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Into The Broken Mirror (Happydeath & Mena)

Dominik Taishi & Esdeath
Standing before the female General, Dominik had continued to await for a response to his question only to end up receiving nothing more than a laughter coming from the female standing before him. Brushing her own hair out of her face, Esdeath had simply taken a slight stance to shift her weight to one side as her crystal blue gaze scanned the area for a moment. "Of course not poor little Dommy. With all the noise you made in there, did you think no one would know? Honestly, did you think everyone is as stupid and simple minded as you? Heh, as soon as you made the first kill; we were already aware and on our way here." As the woman stated her words in plural form as though there were more people besides herself, the male ex-General only arched a brow while he listened to the woman. "What do you mean...'we'." Just as he questioned her, the last thin expected was the instant multiple men and women dressed in all black combat uniform with different sorts of weapons each began to step out from the forest and straight into the courtyard of what remained of the military base. Esdeath knew well enough that if she attempted to do battle with Dominik on her own, the fight would drag out too far and she'd end up having to use up far too much energy to fight against another General; especially since she was also one of the people that was completely unaware that Dominik had powers that made him clearly a threat.
The sight of all these soldiers before him only caused the ex-General to let a low chuckle leave from his lips as each of the soldiers glanced at one another as though they were confused about why he was not in fear or attempting to surrender at the sight that he was clearly outnumbered and outgunned. "Do you honestly believe that these people will stand any sort of chance against me Esdeath? You might as well have sent them to their own graves." As he spoke, the female General simply smirked before calling forth the first strike of shots from the frontal assault team as they each fired their weapons; however rather than being bullets to attempt to kill the General, each of the guns had shot out hooks and restraining wires as they coiled around Dominik's own arms, and legs to try and bring him down to the floor to be subdued for the time being. Of course, due to being unaware of this type of weapon, he was caught off guard and was nearly easily pinned straight to the ground immediately.

Shinji Araki
Finally, being able to escape the strange facility and the sight of both the even stranger male as well as the ice woman that just made her appearance, the hooded male was able to begin rushing his way through the dense forest that seemed to still hold the dark and corrupted creatures that roamed the area still. Luckily, with the strange appearance of the ice woman in the area; many of those corrupted creatures remained out of sight due to the white mist of the frozen air around them making the once dark forest just slightly brighter. Clearly enough, that woman must've made her way through the forest and had to make some light to keep herself from being attacked by the corrupted creatures. For now though, this was a good thing since it allowed Shinji to have a straight path to rush towards his cottage to check on his female companion and to see if she was even there or if she was still out in the forest looking around for injured animals.
In mere moments, with the straight path forward to the cottage, the hooded male was able to eventually return to his small home in a matter of minutes rather than having to go all around the forest to avoid full out confrontations with the corrupted creatures. Once returning into the wooden cottage, his own dark gaze had scanned the interior of his home to see if his companion had returned from her search yet. "Efert?" Calling out within the interior of the cottage, with the visit of the ice woman; the interior of the cottage had become much colder than it normally would've been, even if it wasn't winter yet. Although with his own flames of his body, he felt little bits of the cold; without an answer, it clearly stated that Efert was probably still out there in search for the injured animals, so as he continued to wander within his home, the sight of a couple of different animals injured and already patched up was the first to catch his attention; noticing how they shivered in cold, the young male watched in concern for a few moments. "Do not worry little ones. Efert will be back soon. Let me warm the area for you." With those few words, slowly enough; Shinji would've fully stood up straight once more; shutting both of his eyes he had made sure to concentrate on his own phoenix flame heat within himself to build up the energy enough so that he would be able to release it all out at once but without the need of releasing flames at once as well.
Seconds right after gathering his own energy, the hooded male would reopen his own gaze only to end up revealing his once dark hues to be a completely all orange and reddish color as he released out his heat in a large wave across the entire cottage to melt out the ice from within and around the entire small building in an instant. The once cold cottage from the interior had now turned into full warmth and the icicles that hung from the exterior of the cottage had all melted and giving a much more comfortable warmth all around just the building. The small animals that were once shivering had now been bouncing around and hopping around the cottage in happiness that they were no longer injured as bad and now even comfortably warm as well, this leaving Shinji to chuckle as he stood around the small animals to watch them bounce around happily.
Efert cuddled the baby bird, using one of her hands, making sure the bird's head down as they jumped from tree branch to tree branch. She had to make sure that the bird wouldn't be scooped up by the rushing wind and brought down to the ground where the corrupted beasts were. Her surroundings were getting worse by the second, now the snow had started to become a blizzard in a few moments. The ground was no more visible but however, in the trees Efert was able to see her way around much better. Suddenly the tree branch from under her snapped, sending her plummeting into the snow banks on the ground.

Efert tumbled onto the ground and began to roll into a pile of snow, hitting her head onto a well covered rock. She groaned in pain, feeling blood run down her forehead. She immediately checked on the baby bird that laid in her pocket, the bird began to tweet happily at the female. Hopefully Shinji isn't buried in all this snow! I do hope that my friend isn't in danger or anything. She thought, looking at the snow covered branches. The cold had gotten worse around her, she was frightened when she saw her frostbitten hands.

All this snow and cold weather had given her frost bite, her fingers were starting to feel numb and icy when she tried to move them. "Just great...." Efert said under her breath as she looked up at the snow stricken sky. The weather had gotten so bad in a matter of seconds, that it was hard to move without ending up getting lost in the snow.

Isral waited patiently for the arrival of her motorcycle, leaning against the tree as she stared at the sky. The clouds seemed to start to darken due to Esdeath's power, however this was not any of her concern for the moment. Feeling as her legs were getting tired from all this standing up, she began to walk towards a rock and took a seat. As she was sitting on the rock, her thoughts drifted back to what had happened earlier that day. Dominik had caused so much trouble to her, she was complicating whether or not to go back in that direction and demand another answer from the male.

While in deep thought, she heard her motorcycle roar down the path, making it's way towards her location. The motorcycle didn't seem to stop as she signaled the button from her ring, instead it began to speed up towards her. Isral stood up, looking at the speeding motorcycle in front of her. She pressed the button again and dodged in time as it sped directly into a tree and crashed. The bike ignited and smoke began to rise into the air once more. That was my favorite bike! Isral thought, looking at the column of smoke rising into the air.
Shinji Araki

Pacing around the interior of the wooden cottage while he awaited for his female companion; Efert to return from her searching for the injured animals of the forest. The young male had made sure that he was preparing some food for her from the meat that he had planned to had cooked earlier before the whole event of the large explosion and sight of smoke in the distance caught his attention and drew it elsewhere. Spending several minutes taking his time to cook the food properly, no signs of the woman returning let alone any notice of her energy drawing closer seemed to catch his attention; this only bringing further concern as he eventually turned his head towards the direction of the window to check if he could see anything through the massive blizzard going on outside. Sadly enough, the only thing that could be seen was nothing more than just white as the snow blew through the air at a constant rush without end. "What is taking her so long...? Did she get caught by the corrupted creatures..? Or did the storm catch her?" Questioning the possibilities, both of which weren't exactly the greatest thing. In a matter of minutes, as the sight of yet another trail of black smoke had began to rise up into the air caught his gaze; Shinji's own gaze had widened in shock as he quickly rushed his way straight over towards the doorway immediately. Concern that the smoke had to do something with Efert, Shinji had wasted no time to bolt out of his own home after closing the door so that the rabbits did not hop out of the cottage; rushing through the dense snow covered forest, the one thing that kept him warm throughout the rush was his own flaming aura that he kept emitting throughout his body, luckily; not being near the ice woman was able to make it so that Shinji's own flames were not too affected that they would go out just from the winds and extreme cold conditions.
Whilst his rushing towards the sight and scent of the smoke; it took mere minutes for the signature of Efert's energy to catch his attention as he quickly halted in the middle of his running only to direct his full attention towards the sense of where he had noticed his female companion coming from. Once more, without wasting anytime; rather than going forward towards the smoke even more, Shinji went straight for the energy signature of Efert. Eventually arriving towards his destination and finding that his female companion had been on the floor with her head bleeding; the sounds of growling and snarling by the nearby corrupted creatures easily made the area unsafe for stalling to do any medical assistance to her. "Miss Efert! A-are you alright?!" Questioning her, it took little time once Shinji had kneeled beside her that the sight of her change in color of her hands had been that of frostbitten; things were getting worse by the second and if something wasn't done immediately, she'd lose her hands.

