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Futuristic Invicta Civitates OOC

Jabroni Jabroni
Direct Timing Direct Timing
AceTheLizardKing AceTheLizardKing
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
skycaptain skycaptain
Plutoni Plutoni
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Hello everyone, this is just to inform everybody that Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford has designated me as a "co-GM" to help him run this more smoothly during a rough period for him. For now, I've only made a character sheet on his behalf and considering ways to get the story started.

Speaking of, please fill out this sheet with the basic concept of your characters:

Name: Full name of the character, including any particular nicknames.

Age: Exact or rough age of the character.

History: Historical details of the character, a rough biography that gives us an idea of where they've been and what has happened in their life. Their parents, their general heritage, what kind of environment they grew up in, notable achievements.

Personality: General personal profile of the character; don't use simple language like "vicious when angry", describe what makes them react strongly instead, or what their general thought process is, anything to get an idea of their basic mental archetype.

Skills: Unique, particular skills the character possesses; what they're distinctly capable of doing that should be noted. A silver tongue, their trigger finger, a vague prescience about danger, or air of wisdom.

Appearance: The general appearance of their character, their rough build, height, any interesting details.

Miscellany: As described, miscellaneous things to note.

And, for your perusal, please consider this prototypical sheet for my own 'main character', the aforementioned 'disgraced son'. I've changed the title, of course lmao.

Name: Leonard "Lucky, Iron-ass" Augustis Niketas Caeser Cincinantis

Age: 27~

History: Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and embraced by adoring servants, Leonard is the youngest scion of the Cincinantis family, a long-standing political dynasty within the Republic that has prided itself with its deep integration into the economy surrounding high-technology, and excellent military service, not to mention influential voices. Though he was a quiet kid and stayed out of the spotlight entirely, very unusually compared to his ancestors and siblings, as he became an adult an intense wanderlust and thirst overcame him.

Serving from the bottom, another questionable characteristic for his lineage, he rose up in rank the hard way in the Republican Navy, both as a test pilot and, shortly before his discharge, an aggressor squadron member. WIth a particular service in testing lighter warships and air/space hybrid crafts, he was instrumental in finalizing the design for many bleeding-edge warships that are either being fielded already or are still in testing. Accidents happen, but he became distinct from his peers for a unique string of fortune of never being hurt when even his co-pilots were injured. Although his luckiness seems to rub-off, with no fatalities ever being reported in any testing program he partook in.

After a period of time where he served with distinction and seemed quite comfortable in his position, he was overcome with another strange restlessness, this time related to the recent strange mutterings of odd happenstance in the outer colonies of the Republic. In his position, he was even privy to a few of the classified documents with vague suggestions of identifiable malice and intelligence in the strange entities being sighted. Calling on every favor he can, he seeks to blunt this possible disaster with everything he has.

Personality: Quiet, contemplative, honest, but also rough-hearted with a hint of vindictiveness and self-importance; all of these qualities could describe Leonard with a high degree of accuracy. Though he isn't a sociopath by any means, he does have distinct difficulties relating to many people, and keeps a respectful distance even when such an approach isn't warranted. Though he has no major awful psychological issues, he's still somewhat odd; with intense fixations that come and go, that completely overwhelm him. Sometimes, huge thirsts he desperately slakes for years. Others, a passing fancy he can obsess over for a few days.

Cold, he's been called a step even above a 'Hardass', at one point being mockingly called "iron-assed" during his relatively brief tenure as an OPFOR pilot in the Navy's aerial training program. Still, this is a nickname he enjoys, not entirely ironically, with a healthy amount of his tongue in his own cheek. He's the type to even appreciate the wit of an insult if there's anything particular, but he's good at hiding it at this or that moment.

Skills: Leonard Augustis Niketas Caeser Cincinantis served as an experimental warship pilot with intense distinction, with developed piloting and engineering skills; personally offering suggestions and discussing issues with the development team on a near equal level, and pushing the machine past what it was initially expected to be able to perform. Besides his familiarity with a control stick and blueprints, he possess the minimum expected political savvy of his pedigree. Certainly undeveloped, a certain talent is still there just from watching and speaking with his family when he was younger.

