• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Justice No More (DC RP)

Jess cocked her head. "'Just a curse'?" She said, laughing. "You certainly are something else...." She murmured to herself, shaking her head.

They still hang pirates?

Jess contained laugh. "No, you'll be perfectly fine so long as you stay on the right side of the law. They don't hang anymore, thank god."

Celeste took off with a parting threat and Jess had to laugh. The two were thick as thieves, and anyone who dared try anything on either one of them, the other wouldn't be far behind to lay down a good beating.

Beats having to fly,right?

Jess shook her head. "Sailing is a lot of fun, I'll admit. My parents took me sailing and deep sea fishing when I was little......" She sighed, a trace of sadness in her eyes, but it went away almost as quickly as it had appeared there. "But nothing, nothing beats flying.... the wind in your hair, the sun on your face... nothing but you, the birds, and the clouds.... up high you just feel..... free..." She said wistfully.

It took Jess a moment to snap back to the present. "I'll bet that's the same feeling you get when you sail, eh?" She said, a smile hiding the sadness in her voice.

James cringed as Celeste issued her threat. To be honest, she scared him a bit more than Jess did. Flyin' women and bolts of witch crafty green lightnin'. No. Fuckin'. Thanks. Although he began to gt slightly flustered realizing he was on the ship alone with a lady. Big spooky ghost pirate suddenly turned into a studdering teenager. Although he could relate to the whole 'sailin' with dad' thing.

Your family sailed too,eh? Nothing was better than shooting down British navy ships with my father. He'd been witnessing such violence since he was a child. He'd shot his first cannon at 12, beheaded his first person at 15, and full on battled for the first time at 16. From then on, he became a nightmare. Although, James had calmed down a bit. My father was at one point the most wanted pirate on the seas. Nothing beats the high of blasting a hole in a ship that's been trailing you for weeks. Okay. He still had a tiny violent streak.

Ever been in a crow's nest?

sitanomoto sitanomoto
"Note to self, skinny old men are allergic to silver" he muttered to himself, kicking it into overdrive. He hardly took a second to retrieve an arrow after arrow, firing it was easier, especially with such a big group of targets. He whistled every time he shot one in the head. which was almost every time he fired.

He noticed the figure pull out a ... was that a figurine of a horse? He hadn't expected a demon hunter to carry toys with them, which apparently wasn't the case. Hunter stumbled backward when they threw it on the ground and a giant demon horse erupted from seemingly nowhere. "Holy-" he took cover behind the ledge of the roof when the flames race toward him and everything else. To his surprise, he hadn't been burned to a crisp

"Not gonna lie.... I peed a little" he whispered as he pulled another arrow back, firing and catching three wendigos with one arrow through the heart.
Now he had three options.... Option one: GTFO, Option two: open fire on the horrible example of a nice little farm girl and her horse, or Option three: hope to god they didn't have ulterior motives for killing the wendigos then being good citizens

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Luckily the hoard had begun to disperse. Realizing they were losing and were in a terrible position to fight back. Most were smart about this and began to attempt escape. Although one had one more nasty trick up his sleeve. He climbed a wall, targeting the horseman as she mowed down another one of it's brethren. It leaps, taking Rai off the horse, claws going straight for her ribs. Luckily the tight leather armor took the brunt of the slashing, but his claws still tore her skin beneath and went pretty deep into flesh.

She was able to put a hand on the beast's throat to keep jagged teeth away from her. Although it's long fingers wrap around her throat, tightening down. She didn't need air so that wasn't the problem. She could feel the bones in her neck threatening to give. Crackling in the back of her ears. She pushes back but finds the back of her head slammed against the pavement hard enough to crack the back of her skull. She had to heal... So thus... she went limp. She looked dead, body lifeless before the wendigo that then just left her. The rest finding a way to escape as the demon horse just vanishes back into the rift.

Meanwhile Rai's wounds began pulling themselves together, bones fusing back together and tissue reconstructing while she remained 'dead'. Withing a couple of minutes she sits back up, groaning as the newly fused bones were stiff. She looks around, making sure her archer friend didn't wind up eaten while she was down.

JayBlue JayBlue
After a few minutes of thinking about it, he decided it would be best to find out if they were friend or foe anyways. He placed his hand on the ledge and vaulted over it, focused on getting to the ground and unaware of the trouble she was in. After a minute or two of careful descent, he landed on the cold ground and turned to see the woman lying there unconscious.

He ran up to her body and knelt down, looking for injury but hesitated. She's got scythes and a flaming horse... why wouldn't she be able to resurrect herself?
He thought as he watched her wounds close. He figured something like that would have made him uneasy, but he was oddly intrigued by it instead

He eventually fell from his kneeling down position, sitting neatly onto the ground despite how dirty it probably was and patiently waited for her to regain consciousness if she ever did... The thought terrified him a lot more than her turning out to be evil but when she actually did the two didn't seem so far apart

"You're alive?" he said with a mixture of amazement, curiosity, and relief... though it may have sounded a little colder

Demonhunter Demonhunter (Oi sorry it's so short, I did my best to lengthen it out a bit)
After a few minutes of thinking about it, he decided it would be best to find out if they were friend or foe anyways. He placed his hand on the ledge and vaulted over it, focused on getting to the ground and unaware of the trouble she was in. After a minute or two of careful descent, he landed on the cold ground and turned to see the woman lying there unconscious.

