolling her eyes, she fought her way through the crowd towards the green space on the other side, she needed to get away from all their loudness and excitement. Her plan was to find some secluded part of the college to relax in and prepare herself to deal with the rest of the schools population.

As she walked onto the grass a familiar person caught her eye and a grin spread onto Apate's lips, changing her course to walk towards Ares. She had known he was at the college, granted the only reason Apate herself had come was because Ares and Enyo were but she hadn't expected to find him this easily. Her eyes scanned the area to spot Enyo but she wasn't in the immediate area, knowing her she was probably training somewhere else away from her brother, pushing her way through a hangover with physical endurance and cardio. Apate almost shuddered at the thought, she had no idea how the girl did it.

As she neared her friend she caught his annoyed statement and a playful smirk played on her lips as she quietened her footsteps "oh my god can you believe we're finally here its all so exciting" she squealed in the loudest, happiest voice she could muster that sounded nothing like her own tone, she nearly grimaced at her own voice but a laugh escaped her lips as Ares turned towards her. "Do you ever take a day off" she questioned as she came to a stop beside him and sat down on the grass.

"Its day one and I already am regretting this decision, I've been forced out of bed and its all just so..." she gestured around them "loud and chirpy" she rolled her eyes and groaned to show her annoyance at it all.

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Worried & Nostalgic
Harmonia AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (mentions Hera & Hebe revalia revalia )
The bustling of students and new arrivals was causing a very different scene to the one Nyx arrived to the day before and he couldn't help but smile as he watched excited gods and goddess' running around getting their bearings in the Academy. As he walked around, he kept his eyes pealed for familiar faces in particular those of a nervous red head or a busy brunette with two vastly different kids. They had all talked about going together especially to help Hera with getting the girls here but she had seemed determined to make it on her own, as did Gaia, saying something about taking the first step and being brave. He didn't think a little help was against their goals but ultimately it was decided that they would travel separately and meet up once everyone was settled in. After sending a text to both of them, Nyx continued his walk around the Campus, he had woken quite early that morning and decided to spend it getting to know the place he would be staying in.

His thoughts turned to his adopted god daughter of sorts, Hebe, as he was worried about how she was, no doubt still asleep after her night of partying but that wasn't what he was worried about. He really hoped that being at the Academy would help keep her busy and ultimately help her get over the breakup, even thinking about Helios ending it with Hebe caused anger to bubble up within him and he sighed as he shook his head. He wanted to text her but he had promised himself last night after he left her to settle in that he wouldn't be on full dad mode, that he would give her space. She knew where he was and would see each other often right now he knew she probably needed a bit of time by herself or with her friends.

His phone buzzed in his pocket snapping him from his thoughts and a grin took over his features as he read the text from Hera. "yeah so glad we're roomies, hopefully the others are nice I havn't met them yet! Yes lunch sounds like a plan, text when free! x"

Biting his lip Nyx's finger hoovered over Hebe's messages and he sighed again and he tried to decide what to do before eventually clicking into it "Hey, how you feeling today? Hera confirmed they've arrived so I say Rosie will be onto you soon, cya later x"

After pressing send on the message Nyx placed the phone back into his pocket before looking up a little confused by his surroundings before he noticed the Library right in front of him. Shrugging slightly to himself, Nyx decided to explore the room and see their selection, he hadn't read much in the last few years but he used to love reading, his mind drifted back to the collections of books his parents had at home and a smile took over his features the nostalgic feeling it gave.

Lost in his own thoughts, Nyx turned a corner and didn't see the person in front of him until it was too late. "Oh Im so sorry are you ok?" his tone soft as he looked at the girl he had just walked into. His eyes drifted towards the book her finger was on and he smiled softly "That's a great book" he commented.

Academy Grounds near Dorm Building
Hestia izayoiix izayoiix (Mentions Nyx & Hera revalia revalia )
Gaia stood outside the gate of the Academy just staring in at the school ahead of her, deeply regretting her decision to travel alone now as her eyes focused on the giant crowd of arriving students all around her. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath trying to calm her mind and beating heart, they are all probably as nervous, all worried, I have no need to be, I can do this.

Feeling a little calmer, Gaia opened her eyes and bit her lip as a more confident aura took over her. Shuffling her duffle bag more onto her shoulder, Gaia releasing a breath she grabbed the handle of her suitcase and began to walk again with her head held high, feigning the confidence that she wished she had within.