Shaking his head immediately at the thought of this, Shinji soon enough stood back up before taking in a deep breath for a mere moment. Normally enough, Shinji would never do such a thing for a stranger whether they were friends or not; although he wasn't about to lose someone that he had just made friends with again, he had lost too much already and while his race was on the verge of extinction, he wasn't about to let someone who offered help to die on him as well. For a moment after taking in his deep breath, in mere seconds; the once dark gaze of the male had turned into a fiery orange and red as he brought his full gaze down towards Efert from where he stood. "Miss Efert...if you could, I ask of you this favor...do not tell anyone of what you are about to see..." With those few words, without so much as the slightest warning a massive wave of heat and flames quickly engulfed over the forest practically melting away a large portion of the snow around the surrounding area while making sure to turn the corrupted creatures to ash whilst keeping the trees and nature along with his female companion protected from the flame. The once frozen land had turned into what had been easily felt as a warm summer day.
Where the male known as Shinji once stood was now replaced with what had appeared to had been a massive flaming bird as it flapped it's own wings while letting out a screech that echoed far across the land; the flaming bird's size reached far well above the trees and although it's body was engulfed in flames, the fire that surrounded it's body did not seem to burn away any of the leaves of the trees or any forest animals such as other birds or anything else.
Soon enough, while the bird finally came to it's full composure, it had lowered it's head down towards the level of where the female known as Efert had been; revealing it's feathery throat to the woman while it's flaming orange and red hues remained focused onto her, almost as though it were telling her to get on.

Dominik & Esdeath

After being caught nearly off guard by the guards that had shot the strange weapons that pinned the ex-general to the ground; the dark haired male would only lay there while his gaze was locked upwards towards the many guards that began to approach him. Although he had not stated anything about being caught off guard like so, Esdeath had not ordered the guards to go and contain him once he was pinned and rather they had believed that was what their orders were, as expected the guards were immediately disintegrated in simply seconds as they drew close enough only to be seen that although he was pinned; Dominik was still able to raise his arm enough to place it firmly onto the ground and send his dark energy through the ground and destroy his enemies from their feet up at a close enough range. Although, immediately after doing so and this leaving nothing more than himself and the female General standing there in the single spot; Esdeath had wasted no further time to simply snap her fingers and cause a large portion of ice and snow to begin coating around the feet and legs of Dominik just o raise him from the floor before enveloping the rest of his body up to his throat in ice to make sure that he wasn't able to use his own powers through his hands any further.
Smirking at the sight of this, the woman General soon began to approach Dominik with much more confidence this time while she had made sure to take her own ice blue gaze to scan him from top to bottom just to be sure that he had no other tricks up his sleeve so that she wouldn't be caught off guard in the end as well. Seeing as there was nothing that he could've done, she simply nodded her head as she ended up standing in front of the male General. "Now, Dominik. You're going to come with me...back to headquarters and we're going to do some questioning on you. About who you are, and what your goal was to destroy this place..." With those few words leaving her lips, a quick gasp had left the woman's lips as the sounds of the screeching echoing across the forest soon caught her attention followed by the trail of smoke from the distance that was easily seen from the location of where the two Generals were at.
Followed by the trail of smoke, both Generals had seen the flaming bird due to it's size and only stared in confusion but as well as shock. Both Generals clearly knowing well enough what that bird was; the myth and legend of the immortal bird; the phoenix. The sight of it had caused both of them to stare and question the idea of how something that was only told in stories and folktales was actually now real.

Isral's bike now laid in a pile of smoking derby, her head still trying to wrap her mind around what just happened. Was this an enemy attack or did the driving gear just manufuction? Her thoughts roamed as she continued to stare at the bike. Around her the cold was getting worse, however this much cold wasn't effecting her that much. She had spent months on missions that were much colder than Esdeath's blizzards, however she would not like a repeat of those missions.

The sound of rustling bushes distracted Isral from her thoughts, her hands reached for the gun. Isral aimed the gun towards the bush, thinking that it was just an animal. Suddenly a shadow erupted from the bush and knocked the gun out from her hand. Isral only had a chance to register what exactly had happened, while she was currently dangling in the person's grasp by the neck.

Isral glared daggers at her captor, the person just smiled at the girl. The person that currently held her by the neck was none other than the General of the East, Juin. Using magic, the male tied both her hands and feet together using vines. Juin then roughly threw the girl onto the ground, an uncomfortable grunt escaped her lips.

"Did you really think that you could run away, hm?" Juin taunted her, coupling her cheeck into his hands. Both disgust and anger were rampaging in her mind, even the slightest thought of him made her gag. Instinctively, Isral bit down onto the pretty boy's hand; earning the taste of blood in her mouth. A kick to the stomach was her only warning, pain shot into her body. All she could manage to head was the sound of a large bird screeching in the distance.

Efert could barely move her own head as she leaned up against the rock as support, pain shot through her body. Based on the pain that she felt, the female kitsune could tell that she broke at least a couple of ribs when she impacted the rock. When moving her own arms, pain shot through her like a bullet; she had to bite down on her hand so that she wouldn't attract unwanted attention to herself. Efert bit so hard that her fangs actually sank into her skin, she had drew blood from her hand. Drops of blood began to sink onto the snow below her, darkening the snow. Hearing a person approached, Efert looked around, holding onto her broken arm in an attempt to protect herself.

The smell of something strange touched her nose again, and the first thought was of her male companion. "S-Shin...is that you?" Her voice sounded distorted against the flurries that were raining down on the duo. All around her were blurs and things starting to mix together, she couldn't see straight even if she was still health at this time. Still, she recognized his voice; a familiar voice brought happiness to her mind. Her eyelids were laced over with ice, her vision was starting fail her as she strained her eyes to look up at the person. "S-Sure...?" She whispered, feeling that her lips were getting numb as well in the cold. All she could make out was his eyes turning from his normal color to a fierce red and orange mixture.

Suddenly, it was as if someone turned on the heat all the way, she felt waved on heat erupt onto her body. All the numbing from the cold was still there however, she was able to feel the rest of her body much easier. When her eyes adjusted to the warmth, she was surprised to find a giant flaming bird in front of her. She wasn't frightened, after all she has seen the elders being bigger than what the golden bird's height was currently. However it was very surprising to her to find another creature almost the same height.

