Video Games League Players?

Oh yay!

IGN: Twiggered

Mains: I fluctuate between that's why I don't have any lv6 or 7s... but currently Sion! 

S5: Silver5

S6: Bronze2

*No attempt to seriously climb...I'm more of a casual gamer.

Mastery: Lv5 Draven!!! (Love playing draven, but stopped playing him cause I switched to top.) Lv5 Vlad!! 

History:  Used to play a one trick teemo until about lv20, then started playing other champions. Used to play a lot of pre-reworked graves and used to hate support.
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I'm so bad at league :,)

Silver 5 0 LP on the verge of getting demoted...

Worst part is that I'm a support main 

I really really REALLY love Nami so xD  

I really really REALLY want to improve as a support, too :3
^-^ Hey everyone!

I play league but i'm

I main Twisted Fate and Katarina

my Primary rn is Mid

Secondary is ADC

Barely Senpai is my summoner name, I'd love to play with you guys sometime x)
I'm so bad at league :,)

Silver 5 0 LP on the verge of getting demoted...

Worst part is that I'm a support main 

I really really REALLY love Nami so xD  

I really really REALLY want to improve as a support, too :3

Support is the hardest role to rank up with *is support main too*

simply because you rely on your team the most and have the least carry potential of all the roles
Karma, Karma is the hidden freelo support that can carry games. 

OK: Just earlier:



Spirit Visage


Frost Queens 

Protobelt (unfinished) 

Mikaels Crucible

This build make Karma unkillable. The only times i died during that game was early game, or it was a 5 man ambush. 


Mantra W practically heals you back to full health, and give a snare. If people are chasing you, then throw out a mantra w and u get free health. 

Her E is a shield and a movement speed boost. By the time you get 40% CDR, you can continously use the shield with a 1-2 sec cooldown. Its not really one second but the gap between when the shield is up and the cooldown time gets really short. 

Q: Q slows the enemy, nothing more said. 

More Slows: Frost Queens are a free slow on a couple of people, and i ran exhaust.

Karma has so many kiting skills and her moveset is designed to be the god of utility. 

Ways Karma can help in team fights: 

E people who are going in,

W important targets, 

Go for the enemy carry. By late game you would be very tanky and Mantra Q (or regular Q) has a lot of damage regardless, so you can take chunks off of their health. 

Regrets: Getting caught out ALOT. like alot. 

Buying Mikaels Crucible. I dont think its best for this build but it did help save some of my fellow teammates. Considering swapping it out for rylais for MORE SLOWS.
Zyra can, brand can, but they can get bursted down really really easy.

They are squishy. 

Thresh and leona can do damage, but they dont have the sustained damage, So what if you land a q and e and r, they can escape. But with Karma, not a chance. 

She has a projectile with a pretty good hitbox that slows them by 25%, 50% with mantra. With 3 items (that have CDR), its on a 3 second cooldown, enough time to continuously use it.

Her W tethers the enemy, and allows  Karma to catch up to the fleeing champion. 

Her E, in combination with her Q, allows her to be very very persistent when she is chasing champions.  Active for 4 sec: CD with CDR: About 5.4 seconds. 

And her passive, dont get me started on that passive...That is the reason why she can spam so many Qs and her E is on a 2 second CD. 

Karma can get bursted early game, but once she gets Visage and Iceborn, she can take a blitzhook, a nidalee spear and still live to kill them both. 

Well, how exactly does one kill with karma?

Combo #1 E, W, Q: The E gives the movement boost to get in range for the W. If someone CCs you, then back off and wait for the opportunity. Now, if u land ur W, which is a point and it shouldnt be that hard, you Q them. This provides a slow so that the enemy cant get out of the tether easily. Rinse and repeat. Now, this will not work if the champion flashes away from the W. If that happens, dont commit.  I also run ghost on karma now because it gives her more sticking power. 

Combo#2: Mantra Q, W (Follow up) Ignite if necessary: Mantra Q with Ignite can kill people with 1/4th health. It is that potent,(unless they have a significant amount of MR.) I usually do it when they are right in front of me, but it can be whiffed and isnt as "safe" as the W approach. Mantra Q also has a bigger hitbox than the regular Q, so you can land it off of minions if the opponent is hugging their minions. It works because the opponent wont run away when u Q them instantly. They wont know its coming. You can also do W, Mantra Q.  

How do you defend as Karma? 

If someone jumps you, like a fed rengar, theres probably a chance that you would die instantly...BUT

E and Mantra W are lifesavers. They can save ur life...well, i think rengar is a bad example. 

Lets say some champion attacks you aggressively and ur taking a lot of damage. 

Defensive Option #1: Mantra W, E, Q. E, Q.: Mantra W, with Spirit Visage, give almost all of ur hp back if u succeed in tethering the person. Now, a good enemy would start to walk away from you if they are tethered. This can be tricky because sometimes the chain breaks, and the enemy backs off. If ur low, thats good, good for you, but if you want to trade with them then you have to kinda do some tricky stuff. You have to anticipate when they decide to back off and then follow them. 

Lvl 30, NA player here! Tho, I also have an EUW account from which I forgot my password for. Unranked, 'cause I'm boosted. Thinking of starting this season, tho. Just gotta practice a little. And probably pick a lane. 

I like playing Lulu, Amumu, Nami, Heimerdinger (DONGERS!)... Bard is one of my favourites as well, but I'm not any good with him. He is tricky. Same goes for Shaco. 

AD Lulu gives me life and triggers my opponents. <3 
Your IGN???

I'm actually free to play today (in the afternoom) but might suffer some ping spikes...depending on who's using the internet.
IGN is SpippeyForTheWin.

Gold V 0 LP life. Just play ranked to get the free skin. Been gold since Season 3. MMR has me around Plat somewhere though I believe. Don't care enough to climb through ranked all day.

Play whatever champion I feel like. Play Trundle top or Annie mid when I'm try harding though. Just hit mastery 4 on my first champion, Annie, like last week.

Kled is bae though.
I use Braum, Lulu and Nami when support 

I use Veigar, Xerath and Ziggs when mid. 

I use Renekton, Aatrox and Trundle when top. 

Yeah i do it all

If you want to add me :

EUW (Lokionze) 
I have just decided on my mains being tank related champions. Given the assassin meta now, and just because when you are shen and you have 5k health, No one in the enemy team can 1v1 you except the ad carry. 

This includes support champions. I've taken a liking to thresh, tahm kench, and braum.
When I play league I mainly use Ahri Lux Ashe Fiora Sona katarina. I play in NA add me I'm Kitsunenine
Proof that Tanks are fun: (And fun games in general)

The sion game was amazing cause I almost got a penta...It would be my very first one...but the ekko refused to let me have it...


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