He ran up to her body and knelt down, looking for injury but hesitated. She's got scythes and a flaming horse... why wouldn't she be able to resurrect herself?
He thought as he watched her wounds close. He figured something like that would have made him uneasy, but he was oddly intrigued by it instead

He eventually fell from his kneeling down position, sitting neatly onto the ground despite how dirty it probably was and patiently waited for her to regain consciousness if she ever did... The thought terrified him a lot more than her turning out to be evil but when she actually did the two didn't seem so far apart

"You're alive?" he said with a mixture of amazement, curiosity, and relief... though it may have sounded a little colder

Demonhunter Demonhunter (Oi sorry it's so short, I did my best to lengthen it out a bit)

Rai was still a bit woozy and didn't quite hear Hunter at first. She hadn't heart him at all talking about the horse and thing. To heal she basically 'died', she was reduced to a catatonic, death-like, state. She rubbed the back of her head, wincing. She really didn't want to get back up yet but she had to. Yeah. Alive... ish.

Emphasis on the 'ish'. Up close she showed no sign of being truly alive other than her movement. She gave off no warmth, her skin was cool to the touch and she didn't need to breathe. She was so perfectly poised in the way she moved it didn't seem real. Rai had no bounce to her gait, rather it was as if she walked on glass. She rocks her head to the side until her neck pops and then, sweet relief. Thanks for the help, But we have to move. If I know Wendigos they'll be back with more soon if we don't move. She was right. Those things were like the wolves of the demon world. She gets up, taking a couple steps forward before looking back to Hunter. Want to help me look for the queen? Wendigos of this type worked much like bees did. One queen that reproduced, multiple hunters.

There were multiple types of wendigos, one of which was more like a vampire than this flesh eating variety. One of these blood drinking Wendigos might be of some help to them... and Hunter may be more help than he knew of at the moment. Isroh was a very powerful wendigo, having mastered the arts of magic. He also was pretty good at getting information and dispensing it at a price. Rai had pulled his ass out of hell... but she didn't have anything he may want to give her good information for. Although he did like boys with pretty faces. Even though she couldn't see Hunter's face, he sounded young and his blood smelt lively. That would hopefully be enough to entice him. Hunter wouldn't have to risk becoming his next victim, he'd just have to be there for the temptation so Rai wouldn't have to get violent.

JayBlue JayBlue
"That depends, who are you?" He felt slightly stupid for asking it but it had to be done. No normal Joe has a pet ghost horse, carries scythes, and resurrects themselves. He got up himself, realizing he was still on the ground. He slung his bow over his head so that it rested on his torso comfortably "wait.... whats a wendigo?" His father hadn't taught him about monsters or anything, he just told him to always be prepared. "Better yet, what did you do to them that made them so angry?" Hunter was getting curious about everything and was slightly surprised he hadn't thought to question any of it before hand.

Hunter got slightly annoyed at how his father hadn't told him about any of this stuff was out here, he was the green arrow after all. No way he wasn't aware. He could still see his father's face, he'd get these stupid ass mustaches and goatees, but he liked them and so did Hunter's mother, so all was well. He shook his head, coming back to reality

Demonhunter Demonhunter

  • Scott raised a brow slightly as the female began to interrogate him on his back ground. He tilted his head to the side before chuckling lightly. "Are all people in Central City this on edge?" He asked the girl through a light laugh, pulling down his hood and letting out a sigh. "Okay, so I wasn't ready for this exam, but I think I can get full marks. So for the first question, I came to Central City to give everyone something to laugh at, to gasp and smile at a fun escape show. Now, as for who I am, my name is Scott Free Jr. However, you may have heard of my father. His stage name was Mister Miracle. He...uh...recently passed away." With a sigh, he shook his head and looked back up at the girl. "My stage name is Miracle Man, and I am continuing my father's legacy of being the world's greatest escapist. I'm just trying to make as many people enjoy themselves as I can. As I said, I'm leaving tomorrow."

    The sound of another male approaching pricked Scott's ear, his head turning around to see someone who looked out of place. "Huh..." He mumbled to himself quietly before smiling. "Fellow man? Is that like, what all the cool kids are saying today? And Salutations...dude, just say waddup next time. A lot easier on the mouth and the ear." Seeing the innocent grin followed by the boy, Scott began to question this stranger. "Hmm...hey, so what are the chances this guy isn't human?" The male asked the female with a serious face, holding it for a few seconds before letting out a laugh. "I'm just kidding, if you were an alien, you wouldn't be welcomed on this planet at the moment. As for a place to stay, I don't own a house in this city, but I do have a caravan in which I am traveling America. If you wish to join me on my show, become my assistant, you'd get food, water and a place to stay. What do you say, kiddo?"

