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Nation Building Journey to the New World [Information/Sheets/OOC]



Journey to the New World

Here is where participants will post the information sheet for their nation and were you can ask questions or discuss OOC stuff. Read some of the information below and fill out a sheet!
You get 7 Pops, or 700 Citizens, to begin. One of these will be a Settler to found your first City. Another one is given by your chosen government type (See Government). Each Pop must eat 1 Food/Turn, or else they won't be happy with your rule. If your Pops are eating well, you will gain 1 Additional Pop every at an exponentially greater rate (ie. 10 Turns, 9 Turns, 8 Turns, etc.)
Additionally, 1 New Pop will arrive every 10 turns as a gift.
SettlerCivilianA unit full of eager migrants ready to populate a new City.0 Attack 50 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop, 1 Wood, 1 Stone
WorkerCivilianA unit of laborious men who double the production of a building.0 Attack 50 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop
Fishing BoatCivilianA small vessel designed for coastal fishing, producing 2 Food/Turn and 1 Gold/Turn.0 Attack 150 Hitpoints 2 Moves1 Wood, Shipyard
MerchantCivilianA unit of bankers, artisans and salesmen who strive to better the economy by producing 3 Gold/Turn.0 Attack 50 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop
BuilderSpecialistA unit of masons and architects who can create most special buildings.0 Attack 50 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop
ScientistsSpecialistA unit of thinkers who question the vary fabric of the world we live in. They can make new discoveries or lead expeditions into the wilderness.0 Attack 50 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop, Laboratory
MissionariesSpecialistA unit of religious monks who wish to bestow their great religion on any heathens.0 Attack 50 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop, Church
SwordsmanSoldierA unit of valiant warriors.10 Attack 100 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop, Barracks
PikemanSoldierA unit of honorable soldiers.20 Attack 100 Hitpoints 1 Move1 Unemployed Pop, Barracks
Royal GuardSoldierA unit of loyal guards bequeathed by the homeland.20 Attack 300 Hitpoints 1 MoveMonarchy Government Type
ArcherSoldierA unit of far ranging archers with eagle eyes.10 Attack 100 Hitpoints 1 Move 3 Range1 Unemployed Pop, Barracks
CrossbowmanSoldierA unit of rangers with shorter reaching weapons, but devastating attacks.20 Attack 100 Hitpoints 1 Move 2 Range1 Unemployed Pop, Barracks
HorsemanSoldierA unit of 20 Attack 200 Hitpoints 2 Moves1 Unemployed Pop, 1 Horse, Barracks, Stables
NameEffectCostBuild Time
RoadConnects Cities and Buildings - 1 Turn
FarmProduces 4 Food/TurnTemperate Climate1 Turn
OrchardProduces 4 Food/TurnTropical Climate1 Turn
Hunter's CabinProduces 2 Food/Turn and 1 Animal Hide/Turn - 1 Turn
PastureProduces 2 Food/Turn and 1 Horse/Turn, must be built in Grasslands or Plains Biome1 Lumber1 Turn
LumbermillProvides 1 Lumber/Turn - 1 Turn
QuarryProvides Source of Stone/Marble1 Lumber1 Turn
Iron MinesProvides 1 Iron/Turn, must be built near mountains/hills/rock formations2 Lumber2 Turns
BaracksAllows Recruitment of Military Units1 Stone, 1 Lumber2 Turns
StablesAllows Recruitment of Horsemen and Knights2 Lumber2 Turns
ChurchAllows Recruitment of Missionaries2 Stone3 Turns
LaboratoryAllows Recruitment of Scientists2 Stone2 Turns
ShipyardAllows Construction of Ships1 Lumber3 Turns
Market PlaceProduces 5 Gold/Turn and allows Merchants to Trade with other nations.1 Merchant, 1 Lumber2 Turns
City WallsProvide 500 Hitpoints of Protection against Enemy Attacks.8 Stone4 Turns

Tall Grass:
Boreal Forest:
Temperate Forest:
Mega Forest:
Tropical Forest:

