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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

Aurora tried to picture what Kiyama had described to her. The male had was tall to begin with, but the thought of someone who couldn’t be bigger than 6’7 morphing into a fifty foot dragon would definitely be an incredible sight to see, albeit slightly terrifying. One would think that growing into a creature that large would be quite painful, however Kiyama had told her it wasn’t. How interesting, Aurora thought, a bit excited. The dragon mentioned how this was the longest time he had ever talked to anyone. She wasn’t sure if he was exaggerating or not, but the words comforted the faun. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who had trouble socializing. Aurora was about to respond when she was interrupted by yet another flying book. This time, however, Kiyama managed to dodge it. The book hit the wall with a loud smack and Aurora cringed. How that person could be so careless with their textbooks was beyond the faun. It seemed that third book was the last straw for Kiyama, and the male let out an audible sigh before walking over to the assaulter and tossing them out the window.

Ah yes, another reason why the Aurora would have to be careful to never piss this man off. She felt bad for the poor student that was now laying outside on the ground, but she supposed that’s what you get for pissing off a
dragon. Kiyama followed after the student, and upon leaving the shattered window she witnessed him fully morph into a dragon. It was kind of incredible, the way that it happened so swiftly. Aurora guessed she could now check seeing a dragon off her non-existent to-do list. However, it was also quite terrifying. Aurora felt bad for the student that was now facing his fiery wrath. It was hard for her to believe everything that had just played out, and needless to say, she was a bit shocked. Scratch that, she was really shocked. She didn’t even notice the green-haired male approach her until he spoke up.

“Hey, I’m Chance,” she heard someone say, causing her to jump slightly. She quickly turned to the source of the voice and was met with the face of the green-haired male from earlier. Aurora liked the name. Chance--there was always a possibility. He gestured to Kiyama’s chair with his head and asked what the male had done to make people so angry at him. Aurora let out a quiet, amused huff of air.

“They were both kind of at fault in this situation,” she started quietly. “Kiyama--the dragon--made a rather loud comment, which seemed to cause a few glares his shot way. I guess he isn’t the best at controlling his anger, because before I knew it he was breathing fire at them. You can imagine that some people weren’t very happy to find themselves with singed eyebrows,” she continued, her voice growing a stronger. “They tried to fight back by throwing their books and--oh those poor textbooks…” the faun realized that she was getting off topic and quickly returned to the subject. “Anyway, after a series of events here we are, with a broken window, a terrorized student, and a teacher about to come into the classroom at any moment.” Aurora looked at Chance, gaging his reaction. Perhaps her explanation had been too long. He probably just wanted a short answer, and Aurora got carried away. Suddenly, it occurred to the faun that she knew his name but he didn’t know hers. There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again, trying to muster up all the confidence she could. “I’m Aurora,” she said, adding in a small smile. The girl was still curious to know what species Chance was, but perhaps that wasn’t something you asked upon first meeting someone.

Even if she did want to ask, though, she wouldn’t get the chance to because soon the professor walked in. She braced herself for him to start yelling due to the broken window and the dragon that was outside said window. However, the teacher seemed to keep his composure, addressing Kiyama only after attendance had been taken. When Kiyama came back into the classroom, he slammed the student into the wall, causing the faun to wince.
Was that a cracking noise? A bit unsure what to do, Aurora decided to start reading page five.

@CasualDragon ; @Fujiwara Tadayoshi (mentioned)
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Chance listened intently to her description of events. Dragon huh? That's cool. Just at that moment the teacher walked in and instructed to turn to page five. He pulled out his own textbook and flipped to page five before glancing at the slightly mangled textbooks on the floor. He stood up and retrieved them and gently set them on his desk. He opened the first one and proceeded to try and fix them as best as he could. With a sad sigh he set the semi-destroyed textbooks on the student's desk for when he came back in.

The time came soon enough though and not how he though it would. The kid came barreling back into the class and slamming into the wall. There was some cracking and Chance was pretty sure that there were some broken bones. He glanced at Kiyama then back at the broken kid on the wall. Kiyama seemed like a loyal friend if not strong willed. "Nice throw. Perk of being a dragon?" He read through the material quickly before glancing at the two of them again. "Well I guess that was a little rude of me wasn't it! I'm Chance." He directed to Kiyama. "I'm a selkie, so I can turn into a seal when I touch water. Not as cool as you two though." He glanced at the kid who was still stuck in the wall. "Maybe we should get him to the infirmary..."

