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Into The Broken Mirror (Happydeath & Mena)


Pausing to check the string, making sure that the string wasn't cut, Isral looked around through the black smoke towards her opponent. She laced her fingers with individual strings, these strings would be perfect when grouped together as they could form some amazing things. Upon hearing a distorted voice coming from the direction of inside the black cloud, She halted her movement and froze in place; she wasn't frightened, it was just odd for a voice to sound like that. The voice sounded so cold and unemotional that it could also rival her own voice, if she were to ever talk more than she allowed herself to. She slapped herself on the cheek, forcing herself to be on alarm for anything the stupid general would throw at her.

"More than perfectly." Isral replied in a monotone voice, motioning to her pocket once more to grab a hold of another grenade. Just then, with fast thinking and quick reflexes, she narrowly dodged one of the spikes that came from the smoke. She hadn't dodged unscathed, she felt the sides of her left arm and right leg sting with pain from cuts. She could tell from the cuts that her aim with her gun would be a little bit off, as well as her speed would be a handicap. I will have to attend to these cuts later, this guy is really annoying... She thought looking towards the smoke. More spikes began to come out the smoke, Isral simply placed two fingers together and slashed at the air. White crescent shaped circles emitted from her fingers, sending them towards the spikes directions. While the sound waves were taking care of business with the spikes, Isral jumped back behind the nearby trees and pulled out her sniper rifle, she kneeled her good leg and carefully aimed for the smoke cloud as it was slowly dissipating.


Efert looked around the kitchen, looking for something that she could still use to get up to the second cabinet. She had picked herself fully off from the floor, her head was pounding even though the room wasn't spinning for her as of yet. Her fingers grasped against the countertop, trying to steady herself against the pain coming from her head. Once the pain had begun to feel a bit better, Efert looked around the room to see a latter in the corner of the kitchen, set up against a row of unopened cabinets. Just as she was about to walk over and retrieve the latter to try again, her friend Shinji, came into the kitchen asking if she was ok due from the fall."I-I'm fine, just couldn't reach the bowls..." Efert rubbed the back of her head, she felt a bit embarrassed over what happened while her was gone.

It could be worse, I could have ended up breaking something! Then again...this is not the first time that I had fell in someone's house.... Efert thought to herself, looking at the cabinet. Just then the cabinet door had burst off the hinges and collapsed onto the floor, leaving a dazed Efert to look at the door. It took her a minute to come to her own senses, reality hit her almost like a truck hits a cat in the middle of the road. "U-Uhm! Sorry! So very sorry!" Efert apologized over and over, she was very clumsy and this was what always happens when she touches something not hers.


Dominik Taishi

Right as he had continued to focus on the energy of that of the woman before him, his dark spikes had continued to shoot out from the pitch black smoke as he had been clearly unaware of whether or not his actual attacks were making any real progress throughout each shot he had fired out of the smoke. However, soon enough as the sudden slightest glimpse of what had seemed to had been a white flash of light from the direction he had been shooting towards caught his gaze; Dominik had only halted his attack as he arched a brow to what he had just witnessed. Curious, as he had continued to stand there in silence; while the smoke had began to lift, he had been unaware yet again about the fact that Isral had awaited for him to be seen to shoot her own weapon towards him. All the while, due to how the smoke was slowly but surely vanishing; the General had no other choice but to return his own power to that of his disguise. By the time the smoke had lifted enough for him to be fully seen for both of the opponents to see one another, the very fact of the large weapon the woman had been holding upon as she had aimed it towards him had quickly caused the General to lift his pistol towards her rapidly only to end up being halted as a sudden ring of his phone caused him nearly be caught off guard.


Exhaling a deep sigh before he had even decided to actually pull the trigger on his weapon, Dominik had lowered his arm only to holster his weapon behind him and lift a single finger to show Isral to wait a moment before their spar continued. Reaching into his pocket with his free gloved hand, he would flip his phone open only to end up being screamed at by another older male on the opposite line of the phone as the other male shouted about how the base which held the information about Isral had been attacked; questioning where Dominik's men were when this had happened and why didn't he know about it sooner. "My apologies supreme commander..I had been quite overworked with much paperwork.  I had not a clue about this intrusion upon the base, if you would like I can send my men over immediately." As he informed the man on the phone only to receive the orders of doing just that, the General simply nodded his head before hanging up and closing his phone in the process; bringing his gaze back over towards the woman with the rather large gun, he would only let a low chuckle leave his lips before shrugging his own shoulders towards her. "Apologies Miss Isral. It seems that our spar will have to be delayed for the time being..there is quite the matter that I must attend to with my men. If you would like to join, you are more than free to do so."


Shinji Araki

By the time the young white haired male had made his way straight over to Efert's side to check on her condition only to find out that she had fallen due to being unable to reach the bowls in the spot where he had stated they had been in; although he hadn't fully done it to himself, Shinji had mentally slapped himself once he had realized his mistake about telling the woman where the bowls were without taking into consideration about the woman's height and how she would be unable to reach it. 'You idiot...! Why didn't you get her a step latter or something!' Shouting to himself mentally about what he hadn't realized until the woman had ended up getting hurt in the end, Shinji soon attempted to help the woman to stand up only to pause as the sudden sound of crashing did his attention was immediately turned over towards the direction of the noise; finding as one of the doors from the hinges of the cabinets had broken right off and Efert had apologized rather quickly in response to that. Shinji couldn't help himself but to end up laughing at the sight of the broken cabinet door laying on the floor at this point; shaking his head to her apologies, he would once again attempt to help her to stand without any concern about the cabinet. "Hah! No worries Miss Efert! Trust me, ive lived here for quite some time...the cottage isn't as new as it once was when I built it. I've never...really had any time to focus on rebuilding and patching up the old parts of the cottage to make it new again, I'm more than sure one day this entire cottage will just collapse and become nothing more than a memory..heh." As he stated his words, his gaze had scanned the surroundings of the cottage; taking in the old times he had spent in this place even when he had known well enough that sooner or later he would have to leave this place and move on in the world to venture further in thoughts of possibly ever finding more information about the myth of the boy trapped within a mirror who could possibly help.

Isral aimed her gun towards the General's direction, lightly squeezing the trigger while waiting for the smoke to clear. Her leg was aching from the cut, even when she wasn't placing any weight on the wounded limb itself. She instead tilted more to left side of her body, leaning up against the tree beside her for cover as well as support. As the smoke cleared, her views on her opponent grew slightly more towards a neutral tone rather than anger nor interest. Just as Isral was going to release the trigger and fire the bullet at the General, his phone went off in the middle of the fight. You...have got to be serious...this is really beyond stupid. Whose phone goes off in the middle of the battle?!  Isral thought while looking down at Dominik. Seeing as the General stopped his motions and held up a finger signaling her to wait, Isral simply rolled her eyes then strapped her sniper rifle to its original position.

Clearly whoever was talking to him was upset, Isral noted while looking at the reaction on his face towards the person on her phone. Once he was off the phone, Isral thought that they were going to continue their petty little battle so she prepared herself once more. That was not the case, as he mentioned the soldiers and "needing to do something" but most of that went in one ear and out the other with Isral. "Go knock yourself out, I'm not hanging around those apes that you call soldiers." Isral glared draggers at Dominik before turning her back towards him. Without even waiting for a reply, she walked down the steep slope that led into the surrounding forest near the training grounds.