As she walked Gaia kept her eyes on the crowds around her hoping to spot someone she knew but in a crowd this big it was hard to spot anyone at all especailly particular people. Taking out her phone Gaia sent a message to both Hera and Nyx "Hey I've just arrived, hope you are settling in okay!! we meet later yeah?? xx"

Pushing the phone back into her pocket, Gaia headed towards the building that the majority of the crowd appeared to be moving towards, she wasn't normally a crowd follower preferring to go the opposite way in normal situations but in times like this when she had no idea what to do and she couldn't hide then it made the most sense to follow suit. Thankfully, following paid off as she stepped into the admissions building and was able to sign in and receive her dorm assignments and key.

After getting pretty detailed instructions on how to get to the dorm building from the lady at the desk, Gaia thanked her before rearranging her bags and stepping outside to find a spot where it was less crowded to actually look at her dorm assignments. She knew that she would meet the people when she arrived at the door but she didn't like surprises and so she felt it would comfort her in at least knowing the names of the people she would be living with for the next while.

Unfolding the paper, Gaia looked at the number 102 before reading the names of her roommates that were listed underneath, she bit her lip as she didn't recognize any name and sighed. She had refused to allow herself to believe that she would be sharing with Hera or Nyx but a part of her had been hoping she would. Distracted and a bit anxious now about meeting three new people Gaia failed to see the person running towards her only realizing too late when the person collided with her side almost knocking both of them onto the ground.

Gaia instinctively threw her arms out to catch the girl and steady her, dropping her bag and sheet of paper onto the floor without much thought "Oh god sorry are you ok?" she asked looking her over to make sure she wasn't hurt.









  • home (filler tab)

bruno mars

locked out of heaven

Sliding her phone back into her pocket, having just sent off yet another text to her brother, she sighed, looking up and down the hallway sheโ€™d found herself in. Her stupid brother (she loved him, donโ€™t mind her attitude this morning), was probably running around with his best friend Phil - who might as well be her other brother.

Idly, she wondered where her sister had gotten to, but she wasnโ€™t about to think too hard on that. Sheโ€™d find her eventually.

โ€˜Hey, dumb, are you with dumber? < 3
If youโ€™re not in the process of whoring yourself out, wanna meet up?โ€™

Hedone loved her family, truly, she did.

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she was about to keep making her way down the hall when the sound of jogging reached her and a somewhat familiar voice called out. She frowned, she knew that voice didnโ€™t she? It certainly sounded familiar, but she just couldnโ€™t place it.

Somewhat annoyed now, having already had to deal with the struggle of kicking out her subpar bedmate not long ago, and now she was being bothered in the middle of the hall? Why couldnโ€™t a girl just get some peace? Why was that so hard to achieve? Truly, she didnโ€™t think she was asking for much.

As much as she loved to spend her time in the company of another, every once in a while, a girl wanted to have some time alone with her thoughts. However, it seemed that that was not to happen today for Hedone.

She turned her head, hair falling as she moved despite her earlier efforts. Head tilted, she took in the figure before her, lips pursed in her usual pout only to have her eyes widen ever so slightly, her breath catching in her throat.

Hedone refused to look like she was a fool though, and quickly forced herself to gather her wits together. She had a reputation to protect after all. Quickly pulling her lips into a patented smirk, she cocked her hip and rested a hand against her bare skin, shifting her weight to the side.

โ€œWell well, what do we have here?โ€
she purred.
โ€œIโ€™d recognize that scruffy mop of hair anywhere.โ€
her smirk slowly began to morph into a small smile.

Despite her words, she was actually quite in awe. Sheโ€™d never thought sheโ€™d see her Dream Boy in the waking world. Theyโ€™d only ever managed to meet in her dreams, and honestly, a part of her had wondered if he wasnโ€™t just a figment of her imagination. After all, who else could be such a good lay but something made by her own subconscious.

Sheโ€™s the goddess of Pleasure. She had standards, after all.

