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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe


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9:30 am, Opening Day, in the clearing behind the school

Headmistress Navarro made her way onto the makeshift stage, which was set up in the clearing behind the school. Rows of chairs backed away from it, in the direction of the main building, nearly all of them full. Some students were old, and some were new, but all of them were going to hear the same old lecture again this year. The chairs were alling in five columns, each separated by a small walkway. She stood in front of the microphone, and waited for the students to grow silent. Her silvery hair blew slightly with the wind, and she continued to wait. When the crowd grew silent, in part to a bit of help from the teachers, she took the microphone off the stand, and walked slowly to the edge of the stage to speak.

Welcome dear students, to a new year a Kloxia! I'd like to say, thank you for enrolling and thank you for sticking with us. Before I let you all run wild, I have a few quick words to say. This week is all about getting to know our campus, and the way we run things, so if you get stuck, find an upperclassmen or a teacher to help you. You will also receive maps to help with finding your way. Classes will begin this afternoon, starting with your first elective. Now, let's have a good year, and remember to have fun!
Marion Navarro

As soon as her speech was finished, maps appeared in each students lap, courtesy of their housemasters. On the back of every map, is the password to each students select house dormitory, though it's written so it only shows to the student owner of the map. With that, the headmistress left the stage, and the students were free to ac ton their own, until their first class later.

(Please remember to have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.)

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Michi Takaharu

Michi shifted slightly in his chair attempting to mask his discomfort at his wings having trouble getting around the chair that was harder than a brick. He sat calmly, or tried to, a sour look on his face, and listened to the headmaster's speech, she was droning about something, mostly about this week's schedule. He didn't really care, he could figure it out on his own.

Not to mention the book that he was itching to read, it sat tantalizingly dormant under his chair. Pushing up his glasses he looked straight forward, fighting the attempt to appraise the new classmates this year. He folded his arms against his chest and fidgeted some more. Ah, these are the warning signs of nervousness, what do I have to be nervous about? Ridiculous. He thought realizing his strange jumpy, jittery actions.

When the pamphlet appeared on his lap he merely opened it without second thought, this kind of magic merely trivial in his opinion. Huffing slightly, he skimmed it quickly, absorbing all the core information, a trick he had learned over years of book reading. Had the pamphlet been on something interesting he would have surely read it, but a piece of paper on silly school matters was not in his mind "interesting".
Naaya listened carefully to the welcoming words of the headmaster and drank them like precious knowledge. It was still strange that earthly customs had to be made before such ceremonies but alas it was something she needed to get used to anyway. She looked at the various faces of her classmates but as always she was not really intrigued looking at them.

" Ordinary humans in an ordinary ceremony. Predictable, uninteresting. " she murmured as she played with her school uniform. If there was something she actually adored on this planet was this system of clothes. Not only were these peculiar pieces of clothes stylish but they also helped to build up team spirit - one thing which was imperative.

She sighed deeply. If only she could find intriguing specimen this year as well... it might help her chase the empty hours away she uses for reflecting upon her studies and meditating. She grabbed her scepter and frowned. " Dreams, nothing more. " and with that she headed to her room, still having some spare time before her studies.
Steven Riley Burton

somewhere half way the lines there was a young guy names Steven Riley Burton was sitting on the chair having his feet that a covered with a nice pair of black skateboard shoes on the metal bar of the chair in front of him rocking his own chair back by pushing himself off the chair in front of him while he bangs his head a bit from the music that plays softly through his headphones. the headphones presses his messy black hair a forwards a bit although it stop when the tips of his hair fall partly over his grey eyes although if you get closer to him his eyes turned slowly towards blue grey eyes. his hair doesn't block the view to his eyes it was only making the tip fall in front of it a little bit.

"how much longer is this going to take" he said calmly towards himself before he moves his feet from the chair in front of him making the chair fall back on the four legs while he drops his feet on the floor at the same them. at the same times his feet land on the floor a map appeared on his lab "hmm same house as last year and the year before that"although Steven was a third year he wasn't surprised to be in the howlod house with his sports background of pro skateboarder and pro snowboarder although that was what he saw himself he was between a semi-pro and pro. he stands up from his and rolls his skateboard towards him that lays under his chair and starts rolling towards the exit of the room towards the hallways while he fixes his clothes that covers up his sport athletic built .
Persephone had been coiled in a chair, listening to the headmaster's speech. "Ho hum, blah blah blah. Get to the important stuff already," she thought. Hopefully, none of the teachers were telepaths. It wouldn't do to get on the staff's bad side before classes even started.