Efert stood there in utter shock at the way how Shinji had taken the scene before them, she felt very confused as she raised an eyebrow towards him. She had been through many different reactions before ranging from anger to sadness towards her, neither which the male displayed in front of her. Bewilderment is the least of her worries she suddenly felt, she was very much confused to the point where she had ended up staring at the male. Once realizing that she had been staring at the man, she adverted to her eyes back towards the broken cabinet door in an attempt to look for something different. "S-Sorry, I usually break things....this kind of stuff happens a lot...S-So you're not mad at me?" Efert stuttered, quite embarrassed with the whole ordeal. 

I must be an idiot or something...I mean I jinx myself all the time but this is new for me as well... She thought, clenching her fingers into a fist. Sure she was a ditz sometimes and always gathered either pity or anger towards herself but she was a seemingly normal child despite the animal ears and tail she has. Efert just not wanting to cause a problem for Shinji, simply smiled and said, "U-Um...I can go now...so I won't be a problem towards you."


Dominik Taishi

As the woman had decided that she would not accompany the General and his soldiers to head to the particular base where he had been instructed to arrive at; being the very same one that he had gone to earlier to check upon the knowledge about the shards of the mirror but as well as information about Isral as well. Whatever the case was, even if she had denied it; the General simply had not minded whatever she had decided to do, simply making his way to the garrison bunker, Dominik had called out to his soldiers to suit up and prepare their weapons to head to the base that he had been given orders to go to. With that, the soldiers had all responded with the usual 'Yes sir' before they had immediately began to suit up their own weaponry as well as small arm weapons such as grenades, knives and other needed utilities.

All the while, as his soldiers had gotten ready; Dominik had known well enough that he was not  going to be in need of any actual suiting up from protection of anything even if there was a possible attack. Rather, he had simply checked himself to make sure that his own clothing had been in good shape after the little 'spar' he had with Isral. Once prepared, the light haired male wasted no further time to simply make his way straight towards the front of the base where the many vehicles had awaited him along with his soldiers already within them and ready to go. Stepping into the jeep that had been at the very front of all the other vehicles, the General simply sat back in his seat and immediately sent out the order for all the vehicles to start moving forward. Of course this time, Dominik had not been the one driving and rather one of his other soldiers had been the one driving the jeep forward down the large dirt path. The whole time they were all on their way towards the base, the General pondered the idea of what had been going on that he had felt the strange shards of the mirror from the very woman that he had been fighting; surely the mortals hadn't been foolish enough to inject such an unstable thing into one of their own. Sure, the mortals had a horrid history of being nearly heartless against other races besides their own; but would they go that far for power to harm one of their own in such a way.



Shinji Araki

After helping the woman to the best of his own ability to keep her from possibly ending up getting hurt any further after the cabinet had broken off; listening as to how she had questioned him if he had not been mad at her, the white haired male simply ended up shaking his head with his usual own warm smile. "Of course not miss, as I stated. This home is quite old...I have not had much time to fix up things due to how life is normally out here in the forest. I had meant to fix many things around here however, the beasts around here are normally not too kind to loud noises such as hammers and such." As Shinji couldn't help but laugh at his own fact that he had been unable to fix many things around his own home, once helping the woman slightly stand if she possibly could; he would attempt to see if he could at least help her over to sit down on one of the chairs. However, once more as she had spoken; this time about having her leave sooner than what had originally been planned, his own crimson and sapphire gaze towards her had widen in slight shock but as well as a bit of sadden behind them. Of course, even if his gaze had shown this; he would not let it become too obvious as he spoke in the same way as he did the entire time. "Um, well miss. It is not too safe to wander around out in the forest at the moment...it would be best that you at least get some rest and something to eat before you leave. I mean, leaving when it is a little sooner during the day would be much safer.." Stating his own words, although he spoke them to the woman; he hadn't informed her obviously due to how creepy it possibly would've sounded that he would not want her to leave since this had actually been around the first time he had ever had any company whatsoever.


Of course though, as much as he had wanted this. Shinji knew all too well that he could not force her to stay here if she had not wished to, she may have had her own journey and needed to continue it; he had no right to keep her from that, and besides he had his own journey ahead of him soon enough to find the shards of the rumored mirror and help the also rumored boy that had been trapped somewhere. Whatever the case whether or not the legend of the shards or the mirror were true, he had to give it a try.

Isral simply continued, down the steeper part of the hill, on her merry way towards her next destination. Of course going down the slope was a bit harder than what she thought, she had quickly forgotten that the idiot general had cut her leg earlier during their little fight. Even though the fight had clearly ended in a sort of draw, Isral thought that Dominik had completely mocked and toyed with her on the battlefield earlier. For her definitions of battles, were meant to be only one survivor; one of which was clearly stronger than the weaker opponent and had way more battle experience. She felt a numbing pain coming from the injured leg, she stopped walking to investigate the cause of the sudden discomfort. "Stupid General...next time I see him....Oooo! He's so gonna get it!" Isral mumbled, looking at the cuts on her leg that were currently bleeding. 

Isral pulled out white bandages from her side pocket, she then slowly started to wrap the cuts with bandages until they were layered. She pulled the extra bandages to her mouth and with a strong pull, she severed the bandages from the roll. Her hands moved quickly as she started to tie the ends of the bandages and stuff them under the layers of already rapped bandages. Once the bandages were tightly packed and secured, Isral placed the remaining roll back into her pocket and continued on her journey. She could deal with the cut on her side but the leg had been starting to feel uncomfortable so that's why she had wrapped the cut.


Looking around the cabin while her companion was talking, Efert noticed that some of the cabinets and shelves were covered in dust and seriously needed to be cleaned. She could tell that this cabin did indeed hold a special place in Shinji's heart, along with the quite broke down state that the cabin was currently in. Efert thought about her options, either go out into the wild where the forest animals would constantly try to kill her, she could end up dead from her lack of experience in combat, or stay here under a nice roof that has food and a nice place to sleep with a friend and try to get to know each other better. Option number 2 was seemingly way better in her opinion than option one, she just needed a safe place to calm down in before she decided what she was going to do since her entire family had been killed. " S-Sorry for stating what I said earlier....U-Uhm...well...I was going to leave tomorrow but....I guess I could stay for a bit longer. I-I mean, I could help out around here if you want me to, I know plenty about repairing stuff that I constantly break all the time." Efert stated carefully not wanting to alarm him at all.

That little fact was true, her dad showed her how to build multiple things while he was alive when she would constantly break things around the house. She had always been this clumsy since birth, so at least some one had to show her how to fix the things that she broke. Hopefully he won't turn me down, I should probably starting thinking of a way to return the kindness that he has shown me today. I could go into the next human town and buy him something early in the morning, I heard they accept all types of currency there. Efert thought, feeling through her pockets for those small golden coins that her mother had given her. When her fingers softly touched them, she released a sigh of relief as she awaited her friend's response to her request of staying the night.


Dominik Taishi

After stepping into his own vehicle to start the motor and drive off onto the dirt road in the destination of the base that had called for the General's visit was needed. Throughout the entire ride there, Dominik had kept his arms crossed as he awaited for the arrival at the destination, the whole ride there he had focused his thoughts upon the woman named as Isral and how she was able to defend herself in such a way as well as come up with such a tactic of placing the smoke bomb and prepared a shot towards him once she had caught a glimpse of him in the end. For a mortal who held a strange amount of energy within her, she was indeed wise and truly dangerous if he had decided to take the battle any less serious than he was already to begin with. Chuckling to himself in his seat while he thought about how the woman was and how it would be whenever he had finally revealed his true self to the military; the soldier that drove the vehicle had only turned his attention over towards the General in confusion about the chuckling however kept his tongue to himself and did not question it too much.