Besides his own raw skills, he of course has a good understanding of aerospace and literal space mechanics, knowing the difference of plasma and ion engines and maintaining the ability to calmly explain to 'groundlings' why spacecraft have a funny habit of flipping around when they're halfway to their destination. He's not exactly a master craftsman, but he can repair a fusion torch engine or a centrifuge as long as he has something that's vaguely appropriate and force it to work, for a little while.

With quick hands and a sharp eye, what one might initially presume to be an archaic and bizarre hobby of his starts to make more sense; in an age of planetary assault craft and orbital bombardment and electromagnetic weapons, he's surprisingly skilled in swordplay. Though he's never had the time to partake in the rare martial arts tournament suited for such skillsets, anyone who could catch a glimpse of his practice would note a dedicated adherence to a self-taught style, combining the concepts of various ancient schools practicing two-hander blades and more modern CQC techniques.

Besides his particular odd martial prowess, he of course has the modest experience around firearms and ground-based tactics expected of somebody who served as a test pilot in the Navy. A decent shot, but no more or less.

Appearance: Slightly slim in stature, he's quite tall at 6'3" (190cm) and his musculature was obviously cultivated by his training more for quick bursts of speed than sheer strength, with a general leanness. He has the light blonde hair that most of his family members do, with dark green eyes that are mostly unique to him, in his family. (Usually suggested to be some freak remnant of some genetic tweak or another made by some distant ancestor)

He cuts his hair short, plainly groomed with no particular style. His most distinct facial feature is a slight length to his nose, and a mild angularity to his face. His clothes are usually of the nature of piloting jumpsuits or dress uniforms, though in situations where those are seen as strange he tends to default to the next best thing, particularly a thermoregulatory jumpsuit topped with hard-wearing working clothes. In short, really quite unimaginative in this department.

Though, of course, with his growing paranoia in recent times he has commissioned many pieces; in particular, a special suit of armor fully described elsewhere.

Misc: N/A.

If you're intimidated by the length, don't. As co-GM I'd personally accept something shorter and blunter as long as it still gave a good idea of who the character is.

Please, expect a description of our starter ship/'home setting', the planet we're starting on, and a rough draft of the starting plot thread in the coming days.
Okay, I'll cook something up in the next day or so!
Before I forget, I've been thinking about the overall aesthetic of the army. I want to reflect the Roman influence while also keeping in mind the hard sci fi nature of the universe and the GRUS focus on practicality. I'm thinking of something similar to Halo, with light plate armor and traditional but effective firearms for basic infantry. More specialized units may have more advanced weaponry and equipment, like specialized tank hunters armed with shoulder mounted railguns, heavy shock troops with powered exoskelotons and heavy weapons, etc. But nothing reallly out there.
Here it is, boys. I blended some American and Roman elements, hope you like it.
Name: Charon "The Aug" Vestalis;

Age: 35;

Charon "The Aug" Vestalis is a special forces operative hailing from the republic's outer regions. His entire early life is marred by poverty, shoddy living conditions, and violence on the streets of the dwarf planet: Augustus V. Everyday the young orphan had to fight tooth and nail to protect himself, to survive. He learned much of life there; the pain, the deceit, the greed. At first, the young boy could not fight, his body youthful but weak made it difficult to brawl with the best. So he had to resort to treachery, a little misdirection there, some hiding here. He got quite good at it. Good enough to stowaway on a ship to the core planets. With no prospective future and little education, Charon still lived on the streets until eleven years old, where he was picked up by child services and sent off to an orphanage to prepare himself for the future.

His time there wasn't noteworthy, the only useful thing that he acquired was a proper education to help him with job-hunting. But he didn't go for a regular job, instead, he wound up joining the republic's military. He scored high on the aptitude tests, however instead of following a cushy desk job or the military's airforce/naval - he became a trooper on the ground. He participated in many ground battles. During one of these battles, he received his first cybernetic and the Crown of the Preserver: an award for saving the life of citizens/allies.

Many years later, he qualified for the training of special forces. They were exceptionally difficult and mind-gruelling. So difficult that he came very close to failing the trials and tribulations of the final test. But he passed and became a full-fledged operative.

His defining achievement was Operation: Soft Strike; where he had to lead a covert team of operatives behind insurrections lines and wipe out the entire base. Three squadmates were grievous injured. Despite the odds and setbacks, Charon completed the task and was awarded the Silver Star. After that, he began participating in more black-bag operations with a blank cheque.