Using her good hand, Efert brought her hand to the creature and gentle scratched underneath his chin. "You really had me w-worried all day...." Efert managed to say, her head feeling woosy ever since the impact. Feeling her feet finally give out from under her, the last thing she remembered was the golden bird before blacking out.
Nothingness Nothingness
Dominik & Esdeath

Remaining silent as the ice that enveloped his entire bottom half of his body just to keep the dark haired ex-General in place, listening as to what was to become of him. Dominik had only kept his gaze as nothing more than a simple glare towards the female General. Of course, knowing all too well that he could easily just break free from the imprisonment of ice that enveloped his entire bottom half and continued growing upwards from his body; although this may had been true enough that he could break free, the fact that Esdeath had stated she was going to bring him back to the headquarters of the military all together and attempt to get answers out of him was a good and easy way for him to infiltrate the interior of the headquarters without causing a whole commotion just to break into the base as it is.
Unaware of this plan that Dominik had, with the silence that he had given to the female General; she simply gave a shrug of her shoulders to the sound of the screeching in the distance before giving a snap of her fingers to allow the rest of the ice that was forming around Dominik to finally freeze him completely over but making sure to leave the cold just low enough so that he would remain alive underneath the ice, yet again; unaware that even if his blood stopped running he would still live in the end anyway.

The entire time after capturing the traitor General, the white haired woman eventually lifted a small device from her pocket before moving it to her lips just to speak. From what many people considered this, it was a walkie-talkie. "Juin. Have you got the target? I've subdued Dominik and ready for extraction back to headquarters." Questioning the other person on the opposite line of the device, the white haired General awaited for the response as she circled around the frozen ex-general several times just to see and make sure that he was fully frozen over and that she had not missed any spots as a way to be cautious on her actions.

Shinji Araki

After finally, revealing the secret he had been thought to keep for the rest of his time from any other being around. By the time the large flaming bird had lowered his head down to the level of where his female companion had been, even from the scratching of his chin he would remain silent while his orange fiery gaze had remained locked onto her the entire time. Although his form had seemed fierce and dangerous; how his heart was kept it being gentle and kind as well as even concerned; listening to the female's words before she had ended up passing out onto the neck of the phoenix, Shinji had carefully helped her slide down his feathered back just to have her laying a bit more comfortably onto the entire center of his back before he slowly but surely began to flap his massive heat emitting wings within the forest. The heat that expanded out from the wings of the phoenix easily melted much of the snow and ice around the area before the large bird had finally taken off from the ground and began to fly off into the direction of where his cottage resided.
Of course, this taking little to no time whatsoever to reach the cottage; by the time Shinji had began to descend to the ground once again, rather than remaining in the form of his bird-like state, he slowly but surely reverted back to his original humanoid form yet again. His hood being down this time and his female companion; Efert in his arms as he finally came to the touch of the ground with his own two feet. Making sure to carry his young female friend, into the cottage carefully; pushing the door open with his foot immediately. Due to his attention being mainly focused onto the interior of his cottage and on Efert's condition; the emitting heat that came from his body had mainly just focused around the interior and around the small outside of the home of his, while all else that Shinji had melted earlier was slowly but surely being overconsumed by the cold blizzard once more.
Rushing his way over towards his own bedroom, Shinji wasted no time to let the female down onto the bed before pulling the covers over her only to make his way back into the kitchen to prepare some soup, warm water to drink and heating up more blankets using his own heat that came from his palms. All the while, the small rabbits within the cottage were still hopping around to enjoy their time within the warmth rather than thinking of even leaving out into the frozen blizzard outside.
Isral struggled against the tree vines wrapped around her arms and legs, that seemed to be getting tighter more as she moved her body. Juin just looked her way as he leaned towards the bark's direction, his hand against the tree with a smirk on his face. "Doesn't that feel great to be tied up, Isral? Of course, once you did not return from your mission, the governor sent out search parties on your behalf, you should really thank the man for actually caring about you." This way of speaking towards Isral made her burn even more with hatred within her body as she just remained silent against the males remarks. Isral's thoughts were scrambled, from feeling indifferent from the situation that she was currently in to feeling down right angry at herself for letting her guard down.

"Juin, what is the meaning of this?" Her icy eyes glared at the man in question, however the male just shrugged and turned his back towards her. The green haired male just sighed, his yellow eyes meeting vivid light purple eyes as they stared at each other. "Seems as though you are into BDSM, maybe we could try some once you get back to headquarters?" This was going to be a long day...Once I get out of these vines, I am going to kill him. Isral thought, looking around the frozen land that had been a forest hours ago.

His walkie-talkie beeped on his side, he calmly reached for the device acting as if nothing just happened. "Yo Esdeath! Yeah, I have the package right here; can I have fun with it later? Ya know...." Juin replied, pressing a button along the bottom of the black device. The sounds of helicopters immediately filled the air from the distance, it was hard not to hear their propellers from far into the mountains.

Efert awoke in a room that was not her own, curiosity peeked up her interested as she looked around the surrounds. The familiar scent of the cottage had been steadily getting stronger in the air around her, she knew that she was in safe hands. The last thing she could remember was her being out in the cold, after that she couldn't remember a thing. When did Shin carry her back to the cottage? She thought, smelling the wonderful sheets that she was currently laying on. Everything around her smelled like Shin, this was extremely wired to be around such prized possessions.

Efert continued to look around the room, pausing when she noticed a handmade clock in the corner of the room. The light brown clock looked like one that her grandmother would have used, an antique of some sorts. That clock must be very special towards Shin, I should go thank him for saving me earlier. She thought, looking towards the doorway. Efert had to move out of the room, it wouldn't be right for her to stay any longer in a private space.

"O-Ow...my legs..." Efert landed onto the floor, her legs couldn't support her weight and buckled underneath her yet again. While rubbing her legs to get them to warm up yet again, she needed something that she could hold onto to prop herself up. Spying the corner of the bed, the fox girl gripped the edge of the bed to slowly pull herself off of the wooden flooring. Efert tripped underneath herself yet again, letting out another hard thud sound against the floor. She had made yet another mess, this time taking some of the sheets off the bed with her.
Nothingness Nothingness
Dominik & Esdeath

With the ex-general; Dominik restrained by the ice of the female general, after questioning one of the other generals on the small black device from a distance, Esdeath had only listened as to how the other male general known as Juin had questioned her if he could 'have fun' with the 'package' they were to retrieve aside from Dominik. Chuckling lowly at the comment that was made, the only thing the white haired woman could do in response to that was simply shake her head for a moment before actually deciding to respond. "Now now...Juin, you know the director will not be pleased if you do anything out of line. He much prefers to have his fun with her first and from there, it'll be his decision what we do with it." Calling Isral nothing more than an object rather than a female, eventually Esdeath had returned her gaze once more over towards Dominik who remained still frozen over in the same spot obviously. "Besides, you know as well as I do. We have a few other matters we must attend to. For one, questioning the traitor; Dominik. His records show that he is nothing more than a mere human but yet surely enough an ordinary human wouldn't be able to cause this much of a problem without at least getting a few scratches or bruises. He walked out here like he did everything with his eyes closed.." Questioning this fact, by the time the sounds of the helicopters had began to close in on the location of the entire forest; the woman's icy blue gaze had been directed towards the sky as she simply opened her palm to begin reverting the forest slowly but surely back to it's original state due to having no other reason to be here and waste any further energy than she already did.

Although the female general had slowly but surely began to make the snow and ice around the forest finally melt away to converse her own power; Esdeath had made sure that the ice that consumed over Dominik's body had still been as solid and cold as ever to make sure that he wouldn't possibly move; unaware that this was still part of his plan to reach the interior of the headquarters the entire time. Soon enough, as the helicopters had closed in on the location of where Esdeath had been as well as landing where Juin had been also, before actually stepping onto the large helicopter she had made sure to inform Juin that once they had reached back to headquarters, he was to bring Isral straight to the governor and to meet her down in prison cell X for interrogation of Dominik. With that, the soldiers that stepped off the helicopter were immediately ordered to restrain the large block of ice that had been the ex-general's current cell with multiple straps to lift him into the rear of the transport helicopter.

