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Fandom Justice No More (DC RP)

(Hope I can butt in)

At the top of the mast, a small, robotic chameleon was perched on the side, small metallic grooves hooked into the wood. The chameleon's eyes shuttered like a camera, focusing on the two that started to come up the ship. The wind whispered through the many kinks in the small robots exoskeleton, the wind whistling slightly through it.
sitanomoto sitanomoto

Demonhunter Demonhunter
(( note: this code is mobile friendly. Although, the text is slightly squished on mobile. I would recommend turning on rotation on your phone and turn it sideways so it's not as squished. But there's always the 'request desktop site'))

"What? Flirting with the girl that is trying to take my clothes off is pretty normal. At least take me on a date first, though."
At that, she arched her eyebrows in disbelief. "E-excuse me! I'm just trying to get my fathers suit back!" The smaller red-head began to get frustrated, cheeks glowing a soft red. "I was honestly hoping you would cooperate with me.." She huffed, shooting a glare over at him.

"Well, I was gonna say electricity and shock you. Your father's suit has shock gloves in it after all. But, after taking a closer look at you, I decided such a simply trick was too bad for such a beautiful woman."
Starwing finally realized she had to take this guy seriously, admitting flat out he was going to shock her. "Well that's rather rud-" She cut herself off as he placed a hand on her cheek, tempted to smack it away.
"Say, ever considered dating a thief?"
She furrowed her eyebrows, him leaning in to whisper something in her ear.
"After all...it's an explosive life style."

The explosion had sent her flying, back hitting concrete with a harrowing thud. Slowly struggling from the crumbled mess, her eyes began to glow a menacing green, streaks of it flowing through her hair. Starwing only suffered a few scratches (thanks to her Tamarenean blood) at the least. Now, she was absolutely flustered. She couldn't believe she had dropped her guard and let him do that to her.

Growling, she took flight and flew straight towards the attacker, energy balls slowly forming in her wrist. She launched them at Red X in rapid succession, obviously not a very happy camper.
tags; Vsland Vsland

coding by cychotic
Last edited:
Dagaan Gaea
Central City

Dagaan's leap carried him miles through the air, each time taking him closer and closer to the scene of the crime. He had a little problem with controlling himself once within the air, often spiraling out of control and crashing in the middle of the street. He shook his head and shrugged himself off, ready to leap once again. "I really need to work on my landings," he reminded himself before turning to see a dumbfounded couple. From the looks of it they had been caught up in a rather lengthy make out session in the guys car at a park before Dagaan landed in front of his car. He smiled innocently and gave them a quick wave before placing himself in a crouching position, the ground warping beneath the force his muscles applied to the dirt. Once the Earth-Born took off, the soil erupted over the windshield, garnering a very surprised look on both of the occupants faces before the male fainted out of disbelief.

The air split into as Dagaan's figure torpedoed downtown, sending him careening into into a building and altering his trajectory.

A blockade of local law enforcement formed around Star Labs, cutting the facility off from the general public and very persistent reporters. The Police Chief liberated a formless mass of smoke to stream out from his lips, dropping his cigarette to ground before being debriefed by his subordinates. "What does the situation look like Dale?" He asked as he walked from the back of the blockade to the front. Officer Dale shook his head, "Not very good cap. We got an undetermined amount of perps inside the building with gadgets that most of us haven't even heard of. Sources say there has to be a couple dozen hostages are still in there. A scientist, engineers, and janitorial staff have all been reported to be within the building when the attack started, no one that was inside has been reported to have been seen leaving. Hostiles took out the cameras immediately after entering according to a few of our experts, and they haven't answered a single one of our hails." The Captain sighed deeply and rubbed his temples, "Not very good indeed."

"Have you made any attempts to contact those remaining in the Justice League, or perhaps the Titans? Maybe even solo heroes?" The Chief asks, however he already knows the answer. "Sorry Chief, just like us after....the attack a couple weeks ago they are just as spread thin as we are. The solo heroes are much harder to contact these days."