Simply continuing on the ride to the destination, by the time Dominik and the rest of the convey had reached the base. He had been the first to step out as the other soldiers stepped out of their own vehicles, preparing their orders from the next higher up from this particular base before they immediately began all heading inside with their own gear to check on the situation of the damage that had been done. All the while, Dominik had approached one of the higher ups of the base only to be informed about the whole situation and how the damage that was done by a single intruder had been ridiculous. Following the others inside as the General and commander of this base walked side by side, Dominik had brought his attention from one side to the next as he watched the destruction he had caused upon the base; only laughing to himself mentally at how ill prepared the military of this base was against his own onslaught. The one room however that the commander seemed to had brought the General was the very same one that held the information about the weapon known as Isral where Dominik had received the information and location of the woman at the time. This time however, rather than receiving any further information about her location, he was beginning to be informed about something that the General was after all this time in the end; about how the Government had actually held the shards of the mirror that had only been stated in legends and myths. Explaining to the General about how this particular weapon was actually as strong as she was also due to the power of the shards within her, the commander apologized for the long secrecy and stated that this was a project that had been going on for quite the while by the Government and informing anyone was dangerous; explaining further into detail about who and what Isral was as well that they injected her with nearly every bit of the shards that the Government had on hand as a way to keep them protected; all that came from Dominik was utter silence for a bit. Soon enough, a grin replaced that one serious frown that he had about the damage done upon the entire facility. It was time.



Shinji Araki

After explaining the whole idea of even thinking of leaving the cabin immediately during this time of day outside in the forest, as the woman had seemed to take her attention around the cottage for a bit only to see the whole status of what the place had looked like. It had been quite embarrassing as Shinji had known all too well that his 'home' wasn't in the greatest of conditions whatsoever, however as his female friend soon stated a suggestion about her staying a little while longer than expected as she even came up with the idea of helping repair the place a bit as well; for a moment his own sapphire gaze had widen in shock at her words. "H-huh? You wish to help...repair this place...? I mean..you don't have to...it would help a lot..but but..i mean you really don't need to stress yourself out like that! I can help you if you wish...I'm not the greatest in repairing things, but I know how to hand tools and build a few things..." Stating the truth about this, Shinji had indeed known how to build things since he had built many things in this very particular cottage to help his own living state be at least a bit easier; however even though he knew how to build them, repairing was never one of his specialties since he was always getting things wrong one thing after another. Around the first time he had attempted to fix anything such as one of the cabinets he had only ended up making things worse, hence why there had been one of the cabinets completely mission the entire door.



Isral continued down the dirt path, reaching a vehicle storage building that to contains all types of vehicles such as trucks, jeeps, motorcycles, and bikes. She approached a tall oak tree surrounded by vegetation, carefully hiding behind the tree with her hair neatly out of sight. She noticed two guards, holding machine guns and what looks like an army swizz knife, positioned at the front with probably yet another two hiding somewhere within the building. Based on their weapons and their reaction speed, I can probably take them all out if I transform into her...but I will have to take the higher route. Since that idiot of a general did tell them to treat me just like him, I will gladly take this opportunity to just take a jeep then. Isral thought, coming out of her hiding place while approaching the guards at the front.

The guards instantly straighten up as soon as they saw Isral approaching with them at attention, allowing her to pass through the gate without any trouble. Inside were countless of jeeps and trucks aligned next to each other in sets of rows, this space was clearly much bigger than what it appeared it be outside. Huh, there are no other guards than the guards outside; that is strange to say the least. Seems as though, word travels fast around the military base....probably best for me not to say anything until I hit the road. She thought, looking at the many trucks that lined each other in rows. Isral selected a truck in the front row, making her way towards the truck as she still felt sudden pain coming from her leg. She carefully climbed into the driver's seat after opening up the door, surprised to find the keys still in the ignition of the car.


Efert nodded eagerly to her male friend, "Why of course! How can I repay your kindness from the bottom of your heart? By helping you around here of course!" Her tail began to wag back and forth excitedly as she started to jump up and down, almost acting like a dog when wanting something they desperately enjoy. She was acting like a puppy after seeing their master for the longest of time, she was practically jumping out of the seams of the cottage. Her eyes seemed to brighten up with "stars" in her eyes, and you could guess that an anime sparkly background accompanied her "cute" look towards Shinji. "Besides, my family always said "Repaying kindness is always top priority when begin served with the fineness wine." Don't ask me what that means, I still have no clue as to what they meant by that." Efert quickly added, giving off a confused aura around herself.

Of course, her head was still hurting a bit but by jumping up and down; it started to become numb as she focused on other things rather than focusing purely on the pain. That was the trick to lessening the pain rather than increasing the pain, by focusing on other things your mental mine will begin to distract itself from whatever is causing you discomfort. Efert was pretty handy when it came with tools so she was confident in her own abilities when it came with repairing things as much as being accident prone by breaking almost everything she touches.


Dominik Taishi

Right as he had been informed about the information this entire time that the General was after all this time had kept his human disguise against the mortals. Without so much as another waste of breath, he had simply raised a single hand upwards to reveal his palm to the higher up of the current military base. Of course, the man had only stared in confusion for a moment; however right as he let a single word leave his lips to begin the question, all that occurred right after was an immediately explosion within the room; probably blowing the man's head clean off and destroying the back portion of the room with a single second passed. Of course, due to this one explosion, the alarm immediately rung throughout the entire base as it had been built into the base as a way to act immediately upon a senor of danger in anyway. Troops in a matter of seconds immediately rushed into the room with their armor and weapons pointed in search of the danger but only found the dead commander of the base and the General. Of course, they were confused as well as they questioned the General of what had happened in the most respectful way as possible. "You foolish mortals...Even when you stare at death in the face. You still seem to never realize what danger is. Pitiful. Let me send you into sleep forevermore..." With those few words, the soldiers had only stared in further confusion as the once man known as the General simply began to remove both of his gloves from his hands and stuffing them straight into his pockets at first. Raising his bare palm towards the ground of men and women, Dominik had gripped the soldier who questioned him by the face before practically blowing the group of soldiers to pieces while burning the soldier he had held onto till his face was nothing more than a crisp.


As the sounds of screams echoed throughout the base, once he had killed those soldiers it was clear enough to the others who had their comm. radios on that the General was their enemy. With this, the man had simply began to make his way throughout the base practically slaughtering anyone and everything in his path; this barely required him to use much of any of his own energy as he had used only enough to kill the pitiful mortals who stood in his path. Soon enough however, as one of his own blasts of his dark energy went in a single direction, he had seemed to had ended up firing it towards a group of soldiers who were nearby one of the armories causing a rather large mass explosion that formed a large pitch black ball of smoke to form upwards into the sky that even could've easily been seen and heard from the forest as well.



Shinji Araki

Right as the white haired male had agreed to let the woman help repair the cottage as a way to repay him for his own kindness, simply the way she had acted right after was something rather unexpected. Blinking in confusion at first at how excited she was, he clearly didn't understand what was so great that she was going to help repair this home, of course though, this was also due to how Shinji was never too used to having any sort of company like this before. Right as the two had agreed to help rebuild this place, the last thing that was to end up being expected was the instant a loud explosion had caught his attention; wasting none of his time to rush over towards the window at the front of the cottage, the white haired male immediately took his gaze straight towards the sky only to see the large ball of black smoke rise up to the air in a rather menacing manner. Staring in utter shock and concern, he immediately brought his gaze back over towards Efert to wonder if she had known anything about it. "M-miss Efert! Would you happen to know anything about that?...Something's going on..that's not normal here in the forest..." Even as he had questioned her, although he had probably already known the answer to her question was probably going to be no anyway; it didn't hurt to question her as he immediately made his way over towards the doorway to grip a hold of his bow and quiver first. "The animals...they might be hurt...Miss Efert, I must go check on them...I will be back as soon as I possibly can. I just wish to see what that noise was and to see if anyone is hurt." Explaining his objectives  to the woman, he immediately opened the door only to immediately begin hearing the forest animals rushing in the opposite direction of the explosion, whatever or whoever had caused it was no doubt dangerous that this many were leaving their homes to get as far away as possible from that noise.

