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Into The Broken Mirror (Happydeath & Mena)


Two Thousand Club

Soo this roleplay is only between Myself(Happydeath) and Mena only. Please all others that visit this, do not post. You are free to read through the roleplay, but that is it.

Thank you~ :o



Dominik Taishi

Once obtaining the coordinates for the location as to where the woman named as Irsal as it had happened to be had been as well as how she had stated for him to come to retrieve her rather than having her simply go off towards the direction of where the military base had been instead. Dominik had simply given a nod and hung up the transmission between the two as he prepared himself to simply make his leave of the large base as it was; while leaving the building, the disguised General had made sure to attempt to remain hidden from sight of any further soldiers or guards around the building; however, whenever he had been caught he would make sure to knock out his enemies before actually deciding to fully take a leave in case of any possible investigations had needed to be done later on. All the while he had made his leave of the interior of the large base, his thoughts had been constantly shifting over towards the possible curiousity of what this woman so powerful as to become the Government's secret weapon of sorts that they had not given her even a full life but rather just to use her as their own tool for their own ambitions. As these facts ran through his head, his rage built up further and further as he grew closer towards the idea of simply revealing his own identity and finally ridding the entire place of the humans as it was.


In the end though, he had pushed these thoughts aside and simply focused on his primary objective; soon reaching to the back of the large facility where many other military vehicles had been lined up for use once more, Dominik had wasted once again none of his time to climb into one of the large Jeep vehicles before punching in the coordinates that had been given to him for the location of where Irsal had been. As the map had lighten up to show the area of where he needed to go, he immediately pressed down onto the gas pedal and rushed off into the direction that he was instructed to go towards; this of course, taking several minutes to actually reach his destination as the instant sight of large trees came into view that blocked his path into the forest caught his attention, a low yet annoyed sigh left Dominik's lips as he simply raised a single hand away from the wheel and reached towards the glass of the vehicle. In a mere instant that he had done so, a quick flash of pitch black would begin to blast straight to the center of the trees in a circular motion; forming a large gapping hole that blew through multiple trees to allow him a full pathway into the forest that allowed the Jeep to go through. "Pointless obstructions..." Those being the only words to leave Dominik's lips about the whole fact of the trees that got in his way, once he had reached near the destination of where the woman had given to him; the young General had immediately slammed his foot onto the breaks to cause the entire Jeep to come to a slide halt once he had grown close enough.


Finally, stepping out of the large vehicle, he came to notice as to how the woman named as Irsal had been practically leaning against one of the trees with herself wounded or sorts. Arching a brow at the sight of this through the motorcycle helmet he continued to wear to conceal his face. He simply approached the woman with a curious expression underneath his helmet. "Agent Irsal, I presume? I am General Dominik. It is not safe here." As he had questioned the woman, he began to reach out a single hand towards her to give the assistance if she required help to stand and to get into the vehicle for them to leave the area. Even if he had been a General or not and even if not this woman had been considered the Government's weapon of sorts, there was no chance he was about to take the risk of gathering the attention of an overwhelming amount of corrupted creatures all in one area from all the noise.  



Shinji Araki

Finally, after spending several minutes on the exterior of his cottage upon the rooftop; healing his wounds on his back as well as checking for any possible facts if the corrupted creatures would decide to rush the cottage at all, knowing in the end it would only result in their deaths. The young male simply nodded his head as he stood to his own two feet; removing the hood from his head before hopping straight off the roof and landing with a light thud onto the floor. Noticing as to how the large corpse of the buck he had killed had still been laying on the outside of the cottage, Shinji had simply given himself a nod that he would have to cook that later on when he could; for now, he would need to check on his guest to see if she was alright or not. Just as he had opened up the door to the interior of his cottage, he would step inside only to find that the woman had been sitting by one of the tables inside on her own; surrounding the room had been several art frames that he had drawn himself as well as some wooden sculptures that he had crafted during his time when he had nothing to do. On the opposite side of the large cottage had been a rug that he had woven together using the fur of many creatures to make sure that nothing had been wasted to make sure that it had fitted his thought of a warm home during the evenings along with a fireplace that had been right by it.


As Shinji slowly but surely approached the woman by the table; making sure to give her plenty of space, he would surely leave her to sit there while he had made his way over towards the kitchen that had been nearby. "Would you like something to drink...Miss? Tea? Water? Coffee?" Surely, even though the woman was clearly not a mortal human; if she had known about anything of those drinks, Shinji could prepare it for her through his constant learning times of how mortals had worked on what they had required to live exactly.
[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Efert[/COLOR]

Taking a minute to look around the cottage, Efert looked at the various different paintings scattered along the walls. Some of the paintings looked abstracts, pitch black monsters The paintings were rattled with vibrant colors and this serene flow was felt about them, almost as if they were beckoning her to be their friend. The paintings seemed very friendly, however but they were also giving off a sad vibe to them, so she turned her head away to focus on something else. Maybe the person that created them was feeling lonely? Efert thought, giving a quick side look to the wall once again. She just sighed then turned her head back towards the window, feeling bored out of her mind; just wishing that something would happen.

Once she had noticed a new presence in the room, Efert straightened up in her chair and turned her head towards the door. The young man that had recused her earlier had returned, she relaxed a bit letting her back rest up against the chair. Watching him walk towards the kitchen, she placed her head down on the table while still looking at the male. Hearing his question, she didn't recognize some of the drinks that he had named but one did clearly stick out. If you don't know what it is then just go with something familiar. She heard her mother's voice in her head, reminding her as always. "[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Water, if you would please[/COLOR]." Efert replied, a hint of sadness in her voice.

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[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Isral[/COLOR]

While waiting for this so called 'General' to show up, Isral placed two fingers onto her wrist to take her pulse. Her pulse wasn't as quick as it once was but...she still needed to be careful just incase the drugs were to crash on her again. She hated when they would always test their "newly" invented drugs on her, she was their test subject so they knew what drugs to not give to their other soldiers. Hearing the roar of an engine, Isral snapped her head into the direction, pulling out her pistol and hiding it from her back. The engine kept getting louder and louder until a jeep came accelerating out of the tree line, screeching to a halt yards away from where Isral was standing. A man wearing a helmet hopped out of the jeep, wasting no time to come towards where Isral was.