โ€œDream Boy, as I live and breathโ€ฆโ€
Hedone tilted her head to the side, taking in the appearance of a very real god before her.
โ€œI am indeed. Seems youโ€™re just as immortal as I am. Itโ€™s a relief to know that there really is someone out there who can meet such high standards.โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
God of the Dawn
Eos could feel the headache coming. He could sense it like he could sense the dawn of light coming through the windows on campus. He knew that party wasn't the greatest of his ideas but he needed a way to chill. Especially since coming to this stupid school, means seeing the people that he would more than like to ignore for the rest of his godly life. He decided how else then to throw the most drunkest party he could. He found whoever he could to join. Even his dormmate, Hebe who like him had come to campus early. It took some convincing of course but she couldn't resist the drinks or the fun that was being offered. The last thing he remembered was talking to her at the party, and everything else was a blur.

He groans as he feels movement and the blanket tugging. "Darling, if you wanted to see me naked some more, you could have just asked." He flirts as he opens one eye to see of course the dormmate he was thinking about. It seems that they got along better than just drinking and talking. Eos of course, didn't care about his nakedness as he winked at her and rose from the bed. The blanket fell more, showing his toned abs, as he rubbed his eyes. "Fucking hangovers, totally going to see Morpheus about his friendly help this morning." He mumbles as he looks at her. Hebe looked freaked out, and honestly, it was kind of adorable if you were into that kind of thing. Which he wasn't.

Not anymore. Not since...them.

"Don't look so freaked out babe, this is your first one-night stand huh?" He tells her as he sees the shirt that she must have been trying to reach, and grabbed it and hands it to her with a smirk. "It doesn't need to mean shit, we just fucked. That is all. Doesn't need to be repeated." He tells her stretching his body, as he finds his boxers on the ground. Getting out of the bed and putting them on. "Unless you want it to happen again, then I'll be more than happy to oblige. " He adds looking at her with a wink. "Actually, I have an idea, how about you and me, another round, maybe with a shower involved?" He offers her with a smirk.

Eos was a flirt and a player. He used to have a heart but that was broken and smashed by them and it was never returning. Not if he could help it. He will never fall in love with anyone else again. "I could always go for another round with a beautiful woman like you." He told her with a wink as he awaited her answer. This will be fun. Especially since they share spaces.

Maybe this school wouldn't be too bad.

in his dorm
flirty as hell
Hebe revalia revalia
coded by natasha.








  • home (filler tab)



Startling out of his doze, Deimosโ€™ head jerked up at the sudden knocking on his door, followed by the familiar voice of his twin brother. What was Phobos doing by his room againโ€ฆ? Had they planned to meet up beforehand and he forgot?


Deimos wouldnโ€™t be surprised if he had forgotten plans that he and his twin had made. On his ownโ€ฆ.he didnโ€™t do too well when he had to remember plans on his own. He was lost without his brother, truly. This is why he hated being separated from him.

โ€œDamn itโ€ฆโ€
he muttered, head lolling to the side so he could see the front door to his dorm room. The knocking continued and he sighed.

Phobos was going to kill him.

โ€œIโ€™m coming, Iโ€™m comingโ€ฆ.โ€
he mumbled, but he doubted it carried across the room and to the other side of the door. Deimos really just had no energy today. He didnโ€™t know what it was, but everything was just taking so much more effort. All he did know, was that he didnโ€™t like it. He had enough problems to worry about without adding this sudden bout of lethargy into the equation.

With a low groan, the young god forced himself to move, rolling slightly to the side and using his arm to push himself up into more of a sitting position. With a - probably dramatic - heave, he managed to get to his feet, rocking forward as he regained his balance.

he grumbled as he took slow steps to the door. Thankfully it wasnโ€™t far and he was able to lean against the wall as he opened the blockade between him and his brother.
he murmured, head falling against the wall with a thud.
โ€œDid I forget something again?โ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

tom walker

wait for you

At the reassuring words of Hades, Persephone felt herself relax, though only slightly. She appreciated the words, and she didnโ€™t doubt that Hades planned to keep her promises, but everything was just so new and the blonde just wasnโ€™t sure how to handle everything.

She had managed to get used to changes happening recently, ever since the other goddess had entered her life. But it was different then. With those changes, once she had gotten to know Hades, she entered a new normal. Constantly sneaking off to see new and exciting places.

Before, her garden had been her constant, and now it was Hades. Persephone didnโ€™t think that the other would leave or abandon her, she wasnโ€™t that type of person. She justโ€ฆsheโ€™d gotten so used to having the other by her side, for her to now be separated for certain lengths of timeโ€ฆ

Persephone just didnโ€™t like it. It left her feeling nervous and insecure. Sheโ€™d never really had a chance to get to know other people, and while sheโ€™d gotten lucky with Hades, she was smart enough to know that not everyone was going to be as open or friendly as her friend was.

