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Fantasy League of the Damned (Dark High Fantasy CS) OPEN: 1 Slot Left (In Progress)

Endless Dream

New Member

Race: Pass the Non-lore listed races by me

Body Type:
Physical Marks: (Scars, Piercings, Tattoos etc.)


Strengths: (Describe each in over a sentence. at least 3 strengths and weaknesses. Note, balance is important here. For every strength, there must be a weakness of equal caliber. Weaknesses' do not have to directly affect Strength, however. For instance, I may be an Expert marksman but I could be poor in melee combat; I could also balance it out by saying I am an insomniac )


Abilities: (include levels of expertise. Adept at sword fighting etc. Describe each in over a sentence. Levels of expertise include Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, Master, Legend)

Personality: (At least a paragraph)
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: Vrutha of the Skullsplitter Tribe
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Orc!
Sexuality: Meh.

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 200 pounds of fighting muscle
Body Type: Athletic
Complexion: Yellow-Green
Physical Marks: Tusks. Also scars, though those are mostly concealed beneath armor and clothes.
General Description: Tall, slim for an orc but unquestionably strong, the orc radiates confidence. Used to the coastal breezes and the sea spray, she wears a long leather coat with tall wrapped boots for easy sprinting across rough terrain. What pieces of armor she sports are sturdy and well cared for, as is the savagely shaped poleaxe she wields. Her skin color and protruding tusks make it impossible to pass as anything but an orc, even with her pointed ears, but she's less misshaped than most.

The Skullsplitter, a tribal heirloom poleaxe once wielded by the champion of her tribe. Now wielded by her as the last surviving member.
A suit of chainmail worn underneath her leather coat.
A backpack stocked with a tent, a cooking pan, and the basics for surviving in the wilds for weeks.​

Strength Itself. Born an orc, Vrutha's inherited musculature was forged by years of hard labor on the sea before being honed by the fires of a fierce war for survival.
Battle Mastery. She's received years of direct training from her tribe's former weaponmaster, which she put into bloody practice on a daily basis for several more years. Vrutha's greatest experience lies in single-unit fighting (dueling without rules) but she has experience with formation fighting, ambushes and basic tactics and strategy. She's good with the sword, spear and bow but unquestionably exceptional with the poleaxe.
Intelligence. For an orc, Vrutha's practically a genius. Compared to humans, she's a bit smarter than average. It's a trait that's let her pick up new skills quickly and it's the single thing most non-orcs underestimate about her.​

Sole Survivor. Vrutha's tribe was decimated in battle against the Bonecrushers, leaving her the last of her line. She has no resources except what she carries on her. No family except what she carries in her heart. And no friends or allies beyond those she can make for herself.
Orc! Functionally an outcast in orc society due to having no tribe, Vrutha's spent the last few years operating wherever she's tolerated (never welcomed), mostly in the human lands of Caledonia. She's subject to pervasive discrimination, mistrust and fear from those she encounters as a result.
Afraid of the Dark. Despite the excellent nightvision common to orcs, Vrutha doesn't like being out at night without a light source. She's disciplined enough to work through it when absolutely necessary but she's turned away jobs before where nighttime operations were standard practice.​

Fantastic at fighting with the poleaxe.
Adept with the sword, spear and bow.
An experienced survivalist, used to foraging for food and shelter on her own for years.
Experienced tactician, if not well trained. Her grasp of strategy and tactics comes from years of warfare and the experience of a hundred battles rather than through deliberate schooling and study.
Fluent in both orc and the common tongue; has virtually no accent (to the surprise of most).
Familiar with human customs, town navigation, making and spending money, etc.
A good sailor, up to and including the ability to do basic navigation, run sails and conduct basic repairs on boats.
A very good fisher particularly with nets.​


It's easy to see an orc on the surface. Vrutha's gruff, often short-tempered, easily riled and not terribly subtle. She's also quieter, softer and kinder than anyone might suspect an orc could be, especially to children and the defenseless. Several years among humans have taught her a much and she's surprisingly polite when she tries. Possessed of a keen intelligence (by orc standards), she's cunning in conflict and observant if not especially well spoken in social settings. She has courage in battle but bears the easy smile of a warrior who no longer needs to prove herself.