"[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]....[/COLOR]" She stayed silent as the general approached her, she noticed that he still wore his helmet. Isral withdrew her weapon back into her hostler, crossing her arms while waiting for the mysterious person to get closer. Perhaps he doesn't want me to see his face? Then again... She thought, staring at him with a blank stare. Looking at his outstretched hand, she scoffed as she slapped his hand away; an angry expression was eminent in her features. Isral just walked past the male and helped herself climb into the passenger side of the jeep, waiting for the male to come drive her back to base or wherever he was ordered to take her. She was tempted to start up the jeep and leave him stranded there but she would have to face the precussions of those actions later that day.

Shinji Araki

While Shinji had remained his time within the kitchen to prepare drinks for both himself and the young woman that had been sitting in the opposite room. He had been preparing a small pot of hot water on one side while he had awaited for her order of what she had wished to drink; once the young woman stated that she had wished for some water rather than any tea or something else in particular to drink, he had simply respected the woman's wishes and made sure to pour her a cup of cold water before leaving it to one side while he had finished up his own tea. Soon pouring the hot water from the pot into a small kettle of leaves and placing a top onto it before bringing both the kettle as well as one empty cup and one full of water. Placing the cups and kettle onto the large wooden table while he had taken a seat by the woman; Shinji had taken in the fact that her voice was rather saddened at how she had stated her order for water when she spoke, however it was not his place to ask of something like such so soon. Rather, simply once he had placed the three objects onto the table; he had began to pour himself a cup full of the yellow liquid known as tea into his own cup before taking small sips of the drink.

Once finishing his sips and placing the hot cup back down with a low sigh from the heat helping his own body, the young male simply brought his full gaze upon the woman before him with a slight bit of silence to figure out what he was to honestly say. The very fact that she was out in the forest alone and even wandering the way she had been surely couldn't had just been coincidence. "So are you alright Miss...? You can stay as long as you wish before you feel as though you must leave....There is a town nearby here that may have some assistance for you if you are lost. Although it is mostly full of mortals, there are some people there that might be able to help you." As he had questioned the woman before him slightly, he had constantly been shifting his attention over towards the window from time to time at the corner of his eye just to make sure that none of the beast would try any type of attack when they had known that Shinji was not paying attention to his full surroundings of the outside of his cottage.









Dominik Taishi

Just as the male had offered his assistance to the woman known as Irsal only to be rejected as she had slapped his hand to one side and to have her walk pass him and end up climbing into the passenger seat of the vehicle to await for him to drive her back to wherever he had ended up bringing her. Dominik had simply remained silent in the end while he kept his back turned towards the large vehicle in the end; arching a brow soon enough as he slowly yet surely turned his attention around to face the woman sitting in the Jeep. Silence was still all the General gave in response for a moment before he had simply given a low sigh and began to simply make his way over to the driver's seat and start the engine to begin driving straight out of the large dense forest. The entire time he had began to make his way towards the exit he had made from the entrance he had formed with his own dark power to begin with, as expected from them strange forest that had held several beasts with the shard of the mirror within them; the trees slowly yet surely began to reform themselves around the entrance as though they were regrowing their broken limbs after being destroyed. Rather than wasting any further energy he needed to use on such a pointless effort of destroying something that would just regrow, Dominik had simply floored his foot onto the accelerator to rush all the more quickly towards the exit.


Soon enough, as the vehicle was finally able to get free of the forest before the trees fully reformed; the General had been able to get the Jeep back upon the dirt road as he slightly slowed the accelerator to it's normal pace once more. 'As I thought...she has no real respect for people as myself. Hmph, no matter. This is not my full concern.'  As his thoughts roamed his head about how the 'weapon' the mortals created had acted around him even knowing his rank; he simply kept silent for another few moments while he drove himself and her back to the military base which had still been quite a ways from their current location. "So what was your mission there...Agent Irsal?" Even as he had spoken through his helmet throughout the entire time, the very fact that he was calling the woman by 'agent' or even the name the mortals had given her was something he disliked quite a bit due to how it reminded him more and more of how as well as what they had created their own race into for their own gains; he still wished to know some sort of information in case the mortals had decided to keep any secrets even from someone of Dominik's rank at this point.


Efert just stared at the young man while he was currently busy in the kitchen. Watching him place strange leaves into a container of some sorts, she wondered at what kind of human invention was he using. She only knew of the stories outside the village told to her by her mom, her dad wouldn't let her take trips with him while he was hunting so she would always be stuck with her mother during the times that he was gone. Even still now she only knew limited information about what the outside life was, here she was with a stranger at that. Coming back to reality, she realized that she hadn't even touched the cup of water that the male had given to her prior.

Not wanting to seem like she was unappreciative to his help, she brought the cup to her lips and hastily swallowed majority of the water. After letting the water clear her throat for a bit, she spaced out again while looking down at her cup once more. Upon hearing the male's voice, she jumped a bit, clearly startled from hearing another voice, almost spilling the water on her lap.  "O-Oh...I'm fine, there's no need to worry. I can leave in the morning if you want." She replied, as quickly placed the cup back on the table to keep it from spilling. She didn't want to be anymore of a bother to the man that she currently already was, it was best that she left here anyway.

Sitting there was just as boring as just hunting her prey sometimes, Isral rolled her eyes at comparing waiting in the car to hunting. Obviously, hunting was way better than sitting in a damn car that reeks on stupid soldier sweat. She thought, looking at the approaching General. She didn't even feel an ounce of sympathy for the man, she felt just uncaring about the whole situation to begin with. The people at the lab did this to her, they should be able to tone down the drug's affects as well. Watching as the general called Dominik walked into the jeep, Isral just wanted to jump out and walk to the base. That however was a risk she wasn't willing to take, not in the condition that she was currently in.

Isral watched the tree she was leaning on a couple moments ago slowly disappeared from her view as they drove away from the forest. Once the tree was out of sight, she slipped down into her chair, after feeling an ounce of pain from her chest.[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)] "That is NONE of your concern dog."[/COLOR] Isral had had it with being quiet for now, it was very boring not to talk for practically months on ends.They probably pay him to keep his mouth shut about me anyway....I might as well enjoy what little torment I can stir up. She thought, a grimace crossed her face. Feeling the invisible weight on her chest, she turned her head away from the general. Looking for something to do, Isral looked out the passing images of nature from the window of the moving jeep.