Isral turned the key in the ignition and sat back in her seat, waiting for the heat from the jeep to kick in as she was feeling strangely cold. Looking down at the ring, she noticed that the colors kept switching from a light green hue to a more warm tone of red. She felt confused, even the confusion crept itself on her face, as the color kept switching until it settled back down to it normal tone of color a light baby blue. Strange...did something happen at the stupid lab or something? Maybe I can take of the ring now. She thought, grasping the ring with her hand. She quickly tried to pull the ring off but to no avail the ring stayed out as the same blue energy pulsed through the ring, shocking Isral once more without even a single warning. Her entire body felt heavy as the energy pulsated, blue lighting could be seen from her body in those pulses. Her muscles in her arms and legs were hurting as much as her head, she could only hearing the ringing in her ears not even the engine sounds coming from the jeep. Even though her facial expression was still blank, inside her head was screaming from the magnitude of pain from the shock.

Once the heat kicked in however, against the protest of her stinging arms, Isral gripped the stirring wheel and slowly pressed on the gas pedal. The jeep lunged quickly through the garage before barreling down the road and away from the military building. As the building grew into the distance, Isral relaxed her muscles a bit and leaded back onto her chair once more. The low hum coming from the engine started to sound a bit like music towards her, maybe as a result of her ears still ringing from the shock. Suddenly the sounds of nature stopped all around her, causing her to quickly press on the break pedal in the car. Nature was never suppose to be this quiet, what is the meaning of this?  She thought looking around carefully for the cause of the distribution. Before she could find out the cause of the silence, she heard an explosion coming from the north of the position she was currently in.

The ring began to glow the same bright red and green, indicating that whatever was happening towards that direction was what the cause of the ring doing whatever it was doing. Different emotions were coming towards her, mixtures of confusion and anger were swirling inside of her. Anger towards the person that had put the supid ring on her and branded her as "his" and confusion as to why the ring was telling her to head in the direction of the explosion. This was quickly becoming a game of cat and mouse as Isral dealt with her emotions the same she deals with everything else, she shut her down. Without even feeling a thing,  Isral stepped on the gas once more towards the direction of the explosion with yet another monotone and emotionless look on her face.


"W-What was that? It sounded like an explosion..." Efert's fox-like ears perked up at the sound of the explosion, drawing her attention to where Shinji was standing at the window. Due to her race being of a kitsune, she can hear vast sounds for miles away from their original location, unconsciously of course she's not skilled enough to actually do it herself manually yet. It was tricky however because she couldn't control what sounds she could hear, making her an easy target if someone were to have a "squeaky" voice per say. She walked over to her friend near the window, her eyes fixated on the smoke coming from the direction of the explosion itself. "I haven't had the slightest clue as to what that explosion was but....I can hear people screaming." Efert shuttered, as she held her fox ears down in an attempt to block out the sounds of terrified people. Outside she could see the forest animal dart away from what danger was coming, as well as hear the sounds of their frantic calls towards each other.

Efert watched her friend as her reached for his bow and quiver, explaining that he was going to go help the forest animals that lived here. She waited there unsure of what to do, just stay there and wait for Shinji to come back after investigating or just accompany him towards the danger? So many choices and so many wrong moves I could go about this.. Efert thought looking at the dark smoke cloud once more. It wouldn't hurt to help him out, besides she wanted to be the hero this time as she dreadfully failed the last time. With as small nod to herself to approached Shinji in a firm and serious matter, "Guess we have no choice but to help. So where are we going?"


Dominik Taishi

As the sounds of the screams of soldiers, and different military personnel were slaughtered left to right by the very man that they had once considered their General and even looked up to him. Gunfire had been mixed into the screams while each time one man or woman was killed; their blood had splattered across the walls without any sense of mercy by Dominik whatsoever. Not only did this man who was once considered the General of the military had planned to destroy this entire facility but he was in search of the building to see if he could gain any further information through paperwork about the project that the mortals had spoken about on how they placed the shards of the mysterious mirror into the woman named as Isral. While he had continued to make his way further to the destination of one of the higher ups offices, a single man had been the last to be the guard in front of the office that Dominik had planned to step into; rather than firing his rifle at the once General, he had been upon his own knees staring up towards the violet haired man in fear. "B-but sir! Wh-why?!...You have fought by our side for all these years...we looked up to you as our General...wh-why do you do this to us?!" As the man pleaded, Dominik had only remained silent before reaching a single palm to place it in front of the man's face for a moment. "Because, your kind asked for this..." That being the only words to actually leave his lips before yet another massive explosion had echoed throughout the facility, forming yet another ball of black smoke to form at the top of the facility and reach to the skies. With that, out of the way; the violet haired male had simply began to make his way straight into the offices of the higher ups and began to go through files left to right to see what he could gather.



Shinji Araki

Just as the white haired male had prepared to make his leave of the cottage to head straight for the direction of the explosion and sight of the black smoke as well as to assist the animals in need. The last thing that Shinji had ended up expecting was the instant that his female companion; Efert had stated the fact of saying 'we', turning his head right over his shoulder as he strapped his quiver to his hip and his bow in hand, he would stare toward her in a slight bit of shock of how she had been acting as though she was coming along. Rather than denying the woman the idea of not coming along simply due to him knowing little to nothing about her just fully yet, Shinji had simply brought his attention back towards the exit of his cottage as he took the first step forward. "We need to help the forest animals...many of them are losing their homes because of the smoke coming into the forest. This will pollute the air and kill some of them, first we need to get some of the smoke away from spreading into the forest even more and help those that are too far into the forest to get away from the smoke. Be warned, many of the animals will fight back to avoid leaving their own homes.." As he informed the woman, just as expected; with all the smoke coming from the direction of the explosion that had been heard the corrupted creatures had also been fleeing from the sound as the male quickly raised his bow to pull back a single arrow and fire to immediately kill off one of the corrupted dark wolves who attempted to charge at Shinji and attack him.


"Be careful Miss Efert. I will be splitting up with you for this, I will help whatever animal I can, but I wish to see what the sound had come from and what is going on.." Stating this, without awaiting any further and wasting too much time to explain; Shinji simply immediately began to go off into a full sprint towards the direction of the explosion. Dashing and swerving between the tress to reach the location as quickly as he could, with the closer he had reached the destination the thicker the smoke became and the more he had to start relying on his other senses to get him through the dense forest as well as defend himself against any possible dark and corrupted creatures who enjoyed the black thickness of the smoke.

Efert walked out of the cottage doorway, carefully looking around the forest for the signs of any humans or corrupted that may have started the explosion. She had found many different creatures and animals but no humans that lurked in the forest, meaning something else had caused the explosion. Just what has caused this much pain and sorrow in this forest? If this doesn't stop soon then the animals could all die! She thought, looking up at the smoke pillar in the distance. Just as she was about to speak towards Shinji, she sensed a corrupted creature nearing them from the forest. She was going to warn him quickly, but she hadn't gotten the chance as she saw her friend immediately kill the corrupted creature using his bow. That is some real good aim...I wonder how he knew that there was a creature there She thought, looking towards his direction.

