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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Although with that ride I am not certain Mercy could identify anything…it may have to wait until they get there and settled in.
Ha ha! I will take that as a compliment Eon!

Speaking of compliments, thank you everybody for your Hearts, Well-writtens, and Great Scenes! That feels really good! =)
What do you know of this place?

I don't know! I get the impression Psychie Psychie has this manse as being a part of their setting, so let's find out. A quick Int + Lore role to see if I remember anything; or, if Psychie doesn't have a whole "geomantic manses" section of the world planned out, what I can invent instead.

9 successes. It would appear I know everything, including the manse builder's name, date of birth and favourite berry...
Wow. Good roll!

What you know is that this manse used to be the home of a Solar named Dunbar Kirk, a sorcerer/savant that in his later years, retreated to this place to perform spell research into various fields of magic. He never wanted to rule any kind of domain, and instead focused solely on his research, sometimes spending decades without leaving the confines of his manse. It is said that there are a handful of wards and traps around the place to keep intruders out, along with having several forest spirits keeping a watchful eye out.

It is not known what, if anything, of value has lasted over the past thousand years of time since Dunbar's death.
Sorry I have not replied recently it has been kind of a week for me, but fear not I am replying now.
Question Psychie Psychie

Am I going to roll for each item for identification or just make one roll for all of them? Or how do you want me to do this?
Eonivar Eonivar What a terrific scene you wrote! I got to see a side of Mercy I never seen before or even knew existed! Just delightful! =)
Question Psychie Psychie

Am I going to roll for each item for identification or just make one roll for all of them? Or how do you want me to do this?
Given your level of skill and some time, I am comfortable with you being able to divine out what the various artifacts are and what they can do.

Starting out with the Lute. When the owner attunes the instrument for 3m, it grants two (2) extra dice and one (1) success to any Performance rolls dealing with playing it.

The boots.
Future Sight (White Jade Boots ***) User: Zan, Kendra
Smith: Zan
Era: War of the Gods
These boots were built and named during the Godʼs War. After the war it became increasingly more difficult to create or use time dilation
magics. Zan first used them to give himself more time to learn from the Jadeborn. Later on he used them to make more gear in a day than would be normally possible.
However, Future Sight took on a much different use after the war had ended. With time dilation all but impossible, they sat on Zanʼs workshop shelf for several decades. They were passed on to a promising young student named Kendra. Kendra watched Zan reforged them with plates of white Jade to aid the young terrestrial in her duties to the Realm.

Evocation of Future Sight
The user of Future Sight no longer tires from travel on foot, be that a forced march across desert or a slow push through dense forest (they can still be fatigued by exertion, such as combat). Their feet never get cold or hot and are never swollen or blistered.
Future Sight costs 5 motes to attune.

Long Haul
Cost: -;Min: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: none
Future Sight significantly improves the userʼs speed on foot. While walking the user can cover 10 miles an hour, if they run they can cover 30 miles an hour, terrain permitting. When used in combat the user is considered to have a +2 Speed Bonus as if mounted. Often allowing them to run down all but the fastest of mounts.

Stealing from the Future
Cost: 3 or 4m per hl; Min: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Long Haul
After decades Zan managed to get some of the original time dilation of Future Sight working again. It manifested in a very odd way but still
proved useful, especially since Kendra was a poor healer. The user of Future Sight may borrow health from their future self.
At the cost of 3 motes per Bashing or 4 motes per Lethal the user may heal themselves. This comes with a cost- for every Health Level healed they replace one die in their dice pools with an inauspicious die. Every “1” rolled by an inauspicious die subtracts one success from the roll. This can cause the roll to fail or botch. These dice remain in the userʼs die pool until they roll a “1”.
Dissonant: A character dissonant with Jade also subtracts one success on the roll of a “2” on an inauspicious die. This removes the die from their pool as well.

The Inkpen, like the Lute, adds two dice and one success to any written Linguistics rolls for the cost of just 1m.