Shinji Araki

While the young white haired male had continued to sit before the woman after he had questioned her on her own well being as well as about she being free to stay as long as she wished or if she had wished to leave, there had been a town nearby. Shinji had been constantly taking small sips from his drink from time to time, the whole while focusing his gaze finally away from the window and fully upon the woman in front of him. Soon enough, once she had began to speak about how she was fine after-all and that she would leave as soon as possible as it had seemed; such as in the morning if he had wanted so. For a mere moment, his own eyes would've widened at how the woman spoke with rather quickness before she had placed the cup back down onto the table as though she were rushing to even get her words out. At the sound of her voice, Shinji had quickly only responded at first with a shake of his head in denial in case it had seemed as though he was being rude about trying to make her leave his home. "O-oh nono Miss. You do not need to hurry yourself to leave so soon. Please, if you require rest. Do stay as long as you need, do treat my own home as though it were your own." As he had spoken out of the kindness of his own heart, Shinji had attempted to show that he was of no harm to the woman; soon enough just as he had thought about the fact of harm, his memory immediately shot back into him about the fact of how the woman had fallen from the tree from earlier as well as how she had rejected the green jar of liquid that he had offered from the first time he had met her. Maybe she still had wounds to be tended to, making ones way through this forest with wounds was only going to make life all that more difficult, especially if the scent of blood had reached any of the creatures in the darkness.


"Um, are you still wounded at all...from that fall from earlier I mean. I can help...if you are at all. I mean, only if you wish me to." Offering his own assistance with the slightest quickness in his own voice, the young male had made sure to immediately direct his gaze slightly to one side to avoid full direct eye contact with the woman once he had offered in case she would've ended up giving him the same stern and slightly hostile tone back just as she had done the first time. Once again, even if she had done so this time; it wasn't as though Shinji could blame her in the end, even though he was giving his own assistance with letting her stay at his cottage; didn't change the fact that the two of them were still complete strangers in the end, but it didn't hurt to at least offer.

Just while the young male continued to sit there pondering of how he could possibly help the woman; the last thing Shinji had ended up expecting was the instant a sudden deep growl began to come from him. Gasping sharply at the sound, he immediately directed his gaze towards to his stomach to realize just how hungry he had been. Remembering just how he had been out hunting and assisting the woman from earlier with the battle; Shinji had nearly completely forgotten about the whole fact that he still had the entire corpse of a buck right outside his cabin that he still needed to begin working on to prepare dinner, maybe offering the woman some food would do some good as well.


Dominik Taishi

Throughout the entire drive towards the military base and the continued silence that came from the two within the vehicle. It wasn't long before after questioning the female beside him about her mission did she give yet another cold and nearly heartless response to him. As expected once again, he wasn't sure why he had even began to expect any other kind of response other than that from someone that was treated and used by the mortal Government the way she had been used in this case. Whatever the case may had been, Dominik had simply ignored the rest of the drive to the base; before long, he would've simply ended up reaching up to unclip the motorcycle helmet from his head before simply tossing it out the window to let it roll across the empty road behind them. With his hair and face in full view now; Dominik simply continued to drive the vehicle for several more minutes before finally coming to the front gates of the military base where he slowed down and finally came to a park beside many of the other vehicles there.


"We're here. Go ahead and get yourself comfortable inside in anyway you wish. I will be out here to check upon the soldiers yo see their progress, if you need me. I will be out here, I will return inside soon." Stating those words to the woman known as Isral; rather than awaiting for her own response which was sure to be just another cold one, the General wasted none of his time to just step out of the Jeep and immediately cross his arms behind him to progress his way immediately over towards the training grounds where he watched as many of the soldiers continued to train endlessly. The whole while he had stood there watching his soldiers, the thoughts that roamed his head constantly shifted to the fact about the woman that the government had considered their own personal weapon; for some reason, whenever he had remained near the woman; he could feel some sort of strange distorted energy coming from her. Unaware of just what the energy signature that came from her was, he had attempted to simply ignore it for now; it was not of his concern, he had to kept his focus fully upon finding the shards of the necklace somewhere the government had kept them hidden.
[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Isral[/COLOR]

Reading the road sign along the road about entering a restricted area, Isral rolled her eyes turning her head to the side. The government needs to think of better ways to ward of the public, of course people are going to venture into the unknown due to their curiosity. She thought, tapping quietly on the window glass. That was one of the many things she hated sometimes about being human, some of her kind were dumb enough to stick their noses where they don't belong. Most of the people that ventured into this area would pretty much get shot at and killed by the soldiers or if the government was running low on soldiers, they would wipe the memory of those trespassing and induct them into service. Either way, Isral thought that those ideas were barbaric even for the government but then again, nothing surprised her about the government anymore.

Redirecting her attention from her inner thoughts, she tried to focus on anything that would be deemingly not so boring as thinking about the government. Staring at the silent male in the car with her, she wasn't at all surprised when he threw his helmet out of the car window. He didn't look anything special, well maybe just a guy with a weird hair color but other than that there was nothing worth analyzing about him. Rolling up to the base, Isral looked at the massive buildings that housed all kinds of weaponry also fit for a king if he were to ever go to war. "[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Tch....Mutt shouldn't be giving me orders[/COLOR]." Isral mumbled under her breath after General Dominik left the jeep to tend to his soldiers. The entire time that she was sitting in the jeep, Isral could have sworn she felt like wanting to stab him to death over and over again. Hopping out of the jeep, Isral decided to explore the base a bit; after all she was rarely sent out onto the base as it is.

Not wanting to seem impolite, Efert picked up her cup and continued to drink the water until there was nothing left but an empty cup. Steadying the cup on her lap, Efert wanted to spend time concentrating on something other than her own thoughts. She looked around the room once more, taking in a bit more of her surroundings. While hearing from the male about it not being a problem for her to stay there, a small blush appeared on her face. Efert quickly turned her head, not wanting him to see the state that she was currently in. Her ankle still felt numb but the pain was much better than compared to earlier that day.

Trying to stand up by herself, Efert almost fell down onto the floor, however luckily she caught herself before then. Climbing back into her chair, she readjusted herself then looked in the direction of the cottage's owner. "Well...my ankle still hurts a bit...." She meekly replied, setting her cup onto the table finally. Hearing his stomach utter a growl, Efert started giggling a bit, unable to suppress most of her laugh. It was silly that a person who invited her into their home would be hungry, provided that their kitchen is probably fully stocked with food items.