The Chief grunted in discontent, a numb stinging behind his eyes forming as he felt a head ache building. He knew Dale was right, the attack of Darkseid left everything-including the police force- in shambles. Just as probably half of the worlds heroes went down fighting, so did law enforcement and civilians. They were barely scraping by on what they have, and didn't have the means of dealing with a complication such as this. Morale would take a serious hit on the people of this city, if they failed in this people may not trust the police department to come through in a crisis. All hell would would break loose.

"God help us all." The Chief stated, just as a piercing whistle would alert everyone of a very fast incoming projectile. While the projectile in question had intended to land in behind the group or at least infront of the building, the obstruction of its path meant it went spiraling a couple hundred feet out of its way.

"AYAYAYAYAYAAYAYYYYE!!! [Insert Tarzan Chant]!!" Dagaan shouted before crashing directly into the building.

The Chief's mouth hung agape before he pushed his glasses back onto his face. "I had to ask....."

"This was supposed to be a silent operation! Now its all gone to hell!" One of the burglars to complained while loading a small crate filled with unique prototypes.

The gang of very well equipped thieves had their execution planned out perfectly, but somewhere along the line it went astray. One of the lead Engineers managed to press a silent alarm just before a crew member could apprehend them, leading to the blockade that had surrounded them. They were extremely on edge, having crew members guard the hostages at all times while the others loaded crates filled with state of the art technology. "Shut up, the plan can still work. We have a bunch of brainiacs as hostages, they aren't gonna attack us. Even if they are we are sitting on a goldmine of weapons that could take out the entire police force." Another crew member reasoned as he sat down with some type of advanced gun in his hand. "Dont go chicken on us, now. If you are getting antsy just think of the cash this contract will get us. In a few months we will be sipping Mai Tai's in the Bahamas, and you'll be glad you didn't lose your stomach."

They all sat down and took a break from loading the supplies they had been contracted to acquire. "Any way where is boss?" One of the masked men asked the other. "With the other group, looking after the hostages. They'll go after them first if anything went down."

The group would hear a phantoms echo of a cry of barbaric proportions. "What on Earth-" One of them would start before a figure would crash through the ceiling, landing directly in the middle of their group.

Dagaan stood tall as the dust from his landing dispersed throughout the facility. "More like what of Earth."

Speedster Speedster
Vsland Vsland
James steps his boot up onto the wood of the crows nest once they got up there. He smiles at the beautiful sunset. He settles his weight to lean on the wooden panneling watching the waves as they slapped against the upcoming beach. Most can't read. I think theres ten men on board even remotely literate so they can write some things. James shakes his head. Illiteracy was definately a problem, although many just didn't care to work on it. I grew up on this ship. Not much to do other than read and hitting a couple book stored every time we went to port for supplies.

James pushes his long hair out of his face before getting tired of the wind blowing it about and pulling a red ribbon from his coat pocket, tying it back. I'll tell you whats weird. Ships today. So ugly... and ungaurded. He nods to another cargoship in the distance. Orange steel and huge. Kinda clunky looking. Why do they make them like that? And where are the sails!? How on earth do they move without the sails? I- James looks down to see the little metal thing. He blinks before lightly poking at it.

National National sitanomoto sitanomoto


This whole 'find the wendigo queen' thing wound up going from team effort to solo demon job. And it was an absolute bloodbath. She had been severely outnumbered and frankly she'd had the ever loving shit beaten out of her. Just she took it and did what he had to. Queen was dead and soon the rest of those flesh eating meat bags would be as well. She groans, having taken a bit to heal up.

Thus she was back on the streets in Center City, having used rift to get there, looking like the pretty little human girl she was in life. Blonde hair curled around her and short black dress. White lace swirled around the bodice but nothing really seemed to move under her. Human gaits had some sort of bounce to them, perhaps a slight slouch or even movement of the shoulders when they took a breath. Not Rai. No she seemed too unmoving to be alive. Now to most the way she was dressed would seem quite strange for a walk at night. In actuality it was the dress she was buried in, but it looked brand new.

She walks past what looked like one hell of a scene unfolding. Guy crashing through building and police everywhere... catching the attention of every fucking ill-intended demon. Jesus she was amazed humans survived this long with things like this going ballistic... Sure enough the place was crawling in a matter of minutes. Luckily they were mostly harmless. Except one. One was a weak type of soul stealing apparition sneaking its way under the cover of rift magic. It was small now, but the more energy that thing sucked up the worse it'd be for everyone. May as well take care of it now.