    Speedster Speedster The Fantasy Incentive The Fantasy Incentive

Dagaan Gaea
Central City
The young man chuckled with almost comic level obviousness, his eyes shifting from side to side nervously. He shifted his weight, "No I am as much from the earth as you are." He took a deep breath and kept a grin plastered on his
physiognomy, as if it had been painted their by a master artist. It only intensified at Scott's proposal, "Really? That sounds amazing! I've never been to a show before! It would certainly be fun-" he started, however he stopped himself short. "Thank you for your offer Mr. Free, and I am sorry about your father. He was a great artist, and I know you have the potential the be even greater. While I am surely grateful for your hospitality, I must respectfully decline your offer. I can't leave this city yet, some healing still needs to be done. I cannot leave until I fulfill my duty."

Tammy saw the hooded figure reveal himself. She was surprised of who he was, him being the son of Scott Free, more known as Mister Miracle. But then she was told that he passed away, meaning that the new Mister Miracle could be standing right in front of her. "About your father... I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't know that he passed.." Tam was getting emotional as she nearly began to cry. "You must be a skilled and talented just like him. He would probably be proud of you I guess." She let out a soft smile after finishing her sentence. "Now that I know some info about you, I might consider in coming to your show. Oh and my name is Tammy...Tammy Megan." She reached her hand out for a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Then, another hooded figure came to Scott and her. This unknown person appeared to be a bit shy as they unveiled their self. He greeted himself both to Scott and Tam. The man was asking for a place to stay for awhile. Though Tam couldn't let him stay at her house, because her Mom would overreact about having a stranger in the house. "I would let you come by my house but my Mother is strict about strangers being at home."

He surveyed Tammy with the utmost sympathy, and could feel the depths of her anguish from a bystanders perspective. With pursed lips and a moments hesitation, his extended his reach to her bicep. His tentative touch of tranquility would be emphatically transferred to her through their contact, in an effort to ease her pain just a little. He offered her a shy yet supportive gaze. "They would be very proud of both of you," he declared soothingly.

His mouth opened to introduce himself, but the words never came to pass as his eyes suddenly glazed over. His vision was extended by the benevolence of his mother, to alert him of a heist taking place in downtown. His temporary clairvoyance surveyed the armed thieves raiding Star Labs, taking advantage of the mayhem in order to get prototype tech. His connect faltered and then faded after a couple moments worth of imagery, however it was enough to provide a clear enough picture to him that he decided to go immediately.

"Star Labs.." He muttered before shaking his head. He turned in the direction of downtown before he transitioned to addressing his companions, specifically giving Tammy a strange look. "Sorry friends, but it seems as if our peaceful conversation must be cut short." Before either one of them could make any retort he would leap skyward into the night.
"That depends, who are you?" He felt slightly stupid for asking it but it had to be done. No normal Joe has a pet ghost horse, carries scythes, and resurrects themselves. He got up himself, realizing he was still on the ground. He slung his bow over his head so that it rested on his torso comfortably "wait.... whats a wendigo?" His father hadn't taught him about monsters or anything, he just told him to always be prepared. "Better yet, what did you do to them that made them so angry?" Hunter was getting curious about everything and was slightly surprised he hadn't thought to question any of it before hand.

Hunter got slightly annoyed at how his father hadn't told him about any of this stuff was out here, he was the green arrow after all. No way he wasn't aware. He could still see his father's face, he'd get these stupid ass mustaches and goatees, but he liked them and so did Hunter's mother, so all was well. He shook his head, coming back to reality

Demonhunter Demonhunter

It then struck Rai that Hunter wouldn't have any way of knowing things about demons. She forgot he was human. Man eating demons. They've been carrying people off in metric ass tons lately. However, Rai began to wonder why he would take the time to see if she was evil, rather than just assuming she was.Most saw what looked like a demon and either ran for their lives or tried to kill it.

Never mind that. So long as he was willing to go along with it.Name's Rai. I walked in on those things trying to drag a guy off. Been trying to find where they've been encamped for days but I keep running into just scouts. That's the biggest hoard I've encountered yet. Wendigos were terrifying creatures if left unchecked. Able to multiply like rabits, when allowed to freely devour as the please they'd be able to shred through a whole city in a night. Luckily some other demons would take care of them.

JayBlue JayBlue
Hunter glared at her trying to determine if he trusted her or not. If what she said was true and those were scouts then what was the Queen like? But even so, he didn't know her intentions, if she even had intentions but to carry out someone else's. He doubted it, but it wasn't passed believable. He had way too many questions but he kept them to himself for that period of time. She could be an extremely useful ally if he was lucky.

"Say I didn't wanna help, you run off and do your biz, and I go home and watch tv... what happens if you fail?" If he was being brutally honest he really wanted to go, he didn't fully trust her but it would have given him some answers as to who or what she was and what she was doing here, and then there's the whole, loving danger thing... other than the whole getting to wear a ninja suit and run around on top of buildings it was one of the biggest reasons he did what he did.

Demonhunter Demonhunter (I can never get that last paragraph in, hope when things start picking up I'll be able to put more down lol)
Rai was currenly looking around, her eyes fully capable of seeing things mortals couldn't see. Trail and markers of demonic presences. She was having a bit of trouble deciphering which were wendigos and which were harmless varieties of demons.She didn't want to wast any more time quarreling with scouts. She needed to go for the throat and kill the queen. Without her the entire population would fizzle out.

