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Into The Broken Mirror (Happydeath & Mena)


Watching as to how Isral had dug right into the pie that he had purchased for her, even once the white haired woman spoke out about how the pie was good; the ex-general only nodded his head with a slight smile across his lips. Allowing her to eat for the time being before she would answer his question, the light haired male directed his gaze right out the window to make sure there hadn't been any patrolling guards that could've possibly been following the two of them. That, and with his own dark power he was able to have eyes nearly anywhere he wished as long as he could see the darkness from where he was. For the time being, it appeared as though the two really were in the clear; something still felt off about this whole thing though.

Before Dominik could really put his thought onto what seemed off however, Isral had spoken up about answering the question as he returned his attention onto her. Stating that she was to gain some kind of information about mythical creatures and about some other kind of dragon girl, the ex-general pondered the thought for a few more moments before deciding to actually speak up. "Hm...Did you ever end up succeeding in your mission?" Questioning her further on the subject about the mission she had done, Dominik had hoped to believe that the government had sent her out on these missions in hopes to gain some kind of secret or further information about the shards without making it too obvious somehow.

Shinji Araki

Even if the idea of what the black box would do is just a light zap when someone would got close to it might've been minor, the darker Shinji had made sure to take a mental note of it ahead of time. Just because this woman was a witch in training, it didn't mean she was trustworthy to him for the time being. Without so much as a word, right as he was about to take his leave to begin his own search for the box; the sound from the female fox whispering over to him about not answering her question earlier only left a smirk across the male's lips once again. In silence, he ignored Efert's comment and the offer that the woman known as Mary gave to the two about getting a ride of her broom; rather the dark male simply just began to walk off into a random direction into the dense forest in attempts to find this so-called black box.

On his travels around the forest while the dark Shinji had kept the scythe over his shoulder the entire time, the dark male constantly argued with himself deep down within his own mental thoughts. "Will you shut up already? You're worse than a little child asking for a piggy-back ride!" The darker voice echoed out in the forest, seeming to act as though he was talking to himself. 'We both know...that you're not going to be able to keep control forever. This is my body and no matter what you say...you know you're not a full strength yet, so my will is still stronger than yours for now!' Even as the darker Shinji argued with himself out in the open, the argument that went on inside his head kept growing to no end.
Efert was strangely happy despite having to now search for a box instead of fighting corrupt beasts. Actually anything was better than fighting those monsters, so a mundane task such as this was a blessing towards her. "So what's the idea with your school?" She had noticed that the black haired Shinji hadn't answered her question, that did make her a bit upset but she didn't show it on her face. They young fox instead focused in on what Mary had to say about her school.

"Wow that's really neat!" Efert was so engrossed wth what the young witch had to say that she failed to notice the now missing party member of the group. "I think he wants to go search on his own." She looked back to see that Shinji was walking away from the two girls. "Oh! Well I guess we'll see you later then, Mr. Phoenix!" Mary shouted behind him, waving in his direction. They both watched until he disappeared into the forest, then turned towards each other.

"Oh dear. Here." Mary noticed the cuts on her body, she looked concerned about the cuts. The young witch then summoned a small star, placing it over the fox's wounds. "It'll take a little while but you won't have any scars there." Once the star touched the girl's wounds, it started to heal them slowly. The star felt funny on her skin however the girl bared with the strange sinsation, not wanting to seem unappericative towards her new compainoin.

"Thank you." Efert stated, feeling the warmth coming from the stars attached to her sholder. We shouldn't waste any more time if she really needs her box. I hope Shinji is ok though. The girl thought while looking at the star. "Well I guess we should get going then? This box is really important to you!" The blonde fox stated to her witch friend, a happy smile on her face.

Isral continued to eat her pie, she seemed to be rather fond of the pie flavor after all. Looking across the table, she noticed that the light purple haired male hadn't order anything from the menu. "How come you didn't order anything? You have to keep up your stengthen, you know." The white haired girl questioned him about it, even considering to call back the waitress that had served them the pie to get him some food as well.

