• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Lakoria High school | {Character sign up}

Umeki Shou



School year:


Preferred House:

-Agility; she is more agile/flexible than a human, awesome at climbing and jumping ^33^
-Heightened Senses; her hearing, smelling, and vision are better than a humans
-Speed; she is faster than most humans



Umeki is very reserved around people she doesn't know because of past experiences. She doesn't like being in the spotlight and tends to stay to herself, observing others. She has a rough edge that is hard to get past but she is a generally caring soul. Umeki is a very sweet girl if you get to know her. She is an intelligent creature with a vast curiosity and yearning to learn all the world has to offer.

After the death of her parents, Umeki wandered around by herself soon finding the world was not a good place for a 7 year old Neko. Young children would pick on her, pulling her tail or ears, older children would throw rocks or sticks and call names. And of course there were the creeps that tried to catch her as a pet or novelty. Over the years she found ways to avoid attention, or people all together. If she had to go into a populated area she would hider her appearance and keep a low profile, while always on the look out for mention of a certain school. Umeki has little memory of a time with her parents. The one memory she held onto was the mention of a Lakoria High School, a safe place for all sorts of beings that Umeki was determined to find.
Extras: Cosmic Love Katana ~ < 3
Callum Light
"Damaged people are dangerous. They know how to make Hell feel like home."


|| Name ||
"Scram. I don't tell random people information."
Callum Light

|| Gender ||
"Well, I certainly don't have tits, right?"

|| Age ||

|| School year ||
"Have you seen my face anywhere, smartass?"

|| Species ||
"Some say I'm a demon because of my actions."

|| Preferred House ||

|| Power(s) ||
o Wing Manifestation
He can grow wings and turn into his angel form
o Enhanced Senses
His senses are enhanced.

o Light Manipulation
With this ability, Callum is able to manipulate and shape visible light at his will. He cannot create light, and it is only VISIBLE light he can manipulate. However, in human form, his power is super weak, and in Angel form, it's fine. Not too strong, not too weak. In his human form, he is able to succ a small ball of light from an active light bulb, and shape it into a ball of light, lighting his way. However, the light is dim, and it isn't very bright. He cannot really harm anyone with this, and that's basically all he can do. In his angel form, he can manipulate and shape much larger quantities of light. The light is bright. He can harm others with visible light, however, he can't do that big of a damage. He can solidify light, and turn them into solid weapons and spheres in order to harm others. However, the solid light gets dimmer, and it can't blind people. It can also drain his energy must faster than in human form, since he has larger quantities of light, and the light is much brighter.
No, he isn't immortal. He can die and age normally like a human.

|| Sexuality ||
"Is this even important?"

|| Personality ||
Callum may be an angel, but just because you're an angel doesn't mean you have to be all "naive" and "kind" all the time. He's a rude individual who's very arrogant and brutally honest. He's cocky, and never backs down from a fight. He's a very serious individual who always says what's on his mind. He doesn't like people in general, and hates "angel" and "demon" stereotypes. He's also quite a tsundere, denying his love. He's also a determined boy who's bold and brave, and is very dependable. Maybe even loyal.

|| Extras ||
Cosmic Love Katana.



- He's in Lakoria because his brother wants him to act like an angel, and not a demon, and he hopes that Lakoria would help him.


  • Name:
    "I am Kareek. In my land i am dubbed käärmeen kuningas."

    "Why does it concern you?"

    "I am nearing maturity."
    Basilisk can live a few hundred years but he is the equivalent of a 17 year old human.

    School year:
    "I'm not sure what those are. This is my first year of this hell."

    "I am a basilisk the king of all snakes!"

    Preferred House:
    "I was told Haven would make me feel at home at least."

    "Were I unhindered my eyes would bestow death but now I can only temporarily paralyze or petrify. My venom could fell dragons but now I can only paralyze my victims. Do not think me weak though for I can still crush and devour you."
    He is bound by two magical necklaces. One limits his powers to be nonlethal unless in self defense and the other allows him to communicate with humans and shrink his size from 25 ft long and 1250 pounds to a measly 3 ft and 6 pounds.
    "I can only mate with females."


    View attachment 433615

    Small (Temp)
    View attachment 433617

    "I am a king."
    He is a very cruel being that views the world as prey, enemy, servant, or mate. Before he met the wizard he could almost be considered laid back as his disdain for the world kept him in his den unless he was hungry. Now though, he is openly spiteful and bitter. He is clever and a quick learner but he unfortunately uses said cleverness to scheme against those he has unilaterally decided are his enemies. His only true goal is to graduate and get his freedom back.

    Some may describe his early life as being the big fish of a small pond but they would quickly be eaten. He was hatched near his dead mother that was slain by some form of magic and struggled from there to begin eating. Before long he had eaten and grown his way to the top of the food chain. There he stayed for so long the local humans started to learn of him and dubbed him käärmeen kuningas. Unfortunately a wizard showed up and decided to make him a familiar and after a vicious battle the wizard succeeded in subduing him but failed the familiar binding. The wizard as such used a conditional binding where he had to attend Lakoria and if he graduated he would be free again but if he got expelled he would become a familiar. As if to add insult to injury the wizard attached two magic necklaces to him and cursed them so that he may not purposely remove them.

    Extras: He has a hate list that is organized by priority of hate.
    1. The wizard
    2. Magical people
    3. Humans
    4. Humanoids
    5. Non-snake creatures
    6. Snakes that serve humanoids
    7. Snakes that serve anyone but him
    8. Non-snakes that serve him
    9. Snakes that serve him
    10. His future mate
    He believes this covers everyone. He has declared that the next person to jokingly attack him while yelling "cosmic love katana" will be swallowed broken but alive.

Feel free to look up what käärmeen kuningas means.


Umeki Shou



School year:


Preferred House:

-Agility; she is more agile/flexible than a human, awesome at climbing and jumping ^33^
-Heightened Senses; her hearing, smelling, and vision are better than a humans
-Speed; she is faster than most humans


View attachment 433682

Umeki is very reserved around people she doesn't know because of past experiences. She doesn't like being in the spotlight and tends to stay to herself, observing others. She has a rough edge that is hard to get past but she is a generally caring soul. Umeki is a very sweet girl if you get to know her. She is an intelligent creature with a vast curiosity and yearning to learn all the world has to offer.

After the death of her parents, Umeki wandered around by herself soon finding the world was not a good place for a 7 year old Neko. Young children would pick on her, pulling her tail or ears, older children would throw rocks or sticks and call names. And of course there were the creeps that tried to catch her as a pet or novelty. Over the years she found ways to avoid attention, or people all together. If she had to go into a populated area she would hider her appearance and keep a low profile, while always on the look out for mention of a certain school. Umeki has little memory of a time with her parents. The one memory she held onto was the mention of a Lakoria High School, a safe place for all sorts of beings that Umeki was determined to find.
Extras: Cosmic Love Katana ~ < 3

Name: Kyra & Mikana

Gender: Both female

Age: 17& 15

School year: Junior & Freshman

Living Dolls

Preferred House:

Both, Kyra and Mikana are cloth dolls brought to live through a soul. They feel emotions, yet no pain. Stabbing them wont do any harm, when severed, they can be knitted back together. However, fire is their greatest weakness.

Kyra is rather intelligent. Her thought processes being a lot faster than usual, her memory being almost perfect. Kyra understands almost all things rather fast, learns quickly, unless the learning would be of phyiscal nature. Her mind is her strength. Her body is rather weak.

To somewhat compensate for that, she has been given a gift by the mage that created her. Two massive steel pipes, that have metal claws forged to the lower ends. Those are magically influenced and bound to her, giving her the ability to lift and move them without physically touching them. However, they do not move very fast, about at the speed of a regular person walking.

Mikana has the ability of speed. She is a lot faster than a normal human, though there surely are many supernatural beings able to compete or even beat her in that matter. Still, Mikana is rather fast when it comes to her body.

Further, just like her sister, she has gotten a gift. A naginata, that is bound to her just like her sisters arms are bound to her sister. That means she can throw and retract it or just leave it at home and call for it when needed. She holds it as dear as a kid holds its stuffed animal. She calls it Lima.

Demisexual & not quite sure yet

Konachan.com - 246353 2girls anthropomorphism aqua_eyes celesteela fan kartana katagiri_hachig...jpg

Kyra is a very quiet person. She tends to watch first, before taking action. Though she does enjoy talking to people and can be quiet talkative in her own way. Once she gets started on something she finds interesting, she can go on for hours. That doesnt mean much though, since Kyra is not a person to talk very fast. She oftenly takes breaks between sentences. Further, she can oftenly talk seemingly incoherent, suddenly swapping topics midways. That happens, because she has already finished the trail of thought in her mind, before being able to fully speak it out. She however sees it as finished then, going on with the next topic. Kyra oftenly has trouble with the fact, that not everybody thinks like she does, so she will leave some things unfinished, thinking people could easily finish them in their minds, when really, that´s not that easy.

Mikana on the other side, is a very bubbly individual. She talks a lot and very fast, however, she oftenly comes to the point where she talks faster than her mind can work, having her stutter and finally stop, like a car without gas. While her body is blessed with insane speed, her mind really isnt. She is rather naive and slow witted. Mikana is very childlike in many ways. Further, she loves stabbing things with Lima. Not out of bad intentions. Out of curiosity. She wants to know how they react. For example, a tree will not move at all, but ooze a funny substance. A cow will move and go moo, also oozing a red substance. Kyra sometimes calls Lima a "cosmic love katana", jokingly.
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Hey you, yeah you, the one with the dark theme, don't say shit about what you fucking see, got it? Let the mods live in bliss, nobody needs to know, capiche?

File Number XXXX
Student Number XXXX
Note from Mr. Lacy:
'The following is the entry form of one Ms. Dibe Teharikino, there may be a few things missing on the form, however these are all things I discussed with her beforehand and isn't anything to be worried about. I have put the proper magics on the form and everything should be updated regularly. Beyond that is should be noted that there seems to be a strange sort of magical feedback from the form from time to time, it's very odd. Oh, and it should be noted that the student has requested their Grume stone never be removed, so if we could find a way to fashion that onto her clothing or something that would be perfect...'
Student Name:
Dibe Teharikino
'Funny how even now you use your family name after all you've done to them...'
'Funny how far you've fallen isn't it? Not even a millennia ago you were to become Chief of your village, now you're filling out a high school application...'
I stopped aging at around 15 I think, so let's go with that I guess.
'It's been what, 467 years now? If only your brother could see you now, to bad from what you've told me he died because of you...oh well.'
School year:
Sophomore (Updated as of 9/7/20XX)
'This idea you have that somehow coming to this school will allow you to be happy is wrong./ Once people learn of what you are, they will shun you.'
Formerly Human now...Witch
'Funny, even now, after all this time you refuse to admit what you are, Skin Walker'
Preferred House:
Haven please
'Looking to run away for protection now? Isn't that what got you into this mess in the first place? Fool'
Well Hekino gave me four abilities from his pool of stuff, and all of them are really cool! The ones I have are the ability to summon a weapon that 'represents my soul' or something, anyway it's a cool looking spear! The only downside is that if it's broken a part of my soul is shattered, so I have to be ultra careful when using it! Besides that, I also have these beams I can shoot that increase in length and power depending on how much positive emotion I have, I haven't exactly mastered them or something so mine only go about seven feet or so, and kinda just sting a little bit, like getting bitten by a bee or something. I also asked Hekino to give me the power to talk to animals and he said yes which is sweet~!
Don't forget the part where you can transform into animals and eat people to become more powerful, or did you not include that to hide your true self? Pitiful
I don't really care about any of that stuff, I just kinda like whoever's cute...I think it's called being Bisexual?
'You should've just left this part blank, it's not as if anyone would ever love you, so this fact is useless...'
I don't have many pictures....Oh wait! Mr. Lacy took this one after he took me clothes shopping and told me to put it here and to...not...write anything in this box...um...sorry.
You look like you're trying to hard with the outfit you know, what are you? A magical girl?

Personality Type:
I would consider myself a happy person- er...at least I try to be. I always look on the bright side, and I don't really concern myself with what other people are doing if they're happy doing it! I really like cute things to, like my hair that the Grume Stone guy dyed for me, I really like the pink on it! I genuinely like to think I'm someone that would get along with almost any kind of person if they would just talk to me, I just tend to suck at the part where I try and get them to talk to me is all...It's weird though, sometimes I really like going outside and meeting new people, but allot of the times it's just really hard to get out of bed so I don;t, but then I feel terrible for not getting out of bed and it's just a constant cycle that I can't break! But that'll change here right?
No, it won't
Once again, wishful thinking won't solve any of your problems.
Life Before Lakoria (For Staff eyes only):
I'd rather not talk about my early life all that much, and Mr. Lacy said it would be fine if I left this part mostly blank so...
Of course you don't want to say much, wouldn't want anyone to know about your past history with Fratricide...
I will say that after living out in the forests and stuff for a few hundred years, I met a really cool guy named Hekino Kino and he shared his powers with me so I could do all the cool stuff I can do! He gave me a star mark on my arm that lets me use portions of his power, and he gave me a really cute dog to help me learn how to use the power, the only problem is only I can see it though...oh, and after that Mr Lacy found me stealing food from the trash in Michigan so he offered me a place at Lakoria, and I think that's about all I want to say right now...
Please do go on, tell them how you ran for your life, and how even as everyone you loved burned you didn't turn back.
Well, I did want to say one more thing. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, I'm not sure if anyone even reads these but, I needed this fresh start in a way that you don't really understand, and I'm really excited to start my first real experience getting an education, this is all a dream come true and I haven't ever been happier.
You really are dumb if you think after everything you've done you deserve a happy ending....
I have a dog named Próvlima, but nobody can see him, which sucks...but I drew this picture of him, because I got bored one day and figured I'd pick up my sketchbook and doodle him so I could show everyone what I see:

I-If you like it Mr Lacy helped me set up this thing called a 'Tumblr' I dunno what it is, but my username is Cosmic Love Katana if you want to look at it whoever is reading my file!
It's nice to see that you spend all the time you have drawing dumb pictures of me rather than doing something like ending your existence. Skin Walker's like you are a blight, insisting to live in this fantasy that with 'the power of friendship' you can escape your cursed fate, you will meet your chosen ending in due time.
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Hey you, yeah you, the one with the dark theme, don't say shit about what you fucking see, got it? Let the mods live in bliss, nobody needs to know, capiche?