โ€œI knowโ€ฆI know, and I donโ€™t doubt you I justโ€ฆโ€
she trailed off, shrugging her shoulders weakly. Though she smiled at the thought of getting sick of seeing Hades.
โ€œI could never get sick of you.โ€
she laughed, leaning to the side to bump shoulders with the taller woman.

She perked up at the mention of a sleepover. Lifting her head, eyes wide with glee, the blonde couldnโ€™t contain her grin.
โ€œThat sounds perfect!โ€
she exclaimed as Hades pulled her into an embrace.

Instantly Persephone melted, bringing her arms up to wrap around the otherโ€™s middle, leaning her head against her chest.

โ€œThat sounds perfect.โ€
she murmured, relishing the feel of the kiss on her head. What would she do without Hades by her side?

โ€œNow, your dorm or mine?โ€
she asked, lifting her head so she could grin up at her best friend.

Not that Persephone really cared what others thought of her too much, but she didnโ€™t want to be blocking the walkway for too much longer if otherโ€™s needed to get through.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

dua lipa

blow your mind

Nemesis rolled her eyes playfully at her sister's words. The plan didn't sound half-bad and while she was kinda annoyed still, she had to admit that her sister had a way with words. And was definitely successful at getting her sister to consider sticking around. One might think the goddess of revenge was easy, but in fact, it was the opposite. She'd had thoughts of her own about stay, but hadn't been too sure if it was going to be worth it.

However, her sister was very much enamored with the idea, so who was she to disagree? It wasn't like she had any other plans that could take up their time.

"You may have a point,"
she sighed, shrugging on the green flannel that matched her sister's outfit. She knew Eris was teasing her with the comments about the bed, and yes, maybe it was stupid, but was it wrong for her to want to get a comfortable good night sleep? If she was going to be stuck wandering around some stupid Academy, she at least wanted to be rested.

she agreed. With one last fluff of her hair, she followed her twin out of her bedroom and into the main area of her dorm.
"Well, we both are known for our sense of style."
she remarked.
"We certainly know how to make a statement, that's for sure."
she smirked, striding through the living space with quick, purposeful steps.

Throwing open the door and making her way into the hallway, she waited for Eris to pass through before turning to lock the door behind her. Nemesis doubted anyone would be willing to try and steal from either of them, especially with the plans they were already cooking up for this school, but still. She'd rather play smarter than harder. Take out the middle man, the possibility, and all that. Looking down both ends of the hallway, she sighed, picking one direction and heading for the nearest staircase.

"How do you want to do this?"
she asked, mind racing as she thought of various possibilities.
"Nothing too easy, I think."
she offered.
"Don't want it to be as simple as taking candy from a baby. There's no fun in it then."

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

owl city

when can i see you again?

Having spent the last few hours wandering alone, Poseidon was most definitely confused at the sudden shout from behind him. Making to turn to see who was yelling what somewhat sounded like a particular nickname, he was unprepared for the sudden weight that attached itself to his back. Stumbling forward with a grunt, the brunette looked over his shoulder, confused.
"What the...?"
he mumbled, regaining his balance.

His hands had automatically shot up to grab the legs that wrapped themselves around his waist, feeling arms wind around his neck, thankfully not tight enough to try and cut off circulation. It took another second before he was secure enough in both balance and grip that allowed him to turn to properly look and see who was now hanging off him like a monkey.

he managed to get out, eyes wide with shock. He almost couldn't believe it! His Seashell, was she really here? Was she enrolled here? Would he really be able to see her whenever? Styx, he'd never wished for anything more than in this moment. If this was a dream, he didn't want to wake up.

"Y-yeah, it's me."
he stammered, clearing his throat.
"I can't believe you're here...!"
he laughed, a large grin quickly taking over his features.

Before Poseidon could even think to say anything else, the sound of footsteps running up to them distracted him. At the use of Seashell's nickname for him, the god tensed slightly. He didn't know who was before him and he wasn't sure how he should feel about how the other god was eyeing him. He didn't seem threatening, but he didn't want to risk anything. His grip on the girl clinging to his back tightened ever so slightly before relaxing again. While Poseidon liked to think that there wouldn't be a need for anything drastic, he...he was tense.