The girl continued to eat her pie though, she wasn't going to waste a crumb after all. Upon hearing Dominik's question, she paused from her eating of the delicious pie. Isral reached for her glass of water and started to drink down the food that she had consumed. "Well yes and no. That stupid dragon ended up killing the guy I needed to assasinate so that was a fail. However I did manage to steal the information in time before the place burned down to the ground." She finally answered after finishing up the rest of her water.
Nothingness Nothingness

Sitting there at the table while Isral had continued to eat the pie that was ordered for her, Dominik kept shifting his gaze from time to time towards both her and the window while he eyed the civilians walking around in the market district closely. Once the young woman questioned him on why he didn't get something for himself to eat so that he would be able to keep his own strength up, the ex-General only shook his head with a quiet chuckle as he watched her continue to eat. "There is no need for me at the moment Isral. Honestly, I'm not that hungry yet. Go ahead and eat, if you want some more you can order as much and anything you want. We got a bit of a long way to go away from this city."
Sitting there at the table while Isral had continued to eat the pie that was ordered for her, Dominik kept shifting his gaze from time to time towards both her and the window while he eyed the civilians walking around in the market district closely. Once the young woman questioned him on why he didn't get something for himself to eat so that he would be able to keep his own strength up, the ex-General only shook his head with a quiet chuckle as he watched her continue to eat. "There is no need for me at the moment Isral. Honestly, I'm not that hungry yet. Go ahead and eat, if you want some more you can order as much and anything you want. We got a bit of a long way to go away from this city." Stating this whole fact in a low yet hushed tone just in case there had been any others nearby who had been in disguise that were working for the military around them.
Once Isral had began to explain how she had lost the area and the man but yet was able to obtain the information she was supposed to get, Dominik had only nodded in silence right after. For now, he wouldn't question her any further about that but he had to make sure to wonder what kind of information she found later on once the two of them had left the city limits. Surely, there was no way that the governor or whomever gave her the mission had just done something like tell one of their secret weapons to go after one man just to get some small information without there being a bigger reason behind it. To his own thoughts, Dominik believed that the information would lead him all that much closer to the location of where the mirror was going to be, even if all the shards hadn't been collected yet; at least finding it's original location would be one step ahead of the humans.
Eventually, in a matter of minutes the same waitress from earlier had made her way back over towards the duo's table just to bow and look between the two guests. Dominik only turning his gaze over towards her as she questioned Isral about how the pie was and if she could get her anything to drink as well as if either one of them had wanted anything else. The ex-General had only shaken his head in response for himself that he didn't want anything to eat or drink, whether or not Isral wanted anything was completely up to her.
Mena Mena
"Ah I understand, well I guess more pie for me.Do you have any suggestions on what flavor I should eat next?" Isral stated while finishing up the rest of the apple pie on her plate. She heard the waitress come over to the table and offer the two occupants some refreshments and some more pie options, if they would like to order anything else. The white haired girl looking down she was just about done with her pie.

"Oh. I would like more apple pie and a refill of my water please." She looked up at the waitress, who was still smiling and being cheerful for god knows what reasons. Her cheerfulness bothered Isral slightly however she didn't let that show on her face, instead she just pushed her dish away from her. The waitress wrote down her two orders fairly quickly before glancing back at the two people in front of her.

The brown haired female placed down the two waters that she had carried on her tray. She seemed to be fairly certain that she was doing a good job while serving the two individuals. "Understood, I shall be back within 10 minutes. Again, have a nice date you two." The waitress nodded her head, taking both the dish and the glass away from the table.

Nothingness Nothingness

By the time that Isral had finished the rest of her pie only to question Dominik about whether not he had a suggestion for any other type she should try. The ex-General only shook his head for a moment. "I don't really get some of the different flavors, though I'm curious. Why not try out that blueberry flavor one? How a rather dark color flavor could be good at all is beyond me." Bringing up the suggestion as she had asked of him, the idea of trying out different flavors of the pies she was eating was still something completely new to the ex-general. Understanding how mortals worked was always something he knew that he was going to have to get used to but how baking a bunch of dough with some kind of fruit made a dish like that was really different to him.
Once the waitress had made her way over and Isral had given her order of the refill on her drink and more apple pies only to have the woman walk away, Dominik had brought his gaze up towards the clock that was on the opposite end of the room, he wanted to make sure if they were going to be leaving; they would leave before midnight hit. Knowing the government and how their military worked as well as with Esdeath's knowledge along with the other Generals, midnight was probably when they were going to do strikes and such on special ops around the city when the governor would normally not be around to check on everything that was going on.