Dominik Taishi

Standing there with his arms crossed the whole while he had watched his troops train endlessly, Dominik had kept his own back tuned to the woman within the vehicle even after she had finally decided to get out to explore the base on her own. Surely enough, while she had explored the base itself; many of the male soldiers that either passed her or she had passed them had clearly taken their attention onto her in a bit of shock of who she was. Clearly enough though, none of them had dared to approach the woman considering how she had been dressed gave obvious enough information that she knew combat well enough that they were not to ever underestimate anyone due to the training that the General of the military had put them through. Rather however, instead of simply remaining completely silent about the entire issue of a stranger wandering the base; the soldiers had immediately directed themselves to their commanding officer; the General. Questioning him about whether or not he knew about the woman wandering the base; Dominik simply nodded his head as a response at first. "Indeed I know soldier. You are to treat her with the upmost respect. Treat her as you would treat my ranking position." Stating this firmly, even if the soldiers questioned the very thought about this and even doubted that the woman could be so powerful as to be given the same respects of a General, they dared not argue and simply saluted and nodded their heads in understanding. From there, those whoever Isral had ended up passing immediately saluted to her in respects.


Soon enough, after several more minutes had ended up passing of the General standing there watching the soldiers train endlessly; he would end up turning his back to them simply to begin making his way back inside. If he were to had come to end up passing the woman, he would have further questions for her to see if she would be willing to talk at all yet; however until then if he hadn't met her, he was simply on his way to his own office where he would begin to finish up his paperwork. As the few moments of walking soon lead him to his office, with the stacks of paperwork that he had upon his desk from both the intrusion of the base that he went to earlier that he was to fill out in beginning a search and figuring out what or who invaded the base. A deep exhaled sigh was all that came from Dominik's lips as he simply ignored it for the time being; taking a seat, he just ended up placing both of his elbows onto the desk to begin to go into a deep thought. 'Just where are these mortals hiding those shards...I know they are nearby. Honestly, I can feel their power. They're all together, surely if they are all together this should be easy...but why does it feel like they are all moving at once..?! What is going on?!'


Shinji Araki

When the instant the sound of the woman before him had giggled after his stomach had growled to indicate clearly that he was hungry and in need of food. The once crimson blush that came across his cheeks only darkened further in embarrassment; letting a low chuckle leave his lips he only simply stood up to his feet for a mere moment to nearly decide that he was going to head to the front of the cottage at least slice up a bit of the buck to bring inside and cook it, however just as he had began to take a single step; the fact that she had stated that her ankle was still hurting a bit only brought his attention right back over. Rather than simply standing there and just to fill his own belly, he would make his way over towards the woman's side of the table before slightly kneeling down onto one knee. "I um...know this might seem weird...but can I see your ankle?...I can help." Stating and offering his own assistance, knowing well enough that doing what he had planned to was fully against his own race of what he was taught never to do again after the history that his kind had with everyone else outside of the phoenix race. However, something his mother had always taught him before she had ended up being killed was that no matter what had ever happened; he should always be kind to those around him no matter who they were. Secluding himself forever and being cold to never help those in need was never going to get him any allies, life was full of risks and if he were to never take them he was only going to end up hurting himself or possibly getting himself killed one day.
[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Efert[/COLOR]

Efert continued to giggle until the man turned away with an scarlet red blush. He's probably embrassed, I should stop laughing at him. She thought, feeling ashamed of how she acted.Her mother taught her how to be cautious towards others, this wasnt how her mother raised her to be with a stranger. Efert watched him rise from his chair, turning towards the door. It was obvious to Efert at least that either he wanted to get some fresh air or he was going to get something for them to eat. However, when he turned around and kneeled down beside her chair, a bright pink blush plastered it's way onto her face.

"[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]S-Sure. I-If its ok, I would like to know your name..[/COLOR].." Efert studdered a bit, unable to think straight at that moment. All she could think about was his captivating eyes, she could see gentleness yet great furiousity in his eyes. She snapped herself out of her trance, looking for something else to focus on. I'm not being my usual self, maybe I really do need to leave soon. Efert was thinking of where she would go after she left here.
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[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Isral[/COLOR]

Walking around the base, Isral noticed as the soldiers around the base tended to avoid her almost as if they were scared. Chickens, should be farmers instead of soldiers. She thought, looking back behind her as a solider pasted her view. Hearing gun shots in the distance, she felt intrigued at what the government had been giving their guns to keep training their soldiers with. Isral continued on her merry way, watching some of the soldiers train with their "baby" pistols, trying to aim at the targets on the hay barrels. Most of them missed by a long shot, hitting nearby trees and almost injuring the others at one point. She stared at them with a blank expression, then turned toward them, walking down the dirt path towards them. The soldiers paused as she approached, unsure of what to do with the new person there.

Picking up on of the guns, she waved it around like it was a toy, not noticing the soldiers who were slowly backing away from her in the case that she were to fire at them. If these worms were ever to go into combat, they would be killed in an instant. I suppose the person in charge of these soldiers is a complete dumbass. I suppose I should at least teach them a thing or two. Isral thought, looking at the little puppies they call men. "[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Pay attention. I will only show you this once." [/COLOR]Isral commanded them, they instantly went into the form of attention. Showing them the proper stance of how fire a pistol, without even looking at the target, she pulled the trigger. The bullet hit a little to the left of the bull's eye but it was enough for the solider to start cheering and whisper among themselves. Isral ordered them to practice now that she had shown them, a hint of pride crossed her emotionless features as she watched them ever get closer to the mark.

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Shinji Araki

While the light haired male had remained upon his knees while awaiting for the woman to lift her ankle to allow him to assist her with the wound, for a mere moment he had made sure to place a single gloved hand underneath her foot just to hold it in place. Right as he had taken his free gloved palm to hover slightly over the woman's ankle, Shinji's own gaze would soon shut to focus fully upon his own flame energy. In a matter of seconds, the very palm of his hand that had been over the woman's ankle would begin to heat up as a slight reddish orange glow began to come from the palm of his hand; the glow would've helped remove the pain from her wound but as well as reduce any swelling of her muscles along with bruises to make sure that her wound would become practically nonexistent. Spending just about a minute or so concentrating and keeping the healing process going until he had known well enough that the wound would be completely gone and she would be fully alright, by the time he had completed the process; a slight panting breath would escape his lips as he directed his full gaze upwards only to hear the woman's question before him. Questioning himself whether he should be really be giving the woman his name in risk that she might possibly be some kind of hunter in disguise or just one that had been truly kind in the end; Shinji had simply ended up nodding mentally to himself that he could trust the woman for now at least. She had shown no harm to him and if she truly had been a hunter, she had more than one chance to attack him already by this point. "My name is...Shinji Araki. If you...um, don't mind me asking. What is yours?"