The Bracers.
Hearthstone Bracers ***) User: Josse Martinus
Smith: Josse Martinus
Era: Dreams of the First Age
Originally planned to be a simple modification of Hearthstone bracers, Fire Dancer took on a life of its own as Josse forged it. The young Battles Castes Sidereal originally just wished for a set of bracers that could hold two heartstones, but during his labor he poured his hopes and dreams into Fire Dancerʼs creation.
Each night he would slave away at the forge speaking to Fire Dancer as if the pair were a person telling the bracers of the world and where
he would take them. Together they would dance the night away on both the battlefield and the ballroom to keep Creation safe.

Evocations of Fire Dancer
A user of Fire Dancer may place one of their Intimacies, which must be Defining, as their “innermost desire”. While the Intimacy is set and Fire Dancer is worn the user increases their Withering Damage by 4 when fighting for a cause related to the Intimacy.
Equally, while set the Intimacy is blatantly obvious to any observer. A character that has “Love of my wife” set so cannot hide that Tie. The chosen Intimacy cannot be used to defend against social actions while connected to Fire Dancer.

It costs 4 motes to attune Fire Dancer which has two hearthstone sockets placed on the forearms lined by an etching of dancing couples.

Dance the Night Away
Cost: -;Min: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keyword: -
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: None
Josseʼs musings and overly romanticized creation of Fire Dancer along with his auspicious nature bleeds through.
The user rolls at target number 6 for Performance and gains the Specialty “Dance” while wearing Fire Dancer.

The two hearthstones.
Jewel of Hero’s Panoply (Solar, Greater)
Keywords: Dependent, Linked
While this glittering white gem is socketed in an artifact, reduce that artifact’s attunement cost by two, to a minimum of one.

Key of Mastery (Solar, Greater)
Keywords: Dependent, Linked
When a sorcerer places this diamond-bright jewel in an attuned hearthstone socket, she gains the opportunity to awaken the following Evocation:
Purity of Sorcerous Focus
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The sorcerer gains new insight into a spell of the Terrestrial Circle, imprinting its Essence upon the stone. The chosen spell provides all the benefits of a control spell for as long as the stone remains attuned.
The sorcerer can switch to a different spell once per story.
At Essence 3, the sorcerer can instead imprint a spell of the Celestial Circle. At Essence 5, she can choose a spell of the Solar Circle.

The devil caster taken from Kerwin is:
(Blue Jade Devil Caster,
Artifact ••••)
The Solar champion Vaznia took up dozens of artifacts across the ages, but few held her interest for long. Among those arms were Sirrush and Anshar, a pair of artifact flame pieces she commissioned to match a favored concubine’s eyes. She gifted them to her lieutenant Rylo
Stormsong without ever wielding them in battle. A thrill-seeker, Rylo went looking for trouble in every teahouse and dark alley of Old Wu-Jian. Thus she entangled herself in all manner of violent altercations, from battling armies of thugs sent by double-crossed crimelords to stealing relics from hidden shrines to forbidden undersea gods. In extricating herself from such situations she employed her twin devil casters to deadly effect. Eventually she found herself outmatched, hunted by an affronted sorcerer’s seademons. Leaping from the pinnacle of the Crescent Temple into the sea-spray to escape pursuit, she never surfaced.
Sirrush was found a thousand years later by Wu-Jian mudlarks. It worked its way up through the city’s teeming layers in cutthroat deals and throat-cut thefts, until one of the now-defunct Lords Criminal traded it to the outcaste pirate Storm Mother’s Son for a cargo of firedust.
Sirrush’s counterpart Anshar remains lost.

Attunement: 5m
Type: Medium (+12 DMG, OVW 4)
Accuracy: Close +1; Short +5; Medium +3;
Long +1; Extreme −1
Tags: Lethal, Archery (Short), Flame, One-Handed,
Mounted, Slow
Hearthstone slot(s): None
Era: Dreams of the First Age

Evocations of Sirrush
Firedust-Gathering Practice
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
As the wielder fires Sirrush, a breeze draws fresh grains of firedust from her ammunition pouch into its barrel. Activating this Evocation reloads the weapon without an action.
Special activation rules: Unless the Exalt is dissonant with jade, she unlocks this Evocation for no experience cost when she first attunes to Sirrush.