"Make sure you get your fill Isral. We're going to need to get going soon." With those last words, he would return his gaze from the clock back onto Isral who sat across from him. At the corner of his eye though, he could see as there were a few soldiers who were already patrolling the streets of the market district; no doubt they were on orders from one of the Generals rather than the Governor himself.

Mena Mena

The moon shone brightly on the two girls as they walked through the forest. Most of the animals were already either asleep or beginning to transfer into their daily night cycle. The noctural animals would soon be awake as well. However it was all exceptionally silent except for the few wolf howls that echo from the distance. So they had no need to worry besides they had means of defending themselves if that was the case. Efert looked around the area, watching her step just in case she were to accidentally trip over anything.

The young witch had no need of a light scorce in the vastly lit forest. The moonlight provided enough light for the both of them to see meters in front of them. "So how long have you two been friends?" Mary finally asked after the silence became too much for her. The kitsune girl almost tripped over herself, she had been distracted by her question. "Oh uhm....we've only met about a couple of hours today." She informed her companion, quickly steadying herself from falling.

The duo continued deeper into the forest, where the light started to become dim. Once it became aparent that they couldn't see anymore, Mary summoned a star that glowed in the dark. "Oh I see, is he always like that? Non social and very distant. He gives off this edgy feeling too." The witch stopped walking once she discovered a black item down in the mud. "No not really....he's rather kind and sweet." Efert left it at that. Using her white laced gloved hand, she reached down and pulled out the black box that she had been looking for.

Efert used her water magic, forming a big water bubble about the size of a fist, and cleaned off both the box and the gloves. She then used her fire magic and carefully dried the two items. She was careful not to get too close to the box in order for it to catch on fire. Once she was done, she estinguished the flame in her hand. "Thank you so much for your help." Mary smiled back at the fox girl. Efert smiled happily back at the girl and asked, "No problem at all! I'm always happy to help out, shall we head back?" The two girls then started their journey back to the clearing.
Shinji Araki

Wandering his way through the dense forest that appeared to have no end to it while the new dark haired male searched around for the so called box that the witch asked if the duo could help search for her, it was clear enough that none of the corrupted creatures dared to engage the new form of Shinji due to the dark pressure of his energy leaking from both his weapon and even his body at once. After a few moments of constant walking for what had felt like forever, obviously unaware that the female duo had already found the object that they had all been searching for this entire time; the possessed Shinji had only ended up finding himself at a small ledge that had quite the large drop down into a continuation of the forest of which looked a bit more dense from what one could see from where he stood. Standing there in silence as the male simply stared off into the distance while the darkness started to envelope over the land bit by bit.

In mere minutes, the silence was quickly broken as the sound of helicopter blades whirled just to have a black chain come bolting forward out of nowhere just to stab straight into the chest of Shinji. The dark haired male immediately shouted out in utter pain as he fell over onto his own knees, dropping the scythe to the floor with it's blade hanging over the edge of the ledge. By the time the helicopter had lowered from above just to reveal another male standing at the opening to the helicopter passenger seat, the male had crimson red hair and he wore a black and red trench to match; the chain had appeared to had been somehow coming from the palm of the man's hand that he had his right arm extended. The man only chuckled at the sight of how he had captured his prey with much less trouble than what his mission briefing had stated. "Hah! And you're supposed to be a big threat? What the hell was the Governor talking--" Right as he was in the middle of speaking, all that could be heard from Shinji's lowered head was the sound of snickers as he lifted his gaze only to reveal the piercing golden hues in his eyes. "Now now...don't tell me, this was all you were going to do to try and catch me...You're going to need to do better than that!!"