He married a language teacher at the age of twenty-seven, she made him the happiest operative in the galaxy. Their wedding was a sight to behold with a plethora of lights, guests, food, and music. Charon treated every operation like his life depended on it because to him, he would never forgive himself if he perished away from home. He was living his best life, it still amazed him when he thought back to his time as a street rat to now. Nothing could ruin this. Except tragedy did strike. During deployment, his wife died in labour with their son. He only found out after the mission during the flight back home. It's strange to see a man who just killed several people cry. But it reminded him that he was human too.

Personality: Despite Charon's usually grim undertakings, he is a surprisingly cheerful fellow. He's sat down and played cards with the grunts, displaying saint-like patience when they run their mouths. Most people peg him as an optimist due to the way he carries himself, but he is an exceptionally grounded individual. Many times people expect him to say something uplifting, however first he gives the bad news then tells them it's gonna be okay. A disturbing 'want' or 'need' is for Charon to cybernetically augment himself. Always new top of the line machinery, always slicing off parts of his fleshy body for more. Shrinks are worried that he is suffering from some form of dissociative state but are unsure. He has a soft part for children, still hurting from when he lost his son before he was born. He enjoys non-fiction books the most and frequently reads many engineering books.

Skills: Due to Charon's special forces training and regiment, he is proficient with several weapons ranging from pistols to high-powered rifles and explosive ordinance. He is a master of "Colpi d'acciaio" or Blows of Steel, a martial arts incorporating several styles primarily, taught to the republic's special forces division. He's also adept at infiltration missions and assassinations.

Appearance: Standing at 6'2" (189 cm), 169.7 lbs (77 kg), Charon's body is marred by cybernetic enhancements. From his head to his toes, there isn't a speck of his body that isn't touched by shiny black machinery. His face is tattooed, a sign of camaraderie from his old special forces buddies. Brown hair and beard normally kept shaved. On some parts, you can spot the grooves etched by surgical instruments. His arms and legs are completely cyberized, replaced by limbs of black plates that move, bend, and brace with frightening speed.

Miscellany: As described, miscellaneous things to note.
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I like it! My character has a similar background, so maybe they've met a few times? Mine is in more of a Force Recon role than straight up spec ops, but they could very well have crossed paths a few times. Also like the inclusion of the medals! I was stuck on what to name them so I appreciate the effort!
I like it! My character has a similar background, so maybe they've met a few times? Mine is in more of a Force Recon role than straight up spec ops, but they could very well have crossed paths a few times. Also like the inclusion of the medals! I was stuck on what to name them so I appreciate the effort!
Sure, why not.
I like it! My character has a similar background, so maybe they've met a few times? Mine is in more of a Force Recon role than straight up spec ops, but they could very well have crossed paths a few times. Also like the inclusion of the medals! I was stuck on what to name them so I appreciate the effort!
On the medals, I mixed and matched. The Silver Star is a US award and the Crown of the Preserver is a Roman award for saving lives.
Honestly not my best by I finally finished him!
Name: Noah Takaoka

Age: 28

History: Going over the entire history of Noah’s life and career would require what is basically a history lesson, as it is heavily entwined with the history of his family and their home planet, the outer farming world of Hera V, alongside it’s Auxiliary regiment and it’s engagements. So the short of it is that Noah was born to an unassuming farming family, enlisting at the local Marine garrison in the hopes of receiving full citizenship once he served the minimum five years. After finishing boot camp he was assigned to the local 502nd Recon Regiment, which in turn was attached to the 42nd SHock Battalion, one of the oldest and most prestigious units in the Marines. After a year of service, the 42nd and 502nd were sent to the mid rim world of Halcyon II following a bloody uprising by pro human extremists. In the ensuing brutal year long conflict, Noah proceeded to prove himself as reliable and one willing to go above the call of duty, saving many of his comrades and nearly dying as the conflict came to a close. In the hospital he was awarded his citizenship, as is tradition to Auxiliaries wounded in combat. He was also awarded the Silver Star of Courage, which in turn gave him a small bit of good land on a nice mid rim world, and enough credits to get it started and transport his family there.