Lightning Draw Method
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
Sirrush all but leaps into its wielder’s hand when danger looms. On the first round of combat, she may treat her Initiative as (Wits) higher than it actually is to determine when she acts in the round, but must use her turn to make an attack.
Special activation rules: This Evocation awakens at no cost when the wielder wins Join Battle against at least one non-trivial foe.

Storm-Dueling Maneuver
Cost: 5m, 2i; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Clash, Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Draw Method
Sirrush responds to threats before its wielder can even process that they’re there. Whenever she is the target of a surprise attack (Exalted, p. 203) from close or short range, she can activate this Evocation to clash with a withering or decisive attack, reflexively drawing Sirrush if it isn’t ready. She cannot use this Evocation to clash an ambush. This doesn’t count as her combat action for the turn.

Fiery Gale Barrage
Cost: 4m, 1i; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Storm-Dueling Maneuver
With a wild barrage of fire, the Exalt shatters every obstruction between her and the perfect shot. This Evocation supplements an attack against a target behind cover, treating the attack roll as a feat of strength to destroy whatever provides the cover, as long as it doesn’t require a Strength higher than 5 to attempt. Cover thus destroyed provides no protection against the attack.

Forked-Lightning Flame Attack
Cost: 10m, 3i, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Gale Barrage
As forked lightning peppers the earth, Sirrush sprays the air with fire. The Exalt applies a single decisive attack roll against up to (Wits) opponents within an 180-degree arc in front of the wielder. This cannot target opponents behind cover. Divide up her Initiative equally among all targets hit, rounded up, for rolling damage, up to a maximum of the wielder’s (Essence + 3) dice per target. Against battle groups, there’s no limit on how much damage is rolled and the wielder doubles 10s. After activating this Evocation, the wielder must make an ammunition check.
This Evocation can only be used once per scene, unless reset by crashing a non-trivial enemy or routing a battle group.

Devil’s Last Gasp
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Forked-Lightning Flame Attack
Rylo Stormsong was prone to expend her firedust profligately, so she and Sirrush learned to make do with the dregs of wind and fire. If the wielder hasn’t reloaded Sirrush after attacking, she can activate this Evocation to coax a blast of scorching air from the weapon. This is
a difficulty 3 gambit that, if successful, knocks the target down and back one range band. On a successful gambit, she may reflexively aim at that enemy.

Inferno-Drinking Stance
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Dissonant
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Firedust-Gathering Practice
Sirrush now feeds directly on flame. This Evocation augments its prerequisite, allowing Sirrush to reload by pulling in tongues of flame from any bonfire or larger flame within short range, rather than firedust. Whenever the Exalt does so using an Evocation requiring an ammunition check, Sirrush completely consumes all nonmagical flames within short range. Flames beyond that range may spread back into the radius normally.
Special activation rules: As long as the wielder isn’t dissonant with jade, this Evocation awakens at no cost when she fails an ammunition roll while fighting to uphold one of her Intimacies.

Wind-Fire Twister
Cost: 5m, 5i, 3a; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Dissonant, Perilous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Devil’s Last Gasp, Inferno-Drinking Stance
Mingling air Essence, its wielder’s bonfire anima, and far too much firedust, Sirrush spits forth a twisting vortex of wind and fire. This fire whirl is an environmental hazard with difficulty 5, Damage 4L/round that fills an entire range band within close range of the wielder.
Any flammable objects the whirlwind passes over are set ablaze. On each subsequent turn, the wielder may direct it to move one range band in any direction as a miscellaneous action. After activating this Evocation, the wielder must make an ammunition check (Exalted,
p.202). This Evocation ends and the fire whirl dissipates if the wielder is crashed.
Wind-Fire Twister can only be used once per day.
Dissonant: Characters dissonant with jade cannot awaken this Evocation.

