Keychain of Creation

Well, it makes sense that she pulls it out for a big fight.
Sherwood said:
"Abyssal mate"?
Did I miss something?  Does Secret have the Shard that Marena is bound to?
No, you didn't.  It's just my suspicion.

I am insisting on the Secret/Marena until proven otherwise in the story.  It's just too much fun 'looking' for the clues.
Being chucked into a wall is never really a cliffhanger in exalted by the way.. .. unless maybe the wall is studded with adamant knives, which are soaked in yozi venom.

Or maybe if the wall was covered in oblivion ^^

Pfft, she's a lunar, she'll be fine.

Though I'm interested in the guitar which possesses grappling tentacles.. .. part of my wonders why he let her go ^^
What the hell, why didn't Marena throw the cannon at Ben? This comic has horrible characterization. I'm reporting you to the police.
Yay for Lazer cannons!

Marena should totally do a Megatron quote at some point.   :D
Ooooooooh!  Spooky scarey eyes!  I'm afraid!

At least he didn't fall on Secret's schtick of Dodge Charms.. :lol:
Perfect defense, ah... the bane of all exalt-killing people.   :D

And yeah. Ben seems kind of interesting. Is he using all emcompassing sorcerer's sight to bypass the blindness?
Coyotekin said:
This comic strip is the best all-around.
I'm particularly impressed by the system which automatically updates the comic; it was clearly devised by a genius.
I imagine it will be more pulp style, where which ever group narrowly escapes death, either only just managing to accomplish their goals (heroes) or to foil their enemies plans (villians)
I was pleasantly surprised that the comic went with the mechanics over the coolness, cause yeah, essence cannons are a real good way to waste motes against perfect defenses ^^
I think it will follow the theme of Order of the Stick for the most part. Lots of jokes and jabs at game-rules and things like that.
FluffySquirrel said:
I was pleasantly surprised that the comic went with the mechanics over the coolness, cause yeah, essence cannons are a real good way to waste motes against perfect defenses ^^
Unless they are Hearthstone clip fed. Then it's free.
Flagg said:
I'm particularly impressed by the system which automatically updates the comic; it was clearly devised by a genius.
Yes, it's doing its just job very well.

but I have been wondering a bit, when does it change? at midnight CET, EST..., or midnight on individual computer (i think not).

Not that I have tried to cheat the system, I like to wait for something good, but I also like to cheat a system if I don't have to use any energy on it, hehe.
I believe it's midnight EST, as I'm in PST time zone and have gotten it after 9-10 pm my time.
It updates at precisely 00:00 EST, which is (presently) UST-5.

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