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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Name: Ebony Bourne OnyxWraith (Ebby)

Gender: male/female



School year:

Junior (transfer-home schooled by foster parents)


Nurse (undead/other)


Shifter (male/female forms),Necromancy (Minor control over other undead),Healing (can be used on dead and living)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-10_14-22-43.jpeg.274a409b762977f7542fce28c57ddbeb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-10_14-22-43.jpeg.274a409b762977f7542fce28c57ddbeb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(male form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-10_14-23-36.jpeg.3630225b5d1a11de1199f9785fecd0ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-10_14-23-36.jpeg.3630225b5d1a11de1199f9785fecd0ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Female form)


Flirt, adventurous, and will run away from a fight rather than face her/his enimy. Slacker!


Died at the age of 12 and realized her power. She needed a way out when her parents were killed as well so she reanimated them to realize they were nothing but hollow shells of their former selves. The events leading to their deaths are still under investigation because they were never able to recover the bodies that should have been there. She shuts down whenever this even is mentioned to her outside of her closest friends.


(optional)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-10_14-21-58.jpeg.95282df62751e0102183bfa6b3ebb266.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-10_14-21-58.jpeg.95282df62751e0102183bfa6b3ebb266.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: hyip

Gender: female



School year:

Enki's dog




strangely none


R.I.P genitalia




Loves Enki, but Enki is a big meanie and doesn't really like the dog...yet. He is very happy and loves to sit on Enki's head, Enki's hood and when he can rest on Enki's arm


Was thrown out of the previous house and became a stray, almost died but it wondered into a zoo full of wonderful food, and strange animals, almost dying until Chloe found it and thought it was adorable, and made it Enki's pet/Chloe's pet.


Loves cuddles<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/BlackHayate.jpg.c099615f635997b5c609779885282e7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/BlackHayate.jpg.c099615f635997b5c609779885282e7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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~School year~



Dragon Familiar spirit


Can resize himself and his master(will update as the rp goes on)




Human form:


Familiar spirit forms (2 of them):

1. \/\/\/\/




Size is of a wolf pup when in Familiar form, in human form he is 6' tall


~Familiar form #2: loyal, dependent, calm, friendly, daring, speaks like a normal person

~Familiar form #1: speaks a bit of English, patient, lazy, gets annoyed easily


A Long time ago, Azilernyo use to be the familiar spirit of a powerful wizard. As the years went by, the wizard got older until it was close for the wizard to fad from this world. He casted a powerful spell to trap his familiar into a gemstone before adding "Whoever touches this gemstone the words 'Toss the gemstone into water' will activate and my familiar will be bound to them. He can leave his new master by taking the gemstone back from his new master and he will no longer be bound....Be well my Familiar, and live for a long time" and with that said the wizard past away. The gemstone was soon went missing until this very day.


~Has A Gemstone(ish) that if given to someone else they will be able to summon him as one of his Familiar forms by tossing it into water

~When badly hurt he will change to one of his familiar forms

~if some one throws the Gemstone(ish) at him it will make him change into one of his familiar forms

~Finally, if the Gemstone(ish) was thrown at him he is stuck in that form until close to death, which then makes him go into the gemstone, can be brought back by being thrown into water

~Will make a Scar appear on the person if they rip the gemstone out of his chest by running into them

~Cannot go far from His master, has to stay within a 50 ft radius of his master

~Can Remove Gemstone from his chest and give it to you, if he can trust you

~Gets Sick if he sees a portal, except the one that will change him to different forms

~Gemstone Appearance~

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Name: Marie Catin


Age: Looks sixteen, actually 110 years old, acts like a sixteen year old, with the acception of mentioning a few things here and there of the things she's lived through.

School year: Sophmore


Power(s):Super strength, super speed, heightened senses, able to create portals and able to heal quickly.

Sexuality:Bi- Sexual

Appearance:Google Image Result for https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0c/90/35/0c903567d6fc701c0cccc1b5d437aa4b.jpg

Wearing a black blouse and leggings. Black leather heel boots included.

Personality: She is moody when she's hungry, but kind when she's fed recently. She feeds frequently so she's usually nice. She is schizophrenic, so she talks to her imaginary friends. You can never tell what mood she'll be in.