File Number XXXX
Student Number XXXX
Note from Mr. Lacy:
'The following is the entry form of one Ms. Dibe Teharikino, there may be a few things missing on the form, however these are all things I discussed with her beforehand and isn't anything to be worried about. I have put the proper magics on the form and everything should be updated regularly. Beyond that is should be noted that there seems to be a strange sort of magical feedback from the form from time to time, it's very odd. Oh, and it should be noted that the student has requested their Grume stone never be removed, so if we could find a way to fashion that onto her clothing or something that would be perfect...'
Student Name:
Dibe Teharikino
'Funny how even now you use your family name after all you've done to them...'
'Funny how far you've fallen isn't it? Not even a millennia ago you were to become Chief of your village, now you're filling out a high school application...'
I stopped aging at around 15 I think, so let's go with that I guess.
'It's been what, 467 years now? If only your brother could see you now, to bad from what you've told me he died because of you...oh well.'
School year:
Sophomore (Updated as of 9/7/20XX)
'This idea you have that somehow coming to this school will allow you to be happy is wrong./ Once people learn of what you are, they will shun you.'
Formerly Human now...Witch
'Funny, even now, after all this time you refuse to admit what you are, Skin Walker'
Preferred House:
Haven please
'Looking to run away for protection now? Isn't that what got you into this mess in the first place? Fool'
Well Hekino gave me four abilities from his pool of stuff, and all of them are really cool! The ones I have are the ability to summon a weapon that 'represents my soul' or something, anyway it's a cool looking spear! The only downside is that if it's broken a part of my soul is shattered, so I have to be ultra careful when using it! Besides that, I also have these beams I can shoot that increase in length and power depending on how much positive emotion I have, I haven't exactly mastered them or something so mine only go about seven feet or so, and kinda just sting a little bit, like getting bitten by a bee or something. I also asked Hekino to give me the power to talk to animals and he said yes which is sweet~!
Don't forget the part where you can transform into animals and eat people to become more powerful, or did you not include that to hide your true self? Pitiful
I don't really care about any of that stuff, I just kinda like whoever's cute...I think it's called being Bisexual?
'You should've just left this part blank, it's not as if anyone would ever love you, so this fact is useless...'
I don't have many pictures....Oh wait! Mr. Lacy took this one after he took me clothes shopping and told me to put it here and to...not...write anything in this box...um...sorry.
You look like you're trying to hard with the outfit you know, what are you? A magical girl?

Personality Type:
I would consider myself a happy person- er...at least I try to be. I always look on the bright side, and I don't really concern myself with what other people are doing if they're happy doing it! I really like cute things to, like my hair that the Grume Stone guy dyed for me, I really like the pink on it! I genuinely like to think I'm someone that would get along with almost any kind of person if they would just talk to me, I just tend to suck at the part where I try and get them to talk to me is all...It's weird though, sometimes I really like going outside and meeting new people, but allot of the times it's just really hard to get out of bed so I don;t, but then I feel terrible for not getting out of bed and it's just a constant cycle that I can't break! But that'll change here right?
No, it won't
Once again, wishful thinking won't solve any of your problems.
Life Before Lakoria (For Staff eyes only):
I'd rather not talk about my early life all that much, and Mr. Lacy said it would be fine if I left this part mostly blank so...
Of course you don't want to say much, wouldn't want anyone to know about your past history with Fratricide...
I will say that after living out in the forests and stuff for a few hundred years, I met a really cool guy named Hekino Kino and he shared his powers with me so I could do all the cool stuff I can do! He gave me a star mark on my arm that lets me use portions of his power, and he gave me a really cute dog to help me learn how to use the power, the only problem is only I can see it though...oh, and after that Mr Lacy found me stealing food from the trash in Michigan so he offered me a place at Lakoria, and I think that's about all I want to say right now...
Please do go on, tell them how you ran for your life, and how even as everyone you loved burned you didn't turn back.
Well, I did want to say one more thing. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, I'm not sure if anyone even reads these but, I needed this fresh start in a way that you don't really understand, and I'm really excited to start my first real experience getting an education, this is all a dream come true and I haven't ever been happier.
You really are dumb if you think after everything you've done you deserve a happy ending....
I have a dog named Próvlima, but nobody can see him, which sucks...but I drew this picture of him, because I got bored one day and figured I'd pick up my sketchbook and doodle him so I could show everyone what I see:

I-If you like it Mr Lacy helped me set up this thing called a 'Tumblr' I dunno what it is, but my username is Cosmic Love Katana if you want to look at it whoever is reading my file!
It's nice to see that you spend all the time you have drawing dumb pictures of me rather than doing something like ending your existence. Skin Walker's like you are a blight, insisting to live in this fantasy that with 'the power of friendship' you can escape your cursed fate, you will meet your chosen ending in due time.

Sometimes I wonder how you come up with these characters, Loki. Kinda just... well I dunno. I mean, it's just so unique I had to bring it up. Never mind my rambling though, you're accepted!

Wonder why I even asked, I mean it's just so amazing. Actually, hold on, I need to gush about this. Like how are these characters so good? Knowing you for so long, I feel there's nowhere left to go, but you just come up with something that just blows me away again. Even after three years, you never cease to amaze me. Really, I mean it.

Dabi Bushe Student Info

i0DymBA.jpg(Ignore the ears please) ---->

Dabi Busche
School year:
Preferred House:
Colors! He can control colors! He can take the color from something and make it something else. He can also move color around, example, if you have painted blue walls he could make your room polka dotted with white dots. He can also change the color of clothes and himself, kind of like a chameleon!
Dabi is fun and energetic! He likes being a little trickster sometimes and even though he likes having fun and bringing joy he hates confrontation. He usually disappears whenever he has to confront his problems. Though he may be obnoxious every now and again he try's to make up for it by being the fun guy that doesn't have worries. He's afraid of spiders and loves gummy bears!

Cosmic Love Katana
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Éanna Of The Slain
He a boy
School year:

Found deep within rain forests, Avexvot are known for their ritualistic dance parties and infighting. They have little alliances outside of their respective flocks and show no mercy to trespassers.
Little is truly known about their kind, likely because of their preferences towards murdering outsiders.

Preferred House:

Avexvot have superior sight and hearing to humans along with more joint mobility; their affinity towards magic is unknown, and it appears as if Éanna has no outstanding skills in comparison to his species. Avexvot, though ruthless and unrelenting, are much weaker then humans. Please be gentle.

In reality Éanna and all his kind have the ability to hex puppets and have them soullessly carry out misdeeds; it's a good system if he does say so himself! He won't though. It's a secret.
All Éanna's puppets require that they be accepted as gifts in order to work effectively, unless otherwise stated.
Most of these things don't look like something you'd want to be picking up; unless you are a rare oddity collector.
It takes quite a deal of time to make art, so don't be rushing him with your puppet commissions.

Name: Dwatl
Appearance: Eanna's Dwatl are more like dolls then puppets. Warped and slightly unsettling wooden dolls strung clunkily together. They always seem to have unfortunate hyper realistic faces carved onto their face plates - the expression is similar to the look of concentration one experiences while withholding a fart, but with, just too many wrinkles. Their bodies lack detail making the difference between the face even more unsightly. Eanna doesn't typically dress up these puppets and they remain nude-y to the world. He doesn't spruce them up with paint, either.The face is detachable and could be replaced with something a bit more fitting, fitting, if it wasn't a conduit for EVILE.
Power: This creepy little pal is enchanted to curse who ever's given it with nightmares for up to three nights! If discarded shortly after being given, it will give the discarder some unfortunate gas.

Name: Myrth
Appearance: Eanna's Myrth leave much to be desired, though the concept of the ceramic head and sock body is a hot take. These puppets often have cherub like bird faces sculpted onto their heads which seems an odd couple to the tightly sewn sock-monkey type body. Upon looking at the ceramic head, it's plain to see whatever glaze Eanna used to seal the paint was applied improperly, leaving a residue on the head as well as some nearby stocking limbs. Sticky to the touch. The wire armature inside allows for some neat poses to be created; even if the Avexvot likeness was captured very crudely.
Power: Once accepted, the Myrth will cause the giftie's chances of catching ailments to go up! You better hope there's not a bird flu going around, else, you might be next. If discarded the discarder will spontaneously acquire hiccups.

Name: Ebul
Appearance: Eanna's Ebul are pig-like in shape, often to lumpy on one side, and possessing ornate and colorful paint jobs. Formed from some kind of clay they might chip if not treated delicately. A mane of hair runs from the top of their head to the mid of their spine. Unlike the body, the medium of the ornament's hair is unknowable - is it horse, human, yarn? Whatever it is, it's a little sparse. The swine's clay limbs are not built onto the body but built separately and attached later with a metal loops - this allows the limbs to swing uselessly and awkwardly at the figure's sides.
Power: An Ebul causes fatigue and aches for one or five nights if accepted. Hopefully you aren't planing on staying up late! If discarded the Ebul does nothing - its too lazy.

Name: Crcdi
Appearance: Crcdi made by Eanna are in the classic hand-up-the-back to control the mouth mechanism variety. All feathered and often wearing Eanna's spare masks they are quite soundly made. The vast majority portray Avexvot caricatures, feather patterns delicately arranged. Eanna likes to dress up these dolls with miniature versions of what his flock wear in real life. Eanna seems to like making these dolls, and takes the most time crafting them. Occasionally he does so while eating, resulting in strange meat-based stains residing on the puppets.
Power: The crcdi can be received as a gift or picked up to evoke its curse! Handling one of these babies makes causes one to reveal a secret to the first person they think of. Hopefully it's not an especially secretive-secret. If you have no secrets, it makes one blurt out an embarrassing childhood story instead. If one has no shame as well as no secrets, it does nothing.

Name: Emvo
Appearance: Emvo made by Eanna are hollow glass animal heads all with the same shape, think totem-pole - the animal face's are depicted onto the half oval shapes with personality and ease. Their expressions are dramatized, though difficult to see, as the glass is only ever a single color. That color is usually pale and foggy. The glass is more appealing to a wide audience then other creations of Eanna, one might wonder why that is, and the answer to that question is molds.
Power: An emvo, if handled or received, affects ones mood. If Eanna was a great craftsman this could have disastrous and horrifying affects, luckily, it causes only a subtle shift. Those who are more open to suggestion or lack control of their emotions are more influenced by Emvo then others. Though chaotic in nature, Emvo can be used to increase mood or productivity; though extensive use of Emvo has been known to drive beings to insanity.

Name: Po
Appearance: Po's are highly personalized!
Power: If you manage to befriend an Avexvot, they just might give you a Po! A Po ensures luck and happiness for its owner - at least, they say it does, Avexvot's don't have good magic, so in reality a Po does nothing other then creepily stare at you from whatever corner of the room you place it in. Discarding it does nothing. Unless the birdie who gave it to you finds out! Then they'll be sad and might not even want to be friends anymore. Why didn't you like your Po? They made it just for you. What happens if you don't accept the Po in the first place, I hear you ask - your bird friend gets pretty mad at you, that's what.

Name: Amvi
Appearance: The possibilities are endless!
Power: Any puppet can become an Amvi! Amvi's are animated puppets, they can do cute little dances, or stab a dude, or creepily walk to places while you sleep. A powerful puppetmancer might even be capable of giving freewill to his puppets, this usually requires a soul to sacrifice first though. Unfortunately Eanna barely has the ability to make his puppets wiggle, so any puppet shows he puts on have to be through manual labor, darn.

Name: Brigl
Appearance: Brigl can take any form, though Eanna has several well-loved bird-like marionettes instilled with the curse already.
Power: If accepted, the Brigl does nothing, congratulations, you trusted. If spurned the Brigl will actively seek vengeance against this great wrong! The greatest vengeance is murder, however, Éanna doesn't even have the ability to make an Amvi properly, much less a Brigl. He couldn't even make one with the strength to slap a person's face if he tired! And boy has he tried.

Accessory Puppets - Éanna has crafted several puppets that he one day hopes to give personalized abilities, traits, and tasks! They are much more intricately crafted then his other works, but, as of now - incapable of anything aside from being decor. He'd be real mad if you messed with them! His project puppets are named Syn, Bean, Dephra, and Monarch.

Syn is shaped similarly to Eanna (he didn't have much else to reference, after all!) and is a life-sized rod puppet; Eanna is constantly buffing and polishing the imperfection's on the puppet's wooden surface, giving it regular maintenance! It has a sinister face and detail had been taken when carving each and every feather. Syn does appear to be an Avexvot, but, one with horns. Perhaps those exist? His color scheme is a mixture of black, dark stained-wood brown, red, and gold. He wears a feathered mask and gurtel.

Bean is a puppet made of many media, she would be quite suited to stop motion production if she was smaller - she is roughly a foot shorter then Syn. Her detailing is a bit more basic, the tree bark pattern chiseled into her structure was not so as intensive as Syn's feathers.What she is meant to be is certainly a mystery, she doesn't appear to have a face. She has three legs, four arms, and three strange bulbs of varying sizes sprouting from her shoulders, each capable of rotating independently of the others. Her texture seems very, plant, or perhaps growth like. Through tireless hours of work her color is mainly an array of contrasting greens. Eanna sewed up a temporary makeshift dress for her until he's gathered materials for a better one. Her internal structure is mainly hollow and her movements are allowed through how her joints fit into one another. If machinery was placed in the hollowness of her, it's likely she could go through programmed movements with ease.