And his hearthstone is set in a hearthstone amulet.
Hearthstone Amulet (Tiara, Bracer, etc.)
A wide variety of decorative artifacts exist whose sole purpose is to provide a socket into which an attuned hearthstone may be placed. The most common form of these artifacts are amulets wrought of the five magical materials, though hearthstone bracers are nearly as popular, and some Chosen—particularly Sidereals—prefer circlets or tiaras which fix the hearthstone in the center of their forehead, directly over their Caste Mark. All such items cost a single mote to attune.
If a character wears magical armor of the same material as a worn hearthstone amulet (tiara, bracer, etc.), then the amulet’s socket is considered to be part of that armor for the purpose of dependent hearthstones (see p. 604).

The stone is:
The Fountain-Summoning Stone (Standard)
Keywords: Steady
This hearthstone is a dark oval emerald, cold and moist to the touch. If the Fountain-Summoning Stone is buried in the soil and left undisturbed for a short period (ranging from a minute in fertile riverlands to half an hour in the desert), it will presently spring back to the surface atop a gushing fountain of water, which persists until the sun rises and sets. The Fountain-Summoning Stone won’t operate anywhere that a spring couldn’t possibly appear, such as a balcony garden or in a barrel of soil aboard a ship.
[Glade wishes to identify first the manse's hearthstone; and then to assist Mercy in identifying the objects by recalling stories that may exist about them. I imagine you'll be wanting another Lore roll, but let me know this time in case you want Mercy to solo this.]
Looking at the stone with your Sorcerers Sight, you can see that there are several wards placed around it, and you believe that touching the stone might trigger one of these and Bad Things Might Happen. In order for you to fully be able to identify it, you will need to remove the stone from its perch and examine it at length, and that will most certainly trigger the wardings.
Looking at the stone with your Sorcerers Sight, you can see that there are several wards placed around it, and you believe that touching the stone might trigger one of these and Bad Things Might Happen. In order for you to fully be able to identify it, you will need to remove the stone from its perch and examine it at length, and that will most certainly trigger the wardings.
Didn't Glade already remove the stone?
Starting out with the Lute. When the owner attunes the instrument for 3m, it grants two (2) extra dice and one (1) success to any Performance rolls dealing with playing it.
The Inkpen, like the Lute, adds two dice and one success to any written Linguistics rolls for the cost of just 1m.
So... that success makes it even tougher to Botch I take it? Cool!

Future Sight (White Jade Boots ***) User: Zan, Kendra
Stealing from the Future
Cost: 3 or 4m per hl; Min: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Long Haul
After decades Zan managed to get some of the original time dilation of Future Sight working again. It manifested in a very odd way but still
proved useful, especially since Kendra was a poor healer. The user of Future Sight may borrow health from their future self.
At the cost of 3 motes per Bashing or 4 motes per Lethal the user may heal themselves. This comes with a cost- for every Health Level healed they replace one die in their dice pools with an inauspicious die. Every “1” rolled by an inauspicious die subtracts one success from the roll. This can cause the roll to fail or botch. These dice remain in the userʼs die pool until they roll a “1”.
Dissonant: A character dissonant with Jade also subtracts one success on the roll of a “2” on an inauspicious die. This removes the die from their pool as well.
O.K.. I think these boots are just the cat's meow - except they're not Moonsilver. I'm still trying to get it into my head that that isn't necessarily a bad thing. All it really means is that it starts out as Neutrally (what's the word) attuned? And it wouldn't transform with Fat Cat when he uses his Charms.

Psychie Psychie How would this "Stealing from the Future" power work with Charmed Existence? "These dice remain in the user's die pool until they roll a '1'" but since Charmed Existence eats a single 1 every time Da Chonk rolls dice, then... (sorry. Just got another case of brain fog here). How would this work?

