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Kings and Queens of the ocean!


Gold digger
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there! Looking to see if anyone is interested in joining me on creating a pirate adventure!

Rules: Anything goes into creating your crew and ship. No armadas of any kind right off the bat. Your ships weapon may range from Traditional, to Si-fi, steampunk, and so on and so fourth as long as you do not go over board (pun) with the weaponry.Hybrids are allowed.

Ships, starting out your ship will have only 8 cannons, Four on both sides. As the story progress your ship may grow, to be a flag ship that holds 40cannons. How does your ship progress? You will need to defeat enemy Navy and rob their cannons, or raid forts. Just keep in mind the bigger you make a ship. The more men is needed to maintain, and more men means more mouths to feed. But we won't go into so much detail. Just don't try to make it a race to building up your ship, each fight costs resources and possibly men, treat your crew as if they are real. (robots, humans, beast's and undead alike.) 

If you wish to be part of my crew then you can but you will be the first mate, who has the same authority of the captain but not when it comes to battles.

i don't expect you to know all the sayings and phrase used on ships, like port side and broad side, no, no. If you don't know them, then just command how you would command, but if you do. Great!

your character MUST, have a melee weapon, and a fire arm, (just no light sabers) 

rule 2: All cannons will fire cannon balls, but it's up to you if you wish to change these rounds and add some effect. Ex: Si-fi= Energy balls, SteamPunk= Balls that where made with engines and gears that explode on impact and release shrapnel. Ghost ship= Phantom rounds. Ect...

Just don't be OP, is all I really ask, and the story/ideas can and will progress as we go! 

So what do you say? Ready to plunder the city coast!?

oh, and the world we are in Is not earth, it's our own variation giving you opertunty to actually explore the sea and creat your own uncharted land mass. 
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Hello Maya! I am Koopo, it's a pleasure to meet you and have your interest! I would love to have you. Now my question is...where do we Rp lol this is the first time I Got Rp here.

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