When the map appeared in her coils, Persephone was so startled her neck hood flared all the way out. She managed to pull herself together and checked the map, deciding to head to the cafeteria for breakfast. She would be able to find out where her classes were later.
Nicoletta Merihem

The headmaster had just finished her inspirational speech out in front of the academy. The students clapped out to her in applause ambiguously. Then as the headmaster started to head of the stage alongside some of the other teachers a map had magically appeared onto everyone's laps. Nicoletta looked down at it and observed where she needed to head off too. She just needed to find her dorm then settle in first since she had received her key earlier this month. She was assigned to Sighean's house, since she was an artist. Although she could adapt to many styles, she often liked to draw with pens in a comic format. As soon as she'd head to her dorm she wanted to rest and draw, since the ride here was pretty tedious and tiring.

Nicoletta then headed towards the main hallway that led to Sighean. It was magnificent. Whether there were singers to her right or musicians to her left she felt like she belonged. She headed up the spiral staircase in the middle of the main lobby and headed straight to her dorm. Nicoletta then remembered ,"
My dorm number is 257...." And there the door stood before her. She opened the door to reveal two bunk beds. She then thought ," Wow this feels like how a real life Hogwarts would be like.." Nicoletta then chose the bunk bed to the right side of the room since it had a nice window view. She sat down at the top bunk, took out her sketchbook, and started drawing her worries away.
Kali flips the long black waves of hair out of her face, her icy eyes scanning the rest of the student body. It appears the same as any other school she'd went to before. A few people squirm in their seats, anxious to get up and out of this useless assembly. This is fairly stupid, in all honestly. Appearing in her lap is a pamphlet with useless information most students would be able to figure out on their own. A nice display of magic, but Kali doesn't condone using magic to impress others. She firmly believes in using magic to help others. Laziness and arrogance are not an excuse to use magic. Her views sometimes clash, because she believes in the saying "to each, their own'.

Her feet tap anxiously at the ground, and her eyes skim the words. Class times, schedule information, eating times, house information. Things she had researched before coming here. She rises to her feet as soon as the person finishes speaking. Letting out a soft breath of air she starts to weave between the crowds. Groups of people gather here and there, squeals of exitement coming from lips glossed covered lips. It seems there are cliques everywhere, even in the magical realms. She cringes visibly and hurries through the crowd to her house. Fairyun, if she remembers correctly, which she always does. She keeps her head up and makes her way to find her house.

Brian was happily snoring away. The speech was basically the same as it was every year, boring. The speech was really for the sake of the new students and never changed much.

The sudden appearance of the map snapped him awake, signalling the speech over. Brian figured he should probably head to the Sighean dorm, not that it mattered since he remembered where it was. He stood up, stretched and headed to the Sighean dorm.
Chiyo yawned as her ears twitched. She looked down and saw a map on her lap. She listened to the start of the principle's speech, but somehow she had dosed off. She picked up the map from her lap then stood up. "Dorm..." She mumbled as she looked down at the map then turned it around, "I'm in Howlod...better get going them..." She rubbed her eyes and started exiting the room quietly. She couldn't wait to meet her seniors so she didn't talked to anyone that she walked pass.
Warren sat quietly in his chair, fidgeting slightly as he saw the many different people and...non-people all around him. He was quite intimidated and nervous towards them; despite his normally extroverted attitude, he wasn't used to so many living creatures congregated in such a small area. He was used to less, er, lively individuals. Warren tapped his fingers against the shaft of his scythe (which had changed shape into a cane for simplicity's sake) timidly, trying to listen to the headmistress' speech.

Warren frowned as people kept whispering around him, preventing him from hearing the instructions. "I wish these people would stop talking so much," he muttered as he tried paying attention, but unfortunately the headmistress finished talking before he could discern just what she was saying. It wasn't all bad, however; Warren had at least caught the part about classes starting in the afternoon, and thankfully a map had materialized so that he wouldn't get lost.

"I've got the whole day to myself? That's...cool, I guess," the Reaper shrugged, getting up from his seat with cane in hand. He checked his map; apparently, he was supposed to go to Callin dorm, so that's where he headed, glad that he could explore for himself with the orientation was finally over.

Michi Takaharu (Interaction with

@Arayhia )

Standing up slowly his wings unfurled, and nearly hit a few people. He just sighed and began working his way through the slow paced crowd to the Stryker dorms, at top-notch speed. Muttering about the laziness and slowness of people he finally made his way outside, but in his haste he accidentally rammed into someone else on their way to their dorm, a girl who, if he had been paying attention, was rather nice looking. He looked down at her and narrowed his eyes. "My apologies." He said slowly wondering what to do with this encounter, the first one of his school year. Well it was my fault, not looking and ramming into her, but this would be a lot easier if it were her's. He thought stubbornly, but he should have just walked away, as was his policy. But instead he stood and waited for her response, still glaring down at her, his mouth set in a thin line.

