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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Crystal Cali

The Crazy Artist

In the northern Atlantic Ocean there is a mysterious cloud of mist that most sailors dare not pass through. In the year 1660, a pirate crew abducted the daughter of one of England's highest-ranked generals, Daniel Graves. Daniel led a crew in pursuit of the pirates, who tried to sail through the mist to attempt to scare the general's crew into turning around. Both ships ended up wrecked on the isle hidden deep within the mist. With no way to repair either ship, or contact the outside world, the general and the pirates called a very fragile truce.

They agreed to work together to make the best of the resources of the forest that covered the isle, both to live and to eventually build a ship to get back to England. What they didn't realize is that there weren't just animals living in the forest. As they began to clear away trees, they angered the mythical creatures living inside the forest. The Mythical's attacked the group, and killed Daniel while the pirate captain fled back to the camp to warn the others.

The general's daughter, while stricken with grief, did not wish to fight the Mythicals any more. When the queen of the forest came to confront the humans about tearing down her forest, the Daniel's daughter begged for forgiveness, and vowed that they would live in peace with the Mythicals. While not every human wanted to back down, most agreed that fighting creatures with untold powers would be devastating, and thus a truce was created.

five years later, the isle is now, somewhat, peacefully inhabited by Mythicals and humans, though there are still divisions within society, and no shortage of tension, a small society has grown.

~The Four Factions~

Colonists: Now led by May Graves, the general's daughter, the colonists strive to create a normal society, but their interests an lifestyle tends to collide with the rules of the Mythical society. While the self-proclaimed queen tries to keep the peace between the Mythicals and the humans, not all of her subjects are quite as cooperative.

Once a thief, always a thief. As society grew, so did the pirate's greed. The original pirate captain was eventually challenged and replaced by a woman by the name of Elizabeth Alis, who led the rest of the pirates to overtake the caves by the shores, and began to build their own society, on the fruits of the colonists labor, of course.

Woodland Fae: The mythicals were never one united society, they themselves had two factions. The Woodland Fae, a group of fairies, dragons, mer folk, and elves are led by an elf queen by the name of Raina. Raina's top priority is the forest, though she is willing to let the humans live peacefully, provided they do the same for her people.

Creatures of the Night: These creatures are the true rogues of the island. They have no leader, and most of them tend to simply create chaos for everyone on the isle. These creatures are typically drow, vampires, and werewolves, though any creature wishing to make trouble for others fit into this faction.

The three leader characters mentioned would be my characters, but as RP progresses, other characters can challenge any of my characters for their position. I'll provide a face-claim and more info in the actual RP thread if this gets enough interest.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Cool! If I get a couple more people by tomorrow, I'll create the thread then.

We are free to choose whatever race we want, not just the ones specifically mentioned in the description, correct?
Sounds awesome, yoo! Granted, I may not be able to reply too much tomorrow because I'm in the middle of exams ahahh ;;
Idea said:
We are free to choose whatever race we want, not just the ones specifically mentioned in the description, correct?
Yes. Those races are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

katrash said:
Sounds awesome, yoo! Granted, I may not be able to reply too much tomorrow because I'm in the middle of exams ahahh ;;
No worries. You can join in whenever. :D
I'd be interested in playing either a woodland fae or a colonist.
I have a skelly for the character app if anyone wants to get a head start. I don't know what time I'll be able to set up the thread, since I have a lot going on IRL tomorrow, but I will try to get it up before the end of the day. ^.^


Age: (minimum 14)



Appearance: (Face claim, or description. Doesn't matter.)

Faction: (Colonist / Pirate / Woodland Fae / Creature of the Night)

(Try to think of at least 3 traits to define your character. Feel free to add more.)

Normal Skills: (For colonists: Do they have a trade? For Pirates: What skill do they make use of the most for stealing, sailing, exc.? For Mythicals: Do they hunt, farm, craft, exc? These are just suggestions to get you started, feel free to come up with more skills outside these guidelines. Get creative with what they can do, but don't get OP, and keep it reasonable for the faction they are in.)

Magical Skills (if any):
(Any race can do magic, but a full-blooded human cannot do it naturally, and would have to resort to alchemy or enchantments performed by a Mythical.)

How did they end up on the Isle?: (Were they on one of the initial voyages, or did they shipwreck here after the war? Or were they one of the Mythicals that are native to the Isle? Or did they get here using some sort of magical transportation?)

(Optional. If you want to RP it out, that's fine.)

(Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?)
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I've started my cs but I work all day today so I probably won't finish it until tonight. I went with a human girl stowaway, if we are allowed to have two characters I might make a woodland fae as well.
Lithia said:
I've started my cs but I work all day today so I probably won't finish it until tonight. I went with a human girl stowaway, if we are allowed to have two characters I might make a woodland fae as well.
You can have 2-3 characters if you want, so that's fine.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Cool! I will have the thread up later today when I can get back to my computer. Trying to actually create a forum from my phone is kinda annoying.

hey so how many characters are we aloud to make?
Name: Draoken

Age: a few thousand years

Gender: male

Species: Inapertwa/Magiho/basilisk hybrid

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-3_17-25-35.png.997a6e9614e244d1ed6f67df433c1f0d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-3_17-25-35.png.997a6e9614e244d1ed6f67df433c1f0d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: Creature of the Night

Draoken is a bestial being, savage in his ways, behavior and thoughts. He has a short temper, and relies almost exclusively on his instincts (which actually happen to store most of his knowledge) and even prefers to growl over talking. He is not trusting nor quick to befriend someone and he sees humans as cowards and weak for relying on technology and weaponry to fight for them, wasting their potential. Draoken is aware that he is a failed project and feels a strong envy regarding creatures with success, thus holding a grudge against beings like elves, for example.

Though shameless, prideless and sly, Draoken does know gratitude. He is not particularly intelligent, but he is resourceful and experienced. Hence, he knows not to try to fix what isn´t broken and if someone brings him food regularly, protects him or helps treat him, he will be loyal to that person for some time... Never expect anything eternal with him, though: His mind, like his body is everchanging, quick to adapt, a bold survivalist.

Normal Skills: Survival and hunting are it´s main skills, though it is a fast learner, even if that knowledge is hard to retain. Great mobility.

Magical Skills (if any):
Inapertwa are a lifeform created to serve as a basis for all others. It is unknown whether or not they were, but in them exists the potential to become anything, however, it will not always be a success. As a failed attempt to create a magiho-like basilisk, Draoken´s combines strengths form all of his intended forms...and weaknesses. His main trait as far as magic goes is his body ability to incorporate just about any part of any living thing, as long as he feeds off of it, but it will take time. This can act as a form of regeneration, due to it´s transformative nature. Knowledge can also be incorporated. However, all of this makes his body much harder to operate and much more energy-consuming. He needs frequent rest and feeding and has short attention span and frequent memory lapses. He also has an incomplete basiliks´s stone gaze, which allows his gaze and his blood to have a paralyzing effect and can even turn someone to stone, but only over rather extensive periods of time (a day or so). Finally, he is able to keep track of nearby living things and using fire-controlling and telekinetic abilities he can, ironically, barely control.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He was sealed beneath the island in a cave, having been dumped there by people he can´t remember, for reasons he doesn´t remember. He was awoken during the battles in the forest, years ago, and the bloodshed allowed him to recover enough to get back in his feet.

(Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?)



  • upload_2016-6-3_17-25-35.png
    364 KB · Views: 437
Idea said:
Name: Draoken

Age: a few thousand years

Gender: male

Species: Inapertwa/Magiho/basilisk hybrid

Appearance: View attachment 292286

Faction: Creature of the Night

Draoken is a bestial being, savage in his ways, behavior and thoughts. He has a short temper, and relies almost exclusively on his instincts (which actually happen to store most of his knowledge) and even prefers to growl over talking. He is not trusting nor quick to befriend someone and he sees humans as cowards and weak for relying on technology and weaponry to fight for them, wasting their potential. Draoken is aware that he is a failed project and feels a strong envy regarding creatures with success, thus holding a grudge against beings like elves, for example.

Though shameless, prideless and sly, Draoken does know gratitude. He is not particularly intelligent, but he is resourceful and experienced. Hence, he knows not to try to fix what isn´t broken and if someone brings him food regularly, protects him or helps treat him, he will be loyal to that person for some time... Never expect anything eternal with him, though: His mind, like his body is everchanging, quick to adapt, a bold survivalist.

Normal Skills: Survival and hunting are it´s main skills, though it is a fast learner, even if that knowledge is hard to retain. Great mobility.

Magical Skills (if any):
Inapertwa are a lifeform created to serve as a basis for all others. It is unknown whether or not they were, but in them exists the potential to become anything, however, it will not always be a success. As a failed attempt to create a magiho-like basilisk, Draoken´s combines strengths form all of his intended forms...and weaknesses. His main trait as far as magic goes is his body ability to incorporate just about any part of any living thing, as long as he feeds off of it, but it will take time. This can act as a form of regeneration, due to it´s transformative nature. Knowledge can also be incorporated. However, all of this makes his body much harder to operate and much more energy-consuming. He needs frequent rest and feeding and has short attention span and frequent memory lapses. He also has an incomplete basiliks´s stone gaze, which allows his gaze and his blood to have a paralyzing effect and can even turn someone to stone, but only over rather extensive periods of time (a day or so). Finally, he is able to keep track of nearby living things and using fire-controlling and telekinetic abilities he can, ironically, barely control.

How did they end up on the Isle?: He was sealed beneath the island in a cave, having been dumped there by people he can´t remember, for reasons he doesn´t remember. He was awoken during the battles in the forest, years ago, and the bloodshed allowed him to recover enough to get back in his feet.

(Any unique traits about your character that doesn't fit in any category above?)
Really interesting creature. I like it. Approved.

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