Right as the male spoke, the helicopter's blades quickly were sliced in two causing the blades of the helicopter to go whirling off in one direction while the entire now top bladeless helicopter started to go out of control and start to go swirling down into the forest floor below. Of course, the crimson male was not able to let himself be killed off so easily; especially since he was a General of the military, the flame one to be exact. Stepping out of the wreckage of the downed helicopter that was covered in the flames, the General had stepped out without a single scratch and only dusted off his shoulder of his trench coat lightly, his own orange gaze staring up at the ledge of where Shinji now stood just to pull the chain out from his chest and have his wound heal rapidly in moments. In his right hand, he held onto his scythe on his shoulder while staring down at the General with a smirk across his lips; clearly enough, there was no possible way the original Shinji could've survived that attack without being in much more pain but now with the scythe's entity controlling the body, he was completely fine.​
The grey haired girl started to eat her food once the brown haired female had placed the meal in front of her. "Well the pie is good, I have never had blueberry myself so I couldn't say." Isral spoke in segments, partially because she was currently eating and the other reason was because of the ring's powers. Half the time the girl could never voice her own opinion because of the ring, it wouldn't allow her to speak more than a few minutes at a time. This was one of the reasons why she definitely hated the governor; for making such a stupid adjustment to the ring from what they already constantly controlled her with.

The white haired girl noticed that Dominik was occasionally looking out the window. He seemed to be preoccupied with something, however she didn't say anything of it. The girl simply continued to eat the rest of the pie that was laid out in front of her. The taste of the apple pie was transitioning from sweet to sour with every bite, it wasn't too sweet in her mouth but also wasn't sour either. "Alright. I'm almost done anyway." Isral said, eating the last remnants of the pie from the bowl. She then placed the fork into the bowl then got up from her seat and stretched.

Efert's hair started to turn a sliver like white the moment the two girls walked out of the forest's shade. The witch girl seemed to be very surprised by the sudden change in hair color coming from her current companion, Efert couldn't blame her to say the least. Witches, from what she's heard about them, were very curious about nature in general and wanted to discover all the secrets they could about their neighbors. That was probably why some of them specialize in nature magic rather than metal or potion magic.

Kitsunes were known to be secretive, so much information about them was hidden in the shadows and never revealed to outsiders. So it wasn't surprising when Mary wanted to know more about her species. "Wow! That's so cool, how do you do that?" Mary shouted while pointing at the fox girl's hair. Efert giggled a bit at the girl excitement before lightly stepping on her toes and doing a slight twirl. "Ah I really don't know. It comes with being such a fox you know?" The white haired girl slightly shaked her butt at the girl.

The two girls burst into fits of laughter after some time of just staring at each other. Efert was happy that she was able to create such a fast friendship with the girl, the doubt of her not liking her back was slowly diminishing. The duo continued to walk through the forest, talking about anything that came to their minds at the time. Both girls were unaware of what was happening with Shinji and the fire general, they stopped to take a break from walking. "So what's your witch school like? Is it fun?" The white haired girl asked Mary, who was currently sitting down on a log.

Nothingness Nothingness
Shinji Araki

After exiting the flaming debris of the downed helicopter and dusting himself off without a single care for his dead comrades of the military, the flaming General only stared up at the no doubt possessed Shinji with a smirk spread across his lips. "Ah...so that's why they told me to be careful...Goo--" Just as the few moments after the General spoke, the sudden disappearance and reappearance of Shinji right before the General's gaze had been rather unexpected; before a single word to be uttered from either of the two males, all that was seen was a single kick from the possessed male as it sent the General flying several yards through the forest, forcing him to crash through multiple trees from the shear force of the kick. By the time the General had halted, the dark haired male only stood there with his scythe still resting on his shoulders while he picked at his ear with his opposite hand using his pinkie. Even if the demon within the scythe as well as Shinji himself had no real clue as to whatever reason the military might've been after him, the fact that someone powerful enough to survive a crash from a helicopter and to walk out of it without a single scratch made the demon within the scythe just want to battle and kill this man.

Standing there as the dark haired Shinji awaited for the General to come walking back down the path, once again an unexpected outcome of how quickly the General began to rush through the large path of destruction had left Shinji barely able to move let alone block the incoming attack as his face was buried right into the ground by the flaming General's palm. The smirk that was once across the man's face had now faded into one of pure induced rage while the only bit of actual damage that he appeared to had received through that kick was a simple smudge on his coat. "You...ruined...my...favorite...coat! Now, I'm going to ruin your face!" With that simple mere comment, one pillar after another of fire began to erupt all around the forest; equaling up to at the amount of five surrounding the two men before a six and final one came from the very center where the two males were; burning the two of them alive. The General knew well enough that fire would not affect him since his own element was that of flames anyway.


