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Multiple Settings Interests Collection


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In a nutshell/tl;dr
- I like GMing/Narrative writing, giving partner an environment/npcs to interact with
- If I'm creating a character (not NPC) 99% of the time they wont be human, I prefer aliens, fantastical creatures and the funny animal people*
- Inspired by and like them video games
- Like creating OCs over canon characters, but partner using canon character is fine
- MxF is cool, MxM is fine** FxF I don't do
- I struggle to keep interest in slice of life, and pure romance I don't do, either of these on the side is fine
- Big fan of action, mystery, adventure and exploration, any one of these only is good
- I don't do realism/real life stuff, prefer to be as fantastical and absurd as possible
- Ghost friendly, I'd be a hypocrite if I wasn't
- Post length wildly varies, introducing new locations and characters can be several long paragraphs, two characters interacting can just be a couple sentences. I'm open to partners writing one liners or just a couple of paragraphs.
- Prefer 18+ or (preferably) 21+, don't write with minors (apologies to the little people, use to hang out with older people and know what its like getting blocked off)
- As of writing this post I'm 23 years old.
- I'm Male, work on average 8 hours a day five days a week
- Have little over a decade of RP experience, most of it on-and-off, but I've been to several different forums

*Furries, you can call them furries, I don't identify with the fandom or whatever you call it but they're anthro animals
**MxM I'm picky about, drawing shown in spoiler below in romance section explains everything
Welcome to my 1x1 thread! This'll be a little long as I'll be trying to cover a lot, feel free to entertain yourself, probably read this in your spare time on your phone at work and just lurk. Feel free to laugh at my interests
This'll be a bit long, feel free to read the spoiler at the top if you're not interested, literally exists because I know how messy this thread is gonna be!
Starting off...

Requirements, Person and Preferences
-I prefer RPing with people older than the age of 18, no offense to anyone younger. I've been there y'know, used to frequent lots of different forums at a young age and always had SPITE for how strict requirements can be and such for a wide variety of things. If you're young, just get a 1x1 thread and put yourself out there, you'll find someone to collaboratively write with.

-Literacy/Writing limit/whatever you wanna call it is easy, one liners are fine, especially if with jive together pretty well OOCly (and if you wanna do a mix of OOC chat and not post ICly so much) and doing several full paragraphs is also fine. I don't do novellas though, so I probably wont RP with you on that. I just don't got the free time to read/write that much! Or maybe I'm just too lazy. Either or.

-Grammar-wise, just try to capitalize and place periods where they need to be. You don't need to be amazingly fluent. I've lived in countries where I didn't speak the mothertongue/official language, so I know how you feel. I'll be using quite the English vernacular to write posts though!

-I'm fine with ghosting, generally I just post whenever someone posts, if you disappear I wont even bother you. I might remember you tho, y'know big sad and all that you're gone, miss u homie

-Lastly- and not a requirement -but if you're anxiety-filled and stressed out easily, don't be, and just take it out on me by writing random ideas. Like, throw a metaphorical javelin of ideas right at me with no caution, be as incoherent, hasty, and honest as possible. Doesn't even match my interests? Who cares! Just start writing about that one idea about the place and that hill and those purple elephants with hieroglyphic trees.
Why you may ask- and well, because you gotta learn to be brave somehow, and I've been so burnt out in my life that I've just stopped judging. I stopped judging a long time ago but I've reached that stress point where I can't even spend time thinking about stuff anymore and just go autopilot while working and forgetting I was suppose to take my 45 minute break an hour ago I can't promise to agree, but I will read and listen.

As for who I am...
I'm currently 23, male, EST timezone. I've been roleplaying for about 10 years mainly centered around soft sci-fi/science fantasy, high fantasy, nation-building and the rare modern-day stuff. Most roleplays revolve around action-related topics, wars, lethal political drama and such, but I do wanna stretch my writing experience out to other things, like mystery or even light horror. I've also done romance and slice of life a bit, but those never kept my interest, they do work as a side genre of sorts, or temporarily dipping into before going back to the core plot. I'm use to writing either one character or multiple characters at once, as well as writing about planetwide events changing landscapes or just an argument in a single room. All of these can be incredibly fun, especially if I'm allowed to write about anything happening! I love being given control to push and move plots around, just as much as I like interacting with and having other people go through theirs.

This also leads into...

How I Write

Over the years and writing with multiple different people, I've begun to fall into a rhythm of establishing scenes, writing out architecture and distance of places, about bioluminescent forests and dirty cities, from wealthy interstellar merchants to warehouse workers. I've grown so comfortable with this that I've begun to naturally adopt myself as a sort of narrator in roleplays, or gamemaster or whathaveyou, establishing setpieces for others to interact with how they see fit. This doesn't mean I haven't interacted in RPs where I'm not the one creating situations, but those haven't been as common.
So, I've adapted to writing plots and narratives and, personally, really enjoy it to a point where I wouldn't mind taking charge if you'd allow me. Doesn't mean you can't do what you want or write what you want! Quite the opposite as I've written, you can do whatever as I like giving people the ability to do so, but if you really wanna just control your character and nothing else, I'm more than happy to provide writing for everything else.

However, if I am writing for a singular character- which I imagine I will be! Gotta have someone to connect with yours -this leads me into...

Characters I Like Writing

I'll be blunt. I find humans a bit boring.

