• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Is This The end? OOC



Just some guy
This page shall serve as the OOC for Is This The End?
Feel free to discuss.
character concepts
Story Ideas
and anything else that does not belong elsewhere.
working on my characters right now
I am excited to get started as soon as at least one or two more characters get posted
Hello everybody I just wanted to let every know i plan on getting the first post for the rp up tonight.
Hey everybody! Hope you'll accept my character when she's posted but I have a question KaiMedia KaiMedia . For now, based on information from other characters' bio's and backstories, I'll have to assume what's what. If my character's backstory is off with the time of the story just tell me and I'll quickly change it.
Hey everyone I will link to the rp as soon as it's up had a family emergency last night So I was not able to get it up but I am working on it now
Rp is here first post is up I will probably get wait to post for Alan when I make another post.
I know I said we will have a turn order and we will if we need to but for now as long as people can be considerate of others and not rush ahead i.e. wait for each other to post I am not going to enforce a strict turn order atm now I gotta deal with some stuff here is the link feel free to post I will be available as I can be
I don't have a for sure turn order but if we just wait for everyone to post then we you can start posting again and it seems everyone has posted so we can go back around again my main concern is not having a group get far ahead from others

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