Vrutha was born to the Skullsplitter tribe, a savage and bloodthirsty band of orcs that dominated the Port of Dol'Thanan on the far eastern coastline. Despite their hunger for battle, the Skullsplitters were surprisingly good fishers and Vrutha like many of their women grew up tending nets, hauling catches of fish and crewing boats while the men were off to war. By the time she was an adolescent, her tribe was locked in a fierce but slowly losing rivalry with the Bonecrushers to the north. As their men fell faster than could be replaced, the women were pressed into service. Vrutha took up the sword and spear for her tribe, studying and mastering her grandfather's poleaxe at the feet of the crippled former weaponsmaster of the Skullsplitters, the only male orc who could be spared to train the women. By the time she reached her twenties, the Bonecrushers had taken most of her tribe's territory and were steadily pressing the borders of the Port of Dol'Thanan itself. Vrutha fought in bloody offensives in a last-ditch attempt to break the enemy lines and shake their nerve.

It wasn't enough. Four years ago, the Bonecrushers broke the lines of the Skullsplitters and took Dol'Thanan, putting the whole port city to the torch. She fought tirelessly and with phenomenal skill but one warrior couldn't defeat an army, no matter how naturally the poleaxe came to her. At the last, the Bonecrushers withdrew back to their own lands...leaving behind the wrecked, burned ashes of everything Vrutha had ever known. Her tribe was extinguished. She was left with nothing except her strength, her poleaxe and her rage.

Much of that rage was spent in one bloody conflict or another over her first two years in human lands, serving as a mercenary, fighting for orcs or humans or whoever had the coin to command her services. At first indifferent to the pain she inflicted, the orc warrior softened after aiding one band of humans against another band of humans. Seeing the burned tents, hearing the wails of their women and children, reminded her of all she'd lost, all that'd been inflicted upon her. And so she left their service, spending a few months living off of her coin and taking the occasional bodyguard or escort work that came her way.

Until the Grand Inquisition decided it could use her services. Vrutha has spent the last two years fighting where the Inquisition directs and serving as a source of cultural, historical and military knowledge concerning the orcs for any Inquisitor that cares to learn more about what her people are capable of. For the most part, the cause has been just and Vrutha's come to like fighting the good fight for good people.
Ama'nes Ka'ean Aleanmitore (nee. Tyrneaettln)

25 years old to Elves - 250 actual years



Sexually attracted to all
Romantically attracted to very very few​


135 lbs

Body Type:
Lean muscular

Fair, pale

Physical Marks:
Scars on her wrists and back
A birthmark of a crown over her heart


Bow and poison tipped arrows
Hand daggers (four: two in her boots and two on her hips)


Marksman - She is a impeccable shot, her arrows are never shy of their shot both from her species and from years of practice. Ama'nes is amazingly skilled at hunting and hitting whatever she hunts, usually through the eye as to not waste any meat.
Empathy - Ama'nes has a gift for seeing what others are feeling. It makes her extremely good at speaking and swaying people to her side. This is not by magic but by a mixture of people watching for centuries and a great ability to read body language.
Channelling Nature and Arcane Magic - Ama'nes has a gift for magic, and she prefers using magic against people than her bow. This is due to the fact that her bow kills, but she does not wish to kill people. Her abilities are very powerful and not to be overlooked, although she usually only uses it to heal or help others unless threatened.


Physically Weak - Ama'nes does not have great stamina or strength, average at best in spurts. She prefers the bow and her daggers because they are light weapons. She couldn't hope to wield something as heavy as an axe remotely successfully. Her strength lays in marksmanship and magic alone, anything else is a weakness. She cannot run fast or far and she can barely hang and not fall if she were to dangle from something.
Temper - She has a loud mouth and can say things in the heat of the moment that could get her killed. She has tried her best to swell her temper but nothing has softened it even in centuries. Some would say she is immature because of this, childish even.
Horrible Past - Ama'nes suffers from night terrors from her past. She was a bastard child at birth, and then kidnapped as a babe. She has seen blood shed and known death before she knew of love. This can cause her to be distrusting and cautious of people to the point that she barely befriends anyone and spends most days on her own. Although she is empathic and can speak to others well, it makes her uncomfortable and sad and therefore prefers animals to humans.