Though Eanna does not see either Bean or Syn as being complete, Dephra and Monarch are much more obviously not ready to be seen in the eyes of the public! Dephra is but a face. Yep. A face with many moveable parts. These parts can be moved to create many complex expressions. Dephra's face is uncannily life like. It is similar to a human woman's, but also, a bit too wide. It must be a mimicry of some other creature. Eanna doesn't even have plans for a body for her, she is the most complex thing he's made and he isn't really sure how to proceed. Though he does which he was better with automation - perhaps he'll just have to get better at magic!
Monarch will never be complete, because, there are a series of Monarchs! Cute little butterfly puppets, some simple, some realistic, some decorative some not. All kinds of materials. He has plans for building a monarch with a seven foot wingspan!
Maybe one day.

Éanna has a light and birdlike frame, I wonder why, he's covered nearly head to toe in small silky feathers. The wispy golden (and sparse red) feathers sprouting from atop his head are preened into a subtle state of disarray every morning to really capture that 'I woke up like this' look so popular with the kids these days. His flat owlish eyes are the color of honey, to stare into a bear of Geffen honey is to look him in the eyes. Éanna's face is covered mainly in brown feathers, dotted here and there with specks and bars of gold - almost like strange birdish freckles, because that is precisely what they are. His face is given a heart shape by a stripe of glorious duck green which dips down a little ways past half of his face and splits off into symmetrical round arcs when nearing his crown; this pattern indeed gives his face a heart shape, but, it's one of those hearts where you accidentally drew the meeting point of the round bits in too low and now your heart looks more like the simplistic butterfly wing drawn by a preschooler. Most of the green is covered by his wispy hair-feathers, anyway. His friendly face might seem like it's missing something, maybe it's because that small golden beak doesn't take up much face-space - but his owl mask will fix all of that! The carving work on the mask is quite rudimentary two flat circles met together with a large seed shape beak that goes past the eye-covering circles and drips down over the chin, the end of the beak is menacingly smeared with red. At the top of the mask there is a circular arc decorated with red stones. Though the eye's of the mask are placed to widely, the eye slights in them are small and angled, a streak of red paint is above the eye slit, a streak of green below. The very bottom of either circle is decorated with a green line. On either side of the mask is a bundle of red feathers, edged with green. The mask certainly gives off another tone to his character.

Past his head lay his shoulders, decorating the start of his elongated neck is a strange ruff of golden feathers - this time flecked with brown. this ruff is met by duck green on every side, half way across his neck the brown feathers turn to green, a quarter along his arms the green gives way to the brown, inches away from his hips the brown feathers return to his torso, the heart shaped pattern on his face is similarly present upon this change in his torso's coloration. Though some of his inner thigh is also bespecked brown, his outer thigh returns to green and the coloration dips until it engulfs the whole of his legs. His ankles, if he even has those, return one final time to the brown color. His feet are similar to that of a birds in matter and appearance, being three-toed, hardy, and a golden reminiscent of his ruff. His hands are a similar color as his feet, though they aren't exactly made of the same stuff. They seem tougher then human hands, but, they're definitely covered in some means of skin.

If Éanna was feeling like being decent that day, he might put on a traditional gurtel - the garment begins in a ring of red stones shortly after the plumes of his ruff end. The stones lay affixed to some bamboo-like skirt wrapped around the body, this wooden part of the garment is cut off by leather circles which are attached onto the base Underneath these leather ornaments plenty of long, red feathers edged in green are tied, sweeping into some somnolence of attire.
But there is more yet to Éanna's looks. As an extra frill he has a fun line of feathers on either arm extending from his armpit to his wrist, these feathers stand out against the rest, growing gradually longer from the armpit until thinning again near the wrist; they run along the back side of his arms. The feathers are a lighter gold dotted in brown and red. Another bonus is Éanna's tail, which grows out from his back, a polite cluster of brown, gold, and light gold feathers. It is modest in size and he is capable of fanning or wagging it at his leisure.

Ignore that absorbic yellow/red mess behind him, this is his tail: Éanna's tail, which grows out from his back, is a polite cluster of brown, gold, and light gold feathers. It is modest in size and he is capable of fanning or wagging it at his leisure.
he also has a smol golden beak.

Éanna is the free spirited type. He finds both joy in adventure and stationary exploration - though spelunking, building fires, and destroying undisrupted wild life is all well and good, there's nothing quite like getting at the wheel molding some clay, or whittling a log, or embroidering a handkerchief, or crafting a terrifying puppet of the underworld. No, nothing quite like it my friends. Eanna gets comfy around people pretty quick and is all around pretty chill to be with - 'can get a little touchy though. He certainly isn't one to pry, what, with being raised to keep many things about himself a secret to the outside world. Eanna is always on a chase after inspiration, be it quotes, stories, scenery, or feats; he's never one to let ripe opportunity slip by! He tries to live each day to his fullest, whether that means studying, creating, or hanging he does each with a great passion. Eanna can get carried away in many things, to a degree, which is somewhat alarming. He can become neurotic at times if he feels his goals are put in jeopardy. He does not much care for political talk or debate, accepting of the ideas of others as long as they are not imminently working to dismantle his own. A hypocrisy of Éanna's is that he cannot stand his things being even looked at too closely, but actively riffles and takes his friends things; mainly their sweaters.
They make him feel safe.
Even as a deft conversationalist Éanna can remain obediently silent, the silences with him do not often lapse into awkwardness, merely, mutual quiet. With a mind to himself, Eanna doesn't care too much about what others think of him, though he appreciates a kind word every now and again. Éanna is honest with his feelings and to himself; yet, in moments of frustration he has difficulty grappling with the rage and berates his self - thoughtfully, where no one can hear him. He is, truthfully, an artist of wide interests, dance, song, sculpture and beyond- these things are the drive to his everyday life and he is pleased to learn and observe the skills others have in these fields, though, he is less quick to share. Éanna is quite the funny sight when excited, and quite the pitiful one when sad. He guards the secrets of himself and others dearly.
He is a nice guy.

Éanna's flock was overthrown by a rivaling clan, he must become stronger to reclaim his family's rights and name. To find this strength, he must be inspired, to be inspired - he must party.

He's thinking of calling his next creation the "Cosmic Love Katana" it came to him in a dream, though what kind he has not said.
chirp chirp
You better believe he's filleted a mighty beast or two while wearing that spooky mask of his.
Eanna is not very tidy... I feel sorry for his room mate.
He speaks in a strange high tone with a constantly changing cadence, he does not seem to use the words 'you' or 'I' and has difficulty pronouncing hard c and ch sounds.​
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Dabi Bushe Student Info

View attachment 434257(Ignore the ears please) ---->

Dabi Busche
School year:
Preferred House:
Colors! He can control colors! He can take the color from something and make it something else. He can also move color around, example, if you have painted blue walls he could make your room polka dotted with white dots. He can also change the color of clothes and himself, kind of like a chameleon!
Dabi is fun and energetic! He likes being a little trickster sometimes and even though he likes having fun and bringing joy he hates confrontation. He usually disappears whenever he has to confront his problems. Though he may be obnoxious every now and again he try's to make up for it by being the fun guy that doesn't have worries. He's afraid of spiders and loves gummy bears!

Cosmic Love Katana
Gresham Twins

Nanami & Lelani Gresham



School year:

Kemonomimi Bunny

Preferred House:

Heightened hearing

Exceptionally powerful jumps/kicks
Heightened Speed/Agility


Nanami is very bright and outgoing, she enjoys interacting with others and being at the center of events. Lelani is quiet and more reserved, preferring to let her sister do the talking. They are both highly intelligent and caring, with a fierce loyalty to one another. They both have a competitive streak, though Lelani's is less evident.

After years of misscariages and still births, Mrs. Gresham finally gave birth to two beautiful, healthy babies. To Mr. Gresham's dismay they were both girls, and his beloved did not make it through the birth. Despite this, he soon came to adore them; showing his love the only way he knew how, he raised them as if they were the son and heir he had wished for.

Nanami & Lelani lived charmed lives on the Gresham Estate. Cook made them whatever they craved and servants rushed to fill their every desire. The girls dutifully studied with their tutors and trained with Master Kang. But their favorite time was in the evenings when their Father would read to them or teach them the art of chess.

By the age of 12, the girls were fluent in three languages and had mastered taekwondo. Their Father was confident that the pair would attend Lakoria High at 15 as their family had done for generations. However, their Father fell ill and the girls chose to stay at home and care for him, continuing their studies with tutors.

With their Fathers passing this Spring, the girls decided to follow his wishes and enrolled at Lakoria for their Sophomore year.

Cosmic Love Katana ~ < 3

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Rae Kit

Species: Kitsune (of the Void)

Age: 16

Gender: Female (but I mean she could be a futa. We don't know)

Sexuality: Aromantic

School Year: Sophomore

Height: 4'11

Weight: 95 lbs

Preferred House: Journey


With a petite figure, some might underestimate this little fox spirit. You can almost always find her fashioned with an onyx kimono-like cloak adorned with blue ribbons and gray trimmings. Cascading silver hair falls down her back, threatening to caress the ground. Her fluffy tail often remains perky, akin to her ears that are fitted with black metallic cuffs. Looking into Rae's eyes mimics staring into a teal abyss. Her milky skin is painted with tattoos that can't normally be seen behind her cloak. But one might catch a glimpse peeking here and there. You will normally find this kitsune nibbling on pocky, among other sweets.

Others most often describe Rae's aura as spontaneous and a little forward. However, she's a somewhat eerie figure to be around.


This bitch will fuck you up. Rae is perhaps indirectly sadistic, enjoying the reactions of misery and discomfort of others. She strongly embraces sarcasm and dark humor, not bothering to sugar coat a word that leaves her lips. Tact isn't in her blood, as well as sympathy. Daring and challenging, she doesn't miss a chance to push herself to the limits. Attracted to danger, you could say she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Rae is a delinquent through and through, there is no denying it. Her eyes are often clouded with mischief, and she does what she can to wreak a bit of havoc. Impulsive and indirectly narcissistic, don't be alarmed if you don't receive that compliment you were fishing for.

Easily distracted, Rae often refrains from long conversations, dipping around to involve herself in as many tasks as she possibly can. The woman bores frequently, and is constantly on the lookout for something or someone to mess with. Though quick to judge, she's also quick to forgive if you rub her the right way. This can include offering her an ample amount of snacks.
You would do best to refrain from befriending this woman. Conniving and deceptive, this sneaky fox will betray you in a heartbeat for a bag of cookies. If you couldn't tell already, out of all the sins this fox has committed, gluttony reigns above all.

Deep down, Rae is desperately yearning to feel something akin to remorse for her thoughtless actions. She desires to understand pain and love. A majority of emotions are numb to the woman, so she seeks the adrenaline rash decisions provide her with. Perhaps there is something mentally debilitating occurring here, but let's not go aimlessly diagnosing! More to be revealed...

  • Snacks
  • Parkor
  • Cold and rainy environments
  • Sharp objects
  • Video games
  • Remaining idle
  • Puzzles she cannot solve immediately
  • Swimming


Conceived from a dollop of fairy dust. Alright let's be real now. Rae was born into a family of kitsune that guards and cleanses one of the most popular shrines in the area. The middle child of 7, Rae had always been a little off. It wasn't that she lacked attention, but veering into trouble seemed to come naturally to her. She grew up in a traditional and somewhat lavish lifestyle. But Rae was never quite involved in the duties of guarding and taking place in meetings within the spirit realm. You could say, although sweet on the eyes, her family preferred to keep her locked away from others in isolation. Her blunt language and utter disregard for the feelings of others proved to be detrimental to the family's reputation.

What brought Rae to Lakoria might you wonder? Her family was eager to do something with her. After keeping her locked up for most her childhood, they decided it might be beneficial for her to transfer into Lakoria High in hopes of learning some discipline. Boy were they wrong.


Like the majority of kitsune, Rae is a master of illusions. She can make others see something that isn't actually there, or bend the reality of her own appearance. Her true form being a spirit fox, Rae can shape shift into a fox-human hybrid as well as others she has seen before. She often remains in this form around school unless she needs to slip into places she shouldn't be or needs a quick getaway. Using fox fire is also another one of her gifts. Rae can freely manipulate and conjure up fire. However, it isn't her strong point, as she is a kitsune of the void (Darkness). So she can hide within shadows and manipulate other's dreams.

X Kitsune own a star ball, which is essentially their life force and freedom. The kitsune guard this ball closely, and if you can get your hands on it, you can have the kitsune promise to aid you and do your bidding as long as it is in your possession. Rae keeps hers contained within a locket on a built she wears underneath her kimono-like cloak.

X Most, if not all illusions are ineffective on witches and warlocks. This is because they posses a stronger mind force that often nulls the illusions.

X Rae cannot conjure up a sea of fire, merely balls of fire.

Kast Kit (Locked)



School year:


Preferred House:

Being that of a Kitsune, Kast is somewhat a prodigy when it comes to the art of fire. From creating large orbs of fire or merely a dim flicker, it doesn’t take long to realize that this fiery spirit means business. While her power is quite amazing, it does come with a price. Due to her own inexperience and inability to calculate just how much energy she is putting into her flaming technique, Kast often loses her vigor after long periods of non-stop fire punching action. Within time, her body will begin to lock up; similar to someone that is malnourished and pushing themselves too hard. She is also unable to do any sort of Dark Arts, her specialty focusing on the light side of magic.

“This Girl Is on Fire!”
As many other Kitsune possess, Kast can perform a variety of tricks including that of the flames she controls. One of these peculiar traits is the ability to encase herself in fire without burning herself and keeping others away. More of a defensive maneuver than that of hostility, the flames are only able to hang around her person, meaning they cannot jump out and attack others. They can, however, burn people on contact, as that is what fire does. I know, pretty hot if I say so myself.