I'd say roughly 30 people a night would be dragged off and eaten at the rate they've been going. Then they'll just multiply, those that survive the attacks change into them, the queen makes more, ect. Then you get more and more untill they find an easier food supply. Say a school or a hospital. Dare I say the whole town will be over run and there won't be a damn thing anyone can do about it. Wendigos were absolute monsters. More animal than sentient. Queens were huge, grotesqe and although sentient, they were wicked and evil beasts. If Star City got overrun, there wasn't a damn thing anyone could do about it unless a big group of devils like Rai took the time to cleanse the play piece by piece. But that took so long and very few devils strong enough to do it gave a shit.

Sounds bad enough, right? You know this town better than I do. Anything underground sounds like a great place to start.

JayBlue JayBlue (yeah, introducing characters is a bit tough.)
James cringed as Celeste issued her threat. To be honest, she scared him a bit more than Jess did. Flyin' women and bolts of witch crafty green lightnin'. No. Fuckin'. Thanks. Although he began to gt slightly flustered realizing he was on the ship alone with a lady. Big spooky ghost pirate suddenly turned into a studdering teenager. Although he could relate to the whole 'sailin' with dad' thing.

Your family sailed too,eh? Nothing was better than shooting down British navy ships with my father. He'd been witnessing such violence since he was a child. He'd shot his first cannon at 12, beheaded his first person at 15, and full on battled for the first time at 16. From then on, he became a nightmare. Although, James had calmed down a bit. My father was at one point the most wanted pirate on the seas. Nothing beats the high of blasting a hole in a ship that's been trailing you for weeks. Okay. He still had a tiny violent streak.

Ever been in a crow's nest?

sitanomoto sitanomoto
Jess laughed at James's cringe, then listened with intent to what he had to say.

Your family sailed too, eh? Nothing was better than shooting down British navy ships with my father. My father was at one point the most wanted pirate on the seas. Nothing beats the high of blasting a hole in a ship that's been trailing you for weeks.

Jess smiled, smirking. "You and I aren't so different after all, Captain. For you, it's blasting opposing ships. For me, it's beating to a bloody pulp slave traders and felons who attempt to mess with my city or its people."

Slave traders. Ah, yes. The very reason she started vigilante work. She was merciless in that way. Those who encountered her and were in the slave trade came to the Police in emotional shambles, with deep cuts and gashes up and down their back, bruises, contusions, internal bleeding, and broken bones galore. One criminal even came to the Police with the word "Monster" carved into his back with a knife. The slaves regarded her as a hero. Her work was not done until every last one was freed, every person was liberated from those horrid bonds.

Ever been in a crow's nest?

"Can't say that I have. Must be fun, though." Jess remarked, looking at the ship deck and then at the flags. "So how'd you sink?"

  • Scott gasped and then smiled, shaking Tammy's hand, jumping up and down as his eyes stuck in the shape of a grin. "You will? Yes! Tell your friends and family to come to, I'm sure I can raise the spirits of this town before I leave." Grinning, he tugged at his hood and adjusted his mask which was hidden under his hoodie. "And the pleasure of meeting a hot chick is all mine, Tammy." He smiled once more turning to the other male, nodding and closing his eyes. "Oh, I see. Well, the offer is always open to you, my friend. And thank you. Both of you, those words meant a lot to me."

    Scott pushed some leaflets into his pocket after handing Dagaan one. "I don't know your name, friendo." However, after he said that, the male he was addressing muttered something about Star Labs and jumped away. "Hey!" Scott called after him before smirking, turning to Tammy. "I called it! Not human!." He pulled off his hoodie, his cape falling around his back before he forced his mask on, now completely in costume. "So, what are the chances that you too are some sort of super human that could give me a lift to Star Labs? Or are you a super human who owns a car to give me a lift to Star Labs?"
    Speedster Speedster The Fantasy Incentive The Fantasy Incentive


  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    "TOOK YOU Long enough." He remarked, back still facing her. At this, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Should you approach him with anger or reason? She was hoping she could maybe convince him to give her the suit back and ask why he even wanted it.
    "Seriously, you would have though with that huge Titans tower you could have easily tracked me down."
    "Well yeah but-"
    "Oh wait, let me guess, your computers got trashed in the attack?"
    Before she could reply, he had vanished into thin air, leaving her dumbfounded. She bent over to see if he had went to the streets below or clinging to the wall.

    The night air caused her locks to float softly as she looked, drawn to her attention behind her when she heard the masked mans chuckle. Starwing spun on her heel, facing him. "Y-yes, thats me.." She trailed off, gaze flashing slightly. "He may be gone, but that suit is under my possession." Starwing watched as he moved closer, fiddling with her black and red shorts (the skirt proved to be a hassle, so she went with short shorts that clung to her body comfortabley). "Look, that suit could be a hazard to you and others, so it would be much better if you handed it over-."
    "I've got to admit you must be the prettiest Titan I've ever seen. I mean, who else can I compare you to? Blue Jay? Nah, too...normal for me. I enjoy a bit of energy in my life...like thermal and wind."
    The red haired female took a step back, viridescent eyes swimming with curiosity and befuddlement. "Are you trying to flirt with me?" She giggled slightly, arching an eyebrow. "I don't think it's very smart to flirt with a girl that came after you to get a sui-" The half-Tamaranean girl cut herself off as he placed a hand on her shoulder, gazing up at his hidden features. "But want to know what my favorite form of energy is? It may shock you..."
    "Um.. Sure? Whats this have to do with the suit again? And why are you touching me?" She asked with pure 'innocence' and curiosity in her voice.