Archery (Expert) - She can hit any target that she trains her eye on. She is, of course, much better at stationary targets and can always use more practice but her shot is very reliable.
Arcane and Nature Magic (Master) - She is great at using the magic that she was born with. Although her knowledge of magic is still a little narrow and she still needs many more years of academic study to help, her magic is strong to the point of someone twice her age that has been studying all their life. She can use both nature and arcane magic, although nature has always come easier to her, she is noticeably strong in both areas.
Tracking (Adept) - Along with her archery abilities, she has developed a slightly above average skill in tracking animals. People are another story, but if you ever get stranded with her in the forest, you know you won't go hungry.

Ama has a quiet melancholy aura that surrounds her. She prefers the company of animals and also prefers to kill animals all in the same stroke. She speaks less often than she stays silent, preferring it that way but when she does speak it can go either one of two ways: she will either be charismatic and a joy to speak with or she will be argumentative, brash and completely childish. However which is shown, she is always seen to speak with intelligence and wisdom. Her temper can cloud it slightly, but it is always there. She seems a lot older than she really is and never fails to attempt to understand every side of the story if she isn't too busy going off on someone. She is strong of mind, magic and tongue but yet seems hesitant to use any of it. Ama is kind to animals, even when and after killing them for food or their hide, and especially kind to children. For any other person, they would have to earn her trust and her respect, but she would not pause to lay down her life for a single child's life. Along with things that she loves, she loves all forms of nature - whether it be the woods or the sea side, but hates anything underground or inside the mountains. She does not have any sort of distaste for the races like dwarves that may reside here, she just has bad memories of being underground.

250 years ago, Ama'nes was born to a Wood Elf mother who was old for becoming a mother, almost half a millenia. Her father was a High Elf from Elganesh. From birth she was already unwanted by a parent - her father called her a bastard the first time he looked at her and then never looked at her again. When Ama was just a babe - barely a half a year old - she was kidnapped by a Dark Elf to be raised as a 'servant'. She spent the next 100 years underground the mountains of Maifeast being treated as a slave, abused most days of her life. She was led to believe that she was a sold orphan of Dark Elves and that no one would ever want her. The scars that fill her back are from lashings, but the scars on her wrists are from her own doing. When she was 100, she was able to escape to one of the few friendly Dark Elves that she had met, who helped to smuggle her to the outside world for the first time in a century. It was painful, her eyes were not used to the light and her skin burned and peeled but she was free from the horrible underground hell that she had lived in.
When she got to the outside world, she found some papers that her Dark Elf friend had left for her in her bags. Thanks to the same individual teaching her how to wield a dagger and how to read, she was able to find out about her parents and clear the lies that she had been taught. When she searched for her mother, she found only a grave and an empty, overgrown homey cabin that she had once occupied. She stayed there for 50 years, learning how to work a bow - which she found left behind by her mother. In that half a century, she rarely spoke to a single soul save for three separate instances. The first was ten years into her happy exile in the woods, to return a lost kitten to a family with two small children. The second was fifteen years after that, when a small child had wondered into her cabin with a bloody brow from falling out a tree they had attempted to climb. She patched them up and sent them back home with a basket of treats that she had to learn to make just to give to the young one. The third was to defend another babe from being kidnapped, she used magic for the first time to kill at 140 years old, she had known of her magic since she was small and started to study it more the moment she got free of the Dark Elves.
Ama broke her silence at 150 years old when, on a whim, she traveled to Eglanesh. There, she found a job healing others, sometimes using her magic but other times just using some of the tricks that she learned, read or figured out in the wood. She was able to update herself on the world and access a lot more academic things about Channelling as well as the world and herbs. She continued to practice her combat work, archery and magic throughout her time outside of the wood, but she loved the traveling and grew more social along the way. When she was 200 years old, she met Baelik Gildre Aleanmitore and the two of them fell in love. He came from a very highly ranked family in social status, so of course there was pause when it came to their relationship. Thankfully, the two of them were stubborn enough to eventually earn the blessing of his parents, and the two were married when she was 220 years old. The two live happily together until one day when Baelik went off for work to a port outside of Elhaven. He died from a raid on his ship in port, attempting to save one of his coworkers and friends who had a small child at home. That was 20 years ago.
Since then, she has spent time traveling as an attempt to keep herself from being completely alone with her thoughts. She tends to swing between seaside places and forests, fending for her own or getting updated on the world around her. One time, a few months back, a member of the Grand Inquisition saw her defend herself from an attacker using her magical abilities and they immediately asked to employ her. Seeing it as a way to take up her time, she agreed and has been working for them ever since.