She quickly worked to sneak past the police tape, managing to get through the glass doors. She kept her magic up best she could to cloak herself. She could hear men moving around quietly but she wasn't after them. She was ignoring the whole hostage situation for now. She had an even bigger mess about to unfold. Then... CRASH! Oh boy. Why do people always come crashing in at the worst times.

The beast whirls around dropping it's cloaking magic. Finding the demon that was stalking it and leaping on her. It hit her so hard it knocked her from most her own magic. Blonde turned to black. Flushed skin turned to pale white with flaring markings and armor. Her horns spirals and she shoves her forearm into it's mouth to keep them from her throat. It bit down, bones in her arms crackling under the pressure. She pushes back, throwing it off her and against the wall, using the time to get up but it was bolting off toward what it wanted. A human. He went for one of the hostages, but Rai had retrieved her scythe, catching the humanoid monster as it ran past, second scythe swinging in behind as it squealed like a mixture between a pig and a dog. And it disappeared into dust and smoldering ash.

She turned assessing this new situation she found herself in. She'd just killed a demon in front of a bunch of hostage humans as a bunch of bad humans were doing bad things and a guy just smashed through the ceiling. Uh... Need any help? She asked to the smashing one. Of course she began to take notes about this guy. Assuming the other guys were holding hostages, she assumed this guy was here to stop the hostage situation. Thus if some fight were to break out, she wanted to make sure she knew which figures to swing at and which to leave alone. Telling mortals apart was a bit difficult for her, everyone looked like nothing more than a humanoid silhouette with a glimmering light bouncing around inside of all sorts of different colors and intensities. No two were alike but at first glance they took a bit to differentiate.

The Fantasy Incentive The Fantasy Incentive Speedster Speedster Vsland Vsland

(Mind if I join in? Rai needs stuff to do. I can delete if it gets in the way)
(It's fine by me just a couple things. As in the last post, there are two groups of the thieves. One with the hostages and ones who are loading equipment. Dagaan landed with the ones loading the equipment not the hostages, so if she sees or is with him she's in the clear of terms of them seeing her.

Also unsure if Dagaan's soul would look the same a regular persons...hell even the regular Meta-Human, since he is tied to the Earth's life force or soul (and by extension the Green, The Red....what is it with DC and colors) itself. I'm not saying it would be god like or anything but it would certainly look... different than normal.

Sorry if that seemed nitpicky ^_^ Demonhunter Demonhunter
(Hope I can butt in)

At the top of the mast, a small, robotic chameleon was perched on the side, small metallic grooves hooked into the wood. The chameleon's eyes shuttered like a camera, focusing on the two that started to come up the ship. The wind whispered through the many kinks in the small robots exoskeleton, the wind whistling slightly through it.
sitanomoto sitanomoto

Demonhunter Demonhunter
James steps his boot up onto the wood of the crows nest once they got up there. He smiles at the beautiful sunset. He settles his weight to lean on the wooden panneling watching the waves as they slapped against the upcoming beach. Most can't read. I think theres ten men on board even remotely literate so they can write some things. James shakes his head. Illiteracy was definately a problem, although many just didn't care to work on it. I grew up on this ship. Not much to do other than read and hitting a couple book stored every time we went to port for supplies.

James pushes his long hair out of his face before getting tired of the wind blowing it about and pulling a red ribbon from his coat pocket, tying it back. I'll tell you whats weird. Ships today. So ugly... and ungaurded. He nods to another cargoship in the distance. Orange steel and huge. Kinda clunky looking. Why do they make them like that? And where are the sails!? How on earth do they move without the sails? I- James looks down to see the little metal thing. He blinks before lightly poking at it.

National National sitanomoto sitanomoto

Jess nodded as she listened to James's comment about the illiteracy of the men on his ship. "I see." She said. It figured for the man who runs the ship be the most literate person aboard.

I grew up on this ship. Not much to do other than read and hitting a couple book stored every time we went to port for supplies.

Bluejay's grin spread across her face again. "Oh, I love the bookstores. It's like stepping into a whole other world. Helps you forget for a while." She looked at the Sunset and whistled. "Quite the view," she commented. "I don't think I'd ever come down from here if I was a part of your crew," she said jokingly.

