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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

The dragon would narrow its eyes at her and puff a small flame at her, it would almost touch the tip of her nose "And so what if I am a student?" the voice of the dragon would sound disgruntled as it spoke "You can call me Kiyama or whatever people call me at this school" it would lay back down its head facing the girl "bloody scots you people are really hard to understand"

She doesn't move at the flame nearly touching her nose, but she smirks slightly. "Kiyama..." She tests the word on her tongue and chuckles slightly. "I may have heard of you..." She looks at him and takes another step forward. "Scots aren't that bloody hard to understand. I should know."
"I bet they were all wonderful things you heard, and you are indeed, hard to understand by anyone who isnt scottish, im having to listen more than I want to, to even understand you" The dragons body would slowly shrink and morph back into its human form, standing infront of her he would look down at her "its rude, to not give your name in return by the way"

"Oh, yes...Elspeth Reeds at your service." She bows elegantly and straightens up. "I do apologise for my rudeness. I also don't listen to what other people say about others. I'd rather make my own judgements. Would you rather I spoke like this?" Her voice suddenly switches to a high-class British accent, easier to understand than her original.
She holds her forehead where it had been flicked and glares at the taller male. "You could at least try to be a bit more sociable, I'm not a big fan of people either, especially when I'm thrown out of every village I've ever been in.." She mumbles the last part to herself, glancing away from him.
"Why should I be sociable? when I am unwanted in any part of this world?" he would glare at her, his eyes taking on a more reptile like appearance, "Dont think you will curry sympathy from me girl" he would stretch his body making audible clicks as he stretched "and if you are going to mumble, at least mumble out of earshot"
"Oh believe me I won't be...I lost sympathy a long time ago." She punched him in the arm. "That was for flicking me. You bastard." She would continue glaring at him and threatened in a very low voice. "You attack me, and you will suffer a banshee's scream."
"Banshee huh, been awhile since ive seen one" as her hand made impact on his arm, the skin on his arm, although not visible because of his clothes would form scales "if that was meant to hurt, you need to try harder" he would blow a small bright green flame onto the tip of her nose "and you know, I may be a bastard, but Im sure you already knew that"
She smirks and laughs softly. The green flame made her blink a lot, but that was all the reaction about that sort of thing he would get. She decided to tease him, just to see what he would do. "You're very attractive in your human form, Kiyama." She smirks even wider, awaiting his reaction.
"Oh? well that is a first, thank you for your kind words even if they are not the truth" he would laugh softly and ruffle her hair "Most people run off screaming bloody murder when I blow flames at them, then again it was a green one, so it wouldnt burn much"
"They are the truth." She was not lying when she had stated his attractiveness. She tucked a white hair behind her ear after he had ruffled it, blushing slightly. "I don't run away that easily."
"Do you always compliment strangers? and around me not running is usually a bad thing" he would sigh and sit on the ground and look at the female as he sat down
"I'm strange, but not all strangers, just the ones I like." She still stands, looking down at him as he sits. "I don't care. Running is a sign of weakness, I won't show weakness." Elspeth would look at her feet while saying this and she would frown.
"I see, well stay or go, I am not bothered either way, but Remember, dont piss me off" he would lay back and look at the sky, watching the clouds slowly drift along the skyline as he began to hum
"I won't and you seem to be the most interesting person anyway..." She huffs out a breath and plonks down next to him. "You like music?" She asks this as he hums.
"I dont mind music, and me interesting? far from it. would you have still sat down if I was in my real form?" his eyes would slowly track the clouds, occasionally flicking to the female beside him
"I would. I like dragons, no matter how much of a bastard they are." She ignores the flicking. "Do you mind if I lay next to you? That sounds weird...." She hits her forehead with her palm and sighs. "Stuff it, I'm laying down." She lets herself fall against the grass, next to Kiyama.
He would let out a sigh "It looks like I didnt get a choice in the matter anyway" he would stretch his arms upwards, some more clicking sounds would be made "Am I now stuck with you or something? whats next, you want me to take you on a date or something?" he would release another sigh and a small breath of black fire
"if you hang around me too much, you will find that no one will want to be around you, I warn you now" his eyes would narrow on the sky "Can you handle a school life of solitude?"
"Yeah, I can. I've had a life of solitude for long enough now." She looks over at him a small smile on her features. "About that date thing, were you offering?"
Aurora smiled back and nodded. She thought about his suggestion. She had tried herbal mixes before, and most of them had little to no effect. However, perhaps if they mixed Chance’s skills with her herbs, it could work.

She nodded,
“Chamomile relieves stress and acts as a natural painkiller. Rosemary is often used to for concentration. It can also be used for inflammatory problems, which I thought might work for the way your form changes so abruptly,” she paused, determining if it would actually help or not. “Do you think it would? I mean, you know how your transformation works more than anyone. If it doesn’t work, we can just try a new mix of herbs. There has to be some sort of combination that can help, if only a little bit, she finished, giving a reassuring smile. “We might be able to use rosemary to improve my focus, but I think the best choice would be brahmi, since it helps focus and decreases stress on the brain.” She looked at him, remembering him saying something about eagle feathers. It wasn’t as if Aurora knew nothing about potions, she had studied them. However, her mind was drawing at blank at what it’s properties were.

“So eagle feathers help with concentration?” she asked, making a mental note of his answer. “Also, could you perhaps describe what your transformation is like in a bit more detail? It might be able to help me choose the correct herbs,” she said, looking at him thoughtfully.

((Ahah, I didn't even notice!))

"I just met you, So it wasnt an offer, maybe sometime in the future if I feel inclined to date someone" Kiyama would spit a ball of flame into the air, it would explode over the school and rain down purple embers "Im like a firework machine sometimes" spitting another ball of flame into the air, this one exploding and raining down blue embers

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