(Please tell me if there are any issues, I took some liberties with her background and if you have an issue, I am more than okay with changing things about)
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Name: Nicollas Kussen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 169 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Body Type: Quite short, not very strong
Complexion: Pale
Physical Marks: A scar across his right cheek, result of a misunderstanding with a wolf

(Black hair.)

Equipment: Light clothing and a big green hooded coat.
He carries a staff incase he needs to whack something.

-Good with animals, he can communicate with them and they seem to not want to attack him as they would other people.
-A good doctor, he can heal medium wounds without magic, due to having lived in the woods for quite a while.
-Great knowledge of the forests, he can make various potions after just a quick walk through the woods.

-Aversion for violence, as much as he understands how the circle of life goes, he will try his best to avoid violence.
-Weak, he is simply weak physically, as in he'll tumble and fall flat on his face if he tries to swing a hammer.
-Not good with other people, being out in the woods for most of his life made him pretty bad at interacting with people. He still tries though !

-Healing magic(Advanced), he can use the power of nature to heal his allies
-Brewing potions(Advanced), living in the woods, he had to make his own remedies. He also learned to make poisons, to try and make the animals he had to eat die a less painfull death.
-Taming wild animals(Adept), he can telepathically communicate with animals, this isnt illusion, he convinces animals to stay by his side by conversation, and they can prove quite stubborn.

Personality: He is normally a happy-go-lucky type of guy, and tends to be very optimistic. He very rarely becomes hostile towards anyone.

Backstory: His childhood was pretty rough, even though he went out and played with the kids in his village, his father was a drunkard.
Every night he went to sleep without even seeing his father all day, and would wake up early in the morning to the sounds of him and his mother arguing. One night, while crying, he ran away from home. To where ? He didn't know, he ended up living in the forests, and learned the ways of nature by himself. Now he roams the world seeking people in need of help, and most importantly, adventure ![/column]
(sorry in advance if there are any mistakes, it's late now and I'm on my phone. I'll try to fix this up tomorrow.)
Almor Nigh
20 in appearance, 209 in actual years
Wood Elf

5ft 3in
128 lbs.
Body Type:
Slim figure, but lean.
Light skin, but not pale.
Physical Marks:
A burn on his right forearm and a scar across his chest

  • Leather gauntlets
  • Carefully woven hooded cape to resemble leaves
  • Quiver of modified arrows
  • Wooden bow with carvings
  • A short sword

Long Distances that allow him to accurately shoot with his bow.
He's a very resourceful person when it comes to making arrows; give him just a rock and he'll create an astounding arrow.
Being an assassin, he's no stranger to finding what/who he's looking for.

Short distances grant him the disadvantage as he'd resort to using his short sword instead of his arrows.
From being a perfectionist in precision, he tends to get headaches from time to time.
Being a gullible person causes him to lose track of what is at hand.

Archery(Master) - Being born a Wood Elf, archery seems to come natural to him. He's had friends and family help him with his techniques and it allowed him to become such a great archer.
Swordsman(Adept) - He was told to learn another technique for short distances in case his target is too close to shoot. His swordsman skills come from an elder in the village who teaches it.
Magic of Nature(Apprentice) - As a child, his mother was the one who taught him the magic of nature. Even after so long, he still hasn't been able to demonstrate the talent she possesses, but can only summon small branches, flowers and vines. Useful when he's being chased.

Almor is a very talkative person whether he believes it or not. He's very kind until he has a set goal; that keeps him focused and unintentionally cold. Having no arrows in a battle will cause him to be very resourceful as to not die. He's very calm and relaxed in any situation to make sure he wouldn't mess anything up.