Shinji Araki

Making his way from one side of the kitchen to the next as he had had prepared the warm food as well as some tea and water along with heating up further blankets the entire time as quickly as he could after laying his female friend within his room. Shinji; who once wore his large hood had removed the hood just to reveal that he had been wearing a large white t-shirt underneath. Being as distracted as he was to get as much prepared as he could for Efert within the kitchen, he had been completely unaware of the first time that she had gotten up from the mattress only to fall back down. However, as the second time the woman had attempted to get up and move only to collapse once more with a louder thud, both of his ocean blue hues had widen in shock of concern that she had possibly gotten hurt somehow. Wasting no time to just drop whatever he was holding at the time which had just been luckily a spoon that he was using to stir the tea, Shinji had immediately rushed his way straight into the room only to find that Efert was on the floor. "Miss Efert!" Gasping at the sight of this, the light haired male had made his way over towards her just to carefully scoop her right into his arms to assist her back into bed before pulling the covers over her body for warmth. "Please, stay in bed miss Efert. You're hurt and must rest, food, water and warm blankets will soon be done. Just wait a moment longer if you would." Trying to keep Efert as comfortable as he could get her; he had been unaware that due to the whole action of passing out in the blizzard while on top of a large flaming bird just to be carried back here, his female companion had been unaware of what had happened. Because of this, his thoughts were on that she had still remembered what she had seen, so with that information although he had stated that he would bring her warmer blankets; for the time being, he began to immediately resonate his own heat from his palms into the blanket that was already over her body just to attempt to warm up her body even further so that she could remain comfortable.

Efert had pulled herself towards the end of the bed on the floor, leaning against the bed as she stared around the room. Hearing the pattern of feet rushing against the hardwood floor, she didn't have to wait long to see who those feet belonged to. Her male companion, Shinji, rushed through the door, worry could be clearly seen on his features. As he helped her up back onto the bed, Efert couldn't help but blush when the thought of him taking care of her when she passed out earlier. She wanted to help him out as gratitude for helping her earlier, however a thought kept bothering her as she laid there on the bed.

The room became silent between the two of them, Efert pulled the blankets above her head. Partially because she was enjoying the warmth from Shinji's hands and she was embarrassed to say anything towards the male. "Shin...thank you for saving me, but why are you putting so much effort on helping little old me? I mean we have just met and have no prior knowledge of each other so...." Efert tried to break the awkward silence that had erupted in the room. It was strange for a person to be this helpful towards her, other than her family of course. However, she hadn't known anyone outside her village to begin with so she was just naive a bit.

Efet continued to enjoy the warmth emanating into her body, her cold arms and legs were still numb however. "U-Uhm Shin....where's the baby bird that was in my pocket?" She asked, realizing that her animal had gone missing. She wondered where the little bird had run off to, hopefully not being eaten by the creatures in the forest.

Nothingness Nothingness
Irsal noticed the sound of helicopters began to come closer, she moved her head towards the Wind General. The male was continuing to talk on the walkie talkie, the sound of his voice was really bothersome. She leaned further towards the male, trying to gather bits and pieces of the mission that he was assigned to do. The whirling blades from the helicopter drowned out his voice but from what she could gather from the discussion, he was talking to the Ice General. So he is behind this....this really is bothersome to another level... The white haired female softly sighed, looking up at the sky once more.

During the display of stupidity, Isral failed to notice soldiers were hopping down from the helicopter. Most of them were wearing swat suits, along with being armed to the teeth in weaponry. These are probably the soldiers that the meeting was going on earlier this week. She thought, directing her attention towards the helicopter. Isral was dragged onto the helicopter by the soldiers that approached Juin, the male was barking at orders at the males to be gentle with the "cargo". Soon the helicopter had begun its ascend back into the sky, Juin sat across from where she was strapped onto her seat. She began to look around the skies, wind whipped through her hair as she stared out of the helicopter.

Nothingness Nothingness
Shinji Araki
While keeping his palms upon the blanket that had remained over Efert's body the entire time so that his heat could emit from his body for her to keep warm as possible; eventually it was only a matter of time that just to keep her warm while he had also been within the room, to get himself comfortable; the silver haired male had soon enough dropped down to his knees just to be by her side the entire time; at least while the food had been cooking in the kitchen. As the sight of how his female companion had ended up pulling the sheets over her head and spoken at first, Shinji could only watch her with a low chuckle to be the only thing leaving his lips at first; it was true enough that the two barely knew one another for longer than just a single day and yet he was offering such assistance to her as though she had been a close friend that he had known forever. However, though the truth was, was simply that since Shinji was a child; he had always been fascinated by the other races aside from his own kind; wishing to know more about others and make friends with people that weren't his own kind, so aside from that fact, although he hadn't really thought about it at the time; his reasoning for helping the female was much more than just his own childish dreams.
"My apologies Miss Efert...its just, I haven't really had a friend before and well. You've been the first person so far that hasn't attempted to hunt on me sight...so I mean, I thought we could be friends because of that...and friends...help each other, right?" Questioning the female from where he sat, soon enough as he had realized what his own words were that left his lips; he slowly yet surely began to pull his own hands from the blankets to place onto his sides as he couldn't help but chuckle in response sheepishly from his own embarrassment. "Heh, I mean--...That's just something that my people...kind of believe in. It's nothing rea--" As he spoke rather quickly to respond back for his own embarrassment, it wasn't until Efert had questioned something about a small bird and where it had been. Immediately after hearing the question, he had immediately directed a single hand to point over towards a small nest that held blankets and cushions used to make the nest. Within it, the small bird had been sleeping while it regained it's own energy from the cold blizzard that was brewing outside for a bit longer. "Do not overwork yourself Miss Efert, the bird and many of the other forest creatures are safe. You have done already much, rest now Miss Efert, I can take care of the rest."

Dominik & Esdeath
Once the entire frozen block of what was Dominik at the moment had been fully strapped and loaded into the larger carrier helicopter; the soldiers that had done the loading immediately stepped into the same helicopter that they had loaded the frozen ex-General just to be sure that if anything happen on the ride there, they would be aware of it. All the while, Esdeath had decided that she would step onto one of the quicker helicopters that had the spot where it carried troops and such to be open so that she could stand and keep an eye on the carrier that held both Isral and the carrier that held the frozen ex-general Dominik. Once each and all of the helicopters had began to rise; the only thing the female general held onto was one of the straps at the top for soldiers who wished to stand and keep their balance rather than fall out of the height of the helicopter.
The entire way there, the woman pondered the idea of why it had been so easy for her to capture Dominik as well as Isral; she had known quite well enough that the two of them had been put through quite enough training that even though Esdeath had been a general as well as Juin; that shouldn't had ended easy as well as quick just like that. She had known quite well that something was wrong but whatever the two were planning at anytime, she also knew that she'd be ready to fend off against them. For the time being, it was just time to wait till they reached headquarters.

Feeling the warmth from the blankets increase, Efert only hoped that her own body would continue to get better. Peeking out from the corner of the blanket, she saw Shin kneeling down on the floor, chuckling at her question. Her facial expression changed from an worried one to an confused, in a heartbeat. She was confused as to why Shin was laughing, Maybe he think that I am being childish for the way I am acting right now? The way she was thinking, was not answered by Shin but instead shocked her from what came from his mouth. How could he not have any friends? He is very kind and considerate from what she has seen from him so far, there was no reason as to why he doesn't have any.

