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One x One It's all about connection

Garret just can't win these days xD He's just hoping, but he never plans it out well enough so it blows up in his face.

I like how we've suddenly turned the trope of 'emotionless guy and emotional girl' on its head lolll
She will, just for the time she's very "plan plan plan stick to the plan plan doesn't have emotions."

Meanwhile, Evelyn and the rest of Lauren's friends are like "dude we all see you like him Christ."
Do you wanna just breeze through the rest of lunch and figure that they just talk about family and life and what they're doing before Nina gets broached again near the end?
Ohh!!! Yeah!!! Let's go for it! I'll be back in a few hours though!! Gotta eat then get ready for bed. Though I'm not sleeping yet. BRB

OKAY!! I'm back!!!! :D
Oh, he's a romantic alright LOL

Ooooo I wonder if Garret will be able to meet Evelyn if he drops her off. That will be interesting pfttttt

BACK! And totally, Evelyn would be like


Aww well, he wouldn't bolt, he'll do a light jog at best, maybe turn around sometimes and wave goodbye before he disappears lmao
Oh my god, Garret. xD

On one hand, eighty percent sure Lauren would be very mad/sad. On another, eight percent sure that Juliet, Evelyn, and Nathan would tackle him before he got too far.
I mean, he wouldn't run away for real!!!! xD He'd run away internally, but act as polite as possible. He'll get used to it, he'll have to if he wants to be with Lauren lol

Oh god, now I can't help picturing Garret being tackled.

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