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi & @custom
"Seal huh.. and I dont care who you are seal boy.." Kiyama would rest his head on the table "Right now, I care about eating and then sleeping" He would turn his gaze to the teacher and look at him "And I would like to see this headmistress when she is mad, might be entertaining.." looking at the Selkie "Eh if you care so much about him, take him there yourself.. if he is in too much pain I will put him out of it myself"

So he was a selkie, huh? Did all selkies have unique hair or was it just exclusive to him? As it turned out, Aurora didn’t even need to ask Chance what his species was; which was a fact she was grateful for. Aurora had heard about selkies during the time she lived in the forest and found them to be pretty cool. Then again, she found most species to be cool. Still, Aurora was meeting a lot of species she hadn't before, and it excited her. She nodded and responded to the boy, “Are you kidding? That’s awesome! Is the process painless?”

There it was: her first question of many. Once Aurora knew about a species, she just
had to learn more, no matter what species it was. She didn’t feel the need to tell him that she was a faun; it was a quite obvious by her appearance. Kiyama had noticed it as soon as she had walked into the room.

Speaking of the redhead, she glanced over to look at him. While she was a bit shocked at the sight of the student in the wall, she couldn't help but be amazed by the Kiyama’s pure strength, and the way he had managed to so seamlessly transform into such an extraordinary form. Once the initial shock had faded away, Aurora realized that she wasn’t really afraid of the dragon. In fact, she even felt confident enough to speak to him once more.

“That was terrifying,” the faun dared, surprised at her own boldness. She then smiled slightly, leaning in a bit to say the next part as she tried to avoid too many people hearing her. “However, it was also pretty incredible,” she admitted. “It really doesn’t hurt? To morph into such a form? Surely it must take some sort of toll on you. You seem to be quite powerful," she added, gesturing towards the student who was now stuck against the wall. Chance suggested taking him to the infirmary, a notion she seconded. However, Kiyama didn’t seem too concerned, offering to put the student out of their misery. While Aurora's thoughts on the dragon being quick to anger were confirmed, his actions weren't exactly without reason. Textbooks weren’t light, especially when they were being thrown at someone’s head. Anyone would have had enough at a certain point. Kiyama did warn the student, after all. Perhaps next time, the student would listen to a fifty-foot dragon shifter telling them to stop.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi ; @CasualDragon
"you get used to it hurting, and it only leaves me tired and hungry.. and incredible? hardly it was a simple show of force.. if I wanted I could of torched half the school..." he would look at the Faun and give her a half smile, looking as if her was even having trouble giving it. "People round here dont like me, and for good reason.. there is a saying 'where a dragon shifter goes, destruction and ruin follow' so most people avoid me like the plague, or hurl objects from afar.. exhibit A over there" he would gesture to the student embedded into the wall

Chance glanced one more time at the boy and felt a little guilty for not helping him. At the same time though a rather large crowd of people had gathered around him and were trying to help. He looked back at the two he now considered his friends. He shrugged his shoulders. "If I urge the change on it's painless. Like if I touch water myself or will the change on. But if I change because water's spilled on me then it can be painful because there's not enough water to ease the pain. Same for if it's raining. If it's a heavy downpour then nope it doesn't hurt, but a light rain, yeah that can hurt. What about you? Do you have another form and does it hurt?" Aurora asked Kiyama about his change Chance listened closely. There were so many different beings out there and learning about them was key to keeping peace between the species. He noticed how much anger was inside of Kiyama and agreed with himself that he was going to help keep Kiyama on a good path if he could. He ignored the fact that 'dragon boy' would refer to him as his species. "Well I guess a little 'destruction and ruin' won't scare us off. You're stuck with us for the long haul!" Chance exclaimed happily.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi @custom
He would let out a audible sigh "sounds just peachy... making my wildest hopes come true.. I have 'Friends' oh joy" his sarcasm would be rather obvious in his tone as he shifted some glass from the desk over to the side of it, brushing his fingers through his hair and then drumming his fingers on the table


Current Time

:| |: 12:40 p.m. :| |:

Amaryllis watched as the final two students arrived. One of them came over and sat down next to her. She turned her head to look at him, and pulled out one ear-bud, just before he spoke. Something about the class being fun and it being his first time. "It's fun enough, when Professor Pincus is in a good mood." She replied, and looked to the professor. It looked like she had finished marking the two students down as present, and was getting ready to call the classes attention.