"Sure, I'll be friends with you. Friends do help each other, I do have enough knowledge to know that but...I'm kind of inexperienced as well with not having many friends myself." Efert explained, a slight smile managed to make its way back onto her face. Efert pulled the blanket away from her face, a light blush eminent on her face as she continued to avoid Shin's eyes. Her eyes instead drifted towards the baby bird's nest, the bird seemed to be resting comfortably with the blankets.

"So, do you know what friends do? I mean I have heard that they hang out constantly and-" Pausing mid sentence from what the female had begun to say, Efert looked around the room and started to sniff the air. The female was part fox after all, enabling her to have heighten senses above those of average humans and some dogs as well. "Is something burning?" Efert asked, bringing her attention back towards Shinji.
Isral sighed, watching the clouds roll by as she laid on her back on the seat. "Would you get your smelly shoes off me?" Her monotone voice seemed to echo across the large helicopter. Ever since meeting the Ex-General, Isral has been getting into tons of trouble, this situation was just an annoyance towards her. Among the soldiers that were currently watching her, their guns at their hips, one of them just laughed and spat in her face. Isral sat there, with the same neutral expression on her face, glaring daggers in t he back of their heads. They maybe soldiers but she was still on a higher pay grade and rank than what they were currently at.

If she wasn't currently strapped into these vines, Isral would make sure they would never have children again, although that was quite merciful of her to do so. They looked ready to shoot the female, if anything would happen on the helicopter she would be the first one to get shot. Of course, Isral didn't mind those threats as they lacked both will power and ammunition. If they truly wanted her dead, they might as well send half of the army and just maybe some of the secret squads in hiding.

Nothingness Nothingness
Shinji Araki

Remaining there in the same position he had been the entire time while his female companion had been laying in bed, even once she had slightly began to lower the blanket to reveal her face to him; his own gaze had never left her as though nothing had changed. Clearly noticing that the sight of her own eyes hadn't been focused onto him whatsoever, he hadn't minded that fact. Although, once Efert had actually agreed to end up becoming friends with Shinji though; his own eyes had widened up in both shock but as well as enjoyment at the idea that he had gained his own first friend. Spending practically mostly his entire life with his family and just his kind, only until now that he had been traveling in search of a myth that was possible to not even exist to begin with; the closest thing that Shinji ever had gotten to an actual friend were just his parents. Just hearing that Efert hadn't really had many friends either in her life was quite the shocker to the white haired male, with how she was as kind as she was as well as unintentionally funny as she was as well, it was unexpected to know that she didn't have tons of friends already if not people wishing to be her friend. Rather than speaking up about this though, Shinji simply remained silent about it and continued to warm the blankets for her as much as he could from where he sat.

It wasn't until Efert had begun to state about what 'friends' had done together only to cut herself off and speak up a question that only caused Shinji to arch a brow in confusion as to what she meant by that. The entire time he had been with his new made friend, not once did the young male phoenix think about the fact that he had food that was cooking on the stove back in the kitchen that he was originally planning to bring in for her to eat and help her rest more. Now that she had brought up the scent of burning though, it was on instinct that Shinji would sniff the air as well only to end up figuring out that the scent of smoke was starting to reach his attention and causing his own memory to ring through his head immediately. "Ah! The soup!" With the quick shout leaving his lips, the young male quickly helped himself right up onto his own two feet before rushing out of the room while leaving the door wide open as he made his way straight into the kitchen; ignoring the facts that the rabbits were bouncing and hopping around rapidly in fear of the scent of smoke and possible fire starting.

Quickly right as Shinji had rushed into the kitchen, his first plan was to immediately shut off the stove; which he did before he had reached forward to grip a hold of the blazing hot pot with his own bare hands. Luckily, with how his kind formed heat as it was as their living; the fact of how hot the pot was on it's own was nothing compared to the heat that a phoenix could generate. This allowing him to easily handle the hot handles and pull it right off the stove to place it into the sink without any burns placed onto him whatsoever. Exhaling a deep sigh of relief that the burning hadn't grown out of control to the point a fire had started, Shinji could only scratch the back of his head as he looked down at the once silver pot that had now become black. "Great...well, that's trashed...Oh well, I need to make sure to just make up for it and make another pot of soup for her.." With those few words leaving his lips, the white haired male simply began to rummage through the kitchen for another pot and several more ingredients to prepare another pot of soup that he had originally planned for Efert.

Dominik & Esdeath

Taking several minutes to be able to leave the large forest and finally end up arriving over head the main headquarters of the military government; the several helicopters that had been carrying both Isral as well as the ex-general Dominik had began to descend from the skies downwards onto a massive landing pad. As soon as each of the helicopters had landed, the first to step out had been none other than one of the Generals; Esdeath to be exact. As she had stepped off her helicopter, she immediately made her way over towards the one that had been carrying Isral only to place a single hand onto her hip as she kept a sly smirk across her lips while she awaited for the soldiers to step out as well as the other male General so that they could bring out one of the two prisoners.
By the time a few of the soldiers had stepped out from the vessel only to see one of the Generals' standing before them, they immediately saluted to Esdeath in shock whiel all she had done in return was place a single hand over her temple before shaking her head and demanding that they brought out Isral for her to see Esdeath before finally bringing her to her particular holding cell that was designed to hold Isral if it ever came down to needing it. Of course, while ordering these soldiers to do so, the other soldiers who were watching the ex-general already had their orders before hand since they were there when they were loading the large frozen ex-general into the helicopter.
Isral turned away from the helicopter window, hearing the pilot saying that they would be landing soon. The helicopter door was pulled out, allowing the soldiers to pile out of the helicopter one by one. Isral managed to stay put in the seat, hoping that Juin would quickly leave out of the helicopter and not make any sexual advances on her. However much to her own dismay, the green haired male stayed in the seat as he just simply stared at his prisoner. The female was pulled out of the helicopter, a bit too roughly, by the Wind General and brought towards the front of the helicopter.

The helicopter's blades had long since powered down, and the pilot left as quickly as they had landed. Ice General made her way towards the helicopter that Isral was currently stationed at, neither looked away from each other. Light purple eyes met with light blue, storms seemed to bounce within their eyes the more they looked at each other. Isral looked at the ice general with hidden mixed emotions, a trait she had mastered over the years. She knew that enemies would always try to take advantage of a person who willingly shown their emotions to others, as the perfect killer she had to be discreet and quick with the gun.

Esdeath smirked at the captured girl, with a simple nod she turned away and said, "Take her away." The soldiers started to march the white haired girl down the steps, away from the second helicopter pad. Isral walked alongside the soldiers, more or less dragged, as they roughly led her into the building in front of them. The female turned to see Juin and Esdeath start walking to the other helicopter before the doors closed in front of her vision.
Efert glanced at the male within the room, she noticed that he had slightly moved his eyebrows. Raising an eyebrow in her culture meant that there was danger nearby but however, Efert smelled no danger around the surrounding area anymore. Human customs that were taught to her be her parents, she only knew few but luckily one of them was taught to her. She assumed that he was either confused by her suggestion or smelled something awful, both of which expressions were not noticeable on the male's feature. The female fox let a small yawn escape from her lips, she turned her head the other way towards the door. Tomato red blush crept onto her face, she desperately tried to remain calm and not die from embarrassment.