Almor nigh was born to a couple in the Elven kingdom where he grew up to learn many things. As young lad, his mother believed he had the blood of magic and taught him the basics of Nature Magic. His father thought otherwise and taught him archery. There was no arguing or dispute between at he should learn, so he began to learn both archery and magic. He excelled in archery, but couldn't seem to get anywhere close to summoning any sort of plant. Being a kid, he grew frustrated until he grew a flower and it was the most exciting time of his life.
One day, his father went out on a trip and never returned. Stricken with grief and assuming his death, he focused more on archery as he didn't want to disturb his mother in her time of mourning. He became very skilled, he was hired as an assassin from time to time. The targets he was set to kill were just minor people with two exceptions who were important figures. He keeps his identity safe by getting his targets from a stranger in the woods who waits in the forest and informs him of the targets; this allows him to roam freely with no repercussions. One day he was found and almost killed in action. That's when an elder of the village taught him the basics of sword fighting. As the elder passed, Almor practiced sword fighting on his own. He still isn't a professional at it, but he knows enough to survive or escape. It wasn't long until the Grand Inquisition posed as the stranger in the woods to find out who he was and recruit his talents.

((I hope that's fine, I was tying to get everything up as soon as I could. I can go more detailed if needed.))
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a9e39f4912b6a15ad3e5625133afddc7--fantasy-characters-female-characters.jpg Name: Bhera Matrick
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220 lbs
Body Type: Stocky and muscular
Complexion: Light
Physical Marks: Plenty of scars lining his body, although his left side is particularly marked.

A great straight sword which stands no less than a head below its owner, with a simple hilt design the color of cherry wood below a thick crossguard. The wide blade tapers into a functional point with a long fuller down the center and smaller ones on either side. The scabbard is made of the same material as the handle of the sword, lined with oiled fur.

A simple straight knife with a thin and sharp point, hilt wrapped in leather. The matching scabbard is usually secured at the waist.

A combination of brown and black fitted plate, mail, gambeson and leather make up an effective suit of armor, a long padded jacket worn with it down to the knees. The accompanying helmet completely protects the back and sides of the head, a steel "mask" acting as a visor in the front with little more than eye holes as openings. Displayed on the chest is a sigil of a large bear thrashing its way to the onlooker's left.

A large cloak fashioned from beaver skin, used for waterproofing as much as warmth.

Simple supplies including rations and other necessities. What's not urgent is in a separate pack that is large but efficient.

Military Experience: Bhera is familiar with the ins and outs of military structure and command. Both in terms of combat and logistics, he often has valuable knowledge and advice for groups.

Iron Will: As is typical of someone in his position, he can have unwavering conviction with a sense of courage and caution to match. Sometimes a negotiation calls for more of a hard edge approach.

Hardy: He's a tough bastard, and not just when it comes to taking a hit. If it means something as simple as holding a grudge or as rough as scratching and clawing with whatever object he can find, he'll get back up and carry on so long as it's the smart thing to do.


Stubborn: Once he's made up his mind about something, convincing him to concede or believe otherwise is a difficult task. He doesn't have much patience for conjecture or the abstract sort of reasoning.

Unsociable: He is often regarded as an unpleasant fellow for good reason. His blunt and sometimes even dull way of speaking causes people to avoid any deeper conversation, and his lack of response can make understanding their relationship a confusing matter. That's not to say he's misanthropic or averse to friends, but politeness is not a priority.

Over-dutiful: He abides by strict laws and even stricter personal codes most of all, with the possibility of following the letter before the spirit. He'll often be inclined to break before he bends.


An expert swordsman, most practiced with longswords but proficient in the use of some other types.
Skilled enough in the use of a variety of different common battlefield weapons (pikes, bows, crossbows etc.) although prefers to defer to those who are more experienced.
Especially experienced in the leadership fields of training and defense. Used to working with limited resources and striving to use what he has to its full extent.
A keen enough sense for politics, even if he does have disdain for most of it.
Skilled in different types of woodworking, ranging from simple tools and objects to larger projects bordering on carpentry.

A severe but reliable man, Bhera is not known for witty remarks or great outbursts. Instead he tends to keep his composure even when seething, making it a point to remain stoic whenever possible. He could also accurately be described as selective but honest, the two traits permeating most of his character and actions; everything from simple drinking habits to the closest friends that he keeps. At least, these are the traits that he was always known for.

No one can be defined by a single set of traits however, and so he tries to find his humor where he can. It's true that he's moving towards a somewhat softer approach in the social arena since striking out on his own, although the terminology is relative. With the right influence, one might even catch him cracking a grin.