Sitting right at the table while he had watched as to Isral had eaten the rest of her pie and awaited for the waitress to return with the next slice of the blueberry pie along with the water that he had ordered. From time to time, his dark gaze constantly shifted over towards the streets only to come across to find how there were plenty of soldiers now patrolling the area after the two of them were just told that they were able to be set free. Something didn't feel right and Dominik knew well enough that everything wasn't going as smoothly as he thought it was.
By the time Dominik had returned his attention back onto Isral once again only to see that she had finished her next plate and his water had already been delivered to him, he made sure to take a few sips of his drink before noticing as to how she stood up and began to stretch herself. Eyeing her the entire time, the light haired male only shook his head before finally taking another sip of his water yet again. "Are you ready?...we need to leave this town. Something's off." Commenting about his own feeling, at the corner of his eye he could've sworn that the two soldiers he had just seen were talking to an elderly lady who was running a market stand and it appeared that they were questioning her about something that had to do with the elderly lady pointing into the café the duo were within.

Mena Mena

  • 1521206833558.pngIsral looked out the window, noticing both the soilders talking to the elder woman. Without as much as a signal from her, the girl rose from her seat and walked normally towards the doors of the cafe. "I suppose I should change my looks. It's easier for them to recognize you than me however they maybe part of the special task force working underneath the generals." The girl whispered as she explained while walking out the cafe. Once leaving the cafe completely, the female would then turn down an dim lit alley and use her magic for a simple task.

    Her ring would start to glow an eligant bright green hue as her clothes simulataniously disappeared from her body. She would use her own magic to properly change her physical appearance completely. After she was done with transforming her body, her heart began to emit pain throughtout her body. Using such techniques such as these were costly on her body's currently fragile state of being, one of which she blamed the medicine the sceintist forced her to take in.

    However her magic did the job correctly, everything from her voice to even her eye color was different. "Testing testing, maybe I should have gone with someone more....smaller?" She could feel the weight of her breast size, she would have to get used to the feeling. It was almost like she was a completely different person. Coming out of the alleyway, she narrowly dodged the incoming soldiers who had walked back inside of the cafe.
Mena Mena

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    After several minutes had passed, the flaming pillars had finally begun to disappear from all around leaving the sight of Shinji laying with his face in the ground and his entire body practically charcoaled from the flames all around. The Fire General all the while stood over the smoldering body of Shinji before dusting himself off with a heavied sigh at the fact that he felt like he overdid it a bit. "Jeez. This guy better be worth the time, don't get what we need him for anyway. Eh, whatever. Orders are orders." As he spoke to himself, the large man scooped up Shinji's still smoldering body just to toss him over his shoulder before marching his way through the forest intending to leave with the corpse. Of course, Shinji was not dead since the General's orders were not to kill him but rather just capture him no matter what kind of physical or mental damage he had done onto the target. As he had continued on his way throughout the forest, it was only a matter of time that the flaming General would start to become lost in what direction he was supposed to head, the Fire General was never the greatest when it came to taking directions or knowing which was the right way let alone the wrong way to go.

    Scratching the back of his head he soon enough came to a halt in a middle of a large clearing as he dropped the corpse of Shinji onto the ground, the body still giving off high amounts of heat as well as still showing the sight of how charcoaled it was; the reason for this was due to how even if Shinji's body was already weakened at the moment, the Fire General was wise enough to know that he should keep his flaming energy surging throughout the exterior of Shinji's body so that he wouldn't end up regenerating somehow and end up fighting back. "Okay...Now, where am I?" Questioning himself as he stood in the large clearing of the forest, after the helicopter had been shot down earlier, any form of communication back to base was also destroyed so it wasn't like he had any contact with anyone else but himself currently.

