Advice/Help Is Stockholm Syndrome allowed?

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Note: I'm not a moderator (moderators are purple names, red names) so I don't know the entirety of the rules.
Rather than a moral or rules stance, I'd like to give a practical one on this issue. The reality of the matter, is that it depends on your partner. Many people on this site will be bothered by misuse of mental illnesses, mostly in inacuracies and in what those members usually describe as "normalizing" or "romanticizing" the mental illnesses in question. Other partners, however, will take a more laissez faire attitude to the subject, on grounds that what is being written is fiction. To be safe, I'll recommend generally not using mental illnesses period, unless you've done extensive research and really know what you're doing and why you're doing it.
It is also important to notice that, when introducing mental health issues in a roleplay, it is often a good thing to do an extensive research on the topic, as not doing so can, in fact, be somehow damaging to people who actually suffer/suffered in the past from such illness, and it can take even further the stigma around mental illnesses.
I can vouch for being on the other end of this. It’s very hurtful seeing people portraying mental illnesses incorrectly, especially when a lot of it is very common misconceptions that could easily be fixed by doing a bit of research.

One of my prized characters has DID, but I’ve done extensive research on it because I’m looking to be diagnosed with it soon. My writing with this particular character is based off of my own personal experiences with the disorder, and I try my best to stay as accurate to it as possible, even the parts of it that aren’t so appealing.

My point being, if you’re going to portray Stockholm Syndrome or any sort of mental illness, the important things to keep in mind are be tasteful and respectful, and don’t dive in with no clue what you’re doing. Keeping these things in mind, feel free to do what you want to do. Most of the fun of RP is the freedom of writing.

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