Backstory: She was born in Chicago, 1905. During that time, her parents had died, so she had no one left in her life. She found a man named William and they dated for a long period of time. One night, William brought Marie into the woods, biting her, and soon after, turning her. She fled, moving far away. Years have past since then, and she's seen many horrors.
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Name: Sanji Drogan

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Junior

Species: Ditto

Power(s): It is for all members of his race, he can take form of anything he sees.

Sexuality: Heterosexual [straight]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50b4c138_-.jpg.1437b9ca4e7e88b8a60677f0dc72accd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50b4c138_-.jpg.1437b9ca4e7e88b8a60677f0dc72accd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sanji Drogan towards women: Kind, Helpful, Flirty. Sanji Drogan: He can be any personality [except Flirty and stuff like that] towards men, but when women aren't near him and only men are, Sanji will brag about how rich he is towards the men. Classic Sanji.



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Duncan Fire





Sexual Orientation:


Highschool Year::






  • Electrokinesis: This is the power to control energy in the environment. Due to the complexity and difficulties in controlling this element. It is extremely aggressive and lethal in comparison with the other four elements, as it is pure energy capable of destroying a physical body and reduce it to ashes in seconds.
  • Pyrokinesis :This is the power to control flames, embers, or any object with a temperature considerably higher. The manipulation of fire is one of the most used and basic in the use of magic. However, it requires concentration, as loss of control of whoever uses this power can lead to mass destruction and death.

  • Aerokinesis: Thisis the power to control gusts of wind, tornadoes, etc. The manipulation of air is the second most used and basic in the use of magic. Despite not being widely used as an element attack unlike the other elements, air is both the weakest and the most powerful at once. It requires concentration to comply with the desired goal. Air is associated with emotions such as freedom, harmony, wholeness
  • Necromancy. (Undeveloped)


Duncan has crimson red hair covering the majority of his head, with a healthy patch of black located on the front, left half of his head. Both his ears are pierced, one ear being decorated by a long, gold earring, and the other decorated with a silver straight stick. Duncan has black "marks" on his chest and a single crest on his right cheek, a few inches away from his nose. The "mark" is across his chest, in somewhat of a cross pattern. With a single scar crossing diagonally from his left shoulder, across his chest, stopping over the lower right side of his stomach. Duncan also has a lovely light shade of hinted grey as the color of his irises. Duncan also has a mark on his right hand. Duncan is slim and tall, having a built upper body and well rounded form.


Duncan is a mischievous and he can sport a scary aura that makes many wary of him. However, his innate nature is to protect, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance, shown evident with his father. A gifted demon who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted, Duncan nevertheless has a difficult time thinking of himself or any other one of his family members as anything but a monster. He struggles both with his desires for seclusion and his equally strong desire to be wanted. Because of all this, Duncan can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. He hides his true feelings behind a cold, composed personality. He has a lot of attitude, and is not at all impressed or easily controlled by higher class.He often acts as if he doesn’t care about anything in order to hide all the scars and pain inside him that have nowhere to go. When not about his studies or class, he can usually be found in the branches of a tree.


Duncan has a conplicated past. When he was first born, his future had already been determined for him. Both mother and father having equivalent ideals for him. While growing up, Duncan lost his mother, and was only left with his father, one of which would soon terribly shake his world. His father struck into his head numerous ideals, ones of which he could never find an escape. His life revolved around pleasing his father, for if he disapproved, he was punished.Duncan had been secluded from a school environment, until his father decided he would finally be allowed into the world of "humans" as Duncan had interpreted. Though secretly, his father refused to allow him to be around such beings, in fear they would change him, and instead enlisted him to attend Lakoria highschool, where he would indulge in more useful communication with similar creatures.

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Name: Moshin(Moki) Hanako

Gender: Male


School year: Sophmore

Species: Human


Moshin wields control over the four elements, including subcategories such as lava, and ice. These powers were passed down to him by his parents at birth, and ever since, he has trained to master his abilities.

Sexuality: Homosexual




Moki can be very shy when it comes to romance. He prefers for his romantic interests to not know that he likes them, due to extreme awkwardness it may cause. Other then when he likes you, Moki can warm up to people very easily and is very friendly, but he is also very sensitive. When being teased, Moki can be seen childishly pouting with his arms crossed. Moki is very domestic and does things like fixing peoples collars, or adjusting their ties, out of habit. He is also an avid chef, and cleaner which he does in his free time.