The New World is riddled with special resources that you can collect, the basic resources will be:
Food (From Farms/Orchards/Hunter Cabins/Pastures, used to keep your Pops fed and happy)
Animal Hides (From Hunter Cabins, used for trade)
Horses (From Pastures, used for Soldiers)
Wood (From Lumbermills, used for building)
Stone (From Quarries, used for buildings)
Iron (From Iron Mines, used for Soldiers)
We will use Gold as a unified currency. Every turn, your Pops pay 2 Gold each in taxes (i.e 5 Pops = 10 gold tax). You can spend Gold on Purchasing Buildings and Units or trading with other people.
Furthermore, each turn you must pay towards Military Expenses and the Specialist Fund. This means paying 1 Gold for every Soldier and Specialist Unit under your control.
There will be 3 main types of governments, each with a specific bonus
Autocracy: Start with a bonus 1x Worker
: Start with a bonus 1x Royal Guard
: Start with a bonus 1x Merchant

Flag: (A picture of the nation's flag preferably, doesn't have to be made up.)
Nation Color: (This is for identifying them on the map)
Nation Name: (The name of your nation.)
Denonym: (The collective Identification of your nation)
Government Type: (See Government)

First City Name: (The name of the nations first settlement)

History: (Why did these people come to the New World? War? Expansion? Segregationism?)

Settlers: (Distribute Your 7 Pops into Job Sectors)
1x Settler
2x Workers
1x Builder
1x Pikemen

Nation Bonus: (The special building or unit or modifier that you get)
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Autocracy of Satoya



Initial City: New Jonse

Color: Purple

Denonym: Satoyans

Religion: Pyoqir

History: The Autocracy of Satoya has always been the wealthiest and neutral of nations present in the Old World and strives to remain that way, refusing to lapse into the open decadence and belligerence of their neighbors. Upon hearing of the New World, she had sent her industrious and God-fearing children to foreign shores in the hopes of reaping the riches of this vast and mysterious land and securing itself a renewed and lasting golden age.


1x Settler
6x Builders

Bonus: Every population point generates four gold instead of the usual two in tax revenue each turn.
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The United Kingdoms of Aldwyn-Lorithica

Initial City: St. Feodor

Colour: Royal Blue

Denonym: Aldwers and Lorithicans (Aldwo-Lorithicans)

History: The Aldwo-Lorithican realm has long been a very large presence upon their home continent and is, by nature, a very expansionist nation. After losing three successive wars within their homeland due to coalitions of their various enemies and rivals, the King has decided to shift his gaze west in order to seek territories and riches in the New World that will allow him to fund his wars back home and continue to live a lavish lifestyle.


1 Settler
1 Horsemen
1 Royal Guard
1 Workers
3 Builders

Bonus: Aldwo-Lorithican troops get double movement.​
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Initial City: Nova Coltor

Color: Red

Denonym: Wulfians

History: Having been one of the most powerful nations militarily, and consistently ranking second or third largest in size throughout the years, the Wulfians would seem to have a clear path to domination of the home continent... if not for a rather large problem: resources. The king and his generals have noticed a shortage of the metals required to arm the solders, and the materials to produce currency, among other things. If the colonization is a success, the empire will gain enough materials to continue its conquest and destroy some of its enemies attempts at their own colonies. If this proves to be a failure, then the empire risks a collapse of its military or economy in the years to come.

1 Settler
1 Merchant
1 Royal Guard
2 Builder
2 Worker

Bonus: Wulfian Barracks take one turn to build.
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Targaryen Dynasty


Nation Color: Blood Red

Denonym: Targaryen, Valyrian (unofficial)

Government Type: Absolute monarchy with national syndicalist element and authoritative democracy

First City Name: New Valyria

History: The Targaryen Dynasty has been one of the most feared nation militarily and economically and their territory originally span for two continents until their homecontinent became one of the largest rebellions in the Targaryen history, especially seccessionists and separatists. Their capital city, Valyria, which is located in the homecontinent, was destroyed by a supervolcanic eruption which made their capital an inhabitable wasteland. After the eruption, the Targaryen Dynasty moved their capital city to the large island of Dragonstone, a former Targaryen outpost that seek to invade the nearest continent. Meanwhile, the Targaryen dynasty lost the homecontinent, making up of nine independent states and it is impossible to reclaim their homecontinent. In the nearest continent, they only control the southern portion of the continent while the northern portion was a another nation. For this, the Empress of the Dynasty seek to find new lands for their territories and resources. For new colonies, the laws would be strict, hopefully the new colonies wouldn't end up into large rebellions like the Targaryen homecontinent did.