"I'd appreciate being called Poseidon,"
he introduced, voice light. The nickname sounded...wrong, coming from someone that wasn't his Seashell. That was something between the two of them, and he'd rather it not be passed around freely.
"And you are?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

grey zeigler


Nymphs and Gods above, Hestia loved chocolate! Her day had been going fantastic if anyone dared to ask! Not that they did, but that would also require the young goddess to stick around longer than a few seconds so she could actually talk to someone. But she didn't mind! She was a goddess on a mission, and while she wasn't currently a hundred percent sure on what that mission was, she was determined to complete it!

Nothing would stand in her way!

She'd woken a little later than normal this morning to the dryads having made her breakfast, breaking their rules about venturing into towns to buy supplies to make her something fancy. It was so sweet, Hestia almost cried. She didn't, not wanting to start a chain reaction among her make-shift family, but it was a close one! They managed to have a nice breakfast together, which included chocolate chip pancakes, which brought her back to her love of chocolate, in any form. Truly, it was ambrosia for her.

So clearly, her morning had been going great.

After breakfast, the dryads looked over her luggage one final time, before sending her off to the Academy. And off she went! Hestia had been a little hesitant at first about leaving her forest and attending school, but she'd managed to warm up to the idea fairly fast. So it was with a pep in her step that the brunette made her way through the godly plain and to Pantheon Academy, where she was now speeding through different courtyards and hallways, lost beyond belief.

Not that she cared though, she liked to think of it as exploring. She liked to get a head start on these things, after all.

Now here she was, managing to weave through the crowds at every corner with some skill. Until she turned one particular corner and ran smack into a red-haired goddess. A small grunt escaped her as she braced herself to hit the ground, only to feel arms reach out and catch her before she could get too far away. She exhaled slowly, a loud and exaggerated motion, as she cracked her eyes open, not having even realized she'd closed them.

Taking in the appearance of the woman before her, Hestia could only smile sheepishly at the older girl.
"Haha...shouldn't I be asking you that?"
she winced.
"Which uh...are you?"
she asked.

Straightening herself out, and hiking her bag up her shoulder so she was able to carry it easier, she scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.
"Sorry, I'm just very excited today! Normally my dodging abilities are better and I can avoid running over anyone..."
she explained.
"Oh! I'm Hestia by the way! Sorry again for running you over!"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

kings of leon

use somebody

Having spent the last night completely out of it, Eurus was most definitely hiding behind his sunglasses. Despite being a god, with amazing healing abilities, it seems that even they have a limit. Something that he's come to regret discovering. Of course, the party itself had been amazing, ten out of ten, would recommend. He'd lost track of some of it, due to how he never seemed to be able to let go of his drink, making sure his cup never ran dry. One might have thought he was a god of wine, but sadly - cause wouldn't that be wonderful? - he was not.

No, Eurus was the god of the eastern wind, eldest of the four cardinal wind brothers. Brothers that he hadn't seen in gods knew how many years. Yes, time passed differently for gods, but still. He wished he could know what had happened to his siblings. Despite appearances, he missed them constantly.

In fact, if you caught him in a truly honest mood, he might even admit to using the parties and alcohol to cover his pain from the past. Any other time, he'd laugh in your face and take another drink.

But that's all besides the point. Currently, the young god was standing in the middle of a courtyard, frowning at the attack on his eyes from the sun. Clearly, someone had it out for him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he scanned the crowds passing him by. While he'd been perfectly happy drowning his sorrows away, during his last trip to the godly realm he'd been informed of a school that was starting soon, one that was requiring attendance from gods and goddesses across the realms.

As someone searching for three gods, it seemed like a good lead to look into. Now that he was standing in the middle of it though...he was having some second thoughts.

"Or fourth...fifth...maybe sixth thoughts?"
he grumbled, taking another look around. In theory his plan had been sound, but seeing the sheer amount of future - current? - students wandering around was chipping away at his hope. He'd love to be proven wrong, but with his slowly fading hangover and nowhere to start looking for leads, Eurus was left up a creek without a paddle.

"And isn't that always great..."
he huffed.
"No time like the present I guess."
he sighed, straightening out from where he'd been leaning against a lamp light.
"Where to first...?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)


Natasha B.

As the morning sunlight streamed through the windows of Dorm 30, a bed-headed brunette stirred from her wonderous yet very dramatic dreams of how last night's telenovela had ended or at least how she wanted it to end. The room was adorned with subtle crystals hushed motifs and hints of opulence. Her bed, draped in ethereal fabrics, cradled her as she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a gaze that sparkled with amber fire that was about to unleash.

