Video Games League Players?

you remind me of my friends who are in plat and diamond

they carry my boosted ass in games (playing with them is both fun and punishing)

i'm usually fucked if i'm in a solo lane. :')

"it's fine you'll do ok mid"

"/gets matched against a d1. fuck y'all"
you remind me of my friends who are in plat and diamond

they carry my boosted ass in games (playing with them is both fun and punishing)

i'm usually fucked if i'm in a solo lane. :')

"it's fine you'll do ok mid"

"/gets matched against a d1. fuck y'all"

Haha well rest assured, I am no diamond. Back when I had internet at home early in season 6, I got to gold and then quit because of how stressful it was. I lost two friends due to league salt. :P  well they were new friends,but friends nonetheless
i'm unranked, but I'd probably be around silver at most.

bronze 5 at worst but nobody has to know if I don't go through my 10 games :^)
Haha well I was like that for the first few thousand games, only playing blinds and norm draft. But eventually I had a craving to prove I was hot shit.
Yes! My brother plays as Jinx and blitz(blitzcrank) it's funny because a lot of people don't expect a girl to adore games like baby animals XD. I'm not really girly... luckily!

That is my favourite skin

They need to make one of tom kench, who's with me?
Lissandra top lane, all day all day~

Well...except when I Sona Sup. 

I'm also partial to ADC Kalista. 
Lissandra top lane, all day all day~

Well...except when I Sona Sup. 

I'm also partial to ADC Kalista. 

Rip Kalista. They neglected her so much they literally broke her entire passive.

I really, really don't want the LeCancer rework. Or any Fizz buffs. Or Zed buffs. Or buffing anything that will buttsex botlane even more.
Pls no, I played Nasus once and it was the most boring game I ever had. We won, but I just felt... empty.

I would like to try for Gold but I never have time to play with all these exams coming up. Oh well, Victorious Maokai is no big loss anyway.
Pls no, I played Nasus once and it was the most boring game I ever had. We won, but I just felt... empty.

I would like to try for Gold but I never have time to play with all these exams coming up. Oh well, Victorious Maokai is no big loss anyway.

Being an unstoppable tank who can walk to a riven, take her combo and then smack her for half her hp. What more do you need....?
Being an unstoppable tank who can walk to a riven, take her combo and then smack her for half her hp. What more do you need....?

Implying anyone in silver can even play riven properly

Then again, I'm a hypocrite cuz i main annie
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Yo, I play on NA servers. I also have a pbe account if you guys wanna play on there sometimes 

NA account;  Swift Ninja Ace

PBE;  Acethekidd 

Roles by order;  best to worst 






Jungle champs ; volibear,skarner,  reksai , kindred , hec.Sometimes I'll play rango, rumble, malph, chogath

Top lane; kennen, malp, cho, teemo, gnar,maokai, played keld once, zac,  sometimes fizz and nasus

Mid lane; galio, vel,  veigar, Aurlion sol [ i know i slept ]Sometimes I'll play anvia,  azir, and fizz . Although I such with them..and Annie to

Support;  annie, zac , tham kench,  treash  [I suck with him lol ], sometimes vel, brand, veigar. I use to play a l lux and lulu alot 

ADC; Twitch and kog. At times kindred 

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