Video Games League Players?

He's always been a burst champion. Besides, 2.4 AD ratio on Empowered Q is not that bad. Also the ult seems to have a pretty playable mechanic. Will have to see what pushes through, though.

I dunno, we'll see. I think crit damage with autos is more reliable in between cooldowns,but maybe this lunge mechanic might be good for him along with the scaling. The difference is I've seen so many games of shiv,pd on youtube that it saddens me that might not be viable anymore. Or maybe it will be and he'll still do comparable damage since the scaling is so high. I dunno, haven't crunched the numbers.

The new empowered 2 though, it will either get nerfed to .1 second or be god tier if timed right.

400 CS at 20 mins should be your goal. It's the average Nasus main's CS. Of course, that is if he gets unrivaled farm.

Haha I know,but my best was like 285. So I'm still shooting for 300.

I just spam laugh and mastery emote to make the enemy tilt. Then, I proceed to wreck them in lane continuously until I snowball so hard that I can handle 4 man ganks. If I fail, then I tilt and lose the game.

I do the same,but the best feeling ever is when they're chasing you and you still have time to ey ey ey ey ey ey ey ey, as garen. :P  The funniest shit ever, I've had people blow 4 ults(a grag and zed too) and I just q'd out of range again. Healed to full and began pushing again.

J4 is good at full ad, decent at semi tanky/bruiser. It all relies on player skill whether you hit skills shots, time properly, etc. Xin is still strong, you just need to time your fights right, cause he's an all in champion with no escapes.

I know, j4 is still good champion. But I feel like there's several others who do more damage and are easier to play. Rengar and zed come to mind. Sure they're not tanky,but they do a better job of bursting and have better presence when played right. he just don't does anything spectacular.  Xin's the same way,but I still mained him anyways. I know he's about timing,but I feel like if I really wanted to climb. Going zed would have been better.

These two champs are not awful. There's easier options with more play potential after blowing their load. 

Oh I love League!
I don't play so much anymore, though, thanks to college.


I started playing back in Season 2 and got to Diamond, maining midlane. I stopped playing in season 3, only to come back late season 3 and early season 4 while completely forgetting EVERYTHING, including my first account. So I made a new one and then that one got wrongly banned when the whole "SCRIPTERRRS" scene in season 5. So now I have my third account at a comfortable Plat 3, nearing the end of season 6.

I primarily play adc now, since I've played all the champs to the point of boring myself to death and only finding real joy in Jinx. I have probably 2000 games on her alone, and have played her since her release. God I miss how strong she was, but I'm comfortable with her right now. I do also like Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, and Lucian.


When not playing adc, I do enjoy my old main, Vladimir.

I also really enjoy Ahri, Syndra, Anivia, Zed, Nidalee, Sejuani, Elise, Twisted Fate, Graves, Gnar, Lissandra, Lulu, and Sona.


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NA ADC/Support main here. I'm unranked tho'

IGN: Dr Chemo
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Just a support main who seriously loves to play Poppy... She's a good support. I swear. *Shifty eyes*

The new Star Guardian Skin lineup made me squeal and forget all about Lolipoppy xD
I haven't played League in such a long time, that I've forgotten my login details. xD  

Just a support main who seriously loves to play Poppy... She's a good support. I swear. *Shifty eyes*

The new Star Guardian Skin lineup made me squeal and forget all about Lolipoppy xD

I used to play 'Support' Annie/Leblanc xD  
OCE lvl 6 Zilean main here~ It surprises me how little there are of people who play Zilean. Like seriously, I love the bastard, he's versatile and absolutely great. He's pretty much one of the only champions I really enjoy and feel comfortable playing, and I never, ever get sick of him.

I also play Soraka supp (my original main), and if I'm pushed to, Lulu supp. I will also take Zilean or Veigar mid. Otherwise Zilean or Lulu top. For adcs, I'd go Kog'Maw or Ashe (but they nerfed Kog and it makes me want to cry, he's pretty much useless now without amazing peel ;-; ). I don't jungle. I never learned to and although I'm lvl 30 unranked, I'm kinda too scared to try now. q-q But I kinda want to be a scrub and learn to play Ivern even though everyone hates him hehe.

I also hate playing any melee champions. I like the kit on say, Aatrox, but I've always been so hesitant to initiate as a melee champion that I end up sticking to ranged champs. All in all I freaking love League and Zilean is my spirit animal. xD  He makes the game worth it for me, lol.
OCE lvl 6 Zilean main here~ It surprises me how little there are of people who play Zilean. Like seriously, I love the bastard, he's versatile and absolutely great. He's pretty much one of the only champions I really enjoy and feel comfortable playing, and I never, ever get sick of him.