Wow! Anyone else really glad ol' Kerwin didn't open up on us with that bad boy? What a weapon!
Silent Glade paced the manse, pointing out wards were he saw them, but otherwise as enthralled in the quiet majesty of this ancient relic of a place as the rest of his circle. While Grey Stone and his Lunar friend went to clear some of the statuary, Glade made his way to the heathstone pedestal. After studying it in place for a few moments, he gently reached out and took it from its resting place, feeling its weight in his right hand, while his left instinctively touched the Monkey Stone socketed in his daiklave Branch. Then, then thoughtfulness written on his brow, he walked over to Mercy and joined her at her fire.
That's what it says in the post.
(Forgive me for my wording; I've got brain fog going on and I really can't think of a more pleasant way to state all this although I do mean this pleasantly!) =)

This is where I get confused with Exalted. In most games I've played, a PC's declaration of intention is not gospel truth but just a statement. "Hey, Storyteller. Could my character to do this?" It isn't, "Hey, Storyteller. I decided to act and roll and I say my PC succeeded. So since my Character did this, now tell me the results." That latter approach feels like dictation to me (which I don't do well with).

Is the Storyteller not the boss in Exalted? Am I missing something?
Hmm I think Mercy would definitely be interested in the Key of Mastery Hearthstone for sure. Everything else she is not really interested in, except maybe the Inkpen, but if someone else wants that, she is cool with that. The Devil Caster is really cool but she already has Black Wind and good skill with a Thrown weapon plus her abilities and spells.
(Forgive me for my wording; I've got brain fog going on and I really can't think of a more pleasant way to state all this although I do mean this pleasantly!) =)

This is where I get confused with Exalted. In most games I've played, a PC's declaration of intention is not gospel truth but just a statement. "Hey, Storyteller. Could my character to do this?" It isn't, "Hey, Storyteller. I decided to act and roll and I say my PC succeeded. So since my Character did this, now tell me the results." That latter approach feels like dictation to me (which I don't do well with).

Is the Storyteller not the boss in Exalted? Am I missing something?
Hmm, I think things might have gotten a bit confused. I don't believe anyone's seriously attempting to contest the Storyteller here, so I'll try and give my understanding of it to clear things up.

Back in this post, Chowlett Chowlett had Glade remove the hearthstone from the pedestal - presumably under the impression that this would have no serious consequences - before expressing a wish to have Glade examine it. Psychie Psychie addressed that in this post - basically a warning that bad things would happen if the hearthstone was removed - which to me read as her assuming that Glade hadn't yet removed the hearthstone from the pedestal. I felt this didn't add up with what had happened IC in Chowlett's post, so I bought it up here.
O.K.! Thank you for explaining, good Jay! Being so new to Exalted, I had to ask. =)

With ADHD, sometimes I think really fast. Other times, I get really confused really easily (like now. They call it "brain fog."). When that happens, it's like I need things explained as if I were much younger. Thanks for taking the time - I think I get it now thanks to you. =)
Right, yes. Not intending to contend the ST, or jaydude; I guess I was pointing out the counterpart to jay's bolded part of that sentence:

After studying it in place for a few moments, he gently reached out and took it from its resting place

...which is, to be fair, not 100% clear in its intent. If Psychie Psychie is happy that Glade would have stopped upon noticing the wards, then I'll edit my post to reflect that fact.

(Can I roll to understand and/or disable the wards in that case? What would I be rolling?)
Given your level of skill and some time, I am comfortable with you being able to divine out what the various artifacts are and what they can do.

Starting out with the Lute. When the owner attunes the instrument for 3m, it grants two (2) extra dice and one (1) success to any Performance rolls dealing with playing it.

The boots.
Future Sight (White Jade Boots ***) User: Zan, Kendra
Smith: Zan
Era: War of the Gods
These boots were built and named during the Godʼs War. After the war it became increasingly more difficult to create or use time dilation
magics. Zan first used them to give himself more time to learn from the Jadeborn. Later on he used them to make more gear in a day than would be normally possible.
However, Future Sight took on a much different use after the war had ended. With time dilation all but impossible, they sat on Zanʼs workshop shelf for several decades. They were passed on to a promising young student named Kendra. Kendra watched Zan reforged them with plates of white Jade to aid the young terrestrial in her duties to the Realm.