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    Isral, or now the name of Hibiki, was a busty young woman with white and black clothing. She had short orange hair and soft but warm yellow eyes, it was almost a welcoming color that made people feel safe. Of course, she was still the same uptight bad ass that she considered herself but this was what she needed to draw attention away from Dominik and herself. For now Isral had to act like a sweet, kind, and thoughtful girl, she hated to show such emotions to people. The girl still had thoughts of getting revenge on Dominik for the last battle they had, however such things had to wait.

    Honestly though, she wondered why she even agreed to come with him? Deep down she knew that he was her best option of leaving the government, as well as her best option for exacting her own personal hell on everyone in the department. They had abused and tortured her for fall too long, every fiber of her being hated them with such a dark passion. Even now, though her body is fully healed, it still ached from the beatings she received from the governor today. It pained her to even stand straight, let alone walk since Dominik hurt her leg as well.

    Looking up the orange girl noticed that he was starting to leave the pie shop, the other soilders seemed to be afraid, even somewhat terrified, of him. Well I guess I should get some ammo if he's going to do other things. It's best if we leave each other alone for a bit anyway. Hibiki thought, sighing as she watched Dominik walk down the street. The night time air was cold, she wanted to leave this town as soon as possible....she didn't like the crowds here. The female turned around and walked down the opposite side of the street, trying her best to blend in with the crowds.

Mena Mena

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    After finally coming to the already obviously conclusion that he was lost in this immense forest without any real direction or clue about which way to go to leave. The red haired General had simply dropped the charcoaled body of Shinji next to him before pulling out a small black device, pressing a switch on the side of the device, all that was heard was loud amounts of static to indicate that he had no signal whatsoever to any sort of assistance to the military headquarters. "Man...this seriously just sucks. Y'know, you really made my job lots harder by destroying that helicopter. It's going to take me forever to get you out of here." With that simple comment and shrug of his shoulders, right as the male had begun to reach down to pick up the smoldering corpse once again; the sound of an unfamiliar presence was the only thing that actually stopped the General so that he could bring his blood orange gaze upwards.

    Seeing as to how a rather random female had started descending from the sky on what appeared to had been a broom. Slipping both of his palms right into the pockets of his crimson trench coat in case the woman might've been dangerous or a fight might possibly start, he listened to how she questioned about what the male was doing with the completely blackened and charcoaled corpse next to him. For a few moments, the red haired male remained silent with a serious frown across his lips. Blankly staring towards the blonde female, he only brought his attention down to the corpse that had now been clearly missing the large scythe of what was originally his weapon at some point. "I'm just taking care of my orders. Now, if you wouldn't mind miss. Could you help direct me on the way out of this god forsaken forest? I'm in quite a hurry."

    As he had questioned the woman, although the General appeared to be relaxed; he was more than ready enough for any sort of combat if it came down to it. After-all, the Fire General was never one to be into nature so the fact that he wasn't really trusting anyone or let alone anything in the forest was no surprise.


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    Hibiki calmly opened the door and walked into the store, her eyes immediately set their sites on the walls of the building. Aside from the strange decor of the walls, the store's walls was lined up with all types of guns ranging from machine guns to small pistols. She wasn't impressed as she never was into big guns such as those, she always preferred her pistols over most weapons. A male with red hair and eyes greeted her at the corner, this was obviously the shop keep of this business. "Hello, what would you like to buy today?" His voice was calm and filled with kindness as he stared at the new customer in the room.

    They currently were the only ones in the room, except for the small kittens laying down on the table in the corner. "Just some pistol and sniper ammo, 16 stacks of each please. Keep the change." Summoning one of her fairies, the girl rummaged inside it's mouth until her hands landed on a stack of cash. Her fairies served not just only as her weapon keepers for when she was in her magical girl form but also as a storage unit. She could feel that this was at least 500 dollars worth of cash, she placed the cash onto the table and waited for the person to return to the counter.

    "Whoa! Thank you so much for this! I'll throw in some extra stuff in your case then." The male noticed the cash and quickly started to place the ammo hostlers into a bag, placing it onto the table. Hibiki quickly picked up the bag and made her way to the front of the shop, leaving the male to count the money she placed. After buying her ammo from the gun store, the orange haired female started to wander around town. Of course she could go and bother Dominik however since they were being followed by special ops, it was best not to go in his direction.

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