I'll tell you whats weird. Ships today. So ugly... and ungaurded. Why do they make them like that? And where are the sails!? How on earth do they move without the sails?

It took Jess a moment to realize all James had ever seen were Spanish Dubloons and British navy ships, with the occasional schooner. She shook her head. "They can go pretty fast when they need to, but you're right. They aren't very pretty. They're powered usually by steam or by hydraulics." She remembered the sailboat her parents had. The small but beautifully elegant Sea Flare. It had an ebony black hull and ocean blue sails, and Jess smiled as she saw a sailboat much like it on the water in the distance. "They aren't all bad, though. Look-" She pointed and then caught sight of a small robotic chameleon on the mast. She gently picked him up in her hands. "What is a mechanical marvel like you doing all the way up here?" She Asked, gently scratching the metal beast under the chin.

The mechanical chameleon seemed to be inanimate as it was poked. After a few seconds, the sound of a camera shutter is heard from the small chameleon. The head of the chameleon turns towards the man, and the camera shutter was heard again as the lens of the chameleon's eyes seemed to focus on him. The legs of the chameleon seemed to stretch slightly as she pulled him off the mast, which wasn't much resistance as the grooves of the chameleon's pads seemed to relax, the small metallic hooks releasing from the polished wood. The eyes of the chameleon looked up at the woman who picked him up, and the chameleon suddenly opens it's mouth. For several seconds, nothing seemed to happen. Suddenly, a very loud voice echoed throughout the entire ship that came out of the small Chanel's mouth. The voice had a thick French accent ladened upon it, the voice seemingly from a young adult.
"Aah, Bonjour! This is the marvelous Cerberus that I have heard about? Look at this marvelous architecture. Ahh, and even through Gatsby, I can feel the magic coursing through this magnificent ship! Ah, it makes me feel complete just seeing this wonderful creation. Ah, hold on!"
Suddenly, a ripple of thermal and arcane energy coursed through the ship, and out of thin air, a wooden door ladened with golden detailing opens in the middle of the ship. A tuft of white hair popped out of the magical arcane door, and a lean and built human appears out of the door. A trail of cinnamon apple scented smoke followed out of him, and a trail of purple arcane flowed through his eyes. The man smiles as he takes a drag from his cigarette, the smoke confirming that it was cinnamon apple scented.
" Ah, perfecto. It seems as though there is more magical influence on this ship then I simply calculated."
Demonhunter Demonhunter
sitanomoto sitanomoto
(It's fine by me just a couple things. As in the last post, there are two groups of the thieves. One with the hostages and ones who are loading equipment. Dagaan landed with the ones loading the equipment not the hostages, so if she sees or is with him she's in the clear of terms of them seeing her.

Also unsure if Dagaan's soul would look the same a regular persons...hell even the regular Meta-Human, since he is tied to the Earth's life force or soul (and by extension the Green, The Red....what is it with DC and colors) itself. I'm not saying it would be god like or anything but it would certainly look... different than normal.

Sorry if that seemed nitpicky ^_^ Demonhunter Demonhunter
(((Yeah she could address the whole soul thing later. He'd look a bit different but since he's still mortal she can't see his face or what he physically looks like. It's funny, she's never seen what a human really looks like and in all her life she'll only ever have seen two human faces. Jenna's and whomever she mates to forever.