"Good afternoon students. I am Professor Pincus, though most of you already know me. For those of you new to dueling, I'll be explaining how this class works." The half-elf spoke, her voice slightly raised so that all of the six students scattered around the field could hear. "When you have class, I expect you to arrive a bit early, so you can warm-up alone and get your gear set. Once I've arrived, I'll call out the names of the students working together. It is dueling class after all, so each pair would then decide if they would like to spar or just help each other learn new skills. On somedays, I will be demonstrating a new fighting style, while others will be free practice." She paused long enough to be sure we were following."During your sparring, no use of magic is allowed, and your aim is not to harm each other. Your not to be fighting for real, and all the weapons you use in this class will be dull, practice versions of the real thing. Do you understand?"

Amaryllis listened to the professor's words, though she'd heard them multiple times. She nodded at the end, showing she did indeed understand, and waited to hear the plan for today.

(Interaction with

@tacticalgenius )

(Classmates @Rain @NovaPheonix @Hakkern1 @Brent )​
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Michi Takaharu [Dueling Class]

Michi folded his arms, he already had his heart set on sparring with whoever would be his partner today, and besides who has time for teaching helpless newbies? He climbed to his feet with much effort, not wishing to leave his books on the bleachers. Already deciding on using a simple katana he wondered who his partner would be, he hoped it would be someone with moderate skill like his and not someone he could trounce easily. He stretched his arms and climbed down to the bleachers last step, waiting patiently for class to start.

Marrie nodded along with the teacher's words, almost bobbing her head. She had been waiting all day to get some kind of warm up, and was willing to follow any sort of ruleset as long as she could let off some steam. She was rather wound up, now kicking her feet as she sat on the bleachers. She was used to using sharp weapons. The idea of a dulled weapon honestly bored her. Part of her loved the violent sensation of cutting through her victims like the globs of meat that they were while she was in the rush of combat. Her more subtle side tried to veer her mind away from these violent fantasies to prevent herself from getting a bit too exited, but it was too late. She waited for her pair to be called while her lips concealed a sinister grin of grisly anticipation.
Aurora nodded along as Chance talked about the process, listening intently. It must have been rather annoying, having to carefully avoid rain and spilled drinks at times. Once he had finished, she responded to his question. “I suppose I have a ‘human’ form,” she said, marking the word “human” with air quotes. “I still have the antlers, though." the faun would say, sighing a bit. She had always wished that she could have a truly human form; then she might be able to actually observe humans whilst living side-by-side with them. Still, perhaps there was a chance. Aurora has constantly clung onto the small hope that once she grows more powerful she will be able to control it. “It doesn’t hurt, but my ‘human’ form can be pretty exhausting to keep up,” she finished, smiling lightly. Aurora didn’t know the last time she had talked to someone this long, let alone two people. It was refreshing, and she blabbered on. “It must get a bit annoying,” Aurora offered to his statement, “having to be so careful around water.” The faun didn’t want to pretend like she knew, perhaps it didn’t bother the Selkie at all. She was just going off the fact that it probably would have bothered her. Still, it was also intriguing to hear Chance talk about it. She wondered if the pain applied to every selkie, or if it was just to him.

Aurora listened to Kiyama as he talked, her face falling slightly at the thought of people judging him just for his race. It was terrible and ignorant, treating someone badly just because they were a certain race. While his dragon form was certainly fearsome, Kiyama didn’t seem like a bad person. A bit brash, but not bad.
The world needs to be more open-minded, she thought bitterly. She was carefully choosing her next words when Chance spoke up, saying how Kiyama was stuck with them for the long haul. That’s right, she agreed happily. She offered a genuine smile towards the two of them. Aurora realized that this meant the three of them were friends, or at least-- that’s what she thought it meant. The cheesy, sentimental thought made her a lot happier than it should have. It was a bit laughable, really.

Kiyama seemed all-to-excited at the thought of having friends, with his disinterested expression and audible sigh. Aurora could sense his sarcasm; however, she chose to believe that he really didn’t mind. She let out a small laugh. “Wow, try not to look too excited now,” she said, trying out the whole “sarcasm” thing.

@CasualDragon ; @Fujiwara Tadayoshi
Nicoletta Merihem

Current Time

:| |: 12:40 p.m. :| |:

Nicoletta got through to section two of the basics of Alchemy and she thought to herself," I really hope this class turns out to be useful for my future..." She then looked outside the window and looked at the scenery. Nicoletta speculated to herself ," Man this academy is allot more alluring than I thought it would be..." That instantly boosted her attitude at that moment.