Evocation of Future Sight
The user of Future Sight no longer tires from travel on foot, be that a forced march across desert or a slow push through dense forest (they can still be fatigued by exertion, such as combat). Their feet never get cold or hot and are never swollen or blistered.
Future Sight costs 5 motes to attune.

Long Haul
Cost: -;Min: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keyword: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: none
Future Sight significantly improves the userʼs speed on foot. While walking the user can cover 10 miles an hour, if they run they can cover 30 miles an hour, terrain permitting. When used in combat the user is considered to have a +2 Speed Bonus as if mounted. Often allowing them to run down all but the fastest of mounts.

Stealing from the Future
Cost: 3 or 4m per hl; Min: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keyword: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Long Haul
After decades Zan managed to get some of the original time dilation of Future Sight working again. It manifested in a very odd way but still
proved useful, especially since Kendra was a poor healer. The user of Future Sight may borrow health from their future self.
At the cost of 3 motes per Bashing or 4 motes per Lethal the user may heal themselves. This comes with a cost- for every Health Level healed they replace one die in their dice pools with an inauspicious die. Every “1” rolled by an inauspicious die subtracts one success from the roll. This can cause the roll to fail or botch. These dice remain in the userʼs die pool until they roll a “1”.
Dissonant: A character dissonant with Jade also subtracts one success on the roll of a “2” on an inauspicious die. This removes the die from their pool as well.

The Inkpen, like the Lute, adds two dice and one success to any written Linguistics rolls for the cost of just 1m.

The Bracers.
Hearthstone Bracers ***) User: Josse Martinus
Smith: Josse Martinus
Era: Dreams of the First Age
Originally planned to be a simple modification of Hearthstone bracers, Fire Dancer took on a life of its own as Josse forged it. The young Battles Castes Sidereal originally just wished for a set of bracers that could hold two heartstones, but during his labor he poured his hopes and dreams into Fire Dancerʼs creation.
Each night he would slave away at the forge speaking to Fire Dancer as if the pair were a person telling the bracers of the world and where
he would take them. Together they would dance the night away on both the battlefield and the ballroom to keep Creation safe.

Evocations of Fire Dancer
A user of Fire Dancer may place one of their Intimacies, which must be Defining, as their “innermost desire”. While the Intimacy is set and Fire Dancer is worn the user increases their Withering Damage by 4 when fighting for a cause related to the Intimacy.
Equally, while set the Intimacy is blatantly obvious to any observer. A character that has “Love of my wife” set so cannot hide that Tie. The chosen Intimacy cannot be used to defend against social actions while connected to Fire Dancer.

It costs 4 motes to attune Fire Dancer which has two hearthstone sockets placed on the forearms lined by an etching of dancing couples.

Dance the Night Away
Cost: -;Min: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keyword: -
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: None
Josseʼs musings and overly romanticized creation of Fire Dancer along with his auspicious nature bleeds through.
The user rolls at target number 6 for Performance and gains the Specialty “Dance” while wearing Fire Dancer.

The two hearthstones.
Jewel of Hero’s Panoply (Solar, Greater)
Keywords: Dependent, Linked
While this glittering white gem is socketed in an artifact, reduce that artifact’s attunement cost by two, to a minimum of one.

Key of Mastery (Solar, Greater)
Keywords: Dependent, Linked
When a sorcerer places this diamond-bright jewel in an attuned hearthstone socket, she gains the opportunity to awaken the following Evocation:
Purity of Sorcerous Focus
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The sorcerer gains new insight into a spell of the Terrestrial Circle, imprinting its Essence upon the stone. The chosen spell provides all the benefits of a control spell for as long as the stone remains attuned.
The sorcerer can switch to a different spell once per story.
At Essence 3, the sorcerer can instead imprint a spell of the Celestial Circle. At Essence 5, she can choose a spell of the Solar Circle.