When he was younger, Moki's father died, leaving just him and his mother. Not wanting to replace Moki's father, Moki's mother never remarried. With no man around, Moki had no one to teach him manly things, so he picked up what his mother did, which consisted of cooking and cleaning Ever since he was younger, he had nothing but private tutors. His parents didn't want him going to public school with normal kids, but his powers got to great for his mother to handle, so she sent him off to Lakoria high.

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Name: Kentaro Watoga

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School year: Senior

Species: Human

Power(s): Telekinesis, Soulsight (Can see where a person's soul is wherever they are, but can't directly see them if they're behind something), Rapid Healing

Sexuality: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50ee5e8b_KentaroWatoga.jpg.65ada299096ab5b9f285131e9ee4da7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50ee5e8b_KentaroWatoga.jpg.65ada299096ab5b9f285131e9ee4da7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

White hair, red eyes, 6 feet tall

Personality: Kentaro Watoga is easily angered due to PTSD. He is nice to almost anyone he meets so long as they don't provoke him. Being claustrophobic he tends to avoid large groups or small areas such as closets. Kentaro rarely sleeps due to his PTSD, his reasoning is that he wishes to never relive the nightmares of his childhood so long as he can help it.

Backstory: Kentaro's childhood was an awful misfortune. At the age of five he was taken from his family and placed in a laboratory at an unknown location. In the laboratory he was experimented on they did many tests, some of which altered his genetics granting him "gifts" as the scientists told him. When he finally escaped at the age of 16 he wandered the country until he noticed this highschool and sat at its entrance after changing his look to what he looks like now. In his year away from the accursed laboratory he has avoided anyone in a labcoat and skips any classes to do with biology.

Extras: Wears a key around his neck, what the key unlocks he has no clue whatsoever.



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Name: Venus Fairchild

Gender: Female

Age: 16

School year: Sophomore

Species: Mermaid


-She turns into a fish like her brothers only a little smaller

-Her singing is very hypnotic

-Mild healing abilities.

Sexuality: Pan sexual


(In human form she has fins on her face like her brothers.)

Personality::Venus is a very outgoing mer. At times she is seen as the delicate fairy princess and at others she is the fearsome warrior goddess. She is very loyal and holds loyalty as her highest value. She is very assertive and likes to direct people. Venus is very athletic and hard-working. Her loyalty lies with her family. Venus is not afraid of conflict but prefers a nonviolent way of solving things. However,if the situation arises, she will shot first and ask questions later.


Venus and Caspian are fraternal twins. They were both born on the 30th of July to a pair of mermaids. Caspian was the older one by just a few minuets, despite how much Venus disagrees. They had a pretty much normal childhood.

By the age of 6 Venus was showing signs of being the stronger twin. Around this time she was always getting into fights with other mermaids over stupid things. One day after coming home with a bruised,battered, and bloody face, her father decided that he was going to teach her how to properly fight. Venus wasn't a genus at it but she was very skilled in fighting. After seeing this, her father then taught her more forms of weaponry despite her mothers protests.

Because she was a girl, her mother still taught her the forms of the womenfolk. Because of this, many of the male mermaids made fun of her for this. When she turned 12 she got a dagger. When she was 14, her brother Caspian, died of a weak heart. While her parents packed most of Caspian's things away, Venus kept his staff. She felt like half of herself was missing. When she was in mourning, Venus discovered that while Caspian was dead, his spirit remained with her. In times of great need, such as her being super injured, he would take over until Venus had recovered. Fast forward a few years and she is enrolled in Lakoria High.



Name: Caspian Fairchild

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School year: Sophomore

Species: Mermaid


-He turns into a fish like the one in his picture

-His voice is supersonic

Sexuality:Pan sexual


(He has fins on his face in human form. as well as some scales)


Caspian is a more quiet type than most merpeople. He is kind and very perceptive to most people's feelings. He can be depended on to follow through on something. Especially if it is something very important to the health of others. He often puts the needs of others above his own needs and is somewhat of a pushover. He is very loyal to his sister and friends, and his loyalty does not falter. Between him and his sister, he is seen as the calmer one. When given a choice, the prefers to avoid conflict. This is also different from his sister because she deals with conflict most of the time


Venus and Caspian are fraternal twins. They were both born on the 30th of July to a pair of moon clan mermaids. Caspian was the older one by just a few minuets, despite how much Venus disagrees. They had a pretty much normal childhood.

