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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Yes. Do you want to post IC what you are doing, or just have me roll the damage and post the results?
If I post IC, will that add Stunt bonuses (is that how that works)?

What's best for you?
If I post IC, will that add Stunt bonuses (is that how that works)?

What's best for you?
Usually the Stunt bonus is for a good to-hit, but in this case where you can't miss, I'll let you add your Stunt bonus dice to your damage roll. Go for it! :)
Hopefully that's worthwhile? Hope so! It's the best I have at the moment. =)
Good! I'll have my IC results up shortly.
Great! Thanks for your help, Psychie! Like Champions and a few other games, I don't think I'll ever fully grasp Exalted, so having guidance really helps (I love the way Random Word guides folks in his games! Tremendously useful and spirit-lifting!) =)
Purr Purr The dice were kind to you on this roll. Han Tha doesn't have much left to him.
Cool? But... um. I can't tell from the IC post.

What happened? Or is it best we don't know in detail? =)
Between Fat Cat and Amara, you did just enough damage to kill it. Great work.
Whoa! You said we did damage, but I wasn't expecting that! Super-awesome! 8D

What do you do now?
Me? Flip out! Hah! We got him, you guys! Wait until the Celestial Lion comes back and sees! Not to mention Filial Wisdom and his tribe of cannibalistic worshippers.

I don't know about Da Chonk (besides spitting out the remains of Han Tha onto his corpse and cleaning his mouth out any way he can, including returning to human form and using whatever waterskins we have).

Wait. There he is. Yes, I have him. O Mighty Fat Cat (after cleaning) is basking in the glow of having served Luna. No more ancient and terrible being doing evil things on the Tombs of Rathess! =)
Is Han-Tha permanently dead though? My understanding of gods in this game - and it may be wrong - is that unless they're killed with specific Charms, they'll just reappear within their sanctum at a later date after losing all their health levels.
Is Han-Tha permanently dead though? My understanding of gods in this game - and it may be wrong - is that unless they're killed with specific Charms, they'll just reappear within their sanctum at a later date after losing all their health levels.
Wait up. He is a god? I thought he was an ancient spirit raising hell for a lifetimes on end. *rereads*
With those words, the spirit known as Han Tha becomes visible to all. It is huge, towering over everyone except Fat Cat, a thing that is roughly humanoid in shape but far from looking human. It has massive claws on its hands, and a gaping mouth that is large enough to swallow a man whole. It's hide is thick and looks like it is armored, making for a very nasty opponent.

The thing looks over at Gray Stone and says, "Very well, Solar! You want to fight me? Let's see if you can stand against me in my own, natural form!"
If he is a god, then I know less about this game than I think! This isn't a bad thing; i'm just feeling clueless. =)

The way the Circle treated him - I thought Han Tha was a spirit all the way.
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The term 'spirit' and 'little god' are pretty much interchangeable. There are spirits and gods of nearly everything; some are just more powerful than others.
The term 'spirit' and 'little god' are pretty much interchangeable. There are spirits and gods of nearly everything; some are just more powerful than others.
Purr Purr
Trust me, it took me a while to even start getting my head around the concept 😁
And this all depends on what Psychie has in mind.
Cookies. Psychie is RP Nation's Cookie Monster. She's thinking of cookies.

Somewhere on Creation in her game... there are cookies. I will bet Lunar XP on this. =)

Cookie GIF by NBC

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