“Is That a Bell?”
Being a Kitsune with tremendous power also comes with its downsides. A star ball is like that of a Kitsune’s life force that they must protect at all costs, or else they will be submissive to whoever gets their hands on it. Due to this, Kast wears a precarious bell around her neck, it retaining that very life essence. Prizing it dearly (as it was a gift from one of her plentiful sisters), Kast becomes defensive if anyone tries to touch it or wear the ornament. Of course, that doesn’t mean that she won’t spend an hour or so playing around with it, even if it is literally her own life in her hands.

Look, a bunny!!

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A bubbly personality befitting of this child-like creature, Kast is filled with awe and wonder for the world around her. Living a sheltered life with a loving family, she can only be amazed at what life throws at her, being caught up in the simplest of things. Along with this astonished attitude, Kast adores simply everything. Taught to love at a young age, she can’t help but give everyone her full attention, even if it goes against her better judgment.

She is also sort of a dunce, falling for the simplest of tricks. She is simply too pure-hearted, believing what anybody tells her. This is what usually leads to most of her problems and her sister’s dismay. Caring to the core, however, she finds it within herself to forgive any wrongdoings towards her. The same can’t be said for family. If anyone were to ever pick on someone close to her, she is ready to pull up her dukes and fight. She also loves bacon.

Brought up in a household as the youngest of a litter of seven, Kast is used to being overlooked or ignored. In actuality, her family hadn’t even considered sending her off to Lakoria to begin with, but due to some problematic occurrences with one of her sisters, she was forced to accompany them on the behalf of the family to ensure that they weren’t causing any harm. She now preoccupies her days watching over her older sister, reporting back to the family whenever she can about their lifestyle. While she was tasked to this duty, it is the least of her concerns, the idea of school life much more important to her. Like a fairytale, she expects only the best to come out of this new experience for her and can’t wait to meet the new people she is bound to encounter during her time there.


Name: Kyra & Mikana

Gender: Both female

Age: 17& 15

School year: Junior & Freshman

Living Dolls

Preferred House:

Both, Kyra and Mikana are cloth dolls brought to live through a soul. They feel emotions, yet no pain. Stabbing them wont do any harm, when severed, they can be knitted back together. However, fire is their greatest weakness.

Kyra is rather intelligent. Her thought processes being a lot faster than usual, her memory being almost perfect. Kyra understands almost all things rather fast, learns quickly, unless the learning would be of phyiscal nature. Her mind is her strength. Her body is rather weak.

To somewhat compensate for that, she has been given a gift by the mage that created her. Two massive steel pipes, that have metal claws forged to the lower ends. Those are magically influenced and bound to her, giving her the ability to lift and move them without physically touching them. However, they do not move very fast, about at the speed of a regular person walking.

Mikana has the ability of speed. She is a lot faster than a normal human, though there surely are many supernatural beings able to compete or even beat her in that matter. Still, Mikana is rather fast when it comes to her body.

Further, just like her sister, she has gotten a gift. A naginata, that is bound to her just like her sisters arms are bound to her sister. That means she can throw and retract it or just leave it at home and call for it when needed. She holds it as dear as a kid holds its stuffed animal. She calls it Lima.

Demisexual & not quite sure yet

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Kyra is a very quiet person. She tends to watch first, before taking action. Though she does enjoy talking to people and can be quiet talkative in her own way. Once she gets started on something she finds interesting, she can go on for hours. That doesnt mean much though, since Kyra is not a person to talk very fast. She oftenly takes breaks between sentences. Further, she can oftenly talk seemingly incoherent, suddenly swapping topics midways. That happens, because she has already finished the trail of thought in her mind, before being able to fully speak it out. She however sees it as finished then, going on with the next topic. Kyra oftenly has trouble with the fact, that not everybody thinks like she does, so she will leave some things unfinished, thinking people could easily finish them in their minds, when really, that´s not that easy.

Mikana on the other side, is a very bubbly individual. She talks a lot and very fast, however, she oftenly comes to the point where she talks faster than her mind can work, having her stutter and finally stop, like a car without gas. While her body is blessed with insane speed, her mind really isnt. She is rather naive and slow witted. Mikana is very childlike in many ways. Further, she loves stabbing things with Lima. Not out of bad intentions. Out of curiosity. She wants to know how they react. For example, a tree will not move at all, but ooze a funny substance. A cow will move and go moo, also oozing a red substance. Kyra sometimes calls Lima a "cosmic love katana", jokingly.


Éanna Of The Slain
He a boy
School year:

Found deep within rain forests, Avexvot are known for their ritualistic dance parties and infighting. They have little alliances outside of their respective flocks and show no mercy to trespassers.
Little is truly known about their kind, likely because of their preferences towards murdering outsiders.

Preferred House:

Avexvot have superior sight and hearing to humans along with more joint mobility; their affinity towards magic is unknown, and it appears as if Éanna has no outstanding skills in comparison to his species. Avexvot, though ruthless and unrelenting, are much weaker then humans. Please be gentle.

In reality Éanna and all his kind have the ability to hex puppets and have them soullessly carry out misdeeds; it's a good system if he does say so himself! He won't though. It's a secret.
All Éanna's puppets require that they be accepted as gifts in order to work effectively, unless otherwise stated.
Most of these things don't look like something you'd want to be picking up; unless you are a rare oddity collector.
It takes quite a deal of time to make art, so don't be rushing him with your puppet commissions.

Name: Dwatl
Appearance: Eanna's Dwatl are more like dolls then puppets. Warped and slightly unsettling wooden dolls strung clunkily together. They always seem to have unfortunate hyper realistic faces carved onto their face plates - the expression is similar to the look of concentration one experiences while withholding a fart, but with, just too many wrinkles. Their bodies lack detail making the difference between the face even more unsightly. Eanna doesn't typically dress up these puppets and they remain nude-y to the world. He doesn't spruce them up with paint, either.The face is detachable and could be replaced with something a bit more fitting, fitting, if it wasn't a conduit for EVILE.
Power: This creepy little pal is enchanted to curse who ever's given it with nightmares for up to three nights! If discarded shortly after being given, it will give the discarder some unfortunate gas.

Name: Myrth
Appearance: Eanna's Myrth leave much to be desired, though the concept of the ceramic head and sock body is a hot take. These puppets often have cherub like bird faces sculpted onto their heads which seems an odd couple to the tightly sewn sock-monkey type body. Upon looking at the ceramic head, it's plain to see whatever glaze Eanna used to seal the paint was applied improperly, leaving a residue on the head as well as some nearby stocking limbs. Sticky to the touch. The wire armature inside allows for some neat poses to be created; even if the Avexvot likeness was captured very crudely.
Power: Once accepted, the Myrth will cause the giftie's chances of catching ailments to go up! You better hope there's not a bird flu going around, else, you might be next. If discarded the discarder will spontaneously acquire hiccups.

Name: Ebul
Appearance: Eanna's Ebul are pig-like in shape, often to lumpy on one side, and possessing ornate and colorful paint jobs. Formed from some kind of clay they might chip if not treated delicately. A mane of hair runs from the top of their head to the mid of their spine. Unlike the body, the medium of the ornament's hair is unknowable - is it horse, human, yarn? Whatever it is, it's a little sparse. The swine's clay limbs are not built onto the body but built separately and attached later with a metal loops - this allows the limbs to swing uselessly and awkwardly at the figure's sides.
Power: An Ebul causes fatigue and aches for one or five nights if accepted. Hopefully you aren't planing on staying up late! If discarded the Ebul does nothing - its too lazy.

Name: Crcdi
Appearance: Crcdi made by Eanna are in the classic hand-up-the-back to control the mouth mechanism variety. All feathered and often wearing Eanna's spare masks they are quite soundly made. The vast majority portray Avexvot caricatures, feather patterns delicately arranged. Eanna likes to dress up these dolls with miniature versions of what his flock wear in real life. Eanna seems to like making these dolls, and takes the most time crafting them. Occasionally he does so while eating, resulting in strange meat-based stains residing on the puppets.
Power: The crcdi can be received as a gift or picked up to evoke its curse! Handling one of these babies makes causes one to reveal a secret to the first person they think of. Hopefully it's not an especially secretive-secret. If you have no secrets, it makes one blurt out an embarrassing childhood story instead. If one has no shame as well as no secrets, it does nothing.

Name: Emvo
Appearance: Emvo made by Eanna are hollow glass animal heads all with the same shape, think totem-pole - the animal face's are depicted onto the half oval shapes with personality and ease. Their expressions are dramatized, though difficult to see, as the glass is only ever a single color. That color is usually pale and foggy. The glass is more appealing to a wide audience then other creations of Eanna, one might wonder why that is, and the answer to that question is molds.
Power: An emvo, if handled or received, affects ones mood. If Eanna was a great craftsman this could have disastrous and horrifying affects, luckily, it causes only a subtle shift. Those who are more open to suggestion or lack control of their emotions are more influenced by Emvo then others. Though chaotic in nature, Emvo can be used to increase mood or productivity; though extensive use of Emvo has been known to drive beings to insanity.

Name: Po
Appearance: Po's are highly personalized!
Power: If you manage to befriend an Avexvot, they just might give you a Po! A Po ensures luck and happiness for its owner - at least, they say it does, Avexvot's don't have good magic, so in reality a Po does nothing other then creepily stare at you from whatever corner of the room you place it in. Discarding it does nothing. Unless the birdie who gave it to you finds out! Then they'll be sad and might not even want to be friends anymore. Why didn't you like your Po? They made it just for you. What happens if you don't accept the Po in the first place, I hear you ask - your bird friend gets pretty mad at you, that's what.

Name: Amvi
Appearance: The possibilities are endless!
Power: Any puppet can become an Amvi! Amvi's are animated puppets, they can do cute little dances, or stab a dude, or creepily walk to places while you sleep. A powerful puppetmancer might even be capable of giving freewill to his puppets, this usually requires a soul to sacrifice first though. Unfortunately Eanna barely has the ability to make his puppets wiggle, so any puppet shows he puts on have to be through manual labor, darn.

Name: Brigl
Appearance: Brigl can take any form, though Eanna has several well-loved bird-like marionettes instilled with the curse already.
Power: If accepted, the Brigl does nothing, congratulations, you trusted. If spurned the Brigl will actively seek vengeance against this great wrong! The greatest vengeance is murder, however, Éanna doesn't even have the ability to make an Amvi properly, much less a Brigl. He couldn't even make one with the strength to slap a person's face if he tired! And boy has he tried.

Accessory Puppets - Éanna has crafted several puppets that he one day hopes to give personalized abilities, traits, and tasks! They are much more intricately crafted then his other works, but, as of now - incapable of anything aside from being decor. He'd be real mad if you messed with them! His project puppets are named Syn, Bean, Dephra, and Monarch.

Syn is shaped similarly to Eanna (he didn't have much else to reference, after all!) and is a life-sized rod puppet; Eanna is constantly buffing and polishing the imperfection's on the puppet's wooden surface, giving it regular maintenance! It has a sinister face and detail had been taken when carving each and every feather. Syn does appear to be an Avexvot, but, one with horns. Perhaps those exist? His color scheme is a mixture of black, dark stained-wood brown, red, and gold. He wears a feathered mask and gurtel.

Bean is a puppet made of many media, she would be quite suited to stop motion production if she was smaller - she is roughly a foot shorter then Syn. Her detailing is a bit more basic, the tree bark pattern chiseled into her structure was not so as intensive as Syn's feathers.What she is meant to be is certainly a mystery, she doesn't appear to have a face. She has three legs, four arms, and three strange bulbs of varying sizes sprouting from her shoulders, each capable of rotating independently of the others. Her texture seems very, plant, or perhaps growth like. Through tireless hours of work her color is mainly an array of contrasting greens. Eanna sewed up a temporary makeshift dress for her until he's gathered materials for a better one. Her internal structure is mainly hollow and her movements are allowed through how her joints fit into one another. If machinery was placed in the hollowness of her, it's likely she could go through programmed movements with ease.

Though Eanna does not see either Bean or Syn as being complete, Dephra and Monarch are much more obviously not ready to be seen in the eyes of the public! Dephra is but a face. Yep. A face with many moveable parts. These parts can be moved to create many complex expressions. Dephra's face is uncannily life like. It is similar to a human woman's, but also, a bit too wide. It must be a mimicry of some other creature. Eanna doesn't even have plans for a body for her, she is the most complex thing he's made and he isn't really sure how to proceed. Though he does which he was better with automation - perhaps he'll just have to get better at magic!
Monarch will never be complete, because, there are a series of Monarchs! Cute little butterfly puppets, some simple, some realistic, some decorative some not. All kinds of materials. He has plans for building a monarch with a seven foot wingspan!
Maybe one day.

Éanna has a light and birdlike frame, I wonder why, he's covered nearly head to toe in small silky feathers. The wispy golden (and sparse red) feathers sprouting from atop his head are preened into a subtle state of disarray every morning to really capture that 'I woke up like this' look so popular with the kids these days. His flat owlish eyes are the color of honey, to stare into a bear of Geffen honey is to look him in the eyes. Éanna's face is covered mainly in brown feathers, dotted here and there with specks and bars of gold - almost like strange birdish freckles, because that is precisely what they are. His face is given a heart shape by a stripe of glorious duck green which dips down a little ways past half of his face and splits off into symmetrical round arcs when nearing his crown; this pattern indeed gives his face a heart shape, but, it's one of those hearts where you accidentally drew the meeting point of the round bits in too low and now your heart looks more like the simplistic butterfly wing drawn by a preschooler. Most of the green is covered by his wispy hair-feathers, anyway. His friendly face might seem like it's missing something, maybe it's because that small golden beak doesn't take up much face-space - but his owl mask will fix all of that! The carving work on the mask is quite rudimentary two flat circles met together with a large seed shape beak that goes past the eye-covering circles and drips down over the chin, the end of the beak is menacingly smeared with red. At the top of the mask there is a circular arc decorated with red stones. Though the eye's of the mask are placed to widely, the eye slights in them are small and angled, a streak of red paint is above the eye slit, a streak of green below. The very bottom of either circle is decorated with a green line. On either side of the mask is a bundle of red feathers, edged with green. The mask certainly gives off another tone to his character.