To cap it all off, following his recovery, he was approached by the SHock Reconnaissance Force, bette known as the SRF. They acted as the Republic equivalent to the Force Recon Marine sof the old United States, acting as the premier special forces of the Marines, taking part in search and destroy, reconnaissance, and other vital tasks. Whenever the Marines made planetfall, the Shock Recon were the first boots on the ground. Noah accepted the offer, and after once more going through rigorous training, became the first person from Hera V to be a part of Shock Recon. His following career continued to impressed, eventually earning the rank of Sergeant and assigned his own squad, as well as being recommended to a certain Cincinantis as a possible sympathizer. Currently, he is engaged to Lina, a gunship pilot he met during his first deployment and later entered a relationship with. If it wasn’t for his current deployment they’d already be married, but they're used to being separated for long periods of time.

Personality: People change. You probably wouldn’t recognize yourself from five years ago or five years from now, and Noah is no different. A lot of the fire and enthusiasm for his work is gone, replaced by the same casual mindset you might have for a desk job. But the one thing that’s never changed is his extremely calm demeanor, even under extreme duress. It’s not that he’s a robot, incapable of fear or grief. He’s just really good at pushing it down until he can deal with it. So good, in fact, he often can’t even deal with it. He has quite a bit of repressed trauma from his years in service, mostly from the atrocities he saw committed during the Halcyon II Uprising. When not in combat, he has a very relaxed, casual demeanor, preferring to be by himself or in the company of friends. Regardless, he’s usually quite friendly, though he occasionally show a hint of disdain for the more...well bred members of the military.

As his background suggests, Noah is an excellent pathfinder and scout, having years of experience navigating rough terrain. This is combined with exceptional weapon handling and marksmanship, though his greatest strength will always be his physical and mental endurance rather than excellent soldiery. He just doesn’t like to give up, and will push through whatever is in his way to get the job done.

Appearance: Noah looks mostly average in terms of his build. He stands at about 5’10, his height most likely caused by Hera V’s slightly higher gravity than most garden worlds. He has jet black hair that’s often cut short to keep it out of his face, which is as rugged as he is, usually covered by as much facial hair as regulations allow. His eyes are an emerald green, and are often the first thing people notice due to his overall average appearance.

Miscellany: Noah and the majority of Hera V’s population have quite interesting ancestry. The majority of the original population were native speaking Japanese and German, and after centuries of isolation they formed a strange mixture of the two languages. Noah is fluent in Heran, but he grew up mostly speaking Republic Standard, and has no notable accent.

Noah is legally deaf in his left ear due to injuries he received during his final skirmish of the Halycon Uprising. Thankfully, due to advances in cybernetics, he received artificial implants that fully restored his hearing . The implants also act as an uplink to standard issue communication equipment, meaning he can have anything sent to him via a radio be directly diverted to the inside of his ear rather than an external device. However, due to the nature of his injuries and the extremely lengthy acclimation process of his implants, he does suffer several drawbacks. The implants are synched to his right ear in order to ensure his hearing is the same as it was before his injuries, but loud enough sounds or high frequencies can cause a feedback loop that can damage the implant and leave it temporarily disabled as it resyncs, leaving his left ear completely deaf. They're also extremely sensitive, and often cause headaches, though due to his line of work Noah rarely takes any pain medication to avoid hampering his performance. Finally, they do require annual maintenance, though due to the ruggedness of the implants, it's usually just to check if there are any serious problems.
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Here it is, boys. I blended some American and Roman elements, hope you like it.

Generally excellent; I approve wholeheartedly. A mostly-proud soldier who has a history of sorrow and happiness sounds very good and is sure to bring a good baseline of normalcy to the team's general character. The fact he's a good warrior in and of himself with both CQC and ranged combat potential is also really good. Only request I could make is to make him a bit older (mid-late 30's instead of early) to convey a sense of wisdom and 'seen it all' though. But, if you insist I'll roll with him exactly as is.

Anyway, approved.

Honestly not my best by I finally finished him!

Similar to the other character, but not terribly so. A soldier more specialized for scouting is good, and the fact he's also married with a loved one back home is good. I think the contrast between these two characters could be played up more in a very interesting way.

Maybe one (Charon) is the wiser, older one who's growing a pervading cynicism while the other, the younger (Noah), is maintaining his optimism as his life is getting on track. Similar men facing similar stories, but the older one is hoping that the younger one's story has happier times in it and wants to mentor him to assure it, something like that? STill, I hope they develop along different lines so they don't appear to be so similar as they are at the moment.