    Vsland Vsland
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  • Scott gasped and then smiled, shaking Tammy's hand, jumping up and down as his eyes stuck in the shape of a grin. "You will? Yes! Tell your friends and family to come to, I'm sure I can raise the spirits of this town before I leave." Grinning, he tugged at his hood and adjusted his mask which was hidden under his hoodie. "And the pleasure of meeting a hot chick is all mine, Tammy." He smiled once more turning to the other male, nodding and closing his eyes. "Oh, I see. Well, the offer is always open to you, my friend. And thank you. Both of you, those words meant a lot to me."

    Scott pushed some leaflets into his pocket after handing Dagaan one. "I don't know your name, friendo." However, after he said that, the male he was addressing muttered something about Star Labs and jumped away. "Hey!" Scott called after him before smirking, turning to Tammy. "I called it! Not human!." He pulled off his hoodie, his cape falling around his back before he forced his mask on, now completely in costume. "So, what are the chances that you too are some sort of super human that could give me a lift to Star Labs? Or are you a super human who owns a car to give me a lift to Star Labs?"
    Speedster Speedster The Fantasy Incentive The Fantasy Incentive

Tammy blushed being called a hot chick. She didn't know what to say after such a nice comment. "I'm hot? Well your good-looking as well," Tammy smiled, twirling her hair nervously. Seeing a cute guy wasn't on a daily basis for her. "Anyway, about your event tomorrow. I might be able to bring one friend along. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to attend. Though I'm not sure."
Dagaan Gaea
Central City
The young man chuckled with almost comic level obviousness, his eyes shifting from side to side nervously. He shifted his weight, "No I am as much from the earth as you are." He took a deep breath and kept a grin plastered on his
physiognomy, as if it had been painted their by a master artist. It only intensified at Scott's proposal, "Really? That sounds amazing! I've never been to a show before! It would certainly be fun-" he started, however he stopped himself short. "Thank you for your offer Mr. Free, and I am sorry about your father. He was a great artist, and I know you have the potential the be even greater. While I am surely grateful for your hospitality, I must respectfully decline your offer. I can't leave this city yet, some healing still needs to be done. I cannot leave until I fulfill my duty."

He surveyed Tammy with the utmost sympathy, and could feel the depths of her anguish from a bystanders perspective. With pursed lips and a moments hesitation, his extended his reach to her bicep. His tentative touch of tranquility would be emphatically transferred to her through their contact, in an effort to ease her pain just a little. He offered her a shy yet supportive gaze. "They would be very proud of both of you," he declared soothingly.

His mouth opened to introduce himself, but the words never came to pass as his eyes suddenly glazed over. His vision was extended by the benevolence of his mother, to alert him of a heist taking place in downtown. His temporary clairvoyance surveyed the armed thieves raiding Star Labs, taking advantage of the mayhem in order to get prototype tech. His connect faltered and then faded after a couple moments worth of imagery, however it was enough to provide a clear enough picture to him that he decided to go immediately.

"Star Labs.." He muttered before shaking his head. He turned in the direction of downtown before he transitioned to addressing his companions, specifically giving Tammy a strange look. "Sorry friends, but it seems as if our peaceful conversation must be cut short." Before either one of them could make any retort he would leap skyward into the night.

Tammy started to not understand the purpose of this other person talking to her. He kept giving her strange looks for no apparent reason. Then, it seemed that the man touch her own bicep, making her feel very uncomfortable. "Please don't touch~," before she could even finish, The unknown man leaped upward into the sky, disappearing in a few seconds. He also mentioned STAR Labs before he left. Meaning something might be going down over there. Tammy turned to Scott. He was all geared up to be Mister Miracle, while she was in her casual clothes. "I'm superhuman, technically, who at the moment can't give you a lift whatsoever..."

"Tammy? Is that you?" Tam heard that familiar voice before. She turned around in shock only to see a good friend of hers. "Professor Stein! How did you know I was here?" Tammy hugged him tighter than a regular pair of skinny jeans. The Professor seemed to be happy to see her, though he felt disappointed. "Tammy what are you doing out here late at night. I understand you're old enough to take care of yourself but your mother was really worried about you." Professor Stein seemed worried a little bit himself. "Look Professor now isn't the time. Please tell me you brought the briefcase with you, we might have a situation going down at STAR Labs."
The Professor had a serious look on his face. "Yes. I brought the briefcase, just for emergencies. And I'm guessing this is an emergency." Tammy nodded, making Professor Stein pull black leather briefcase out of his jacket. He unlocked it, and the presence of the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M matrix was seen by them. The Professor grabbed it and place the matrix on her chest. "Ready?" Tam nods again. Meaning that the monster inside would be unleashed.

Then, Tam and Stein started fusing together, surrounded by what looked like a red tornado. In a matter of seconds, a women in black and red turned to Scott. Similar to Tammy but with red glowing eyes. "Actually, Tammy can't get you a lift. Only Firestorm can do that."
"That does sound bad" he said, giving them probably not as much credit as they were due "Alright I'm in... and yeah, I guess" He didn't know anything about them so he was going into this blindly.... well he knew a little. He was aware that they couldn't handle silver but that was about it, and it made him feel stupid for it. "So basically we've gotta search the entire city underground for these shits?" Hunter thought about the wendigos getting intoa hospital or school... that would be horrible, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't do something about it.