As he had questioned the woman in return, obviously enough; he had would've lowered her foot back upon the floor before he would've fully stood up once more. Not only had he questioned her simply due to her asking the same of him to begin with but yet, he had wished to immediately shift the conversation to something the two could speak about before she had decided to even begin questioning him about what he had done such as how he had healed her ankle in such a way and how she knew well enough at this point that he wasn't mortal obviously. Finding anything he could possibly talk about with the woman, Shinji had ended up simply letting a low chuckle leave his lips as he scratched the back of his head; knowing the longer he had stayed talking to her, he would be only getting hungrier. "So hey...um, do you eat meat at all? I mean, I  have something to make us some food...if you'd like. It just kind of has meat, but I mean..if you don't eat that. I also have some vegetables and such I can make something for you."





Dominik Taishi

While the light haired General had been constantly giving it thought of where the mortals had been possibly keeping the many other shards of the mirror while it's energy had been traveling around him throughout most of the entire time he had been everywhere of the different parts of the many Government bases, the sudden noise of multiple gunshots firing in such rapid paces and as well as in such a particular pattern had snapped him out of his thought. Raising his head only for a moment to the sound, Dominik had only given an arch of a brow to the noise as he immediately went off to investigate the many different gunshot sounds to see who or what had been firing off their weapon in such a way and whether or not they were even doing a proper job to hit their targets in such a way. Soon, while the General had continued to follow the gunshots which had started off as only a few pattern shots turning to multiple, Dominik had began to hurried his pace just a tad bit further to reach his destination all the more quickly.


Once arriving at one of the many different shooting ranges, Dominik had remained behind one of the few large bulletproof glass displays as he had come to witness what had been none other than the woman known as Isral training a few of the many soldiers on how to fire a gun properly to actually hit their targets. Indeed, she had been fully created to be just what the government had designed her to be; a killing weapon after-all. Throughout the practice, after a few more moments had ended up passing; Dominik had began to make his way around the large glass display to approach the many soldiers along with the woman as well, the entire time he had approached them all; he held both of his hands behind his back while he kept a slight smirk across his lips the whole way. "Very well done soldiers. At ease." As he had informed the soldiers to relax since they had immediately stepped into full salute once their General had arrived, his attention was soon focused upon the woman fully. "Ah, so agent Isral. I can clearly see you have trained these men and women how to properly handle a gun. Very interesting...now. If your skills are as top notch as they seem to be, would you mind if I test these particular skills of yours out for myself?...I would like to see your hand-to-hand combat against me here and now." The instant he had brought up this very fact, the many soldiers that had stood there to make sure to give the space for the two high ranking people before them had stared in complete shock. Obviously, throughout their lives as soldiers; it would be a rare sight to ever even get to see the General of the military be the one to do battle whether it was to spar or an actual fight, of course many of them had been eager and excited at the very thought to see this fight, however others were a bit questioning now all the more what had caused Dominik to become so open to even decide to battle this woman of anyone in particular.



[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Efert[/COLOR]

Feeling her muscles at her ankle start to shift slightly, Efert winced with the uncomfortable sensation in her body. She hadn't prepared herself for the sudden jolt on energy from the male, then again she didn't even expect it herself. Her ankle started to eluminate in this light orange hum of color, startling Efert slightly. Inside her body, she could feel the shifting of bones as she watched the swelling of her foot going down. After he set her foot down, Efert rubbed the area where the ankle was sprained and was surprised to fine the injury completely healed.

Efert's curiousity peeked up, she wanted to learn even more about the mysterious male in front of her. However, she didnt want to seem inpolite as well as invade a person's personal space. Thinking about what to say next, Efert heard his name come from his lips; a light smile appeared on her lips. She gave some thought about telling Shinji her name, at first she was against it but it didn't seem right to not expect anything in return after she had asked him however. "[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]My name is Efert. Just Efert[/COLOR]." Efert replied, looking around to avoid contact with his eyes. After a few moments of silence, she soft spokenly replied to Shinji, "[COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]Yes...U-Uhm I would like to eat meat[/COLOR]."
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[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Isral[/COLOR]
Watching the soldiers practicing the technique that the she had taught them earlier, she could see the improve from the adjustments she told them. They still needed some work but that would come with time, after all it took her about 4 years to actually master the ways of guns even with the drugs that she was provided. Hearing the snoppy general approaching, Isral backed up a bit as she watched him out the corner of her eye address the soldiers. She soon grew on a bored expression as she dissected the gun into the multiple parts, placing them at equal distance away from each other on the ground. The gun definitely was underpowered for killing someone, it was probably made for stun guns maybe, the kick back was not as powerful as her own guns. 

"[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Your guns are weak, whoever made your guns is definitely an idiot." [/COLOR]Isral directed her attention to the row of soldiers. Hearing the general's challenge, Isral, for the first time in a long time, began to think deeply about whether or not to accept the challenge. While the time that she had begun to think, a solider dared to speak out against Isral, [COLOR= rgb(250, 235, 215)]"Who are you to judge our weapons? You're not even allowed to be on this property." [/COLOR]Apparently, this guy hadn't heard of the General's orders nor had been there long enough to feel the temperature around them drop, despite them all being outside. Isral simply walked back to the table containing all sort of guns, grabbed another pistol, then returned to the soldiers and General. "[COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Oh, I see[/COLOR]." That was she said before, she raised the gun in her hand and fired a bullet shot into the right leg of the soldier.

The man doubled over in pain as he clutched his leg in pain, the other soldiers just simply backed away from Isral in hopes that she wouldn't shoot them as well. [COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]"The pain that you feel now is just as weak as your own guns, your own limitation is so funny to laugh at. You believe that your gun is really superior, I will show you real pain[/COLOR]." A creepy smile appeared on Isral's face, as she tossed the gun she used to shoot the man onto the ground. She then used a hint of magic, summoning her portal containing the actual pistol that she always uses. The portal was the colors of red and black, swirling endlessly like a tornado inside a type of black hole. Placing her hand inside, Isral pulled out her pistol; she began to aim at the man with the intent on shooting his other leg to teach him a lesson.