Anyway, if only to provide more contrast to Charon I'd recommend making him a bit younger.

So, yet another general announcement...

Jabroni Jabroni
Direct Timing Direct Timing
AceTheLizardKing AceTheLizardKing
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
skycaptain skycaptain
Plutoni Plutoni
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
archur archur

So, co-GM reccomendation: With publicly posted and privately discussed characters, this is 4~ "Strong/direct military" characters. I won't force anybody to change any of their concepts, but I would still strongly reccomend tweaking remaining characters to be less directly militaristic. A spread of characters would be very welcome, so that the RP can explore more things besides just shooting the aliens. (not that there's anything wrong with that, of course!)

I'd request scientist/diplomatic/doctor type characters, or just 'concerned civilians' who really weren't expecting to be so directly involved in the coming war.

Though, this does remind me; a concept Rusty and I are planning is that this is an 'episodic' game, in short, there's 2 plot threads of a 'Ground-Team', character set A, and the 'Space Team', character set B. We're considering having that so we can have the 'on-ground' (war movie) perspective and maintain a 'greater war' (political/science thriller) perspective.

And, as stated earlier, please don't feel funny about sending multiple characters! If we decide to fully commit to that concept we're going to need to balance out both teams.
Generally excellent; I approve wholeheartedly. A mostly-proud soldier who has a history of sorrow and happiness sounds very good and is sure to bring a good baseline of normalcy to the team's general character. The fact he's a good warrior in and of himself with both CQC and ranged combat potential is also really good. Only request I could make is to make him a bit older (mid-late 30's instead of early) to convey a sense of wisdom and 'seen it all' though. But, if you insist I'll roll with him exactly as is.

Anyway, approved.

Similar to the other character, but not terribly so. A soldier more specialized for scouting is good, and the fact he's also married with a loved one back home is good. I think the contrast between these two characters could be played up more in a very interesting way.

Maybe one (Charon) is the wiser, older one who's growing a pervading cynicism while the other, the younger (Noah), is maintaining his optimism as his life is getting on track. Similar men facing similar stories, but the older one is hoping that the younger one's story has happier times in it and wants to mentor him to assure it, something like that? STill, I hope they develop along different lines so they don't appear to be so similar as they are at the moment.

Anyway, if only to provide more contrast to Charon I'd recommend making him a bit younger.

So, yet another general announcement...

Jabroni Jabroni
Direct Timing Direct Timing
AceTheLizardKing AceTheLizardKing
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
skycaptain skycaptain
Plutoni Plutoni
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
archur archur

So, co-GM reccomendation: With publicly posted and privately discussed characters, this is 4~ "Strong/direct military" characters. I won't force anybody to change any of their concepts, but I would still strongly reccomend tweaking remaining characters to be less directly militaristic. A spread of characters would be very welcome, so that the RP can explore more things besides just shooting the aliens. (not that there's anything wrong with that, of course!)

I'd request scientist/diplomatic/doctor type characters, or just 'concerned civilians' who really weren't expecting to be so directly involved in the coming war.

Though, this does remind me; a concept Rusty and I are planning is that this is an 'episodic' game, in short, there's 2 plot threads of a 'Ground-Team', character set A, and the 'Space Team', character set B. We're considering having that so we can have the 'on-ground' (war movie) perspective and maintain a 'greater war' (political/science thriller) perspective.

And, as stated earlier, please don't feel funny about sending multiple characters! If we decide to fully commit to that concept we're going to need to balance out both teams.
I wanted to make a more grounded character to contrast my upcoming Captain. Noah is in this for his family. Yeah he doesn't hate the Republic but he he's only loyal because they help his family. Meanwhile my captain is very much a patriot despite his own issues with the government.