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Rai shakes her head. We'd be here for a month if it was just search. I've been on this for a solid week. I know a guy that may just give us some information. But he's a bit... erm. eccentric. Just keep your head low and don't let him anywhere near your throat. It wouldn't matter if he failed that last bit. Isroh was pretty good about leaving any person he hit for blood alive. He'd just be in no condition to fight. She was sure Isroh wouldn't be ballsy enough to hit him while he was with her, but he'd try if given the chance.

Rai keeps walking and stops as they get to a stretch of street with bars littering it.Her appearance begins to shift from demonic, to blonde. Black markings fading into a more human tone. She gained a bit of color to her white skin, rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes. She still didn't quite move riht, but atleast she looked human... ish. Still a bit too airbrushed. You okay with going in a club? It's crawling with demons so just. erm. look over anything you might see. There was a particular class of humans that seemed to enjoy the company of demons, god knows why.Some were so willing to be bitten, some even allowed brutal maiming all for 'fun'. She'd never understand it. Although at least it was consensual though.

As long as Hunter stayed close to Rai and agreed to nothing he'd be just fine.

JayBlue JayBlue

James blinks. Slave traders? So that wicked ring from the Caribbean, to Africa, to America trade was still going on? How unfortunate. Whever he stopped slave trade ships he always made sure to ask if any of the human cargo wished to join the crew rather than go down with the ship. Most who understood English chose to. Best crew members he had came from those stops.

But yes, Blasting holes in royal ships is the best feeling in the world. But it was the Spanish that got the best of the Cerberus. My father left us into the devil's triangle and willed me his ship just before we went down. James shuddered, remembering what drowning felt like. His father was a horrifying man, his name still scared history buffs today. Edward Low wound up accidentally cursing his son in the Bermuda triangle. How poetic. He mentions, heading to test the ladder to the crows nest. Want to see the crows nest?

sitanomoto sitanomoto
James blinks. Slave traders? So that wicked ring from the Caribbean, to Africa, to America trade was still going on? How unfortunate. Whever he stopped slave trade ships he always made sure to ask if any of the human cargo wished to join the crew rather than go down with the ship. Most who understood English chose to. Best crew members he had came from those stops.

But yes, Blasting holes in royal ships is the best feeling in the world. But it was the Spanish that got the best of the Cerberus. My father left us into the devil's triangle and willed me his ship just before we went down. James shuddered, remembering what drowning felt like. His father was a horrifying man, his name still scared history buffs today. Edward Low wound up accidentally cursing his son in the Bermuda triangle. How poetic. He mentions, heading to test the ladder to the crows nest. Want to see the crows nest?

sitanomoto sitanomoto
So that wicked ring from the Caribbean, to Africa, to America trade was still going on? How unfortunate.

Jess laughed bitterly, a fire coming to her eyes. "Oh no, slave trade was made illegal a very long time ago. At least here it was. Now it's an underground human black market." The Scars on her back began to tingle, as did her brand. "We'd get passed around from person to person, treated like animals, kept in cages, or on leashes... whipped, branded, and abused, mentally, physically, and other ways too....." uh-oh, she had said we. She cleared her throat and acted like nothing was wrong, looking disinterested in what she had just said. Very nonchalant.

But yes, Blasting holes in royal ships is the best feeling in the world. But it was the Spanish that got the best of the Cerberus. My father left us into the devil's triangle and willed me his ship just before we went down. Edward Low wound up accidentally cursing his son in the Bermuda triangle. How poetic.

Jess smiled. "The Bermuda triangle? I thought that the legends about that place were all fake. Guess I have liv- er..... undead proof that it was real."

Want to see the Crow's nest?

Jess nodded. "Sure, so long as I can return the favor when my wing pack is fixed." A real gentleman, this pirate. For sure. "By the way, Cerberus? Very fitting name. The dog that guards the gates of Hell. Your father must have loved his Greek Mythology."
"Eccentric? Wh-what does that mean?" He asked nervously, breaking into a jog to catch up with her. He hadn't reconsidered his decision to help her but whoever they were meeting didn't make him any more excited for this than he already was. And then there was the matter of not letting him near Hunter's throat, was this guy a wendigo like the ones they fought? Hunter had a hard time imagining those things being able to speak, let alone hold a conversation long enough to get information out of him

Hunter walked next to Rai, slightly behind her. He remembered her saying he knew the city more than she did but he seriously doubted it the way she walked. He glanced up and the sky for a second or two losing himself in thought and almost fell over when he looked back at her "Wait..how did.... is that-" So now she can shapeshift... fantastic he thought to himself. "If it's crawling with demons, why are you trying to look human?... not that it's bad or anything, just... doesn't make..." his voice trailed off when he realized he was starting to ramble. "This's gonna get weird... got it" he muttered giving her a thumbs up.