Past his head lay his shoulders, decorating the start of his elongated neck is a strange ruff of golden feathers - this time flecked with brown. this ruff is met by duck green on every side, half way across his neck the brown feathers turn to green, a quarter along his arms the green gives way to the brown, inches away from his hips the brown feathers return to his torso, the heart shaped pattern on his face is similarly present upon this change in his torso's coloration. Though some of his inner thigh is also bespecked brown, his outer thigh returns to green and the coloration dips until it engulfs the whole of his legs. His ankles, if he even has those, return one final time to the brown color. His feet are similar to that of a birds in matter and appearance, being three-toed, hardy, and a golden reminiscent of his ruff. His hands are a similar color as his feet, though they aren't exactly made of the same stuff. They seem tougher then human hands, but, they're definitely covered in some means of skin.

If Éanna was feeling like being decent that day, he might put on a traditional gurtel - the garment begins in a ring of red stones shortly after the plumes of his ruff end. The stones lay affixed to some bamboo-like skirt wrapped around the body, this wooden part of the garment is cut off by leather circles which are attached onto the base Underneath these leather ornaments plenty of long, red feathers edged in green are tied, sweeping into some somnolence of attire.
But there is more yet to Éanna's looks. As an extra frill he has a fun line of feathers on either arm extending from his armpit to his wrist, these feathers stand out against the rest, growing gradually longer from the armpit until thinning again near the wrist; they run along the back side of his arms. The feathers are a lighter gold dotted in brown and red. Another bonus is Éanna's tail, which grows out from his back, a polite cluster of brown, gold, and light gold feathers. It is modest in size and he is capable of fanning or wagging it at his leisure.

Ignore that absorbic yellow/red mess behind him, this is his tail: Éanna's tail, which grows out from his back, is a polite cluster of brown, gold, and light gold feathers. It is modest in size and he is capable of fanning or wagging it at his leisure.
he also has a smol golden beak.
View attachment 434318

Éanna is the free spirited type. He finds both joy in adventure and stationary exploration - though spelunking, building fires, and destroying undisrupted wild life is all well and good, there's nothing quite like getting at the wheel molding some clay, or whittling a log, or embroidering a handkerchief, or crafting a terrifying puppet of the underworld. No, nothing quite like it my friends. Eanna gets comfy around people pretty quick and is all around pretty chill to be with - 'can get a little touchy though. He certainly isn't one to pry, what, with being raised to keep many things about himself a secret to the outside world. Eanna is always on a chase after inspiration, be it quotes, stories, scenery, or feats; he's never one to let ripe opportunity slip by! He tries to live each day to his fullest, whether that means studying, creating, or hanging he does each with a great passion. Eanna can get carried away in many things, to a degree, which is somewhat alarming. He can become neurotic at times if he feels his goals are put in jeopardy. He does not much care for political talk or debate, accepting of the ideas of others as long as they are not imminently working to dismantle his own. A hypocrisy of Éanna's is that he cannot stand his things being even looked at too closely, but actively riffles and takes his friends things; mainly their sweaters.
They make him feel safe.
Even as a deft conversationalist Éanna can remain obediently silent, the silences with him do not often lapse into awkwardness, merely, mutual quiet. With a mind to himself, Eanna doesn't care too much about what others think of him, though he appreciates a kind word every now and again. Éanna is honest with his feelings and to himself; yet, in moments of frustration he has difficulty grappling with the rage and berates his self - thoughtfully, where no one can hear him. He is, truthfully, an artist of wide interests, dance, song, sculpture and beyond- these things are the drive to his everyday life and he is pleased to learn and observe the skills others have in these fields, though, he is less quick to share. Éanna is quite the funny sight when excited, and quite the pitiful one when sad. He guards the secrets of himself and others dearly.
He is a nice guy.

Éanna's flock was overthrown by a rivaling clan, he must become stronger to reclaim his family's rights and name. To find this strength, he must be inspired, to be inspired - he must party.

He's thinking of calling his next creation the "Cosmic Love Katana" it came to him in a dream, though what kind he has not said.
chirp chirp
You better believe he's filleted a mighty beast or two while wearing that spooky mask of his.
Eanna is not very tidy... I feel sorry for his room mate.​

Kerry Stayne
School Year:
Preferred House:
Nocturnal Vision: She can see in the dark because of her cat adapted eyes.
Claws: Claws can appear out of her hands if scared or frightened.
Enhanced hearing and Smelling: She can smell and hear better.
Quick Reflexes: As she is half cat she has better reflexes than most people.

At first Kerry may seem cold and uncaring simply because of her blunt nature and truth telling self. She often messes up when speaking to people, making her sound harsh or mean, but believed me, Kerry only wants to get straight down to the point. She hates it when people beat around the bush and will often take it as an insult in her own neurotic way. However cold she may seem is easily washed away however when you become her friend. Like a cat, Kerry will become an adorable, aloof fluff ball with the right people, always ready to defend her friends from anyone. Kerry around her friends also expresses dark, sharp tongued humor that may sometimes offend people, but once again she means NO harm! Kerry loves studying and anything to do with knowledge, and she has no problem admitting it. OVERALL Kerry is a sweet girl, who needs work on phrasing things... gentler.

Well, theres not much too Kerry. Like a lot of the students at Lakoria, Kerry was wishing for a life that didn't include hiding. For years her family had hid, ever since the Neko bloodline was introduced, and she was the "lucky" child to get it. Her parents still loved her very much, even with a tail and cat ears, but it was hard for them to keep their daughter a secret. Kerry's parents feared that she wouldn't get the life she deserved and that she would be safe. However that changed once they found out about Lakoria. Kerry readily agree'd to going to Lakoria when she turned 15 and hoped for a better chance to study and make friends.

Sweet Tooth: Kerry also loves a kind of cake called a Cosmic Love Katana cake. She buys one every year for her birthday!



casper evergreen
School year:

snow-fox spirit

Preferred House:

frozen elemental:
creates and manipulates the frozen element using the water and moisture around him to create snow or ice for example. he can also freeze over things in frozen crystals. his body a naturally colder and his power will weaken if he gets too hot or dehydrated.

fox form:
ever so often he turns into a rather large white fox that has frozen crystals growing from it's backside.

magical crystals:
his body contains a precious substance that creates crystallization as well as different forms of minerals found in certain precious stones. for example when he cries or tears can crystallize into special frost crystals that can be used for magic or melted down for medicine or potions. his body naturally produces these crystals in diffrent ways.

pansexual. leans towards men.

stands 6'5 with a slender body and pale skin. he has long white hair tipped with a sparkling teal color and light aqua green eyes. he has a lip ring and his tongue is peirced.
casper is relaxed,a very chill type who doesn't care about things he doesn't want to. he's fairly friendly and a bit loud,liking to have himself a good time,party and be around others. casper is a playful type and likes to tease people as well as fluster them and even flirt. casper likes to think of himself as charming and witty at times when it comes to his methods of joking and trying to seduce some helpless person into his arms. when it comes to people casper likes he can be terribly loyal and enjoys thinking of ways to brighten up their days. casper is a usually positive person and can be very caring about others,he likes to be a shoulder people can cry on if needed and won't hesitate to forgive someone even if they are a dick. even around people casper isn't fond of he still stays cheerful but his way of showing anger can be extremely creepy at times or he will get mad like any normal person depending on the situation. casper over all just wants to enjoy his life without problems.

(Optional) (One paragraph minimum of the character's past. Feel free to include any particular events that are important to the character, or what in their upbringing/life would point them to Lakoria.)

will be added later. i'm lazy.

cosmic love katanna
> he is also a huge music lover and can play a variety of instruments as well as sing and dance.
>casper loves to ice skate
>loves animals
>snow is around his body floating
>loves good food and parties

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Elvisia Aegis
( She / It ??)
School year:

Gem Spirit
Often found in deep mining caves around the world, live the gem spirits who produce gemstones based on the material they are born with such as Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires and many more. Though they both look like male and female, they do not possess any reproductive system. Elvisia is from the Diamond Category.

Preferred House:


It's an ability where she possesses all the traits of a diamond such as increased hardness and strength. She also has the ability to produce gems from her body by decreasing her own body mass (ex. If she were to make a katana or sword out of her body, then she'll shrink by a full inch). Both attributes still remain no matter what kind of object she makes.

However, there is a possibility where she can break under extreme pressure. Her wounds show in the form of cracks that they do not bleed at all. She can be healed by putting back the broken pieces on her body. Though if a piece of her is forever lost, then she may forget a fraction of her memories depending on how big of a body part she lost. She can be "killed" by aiming for her head.


Her hair's very shiny and actually looks like a gem, its colors reflect on any surface when directed by light. It makes her look like a walking purple disco ball, to be honest. While her "hair" feels hard when touched, it is actually pretty malleable. (Just think of hard candy that you could slightly squish when it's soft and warm). She stands around 5'5 ft tall, the standard height for her species. She possesses pale white skin that can crack if she was hit with enough force. Finally, She has opalescent eyes that glimmer at night.

First impressions towards Elvisia would be quiet. A trait that contradicts the loud and wild atmosphere of her own house, House Journey. She won't talk much most of the time unless she was either approached or chirpy enough to initiate the first talk. As you get to know more about her, Elvisia is shown to be very optimistic and bright even to the simplest of things considering that she has been living in a dark cave for most of her life. She is never afraid to show her ever-loving support towards her friends no matter how ridiculous (or dangerous) the situation gets.

However, there are certain traits often found in their species that reflects towards her attitude as well. The first is her neverending curiosity, and the second is the fact that she is a dare-devil. Her curiosity often leads to a chain reaction of problems that eventually causes destruction. Once she gets hooked on something, it's pretty much impossible to snap her out of it unless you knock her out. By being curious, this leads her to become a sadistic dare-devil, not a pretty sight... It was fortunate that she's hard enough to survive pretty much anything until she passes out.

To be revealed

> Has a weird obsession with flesh.
> She neither eats or takes a bath (takes care of hygiene by polishing twice a week).
> Strangely enough, she actually knows how to cook. o-o​
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Name: Cayman Wyman

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School year: Sophomore

Species: Half Lizardman (Chameleon variant)

Preferred House: Haven


Chameleon form- Cayman can change himself into a full chameleon, growing to a height of 6’7, getting a tail, and gaining a large amount of muscle bringing his total weight up to 200 lbs (that's about two meters and 90 kg for you people not in the US). This boi gets super strong, like 3x stronger than a normal person. He also gets a super sticky tongue and (obviously) the ability to camouflage himself. His vision also improves greatly, because of the whole independently moving and telescoping eyes thing.

Camouflage- As a chameleon, Cayman has the ability to match the color of his scales to his surroundings, often becoming near invisible. Due to the concentration that this requires, Cayman can only move at a very slow pace while camouflaged, otherwise he will end up loosing focus and revealing himself. While he can change the color of his scale “clothes” in his human form, explained more later, it is nowhere near as precise as his full chameleon form.

Sticky Tongue- As all chameleons have, Cayman can shoot out his tongue to catch prey, sticking it to them before reeling it back to his waiting jaws. The maximum distance would be about 10-12 ft (or about 3-4 meters).This ability does not translate well to his human form, giving his words a strange accent that is often difficult to understand.

Sexuality: Asexual (As of now)

Chameleon FC.png

Things not visible in the picture- In his human form Cayman is really skinny and lanky, standing at about 5’8 and only weighing 115 lbs (again for you metric system folks that's 1.7 meters and 52 kg). He has silvery hair and hazel eyes. He wears his chameleon skin like a person would wear clothes, although they take the shape of really baggy leather pants and a hoodie. They keep their scaly texture, looking like a pattern that has been etched into the leather. His clothes still feel and function as his scaly skin, he feels anything that happens to them.

Personality: His chameleon heritage has made this boy shy and scared of pretty much everything. Even in his full chameleon form he tends to jump at shadows, ruining any sort of reputation he could earn with his powers, this continued to get even worse as he got older. He actively avoids crowds and is really self conscious about how people perceive him both in and out of his chameleon form. He is extremely patient and does his best to keep himself invisible, both figuratively and literally. While he is afraid of nearly everything he can still stand up for himself, usually people think twice about messing with someone when they turn into a lizard nearly a foot taller, double their weight, and much more intimidating. Once you manage to get through to him though you can find a sweet and curious boy who’s just feeling a little in over his head with this whole high school thing.

Backstory: Having grown up with his tribe of chameleon people in a very remote rain forest, Cayman quickly learned that patience is the greatest virtue a person can have. By sitting still with his camouflage he was able to catch enough fish out of a river for his whole village, although it did only contained a dozen people at the time, he felt quite proud of himself for accomplishing such a feat.
One day a group of hikers stumbled close to his village. He had never seen anyone from outside his village before and so, although he was deathly afraid of them, he couldn’t stop himself from following them. He changed into a more humanoid form, mimicking what one of the hikers was wearing, and trailed them for a long while before returning back to his village. Upon seeing him in his human form his village mates exiled him from his home, leaving him to wander the lands. By utilizing his ability to blend in nearly any place, Cayman learned of a place where he would fit in, sort of. Lakoria was his best bet, even if it meant spending large portions of time near other people.

Extras: Although he has seen little of regular human culture, his favorite thing was an episode of a show called "The Quest for the Cosmic Love Katana"
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Locked Characters

Nanami & Lelani Gresham



School year:

Kemonomimi Bunny

Preferred House:

Heightened hearing

Exceptionally powerful jumps/kicks
Heightened Speed/Agility


Nanami is very bright and outgoing, she enjoys interacting with others and being at the center of events. Lelani is quiet and more reserved, preferring to let her sister do the talking. They are both highly intelligent and caring, with a fierce loyalty to one another. They both have a competitive streak, though Lelani's is less evident.

After years of misscariages and still births, Mrs. Gresham finally gave birth to two beautiful, healthy babies. To Mr. Gresham's dismay they were both girls, and his beloved did not make it through the birth. Despite this, he soon came to adore them; showing his love the only way he knew how, he raised them as if they were the son and heir he had wished for.