The devil caster taken from Kerwin is:
(Blue Jade Devil Caster,
Artifact ••••)
The Solar champion Vaznia took up dozens of artifacts across the ages, but few held her interest for long. Among those arms were Sirrush and Anshar, a pair of artifact flame pieces she commissioned to match a favored concubine’s eyes. She gifted them to her lieutenant Rylo
Stormsong without ever wielding them in battle. A thrill-seeker, Rylo went looking for trouble in every teahouse and dark alley of Old Wu-Jian. Thus she entangled herself in all manner of violent altercations, from battling armies of thugs sent by double-crossed crimelords to stealing relics from hidden shrines to forbidden undersea gods. In extricating herself from such situations she employed her twin devil casters to deadly effect. Eventually she found herself outmatched, hunted by an affronted sorcerer’s seademons. Leaping from the pinnacle of the Crescent Temple into the sea-spray to escape pursuit, she never surfaced.
Sirrush was found a thousand years later by Wu-Jian mudlarks. It worked its way up through the city’s teeming layers in cutthroat deals and throat-cut thefts, until one of the now-defunct Lords Criminal traded it to the outcaste pirate Storm Mother’s Son for a cargo of firedust.
Sirrush’s counterpart Anshar remains lost.

Attunement: 5m
Type: Medium (+12 DMG, OVW 4)
Accuracy: Close +1; Short +5; Medium +3;
Long +1; Extreme −1
Tags: Lethal, Archery (Short), Flame, One-Handed,
Mounted, Slow
Hearthstone slot(s): None
Era: Dreams of the First Age

Evocations of Sirrush
Firedust-Gathering Practice
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
As the wielder fires Sirrush, a breeze draws fresh grains of firedust from her ammunition pouch into its barrel. Activating this Evocation reloads the weapon without an action.
Special activation rules: Unless the Exalt is dissonant with jade, she unlocks this Evocation for no experience cost when she first attunes to Sirrush.

Lightning Draw Method
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None
Sirrush all but leaps into its wielder’s hand when danger looms. On the first round of combat, she may treat her Initiative as (Wits) higher than it actually is to determine when she acts in the round, but must use her turn to make an attack.
Special activation rules: This Evocation awakens at no cost when the wielder wins Join Battle against at least one non-trivial foe.

Storm-Dueling Maneuver
Cost: 5m, 2i; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Clash, Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Lightning Draw Method
Sirrush responds to threats before its wielder can even process that they’re there. Whenever she is the target of a surprise attack (Exalted, p. 203) from close or short range, she can activate this Evocation to clash with a withering or decisive attack, reflexively drawing Sirrush if it isn’t ready. She cannot use this Evocation to clash an ambush. This doesn’t count as her combat action for the turn.

Fiery Gale Barrage
Cost: 4m, 1i; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Storm-Dueling Maneuver
With a wild barrage of fire, the Exalt shatters every obstruction between her and the perfect shot. This Evocation supplements an attack against a target behind cover, treating the attack roll as a feat of strength to destroy whatever provides the cover, as long as it doesn’t require a Strength higher than 5 to attempt. Cover thus destroyed provides no protection against the attack.

Forked-Lightning Flame Attack
Cost: 10m, 3i, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fiery Gale Barrage
As forked lightning peppers the earth, Sirrush sprays the air with fire. The Exalt applies a single decisive attack roll against up to (Wits) opponents within an 180-degree arc in front of the wielder. This cannot target opponents behind cover. Divide up her Initiative equally among all targets hit, rounded up, for rolling damage, up to a maximum of the wielder’s (Essence + 3) dice per target. Against battle groups, there’s no limit on how much damage is rolled and the wielder doubles 10s. After activating this Evocation, the wielder must make an ammunition check.
This Evocation can only be used once per scene, unless reset by crashing a non-trivial enemy or routing a battle group.