Bhera began with woodworking and farming in the less developed areas of his home, nestled in a position northwest of Three Rivers on the western side of Caledonia. The land was fertile and while temperatures could drop significantly, the people knew how to prepare for a winter – not so much for a raid. Soon came the bad men from the northern mountains and the southern coasts to join those who were already present, no doubt enticed by the abundance of fertile farms there and the prospect of a full belly all season. When the time came, Bhera threw down his axe like a few other local lads and took up a sword in its place. It wasn't a perfect solution, not a complete one, but it's not worth it to the common thief when a few strong looking young men are shuffling around on watch. This is how he spent a few of his younger years, gritting his teeth and watching the fools he was trying to beat back become more organized while his own was stagnant. There was no hesitation in him when a small leadership opportunity presented itself. He was no commander yet, but the futility would end even if it meant he had to drag them by the scruff of their necks across the valley to fight.

The first order of business was to pool what resources they had and put them to good use before they were stolen away, considerate of the few men they had to spare. There was less committee and tolerance for half-measures save for the older and wiser men that were helping to temper Bhera as he took to ensuring that recruits would be properly trained and equipped. He was always anxiously and quietly drafting his plans for when that day would finally come, and he was not caught afraid or unprepared when it did. The riverfolk set the dogs on the raiders before they ran them down, putting to the torch anything that they didn't take back to bolster their own efforts. While there was no unnecessary cruelty or ceremony, they had to establish that it was their land and any outlaw who denied that would receive no quarter. When this "campaign" had ended and the forces looked for the next focus of their energy, they turned to the nearby Orcish hordes as a far more dangerous and threatening foe. If the previous effort was what caused Bhera to grow into a man, these long years are what caused him to grow stern.

This force of "creek knights" (as some mockingly referred to them) found itself in a new position of stability and no longer needed such a heavy hand. It was integrated into the community around it, had a simple and functioning command structure, and could afford to focus on defense. So when the whispers of dark creatures and even darker fates made their way west, Bhera decided to pack his war gear and set out to join the Inquisition where he might be of more use. It wasn't easy for him to say goodbye to his home and the people who built it, but he's always done what's required of him.
Name: Lamlug the Soothsayer
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 6'0
Weight: 179
Body Type: Lamlug's actually quite short for an Orc, though still relatively tall compared to others. Either way, he's not as overtly bulky like his fellow Orcs, yet is still notably muscular. Many people think he's shorter than he actually is because he tends to hunch or crouch a lot while standing and winds up on all fours when fighting, whether this is intentional or not is anyone's guess.
Complexion: A pale greyish similar to that of dust.
Physical Marks: Though often obscured by attire, Lamlug's body is covered with a number of burn marks. However, these burns seem only to have been applied to what were once tattoos, effectively ruining them. The only tattoo which has been left untouched is one on his lower stomach that can be translated as Soothsayer.


Broadbane - Lamlug's sword of choice, the Broadbane is actually used more for defensive play, as he uses it mainly to block and redirect attacks rather than actually swinging it. Despite that, its more than capable of rending flesh and denting medium armors, however proves notably ineffective against tougher armors.

The Silencers - A number of small daggers that Lamlug wields, the Silencers compliment his speedy movements to a tremendous degree. Curved for aerodynamic and fluid swings and specifically designed to be easily removable from whatever they might find themselves stuck in, the Silencers are a Rogue's dream. Similar to Broadbane, these curved daggers are even less effective against armors, but tear through cloth, leather and flesh as if it were nothing.

Soothsayer Garb - Lamlug's armor of choice is made up of leather, furs and feathers of beasts and creatures he's undoubtedly slain. It leaves a lot of his body exposed, mostly covering vital areas such as his torso and upper legs, providing him even more freedom of movement. This garb is not designed to counteract blades or even dampen the effect of blunt instruments, instead the Soothsayer Garb is entirely dependent on resisting ranged weapons such as bolts, arrows and small daggers. Swords and maces will find no problem cutting through most of this outfit, except maybe for the large skull mask which comes with it. This mask, which Lamlug seems to always wear, is perhaps the only thing that might withstand heavier attacks for obvious reasons.

Master of Movement -The Soothsayer is a master of maneuverability in almost all forms. He can scale buildings, easily maneuver through treetops, dance through flurries of blades and maintain high speeds with ease.