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Kali fights her way through the hoards of people that feel it's necessary to stand in the middle of walkways, in large groups. There's plenty of other places, she thinks to herself. Never having many friends, and certainly none that were like the screaming, makeup clad girls that seemed to be here.

Paying more attention to the annoying groups of people blocking her way, she didn't notice the solitary figure with unfolded wings barrel into her. She's a pretty light girl, a most fairies are, and she gets knocked back. Being light on her feet helps keeps her from falling, and is only knocked back a bit. A frown creases her features and she looks up into a mans face. She's hears him apologize and she wonders what she should say back. It's equal parts her fault as well as his. They both could have been a bit more vigilant. Since no harms done, the corners of her lips pull up in a wry smile. Sweeping her hair out of her face she peers up at him. "No harm done, I suppose. I should have been looking." She realizes hes glaring down at her and she debates just walking away now. But it's not in her nature to be outwardly rude. In her thoughts she says whatever she likes. She decides to just introduce herself, and ignore his glare. "I'm Kali."

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia )

"Hmm? Well yes, it is your fault for being barreled down in the middle of daylight." Michi huffed and shifted in his position, the typical poison (metaphorical) barbed spikes he used in conversations coming out to play, and stabbing her down with a snooty comment. He merely turned his head and pulled out his book. "My name is Michi, and I am sure that the pleasure is all your's in this chance encounter." He murmured icily.

Opening the book and turning a page. His wings fluttered uncomfortably, they were almost like separate beings to him, and he found that they were rather irritated by his attitude. "Quiet down." Murmuring he flapped them once or twice sending great gusts of wind out in all directions. "You're a fairy... how... irritating." Guessing her race, his patron had taught him a few things like detecting auras and physical traits of creatures, he turned another page, he never liked fairies, annoying fluttery things, in his opinion. "Tengu," she could make of that whatever she wanted.

"Yes, because it's totally unthinkable that you might have looked where you were going." His snide remark bouncing off of her. He can hardly think she'd be hurt by it. Of course, he has no knowledge of her back round, so he wouldn't know words have no meaning to her. Hm, the name Michi seems much too sweet to be his name. She take his word for it though." On the contrary, I take little pleasure in anything." His wings are quite bothersome, probably more so to him than her. They keep twitching, and the sudden flapping of them send gusts of wind out. Her hair swirls around her face for a moment before settling back into it's waves. His words of flighty fairies are what everyone thinks. Hardly bothersome. If anyone was 'fluttery' it was him and those wings. Constantly moving.

Tengu? Ah, yes. A Shinto God. Some call them heavenly dogs?

"Well your certainly disruptive. I wonder if you'll bring war as well." She muses with a small tilt to her head, watching him flip threw the book.
She watched the two bickering students with amusement. Human temperament was always something which she was curious about but it seemed to match her own, maybe it was a little bit shorter but that was it. Holding her scepter as a walking staff she carefully took few steps towards them, making sure it would not be too obvious and continued to watch them.

" Same species, different gifts. Very curious. Nay, peculiar in fact, it seems their evolution pattern is limitless. "

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia )

He merely listened to her reply, beginning to lose focus and slip into the book until she made a remark about war. Michi narrowed his eyes and looked at her. "If you are so brainless as to believe that stereotype, I pity you." He snapped, closing the book loudly and walking down the pathway. This was a clear signal that he was done talking to her, and if she couldn't pick up on that than she was stupid. Michi had starting to get the distinct feeling someone was watching him. But his dorm was only a few feet away, and he was sure that he would be alone this year. Stepping over the threshold of room 178, he had already gotten his white book shelf, desk, and simple bed delivered. Boxes of various things (mostly books) sat on the floor. Getting down on his knees he began the tedious work of shelving one hundred different books. But in his haste he left the door wide open.

Kiyama, would let out a audiable sigh of relief as the speech ended, gathering himself he would stand and slowly shuffle out with the many students, whom he would graze and bump shoulders with, He was a tall man with a solid build, which somewhat dwarfed most students around him, Red hair would make him stand out in a crowd, while his red eyes would peer into your soul, he would continue to slightly push his way past most people without care
Chiyo folded the map properly after she memorised the way to get to her dorm. Her nose picked up a familiar smell, making her stopped in her track. She tried listening closely to the voices close by, trying to detect any familiar voice. Her eyes landed on a pair of huge black wings, about twenty metres away from where she was standing. She tilted her head to the side, "Black wings...." She tried to work out where she had seen them before, "Tengu?"