His father tried to teach Caspian weaponry but it was obvious he was the weaker twin so he stopped trying. Caspian was able to manage to master the spear but that was about it. He was never getting into fights like Venus was. Instead he was the bookworm. He would read in all his spare time with all the books he could get his hands on. Caspian did manage to learn how to heal people but he could only do minor injuries. On his twelveth birthday he got a staff from his father. Unfortunately when he was thirteen, he got very sick and ended up dying. But, he didn't truly die. Instead he lives with Venus and talks to her often.


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Name: Robyn Banks

age: 14

School year: Junior

Species: Human

Powers: intellectual

Appearance: pictures but wears a rolled up button up shirt with a vest over it, jeans, and black and white vans.

Sexuality: doesn't matter to her

Personality: she is brave, Outgoing, and cocky at times. She's not afraid to tell people how she feels which, gets her in trouble at times.

Backstory: She longed to be an Engineer since she was young since her father was one. She looked up to him but also wanted to surpass him at the same time. So her goal was to graduate school early, attend M.I.T, and become one of the greatest. Since her father worked for an international business she never stayed in one place for more than 2 years. Despite, her determination she loves to hang out and have fun with people. But, she knows she won't be with them for very long.
Name: Ahote Denali

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School year: sophomore

Species: Wolf shifter

Power(s): Can shift between human and wolf form at will, has enhanced speed/strength and senses

Sexuality: heterosexual


(human appearance)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/248c4c796c6f67a4c40840f15a6f1908.jpg.552af1ab9c574af2e6f82921349ccc5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/248c4c796c6f67a4c40840f15a6f1908.jpg.552af1ab9c574af2e6f82921349ccc5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(wolf appearance)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/proxy.php.jpg.5b22c752be48c625d3c0b3c42ecf90b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/proxy.php.jpg.5b22c752be48c625d3c0b3c42ecf90b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Very reserved from others that aren't like him. Very rooted in the traditions of his people, even after his exile.Untrusting, loner


Born the 4th son to the chief of his tribe, Ahote was always looked down upon by his brothers for not being as strong or fast as them. He was raised in his tradition though, always respecting nature and the magic it brings. After his 15th birthday, he transformed into "the Omen", a black and white wolf, the sign of the end times for his people. To try to prevent this, his father exiled him to travel the world and find his purpose. That's when the school found him and took him in.





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I would love to join, if possible :)

Name: Amy Marlowe

Gender: Female



School year:



Human/ A.I.


RAM (Random Access Memory): Amy can link her mind to the world wide web, much like any computer or mobile device can. This essentially gives her the mental capacity of the vast internet when she chooses - useful in problem solving, knowing the score to the latest games, and dreaming through an MMO universe.

Digitize: With the ability to digitize herself into the virtual universe, Amy can physically transport herself from any internet-accessible device to another within 5 miles (as it has been deduced that any further could damage her human form)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51b67374_AmyMarlowe.jpg.8be32ba8819c49317e86522f40c24630.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c51b67374_AmyMarlowe.jpg.8be32ba8819c49317e86522f40c24630.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Due to the nature of her abilities, Amy is exceedingly intelligent. Her quiet nature made for few friends growing up, and so her adopted father has insisted she go to a public school - for people of special talents. The idea frightens her, but she is also excited to meet others that are unique. She enjoys challenging herself, and after her initial trepidation, will strive to become as involved as she can at Lakoria High School.


Born the daughter of a disgruntled scientist and a hacker with less-than-legal methods of earning a dime, Amy was destined to be unique from the start. From infancy to the age of six, Amy was subjected to various strings of tests; her mother striving to prove the science industry wrong - that humans really can be physically and mentally improved, and her father determined to become rich off of whatever 'product' was the outcome. After her conscience was merged with that of the digital universe, Amy was never the same. Sensory overload was an understatement to describe her first few times digitized into her alternate universe - the binary codes, the viruses, all of the content of the world wide web, but she was able to learn more about that Nobel Prize that Mommy wanted so badly.