Shinji Araki

Once hearing the woman's name, the young white haired male had simply nodded to himself mentally to know that he had taken down her name in his memory so that he wouldn't forget her name. Although it had been strange that the woman hadn't given him a last name and rather just gave him her name as Efert in the end. He had not blamed her for doing so, even Shinji was doubtful in the thought of giving her too much information about himself to begin with, even if he had not said anything about that; he still felt that way. So, once she had stated that she would eat meat, a warm smile came across his lips as he simply made his way right out the front door of his cottage simply to find that the buck that he had killed earlier was still there and fresh as the kill. Giving himself the nod to know that he was going to make this for food; he had ended up pulling from the side of his leg a small hunting knife as he kneeled down to begin cutting a large portion of meat off from the side of the creature. Since he had been a child, Shinji's father had showed him how to hunt for his own food while his mother had taught him how to cook rather well; thanks to his race being that of the bird of fire, even when they didn't have a stove or anything at times; his mother had showed him clearly how to control his flames to cook a meal anywhere he needed to.


Rather than simply sitting there and cooking it with his flames however, the young male hadn't wished to take the risk of the woman seeing him and simply brought the large portion of the meat from the buck into the cottage once more. Passing by the woman with the bloodied meat that he had sliced off the creature with a rather sheepish smile at how his palms were practically covered in blood. He couldn't help but chuckle lowly as he passed the woman. "Um..s-sorry about this...It's kind of a mess right now...but i'll make sure to make something good soon." As he stated, carrying the piece of meat right over towards the kitchen area to begin skinning the fur off of it and cleaning before he had lit the bottom of the stove using his own flame for a mere second or so. After he had cleaned it and such, he still needed to make sure he had spiced the meat properly before he had decided to throw the whole thing on the fire. The whole while he had been doing everything, although he hadn't fully turned his back over to take a glimpse at the woman, he had still paid a bit of attention towards her to make sure that she wasn't looking whenever he needed to use any parts of his powers whatsoever.





Dominik Taishi

While the General had continued to stand there awaiting for Isral's response to his challenge towards her. The last thing that the male had expected to end up overhearing was the instant one of his soldiers had decided to speak up out of turn. Noticing and listening to how the soldier had spoken as though he had clearly not known about the order that Dominik had spread to all the soldiers to begin with, he had prepared to speak up to halt the soldier's words before actually doing anything to him. However, before Dominik had been able to do so though; the sudden sight of how the woman had ended up taking one of the pistols simply to shoot the man in his leg to cause him to drop and scream in pain had caused the many other soldiers to watch in shock while the General had only stood still to watch quietly. Honestly, Dominik had not cared too much if the mortal humans had all been killed anyway; soon enough, whenever he had decided to reveal his true identity; he would do it himself anyway.


The one thing that had actually caused him to do something however was the instant Isral had began to use some sort of energy of her own to begin pulling a strange pistol from a portal of sorts out of nowhere. When she had formed the portal, the energy signature that came from her had immediately resembled that of the shards of the mirror. Gasping in utter shock at this signature, Dominik had growled before immediately reaching out a single palm to place it in the way of the pistol. His own dark energy forming around his palm in case she had decided to fire the pistol to halt the bullet before it had decided to hit the soldier; this was not to protect the man but rather if she had shot the bullet, he could use that bullet for research to figure out more of the shards. "Stop this now! You all! Get that man patched up...while you..Miss Isral....I repeat myself once more; I request a challenge duel from you.." Once more, he repeated the statement of challenging the woman, knowing that she had some sort of shard with her; Dominik had started to even become slightly concerned, she was indeed using the shard to have that power but he had sensed multiple energy and large amounts of energy from the shards nearby moving; did this mean that she was holding multiple within her or something. A way he could figure this out was to spar with her.



Isral tilted her gun towards the soldier that had dared to infuriate her, her finger lightly touching the trigger. A strange blood lust had taken over her mind, ever since she had fired the first bullet into the man's leg. Seeing the man in pain, brought a strange feeling of joy to her, she however did nothing to stop the feeling. As she was about to pull the trigger, the General had stepped into her way and blocked her from seeing the man.  Debating whether or not to still shoot her gun, Isral simply sighed as she retracted her gun.

"Tch. Annoying." Isral placed her gun next to her hip, scaring the other soldiers in the process. The other soldiers simply avoided eye contact from her as they rushed to their injured comrade. Supporting him on each of his arms, they lead him away in the direction that Isral could only guess, the infirmary. "Oh, so I'm a Miss now? You government dogs never seem to not surprise me. Fine, I will fight." Isral could feel the tightening of her chest, around the heart area. She could and will bare this pain in order to prove a point to this stupid general that  was currently standing in front of her.

Watching Shinji leave out the door with a smile, in curiosity, she hesitantly sniffed in the direction of where the door was. Efert smelled the blood of a buck, her stomach began to growl with anticipation of what she was going to consume later. Buck has been her favorite ever since her mother first fixed it when she was able to start chewing on smaller animals in the forest. Just now thinking about her family, a small smile appeared on her face as she reminisced about the life she once had. The slight smell of the buck had even triggered her fox appendages to come out of hiding, Efert scrambled to hide them as she heard Shinji approach the cottage entrance. As he entered, she had successfully hid away both of her ears but not her tail; as it hung off the chair she was sitting in.

"Ah it's fine, I really would like to help you if you want." Efert called out after him once he had completely passed her with the bloodied buck meat in his hands. Hopefully he hasn't noticed my tail yet...that would be a disaster if he were to find out. She thought, staring intensely at her golden colored tail. She had heard stories of how people would kill her kind just because of a few difference of their features. Efert sighed, calmly petting her tail just to feel as least a bit more comforted when it came with this person named Shinji.

Dominik Taishi

While the General had watched as the soldiers had taken their wounded ally away to get him patched up. The light haired male had simply stood there in silence after stating his challenge towards the woman, the entire time his gaze focused as many of the soldiers all left the area to tend to the wounded soldier in the process from orders of the General. The reason for his silence was not due to Isral's response towards his challenge but rather simply because he had wished to know exactly when the mortals had all left the area before he had even thought to begin the battle between the two of them. Although Dominik had known well enough that he would use his own power once he revealed his true identity to the government anyway, this was not the exact time for him to let everyone know how he wasn't human just yet. For now, he still needed to find out just why the sensation of the shards of the mirror were coming from this woman before him.