"Alright, be careful and if you need help then shout. I'll come immediately." Efert pointed to her fox ears, before darting into the trees. She carefully used her wind magic to silence her steps, not wanting to cause the corrupted creatures in the area to discover her presence. The faint smell of rabbit blood flowed into her nose, she redirected her movement towards the hurt animals. Once arriving at the location of the smell, she noticed two small white baby bunnies huddling in the truck of a tree.Scanning the forest treeline in case of any corrupted creatures that may sneak up on her, she made her way towards the hurt bunnies. The smaller of the two bunnies looked hurt, the other had no signs of being injured but Efert assumed just on the safe side to take both of them. She carefully picked up the bunnies and cradled them into her arms, making sure that each one was comfortable. With both bunnies secure, Efert started to back track her steps; hoping to arrive back at the cabin in order to treat them.


Isral pressed her foot on the gas pedal, switching the jeep into high gear as it sped down the dirt path. She made a couple of hard turns while going fast, almost at one point tipping the entire jeep over and landing in a small ditch. She arrived quickly at the base, parking the jeep beside a tall oak tree on the northern side of the building. Isral took out the key, stopping the engine, and climbing out of the jeep. Suddenly another explosion rocked the terrain from the base, Isral just had to hang onto the jeep until the rocking had stopped. Another explosion?! What are these idiots doing here? She thought, looking around the outside of the base. Everything seemed off while Isral strolled through the clearing, the smell of burning wood and charcoal smoke filled the sky.

Where are the guards stationed here anyway? Maybe I will be forced to look through the base?  These thoughts came to mind as she looked towards the doors leading into the base. She walked towards the broken ajar door, ignoring the small animals that were whimpering in the forest trees. She simply opened the door and walked into the building, stepping on glass that lined the doorway. 

Dominik Taishi

Once stepping into the offices and going through one cabinet after another, anything that had not had to do with any of the shards of the mirror or the project to make Isral were of no importance to him. Tossing multiple different things aside, each one of the guards that dared attempted to approach him or even step through the doorway was immediately shot down with a small pistol that one of the higher ups had placed underneath their desk as a precaution. As each bit of information he had gone through only gave him pointless details, soon enough Dominik had come across a file on one of the computers that had rather interested him. Scrolling and reading through the bits of information that held the details of how the shards of each mirror they received was indeed injected into this one human girl and how they had run the tests to make her the perfect killing machine was indeed something to keep track of. Finally, the last bit of information that the violet haired male had taken in was the location of the headquarters of the military and one of the major bases of operation was placed on the computer. Although the exact location and directions were not placed onto it due to it requiring high amounts of security access, it at least pointed out a large range of locations of where his next destination could be located.


With this knowledge, Dominik had simply nodded his head before fully standing up to burn and destroy all bits of information that was still left within the room he was within. Stepping out of the large flames of the remains of the offices, he had simply began to make his way to leave the facility immediately. Ignoring the bodies that had been scattered across the floor, both remains of body parts as well as those who were suffering severe wounds after the explosions and attacks they were never expecting from someone like him. As the violet ex-general had neared the exit though, the sounds of footsteps had began approaching his location, although with barely any fear of anyone really being much of a threat to him; Dominik simply continued on his way forward until the sight of none other than Isral had came into view. Letting a sly smirk spread across his lips, rather than coming to any halt whatsoever he simply continued to progress his way towards her without end. Clearly enough, she would probably have millions of questions for him but yet he only placed a hand onto her shoulder before patting it and continuing his way forward. "Ah, you poor child. Do not worry, they're all dead. They will never be able to hurt you again." As he stated this with a low whisper while he passed by her with his palm finally releasing her shoulder; the next thing that came into view this time however was rather unexpected. Another male and rather unfamiliar strange one.


Shinji Araki

Knowing well enough that his new female companion was well trusted enough to be able to assist the forest animals, Shinji was able to fully focus on reaching the location of the source of the disaster without too much concern other than the corrupted creatures of the forest. As he had drawn closer and closer to his destination and the smoke only grew thicker, the white haired male was forced to pull his hood all the more further over his face to make sure to keep the debris and fragments of any destruction coming from that location out of his face. Finally though, once Shinji had ended up reaching the exit of the forest only to come to a full halt in front of what seemed to be a large military structure that had multiple parts of the building destroyed and forming smoke from all over, the only thing that Shinji could do in response was remain silent with his eyes widen in utter shock. How long had this place been near the forest and why did he never notice it before, making sure not to lose focus of what was going on; the hooded male only clenched his bow all the more tightly as he progressed into the large open grounds of the crumbling military facility. Darting his gaze from one side to the next only to find the corpses of mortal soldiers left and right, this was not was he had been expecting to see.


Once reaching near one of the main buildings though, Shinji had immediately come to a halt as one man came stepping out with violet hair. Rather than immediately raising his bow to aim towards the unknown stranger, Shinji could easily feel the energy that this unknown man had given off and could only stare in utter shock for a moment. Remaining silent for another few seconds or so, the hooded male soon shook off his shock before tightening his fist both onto one of his arrows within his quiver but as well onto the handle of his bow at once. "Who are you?! Whats going on here?!" As he had demanded an answer from the violet haired male, the only response that was given was a low chuckle before the strange man had approached with a shake of his head. "You are no mortal child, stand down. I have no quarrel with you, leave this place." Those being the only words to leave the strange man's lips as the mere pressure of the man's presence near Shinji had nearly caused the hooded male to collapse to start vomiting from how dark his own power was overwhelming the young phoenix.

Isral looked around the hallway carefully not to step on any of the glass that was spiraled over the floor, not wanting to alert the thing or person that had caused the damage in the first place. She had begun to ponder if she would have to flush out the creature that may have killed the soldiers or just wait for it to show up. Isral didn't have to wait long as she noticed a male starting to walk down the hallway opposite of her, her face erected a calm mood as she watched him. Once the entire male had walked into her view, she recognized the male as the person that had humiliated her on the battlefield hours prior to coming here. Anger flared in her eyes as she looked at him, to her surprise Dominik had placed his hand on her shoulder. "Oh really? Why is that you killed them?" That was her only reply a she looked around the room, seeing just how much damage the so called General had insured on the place. She still had tons of the questions flying though her mind but she mentally bit her tongue and just stared at him briefly. 

The entire base smelled and looked like a disaster, there wasn't a spot anywhere that wasn't either painted red with blood or covered in rubble from the explosions. "They weren't the ones that were causing the pain in the first place." Isral mumbled as he removed his hand from her shoulder. She then turned her body towards Dominik's direction, unconsciously staring at his figure. Yet another unknown figure had appeared outside the base, Dominik and the other male seemed to not know each other but it was difficult to describe the relationship right now. Maybe they  were just pretending to be on bad terms until she left or they truly didn't know who each other was and met here at the same time? Isral had no clue of telling, besides the answer would soon show itself in the moments that were to come. All she had to do was wait patiently for those two males to be finished and then her turn to finally get some answers from the stupid general.


Efert ran across the forest floor with the two bunnies in her arms, making sure not to drop them while running back. She made sure not to step or trip on any of the tree branches and boulders that were lining the forest floor. She noticed the smell of corrupted creatures that were in front of the way that she was heading, Efert increased her speed towards a clearing. Once she gained enough speed, she placed all of her weight on one side of her leg as she lifted off the ground with that foot that had the most pressure. She made sure that the weight of her two packages weren't slipping out of her hands, as she jumped into the sky, avoiding the corrupted creatures that were below her. She landed on the ground without a scratch on the bunnies nor her body, the corrupted creatures hadn't noticed that she was even there which was good for her.