Stealth - Despite being renown for his speed, Lamlug's capable of moving with hardly any sound indicating his presence. It takes very little effort for him to sneak past others and even hide in relatively small areas; therefore, he's capable of easily outmaneuvering others, though those with far more awareness may be able to catch tiny hints of his presence.

Dirty Fighter- Lamlug has very little concern for things like honor and such, and therefore has become accustomed to using literally everything in his vicinity to gain an advantage on opponents when in combat. He will always focus on finding and exploiting weaknesses no matter how small they may seem. Anything close to him basically becomes a weapon for him to use.


No Durability - The Soothsayer depends entirely on his own maneuverability in a fight since he can't withstand a lot of straight forward damage. A handful of good strikes by a skilled opponent will be more than he can withstand, with the number of hits required going down the more physically powerful his enemy is. Because of this, the entire point of overcoming Lamlug in a battle is actually managing to hit him.

Frightening Appearance - Due to the Soothsayer's Orcish physique and generally unappealing outfit, those who do see him are almost assured to consider him a threat of some type. He won't be inspiring many pleasant feelings in others.

Soothsayer Speech - Though its unknown whether this is intentional or not, Lamlug consistently speaks in a very confusing manner. The major reason why so much of his past is unknown is because he always recounts it through this odd dialect, supplanting words seemingly at random and often devolving into riddles. Though this is much less notable when he gives shorter responses, asking him for detailed information would require analyzing his speech and deciphering what he's saying.

  • Legendary Rogue - The Soothsayer's speed and maneuverability make him a tricky opponent indeed.
  • Master Chef - Oddly enough, Lamlug is extremely versatile when it comes to preparing meals. No doubt developed whilst wandering the land, he's capable of turning scavenged ingredients into masterfully crafted dishes with little fanfare.
  • Expert Thief - Due to his stealthy nature, Lamlug's capable of making off with items quite easily.
  • Adept Linguist - He's capable of understanding, reading and speaking most languages, its just that his odd speech make him far less understandable than he should be.
  • Adept Mapmaker - Lamlug is capable of scrawling decent maps of his surroundings from memory

Personality: Lamlug is considered by many to be a general oddball. How else could one describe a riddle-speaking Orc who fights on all fours like some kind of animal? It would perhaps be most accurate to consider him like a maddened scholar of sorts, as his relatively impressive intelligence is often overshadowed by the sheer oddity of some of his habits. He's pleasant enough towards people despite his choice of attire, yet doesn't seem to realize the inherent problem that his riddle-speech poses towards others. If he is aware, he doesn't appear to be in any hurry to fix it. The same could be said for his odd manner of fighting. Many have gotten the impression that he's trying to hide something about his past, as evidenced by the destruction of many of his identifying tattoos, and that he's using his odd dialect as an excuse to cover it up. Coupled with the fact that he's never been seen without his mask and refuses to alter his appearance, and one could only wonder what secrets this Soothsayer might hold.

Backstory: Due to his odd manner of speaking, Lamlug's history is still considered greatly unknown. What has been established is that he was once part of some kind of war-band from the north before being cast out due to some kind of disagreement he may have had with its leaders. Since then he's been wandering Lenaios as a thieving vagrant, surviving off wild life and stolen goods with no apparent goal in mind. Due to how stealthy and fast he is, the Soothsayer has traveled much of the continent and seen a great number of things, though has spent much of his time relatively unseen until recently answering the call of the Inquisition. His reasoning for this move is as unknown as a great number of things about him.
Name: Faenwen
Age: Appears to be in her twenties. Is actually 60-70, still quite young for an Elf
Gender: Female
Race: Wood Elf
Sexuality: "I don't have enough experience to decide...Why do you ask? Would you like to expand my horizons? Are you a sun? Am I a moon?"

Weight: 95lbs
Body Type: "I'm a tad undernourished at the moment."
Complexion: Ashen
Physical Marks: Enchanted tattoos

Equipment: Besides the rags she mistakenly labels "clothes", Faenwen only carries talismans that may or may not (more likely do not) possess magic-boosting power and luck. She also has a small knife she keeps for skinning (and the occasional blood sacrifice).

Acrobatics. In addition to her natural talent as a Wood Elf, Faenwen has enchanted tattoos which allow her to be very light on her feet. Assuming she has the energy, she may perform flips, somersaults, and the like. It also means she can move at almost any pace without being heard, and she can fall from great heights without injuring herself.