And yes an episodic nature is very much something we've been discussing! It allows the two sides to have their time and somewhat entwine them into a single story.
Generally excellent; I approve wholeheartedly. A mostly-proud soldier who has a history of sorrow and happiness sounds very good and is sure to bring a good baseline of normalcy to the team's general character. The fact he's a good warrior in and of himself with both CQC and ranged combat potential is also really good. Only request I could make is to make him a bit older (mid-late 30's instead of early) to convey a sense of wisdom and 'seen it all' though. But, if you insist I'll roll with him exactly as is.
Done. Added the changes.
Added and changed Noah a bit, more additions will follow. Primarily I added that he is deaf in his left ear, and has implants that restored his hearing, and changed his SO to a gunship pilot that saved his life after nearly dying.
Heya, got a kinda messy CS done (: I’m gonna go back and tidy it up, particularly the personality section, but I think this is pretty much everything for now lol

I’ve left it open-ended as to what exact role she has at the moment so I can flex to fit where the plot starts out so pls lemme know if anyone wants any prior history or anything

NAME: Theone Daucourt

NICKNAMES: Theo | The Left-Hand

AGE: 26

HISTORY: Domos I was a red desert planet long before humans arrived, and will remain one yet now that they are gone. Theone Daucourt was born upon a failed political vanity project, one of the second generation of an implanted labour community sent to tame and populate the rocky sands in an attempt to terraform the un-terraformable. The start had almost been convincing - the grand scale of the effort had been held afloat by the revenue from the mineral- and metal-extraction side industry set up on the surface in an attempt at self-sufficiency. The small population toiled under the blazing binary suns for decades, setting up infrastructure under the watch of the faceless, ultra-wealthy politicos and their scientists, though it was rapidly becoming clear by the time Theone was born that the project was devolving into a catastrophic money-sink. Miscalculations and incompetence saw to the resources drying up long before schedule. The population was beginning to stir and mutter over the conditions they had been forced into. Above it all, the timeline began to grow exponentially as to when it could even feasibly be completed. The project was quickly and covertly abandoned long before any of the Domos population knew - operations continued as usual, though now rife with strikes and protests, until one day the finances simply dried up.

Imports halted, exports halted, water supplies were cut and transport off the planet fell into chaos overnight. Struggling for a livelihood was now no longer any kind of priority - it was now survival. Theone was only 7 when it began, then only used to the hard, meagre days of childhood playing in the hot dust. She doesn’t fully remember the two frenzied days that followed, how a private militia landed in alleged order to maintain peace, how they opened fire on the panicked and fleeing population instead. She doesn’t remember either how her parents and aunts and uncles - people of precious little means - managed to scrape enough together to bribe one of the last civilian ships into accepting one small stowaway. She does remember in the years that followed how Domos I was sighed about with shame and pity for the tragic malfunctioning of the population’s life-support systems, how the benefactors were forced to abandon the project after years of promising results. Of course, other eye-witnesses than her had made it off the planet - but it only served to create rumours that soured the edges of the story, conspiracy theories that were deflected and left to fizzle out by the vast wealth and influence of those who would prefer to keep them silent. Nobody wanted to know, and soon it faded from public news.

Theone spent the next few years as a kind of elective street-rat in the first harbour city she was dumped in, nervous and wary of the port officials and the soldiers that patrolled the better parts of Adaucta. It was here that she discovered that she was good at talking; amongst the other vagrant children that banded together, she was often placed at the front of the group, the face and tongue of the operation. As they grew, so did their ambitions - children’s petty theft eventually became gangs and racketeering, and survival became success. Such was their growing standing within the city that they were approached by an envoy of a local politician with a command to be the eyes on the ground over a local civil unrest with a good sum of money in return. It split the group - many thought that starting dealings with such people was simply asking for trouble. Though they were likely right, Theo saw only ambition and readily took the job. By then the de facto leader at 17, most followed. It was the beginning of a profitable partnership - Pavo, his name was, began to trust her with more of his work, and her lounging around outside of the port’s civil building soon became lounging inside. He came to call her his ‘left-hand’, of sorts - her foot was now firmly in the door. When he was assassinated several years later, she stepped up to his place on the bench without a backwards glance. Her life on Adaucta’s streets had taken her as far as it could. Power was what she wanted now. She’d play the game that destroyed her childhood on a whim, but this time she’d win.