The cottage seemed like a safe place to put the bunnies, so she decided to treat them there before running back out. With that in mind, Efert ran once more towards the destanation she had in mind ever since she was entrusted with the task from Shin. "Don't worry your little heads, I'll take care of you once we reach a safe place." Efert whispered towards the shaking bunnies. The bunnies seemed to understand her words as they nuzzled against her arms and made a bit of a cat's purring sound towards her. She managed to get to the cottage, Efert had kicked open the door and placed the bunnies carefully on the table. She quickly turned around on her heel and slammed the wooden door behind her, after checking to see if the creatures had followed her, turning her attention towards the bathroom. 


Dominik Taishi

As the unknown male who Dominik had clearly realized well enough that he was not human, had questioned the violet haired man. The ex General could only shake his head and continue making his way passed Shinji who was clearly enough in not condition to be up for any battle. Although the hooded male had shown the intention of fighting, Dominik was easily able to tell that if he had began to fight; the hooded male would easily be killed and that was not what the violet haired man had planned to do; his only enemy was humanity itself due to what they had done and how they had treated his kind long ago. Without another word, the ex General simply began to approach Shinji before simply making his way right on pass him without another word.

Knowing all too well that Irsal had no doubt many questions for Dominik, it was completely to her own decision what she was planning on doing with what she had just seen. Whether she was going to follow him and question him, run away to get away from the military or to join the mortals to inform them of what happened to get vengeance on him. Whatever the case was, it was none of his problems at the moment; for now, his main priority was to reach the headquarters of the military to get further information of where the labs were exactly to know where they had done the testing and experimenting on the very woman. If he had could fully locate that, then he could get further information about where the mortals had been gaining this many shards of the legend of the mirror to help Dominik on his own search as well.


Moments into his own walking after passing the hooded inhuman male, the sudden sounds of whirling blades soon caught his attention. Raising his gaze upwards towards the brightening sky as the morning slowly but surely came; in mere seconds a large helicopter had began to descend as it shined a large bright light down onto the entire area to notice Irsal, the hooded male as well as Dominik; otherwise known as the ex General. As the helicopter hovered there, another male voice came over the speaker of the helicopter as it demanded for the trio to get down onto their knees and place their hands behind their heads or they would open fire on all of them. The entire time with this in sight, Dominik could only rub the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he clenched his own right fist; sparks of black electricity flowed around his fist as he was prepared to fire the blast and destroy the helicopter if they even dared to speak to him in such a way again.




Shinji Araki

Standing before the unknown male figure, Shinji had continued to clench his own bow as well as the arrow firmly as his urges to shoot the man had been high but for some strange reason; the presence of him still kept Shinji to resist doing anything in the end. When the violet haired male began to approach him and finally ended up passing, Shinji could only remain still without another word as he kept his face still directed in the same direction as always. Even once the strange female had made an appearance, all the hooded male could do was still keep his gaze focused forward for another moment or so.

It wasn't until the sudden sounds of the whirling blades and male echoing voice coming from behind did Shinji actually turn around and bore witness to the sight of a large flying machine before them all. Without a second to waste, rather than just standing around; the hooded male simply pulled back a single arrow and immediately fired it towards the helicopter to break it's light that had been viewing over the trio. It wasn't as though the hooded male was planning on killing anyone but it wasn't like he was about to let himself be captured by humans and end up risking something terrible happen to him; besides, he had practically promised to his new female friend that he would be back no matter what happened anyway; he wasn't about to break that.

Isral watched Dominik say something to the new person, before walking past him like he had done to her earlier. Apparently they hadn't known each other but that doesn't explain as to why Dominik had destroyed the entire base or what was so important here to kill everyone here for? These questions kept popping into her head, Isral still didn't like the fact that she was becoming more.... "human". Suddenly the sound of helicopter blades became louder as it appeared in front of the military base, ordering everyone there to put the hands on thier heads. These people! How DARE they just show up here? What are they trying to do here?! Isral thought as she just bluntly looked up at the helicopter. There could be two options that would occur here, the ex general Dominik would blast the helicopter out the sky but that would lead to the whole army to be after them. The other option was to bluff why they were all here and hopefully the crew up there were idiots and believed their story.

Isral walked up towards Dominik, stepping in between the helicopter's view and Dominik's view as well. With a deep breathe, she turned her body towards the helicopter while keeping her hands by her side. She opened her mouth and began to spoke them in a mature tone of voice, it was hard to believe that the voice coming out was belonging to the girl, she sounded exactly like a military officer. "Woah Woah! Everyone calm down now, I believe we have a misunderstanding here. I came to investigate the cause of the explosion here, assigned by the governor himself. These two are my assistance, Tom and Davis." Isral smiled while flashing Dominik and the new person looks, hopefully they would play along. If they know whats good for them hopefully...then everyone here could come out unscathed even before more bloodshed. Isral thought while keeping her eyes on the helicopter.

Efert began to tend to the rabbit's needs, making sure that they had enough water to drink while she cleaned their wounds. She went into the kitchen and fetched out two small silver bowls, turning the sink on and started filled them with water. Once that was filled up, she brought the water to the bunnies for them to drink. They must  have been really thirsty. She thought while watching them immediately start to lick down the water. She began to gently pet the ends of the larger bunny's ears then continued to watch them in case they would need anything more. Efert still smelled the fresh blood coming from the bunny, she would soon have to clean the wound before unwanted visitors wander into the area. "It'll be ok soon, just let me patch you up a bit." She explained to the bunnies while laying them on their side on the table.

Efert then walked to the bathroom down the hall, swiftly turning on the lights before closing the door behind herself. She noticed a towel on the ends of a small metal pipe mounted on the wall, she grabbed the towel then turned on the water, letting the towel become wet. After turning off the running water, her hands then reached for the wet towel and began to drain the remaining water out. Efert opened the bathroom door behind her, swiftly turning off the light, and walked back to the table. She then grabbed the injured bunny and began to wipe the area that was saturated in blood, occasionally stopping so that the pain wouldn't get any worse for the forest animal. Once all the blood was gone, she used a bandage that was laying around in the cottage and placed it on the injured area. "There all-" Efert was interrupted when she heard the blades of a helicopter buzzing in the air around the area. Where is that noise going? She thought as the noise began to go farther and farther away from the cottage itself.

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Dominik Taishi

Standing before the large helicopter as it whirled it's blades in circles overhead, the ex General; Dominik had continued to build up his own dark electrical blast within the palm of his hand to prepare to shoot down the entire machine itself. As the same voice from the helicopter that spoke the first time spoke yet again to demand for identification as well as purpose for what the trio were doing there and finally what had happened, the only thing Dominik continued to do in the end was remain silent rather than give a full answer. Knowing well enough that if he were to even blast his attack and possibly miss the target, if the helicopter were to shoot back; even if it were to hit him, he would be completely fine but whether or not the other two would be okay or not was not in his current state of mind.


"Foolish mortals..." Those being the only words that Dominik would whisper underneath his breath; right as he was prepared to blast down helicopter though, he was immediately halted as the sudden sight of Isral deciding to stand in the path between himself and the military helicopter. Listening as the woman spoke to the troops within the helicopter, he would remain silent for another few moments before slipping his electrical fist into his pocket to hide the threat. As she spoke, he awaited for a moment to stare up at the helicopter who questioned both Dominik and the other male if this was true; mentally sighing to himself, he would simply nod his head. Of course, he was planning on infiltrating the main base of where the Government was to begin with anyway; but to have the entire military after him immediately at the time being was probably not the best of ideas just yet. "Indeed. It is true, we had heard a distress call as well as the sight of smoke in the middle of our mission and came to investigate to see what had gone on. We came and only ended up seeing nothing more than this destruction without any survivors."


