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Community [Isekai Hell] Malik's Alt Life


Elder Member
A Faer Meeting

The neon lights of the sprawling city below cast a shimmering reflection onto the polished marble floor of the skyscraper penthouse. In the heart of this urban colossus, an eclectic group of individuals sat around a long, sleek table made of dark wood, its surface illuminated by the holographic projections of business transactions, family emblems, and territory maps.

At the head of this table, with the emblem of a silver winged figure outlined against a moon, sat Malik. His lavender skin gave off a faint luminescence, contrasting starkly with his crisp black suit. His pointed ears, a trait of his Fae heritage, twitched occasionally, catching every whisper, every suppressed breath, every heartbeat.

“To what do we owe this gathering, Malik?” sneered Vincent, head of the Rossi family, his plump fingers drumming on the table.

“The constant skirmishes between our families are bad for business,” Malik began, his voice calm, but carrying a resonance that demanded attention. “The warfare has turned our profits to losses, our assets into liabilities.”

“Easy for you to say,”
growled Maria, matriarch of the De Luca family. “Your family's ethereal business, dealing in dreams and illusions, isn’t affected by the corporeal world's chaos.”

Malik sighed, the weight of generations of expectations pressing on him. “The world might have advanced, Maria, but we're still bound by the old ways, by respect and trust.”

A tense silence fell upon the room. Malik's Fae abilities weren't just limited to his keen senses; he had an innate ability to influence emotions, to soothe ruffled feathers. But he used this sparingly, for it came at a great personal cost.

“You say you want peace, Malik?” Vincent finally said, breaking the silence. “But can you offer us something more profitable than war?”

A hologram flared to life in front of Malik, showcasing a new territory, untouched, rich in resources both natural and mystical. “A place where all our families can invest and grow. But for that, we need peace.”

Maria leaned forward, her sharp eyes studying the projection. “And what does the Seraphim family want in return?”

“An alliance,”
Malik stated simply. “An end to bloodshed. A merging of our worlds - your science, our magic. Together, we can be invincible.”

The leaders exchanged glances, evaluating, calculating. Malik's proposal was tempting, but trust was a rare commodity in their world.

“We’ll need assurances, Malik,” Vincent said slowly.

Malik nodded. “I expected as much. We will draw a pact, binding not just in law, but in magic. A blood pact. Should any family betray the other, they will face consequences far graver than death.”

Maria smirked, “Always the dramatic, aren’t you?”

But Malik's face remained impassive. “It’s the only way.”

As the holographic projections danced before the assembled family heads, detailing the untouched territories ripe for mutual exploitation, a sudden power outage engulfed the room in darkness. The penthouse's panoramic windows revealed a fleet of aerial drones surrounding the skyscraper, each bearing the emblem of a rival family: the Vescovis.

The drones began to transmit a message, projecting a large hologram of Don Vescovi in the center of the room. “Trying to cut deals without the Vescovis, Seraphim? You always were too ambitious for your own good,” the projection sneered.

Malik's pink eyes flared. He'd anticipated interference, but not so brazenly. He glanced around, noting the tense expressions of Vincent and Maria. The Rossi and De Luca families might be his competitors, but right now, they were also his allies against a common enemy.

“Vescovi's want in,” the projection continued, “or there'll be no deal. No peace. Only war.”

Vincent, his temper flaring, shouted, “You think your drones intimidate us?”

But Malik held up a hand, signaling for calm. He focused his energies, and the room was suddenly bathed in an ethereal light. The drones outside faltered, their signals jamming, and their formations scattering. Fae magic.

Don Vescovi's projection flickered, but he continued, "We won't be ignored, Malik."

“You're not being ignored, Don Vescovi,”
Malik replied evenly. “But this isn't your table to sit at. Not today.”

Maria added, her voice dripping with disdain, “Perhaps when you learn respect, Vescovi.”

The projection of Don Vescovi sneered one last time, “This isn’t over, Seraphim,” before fizzling out, leaving the room in silence.

Power returned, and the previous holograms resumed their dance. But the mood had shifted, the tangible threat from the Vescovis further solidifying the need for an alliance.


“Seems we have bigger threats than just each other,” Maria mused.

Vincent nodded, “The enemy of my enemy…”

Malik sighed, “Is just another piece on the board. But together, we can checkmate him.”

The proposal continued. The blood pact now held not just an element of profit, but of survival. The families felt it. Their unity was not just beneficial, but necessary. And so, the pact was forged, stronger in the face of adversity.

It took hours, but by dawn, an agreement was forged. Blood was spilled, mixed with Fae essence, and the pact was sealed.

As the crime lords left the penthouse, the weight on Malik's shoulders felt a little lighter. But in the world of crime and magic, peace was a fragile thing. Malik knew that the real challenge lay ahead.

For now, though, amidst the neon lights and the ever-buzzing city, there was a glimmer of hope.

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