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Those were demon class Wendigos. Weaker, more feeble minded. However devil class such as myself are more human-like. We have names, personalities. Isroh's also a devil although he's a blood drinker and is in control of himself enough to not kill people to get his fix. She explained. Demonology was confusing but who better to explain it than a demon right? Isroh himself was very pleasing to human eyes, which was his best weapon. He was so overly sexual that he'd hit on anything with a pretty face. Thus she didn't want to tell Hunter he was literally being used as a bargaining chip. Sort of.

Sure the clubs crawling with demons but all these people? Imagine how scared they'd be. The streets were alive with people waiting to get into surrounding clubs, but it was one club in particular that was for demons. 'The smiling fox' seemed pretty lively. Rai glares to the bouncer who instantly lets her in ahead of the line. She calls for her human friend to join her. Once inside the booming music is deafening, but one face in particular seems to light up at Rai's presence.

He was a tall man with choppy black hair and striking blue eyes. He also didn't even look real. Oh Rai, darling. Is that for me? The man eyes Hunter for a moment.
Rai shakes her head. Take us in the back. I can't hear shit in here.
Isroh groans. Oh boo, you only visit me when you want something. He begins walking behind the bar, waving Rai and Hunter along with him. Rai takes one look around to ensure they weren't being followed or something and waits of Hunter to go ahead.

JayBlue JayBlue

Us? Seems she had experience. Best to leave that alone for now. Painful subjects were best left up to the other person to bring up. Although the 'undead proof' made him chuckle. This girl was sharp as a tack. He liked that. Back in his day people beleived it was impossible to teach women to read, but this one seemed to know about Greek mythology. What a beautiful brain she must have.

Yeah, he read a book once and decided on the name from there. Although I can't remember which one. It's probably somewhere in the piles of captains logs in my office. There were probably millions of books full of logs. James had written entries in his captains logs every day for 300 years before he went to bed, and today's would sure be interesting. He had shelves full of logs, and he even still had his father's before him.

Jame steps up onto the ladder to start going up to the top of the mast.

sitanomoto sitanomoto
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  • X snickered as the so called hero tried to say he was stupid for trying to flirt with the girl. "What? Flirting with the girl that is trying to take my clothes off is pretty normal. At least take me on a date first, though." Smirking, he pulled his hand away, leaving a small x on her shoulder which would be hard to notice. "Well, I was gonna say electricity and shock you. Your father's suit has shock gloves in it after all. But, after taking a closer look at you, I decided such a simply trick was too bad for such a beautiful woman."

    Leaning into her face, Red X placed a hand on her cheek softly, looking her in the eye. "Say, ever considered dating a thief?" He grinned and whispered softly into her ear. "After all...it's an explosive life style." He suddenly teleported away, appearing two buildings away. "Tick tick boom!" He shouted towards Starwing. A few seconds later, the x on her shoulder blew up in a mini explosion.
    uwupolice uwupolice

"So in other words, you're a wendigo and we're going to meet a vampire wendigo... why not?" Hunter figured nothing would ever surprise him again the way this night has. In less than a day he was introduced to a species of man-eating monsters who apparently hang out in a bar all the time, and now they wanted to kill each other. Hunter's questions would never be answered, would they?

"I'm assuming they'd be pretty scared" he agreed as he glanced around at everything going on, one time he got his ass beat by a 12-year-old girl he saved, so if a man in a dark suit was enough to push these people off the edge he'd imagine they'd practically die if they were to ever come face to face with an actual demon. Hunter followed, hesitant right before they had gone inside, he hadn't been to many clubs, maybe once or twice. That was his father's thing. When he got inside he was immediately greeted by a dark figure extremely intent on taking Hunter's mask off. He slapped his hand away and sped up so he'd lose the guy.

Hunter stayed quiet as she spoke with the man he'd assumed was Isroh, showing a small twinge of discontent when he scanned over Hunter like a piece of meat. After giving her a look that could have meant two things... 'i don't like this place, when can we leave?' or 'i don't like this guy, when can we leave?' he moved along and followed the man.

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Rai could feel Hunter's uneasiness. It even began to make her mildly jumpy. She pushed the feeling down best she could, this was why absorbing other people's emotion was a pain in the ass. Rai knew she was safe, the whole situation was under control. But Hunter's emotions made hers begin to mildly mirror him.

It was a bit quieter in the back so the three could actually hear each other, Rai looking back to Hunter, attempting to help him calm down a bit. Isroh we're here hunting Wendigos. Would you know anything about where their queen might be? Isroh stops and turn, glancing to Hunter again.
Oh. Them. I knew they were getting rambunctious but I didn't think they were bad enough to attract a devil's attention. He reasons, pouring some wine and offering it to the two of them. Rai of course passed. Human food didn't sit well with her. She was more concerned about Isroh's obvious stalling and deflecting the question. Not what I asked. Rai deadpans.

Isroh frowns. Time to find another way to derail the conversation. Why do you feel the need to cover such a pretty face, hm? Isroh asks Rai pointedly. Sure most demons did hide behind human disguises, but Rai was almost always hiding herself unless it was time to fight. Dare I say the masked one here is you. Now stop tip toeing around the subject and spill what you know... And stop pumping that vile shit into the air. It's not going to work.