 Shinji Araki

Standing before the duo as well as the large flying machine while he kept his grip still firm onto the arrow and bow the entire time, the hooded male only kept to himself as he was completely confused about what was going on and just who these people were all together. The last thing he had ended up expecting was the instant that the woman that had been there as well had decided to approach the large flying machine just to speak to the helicopter as she brought up the reason for the trio being there but as well as giving Shinji a different name as well. It had seemed although he may not had known either of these two people, they seemed to had been willing to help calm the situation rather than make it into a full out battle between them and the machine. Rather than disagreeing to make things complicated; the hooded male simply nodded his head to also agree to what the unknown violet haired male had also stated as well. Honestly, Shinji wasn't too sure what to exactly say since he had barely been aware about the fact there was this large facility here in the forest to begin with; what was he supposed to say to make it more convincing.


Once those within the helicopter had received the reasoning and identification they requested, rather than replying; they would simply begin to ascend upwards from their hovering position before immediately flying off into the far distance to continue their recon of the entire area of the distress call that was made about the facility that had just been blown. All the while, right after the flying machine had left; Shinji had began to loosen his grip onto his arrow but kept his grip still firm onto the bow in case of anything unexpected had decided to make an appearance, such as the possible thought that due to the massive amounts of smoke the corrupted creatures of the forest might possibly take advantage of the situation to try and swarm the entire base. However, until then; he awaited to see how the two before him were going to react about the whole thing going on.

Isral let out a sigh of relief, that she didn't know she was holding, when the helicopter pilots decided to believe them on their lie. She could feel the eyes of the others around her track the helicopter, waiting to see if it would attack them. Nothing happened to the unsurprising expression that was of Isral, people were just that big of idiots sometimes. Watching the helicopter fly off into the distance, her mind tracked back as to why she was there in the first place."Now that's out the way...tell me what you were doing here." She immediately turned around to face Dominik, disgust flashed in her eyes. Isral was rather displeased with this entire thing, even though the people here were all weaklings. Just the thought of someone destroying an entire military was quite an amazing feat, however this general was just a high type of annoyance towards her.

She kept a emotionless face however, glancing at the other male briefly before looking back at Dominik. Who exactly was this person and why was he here in the first place? It didn't matter to her, she wouldn't bother with stupid people that wander into the forest. Instead of wanting to know why for fallen soldier's benefit, she wanted to know for her own as for the reasons why he attacked here. Isral hates when people stick their noses into other people's business, she hardly had any privacy in the first place back at the lab. Besides, she wanted to demand respect from Dominik after what happened earlier during their fight. "Hm, however. That was very strange that they chose to believe me....something's wrong. It's too quiet." Isral looked around, the sounds of the forest had become quiet. She didn't hear any of the animals that were previously here, something was going on here and she had to be prepared for anything.


Efert was busy with helping the animals, that she could find around the surrounding area. From what  she could tell from the mood of the bunnies, they were happy but still in pain. There was nothing Efert could do to help them anymore, except change their bandages every so hours. Efert made her way to the door, pausing to look back at the bunnies before opening the door. A gust of wind mixed with scents of a human flowed into her nose, this peeked her interest even more. It was a strange smell, the scent smelled of a mixture of earth, dirt, and a hint of strange fresh ice. Last time she checked, this was summer and not winter so where did that other scent come from? She knows that she should go get more animals but there was no way that she was going to pass this opportunity to make another friend. Besides, along the way she could stop and gather even more animals as she followed the scent anyway.

Efert looked around, time seemed to slow down as she glanced to the right. She saw long elegant blue hair belonging to a tall female, wearing as to what looked like a uniform. Unconsiously, Efert shuttered and looked away from the person. Whoever that was, they gave her the freights right off the back, she didn't want to run into them again. She shook her head, Probably the trick of light, there's no one with that much of an aura. "Oh, are you both doing a bit better?" She asked the bunnies, not looking in their direction as she was concerned with what she just saw. Who was that just now?  She was slightly distracted from the smell of another person, this was quite new for someone to venture here. "Cya later. I'll be back in a little while." Efert told the bunnies, closing the door behind her. She shivered once more while thinking, I really have a bad feeling about this....


Dominik Taishi

After the helicopter had finally decided to take it's leave, the ex-General had planned to also do just the same and take his own leave of the area before any other problems had decided to make their appearance around the area that would delay his own increasing process of reaching the headquarters location that he had received within the facility. Rather than even beginning to make his way anywhere however, once the helicopter had taken it's leave; the sudden sight of how Isral had taken her gaze onto him in such a way before questioning him would only cause the violet haired male to rub his own temple to figure out how to word what he was doing. "If you honestly believe, that I did all of this for no reason whatsoever or this was all for you in anyway; you are sadly mistaken Miss Isral. You barely even understand who I am let alone what I am. Your kind, these...humans, they are nothing more than heartless beings who hold no remorse for what--" Right the middle of his words, Dominik had come to a halt only due to the sudden change in temperature of the surrounding area.


Raising his hand up to his face level, the ex-General had only sighed out a single breath as the once warm and decent level of temperature of the area had now turned nearly frozen cold as he was even able to see his breath by this point in time. Letting a low chuckle leave his lips as he had easily well figured out who this being was that had been approaching, Dominik had only slipped his hands straight into his pockets as he closed his eyes to await for her own appearance. "Come on out, I know you're here. Stop trying to act all 'cool' and show yourself for once." Making the slightest humoring joke about stating the being trying to be 'cool' due to her ice manipulation, he awaited for the very being that was approaching the entire time. The one other person within the military that Dominik actually knew well enough that if he ever had to do battle with her, it was not going to be as easy as it was with any ordinary soldier or even army of soldiers. No matter the case though, they were still human and there was no chance that Dominik was about to let himself be captured or killed by any human any day soon.


 Shinji Araki

Standing before the duo who continued to remain in front of him that seemed more interested in one another than even really caring too much for Shinji's presence in the same area they were at; by the time the flying machine had decided to leave the area, the hooded male simply began to lower his bow from it's aimed position rather than firing it towards the machine. Standing before the duo for another moment or so, he had listened in on their conversation for another few moments before the sudden sensation of cold had began to overwhelm Shinji's entire body, gasping lowly to the quick change in temperature, the hooded male had only taken his gaze down onto his arms as he could see the cold growing stronger by the second till even small bits of frost had formed over the top of his own sleeve of his shirt. Arching a brow in question of what was causing this, he soon wiped off the frost while shifting his own gaze at his surroundings on trying to figure out who or what was causing such a drastic change to occur. For the time being, until he could locate the source of the high amounts of cold; the only thing that had kept him from allowing his body to become frozen was him simply increasing the temperature of his core body from his own phoenix capabilities.


While awaiting for the presence or whoever or whatever was causing the cold temperature to draw closer, Shinji had kept his own guard him as his gaze never seemed to had left the duo who stood there before him still. Just because they weren't directing their attention to him at the moment; his own gaze never left the duo the entire time in case whatever that had been approaching was possibly on their side or on the same side as the flying machine that had just left earlier.

Isral rolled her eyes at Dominik's answer, pausing to glance at the woods in case the mysterious person would show up. Too many things had happened today and she was just sick of all the intrusion upon her life. Besides, after all this she still hasn't figured out herself what in the hell was going on nor actually completed her mission yet. "My my, look what we have here. Now is that any way to treat a woman, General? Cut the girl some slack shall we?" The voice echoed from across the field, almost like a whisper then vanishing after speaking.  She had heard the voice, cold and distant, it sounded much like her own but a bit more....chilling. The figure or rather female walked into view, leaving a trail of frost bite behind on the grass. There is only one person in the military that could create this much magic in mere seconds, the Southern General leading the Navy; Esdeath, Death's Whisper. Isral thought, looking at the female.