I also play Soraka supp (my original main), and if I'm pushed to, Lulu supp. I will also take Zilean or Veigar mid. Otherwise Zilean or Lulu top. For adcs, I'd go Kog'Maw or Ashe (but they nerfed Kog and it makes me want to cry, he's pretty much useless now without amazing peel ;-; ). I don't jungle. I never learned to and although I'm lvl 30 unranked, I'm kinda too scared to try now. q-q But I kinda want to be a scrub and learn to play Ivern even though everyone hates him hehe.

I also hate playing any melee champions. I like the kit on say, Aatrox, but I've always been so hesitant to initiate as a melee champion that I end up sticking to ranged champs. All in all I freaking love League and Zilean is my spirit animal. xD  He makes the game worth it for me, lol.

Not many skarners nowadays, I think.  I never see ol' scorpy in any gameplays.  
This is probably gonna trigger some people but... guys... I got a level 6 Token on Aatrox. I WENT AP. 
Level 30 Unranked NA player, and I've been playing more often recently. Lvl7mage is my screen name, I main Braum, but enjoy unconventional characters like Urgot and Shaco - whether or not I'm good with them.
I haven't played League in such a long time, that I've forgotten my login details. xD  

I used to play 'Support' Annie/Leblanc xD  

Don't sleep on that Annie Support. The stun and poke will trip you up, I swear.

If you ever remember your login stuff, come invite me to a game. Name's Alonsolen on NA. I've recently started playing Anivia + Poppy duo bottom and it's the stupidest thing ever. Without a good escape, the wall + charge will end you quickly.
ah, League of Legends, the game with the best community by far (cookies for anyone understanding that reference!)

I started playing when Thresh came out, I think. I wanted to main AD Carry, but my friends happened, who played the game longer than I did and I had to play support. I'm a kick-ass Bard and Nami, tho. playing support was awesome, even better when you have good ADC in your team. 

I've reached only plat V this season, nothing higher because of the work during vacation and university right now, sigh. 

aaand I doubt anyone here plays on EUNE, but if you do, hit me up 8)
Unranked EUW Player here

Ign: Phayne

Main Role: Support

Decent everywhere else with certain champs

Main Champs: Lvl 7 Blitz / Lvl 7 Thresh / Lvl 6 Zilean / Lvl 6 Bard / Lvl 6 Leona.
Unranked Euw player here aswell!

Ign: FirePenDiscPan

Main Role: Support or ADC

No matter what lane I get, I still suck at everything (especially Jungle)

I don't play too much on SR, but more on ARAM or on a 3v3 map :3

If anyone just wants to play for fun (please no regerino materino), feel free to add me and chat with me o/
NA Player. Formally Gold 3 back in Season 3, now unranked due to the fact that solo que is absolute hell now, but I still enjoy the game in unranked. :D

Main Jungle and Support, mainly playing Zac/Noc and Leona/Lux, but I can decently play all roles if need be.

New assassin update made Zed and Talon so hard to fight against. ;-;
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Hullo. I'm an Unranked player, mainly because I have no time to take the game very seriously. I enjoy playing Top bruisy-tank Champions, although Tryndamere has had my attention for a while. 
Two accounts because I had a low level friend and she hated playing with us and not being able to learn because we always got placed against higher leveled people.  BOTH ON NA :C

Main one- Unranked because I hated how serious all my friends got in those matches (Mostly played with Gold-Plat ranker. One was a Diamond and we did a lot of ADC/Supp together in Norms)

Lulu main everywhere! Used to be super good as machine gun lulu top. . Took a break now I suck as her there.  Jungle lulu was the most fun I ever had.  Support lulu tends to take kills, but I find she works best with Draven.  Mid lulu was alright.  Adc lulu was hell every time I tried, but with a good sona support we ruled. 

Donger- Donger mid what can I say.  He is bae.

I did Blitz for awhile, got pretty good then lulu took over my life once again.

Top Shyvana was another favorite of mine.

ADC as MF if need be

Just lulu is my favorite if you can't tell.

New Account- Only level 16 using this account more because I am trash now since I haven't played in over a year.  

LOTS OF mid and support Morgana. (If you can't tell support is my favorite :D)

Top Sion is bunches of fun. I tend to not engage until late, but poke them down with my E by shooting minions at them. If there is two champs top(which happens in low level games) It is really fun when a good jungler pokes early and we kill them after they try to bully me.  

Mid Lux is fun, haven't done much of her lately probably suck as her.  

Currently in the process of learning ADC Cait and Top Nid (Have only done this once, I rock as ARAM NID THOUGH THAT COUNTS RIGHT)

I absolutely hate jungle because I suck at it. It takes a good player to jungle right. I even had a good teacher, it just isn't for me.  Might try to learn Nid top better and then try jungle. ^.^

Still learning the new updates, since like I said I stopped playing for a year= Metrash

If you want to play with me here is the summoner name for my account I use more, just add me and message me!  

 Summoner name: Happycupcaketutu  (Stupidest name ever :D  But I was apart of a cupcake clan when I made this and we all had similar names so it wasn't so bad then)

Sorry there is so much, I just love league and when I started writing I couldn't stop xD
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