PERSONALITY: Her sharp, half-lidded eyes so often lie unreadable but for the faint, inexplicable impression of scorn. Theone gives nothing away - the lax, self-assured indifference is woefully misleading as to the calculations turning endlessly behind it, the bite in her bored, straight-faced humour far more often mistaken for ‘playful’ than it truly is. There’s only one person in this galaxy that she truly cares for, and it happens to be her. It doesn’t take much length of knowing her to see this; her ambition is one of the few things she cares little to hide, though few could be said to fully understand the lengths she’s go to and people she’d step on to see it fulfilled. But she’s a businesswoman first - she has empathy enough to create a magnetic charisma, when she chooses, sharply insightful of others when it suits her own ends. The rest of the time, she tries not to look too closely. Paranoia over what she’d see, perhaps. Maybe a fear of remorse. Maybe, even, a fear of attachment - partnerships are immensely useful, yes, but she’s decided that attachments are dangerous things to have on the climb. Maybe she’s right, maybe she isn’t, she doesn’t know - all it does for sure is make her heartless towards those she’s decided she has no more use for.

SKILLS: Theo has a mind of terrifying analytical firepower. A cold-blooded champion of mind-games and subterfuge, armed with a quick, clever tongue and a head for tactical manoeuvring on whatever political or military chessboard is laid in front of her. She’s rarely ever one to lose her composure, let alone her nerve.

APPEARANCE: A narrow, angular frame of slight muscle and sharp edges, roughly 5’5. With a slim, diamond-shaped face, wide-set eyes and golden earrings, Theo is bronze-skinned, stark against the length of white-blonde hair so often scraped back and out of her eyes into a tight ponytail, as slick and briskly well-cared for as much of the rest of her is; the occasional flash of a personal biotech overlay sparks through her left eye, thin white flickers that light up the outer ring of her hazel-brown iris, near unnoticeable if not observed entirely in the dark. Her hooded eyelids and lower lashes are often strikingly darkened with soft black kohl.
So I decided to do something a bit different than initially planned and instead took this from an old concept that never really got off the ground.

Name: Emelia Everos

Age: Early 40s

History: Emelia's country of origin can be traced back to the Three World Empire, a federation of countries which included the United Kingdom and Japan. Her family emigrated from Kent, England some sixty years ago, arriving at the mining world of Hesperus. She attended private school there and achieved high marks at the Secretariat, a prestigious feeder university for placement among the powerful and elite members of society. Not long after, Shǎndiàn Laboratories hired her as executive assistant to the Director, Ming Chun-chieh, aboard a space station by the same name. Ming Chun-chieh, along with most of the corporation's staff, was culturally Taiwanese and declared a sort of natural rivalry with the Japanese corps. Together they administrated Shǎndiàn Station for several years with great help from the Station Manager, Wu Kuan-lin.

At one point there was a great fire triggered by a lithium-ion explosion in the administrative wing, killing several department heads including the director himself. In a controversial turn of events, Emelia jumped on station intercoms and declared herself the new director. What was once a productive, yet competitive energy station which supplied Hesperus for many years now held the world hostage through various strangulating measures. Via Emelia's new vision, Hesperus (and the surrounding sector for that matter) would essentially be forced to do Shǎndiàn's bidding. This was largely due to the corporation being in bed with the military, having secured several defense contracts to produce state of the art weaponry. Even some of the military higher-ups were employed by them in one capacity or another.

Personality: Emelia's the kind of woman who played with dolls when she was a kid so she could reenact power struggles and corporate takeovers. Yes, even as a young child she would use these words. Her family thought that was cute. Little did they know they were feeding an ego that would get bigger with time. She began to exhibit behaviors in her teenage years unlike most "angsty teens". Instead of being insecure and unsure about where to go in life, she was so confident about her direction that she would treat people as the play things which used to be her toy dolls. This made her very dangerous. Her empathy towards others became frivolous and seemed to stem from jokes at everyone else's expense. She cared less and less about what was right and focused more on how things benefitted her precipitous rise.

Skills: Her skills in subterfuge should not go unnoticed. She views life as a game and plays it using every trick in the book, inventing some more along the way. Bribery, blackmail, hostile takeovers, you name it. She will find ways to manipulate the system to her advantage.



Fifty-five going on thirty, Emelia retains her youthfulness through illegal genetic modification. What should be a woman advancing in years appears a red-headed chick who fancies herself a businesswoman. She accomplishes this by wearing two and three piece suits to carry on the image of an alluring yet dominant member of society.


Shǎndiàn Station is a fraction of the size of Hesperus in terms of population (perhaps 1%). However, they directly or indirectly control 74% of all energy resources in the sector, including hydrogen and helium extraction from nearby gas giants. They have a private security flotilla which is uniquely advanced compared to most systems. However, their true power comes from the interstellar militaries backing their endeavors.

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