Pheme's awakening was accompanied by the soft whispers of morning winds that seemed to greet her with secrets of the day ahead. Despite the ordinary surroundings of a mortal dormitory, there was an air of regality about her. She rose from her attempted luxurious bed, each movement exuding a grace befitting a goddess such as herself.

In Pantheon Academy, Pheme enjoyed privileges that set her apart from other students. In true honesty, each student was immortal and each student was a goddess and god to their domain and she was looking forward to discovering a little bit about the area and the people. From the submissions yesterday she had already gathered intel about her new roommates and by the looks of it some carry strong emotions and mental capacities. The level of testosterone was not much so fights would turn catty real quick. She had gathered Charon who was a rather quiet, keep-to-himself kind of guy and quite into his music. Then there was Athena seemed quite bright but she sensed the female had a lot of built-up pressure inside. And lastly, a rowdy bombshell by the name of Enyo who not gonna lie Pheme was scared she would break in her hands. Truth be told she needed to keep all her roommates in her corner. A lackey, brains, and brawn... what more could a gossip goddess want?

Her room, unlike the others, bore subtle enchantments that ensured her privacy and comfort. The mirrors reflected her radiance flawlessly, and the air seemed to carry a hint of her favorite cherry-like fragrance.

Pheme's morning routine was a meticulous dance of self-adornment. She selected an ensemble befitting her status from an impeccably organized wardrobe adorned with vivacious colors and frills. Her eyes scanned all the pretty colors till they landed on a bulky short dress with royal blues, purples, and pinks that spoke to her. Pairing them with white knee-high boots and a royal blue small bag as well as the most eccentric pink shades, she moved towards the mirror to get herself ready for the spectacular day ahead. Going over to her small make-shift makeup station she reached for her feather-quilled brush and started to accentuate her eyes with a touch of light purple shimmer. Her hair, a cascade of luxurious waves, framed her face in a way that seemed almost orchestrated by her divine hands.

Pheme's privileged status already started extending towards this school as a faint knock could be heard at her front door. Thankfully she was ready to skedaddle away. Maneuvering out of her room she yelled out a big sing-song "Good morning roomies!" to those that remained there, be they awake or asleep, and went to open the door happily till she was greeted by a mousy look alike girl with a coffee cup in her hand and a plastic bag with a muffin inside. Amber eyes scanned the girl up and down before raising a side smirk,
"And you are?"

The female squeaked out, "Odessa, ma'am. We met yesterday. You said we could be friends so I thought I would bring you breakfast here!"

Pheme sighed dramatically,
"Us? Friends? Mayhaps but I only consider friends to those who get my coffee order right on the first TRY,"
the brunette swiped her hand and knocked the coffee cup out of the other's hand with the back of it, setting it splashes to the floor, as both girls jerked backward as the stains got the carpet and doorways.
"Though, that muffin looks sooo delicious so don't mind if I,"
Pheme proceeded to open the bag in her hand, took the chocolate muffin from the bag, and took a bite,
"... do."

With a grin, she stepped over the spill and closed the door to proceed out. As she started to prance down the corridor, she didn't even turn but spoke up,
"Oh, and honey, don't forget to tell the cleaners to make it shine again. I have a tendency to spill,"
she proceeded with an evil chuckle before slowly emerging from the elevator and out of the building, taking the last few pieces of her muffin and leaving Odessa by her room with nothing but a mere but.

After that tasty piece of goodness, she had a thirst for that cup of coffee. If only the squeaky little girl got it right. Who took their coffee as black as some people's souls?

Pheme shuddered at the taste before attempting to find the cafeteria and entering to find a barista or someone to order with but to no avail,
"Eugh, what does a girl have to do to get some coffee around here..."
she complained with an irked face before spotting the coffee machine. Taking her bejeweled purple thermos mug (cause gods forbid she had to use the same cups as the common folk), she placed it under the nozzle where the coffee would pour out. Taking a few steps back she cleared her throat and spoke in a clear tone,
"Latte Macchiato, freshly pressed with two sweeteners, please."

The brunette blinked as if nothing happened. How did this thing work? Isn't it voice-activated?

With a groan she stomped her feet and repeated the order a bit more louder but to no avail... nothing happened.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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