I'll edit to have her chase the demon back there instead once I get some time.)))
The mechanical chameleon seemed to be inanimate as it was poked. After a few seconds, the sound of a camera shutter is heard from the small chameleon. The head of the chameleon turns towards the man, and the camera shutter was heard again as the lens of the chameleon's eyes seemed to focus on him. The legs of the chameleon seemed to stretch slightly as she pulled him off the mast, which wasn't much resistance as the grooves of the chameleon's pads seemed to relax, the small metallic hooks releasing from the polished wood. The eyes of the chameleon looked up at the woman who picked him up, and the chameleon suddenly opens it's mouth. For several seconds, nothing seemed to happen. Suddenly, a very loud voice echoed throughout the entire ship that came out of the small Chanel's mouth. The voice had a thick French accent ladened upon it, the voice seemingly from a young adult.
"Aah, Bonjour! This is the marvelous Cerberus that I have heard about? Look at this marvelous architecture. Ahh, and even through Gatsby, I can feel the magic coursing through this magnificent ship! Ah, it makes me feel complete just seeing this wonderful creation. Ah, hold on!"
Suddenly, a ripple of thermal and arcane energy coursed through the ship, and out of thin air, a wooden door ladened with golden detailing opens in the middle of the ship. A tuft of white hair popped out of the magical arcane door, and a lean and built human appears out of the door. A trail of cinnamon apple scented smoke followed out of him, and a trail of purple arcane flowed through his eyes. The man smiles as he takes a drag from his cigarette, the smoke confirming that it was cinnamon apple scented.
" Ah, perfecto. It seems as though there is more magical influence on this ship then I simply calculated."
Demonhunter Demonhunter
sitanomoto sitanomoto

Aah, Bonjour!

"HOLY HELL!!!!!" Jess exclaimed, nearly dropping the small robot when it began to speak. She took a step backwards out of surprise and then tripped over her own boot, falling on on her butt, still holding the robotic reptile. She was blushing heavily but composed herself quickly. "I apologize," she said, standing with Gatsby still in her hand. "Just startled me is all."

This is the marvelous Cerberus that I have heard about? Look at this marvelous architecture. Ahh, and even through Gatsby, I can feel the magic coursing through this magnificent ship! Ah, it makes me feel complete just seeing this wonderful creation. Ah, hold on!

The accent was heavily laden with French. What happened next was truly bizarre, but it was similar to something Jess had seen before. A man stepped out of a doorway that appeared out of thin air, smoking an Apple Cinnamon scented cigarette.

Ah, perfecto. It seems as though there is more magical influence on this ship then I simply calculated.

Jess raised an eyebrow. "Well I'll be dipped...." She said softly, looking at Gatsby in her hand. "You belong to this guy, don't you?" She looked at James and shrugged. "Well, It'd be rude to keep him waiting." She pulled out her grapple gun and latched the grapple to the side of the Crow's nest. "Meet you down there, Captain," she said with a wild, adventurous grin. Jess jumped over the side with the grapple in her hand, the cable whirring as she fell, albeit a controlled fall, to the deck of the Cerberus. She landed on one knee and then stood, releasing the grapple. It snapped back to the barrel of the gun and she put it in her belt.
"He's yours, yeah?" She said to the man with the cigarette, taking Gatsby off of her shoulder and holding him out to the stranger. "Marvelous craftsmanship, for sure. I'm a bit of an inventor myself." She commented.

Demonhunter Demonhunter
The wickedly haired man turns around to the woman who was holding his small animatronic friend. With a flick of it's head, Gatsby the chameleon shot out it's tongue, which was shaped like a small grappling hook. The chain pinned itself lightly to the man as it shot itself onto his shoulder. The man takes a drag from his cigarette as he bows to the girl that he sees. His eyes flicker with arcane again as he looks at the girl.
"Ah, que magnifique! Halo,. I see that you have found my little friend. I hope he didn't cause much trouble. Yes, that one took me quite an amount of time, what with the magical hex teching, and the soul of the chameleon that I implanted in him being quite the troublemaker."
He squints his eyes at the girl before slowly tilting his head.
"Yes yes. You must be Jessica Royale! Or, as many helpless civilians might know, Blue Jay."
He whispers her name, putting a finger up to his own lips as his grin widens. His eyes trail up to the man, who he knew owns the ship.
"Ah, si! You must be the capitaine of this magnificent sailing vessel! Oh, the name is there somewhere. Hold on, I know this one..."
He starts to snap his fingers, before snapping twice in succession, pointing at the man.
"Ah, yes! Arcane knowledge is powerful, but boy is my memory quite slow. James Low. Capitaine, James Low. Ze Devil Capitaine of the Seas. I knew I remembered!"
sitanomoto sitanomoto
Demonhunter Demonhunter
James jumps as it goes from mechanical chameleons to new men on his ship. He teases his pistol, considering landing one between this guys eyes, but... Blue Jay seemed okay with him. So in hopes that he'd be impressed he resisted the urge to shoot the new guy. Flying women and witch crafty chameleons. He mutters with a smiles.