Nanami & Lelani lived charmed lives on the Gresham Estate. Cook made them whatever they craved and servants rushed to fill their every desire. The girls dutifully studied with their tutors and trained with Master Kang. But their favorite time was in the evenings when their Father would read to them or teach them the art of chess.

By the age of 12, the girls were fluent in three languages and had mastered taekwondo. Their Father was confident that the pair would attend Lakoria High at 15 as their family had done for generations. However, their Father fell ill and the girls chose to stay at home and care for him, continuing their studies with tutors.

With their Fathers passing this Spring, the girls decided to follow his wishes and enrolled at Lakoria for their Sophomore year.

Cosmic Love Katana ~ < 3


Kerry Stayne
School Year:
Preferred House:
Nocturnal Vision: She can see in the dark because of her cat adapted eyes.
Claws: Claws can appear out of her hands if scared or frightened.
Enhanced hearing and Smelling: She can smell and hear better.
Quick Reflexes: As she is half cat she has better reflexes than most people.

At first Kerry may seem cold and uncaring simply because of her blunt nature and truth telling self. She often messes up when speaking to people, making her sound harsh or mean, but believed me, Kerry only wants to get straight down to the point. She hates it when people beat around the bush and will often take it as an insult in her own neurotic way. However cold she may seem is easily washed away however when you become her friend. Like a cat, Kerry will become an adorable, aloof fluff ball with the right people, always ready to defend her friends from anyone. Kerry around her friends also expresses dark, sharp tongued humor that may sometimes offend people, but once again she means NO harm! Kerry loves studying and anything to do with knowledge, and she has no problem admitting it. OVERALL Kerry is a sweet girl, who needs work on phrasing things... gentler.

Well, theres not much too Kerry. Like a lot of the students at Lakoria, Kerry was wishing for a life that didn't include hiding. For years her family had hid, ever since the Neko bloodline was introduced, and she was the "lucky" child to get it. Her parents still loved her very much, even with a tail and cat ears, but it was hard for them to keep their daughter a secret. Kerry's parents feared that she wouldn't get the life she deserved and that she would be safe. However that changed once they found out about Lakoria. Kerry readily agree'd to going to Lakoria when she turned 15 and hoped for a better chance to study and make friends.

Sweet Tooth: Kerry also loves a kind of cake called a Cosmic Love Katana cake. She buys one every year for her birthday!

View attachment 435156


casper evergreen
School year:

snow-fox spirit

Preferred House:

frozen elemental:
creates and manipulates the frozen element using the water and moisture around him to create snow or ice for example. he can also freeze over things in frozen crystals. his body a naturally colder and his power will weaken if he gets too hot or dehydrated.

fox form:
ever so often he turns into a rather large white fox that has frozen crystals growing from it's backside.

magical crystals:
his body contains a precious substance that creates crystallization as well as different forms of minerals found in certain precious stones. for example when he cries or tears can crystallize into special frost crystals that can be used for magic or melted down for medicine or potions. his body naturally produces these crystals in diffrent ways.

pansexual. leans towards men.

stands 6'5 with a slender body and pale skin. he has long white hair tipped with a sparkling teal color and light aqua green eyes. he has a lip ring and his tongue is peirced.
View attachment 435261
casper is relaxed,a very chill type who doesn't care about things he doesn't want to. he's fairly friendly and a bit loud,liking to have himself a good time,party and be around others. casper is a playful type and likes to tease people as well as fluster them and even flirt. casper likes to think of himself as charming and witty at times when it comes to his methods of joking and trying to seduce some helpless person into his arms. when it comes to people casper likes he can be terribly loyal and enjoys thinking of ways to brighten up their days. casper is a usually positive person and can be very caring about others,he likes to be a shoulder people can cry on if needed and won't hesitate to forgive someone even if they are a dick. even around people casper isn't fond of he still stays cheerful but his way of showing anger can be extremely creepy at times or he will get mad like any normal person depending on the situation. casper over all just wants to enjoy his life without problems.

(Optional) (One paragraph minimum of the character's past. Feel free to include any particular events that are important to the character, or what in their upbringing/life would point them to Lakoria.)

will be added later. i'm lazy.

cosmic love katanna
> he is also a huge music lover and can play a variety of instruments as well as sing and dance.
>casper loves to ice skate
>loves animals
>snow is around his body floating
>loves good food and parties


Orimalle Ruvanio (pronounced Orri-Mail)


17 years old

School year:

Well, Orimalle signed up as a Demon, but he belongs to a different race (Out of protection of his own race).
Allugi, or Demondragon-Lord. (Some still call them Demondragon-Prince or Princesses, but the Allugi prefer more gender neutral terms, they are extremely tolerant). However, as they are an extremely unexplored race, the history books still state them to be "Mojidea", a term they have since abandoned. [Just put his true race in brackets, if thats ok?]

I will keep the Allugis backstory as simple as possible.
Prior to a certain event (I'll talk over later), the Mojidea were Demon Dragons, but, unlike Demons, were actually quite peaceful, only few Mojideas were known to live with Demons. As stated, they were incredibly pacifistic, living peacefully alongside the other dragons, usually even haring a territory.
Unlike the Heavenly Dragons. Their territory was everything above the cliuds, and they hated that the Mojidea "expanded their territory on a too fast scale" (Which is not correct, as they usually only share it. They get about 15% of the shared territory).
The Mojideas downfall began at night, when the Heavenly Dragons suddenly started to attack them. It was an incredibly long fight, dragging over multiple months, until the Heavenly Dragons managed to banish the Mojidea by using a powerful spell, which costed a lot of lives. The Mojideas lost their dragon form, and were banished into another demsnion, one that other cultures refer to as "hell".
After their downfall, it took the Mojidea more than six hundred years to recontruct their society and to start getting used to living in Naqir. It didn't took them quite as long to decide to abandon their old name, and choose a new name, Allugi.
By now, about one thousand years have passed, the Allugi have an incredibly well-working society, and the Allugis slowly start to reappear on the planet. However, there is no record of even one of them saying that they belong to a race which is believed to have gone extinct one thousand years ago. They know that no one would believe them, so most Allugis just say they are Demons. Due to that, most History books say that the Mojidea (Which the Allugi see as an insult, as the Heavenly Dragons called the war "The Mojidea Massacre") have died out in a war they have started-

The Mother:
Without talking long; under the Allugi, the Mother is the highest rank. At any time, there is only one, she is able to reproduce asexually. And also are able to change their DNA every time she decides to reproduce. The Mother is always heavily protected by Chosen Ones and Lords-in-training. She rarely leaves the dimension, as the death of a Mother can eradicate the entire race
The sex of a Mother is ALWAYS female! (Sex, not gender)
The current Mother, Hekate.

Chosen One:
A Chosen One is the direct offspring of the Mother, which slowly starts to show more demonic traits. Like Mothers, Chosen Ones can reproduce asexually and change their DNA. But, unlike the Mother, they can only reproduce once and do not possess a high rank.
The Chosen One of Orimalle is Ishtar-gamelat

Last, but not least, the Offspring of the Chosen Ones, the Lords. Lords possess the most demonic traits, including horns, which can even change color, different skin colors. different eye colors, some possess wings and tails. Only Lords are allowed to leave Naqir, as they are the ones which are best prepared for the outside world, and the most adaptable. Most Allugis visit schools and sign up as Demons.

Preferred House:
He would prefer to live in House Haven

1. Dream Walking
2. Night Vision
3. Sacrificial Magic
4. Wound Memory (Can open up wounds again)



Horns (Iridescent. Are orange, but depending on the angle they can look either pink or purple). Down right corner:

Markings, in an icy blue shade:

Orimalle shows the expected personality of a Demon. Arrogant, evil, basically a giant douchebag. Rarely he's seen helping anyone (Although it interestingly speaks against the codex of the Allugi. However, Hekate decided this does not count when the safety may be in danger), minding his own business and being a cold-blooded b*tch to anyone. He hates this personality, he hates it with a deep passion.
Thats why, in private, his personality is extremely different, it's like his entire personality took a nosedive. In private, Orimalle is often very talkactive, often helping with events and cooking for others, sometimes even bringing it to their room. He is very extroverted and rarely shys away to try new stuff. You need something done? Ask Orimalle, maybe he will help.

Like all other Allugis, Orimalle was born in Naqir, a dimension which other cultures refer to as "Hell". Hot as hell, red as hell and unfriendly as hell. Orimalle does not remember his birth date, like other Allugis. He had an unimpressing life; he learned how to defend himself, how to mimic Demons and how to adapt himself. He has also learned a lot of stuff about the world "Outside his dimension."
To keep it short: Like other Lords, he wanted to go explore the world outside the dimension, shortly asking the Mother if he is allowed to leave the dimension, and he was. As most other Lords, he decided to attend a school, although it's also known that one Allugi decided to go study, one other is rumored to have become a CEO of a well-known company. The Mother decided that Lakoria would be the best for him, so he was tasked for signing up there.
He'll be a late arrival.

Cosmic Love Katana
- During classes, Orimalle is normally wearing a robe, or anything that hidees his markings. When asked why, he either totally ignores the question or just responds "Mind your own god damn business, punk."
- Likes cooking
- Suffers from Schizophrenia [Allugis are known to be incredibly prone to mental illnesses, the most common being Depression, Bipolar and PTSD]​

First off, you're gonna have to put the powers in your own words instead of just giving me a link. Also from what I saw on the website, wound memory, dream walking and sacrificial magic all seem like a bit too much. So, for now you're not accepted

Elvisia Aegis
School year:

Gem Spirit
Often found within deep caves around the world, live the gem spirits who produce gemstones based on the material they are born with such as Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires and many more. Elvisia is from the Diamond Category

Preferred House:

She possesses all the traits a Diamond has such as increased hardness and strength. She can also produce gems from her body called "Crystallization" which she could then form it into anything the moment its liquid form leaves her skin, think of it as hardening clay. However, under extreme pressure, she can break or crack but does not bleed. She can be put back together if her broken parts were retrieved. But if ever the broken part is forever lost, then she may forget memories depending on how big the part was lost. She can be "killed" if her head was sliced off.


Her hair's very shiny and actually looks like a gem, its colors reflect on any surface while it feels hard when touched but is very malleable. She stands around 5'5 ft tall, pale white skin and her eyes glimmer at night.

Though she is quiet, she can be very approachable and friendly towards anyone. She doesn't mind crowds since she prefers to be with lots of people. She can also be a dare-devil, taking any request thrown at her as a part of a challenge. Not only that she has the tendency to become very mischievous when she either feels like it or if she was persuaded. Despite that, she can become studious when the situation calls it and knows when to become serious towards certain situations.

To be revealed

Name: Cayman

Gender: Male

Age: 16

School year: Sophomore

Species: Half Lizardman (Chameleon variant)

Preferred House: Haven


Chameleon form- Cayman can change himself into a full chameleon, growing to a height of 6’7, getting a tail, and gaining a large amount of muscle bringing his total weight up to 200 lbs (that's about two meters and 90 kg for you people not in the US). This boi gets super strong, like 3x stronger than a normal person. He also gets a super sticky tongue and the ability to camouflage himself. His vision also improves greatly, because of the whole independently moving and telescoping eyes thing.

Camouflage- As a chameleon, Cayman has the ability to match the color of his scales to his surroundings, often becoming near invisible. Due to the concentration that this requires, Cayman can only move at a very slow pace while camouflaged, otherwise he will end up loosing focus and revealing himself. While he can change the color of his scale “clothes” in his human form, explained more later, it is nowhere near as precise as his full chameleon form.

Sticky Tongue- As all chameleons have, Cayman can shoot out his tongue to catch prey, sticking it to them before reeling it back to his waiting jaws. The maximum distance would be about 10-12 ft (or about 3-4 meters).This ability does not translate well to his human form, giving his words a strange accent that is often difficult to understand.

Sexuality: Asexual (As of now)

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Things not visible in the picture- In his human form Cayman is really skinny and lanky, standing at about 5’8 and only weighing 115 lbs (again for you metric system folks that's 1.7 meters and 52 kg). He has silvery hair and hazel eyes. He wears his chameleon skin like a person would wear clothes, although they take the shape of really baggy leather pants and a hoodie. They keep their scaly texture, looking like a pattern that has been etched into the leather.

Personality: His chameleon heritage has made this boy shy and scared of pretty much everything. Even in his full chameleon form he tends to jump at shadows, ruining any sort of reputation he could earn with his powers, this continued to get even worse as he got older. He actively avoids crowds and is really self conscious about how people perceive him both in and out of his chameleon form. Once you manage to get through to him though you can find a sweet and curious boy who’s just feeling a little in over his head with this whole high school thing. He is extremely patient and does his best to keep himself invisible, both figuratively and literally.

Backstory: Having grown up with his tribe of chameleon people in a very remote rain forest, Cayman quickly learned that patience is the greatest virtue a person can have. By sitting still with his camouflage he was able to catch enough fish out of a river for his whole village, although it did only contained a dozen people at the time, he felt quite proud of himself for accomplishing such a feat.
One day a group of hikers stumbled close to his village. He had never seen anyone from outside his village before and so, although he was deathly afraid of them, he couldn’t stop himself from following them. He changed into a more humanoid form, mimicking what one of the hikers was wearing, and trailed them for a long while before returning back to his village. Upon seeing him in his human form his village mates exiled him from his home, leaving him to wander the lands. By utilizing his ability to blend in nearly any place, Cayman learned of a place where he would fit in, sort of. Lakoria was his best bet, even if it meant spending large portions of time near other people.

Extras: Although he has seen little of regular human culture, his favorite thing was an episode of a show called "The Quest for the Cosmic Love Katana"

"Talking seems like a hassle, I don't enjoy it."
Ai S. Natumora
A.K.A The Demon Under the Human Mask

"You are ignorant."

"Age isn't important."

School year:
"Is this necessary?"

"You seem curious, which is stupid."
Human with demon inside of him.