Devil’s Last Gasp
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Forked-Lightning Flame Attack
Rylo Stormsong was prone to expend her firedust profligately, so she and Sirrush learned to make do with the dregs of wind and fire. If the wielder hasn’t reloaded Sirrush after attacking, she can activate this Evocation to coax a blast of scorching air from the weapon. This is
a difficulty 3 gambit that, if successful, knocks the target down and back one range band. On a successful gambit, she may reflexively aim at that enemy.

Inferno-Drinking Stance
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Dissonant
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Firedust-Gathering Practice
Sirrush now feeds directly on flame. This Evocation augments its prerequisite, allowing Sirrush to reload by pulling in tongues of flame from any bonfire or larger flame within short range, rather than firedust. Whenever the Exalt does so using an Evocation requiring an ammunition check, Sirrush completely consumes all nonmagical flames within short range. Flames beyond that range may spread back into the radius normally.
Special activation rules: As long as the wielder isn’t dissonant with jade, this Evocation awakens at no cost when she fails an ammunition roll while fighting to uphold one of her Intimacies.

Wind-Fire Twister
Cost: 5m, 5i, 3a; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Dissonant, Perilous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Devil’s Last Gasp, Inferno-Drinking Stance
Mingling air Essence, its wielder’s bonfire anima, and far too much firedust, Sirrush spits forth a twisting vortex of wind and fire. This fire whirl is an environmental hazard with difficulty 5, Damage 4L/round that fills an entire range band within close range of the wielder.
Any flammable objects the whirlwind passes over are set ablaze. On each subsequent turn, the wielder may direct it to move one range band in any direction as a miscellaneous action. After activating this Evocation, the wielder must make an ammunition check (Exalted,
p.202). This Evocation ends and the fire whirl dissipates if the wielder is crashed.
Wind-Fire Twister can only be used once per day.
Dissonant: Characters dissonant with jade cannot awaken this Evocation.

And his hearthstone is set in a hearthstone amulet.
Hearthstone Amulet (Tiara, Bracer, etc.)
A wide variety of decorative artifacts exist whose sole purpose is to provide a socket into which an attuned hearthstone may be placed. The most common form of these artifacts are amulets wrought of the five magical materials, though hearthstone bracers are nearly as popular, and some Chosen—particularly Sidereals—prefer circlets or tiaras which fix the hearthstone in the center of their forehead, directly over their Caste Mark. All such items cost a single mote to attune.
If a character wears magical armor of the same material as a worn hearthstone amulet (tiara, bracer, etc.), then the amulet’s socket is considered to be part of that armor for the purpose of dependent hearthstones (see p. 604).

The stone is:
The Fountain-Summoning Stone (Standard)
Keywords: Steady
This hearthstone is a dark oval emerald, cold and moist to the touch. If the Fountain-Summoning Stone is buried in the soil and left undisturbed for a short period (ranging from a minute in fertile riverlands to half an hour in the desert), it will presently spring back to the surface atop a gushing fountain of water, which persists until the sun rises and sets. The Fountain-Summoning Stone won’t operate anywhere that a spring couldn’t possibly appear, such as a balcony garden or in a barrel of soil aboard a ship.
Sherwood Sherwood Bud! The loot has been identified! Come and look! 8D
...which is, to be fair, not 100% clear in its intent. If Psychie Psychie is happy that Glade would have stopped upon noticing the wards, then I'll edit my post to reflect that fact.
Yeah, I probably didn't notice that part, what with the one right after it.
Oh, all this "ain't no thing but a chicken wing." When Psychie gets here, we'll figure it all out! =)

What do you guys think about the loot we earned? I bet every one of us gets something cool!
Eonivar Eonivar What a terrific scene you wrote! I got to see a side of Mercy I never seen before or even knew existed! Just delightful! =)
Thank you so much! I love to write, and I am trying to make Mercy a living breathing and unique character, not just yet another sorceress.... ;-)
I'd say you're doing pretty well! =)

A devil caster... is a form of firearm?

Found a picture. Weirdflame (in the Lunars book) is a devil caster which looks very much like a magical flintlock rifle.

But Sirrush comes tied to another such weapon... so... it's a flintlock pistol?
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