The smell of burning food had gotten stronger within the room, it was best that something had to be done with the smell. Efert simply laughed at the male, trying her best to conceal it, as her friend rushed out the room. She could only guess that he went to check on, what she presumed, was food he was going to give her. Part of her wanted to climb out of the bed and investigate the smell herself, the other wanted her to just stay put and keep out of trouble. Feeling sleepy yet again, the girl decided the best course of action would be to fall asleep before starting yet another adventure out of bed. With yet another yawn, Efert closed her eyes for the final time and drifted off to sleep; in her own little dreamland.

Nothingness Nothingness
Mena Mena
Dominik & Esdeath

As the massive block of ice that contained the ex-General known as Dominik within it came out from the carrier helicopter, the one to greet the block of ice was none other than Esdeath herself. Rather than her usual smirk to know that victory was assured, she only tapped the block of ice a few times as though to test if it was still as thick as it was from when she first froze over the traitor; almost as though she were doubting that her captured target was still captive completely within the ice. As she had come to find that her concerns were wrong after-all, the only thing the white haired woman had done was simply shake her head as she marched off towards one of the larger elevator doors that would be able to lead him underground to one of the maximum security prison cells. The troops the entire time had loaded the ex-general onto a large pallet to make sure to be able to move him considering how large it had been and how much weight was onto it due to the ice.

Right before the elevator had began to lower down to the underground levels, the female General had halted the soldiers from pressing the button just so that she would be able to speak with the green haired male. "Juin. Go make sure our little Isral makes it to the Ambassador's office, you know her; the instant she finds even a single opening in our troops' defenses...She's going to take it and attempt to leave this place. It's going to take a while just to bring Dominik down there and for me to come back up if anything happens." Informing him of the instructions of what to do, once doing so; the soldier had immediately entered in the coordinates onto the panel just so that the elevator would begin to descend towards the underground prison.

Shinji Araki

After dumping the ruined pot and throwing away the burnt food, with him making his way from one side of the room to the next to grab yet another pot and further ingredients, Shinji had made sure that this time before he had set up the fire for the pot upon the stove; he'd leave it on low so that it would be able to simmer at a steadier pace just so that it wouldn't burn too quickly. Once setting it up properly and nodding to himself at the sight of how it came to a slow boil in a matter of time, with everything seasoned correctly; Shinji soon enough slipped the rest of the ingredients into the pot just so that it would cook with the slow simmer. "Ah..much better this time." With that fact in mind that he could leave it to cook without the same amount of concern he had earlier, the white haired male once more returned to the room only to find that his female friend; Efert had fallen fast asleep on the bed. Simply giving her a warm smile at the sight of how she was, he carefully made his way over just to make sure that he pulled the covers over her body comfortably so that the blankets would keep her warm during the cold night.

Letting her rest after the day of rushing back and forth of rescuing animals from the cold blizzard that the white haired woman had created earlier, there was no surprise that she had been exhausted as she was. At the least, with her resting; this gave Shinji the perfect opportunity to go back to training with his bow shots once more. This time, as he left the room, the young male made sure to only leave a small crack in the doorway before he had gone off to shut off the stove so that it wouldn't burn while he was away. Slipping his hood over his head yet again, right before leaving the cottage; Shinji had taken a hold of his bow that he left by the door before fully leaving into the dark forest in search of what his next target was going to be for the evening. Although during the day, shots were as difficult as they were due to be easily seen by his prey; during the evening, shots were even more difficult due to more than just a few things being put into consideration such as the lack of light, the corrupted creatures being much more active, many prey being asleep, and the cold night air. However, with all these different difficulties; it only made him stronger in the end since it just made his training that much more worth it.
Efert continued to sleep on the bed, her hands gently clutched the sheets. Her face looked peaceful despite the events that happened during the day. It was an well deserved rest as Efert was completely exhausted from all the running around she did. Sure, she was used to transversing the forest on her feet but it didn't exactly help build her stamina. Most of the time spent was her trying to get out of everyone's way.

Efert then started to dream about her family, one day she was happy, surrounded by her loving family, then the next they were gone. Being in exhile meant that she could no longer step inside the village however, her family could come visit her as much as they wanted. She dearly missed them, small whispers started coming from her mouth. Efert failed noticed when Shin walked into the room and had pulled the sheets more closer to her face.

Of course, the fox girl was still asleep but that didn't stop her from thinking about her parents. However thinking about them too much would cause her never to be able to move on. She had to be strong for herself and her new friend as well.
Isral glanced down the hallway as the soilders continued to roughly push her along. She hated these soilders but she had to stay calm or else worse things would happen to her. Thinking about those memories, Isral grimanced in her mind, only showing yet another emotionless facade. Soon enough, she was brought towards the only metal door in the hallway. Isral was accustomed to the door as it was what lead to the elevator. One of the soilders, a female, walked out of formation then pressed the button to call the elevator. It was a short wait as there was a slight ding noise.

Isral staggered on her feet a bit as she was shoved into the elevator once it opened. Behind her, she could feel the lust and cruel stares of the soilders. If only I wasn't strapped down right now....they would all be dead. Isral thought, clenching her fist tightly while standing in the elevator. The elevator ride up was silent for the most part, except for the occasional outburst from the soilders. The entire time being held up in the tiny box, Isral was seething with disgust and rage. When the door opened, Isral was half surprised to see that Juin was standing there in front of her. "Asshole." Isral remarked, not before suddenly feeling the string of a slap. She didn't flinch and just stared at the male, feeling the burning sensation on her cheek. He immediately dismissed the soilders before pulling Ideal along towards the double maple pine doors.

He twisted open the knob, pushing Isral inside before closing the door behind him. She had heard the closing and locking of the door behind her before she was lead to a seat. "You better hope that he doesn't ask me to punish you ~" Juin winked before sitting at the opposite couch. This is going to be a long day. Isral thought, looking at her surroundings instead of focusing on Juin.

Nothingness Nothingness
Shinji Araki

Leaving into the night forest alone with nothing more than his bow in hand, the young hooded male immediately began to rush through the forest floor as he had closed both of his eyes just to be able to focus on his surroundings a bit more widely in area. With the night blocking most of his vision, without having to actually use his own power over flames to lighten up his surroundings, Shinji was always taught as a child that he should not always rely on his sense of sight to be his only source of 'seeing' his enemies before him and that there were many other ways to tell where his path was, whether it was physically or even mentally. As Shinji made sure to focus even further, eventually the surroundings of the corrupted creatures, the animals of the night and even the darkness all began to fade away leaving nothing more than a single path in front of him that shined almost as though it were a lighted path just for him.

Rushing down the path he had seen through his other senses, it wasn't until what appeared to had been a shadow pouncing out from the darkness did the hooded male draw his first arrow from the palm of his fingers on his bow to fire it straight towards the shadow without any hesitation. The shadow was nothing more than one of the many corrupted creatures of the night that struck out against any and all of those who were foolish enough to traverse the forest at night, yet this was what Shinji had done for training to make sure he was always at the top of his fighting so that he would not become sloppy from the lack of fighting. "I must...become stronger...that man...He overpowered me just by walking by me...I couldn't even move..." As Shinji pondered his own thoughts, his memories went immediately back to when he had gone to the burning facility where he met a strange man who appeared to had been a General of sorts, the instant that man just walked by Shinji; he felt as though he were going to vomit and lose consciousness; it just proved the fact that even now..Shinji was still too weak to protect his own kin if he couldn't even stand up straight against an unknown figure like that.