She didn't have time to walked over to him, due to the fact that he had walked away. She told herself that she'll have to see him later if it was really Michi, but now she just really want to go to her dorm. She turned around and clashed straight into someone. She stumbled back a little by surprise then looked up. The first two things that she noticed about him was the fact hat he has red hair and he's very very tall compare to her. "Sorry..." she said after a few seconds of silence.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi
He would feel the female bump off his chest and look down at her, his face barely shifting expression, he would seem rather bored and felt like he had encountered an annoyance "yeah, yeah whatever, just watch where you walk" he would somewhat bark out at her in a low voice that would chill her spine slightly, he would pat the females head as he walked off in search of something to do

Chiyo looked at him and mentally pulled a face at him. She regain herself then head straight for the dorm, this time there was nothing in her way. She made it to her dorm not long after and studied the outside for a bit before deciding to head to the gym instead of going in her room. She sighed and opened the map again. "Gym..." she said as she search for the gym, "...found you!" She said happily and head towards the gym. She saw many people interacts with each other on her way to the gym and entered the hallway that leads to the gym.
Steven arrived at his dorm room as one of the first there since he was riding his skateboard towards it making sure he was in front of the crowd so no one would be on his way when he did some tricks here and there. he was now busy with emptying his luggage and placing his suitcase under his bed "ugh what to do now?" he asked himself calmly before he looks outside towards the sun backyard of the school. "maybe eat something" he said before his stomach growls loud and he walks out of the door making his way through the crowd that walks the opposite way making his way towards the cafeteria
Persephone arrived at the cafeteria, but there didn't seem to be anyone around. She went up to the counter and grabbed a fresh sausage sandwich. She slithered over to the tables and started eating, wrapping her tail around a chair for stability.
Kali watches in amusement as Michi walks away. It would seem he doesn't like being stereotyped. That's what he gets for thinking all fairies are 'fluttery'. He can dish out insults, but apparently he can't take them very well. A small laugh escapes her lips as she begins walking towards her dorm. The crowds seemed to have thinned out a bit so it's easier to find er way to her dorms. Luckily she doesn't have any more run ins.

She makes it to her dorm soon enough, and it seems that there are very few people here. The silence in the forms is nice, a good environment for her. Contrary to fairy stereotypes, Kali prefers to be left alone, with silence and most often a book. Her room is beautiful. The walls are painted a soft, light blue, with white trim. Her black bed frame an headboard match the dresse on the right wall. Her light green bedspread and pillows compliment to coloring of the room nicely. To the left is a window, and a small lilac bush in the corner. The scent of lilac calms her as it fills the room. Her boxes are all lined up neatly next to the door, as per her instructions. She decides to unpack quickly before class starts, so she sets to opening them.
Tenebrae had not attended the opening ceremonies, like usual he was off on his own. During the whole of it all, Tenebrae had tucked himself away in a corner of the Fairyun common rooms with a book. It was one of the few places he could be reliably found. The book he was reading was of an interesting nature. It concerned the use and misuse of some higher level potions and what could go wrong. Part of potion making was salvaging a potion gone wrong, but it was not a skill that was thoroughly taught at this academy. He took it into his own hands to teach himself these skills and the potions he was focusing on were the ones they would likely review and learn in the upcoming weeks. Tenebrae wasn't perfect and he knew it, he made mistakes as often as others in most classes, but his knowledge of how to correct his mistake was what set him apart from most. It was what kept him on top of the grades chart and it was what kept him one step ahead of those that might seek to harm him or others.

The door to the dorms opened, the opening ceremonies must have ended. 'That wasn't long, it's usually far longer,' he thought to himself. Tenebrae looked up to see that Kali was the first person back it seemed. He recognized her from years past. They had never spoken in person, though he had never really seen her talk to much of anyone by choice. That was the way of most Fairyun's though, keep to themselves for the most part and often were difficult to find if you were looking for one. As a Fairyun however, you learn the patterns of movement everyone typically uses and your fellow students tended not to be so difficult to find. He lowered his eyes and returned to his book, he had more studying to do for now.
Naaya decided to take a walk in the greenhouse. It fascinated her how the humans took care of the flowers, they helped them grow and become strong like they were their own children. Some people paid more attention to these flora than to their own brethren. Most curious yet understandable: these flowers were beautiful if not breathtaking, just by watching them Naaya filled with serenity and happiness as she strolled through the seemingly endless corridor of uncountable flowers.

" It is unlikely that I will find anyone here, but somehow you captivate me, little ones. " said she, smiling at one little blossom, touching it gently. " This place would be great for meditation later on, or even for studying. I should note that. " she added as she sat down on the ground, relaxed.

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