Heightened Senses. Being born a hunter and forced to survive on her own for much of her life has sharpened Faenwen's senses to a fine and deadly point. This is mostly confined to sight, hearing, and her elvish instincts (sense of environmental/situational danger, sensing power levels of enemies, etc.)

Survivalist. Faenwen's experience alone has made her very independent and able to adapt to nearly any situation. She has a vast knowledge of flora and fauna, and possesses survivalist skills such as hunting, crafting, cooking, etc.

Small Frame. Faenwen does not have much strength. She requires her gestures to use her magic, so when restrained she is powerless. This means that once captured, she is as good as dead.'

Inexperience. Faenwen is not familiar with anything outside of the Sacred Woods. She has only ever fought animals, and has never had to take care of anyone but herself. She hasn't had many encounters with people, so she may come off rude or strange. It will be hard for her to make alliances.

Anemic. As she sometimes uses her own blood in rituals, Faenwen has developed anemia. This makes her very tired, and so it is best for her not to move around so much. It can result in severe dizziness during battle. Some days are worse than others, depending on how much blood she has taken, how much iron she is consuming, and the frequency of battles.


An Expert at Blood Magic, Faenwen can make bleeding enemies bleed faster, can raise and lower the temperature of one's blood, and as a drastic measure she may turn enemies into her puppets by controlling the flow of blood, though this takes much of her concentration. She may also use her own blood to strengthen the potency of her attacks, though this causes her obvious damage and fatigue. In such occasion that an opponent has no blood, or is otherwise unaffected by blood control, she may use her own blood as a weapon. It has not occurred to her that she may strengthen herself with blood magic, nor does she know anything about demon summoning (yet).

Personality: Very kind and gentle but with lots of ticks and strange habits, it is obvious Faenwen has not spent much time around others. So one is left to wonder where she gets her wits. A vision of the little elf kneeling over the body of her hunted prey comes to mind, her jabbering away about some unidentified pussywillow and its dogwood friend. Though that is not to say she is often out of her mind. She can be quite intelligible at times. At times...

Backstory: At a very young age, Faenwen was training to become a shaman within the Sacred Woods, learning Nature Magic. But it soon became clear, as she would steal books to study after her lessons, she was almost too quick a learner. Wary to teach her any more destructive magic, the teachers tried to restrict her to healing and manipulative magic alone. She was not able to learn these so quickly, and in fact was below average in these schools of magic.

She was studious. She did as she was told. There was no reason to believe she would cause any harm, and so as she gained more trust from them, it was decided she may accompany another student to a nearby cave for his Rite of Passage. If they returned safely, it would prove her trustworthiness and she would be allowed to learn destructive magic as before. But the clan didn't know a lich had moved in to this cave. The other student, not expecting such an enemy, was easily killed. Faenwen was helpless to save him. She could not fight the lynch, and her healing magic was inadequate. She fled as the lich finished off the boy. She did not go back to her tribe, fearing that they would blame her for his death.

For many months she went on hating and cursing herself. She tried to make something for herself in the greater cities of the Sacred Woods, but eventually decided it would be best to sequester herself completely. It was in her travels to the more remote parts of these woods that she became who she is today. One day, she encountered an elf bent unnaturally over a tome, whispering to himself. It was a powerful fire incantation. She hid, watching as he managed to burn himself alive. She guessed his intent was to also burn the tome with him, but he failed in that count. Curious, she went to see what it was.

She picked up the heavy book, letting go when she discerned what it was. A book on blood magic. Disgusted, she first turned away, putting as much distance as she could between herself and the evil book. But something whispered, maybe this is destiny. Perhaps the gods do not want her to be so defenseless. It did not take much for her to turn back, and desperately flip through its pages.

She learned quickly, and the fears of her teachers were realized. Faenwen became powerful, deadly. However, she did realize her danger to herself and others. She secluded herself in the woods, hunting as it was needed, surviving on her own, becoming quite lost in her own mind. She stayed this way for 50 years.

"But there are new creatures in the Woods, the likes of which I have never seen before. One of them tried to kill me. Can you imagine me dead? I can't. Is that natural? Oh, well I didn't want to bother with them anymore, so I'm going to help you help me help them leave."
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