Dominik & Esdeath

Eventually, as the elevator that held the troops, the large block of ice that held the captive Dominik and finally Esdeath as well; had reached the bottom floor of the underground prison underneath the massive building above ground. By the time the double metal doors had opened up to reveal a long empty white hallway that lead down what seemed like an endless path, the multiple troops had began to push and pull the massive block of ice that held their captive after their General had began to walk down the path first. Of course, this taking several minutes for the large group to make their way down the path until at the end of the hall there had been what appeared to had been nothing more than a massive white empty dead end; however with a single snap of Esdeath's fingers, the wall separated into two to reveal a dark room on the opposite end that the General demanded that the troops bring in the block of ice before leaving both her and the ex General alone for interrogation.

Setting everything up within the room with the straps of the block of ice bound to the floor so that when the interrogation had begun, Dominik would be unable to move from that single location or at the least that was what all the troops and even the ice General assumed. Once everything was ready, the female General had allowed the doors to close with yet another snap of her fingers as she had taken a seat upon a small metal chair in front of the block of ice; beginning to let the ice melt from just around the head of the ex General, she awaited for the next outcome to see what would happen and whether or not her captive would be willing to talk.
Efert moved her body even closer to the middle of the bed, her body felt slightly colder than earlier. Since winter had happened mysteriously earlier, the forest had dropped several degrees below than what was normal for this time in the year. Even with all the windows shut, the fox girl could still feel the cold seep into the cabin though. The bird that she recused had already went to bed, snuggling itself within its own little makeshift bed. Both the bunnies were awake though, probably feeling the cold just like Efert was currently. They had jumped off the table, they made little "Bun" noises as they hopped over to the side of the bed. With a few attempts to hop onto the bed, they finally were now was laying next to her on the bed.

Efert rolled over once more and faced the window that allowed moonlight to pour into the room. Some of her hair slowly transitioned into silver once it touched the moonlight, Efert hardly noticed herself. "Mama....don't go....dad says that you have to cook." The girl seemed to be reciting or at least having an conversation with someone. She was most likely instead, mumbling about the past memories while she slept. "You forgot to take your sword, papa." Efert mumbled in her sleep, clutching her hands like it was forming an actual sword. Efert continued to sleep, unaware that her friend was currently training within the forest and not sleeping like he should be.

Nothingness Nothingness
Isral sat on the hard couch as she waited for the ring leader to show up, her hands were still bound in the rope however. She sighed, she was a little annoyed at the moment, crossing her legs while looking at Juin. Jhin however was unfazed by the ice warrior as he was used to the girl's stares, it was quite amusing to him. He loved teasing her everyday, even though they were suppose to be "allies" in the army. "What's the matter my dear?" Juin smirked, lifting his hands over his head. "I wish that you would stop looking at me like that." Her monotone voice implied that she was annoyed, however she did not allow that to show up on her face.

Juin was highly amused by the reaction he had gotten from the girl, this was the best emotion he's gotten out of her thus far. The female looked away from the stupid grinning green haired male, her distaste in the male slightly increasing. She would rather be with her "master" rather than this bumbling buffoon they call a general. At least her master wouldn't look at her so indecently, she hated being looked at long periods of time. Isral heard the doors open, the governor walked in with his two bodyguards along with a book of some sorts. He headed towards his desk, signaling his body guards to shut the door behind them. "Hello, shall we being?" The male sat down as his chair, facing the both of them.

Nothingness Nothingness
Yukito Araki

Continuing his rush through the forest the entire time he kept both of his eyes closed to have nothing more than absolute darkness surrounding him, the hooded male made sure to constantly take down any other corrupted beasts that had dared to attack him through the darkness of the night. As he had continued on his path however, soon enough his own thoughts roamed through his head about what had occurred earlier about him being unable to fend himself off by just standing up against the unknown male that came out from the facility, with that thought; his memories started to flood his head as the darkness that surrounded him soon turned into flames and bloodshed coated the path that was before him mentally. Even if the shadows continued to show up from time to time, eventually more and more started to pop out in front of his gaze that even soon became almost illusions to him that each strike he did was to attack nothing but his own imagination. While Yukito fought back against the illusions of the believed enemies before him, echoes of screaming voices ran through the hooded male's head as he heard his kin blaming him for being weak and that he didn't deserve to be the one to survive the slaughter.

"No...I will become stronger...I must...I have to...For my people." As he whispered the words through his lips even as he continued to run, it was only a matter of time that he had ended up becoming overwhelmed and finally caught off guard to be attacked from behind due to his focus being completely off all together. The instant Yukito was attacked with his guard off, he was immediately sent flying forward as he had his back slammed against the nearest tree that nearly caused the entire trunk of it to be blown apart just from the mere impact. With this, both of his own eyes were immediately reopened in shock as he panted and coughed up small bits of blood just from the pain and pressure of the strike that was done upon him. Although it did take a few moments to fully regain his focus on his surroundings, by the time Yukito finally had been able to focus his gaze; the last thing he had expected to find was what appeared to be a massive corrupted dark beast hovering over him with a strange toxic blue drool dripping from it's maw.

Dominik & Esdeath

Finally yet surely enough with enough time passing by, the large ice block that held the captive ex General had began to melt just enough to reveal the head of the violet haired male as he only coughed up small bits of the water that the ice was made out of. Tilting his head as he immediately directed his gaze towards the woman who sat several feet in front of him known as Esdeath, a devilish smirk soon came across his lips for a moment. "Oh...what is this now Esdeath? You couldn't bring yourself to kill me because of you're the lap dog for your high commander?" As he taunted the ice General, she only gave a low chuckle before crossing her leg over the other and placing a single gloved hand over her knee that she had crossed over. "Oh dear Dominik, I can kill you right now if I pleased to do so. Only reason I kept you alive is because I want...information out of you. As starters, who do you work for? Surely, you didn't attack that base and killed all those innocent men and women just because you were bored, you must've had some kind of target, what was it?" As the white haired female demanded an answer, the only thing she had gotten back in response was nothing more than silence and his still usual smirk that he kept across his lips the entire time.

The sight of this and followed by the fact that the ex General refused to speak only had caused the smile that Esdeath had on her lips to turn to a frown as she grew slightly impatient with the fact that he didn't answer her question. "Fine. Next, just what are you Dominik. There surely is no way that you just so happened to had been able to have that good of a shot with your guns or let alone your sword that you were able to take down the entire base and kill everyone while leaving without a single scratch on you. When you had first joined the military, you stated you were just an ordinary man that just had special talents and such, that clearly is not true from what we have seen." Stating this question and fact towards the ex-General, Dominik once again only gave nothing more than silence in return while he knew well enough this act was just bringing further anger to the ice General but at once it also allowed him to build up energy further.
Isral was yanked up by Juin and brought to the governor's front side of the desk. The governor smirked at the girl, playing with a lock of her hair before sitting back in his chair. "Do you know how much trouble you've caused today? Hm?" His tone of voice was so warm that it was sickening to Isral's ears. "Sir. We have the traitor, Dominik being interrogated in the prison cells by General Esdeath. What do you want me to do about this one?" Juin looked at Isral before looking back towards his boss. The governor chuckled before glancing back between the two of them, his grin only widened.

"I knew he would try to betray me eventually, after all I already knew his little secret even before he joined the Army. I want you to tell General Esdeath to torture him a few times, but let him leave the base. You may go now Wind General." The governor instructed Juin before landing his eyes on the other problem. "Yes sir, I will go deliver the news to her." Juin bowed his head then left out the doors, his feet becoming faint against the wooden floor. He brought his attention back towards his most prized creation, he dropped his smirk immediately however.

