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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

His body would warm up in response to her statement of being cold, giving off heat as if she was sat infront of a roaring fire in a fireplace
"you are welcome girly" he would slowly begin to fall asleep sitting upright, clicks coming from his body as he drifts in and out of sleep slowly
She would roll her eyes, but she would put two hands on either side of his face and tilt down towards her. She gently brushed her lips against his own and pulled away after a second, a blush slowly creeping up her cheeks.
"Hmm so that is what it feels like to be kissed by someone" he would slowly run his fingertips along his lips and think on the feeling he felt from being kiss "It is a rather strange sensation"
She would flick his nose as he did to her and lay back on the grass, her hair spread out around her. Her eyes drift closed and she exhaled softly, allowing herself to relax a bit.

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