Video Games League Players?

Oh yeah,  I normally play aram and I'm gold v. I'm still bad tho xD
Singed in aram is sooo fun. That's where I learn how to play most of my champions 
Boosted bonobos >.>

Where the top lane mains? ;-;

my boyfriend is a hardcore toplane main. He's Irelia level 7, with over 100k on her, Shen level 6, with 56k, Naut, Maokai, lvl 5 with around 30k on them. Few random champions, but his true passion is always toplane. We have a good synergy since I'm jungle and can tell when he could use a gank. Or set up traps xD
my boyfriend is a hardcore toplane main. He's Irelia level 7, with over 100k on her, Shen level 6, with 56k, Naut, Maokai, lvl 5 with around 30k on them. Few random champions, but his true passion is always toplane. We have a good synergy since I'm jungle and can tell when he could use a gank. Or set up traps xD

You called?


That, my friend, is where you're wrong.

Top Lane is the land of the tormented. All top mains know and share the pain of their fellow. The three/four man ganks. The camps. The lonely farm lane. The terrible snowball matchup. And so much more.

We top mains may look strong and firm, but inside, we're all broken and dead. Our souls have been tainted by Hashinshin's salt. Our hearts broken by Dyrus retirement. Our minds ruined by ResidentSleepers. 

I once aimed to return to master tier, like my ADC and support main friends. Now, I aim not to get demoted to P5.
That, my friend, is where you're wrong.

Top Lane is the land of the tormented. All top mains know and share the pain of their fellow. The three/four man ganks. The camps. The lonely farm lane. The terrible snowball matchup. And so much more.

We top mains may look strong and firm, but inside, we're all broken and dead. Our souls have been tainted by Hashinshin's salt. Our hearts broken by Dyrus retirement. Our minds ruined by ResidentSleepers. 

I once aimed to return to master tier, like my ADC and support main friends. Now, I aim not to get demoted to P5.

;-; You poor soul. What did league do to you?
;-; You poor soul. What did league do to you?

It broke me, then fixed me. Then broke me again. And again. And again. 

Then tried to patch me up but failed. Now, I am imprisoned in league hell for the rest of my life league career, watching ex semi pros play like boosted monkeys while being in high elo, and dreaming that I could do the same by sending Riot tons of hate mail.
But hey, at least we finally got replays. Only a few more years until sandbox and increased IP gains, hang in there.
It broke me, then fixed me. Then broke me again. And again. And again. 

Then tried to patch me up but failed. Now, I am imprisoned in league hell for the rest of my life league career, watching ex semi pros play like boosted monkeys while being in high elo, and dreaming that I could do the same by sending Riot tons of hate mail.

I know the feel. It's why I quit for 8 months,but like addiction..I always come back. :P  Just itching to +6 people atm. Well sort of..I lost a lot of motivation after Mercurial was buffed and my wither became worst of all time
I know the feel. It's why I quit for 8 months,but like addiction..I always come back. :P  Just itching to +6 people atm. Well sort of..I lost a lot of motivation after Mercurial was buffed and my wither became worst of all time

Nasus is trash tier, though. You're better off playing ekko if you want to be sticky. Kennen if you want to teamfight. Jayce/Riven if you want to oneshot.
I know the feel. It's why I quit for 8 months,but like addiction..I always come back. :P  Just itching to +6 people atm. Well sort of..I lost a lot of motivation after Mercurial was buffed and my wither became worst of all time

As an ADC main, your complaints delight me.
Nasus is trash tier, though. You're better off playing ekko if you want to be sticky. Kennen if you want to teamfight. Jayce/Riven if you want to oneshot.

Nah man, I go old school regardless of the meta. I prefer a good game of farming and becoming a beast if I can get my rot,gauntlet, and hp item. :P  

As an ADC main, your complaints delight me.

I mean...most adc's don't know how to use mercurial correctly. But yea feelsbadman
As an ADC main, your complaints delight me.

As a Rengar main, you intrigue me.

Nah man, I go old school regardless of the meta. I prefer a good game of farming and becoming a beast if I can get my rot,gauntlet, and hp item. :P  

Lol, if only you could get close to the carries without getting your health chunked down or dying, I would have played Nasus too. But for me, he's gotten stale. I need more LC$B!GPLAY$. More Adrenaline rushes. 

So I play Renekton and make the enemy top laner quit. Or play Rengar and stop a carry or two from playing League of Legends.
As a Rengar main, you intrigue me.

Lol, if only you could get close to the carries without getting your health chunked down or dying, I would have played Nasus too. But for me, he's gotten stale. I need more LC$B!GPLAY$. More Adrenaline rushes. 

So I play Renekton and make the enemy top laner quit. Or play Rengar and stop a carry or two from playing League of Legends.

Rengar is actually one of my favorites,but I didn't have the patience to learn how to ebola correctly. :P  Nightblue really showed me what a beast he is and ryan choi was the streamer who inspired me to play him in the first place. quadra DOLAN BLADES. But alas, I never got the hang of him and now his upcoming rework looks bad. They totally changed him from a phantom dancer to ad/cdr burst as of now on the pbe.

But yea, I get no better satisfaction than chaining my wither with a some other form of cc like an ali combo, then switching targets to the enemy mage and wrecking them. Nothing feels better than having all tank items, but still smacking bitches for 700 damage at 20 minutes. 300 cs by 20....the dream. That's my adrenaline rush.

Personally I'm an ass of a player. I play things like rot udyr and garen. Spamming emotes, pushing all day. Healing up and splitting again. 500 movement speed and infinite siege without a 4 man gank. 

My only other real mains were xin,j4 and wuking. While the king still is relevant with damage, my other baes come and go. Lat time I checked j4 sucked unless you played a hydra build and xin was broken only if you were a pro or had the old devourer.
Rengar is actually one of my favorites,but I didn't have the patience to learn how to ebola correctly. :P  Nightblue really showed me what a beast he is and ryan choi was the streamer who inspired me to play him in the first place. quadra DOLAN BLADES. But alas, I never got the hang of him and now his upcoming rework looks bad. They totally changed him from a phantom dancer to ad/cdr burst as of now on the pbe.

He's always been a burst champion. Besides, 2.4 AD ratio on Empowered Q is not that bad. Also the ult seems to have a pretty playable mechanic. Will have to see what pushes through, though.

But yea, I get no better satisfaction than chaining my wither with a some other form of cc like an ali combo, then switching targets to the enemy mage and wrecking them. Nothing feels better than having all tank items, but still smacking bitches for 700 damage at 20 minutes. 300 cs by 20....the dream. That's my adrenaline rush.

400 CS at 20 mins should be your goal. It's the average Nasus main's CS. Of course, that is if he gets unrivaled farm.

Personally I'm an ass of a player. I play things like rot udyr and garen. Spamming emotes, pushing all day. Healing up and splitting again. 500 movement speed and infinite siege without a 4 man gank. 

I just spam laugh and mastery emote to make the enemy tilt. Then, I proceed to wreck them in lane continuously until I snowball so hard that I can handle 4 man ganks. If I fail, then I tilt and lose the game.

My only other real mains were xin,j4 and wuking. While the king still is relevant with damage, my other baes come and go. Lat time I checked j4 sucked unless you played a hydra build and xin was broken only if you were a pro or had the old devourer.

J4 is good at full ad, decent at semi tanky/bruiser. It all relies on player skill whether you hit skills shots, time properly, etc. Xin is still strong, you just need to time your fights right, cause he's an all in champion with no escapes.

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