"Now here's what I want you to do Isral. I want you to become close to the General and learn his plans, I want everything. Every detail, every whisper or thought he says should be remembered." The governor instructed her this time. Isral flashed anger towards him, he sighed before pressing a button on his desk. Her ring instantly turned blue and she was shocked, her body ached from the electricity. I hope you choke on a piece of food, you son of a bitch. The girl looked towards the governor without emotion, she became a blank slate again."If you do this, this will be your last mission and you will be free." He smirked, letting the girl think about her options. Isral just stood there wondering if not she should really trust the male sitting in front of her.

Efert continued to sleep on the bed, her body facing towards the window. She was cuddling up next to one of the bunnies, their fur helping her to keep warm. All she wanted was a nice sleep, this was what she deserved after all the running around she did. Efert started to feel too hot from the warmth she had been absorbing and rolled over, away from the bunny. Her ears and tail were poking out of the ends of the sheet, she was close to the edge of the bed. "Wah, Ouch!! That really hurt." Efert fell out of the bed, her body spiraled awkwardly on the floor.

She groaned, looking up from the floor to see what had pushed her off. Most of the sheets that were on the bed had fallen along with her on the floor as well. Looking up, she saw the 2 eyes of each bunny staring back at her. Slowly Efert pulled herself off the floor, placing the sheets back onto the bed. "Geesh, you guys..." Efert scolded the two bunnies before lightly patting their heads. The girl walked out of the bedroom door, looking around to see that the cabin was pitch dark. Snapping her fingers carefully, she used her elemental fire in her hand and used it as an torch. Huh....where did Shin go? I couldn't have been out for more than an hour at most. Efert thought looking around the cabin for her friend.
Nothingness Nothingness
Yukito Araki

Staring up at the massive beast in front of him as it grew closer and closer towards him by the second. The hooded male only panted and directed his gaze from one side to the next to see what he had at his disposal at the moment to help him against this incoming threat; of course, his bow had to be too far out of reach for him to grab it without being attacked on the spot. Cursing mentally to himself of what he was supposed to do, the last thing he wanted to use was to resort to use his flames during this time of night; knowing well enough that it could end up attracting much unwanted attention from any of the other beasts in the area, although not doing anything would end up getting him severely injured and possibly poisoned by this creature in the process. "I don't have a choice..do i?" Whispering his own words to himself, in mere seconds; the corrupted beast lunged forward, however just as it did, Yukito opened out his palm and stretched his arm forward towards the beast and just as he did, a massive wave of flames came bursting out from the palm of his hand that lit up the night sky.

The beast that had been struck had gone flying back several feet before slamming against a tree and running off with whimpers into the forest, although as expected; just as he had done so, the sounds of growls and howls throughout the night of the forest began to echo all around him. The other corrupted beasts had no doubt heard and seen the light and now were beginning to rush their way towards the direction they had heard and seen the light, whatever made the light and sound; they wanted to rid the forest of it completely. This leaving Yukito with no other option but to immediately begin to run off in whatever direction he could go in to avoid being caught by the beasts, he couldn't fight them all at once and without his bow in hand with how close they were; it wasn't like he was fully equipped to fight off this number of enemies. "Maybe...if I can get back to the cabin..i can use...that." Whispering to himself as he panted through his sprint, finding whatever way he could go to be able to reach back to the cottage as quickly as he could; if the hooded male could return to his home, he had something that would help him finish off these attacks in one swoop.
Back at the cottage, the closer Yukito reached the house; the more a single door near the bedroom door began to give off a devilish red and black glow as the door into the small room began to rumble and shake. Within the door was a large scythe that was wrapped in multiple different cloths that had inscriptions written all over it due to it's cursed power, the inscriptions were a way to keep the power of the scythe from fully releasing on it's own.

Dominik & Esdeath

With the constant responses of nothing but silence in return from the ex-general. The female General only became more and more enraged before she had stood up with a single fist raised up, her fist letting of a mist of frozen air as she prepared to attack Dominik and kill him right on the spot, before she could do anything however, she had ended up exhaling a deep sigh to calm herself down which only lead to having Dominik chuckle at her actions. "Oh? Did the ice General herself almost end up losing her cool?" Speaking at her in a rather mocking tone, Esdeath only took her seat before letting her leg once again crossover the other while she had been the one to remain silent this time. Slowly she had began to help herself up from her seat after sitting in silence for a few more minutes just to make her way to leave the interrogation room. Immediately she had began to make her way down the hall as the soldiers who stood guard only kept their position without a word to dare ask what had happened or what she did or did not learn about the ex-general.

Efert's ears perked up as she heard the sound of an explosion in the distance, the hairs on her back quickly rose. The light from the explosion stretched miles away, it bathed the cabin in a pure bright orange light before slowly dying out again. The bunnies had since hid underneath the closest thing that they could find for a type of shelter, which happened to be underneath the fallen blanket. The blonde girl however kept her eyes out the window, monitoring any motions outside the cabin. "What was that...noise?" Her thoughts were scrambling to come up with a good excuse as to what just happened. Maybe a couple of humans set off a fire trap or chemical reactions in the air caused the explosion?

None of these thoughts had any proof however, she couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary in the air, so the fox girl was just stuck on her strange thoughts. Efert had a little bit frightened at the explosion as it had caught her off guard, eventually though she settled back down to her normal state. The howls of corrupted creatures concerned her however, as Shin was nowhere inside the cabin to be found. Smelling the air once more, she caught the scent of her friend as well as several corrupted beast trailing him from behind.

Suddenly a strange sensation could be felt next to the bedroom door, one of the other doors next to it had started to glow red. Whatever was causing the red glow behind that door.....was made of an ancient yet powerful being. She made sure that she wouldn't go anywhere near that door, instead she walked towards the front door. Shin was in trouble and Efert wanted to help as much as she could, she gripped the doorknob hesitantly however. She had been hurt before and was not in the best shape to go fight, she would end up slowly him down. On the other side, the fox girl couldn't just ignore a friend in need; she had made up her mind. Efert pulled open the door, gently closing it behind her, before running out to save her friend.

The air surrounding the office had become thick as the tension mingled between the two people in the room. "And if I refuse?" There was a chilling silence in the room, every hair on her body was flying up. Her eyes were a mix of emotions but her face just wouldn't allow her to show them. Her emotions ranged from hesitation, anger, sadness but most prominent defiance. Without warning coming from the governor, the girl's body was shocked with numerous amount of blue electricity. A normal human's brain would've been fried ten times over, that was if Isral had been a normal person in the first place.

Being tampered and played with in the lab had caused several alterations in Isral's genetic coding, she was tolerant to more deadly amounts of pain. Her legs finally gave out underneath her as she was sent spiraling into the wooden floor. The governor rose from his seat and calmly walked over to the collapsed weapon's side. He jammed his foot onto her chest, pressing harder as he begun to look down at her. Isral could feel her ribs start to bend inwards, the slight cracking of ribs made her gasp for air. He wouldn't kill her, she was too important to his plans but that didn't exclude her from getting broken. "It would be wise not to challenge me again. You will do as I say!" He hissed at her before taking his foot off her chest.

The white haired girl coughed up a bit of blood as she breathed deeply in and out. Her heart felt like it was throbbing against her eardrums, the blood dripped down the corner of her mouth. Quickly she wiped the blood away from her sleeve, Isral gripped the wooden desk as she slowly rose back up from the floor. Her eyes flashed a bright red towards the governor before returning to her natural emotionless purple shade. Without looking back at the male, she used the wall as a support and carefully walked out the room.

Nothingness Nothingness

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