Preferred House:
"Prefer to be in a house that I wouldn't want to angry in."
House Logica

"I am not proud of them."
Snake Skin - Using demon within him, he is able to have snake skin, which is an extra set of armor above his skin. Ai is able to withstand attacks really well, but the power makes the demon inside of him consume him more. Also, once snake skin is destroyed, it takes a week for it to come back.

Snake Holes - Snakes are able to come out of Ai's skin, and attack the enemy, either three snakes or one big snake. Depending on the snake(s), the more damage Ai takes from it. Also, affects snake skin.

Snake Fist - The power of the snake demon allows Ai to coat his fists into a choice of three boosts:
Poison Touch - Every third punch Ai gives out, it causes an area of poison to surround the area he punched, but due to that, Ai's arms soon begin to get poisoned as well and disintegrate.
Bite Mark- Ai's punches begin to do more damage and apply a bleed every 4th hit on a person which shows a bite mark, but Ai begins to get bite marks and bleed if he gets hurt by the opponent.
Orochi's Curse - Ai's punches begin to move faster and quicker, but he does less damage and takes more damage from each hit.
*He can switch between the three mid battles.

Regeneration of A Demon - After Ai rests/sleeps, he begins to regenerate very fast, being able to get his limbs or organs back. Although due to this, the demon within him grows stronger and is able to consume him faster.

Sadism Blood Rush - Although being more of a debuff, Ai is able to unlock his sadistic side, being able to gain a blood rush of attacks and power, but he blackouts and the demon inside of him comes out. He loses sight of friend and foe, and begins to attack anyone. This can only last for thirty seconds, after thirty seconds, Ai is unconscious for the remaining time.


"Appearances are useless and annoying."
Normal Appearance

Sadistic Appearance

"You need to learn to mind your damn business, and care about yourself, rat."
Ai was once a happy child, broken and beaten down to an emotionless state where he doesn't understand nor feels emotion. He stays quiet, only talking once needed, but his comments are very short and blunt. Ai is very loyal, and honest with people he believes are able to be in his little circle of trust. Although not really showing it, Ai is very kind and thoughtful towards others he enjoys, but he is either very blunt about it or harsh. He often pictures himself as an older brother figure, wanting to show the way for someone younger but punking them once in a while.

Love and all that stuff is odd to Ai as he doesn't really understand the thought of loving someone, due to never experiencing that through; friends, family, or actual lovers. He pictures love though as some mystical object that only someone with a pure heart can achieve, which he doesn't he has due to his sadistic ways and demonic being inside of him. The idea of mushing lips or faces against one another almost sickens Ai, and makes himself feel uncomfortable. Although, he does enjoy the idea of cuddling and hugging someone close, because he thinks of it as a warming welcome. Also, Ai doesn't understand actions of friendship and love, and often hugs people at random which is a way of affection.

The dark side of Ai doesn't shine that often, but when it does, it is very frightening. Both the mysterious, creepy emotionless face he pulls off and the insane smiling sadist send chills down your spine. When Ai gets into his dark side, he shows no mercy, wanting to rip anything to shred, often showing his darkest rage and hatred towards either something or someone. It has been sad that once Ai unlocks this part of him, his opponent never lives and often is never remembered. Killing someone to him while he is in this state of mind is not a crime nor a sin, it's simply getting rid of vermin.

"My backstory is nothing more than history, stay in your lane."
"Target is Ai Natumura, AKA The Snake User. Works around a cafe called; Penguin Cafe. Known in the demon realm as the Betrayer of Demons, and is wanted both in the human and demon realm. He hides himself as a high school teacher, but has been seen unleashing his rage onto poor citizens. Everyone gather around the cafe, and be careful. We wish you good luck." The general said on a walkie-talkie as a bunch of soldiers gathered around the cafe with Ai sitting inside, drinking a cup of tea. "Rush in!" The main soldier said as they raided the small cafe, but they felt a strong sense of aura coming from one man. Ai stood up, turned to the soldier, and nodded. The immense aura came from Ai, who was not even releasing his full strength. "Snake Holes." Ai whispered as a few snakes slithered from his neck down to the floor, and launched towards the three front soldiers.

Not wanting to die, the soldiers killed the snakes, and charged towards the one man. "Orochi Curse." Ai murmured as he picked up his fists, and moved towards the large crowd of soldiers. Sliding through the crowd, he began taking out soldiers one-by-one, every fourth hit he would switch from Orochi Curse to Bite Mark then back to Orochi Curse. He was maneuvering through the crowd, many of the soldiers were frighted from how calm he was launching his attacks towards them, but all of them noticed his dead menacing eyes. It would seem like he couldn't feel the pain he was feeling, even though he got hit. When that didn't work, even more soldiers rushed in, and began to pile up on him.

Once Ai was pushed back to the wall, he couldn't take it, and released Sadism Blood Rush, unlocked the door for the demon himself to fight back. Ai laughed to himself as his immense aura pushed back the soldiers, and he finally showed his true nature. With every fiber of energy and feeling within him, he stomped the entire army after him, often showing no mercy with his attacks. Slamming bodies into walls, stomping on their heads, bashing the faces in, and many more attacks that would seem harsh and brutal. This wasn't his first horde fight, and it would be his last after being caught from being knocked unconscious. As he was being carried away by a few guards, he looked back at the many of soldiers he murdered, muttering the words, "I am disgusting."

After being beaten, broken down, and forced into such a broken state once again, Ai was forced to train to hone his skills. When the government decided that he was to much to handle they decided to send him to a high school that could help him train his powers into a much more stable way, and could possibly show him human nature. With that Ai went to this new school, wondering to himself what it would be like. The high school would enroll him as a Junior because he was a Junior during normal high school. "What a drag." The snake demon said to Ai in his mind as Ai was now enrolled into this new school.

"Death is nothing more than a Cosmic Love Katana, it's something that is there and we have to deal with it."

Pandora Noia

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Pesanta (Night Hag)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Year: Sophomore
House: Haven

Appearance & Personality
Pandora is a small, wiry wisp of a girl, checking in at a mere 5'4" and 100 pounds. You could almost call her mousy, if it wasn't for the fact that she had another canine side to her. She always looks nervous in some way, with her nails always bitten, her teeth always chattering, or her pose often just being the fetal position, rocking back and forth in her own little nightmare. While her skin isn't blindingly pale, it could be much darker - but given her unhealthy habits, she'll most likely stay pale and miserable for the rest of her life.

Pandora is easily classified as an excessive phobic and absolutely unreasonable paranoid. She’s constantly wired and filled with adrenaline, to the threat of her own health. To explain it well, “better safe than sorry” is her motto, carried out to the T, and any new stimulus in Pandora’s life is thoroughly examined, thrown into a web of conspiracy and fear, and never released from her scrutinous eyes.

Pandora’s also obsessively dedicated to her own protection - to the point of near-hyperbolic precautions. She the type who locks her locks, triple-ties her shoelaces, rigs her own tools as traps, and creates obscenely long passwords, just to begin to describe her madness. There’s no way Pandora can sleep at night without cracking her eyes open on one hour intervals, and that’s on a good night. Any home of hers, whether it is an actual building or even a spot of mud on the side of the road is completely and totally wired, trapped, and protected to an excess, and even then, she’s still not satisfied. Anything and everything, in fact, can and will be used for Pandora’s protection, and her ability to MacGyver defenses (though only for her own safety) is admirable, especially for simple safety precautions. The extent of Pandora’s fear reaches past guarding and careful protection - at the very least, being constantly hyped up on adrenaline makes her skittish and especially excitable when outside of her defenses.

In a way, though, this fear makes Pandora dangerous. Fear easily turns into unpredictability in cornering situations, and Pandora’s only goal is self-preservation. She has no qualms with leaving strangers - and even friends victim to her traps, especially if warnings are given. If people as harmless as the Mormons came knocking at her door (assuming they passed her impressive array of booby-traps), Pandora would immediately come up with wild speculations of her impending demise creeping into the realm of conspiracy before making a decision to set more traps later and set off all of her current traps, precautions, and Plan Bs in an attempt to get rid of them. Even if she can wield that much power, though, she’s still always paranoid.

And ultimately, Pandora is most afraid of herself and her powers. While a lack of practice and control of her abilities leaves them untapped, Pandora still fears them. And rightfully so - every fear she discovers becomes one of her own, after all. Her power is her bitterest worry, her most nerve-wracking fear, and the main reason she stays up all night.

She’s probably going to die in her thirties.
Fear Manifestation: Pandora is able to call upon the fear of others and conjure it in the real world. For those with fears of monsters, objects, or other tangible entities, this manifested fear seems, sounds, and feels like the real deal - but only to the person who feared it. To onlookers, it's just a blue, wispy version of its true self, harmless and quite non-threatening - monsters are honestly less threatening when they seem like the contents of a Windex bottle evaporating, it turns out. Pandora can also summon more "situational" fears, like falling from heights or drowning, though these are still just harmless illusions, as well. Those caught in the nightmare may feel some of its effects, but will emerge physically unscathed afterward.

Pesanta: When subject to extreme stress or injury, Pandora changes her appearance to a creature which better reflects her night-hag heritage - a dark, mangy, and vaguely canine creature with holed steel hooves for feet. This form allows her to conjure more realistic and longer-lasting nightmares for victims - but even more so when she sits upon their chest, mimicking the "sleep paralysis"-like technique of real Pesanta.

(Since it’s actually more useful than her actual abilities, I’ll list this here too.)
Planning and Creativity: When it comes to her own safety, Pandora’s organization, design, and creative abilities really get working. Traps are carefully set, rigged, and placed with lettered plans A-Z all waiting to be launched. Even without spikes, blades, or explosives, she’ll make do. Pandora can build the most structurally sound pillow fort, and will easily throw together some shabby defense if she feels the need to do so.

Additionally, while her paranoia helps her prepare especially well, it often works against her when it comes to trust and to some extents, rational thought. Building a deadly, fortified defense in her room, a park, or a public restaurant has its downsides, after all.
In the beginning, Pandora didn't fear nightmares. From her birth throughout a good portion of her childhood, she lived in a happy family, blissfully unaware of any of her powers. Her life was relatively normal, with her father, step-mother and their family living in a small house in the municipality of Martorell, Catalonia. She had heard tales about her "real" mother, but her step-family seemed so familiar to her that she considered them her real family. Throughout her youth, she grew up with the same stories every Catalan child ad heard, though her father always had a fascination with one story in particular - the story of the Pesanta, beasts of nightmares. As a child, she thought nothing of it - instead, her craftiness and creativity bloomed. Even at a young age, Pandora enjoyed taking apart whatever she could from her parents' appliances, building super durable pillow forts, and even setting small "trap" pranks for her family, mostly to their feigned surprise. Life was pretty good for her.

Then one night, Pandora woke from a terrible nightmare, feeling a bit... different. She'd just had the most horrible nightmare, being chased by an awful, grotesque monster - but now she was awake, safe from its grasp. At first, she was too nervous to notice the fur around her face, or the canine tail growing out behind her, but what she did notice was the monster from her nightmare, in the flesh, looming above her bed. It felt so real. She saw the scratches on its claws, the gleam of its eyes, and felt the heat of its breath, and it was too much.

In a panic, she pushed past the monster, running to her parents' room for safety, but didn't find it there. Her parents didn't see their daughter - they only saw the mangy, feral dog that she had become that night. Pandora felt their panicked, nearly violent rejection right in her heart, but that wasn't her most traumatic memory of that night. No, the worst moment of that night was seeing the fear in her parents and drawing it out. Pandora always adored her stepmother, but the monsters she found that night made the girl unable to look her in the eyes since. She thought her father was the strongest man in the world, yet they suffocated helplessly together, writing pitifully on the floor until Pandora fainted, breaking the nightmare.

And after that night, Pandora was never the same. Her father sat down with her, told her about the horrifying powers granted by her mother's blood, and tried to console her, but the damage was done. She couldn't look into his eyes without remembering that awful suffocation and the helplessness she felt in her nightmare. Nothing her father said that day reached her - she was hopeless.

The rest of her childhood passed in this awful fashion - nightmare after nightmare after nightmare. Even if the nightmares themselves were physically harmless, there were many nights that Pandora found herself in real danger, either by falling from her bed, finding sharp objects in her fitful sleep, or even scratching off her own skin one night while trapped in a nightmare of insects. Physical damage aside, these nightmares also left deep mental scars, constantly re-opening with every concurrent nightmare. None of this was healthy for Pandora, and why would it be? By the age of 12, she was developing terrible habits, new fears, and extreme paranoia, only fueling the bonfire that was her awful imagination. Every new person on the street was a new potential nightmare, forcing Pandora to a life of reclusion. Despite their best efforts to accept her, the relationship between Pandora and her family deteriorated. Finally, the camel's back broke, and feeling that she couldn't trust anyone but herself with her own safety, she ran off into the night - sleepless, fearful, and paranoid.

Soon enough, she turned to thievery, though she barely ever stole anything of worth to her direct survival, like food or other supplies. Instead, she adopted the dangerous habit of stealing more dangerous materials, from beartraps to dynamite from munitions crates with some vain hope that they could protect her from the nightmares. Spoiler alert: they didn't. At one point, Pandora was rigged up with enough explosives and deadly traps that a stray bullet would have blown her all over a half-mile radius, assuming the bear traps hadn't torn her to shreds first. That act of carrying around so many dangerous materials was arguably less healthy than the demon-infested realm of her nightmares. She had no idea what to do besides dump some off or stockpile more and pray. Then she turned to trap-setting.

The ingenuity and creativity that once made her parents proud were now put to use rigging death-traps wherever she went, from simple bear traps to complex Rube Goldberg machines of death. At on point, the ground on which she slept was surrounded by more bear-trap teeth than blades of grass. With all these deadly defenses, Pandora felt slightly better, even if the violent fits from her nightmares almost made neat flesh ribbons out of her on many occasions. It may not have been safe, but it was just safe enough.