Nicoletta than continued on reading and finally got to section three. She then looked around her classmates to see how far they were getting with the lesson. She first looked at a witch who seemed to be baffled by something in the text. She seemed to be whispering to herself," Beak..-er..." Nicoletta looked at her quizzically and giggled quietly to herself thinking ," I stumbled and that word as well, heh." She then turned to the Quetzalcoatl girl. She seemed to be as interested in the text just as everyone else was. Nicoletta then thought," I wish I could look as engaging as her when it came to reading, most people tend to think that I hate reading. So judgmental." Nicoletta looked over to the teacher who seemed to be reading a newspaper of some sort. Nicoletta wanted to read his mind to see what as written on the newspaper, but that would keep her off task and she didn't honestly feel like doing so. She then took her attention to a blonde guy that had really sharp blue eyes. He seemed to be the studious type and was reading the text with ease, not distracted at all what so ever. Finally she looked towards a pier who seemed to be kicked back in his seat resting his feet on his desk. She couldn't even tell if he was really reading the text. Hopefully he was paying attention to the teacher.

Nicoletta then decided to finish the text after observing her first class. Once finished she took out her book and started reading again.

@Maxwelle @Haru Rivers @Bread King = classmates

@RinDaVamp = teacher
"Oh im just over joyed, forced friendship, just what everyone needs" He would stand as he spoke, Im going to go nap somewhere, probably in the gardens. He would walk off as he was leaving he looked at the and feigned a sign of imminent fire breath, chuckling as he left the room and made his way to the gardens
He listened to her talk about her form. It was fascinating how the antlers stayed even in her most human form. Chance vowed that his goal this year was to find some sort of way to give her a chance to be human for even the slightest of time. He personally liked the antlers, but with the heavy tone in her voice it seemed like she didn't very much.

When she mentioned the part about him being careful around water he shrugged. "Eh. I mean, it's the same as you having to focus on keeping your human form. You focus on staying human, I focus on avoiding water. I usually keep a water bottle in my bag in case something happens." He patted his bag. "You know, if something spills then I dump more water and it'll hurt a bit less."

Chance watched Kiyama leave but didn't follow him. "This must be a little shocking. We'll give him some time before we bombard him with 'unwanted' friendship." He made finger quotes as he said 'unwanted'. When he made a gesture that suggested something about fire and Chance shuddered a bit theatrically before laughing. He shot a thumbs up Kiyama's way but didn't know if he saw it. He turned back to Aurora. "How much do you know about magic?"

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi & @custom
The pale haired girl wandered the grounds, humming to the music that was going through her headphones. She looked around, astounded by the size of the school. She was new to the whole "school" thing. Her social skills were rusty too, so she hoped that no people would talk to her, lest she say something stupid and/or embarrassing.
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Aurora listened to Chance’s words, wondering how long it would have taken him to finally come to that solution. It was a good idea, but Aurora wondered how much it would really help. Anything to ease the pain, though, Aurora supposed. She suddenly felt lucky that she had more control over her form. Still, the idea of transforming at the mere touch of water was fascinating, and she found herself appreciating selkies more. She smiled sympathetically, although she wasn't sure if Chance would appreciate the sympathy.

Aurora watched helplessly as Kiyama left, a bit concerned that the boy was leaving in “the middle of” class. The faun had always been like that, wondering why anyone would pass up a lesson. Still, she couldn’t help but crack a smile at Chance’s comment about “unwanted” friendship. That smile turned into a quiet laugh at Kiyama's fire gesture.

“Fine,” she started in her best joking tone, “but don’t expect to be getting the notes from me...” It was mainly an empty “threat”. Aurora knew that if Kiyama ever did ask for the notes, she would have given them to him. She wasn’t sure if he had heard him though, watching as Kiyama just left the middle of class. A part of her respected his will and boldness to just go. However, there was also a part of her that was concerned that the teacher wouldn’t appreciate it, and that he wouldn’t get to listen to the lesson. She let out a small sigh, turning to Chance to answer his unexpected question.

“Depends on what kind,” she started, “I’m not the greatest at transfiguration, but I’d like to think I’m pretty good at healing and using herbs. It’s the kind of stuff I grew up with, so it’s kind of second nature to me,” she finished, smiling. Aurora loved plants and herbs; she loved learning about their properties. They could be beautiful as well as useful. On the topic, Aurora realized that later she would have to go to the forest and collect some. “What about you?” she asked, curious to know if selkies specialized in anything, or at least if Chance did.