However when he referred to Bluejay as Jessica.
alias, huh? He asked with a smirk before the guy also seemed to know about the whole 'devil' thing. He cringes, not nessicarily wanting Jess to know how he'd gotten that title. Getting a title like 'devil' didn't come by being very nice for one. And he had to kill some metric ass ton of people to get it.

Wait... so who are you?

National National
sitanomoto sitanomoto
(Sorry it's short. Just as I got time to write a reply my kitten broke his little paw. Been holding him all night)
The wickedly haired man turns around to the woman who was holding his small animatronic friend. With a flick of it's head, Gatsby the chameleon shot out it's tongue, which was shaped like a small grappling hook. The chain pinned itself lightly to the man as it shot itself onto his shoulder. The man takes a drag from his cigarette as he bows to the girl that he sees. His eyes flicker with arcane again as he looks at the girl.
"Ah, que magnifique! Halo,. I see that you have found my little friend. I hope he didn't cause much trouble. Yes, that one took me quite an amount of time, what with the magical hex teching, and the soul of the chameleon that I implanted in him being quite the troublemaker."
He squints his eyes at the girl before slowly tilting his head.
"Yes yes. You must be Jessica Royale! Or, as many helpless civilians might know, Blue Jay."
He whispers her name, putting a finger up to his own lips as his grin widens. His eyes trail up to the man, who he knew owns the ship.
"Ah, si! You must be the capitaine of this magnificent sailing vessel! Oh, the name is there somewhere. Hold on, I know this one..."
He starts to snap his fingers, before snapping twice in succession, pointing at the man.
"Ah, yes! Arcane knowledge is powerful, but boy is my memory quite slow. James Low. Capitaine, James Low. Ze Devil Capitaine of the Seas. I knew I remembered!"
sitanomoto sitanomoto
Demonhunter Demonhunter
James jumps as it goes from mechanical chameleons to new men on his ship. He teases his pistol, considering landing one between this guys eyes, but... Blue Jay seemed okay with him. So in hopes that he'd be impressed he resisted the urge to shoot the new guy. Flying women and witch crafty chameleons. He mutters with a smiles.

However when he referred to Bluejay as Jessica.
alias, huh? He asked with a smirk before the guy also seemed to know about the whole 'devil' thing. He cringes, not nessicarily wanting Jess to know how he'd gotten that title. Getting a title like 'devil' didn't come by being very nice for one. And he had to kill some metric ass ton of people to get it.

Wait... so who are you?

National National
sitanomoto sitanomoto
(Sorry it's short. Just as I got time to write a reply my kitten broke his little paw. Been holding him all night)
(Oh the poor baby! Hope he gets better soon OnO)

Jessica bristled as her name was revealed, her hand going to her belt. "How.... how did you know my real name?" And then James was next to her.

"Alias, huh?"

Welp. No point in hiding it now. She shrugged and took off her mask, pocketing it and revealing fully a pair of intelligent Mediterranean Blue eyes with flecks of green in them. "Yes, it's my alias, and I must ask you not to share it with anyone. Mystery is power, after all. People are afraid of what they don't know."

"Ze Devil Capitaine of the Seas. I knew I remembered!"

Jess smirked back at James. "'Devil Captain'? How many heads did it take for you to earn that name?" Jess asked teasingly, unfazed by the prospect of being on a wooden ship with a killer. After all, he was a pirate. It was to be expected. However, he had made no move to hurt her. In fact, he was being rather sweet.
"I must ask though, sir..... who are you? And again, how did you know my real name? I think I would remember meeting someone like you."
The man smiles as he claps his hands, the small Gatsby mimicking his hand movements, a small metallic ringing from the tiny pads of it's hands.
"Ah, I see as though there has been some information we didn't know about each other! You are right, mystery is power. And names are at times mysteries! Titles that others should not know. Why, my own name is in itself a terrible instrument. But you may call me Isak. And this little one is Gatsby. But this isn't a place to talk, out in the open. May we move on to a more private room?"
Vague and indirect, that was how Isak played it. He didn't seem keen on sharing his own information, which seemed a bit hyprocitical.
sitanomoto sitanomoto
Demonhunter Demonhunter

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