1 settler
2 worker
1 merchant
2 builder
1 Royal guard (bonus for monarchy)

Nation Bonus: Targaryen troops get 30% of combat attack against enemy troops/enemy city.​
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I'll make the color Crimson to not get confused between the two of you
Can I make any changes to my application, and, do our government bonuses technicially give us a total of seven population at the start, counting the default settler we get before we settle our first city?
Yea, please change it if you want. I realize now that it's gonna be kinda hard with only five...
So, I'll give you all 7 total Pops, 1 of which HAS to be a settler and another comes from your government bonus.
I've changed my government to an Autocracy and my country is actually called Satoya, if you ever want to edit that in for continuity purposes.
Another question, what are we building our first buildings with? It isn't stated we start with any resources.
Well can't you just use the wood/supplies from the ships? (At least that's what I think they used to do, literally take apart their vessels and build houses)
Also, I'll give more details in teh information section
Will new buildings become available over time? For example if I wanted to build a church or a shipyard. Additionally what's the situation with natives? Are they around for later interaction or is the continent uninhabited?
Well can't you just use the wood/supplies from the ships? (At least that's what I think they used to do, literally take apart their vessels and build houses)
Also, I'll give more details in teh information section
The ships typically went back to the home country after a time serving as a sort of headquarters for colonial governments. They normally had a decent supply of resources for buildings on hand, or at least what was expected to be rare in the New World.
Republic of Cassardis.jpg
COLOR: White

DEMONYM: Cassardian , Cassardians

HISTORY: The coastal city of Cassardis has been many things for many people for many years , first a small fishing village lying in some forgotten part of a great but declining empire then naught but a mere county in the demesne of a feudal monarch but don't they always say , greatness comes from small beginnings .

With time Cassardis grew in prosperity and in numbers the toil of its people flooding the streets with exotic goods from across the world but as the people celebrated their new found wealth the monarchs plotted . The former fishing village had now come to be coveted by many a lord , for whosoever controlled Cassardis controlled the gates to the world .

Cassardis soon became the subject of many a bloody war , it changed hands from king to prince to duke until the people had had enough the men in the streets stormed the walls of the castle and put the heads of the duke and his family on pikes for all to see . This was the day Cassardis became a republic through the violence of revolution.

The Autocrats and Monarchists retaliated seeking to install some puppet to rule over the Cassardians , but the people were a force to be reckoned with , the city had a great deal in gold to entice smugglers to bring provisions enough for 10 years , so besieging the city was out of the question . Assaulting the Cassardian walls would prove to be harder still for during the reign of Cesare IV of Visconti the great walls of Cassardis had been built they say that the walls touch the heavens itself , a marvel of human ingenuity . Ironically it was the work of a Monarch that helped keep the republic alive.

Soon elections were held and several merchant families from different backgrounds fought to hold the high office of 'Doge' or the elected ruler of the republic . The current Doge Vannoza and his family , house Biquard have ruled Cassardis for the last 40 years and have been great patrons of the arts and exploration , Which is why when word came of there being another continent the Doge was more than happy to send his nephew Giovanni Biquard to lead an expedition and boldly go where no man has gone before .

FIRST CITY: New Cassardis

1x Merchant
1x Settler
3x Builders
2x Workers

NATION BONUS: Quest For The New World [Cassardis receives 1 new pop every 5 turns instead of the normal 10]
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Will new buildings become available over time? For example if I wanted to build a church or a shipyard. Additionally what's the situation with natives? Are they around for later interaction or is the continent uninhabited?
What kind of an new world exploration RP would this be if we weren't able to conduct mass genocide on the native populous ?
*official letter of goodwill Sir Roland has written for eventual delivery to the Old World's nations*

Dearest dweeb.

Nananana boo boo,
Satoya got to the New World before you.

Sincerely, Sir Roland.
Yea, about the native thing... You'll just have to wait and find out ;)
Cassardis is good. Also I'm just going to tell everyone that I have NO idea where this is going, sorta just making the story up as I go.
And another thing, I'm gonna drop some new info RN
- A unit that can be hired like any other
- Needed to research new technologies
- Can conduct research expeditions to interesting things (funny trees, ancient ruins, etc.) for a reward in gold
- (Research Time = Base Time/Scientists Working)

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