"Esdeath." Isral growled in her direction, Esdeath seemed to not be bothered by the little display Isral was showing. Ever since her last mission, she and Isral have never gotten along; even attempted to kill each other at one point. "Why is it I can't seem to get a break?...I mean, I did give you a favor just now." Esdeath motioned towards the direction in which the helicopter flew away. "I really didn't need your help nor did I ask for it. What do you want?" Isral took one step forward, threatening Esdeath with just a glance. There was clearly history between the two, however it was more like bad history rather than actual good history. "That's no need to be on alert....Dog. Run along back to your master, the adults have to talk about things that don't concern little puppies like you." Esdeath turned her attention to Dominik, she clearly had the upper hand if the two of them would start fighting.

"You know what....I'm going home." Isral stated, clearly annoyed by the Ice General, when she felt the ring emit a low blue as if a warning. The governor must not be happy at this point, when he sent one of the 4 most powerful generals to investigate. Great...just great.. She thought, feeling the trickle of energy pulsate from the ring yet again. Without much of a thought, Isral turned around and started walking into the forest leaving behind the others.


Efert made sure that none of the corrupted creatures were around when she left the cottage, she was for certain that she felt something wrong. Hopefully nothing happened to Shinji. She thought, looking up at the sky's direction where he went. Efert shook her head away from those thoughts and instead started to run into the forest once again. The sounds of the corrupted beast were getting louder as she paused to listen to her surrounding. Suddenly a wolf type corrupted beast emerged from the bushes, intended to scratch Efert's throat. She quickly blocked the attack, bringing her leg up to the creature in on swift motion. The creature howled in pain as the kick connected to his skull, sending the creature into the tree stump a few feet away from where the kitsune stood.

That should slow him down for awhile, now to go rescue more animals. Efert thought, seeing as the creature was not getting up quickly. She backed up before running straight at the animal, the creature stared wide eyed at the female whom currently wasn't stopping. With one steady pounce, she jumped onto the creature's head, using that as a leap pad, she jumped onto a tree branch. She began to jump from branch to branch, figuring out that it would be more quicker than running on the forest floor. The temperature around her still felt cold, however it wasn't as cold as when that female passed the cottage earlier. The female began to pick up her feet faster, making sure that she wouldn't attract anymore creatures along the way.

Dominik Taishi

Standing there before the cold chills of the remains from the military base that had slowly but surely started to lose it's flames and such from the destruction due to the cold chills freezing nearly all of the surroundings over; the dark haired ex-general stood silent before the incoming obvious threat. As the first words to come from the direction of the arrival were that of treating a woman with a bit more 'slack' and such. The sound of the female voice was enough to guarantee that the being that was arriving was indeed the very person that Dominik had believed it to be. Esdeath. As she had walked out from the very darkness of the forest only to approach the trio, without so much as a word to her; the first to speak up immediately seemed to had been none other than the one that held the most problematic issues with the General of the Navy; Isral. Watching as the two females spoke to one another only to end up having the younger female immediately begin walking right off towards the direction of the forest to refuse to continue coversing with Esdeath.
For now, the male ex-general was going to have to let the female go and focus on exactly what the reason for the general of the navy was doing here at this place now. Dominik held no fear whatsoever to the navy's general in anyway, so as he stood before her power; he simply slipped both of his palms into his pockets before only leaning to one side to keep his gaze fully focused upon the woman before him. "So, what brings you out here, Esdeath? Surely, you don't mean to tell me anyone in there had the time to call for your assistance hm?" As he questioned the woman before him, he kept little mind to no care whatsoever about the other male who had already run off by this point in time. Although he held no fear towards this woman, it hadn't changed the fact that she was still a high threat that would still put up quite a difficult fight if he were not to pay attention to each of her movements at the immediate moment.

Shinji Araki

All the while, as the area had grown colder and colder by the second; the young male known as Shinji was slowly but surely forced to continue increasing his own flame heat over his entire body to make sure that he wouldn't end up catching frost bite just from the increasing temperature drop. Although he increased it further, the hooded male's gaze had constantly shifted to his surroundings as he had noticed as the corpses as well as the surrounding metal of the facility was starting to freeze over and soon beginning to form even snow around the area. It was only a matter of time that the source of this cold had began to make it's appearance before the trio as it had appeared to had been a woman that the duo before him had known quite well as it appeared to be. Truly, just from the sight of how the two females spoke to one another and finally having the other male starting to speak to this cold emitting woman; it showed quite easily that these people weren't exactly someone that Shinji would want to get into the middle of if they started battling one another, at least, not if he was unprepared as he was now.
While the group before him spoke to one another, the hooded male had taken this chance he had to sneak off to the side and immediately hop over the nearby wall to make sure that he would be able to escape at least slightly undetected. His job that he stated he was going to do was close enough to completed, he stated that he wished to figure out what had caused all that smoke, and he did; it wasn't exactly something he was intending to see, but he saw what caused it alright. Now, it was time to get back to the cottage to see if his female companion, Efert was alright. The entire time Yukito had began rushing back to the cottage through the snow covered tracks due to the cold emitting woman, his thoughts constantly shifted back to those people he had just met; concerning that if things didn't go too well with them, whatever would happen, would most likely cause even further damage then what was already caused.
Isral made no time to waste as she quicken her pace away from the area, the dampened grass behind her began to frost over like a glaze. She wasn't going to stick around the ice prick and get hypothermia from the general, she had already dealt with that before and from her experiences it was not fun. Of course, the military had to send that wench....I would have taken the fire general or even the wind general over Esdeath any day. The white haired girl thought, looking back at the way she came. She was currently now out of ear shot of the group, however that didn't mean that Esdeath came alone without reinforcements.

Isral scanned her surroundings carefully, everything still felt out of the ordinary however it wasn't like when Esdeath was near her. Sighing, Isral pressed the stone on the ring, the ring beeped several times before it began to emit a light blue halo screen. The screen displayed a pin, she carefully started typing on the pop-up keyboard to input the code. On the screen displayed her information, such as her status on her health, her location, and the location of anything in the surround area.

Isral began to flick through the screens, until she found the service button, which allowed her to call the governor in "emergency" situations. This was mostly locked unless authorized by the other generals or commanded by the higher ups that were looking over her. Her hand slightly hesitated as she stared at the button with hatred, a sigh escaping her lips. Isral flicked the screen again, now displaying a map of vehicles in the area. She turned the screen off and started to walk in the direction of the nearest vehicle in the vicinity.

Efert continued to jump from the tree branches, her fox like ears currently scanning the path ahead. Snow had started to fall around her, it was a strange splenetic to watch in the middle of summer. Moments ago, the sun was beating down at the forest, now its almost as if an angry blizzard decided to show up and cause trouble. Is this normal for snow to fall when it was such a hot day moments ago? She thought, pausing to look at the snow flakes. Through the cold surrounding her, she could feel the bitterness of winter start to take hold. The snow glittered across the branches and eventually onto the freshly green leafs on the trees.

As Efert breathed in and out, she could see her crystallized breathe whiten even more. Her thoughts creeped back to the mysterious blue haired female she had seen earlier in the day. Maybe this has a connection to why it suddenly started snowing here? This thought would have to wait for now, she decided when she spotted a baby bird in the snow. She carefully hopped down from the tree branch and scooped up the bird, placing it in her pocket where it would be much warmer than in her hands.
Nothingness Nothingness

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