After she was better able to control her response to her mysterious new reality, she was convinced that her mother had gone mad. After her first presentation of Amy to the National Science and Technology Council, she was placed in prison for performing illegal human experiments and Amy was taken into custody. Her father was found at home, the victim of an apparent suicide.

Her foster placement was less than ideal for many months, and during those months Amy struggled with her identity. AI, or human? Real, or not real? She isolated herself in each home she was introduced to, turning to the only thing she was familiar with - her own digital universe. This was often frowned upon by her worried foster parents, who had no idea how to control her. Finally, her caseworkers were able to find her a foster home that was capable of caring for her, and that could potentially manage her abilities. At the age of seven - "nearly eight", she would often argue - she was introduced to Lewis Marlowe. Single bachelor, software producer, wannabe father. He became "Dad", and for the first time her abilities were not suppressed, but embraced, and hers to control. Fast forward to ten years later and due to her father's suggestion, Amy is enrolling at Lakoria High School - where she will hopefully make friends, and meet others who are also unique.



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Ellie Arishma





School year:



Demonic soul

(She looks human)







(Please upload a picture and a small description)




(One paragraph minimum)

Ellie is rude and senseless she tries not to notice people's.Ellie is weird and plain that's it she's plain.Ellie is not one to start a conversation unless it is totally needed. Her general everyday mood and personality is on its way to being really happy but for now it's basically senseless and rude.


(One paragraph minimum of the character's past, including any particular events that are important to the character)

Ellie has no clue what she's doing here. she has memories of her child hood but most are faded there is only one memory that she has remembered about her parents


she is very unfortunate.

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Sylvia Lockser





School year:





Can summon and control Ice and Snow. Can freeze almost anything on contact (if she's not paying attention)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Sylvia.jpg.6d96c7dd18043b5543530db50ee3b840.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Sylvia.jpg.6d96c7dd18043b5543530db50ee3b840.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She's shy unless she's with her twin brother Jayden, then she's more social and out going. Very Dependent on her brother, and has a hard time doing things on her own. She is a bit strict at times aswell


Born a twin to her Brother Jayden, she's spent her entire life with him as her only friend. She was generally picked on, an was defended by her brothers when growing up. She and her brother were both born with powers, an decided to hide them until they were alone and safe. Their parents abandoned them when they discovered their powers, calling them freaks, so all Sylvia has is Jayden family wise


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c523be8e2_JaydenandSylvia.jpg.9804ca3febd9b1ae4f50eec99c467a10.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c523be8e2_JaydenandSylvia.jpg.9804ca3febd9b1ae4f50eec99c467a10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Have a picture of Sylvia and Jayden together


Jayden Lockser





School year:





Can Summon and Control Water and Wind. Can turn his Sisters Ice and Show into Water






Very Social an Easy Going. Protective of Sylvia and his friends. Playful and warm, brings out the best in his twin sister. He tries to make Sylvia less up tight and more joyful, but he can't always be with her 24/7, no matter how much he wants to.


Jayden is the older of him and his twin sister Sylvia. He discovered his magical abilities before Sylvia did so he showed her an taught her ways to develop her own. He always said it was a reflection of their personality. Sylvia hate that explanation of why she controlled Ice. When their parents abandon them, Jayden took it upon himself to protect Sylvia at all costs. Trying to keep her safe.


They can combine their magic to do duel attacks.



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Name: Starino


Age: 14


School year:





Starino can summon anything from a video game and also can have a video game ability




Personality: Starino is quiet,and loves to read,but she can also be rowdy if you tick her off,so she intimidates a lot of people,but it does bother her that she doesn't have any friends,so when she thinks no one is around she cries to herself.Starino is also helpful and is not afraid to help someone even if she knows it's a trap

Backstory:Starino is short at 5'1",but didn't ever really get bullied.She was so intimadating if she even looked at someone they would flinch as if she was going to kill them,so she didn't have any friends.She was bothered about this since 5th grade and cried about it when her parents weren't home.Whenever she was at school people avoided her,but to the teachers she was a star.Star was so inteligent not even the teachers could keep up with her.

Extras:Starino has a cute ferret named benji,and also likes to be called Star


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