By the time the last of the soldiers had finally left the area, a sly smirk soon came across the General's lips as he carefully removed both of his gloves from his hands before stuffing one each into his pockets. Without so much a waste of a moment, he had immediately turned to his side before extending out his right arm towards the woman; instantly several tendrils had came out of his palm as they were made out of pure darkness. All the while, even though he clearly knew that the attack was a simple beginning one, he had made sure to follow this same strike with a stomp of his foot towards her. The shear strength of his stomp had caused the ground itself to crack and tremble as a large crack formed closer and closer towards her just to see if she would be able to keep her balance in the process to dodge or block his incoming attack of the tendrils.


Shinji Araki

Standing there in the kitchen area of the large cottage, Shinji had kept his back turned to the woman, completely unaware of her change of how she had a tail and ears of her kind at this moment. He had felt honestly too embarrassed to look towards the woman in case she might've though him to be vicious or cold blooded to had killed an animal at all if she were not the type to be killing innocent beings for survival. While the white haired male had continued to spice up the large piece of meat, he had made sure to grab a hold of one of his cooking knives simply to slice the large piece of meat into a smaller better sized portion to be eating rather than have a giant piece of meat for the two of them to share. As he had sliced it, he immediately wasted no time to place it upon the stove where the fire underneath had began to cook the meat carefully. Listening to how the woman behind him had stated that she'd like to help, he would give a warm smile before nodding his head slowly for a mere moment even if he kept his back turned to make sure he wouldn't end up cutting himself with the knife. "O-oh..um, okay. I mean..can you..get the salad ready for me Miss Efert? I have all the ingredients over there in the pantry and fridge if you'd like." As he stated his words, he made sure to point in the direction of where everything was with a single bloodied hand from holding upon the large piece of meat the whole time.


Isral brought her right leg behind her, leaving her left leg in front of her body, she was preparing her body for battle mode as she waited for her opponent to attack. Isral watched her opponent closely, making sure that he wouldn't try to attack her when her guard was at it's lowest point. She didn't know what type of magic General Dominik possessed, he was a complete mystery to her as she was to him but she wasn't going to take the chance to underestimate his potential. This is going to be an interesting fight although....I can't afford to use too much energy for this. She thought looking down at her ring. Her ring was currently shimmering with lime green pulses, this is was the energy she had been saving up for when the chance would be absolutely necessary for her to leave the military.

Feeling the last soldier's energy leave the area of the shooting range, Isral became even more focused when General Dominik's face donned on a sly smirk. That smirk reminded her of the bastard that held her here, anger flared in her eyes but she refused to acknowledge that he was getting under her skin. Looking at him once he raised his hand, she noticed black tentacles emerge out of the palm of his hand. She hesitated a bit, not knowing what to do about the tentacles coming from his hand, allowing Dominik's kick to knock her off balance. Isral quickly regained her composure as she swiftly dodged some of the tentacles by doing back flips away from Dominik. Taking out her gun, she shot bullets at his hand, hoping she wouldn't have to use either of her trump cards for this fight.
Efert pulled herself up from the chair and swiftly walked into the kitchen, making sure not to bump into Shinji in the process. She looked around the kitchen, trying to figure out where to the pantry was located, wandering around in an endless loop. Eventually, she just walked up to the wooden door, opening it only to find large amounts of produce on shelves and spices on the other side of the small space. Shifting around the small pantry, Efert had found majority of the items that she needed; basil, spinach, tomatoes, and onions. Her hands were full of these items, she had a tough time closing the pantry door as she walked out.

Placing the items on the counter, she turned on the water and washed the vegetables that were sitting there. She then turned around to look for a knife; it was a tough discovery for her, she had to look through multiple cabinets before ultimately finding an actual knife. Once finding said knife, Efert turned around towards her little "station" and started to quickly chop the vegetables that she had brought from the pantry. She had gotten a little carried away as she looked down, noticing that she had cut up not only the vegetables but the spinach as well. "U-Um...do you have any bowls I could use for the salad?" Efert asked, after she was done cutting the last of the onions.

Dominik Taishi

Just as the stomp of his foot had successfully caused the woman to become unbalanced, the General had nearly believed that his tendrils would've easily taken care of the rest. 'Hah, is this all she is capable--' Right in the middle of his thoughts, the sudden instant he had seen as to how quickly she had been able to regain her balance just to dodge out of the way of his tendrils rather rapidly; he had arched a brow from how curious he had grown to see how agile the woman was. Once she had fired her weapon towards him, due to how close the distance the two of them were at; it was barely that much of time to actually move his hand out of the way to avoid being hit but enough to end up causing a rather large scratched wound of the bullet grazing the back of his hand. Grunting in the shear burning pain of the bullet grazing his hand the way it had done so; although this would allow him to use his blood as his weapon at this point, he wasn't about to immediately resort to going as far as that just yet. This was simply a spar, nothing serious to actually severely wound either the woman or himself.


By the time he had been able to return the dark tendrils to his palms, the General would let a low chuckle leave his lips as he had reached behind him simply to reveal one of his own gun that he had kept holstered at his back at all times. Rather than immediately pointing it towards any vital areas of her body, he had simply aimed his shots straight for her feet. Once again, seeing if the woman could keep her balance in the process of each of his shots; although it wouldn't seem like it, each shot he fired had been enhanced with his own darkness to make sure that if she were to be wounded by the shot; small tendrils would attach themselves to her wound and attempt to bury the bullet to keep her firmly pressed into the ground.

All the while he had done this with his gun in one hand, Dominik had made sure to keep his free hand hidden from sight by keeping it behind him. This was more of a plan if the woman had actually grown close enough, he would reveal the blade that he was forming out of the same dark energy he had been using the entire time; if she had decided to get close enough, he would simply slash down at her immediately.


Shinji Araki

As the slightest sound of the wooden chair moving against the wooden flooring as well, Shinji had made sure to keep his own sight focused to his own work on the cooking. Constantly checking to notice how the meat was doing upon the stove, he would simply nod his head silently to make sure that he wasn't going to burn the meat in the process of cooking it. Carefully listening as Efert had made her own way over to the pantry to grab whatever she had desired, Shinji would constantly make his way back and forth between his cutting board and the stove to make sure that he was checking on the meat. Due to his attention constantly shifting over to wish to see if he would look over at the woman working beside him, he had nearly forgotten about what he was doing in front of him until he had finally ended up chopping the vegetables that he had been working with straight onto one of his fingers. Obviously, rather than ending up slicing one of his fingers completely off; the sudden rush of pain that came onto him had caused him to stop only to find that he had gotten a cut. Wincing in pain, he would quickly turn over once he had heard as to how the woman questioned him about the bowls. "Oh, those are right over in the cabinet above the sink. There are also plates in there if you'd like to use them...um, one moment. I have a cut..um I need to go patch it up really quick. If you'd excuse me." Stating this, although Shinji had known well enough that he could've simply healed the wound in mere seconds; the very fact of revealing such a power around the woman after healing her own leg wound was probably not the best idea immediately at the moment.