Isroh blinks, sitting up straight, his eyes glancing to Hunter before groaning. He'd been pulling a rather dirty trick for the last few minutes, pumping a mixture of demon's magic and human pharamones into the air. Seems Rai'd caught on. Isroh was a demon that hunted based on human desire. His ability to make a human want him led them into his trap. Isroh drops his glamour, eyes changing to a deep violet and spiraling horns showing themselves on his head. Other than that, he didn't look too diffrent.

South side of town. There's an abandon warehouse somewhere around ther I'd start looking there. But if you think just the two of you can handle it, you're fucked. Take Will with you. He's not a demon, but trust me. He's ferocious. Will? Isroh calls over his shoulder toward a curtain that leads to a back room and out saunters a blonde boy who seemed rather woozy. What now... Will groans, eyeing Hunter then Rai.

Go with them. They're going demon hunting and need someone who can be a cute little monster. Will rolls his eyes but he agrees, heading back to the room to get dressed to go as he was in just a pair of pajama bottoms and a hoodie. Isroh, what the fuck have you done to him? You know what happens to them when they-

Calm down! We haven't. He's half amazonian. Kid can handle being drained more than anything I've ever seen but the bastard wont let me even entertain the idea of keeping him. You have more use for him than I do. Will soon came back, dressed as usual. Long jacket, wife beater, jeans and whip at his side. Any idea where this warehouse may be? Rai asks Hunter. Aside from demon hideouts, she didn't know where anything was around here.

JayBlue JayBlue
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Hunter leaned against the bar, with his arms in front of his torso. He gave Rai a slight nod when she glanced at him as if to say he was fine, but whether that was true or not he wasn't sure yet. This place seemed to scream bad news and so did that Isroh character. Hunter listened as the two Demons spoke, looking away everytime he caught Isroh looking at him, at least until he said Oh. Them. I knew they were getting rambunctious but I didn't think they were bad enough to attract a devil's attention." "Wait... you knew they were around and didn't do anything?" Hunter declined the offer of wine as well, deciding taking alcohol from a demon probably wasn't smart. "How could you sit back-" Hunter was interrupted by Rai who steered the conversation back on track.

Every now and then the two would shoot insults back and forth but Hunter didn't dare interrupt any of that, he feared both of them might try to kill him and his only form of protection was his new friend.. which he was forced to believe she was due to the lack of... other friends. At the mention of polluting the air Hunter looked around upwards like an idiot.

At the mention of an abandoned warehouse tons of different place came to mind. the Southside wasn't the safest place either.
"I thought they were supposed to be underground? what makes what this guy says legit?" he asked, turning so that Isroh couldn't see him speak, he didn't trust the guy nearly as much as he trusted Rai, and he hardly trusted her. Then at the mention of another person, Hunter immediately tensed. Why would this isroh guy suddenly wanna help us? What makes this one guy so much better than what firepower they already had? Why was he wearing pajamas in a nightclub? All these questions needed answers and you'd have to be blind to not notice the mistrust Hunter had for the two behind the bar.

"I've got an idea... " he said reluctantly when Rai asked him about any warehouses, thinking of a neighborhood his father had told him about. He'd never been there but his father told him it had been fought over for years by various organized crime factions. it wasn't that far fetched that there'd be warehouses around that area

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Isroh blinks. What. Did you expect me to take on those ugly creatures by myself. No. That's Rai's job sweetheart. Protect the earth and shit. Rai rolls her eyes. Look, I don't like lesser demons either. They've made the pickings for me slim. But I'm not stupid enough to run head on into the queen. You three get to do that. Seems Isroh's motivation to somewhat help was pure self-interest. More dead humans = less blood for him. Go out the back, should get there faster.

Eh Wendigos aren't picky about where they set up. Anywhere dark and spacious works. Those places are just usually underground. She explains to hunter. I've known Isroh for a long time. He knows better than to steer us wrong. Isroh knew that was the best way to lose his head! She moved out the back door turning to Hunter and Will.

Good then you lead the way. And you are...
Will Prince. Will smiles, glancing to Hunter for a moment.
I'm Rai this is... erm... It just hit her they'd met in the middle of a hell storm and never truly introduced themselves to each other.

JayBlue JayBlue
Us? Seems she had experience. Best to leave that alone for now. Painful subjects were best left up to the other person to bring up. Although the 'undead proof' made him chuckle. This girl was sharp as a tack. He liked that. Back in his day people beleived it was impossible to teach women to read, but this one seemed to know about Greek mythology. What a beautiful brain she must have.

Yeah, he read a book once and decided on the name from there. Although I can't remember which one. It's probably somewhere in the piles of captains logs in my office. There were probably millions of books full of logs. James had written entries in his captains logs every day for 300 years before he went to bed, and today's would sure be interesting. He had shelves full of logs, and he even still had his father's before him.

Jame steps up onto the ladder to start going up to the top of the mast.

sitanomoto sitanomoto

Jess smiled and began to follow, glad he didn't make a comment about her little slip-up. The sun was setting on the horizon, and the fog had cleared, making the ocean light up in a brilliant orange and yellow. "Pardon my ignorance, James, but I didn't know literacy was a quality many Pirates possessed." She shook her head. "Ah, well. You learn something new every day." She began to climb, and she felt the wind whip her face as she got higher.

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