But then again, Pandora was a demon-child, traveling alone, stealing from just about everyone. She made enemies.

And eventually, despite all her well-placed traps, these enemies found her. It wasn't easy to convince a small band of angry, armed shopkeepers to back off for a minute, but quick reflexes and a huge array of traps made them think twice, especially with the help of a couple of explosions and savaged limbs. Despite all this, Pandora still found herself trapped in a real-life nightmare. So what was her unconscious reaction? Making another nightmare, of course. In that one moment of desperation, she finally accepted her nightmares - and controlled them. The monster she summoned that night was like nothing she'd ever seen before - it didn't haunt her. Instead, it turned to the weak-kneed shopkeep that feared it, and frightened him. A couple of wounds, growling, and howls later, and her attackers left the newly discovered "demon girl" alone. While that encounter badly damaged Pandora's mental stability, it also made her think positively for once - that these nightmares were definitely a power, not just a plague.

Over the next couple of months - even years, Pandora slowly brought these nightmares under her control, making daily episodes a thing of the past. That's not to say she was no longer paranoid, or that she wasn't scared of all the things that fueled her nightmares, but at the very least, they came under her control, until the only thing keeping her up at night was paranoia. And when she tired of living like a stray, Pandora returned home, though she still kept her traps and dynamite on her person. Her parents were equally ecstatic and frightened to see her - a more mature version of the girl they once knew who was just as, if not more dangerous than she was the day she left - but they were willing to make amends. Her father, digging back into his ex-wife's mythological past, had discovered her old school, one named "Lakoria" - and Pandora chased that name all the way to the school, where she now hopes to gain a real education, build her awful social skills, and reconcile her human side with the night hag within.

Extra: Cosmic Love Katana


jackal fuzukoto
School year:


shape shifter

Preferred House:

jackal can turn into pretty much almost any animal and take on their natural abilities and weaknesses which change for each animal.
for example, if jackal turns into a humming bird he can fly really fast but be fragile vs. if he were to turn into a turtle he'd be really slow but have a protective shell. he mostly prefers turning into felines,birds,snakes,or the occasional canine for comfort reasons.

partial shifting:
jackal is also able to partial shift into animals,meaning he will retain a humanoid form with the features of a animal such as ears,eyes,tails,whiskers,horns,claws,fangs,fur,scales,gills,wings,exc... in some cases he can have the lower half of a animal.

animalistic nature:
even in human form jackal has a extremely sensitive sense of smell and hearing,he has a type of night vision and is slightly stronger as well as faster than the likes of a human. he can jump from high places only to land on his feet as well. jackal is very tuned into the instincts and nature of a feline due to his first animal being of feline nature. he also can't be affected by any sort of snake venom. jackal can also speak and understand between human and animal.
>jackal is limited to one animal form at a time<


jackal stands 6'8 having grown a bit and put on some muscle as well. he has a piercing on his tongue. his naturally dark hair has grown out and is now blonde with blue hints. he has a tattoo on his shoulder too.

jackal is a bit wild at heart,he likes to free to roam and do as he wants to. he's mischievous sometimes getting himself into situations like he used to but also has become more serious due to having to deal with things he did. he still is quite a flirt and tease as well as enjoys to snuggle. jackal has toughened up a bit over the time he has been away and even hardened a little on the outside. he's still rather loyal to people he cares for and trusts. he is rather territorial and protective over what's his and will stop at nothing to protect them by risking his own life or beating up creeps. jackal has become a bit more emotional over the time he has been away and even grown a bit depressed as well as started suffering from ptsd and a bit of self-hatred. jackal is still a bit stubborn but has become more open minded. he's not as persistent as he used to be either.

jackal comes from a small island of a rather discreet location due to it needing to be hidden to help protect the ways of his people. the village he grew up in was nicknamed the valley of the stars because they village surrounded by special flowers that bloomed only at night and glowed making it looking like walking among the stars. jackal was born to a woman named anaya , the wearabouts of his father unknown and his mother having died giving birth to him. jackal grew up knowing little to nothing about his parents living in the small village raised by the village elder,kana and his aunt,delya. jackal grew up having a rather lonely childhood aside from having his cousin and a demon around named xren. hanging around xren jackal ended up making alot of bad choices and doing alot of things he wasn't too proud of. time passed and when he had thought he had killed him he was so wrong. unaware that the demon had attached to him he started attending a new school in which jackal had made some friends as well as met someone extraordinary. he fell in love. he was enjoying his life for once but atlas the next thing he knew was xren had been taking over his body and hurting people all over again. trying to over come this he knew he needed help before he could be around others. he received a message he was wanted back home and he had to bid farewell leaving for his birth home. one night he left out hunting and heard screaming and the crackles of fire. when he had returned home he couldn't believe his eyes. everything he knew as a child was gone and destroyed. everyone he had knew was dead except for two people who had survived which were his aunt and cousin whom of which lived outside the village. jackal moved in with his aunt as they moved to a new home away from the island. he stayed with her being home schooled and did some intensive training learning to fight and hunt as well as survival skills. he ended up absorbing the demon who had onced possessed him and pretend to be his friend. jackal's appearance changed and he got taller,matured a bit and even put on some muscle but he returned to school to continue his life and in hopes he can see a certain someone again.


He plays violen and can sing
he enjoys Gardening and Cooking he is good at it too
he likes Sleeping and pluto​
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atourr dynam kitinos
though, most people know her as daiamo shina, or daia.




school year


preferred house



  • i suppose this can count as a sort of power, but atourr has incredible brute strength. she tries to be aware of it most of the time, but sometimes she just has problems remembering how strong she is.
  • as a part of her childhood into her teenage years in the community she grew up in, she has learned a small amount of elemental power. as her community could be said to be a cult of sorts dedicated to the land, her element was earth. she's not too good at it, but it consists of a few things such as speeding the growth of plant life and preserving small to medium sized specimens ( again of plant life ). though, due to this, she is an amazing gardener.
she's not very familiar with the concept of sexuality, but we'll just say pansexual.



unseen details about appearance!
  • she's 6'3 and still growing!
  • she got some l o n g legs. like, really, it sometimes feels like they're 50% of her body.
  • atourr has glasses for distance, though she did get them only a short time ago and gets dizzy from them sometimes
despite her rather incredible brute strength, atourr has learned to love and appreciate living things due to the area and teachings of her childhood. she is quite friendly despite being extremely naive, gullible, and easily manipulated. her temper, otherwise, is a bit uncontrollable. aside from her general personality, one large part of atourr's character is that she doesn't know much about modern human civilization nor has she experienced a lot of it first-hand. though, one strange thing about her is that she has an odd fascination with the eating utensil that is the fork. nobody knows why, but she's always just appreciated the shape and look of the item, not much of the use.

atourr grew up without parents. for all her life, she had not known most of her relatives or much of her past. she lived deep in the woods with a small band of other orcs that were said to be her 'true family'. this band of orcs were travelers, they stayed out of the way of humans and other species that roamed the earth and were not that large. however, one day, they happened to stumble across another small camp. this camp worshiped the goddess of the land, something they referred to as their almighty ruler. It never did have a name, though despite this the people in the small community had always simply been told the rulings of this unnamed god that they were expected to follow. atourr's band remained with them, and in time took its teachings into their own mindset. over the years, the community grew to be more and more until it was nearly at what seemed like its cap of 100 followers. atourr had not made many acquaintances through the time she had been there, though she did have a few close friends. she didn't speak to people much, mostly because the idea of a whole 'other being' had never appealed nor made sense to her. the camp would hold rituals daily and practically force all who lived there to follow their rulings. it had become a cult of which the girl could not find herself escaping from. then, she heard about a highschool. a board that would allow her to escape her fate at the cult of her childhood. a band of others her age had already found a way to be accepted into the school, and so she stowed away onto the bus that would bring them to lakoria with nothing but a small bag of food, water and the clothes on her back. she had never been the smartest and realized that then, without acceptance, she wouldn't be allowed into the school. but she supposed that she had gotten lucky, as at the very last minute one of the people on the bus changed her mind. she had said that it was for no specific reason, but the person who had changed her mind was atourr's dear friend, daiamo, who had found her out. atourr might not have been the brightest, but she knew that it was likely that this was not a coincidence. daia allowed her to live under her name and letter of acceptance until she found a way to explain herself and come clean. as of yet, nobody knows this truth.


  • atourr commonly gets cravings for human flesh, though she tries not to answer to them.
  • atourr isn't too smart and speaks in rather broken english, with her original language being a polished version of an old orkish language named rohan

Emma Ayuzawa
"Math. The only place where someone can buy 100 watermelons, and no one wonders why."


|| Name ||
"Name? All you need to know is my last na-- gah, forget it! I'm dead.. I can't intimidate people!"
Emma Ayuzawa

|| Gender ||
"I hope to god that's obvious. Wait.. I'm as flat as a bored ;-;"

|| Age ||
"Was it.. 13? 14?"

|| School year ||
"First year? Noooo, I'm a senior midget."

|| Species ||
"I'm a ghost.. but not, if that makes sense."
(Master? It's Kast!)

|| Preferred House ||
"As long as they let us drink and let us be bitches, then hellooooo Journey~"

|| Power(s) ||
"Does being 'obeidiant' count?"

Shikigamis are able to take many forms. Some are in the form of very small objects or animal possession. However, the most scary ones are those that take the form of humans, ghosts, or yokai. Emma usually takes the form of a human, and doesn't usually change into other forms. Shikigamis don't specifically have a power, but they are like slaves in the service of their masters. Their masters tell them what to do, and they do it. This applies to Emma as well. Her master is Kast.

|| Sexuality ||
"I like guys. I don't plan on dating, but I prefer boys."

|| Personality ||
"They say I'm an asshole.. but a fabulous asshole~"
Emma Ayuzawa is an interesting individual who's very sarcastic and witty. She's all for adventure, and she enjoys taking risks. She doesn't usually think before she speaks or acts. She's very outgoing, and loves doing physical activities. She's also very honest. Her sarcastic and witty mouth usually gets her into a lot of trouble. She's very mischievous as well. Even though it seems she can't keep a straight and serious face, she can be extremely serious at times. Her serious attitude is very scary, and turns the whole room chilly. She's a kindhearted soul who's very bold, and not so bright. She isn't very smart either.

|| Extra ||
Cosmic Love Katana

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Trinity crost
School year:

Preferred House:
She can change her size and she can create controlled explosions. In order to create them though she has to have an iron catalyst and has to be in contact with it. The Downside is this includes the iron inside every other being, while this can be dangerous she has to actually focus and pull the iron in the body to one point and detonate it. (But due to how she is and her personality she wouldn't use it to kill anyone, plus it take a while to do that).
Trinity is usually pretty shy and for the most part is a shut in. She gets easily flustered and for the most part has problems understanding how people feel or perceive her so it is difficult for her to make friends. She can be socially awkward and for the most part is lazy, meaning she likes her sleep and can be really childish when she doesn't get enough.

Trinity for the most part has led a sheltered life, she even spent a majority of her schooling at home. But due to her lack of friends and social ability her parents thought it best that she was put into a real school in order to grow, have friends, and hopefully break out of her shell. She usually only left her room for food or a bath, being around others had always made her nervous, she is however a kind and nice girl once you can get past how awkward she can be. When she gets nervous or uncomfortable however she tends to make things explode or when scared she will shrink and hide, so her other goal is to learn how to control her emotions and in doing so her abilities.
Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai
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I was wondering if I could totally replace Shu with this dude, since I haven't roleplayed with Shu yet, and would much rather use this character? :ghostuvu:

Age of Weakness, prefers to go by Omen King
...Who can even say? You'd have to cut a limb off and count the rings at this point.
School year:
Omen King
more information in 'Background'
Preferred House:
Logica, Nerd House
-can project images from his weird egg head.
-the most graceful dancer.
-impervious to extreme temperatures.
-inhumanly fast when nobody's looking at him, horrifically slow when he's being watched.
A looming being, Age of Weakness stands at exactly 7'5". Spindly limbs protrude from a wondrous array of enchanted robes. His body is thin to an alarming degree, with feet so tiny it becomes hard to comprehend how he remains upright. His key feature is his opalescent tear-drop shaped head, which occasionally glows with a flickering candle-like effect. He has the ability to duplicate his head many times, these copies float about his main 'core' head in an orbital pattern, producing a mechanical whirring sound until the copies eventually fade into nothingness. These transient heads do nothing but remind us all of our own mortality. He possesses the apotheosis of soothing and slow voices, which he uses to go on rambling odysseys. Despite having no discernible mouth, he has a speech impediment that hinders his ability to pronounce 'R' sounds properly. He owns a fantastical mask, which he used to wear more than he does now.
Age of Weakness is a highly emotional creature, feeling the saddest of teen feelings. He has a docile temperament, and has never been seen angry. He feels the natural urge to assist others, though whether he's actually any good at it or not is another story. Omen King has a deeply embedded lack of understanding when it comes to the behaviors of others, and is all too willing to trust the people he comes across. He finds his greatest fulfillment in speaking to people and giving them strange handmade crafts. Age of Weakness collects many gel pens, his prized possession is a pastel green pen with a little star on the end of it, the very thought of it makes Omen King have a little chuckle. Hee hee. What a fine thing it is to be an empty flume of purity and darkness.
Omen King's people hail from a distant mountain peak, shrouded in icy cold. Their sole duty is to keep watch over the Eye of Insanity, which does exactly what you'd expect it to when you look at it. Brought into existence by The Mother Of Kings to serve her will. Omen Kings accept their fate, destined to keep watch on the eye in the mountain, ceaselessly tapping steel poles upon the ground to keep the ancient evil at bay. Some kings are not deemed fit for the task (particularly those who have thoughts and feelings). Such kings are banished from their sole purpose in life, and are left to scour the Earth for the rest of their days, looking for a reason to be. Age of Weakness is one such creature, crossing many different terrains in his day, all in the name of purpose. What better place is there to sort your life out than school?
Cosmic Love Katana​

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