So, with that he had simply made his way straight for the bathroom within the cottage. Running the water from the sink just to clean the wound at first; after doing so. He wasted no time to let his own flame power of his phoenix take over just to heal the wound before exhaling a deep sigh not to allow it to overexert and end up revealing too much around him. After doing so, although it was clearly not needed; he simply had grabbed a small Band-Aid and patched it around his finger just to make it seem as though he had still been bleeding. Although Shinji was still attempting to understand the whole fact of how mortals lived their lives, it never meant that he didn't ever go to the mortal lands to purchase things from them such as this Band-Aid that he had gotten. There were few things in his cottage that were purchased from mortals that even interested the young phoenix male.

Seeing as she hit her target, Isral continued to fire more bullets at her opponent, hoping to barrage him with sheer numbers instead of power. She continued to fire at her opponent, even when she was not paying attention to her surroundings at that time. Feeling the last bullet exit the gun, she paused to reload the gun, jumping back and forth while doing so. Isral dropped the empty cartage onto the ground, trying to keep one balance on her foot while placing the new ammo cartage into the gun. Keeping her eyes firmly on Dominik, the back of hairs flipped up as she noticed him have a gun in his possession. Isral was caught off guard as he started to shoot at her feet, she nearly almost had gotten hit by one of the bullets just by standing on one foot.

Surprised at the notion that he was aiming for her feet, she quickly pulled out a smoke grenade from her pocket and held it behind her back. Isral was going to pull the pen out of the grenade but she suddenly felt an ounce of pain in her foot. Looking down, she was surprised when she saw a smaller version of his tendrils come out of the wound. Quickly, she pulled the pin and jumped back from the black smoke emanating from the bomb. Using the smoke as a cover, Isral circled around her opponent carefully not to alert him in anyway, laying her thin white string around the general area where he was standing. If he were to go anywhere outside the small radius that he was standing, she would pull the string, efficiently tying his entire body up with a simple tug.

Efert nodded once as her companion told her where the bowls were being held, looking up at the towering cabinet above her head. Efert gentle jumped up a couple of times to reach the cabinet door, it was tricky but she successfully swung the door open only to reveal that the bowls were on a much higher level than she was. Looking around the kitchen for something to stand on for the height advantage, she found nothing that could have stood on. She mentally cursed at herself while looking at the bowls while thinking, Why am I so short? This is going to be very hard for me to do, but I should at least try. She reached on her tippy toes towards the cabinet above the sink, trying to reach the bowls that were on the second shelf. While her back was turned, Efert had heard what Shinji said about cutting his finger, making her worry.

When she heard another door close, she had decided then that she would check up on her friend. "W-Wait are you-Kya!!" She was interrupted mid speech as she misjudged her speed and flung herself onto the floor. The world was currently spinning for her as she struggled to grasp something to pull herself up with. She groaned as bit, holding her head while pulling herself up with the edge of the countertop.

Dominik Taishi

Through each time the woman had fired her bullets from her own gun, the General had made sure to take several steps from one side to the next rapidly to quickly dodge out of the way of nearly each bullet; of course, to make it slightly believable enough, he had allowed himself to end up being scratched several times by the bullets grazing on by his flesh for a moment each time until he had decided to actually fire his own weapon towards her. Though he had barely taken any seriousness into this battle, he had analyzed every one of the movements that Isral had made even until the moment she had decided to throw down the smoke bomb and end up blocking out practically all vision for him and herself of course. Rather than bothering to move out of the smoke however; the most Dominik had done was simply raised one of his arms to cover up his nose and mouth with his sleeve while closing his eyes to make sure none of the smoke got in his way too much. Smirking underneath his breath, although he hadn't realized what the woman had been planning on the outside radius of the smoke; with this being in the way and blocking both of their vision of one another, this was a perfect chance for him to awaken a slight bit more of his own power without being discovered.


Reopening both of his eyes to flash a deep crimson for a mere moment while his chuckles left his lips in a distorted dark tone; rather than bothering to locate the woman through pure vision, he had pinpointed her location through the energy signature that she gave off of her body as well as that of the strange energy that was similar to that of the shards of the mirror coming from her. "Show me...what a trained soldiers like yourself...is capable of." As his voice echoed through the smoke with it's distorted tone, Dominik simply once more raised a single palm in the direction of her standing before opening his hand fully to her; in mere seconds shards of pure black energy shot out at rapid speeds towards her one after another from different angles through the pitch black smoke; all the while, he had used the darkness that had been within the smoke itself to enhance the speed and amount of velocity that his spikes shot out towards her, this time he released all the more energy to deal much more fatal wounds if they were to land.


Shinji Araki

Once returning from the restroom and with his finger patched up with a Band-Aid even if he had no longer been bleeding to begin with. Just as he had stepped out from the room he had been within, the sudden instant the young white haired male had ended up hearing Efert shouting out all of a sudden had nearly caught Shinji off-guard. Wasting none of his time to quickly make his way back over towards the kitchen to check on what had happened, his hopes had been that the corrupted creatures of the forest hadn't decided to make their appearance into the cottage suddenly for no reason. Just as he had rushed into the room only to find that the woman had been on the floor, slowly helping herself up to the counter by the time he had reached the room. For a mere instant that Shinji had stepped in only to find that the woman had no longer looked like a plain mortal but rather had a tail this time of what had seemed to be that of a fox-like creature, he had only remained silent of what he saw and simply rushed over to her side in concern. "Miss Efert! Are you alright..? A-are you hurt?" As he questioned the woman in further concern, just the sight of how she was now had proved no doubt about it in the end after-all; she truly was not a mortal as it had seemed and she was indeed another one of the mythical creatures just as himself, however, did this mean that he was free enough to reveal what he truly was to her in the end. Would the thought of possibly killing him and gaining the possible idea of immortality change her thought of friendship against him. So many unanswered questions now that he had known what she was but yet it was none of the concern at the moment of that; her falling and being the way she was, was the current problem.

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