kiyama would wander down the hall way and then exit the building, making his way slowly over to the garden area, he would shift into his dragon form, the dragon would find a open enough space and curl into a ball in that space, falling asleep slowly, its black scales would absorb the sunlight, the blue glow on him would be visible to anyone who passed by, as it slept, black and blue flames would come out of its mouth from time to time, the grass and any foliage infront of its mouth would burn away, leaving no trace it ever existed
The curious girl found herself in the gardens and noticed the large dragon. "Bloody hell." Her Scottish accent thickened the mumbled words as she moved closer. It was sleeping, exhaling fire as it did so. "Those poor plants..." She hoped she didn't awaken it, as she didn't feel keen to be burnt to death.
The dragon would shift its body slightly, curling more into a ball, Heat would radiate from its body as it slept, a low rumble would be heard from its mouth as it breathed in and out, its eye slowly opening and looking at the female who appeared in the garden
"Kind of the opposite! I'm not the best herbologist but I am mediocre with transfiguration. My best area has to be potions or alchemy." He thought for a moment. Still thinking about the possibility of giving her a human experience for even a slight moment. He glanced out the window at the dragon burning up the garden and he chuckled nervously. "I just hope he doesn't set off the sprinklers." He joked.

"Anyways, I was thinking. What if we were to dig through some library books on the subject and maybe find something out. Like what if we were to find a way to make you temporary human. It wouldn't last long which is good. I mean, your antlers are nice, they're a part of who you are." He gently pushed his technology book into his bag and glanced around the class. He found this place interesting. Everyone was so different, but in good ways.

Nicoletta Merihem

Finally for what seemed like forever class finally ended. Nicoletta tired out of her mind decided to go read on the outskirts of the school. She walked through the main gates and sat down by a large oak tree.

For what seemed like and hour of reading Nicoletta slowly started dozing off from exhaustion and fell asleep against the colossal tree.
That dragon would lazily look at the girl in the garden still. "What is it, Girl?" slowly he would unfurl from his ball shape and stand upright and look down at her, lowering its head down to be eyelevel with her
Aurora nodded, her eyes lighting up. “If you’d like, I can teach you some time! Maybe you could teach me a little bit more about alchemy and in exchange I could teach you a bit about herbology?” Aurora would never hesitate when there was learning involved. She noticed the male look out the window, and her gaze followed. There she spotted Kiyama asleep, flames coming out of his body. So he can’t control it when he’s asleep, Aurora noted, intrigued. Or perhaps he could, but he chose not to. Either way, she was interested. Although, she couldn’t help but feel bad for whoever tends to the garden. They were going to have a lot of work to do. The faun cracked a smile at Chance’s comment.

When he suggested looking in the library, all of Aurora’s features lit up. She was extremely flattered that someone she had really only met that day was so interested in helping her. Even if they had only met that day, Aurora was glad for their friendship. Not just because of him wanting to help her, either. He seemed like a genuine, kind person. Aurora had a good feeling about this year. At his comment about her antlers, she unconsciously reached up and touched one. No one really complimented them, but she realized he was right. They were a part of who she was. Even though it was hard for her to accept sometimes, she should at least try to be proud of her faun heritage.

A small, excited gasp escaped her mouth. “You really want to help me? Thank you so much!” she exclaimed. A part of her knew there was probably no way they would find anything--she had been researching it ever since she came to the academy. However, she wasn't about to be pessimistic. “Maybe while we’re there we might be able to find a way to ease the pain you feel when you shift?” she offered, knowing that it was probably something that just came with being a selkie. Still, she felt indebted and she wanted to help him in return. Suddenly, she had an idea. “I might be able to come up with a herbal mix that could help ease any pain you feel when you transform. Maybe something with chamomile and--ooh rosemary,” Aurora paused, thinking about all the possibilities. She gave a small smile. “Well, I don’t have all the details yet, but I will,” she said, realizing that she might have been getting a bit carried away. “I mean, that’s only if you want me to… I totally wouldn't mind at all--so don’t worry about that. It’s just that I want to do something to help.”

Chance grinned at her. "You would help me with that? Well then, thank you! Oh, if we can't make something up to give you full human appearance, I may have an idea of something that could at least keep you in this form a little easier." He thought for a moment about the knowledge he had of potions and transfiguration. He could think of a few item combinations to make possible potions, but didn't know for sure if they would work.

When she mentioned the two plants Chance straightened up a bit. There was never a bad time to learn, and by the way she was mentioning them, Chance assumed that they were calming plants. "So rosemary and chamomile are calming then? What plants could increase incognitive attention... Maybe if we could find a plant and brew it up with an eagle feather then that could decrease the amount of focus you'll need..." Chance paused, not even knowing if what he said made any sense.


((I'm on mobile and have clumsy fingers so that's why my speaking font changed colours!))
She took a small step back as the dragon lowered it's head down to her level, she backed away even more when it spoke. "I was just wondering, you're a dragon, but it was never said that a dragon was on the school grounds." Her accent had thickened the words. "You have to be a student..."

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