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Interstellar Empires Reborn


Above all else, do no harm

It is unknown when humanity left its own star in flocks to colonize other worlds but it is known they where a fractured people, some even say they left out of necessity, that their world was dying and that leaving was the only choice but who knows?

What is known is that humanity has spread itself across the stars, some adapting in strange ways, becoming an offshoot of humans. Some made contact with intelligent life and worked together to better both civilizations.

Of course the other intelligent life in the universe cannot take a back seat. There are thousands of lifeforms in the known and unknown universe. Their empires are not to different to human empires, after all, they are just trying to survive.

But while survival is important, the wider galaxy beckons. What wonders lie in wait for empires willing to explore the unknown? But while the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown, fortune favors the brave

Hello everyone! this is a reboot/revamp of an older rp "Interstellar Empires".

For new players- This is a sci fi nation builder, basically you'll control a nation of your own construction and interact with other nations. These nations can be either alien or human or have a mix of both.

Returning players- This is gonna be a restart of Interstellar empires, you'll be allowed to reuse your old faction and edit it slightly if you wish. You can also make a new faction if you so desire.

On a side note, ive decided to change some things
1-Earth is no longer playable
2-Any factions that have psionics must be pm'd to me first so i can approve it
3- Discord is required
4-at least 1 post per week is required, any issue with this is to be brought up with me
All credit goes to Corrosion Corrosion

just to see if any of you guys are interested Petroshka Petroshka doodleSM doodleSM Yonsisac Yonsisac Zaltusinel Zaltusinel Karcen Karcen Kloudy Kloudy HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Lordvader59 Lordvader59 Shireling Shireling archur archur
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I'll bite again, but I think I'll try a very-played down version of that technocratic AI empire I had. As in, I'll sacrifice quantity for quality in nearly everything (such as military, economy, planets, etc) and I'll probably just enter a research-protection partnership with someone.
Would not mind joining. I've always wanted to build my own nation.
We'll see. I forget what my faction was like, but we'll see.
Hmmm oh yea i am in, have a whole new faction in mind. but yea i am totally in again!
May or may not use my old one, kinda dint enjoy much, felt to...luxurious...Gonna try something better.
Hmm... I've been meaning to join my first RP on this site. I'm in! I have a number of ideas :)

We've created VERY similar empires. Whilst I find it a little irking, I think we can make this work. Given out simularities, I think it'd be possible for the two empires to come into contact and view each other as brilliant minds (given that we believe the same ideologies) that are worth working with for the sake of science. Perhaps this would lead the way to a partnership/federation?

Failing that, my Empire would probably view your empire with hostility for its abduction missions and it's secrecy/lack of data about this "Bermuda Sphere".
We've created VERY similar empires. Whilst I find it a little irking, I think we can make this work. Given out simularities, I think it'd be possible for the two empires to come into contact and view each other as brilliant minds (given that we believe the same ideologies) that are worth working with for the sake of science. Perhaps this would lead the way to a partnership/federation?

Failing that, my Empire would probably view your empire with hostility for its abduction missions and it's secrecy/lack of data about this "Bermuda Sphere".

Yeah well, in the vastness of space, I'm sure there's going to be some similarities. The question is... How similar? I don't mind making changes. But from what you're saying, it seems that they do have enough differences. For one thing, the Rem'Ticuli are probably holding millions of your citizens of various eras in stasis for study... :D
Yeah well, in the vastness of space, I'm sure there's going to be some similarities. The question is... How similar? I don't mind making changes. But from what you're saying, it seems that they do have enough differences. For one thing, the Rem'Ticuli are probably holding millions of your citizens of various eras in stasis for study... :D

I mean, a lot of your cs is not going to fly with the gm. You can't abduct my people without my consent, otherwise that's godmodding, btw.

Anyways, yes, there are very clear differences. Not denying that. And I'm fine if there similarities. Of course, you can change your empire if you want to remain more diverse from me. But I think the idea of diplomacy between our empires should be explored.
I mean, a lot of your cs is not going to fly with the gm. You can't abduct my people without my consent, otherwise that's godmodding, btw.

Anyways, yes, there are very clear differences. Not denying that. And I'm fine if there similarities. Of course, you can change your empire if you want to remain more diverse from me. But I think the idea of diplomacy between our empires should be explored.
Let me know which parts aren't acceptable. As for the abduction bit, the millions abducted are from the past. The Rem'Ticuli have millennium to work with, and like a million worlds to pick their specimens from. That said, I know about the issue with godmodding so I've planned for that. Basically, I can start the RP with the Rem'Ticuli having a lull in abduction and other scientific activities due to some reasons and then we can work from there how we can get your citizens abducted :)

I'm keen on the diplomacy bit, but it would have to happen after the IC begins ie: have no pre-established formal relations until the Rem'Ticuli are caught red-handedand forced on the threat of war or something to open diplomatic channels. That would work. :) They're going to bumble a lot though. Scientists don't negotiate with their lab rats often :D
Let me know which parts aren't acceptable. As for the abduction bit, the millions abducted are from the past. The Rem'Ticuli have millennium to work with, and like a million worlds to pick their specimens from. That said, I know about the issue with godmodding so I've planned for that. Basically, I can start the RP with the Rem'Ticuli having a lull in abduction and other scientific activities due to some reasons and then we can work from there how we can get your citizens abducted :)

I'm keen on the diplomacy bit, but it would have to happen after the IC begins ie: have no pre-established formal relations until the Rem'Ticuli are caught red-handedand forced on the threat of war or something to open diplomatic channels. That would work. :) They're going to bumble a lot though. Scientists don't negotiate with their lab rats often :D

Um, its me you should be asking whats acceptable lol :)

1- On the subject of abduction. If that empire has not consented to it then you cannot do it
2- "Universal Credit" is not optional. none of our empires have met yet so its useless
3- "impending disasters" i wont allow a "I'm trying to save you so i'm the good guy" mentality. If they have it as a religious belief, not a fact then its fine. If anyone decides galactic events, its me.
4- Now this is no fault of your own, but in the old rp there was a lot of "Precourser " races, really ancient races where very common in the old rp so were trying to avoid that
5- Bermuda Sphere: No ships that enter their territory are ever heard from again, resulting in the Rem'ticuli remaining unknown to this day, and their space becoming a 'Bermuda Sphere'. This makes your faction sounds very aggressive, a little too much for a war averse faction. Even if its just abduction, i imagine abducting people is a quick way to start a war.

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