Nono, your humans are fine, cool, awesome even with RAD clothes, admirable personalities and relatable flaws! They got faceclaims and cool chaarcter sheets! Written like they're straight out of an expensive novel in a bookstore! But mine? Eck. I fall into generic tropes too easily, maybe I just lose interest, perhaps I need something more to stimulate my brain, but whatever it is, I do have to warn you...I don't really like my characters being human. I prefer aliens, or funny animal people, or whathaveyou! 7ft Tall comically evil lizard? YES. Werewolf/Vampire combo coping with their absolute loss of self? Baller. An interdimensional alien coming to warn you of the apocalypse? Why yes, perfection.

I probably sound like a child incapable of comprehending mature topics like responsibility and taxes.
I'd hope not, but it wouldn't be far off to say that I like really absurd, weird things to write about. This follows through with characters I'll be using as characters, who need to be a bit different.
Background characters/NPCs and such can ABSOLUTELY be human, if anything I think thats what makes humans great in fiction, a good background or filler of empty space. However, I just can't write a singular character over the span of several months/years that is just human, even in a wild setting with wacky stuff going on and them shooting lightening out of their hands or reading minds. Like I said, you can do that, heck it acts as a great contrast to my absurdity!

But lets talk about something a little less absurd...

Settings and Such

Soft Sci-fi/Science Fantasy:
These two are wildly different, soft sci-fi do include that science and science fantasy is straight up knights in space, but I've found comfort in writing either in a somewhat similiar fashion, mostly about grandiose space plots and lots of exploration and encountering the unknown. I love this genre! Absolutely favorite, It can be horror, action, mystery... Its like my bread and butter, my bacon and eggs breakfast, like feeling fresh cold air on my face while walking a long hiking trail or...something! I can always come up with ideas in these settings and never stop talking. It can be absurd anime mechs, exploring a planet of ancient ruins, a post-apocalypse across the galaxy, people forced to work together in a abandoned space station or a war on a small moon that needs to be stopped with the power of... politics?

Um, well, whatever the story, I always have ideas!

High Fantasy/Magical Fairytale: I don't write about this as much, but it works!
I'm not an expert in the middle ages, and I don't know much about steampunk, can't tell you I've read many books about the history of fairytales, but I try to make up for it with my grandiose knowledge of! ....Tropes.
Alright, maybe I know a bit more than I let on, but I admit I don't RP fantasy stuff much unless it involves some age of musket related weaponry and lots of magic. I mean, I've played World of Warcraft and Age of Wonders 3, I also like Divinity Original Sin 2. But I couldn't tell you a novel I read or movie I watched that made me fall in love with fantasy stuff. Unless its The Hobbit books or Lord of the Rings. But, well, y'know, everyone loves Tolkein so lets move on.

Modern Day/Apocalypses/Realism: Might seem weird sticking these three together but...They usually go hand-in-hand in a lot of threads. And I'll get it out of the way- I don't do realism. Next topic.
Nonetheless, I've done these a bit too much to the point where I've become burnt out. Alien Invasions are cool, maybe a modern world effected by absurd urban fantasy stuff, or some super-absurd alt-history shenanigans. Apocalypse that completely shatters everything to the point where Earth isn't Earth? I could do that too!
But, like I said, I've done these and thought about them a lot. I'll need some wild stuff happening or have the modern day/apocalypse things happening in the background while the core of the themes/genre revolves around...I dunno, ideas I've stated or superheroes or something.

Quickly going through the actual genres that you'll be here for...


Lemme rate these real fast
  • Action*****
    Slice of Life*

Just because it has one star doesn't mean I wont do it! Combine it with one of the other genres and I'll love it a whole lot more! Some action with slice of life moments split inbetween? Sure! Adventure and romance? Why not! Mystery with history? We can talk about it!

But, speaking of romance, specifications on that...


Now who doesn't love a good love story? It seems like everyone be doing it, so I have my own section for this.
I'll be quick on this too, I prefer MxF, I can write either male or female. Ironically enough mostly wrote female, but I can do male as well.

I can also do MxM! But, well, I have a hard time explaining my preferences about MxM, which I'm incredibly picky about, so lemme explain it through the power of hasty sketching.
Hope this isn't too strange, but I think the visual gives a good idea of what I'm going for in storytelling.
Anyway... I don't do FxF unfortunately. Sorry.

Specific Fandoms I'm in a BIG MOOD for

Mass Effect:
I've been replaying the legendary edition, so what else am I suppose to crave? Love this setting, stopped loving it after 3 but then I fell in love all over again, if you ever want someone to RP with in this setting, I'm absolutely up for it. I like turians so I hope you can tolerate that

Cyberpunk: Yeah funny thing... This doubles as the genre itself, but also the video game/tabletop, also anime I guess? I like the tabletop a lot though, video game is... okay, in how it presents the world/setting, though feels very hollywood-ized. I love exotics as a concept, the freedom to interpret Night City however one wants and the incredibly deep backstories a lot of the groups have in the setting. Never actually played the tabletop but, watched lots of people play it.

Elder Scrolls: Skyrim/4th Era specifically. I'm a sucker for dragons! But the Oblivion Crisis is pretty interesting too. I warn you however I am obsessed with Khajiit so if I had to make a character, they would be Khajiit. Maybe an assassin of sorts. Glorious night eye power

Thats all for now, I guess I can update/edit this if my tastes change?

Other Notes

I don't really watch a lot of anime, I LOVE Gurren Lagann and Studio Trigger is a cool studio, plus grew up with people who loved watching it and reading manga and know lots of people who do the same but thats all I got. So don't expect much anime shenanigans from me! Well, other than mecha I guess.
Also I don't really watch much movies or tv shows either! Apologies if I seem uncultured.

Also sometimes I draw art, but I don't do that as much since I work a lot. Trying to draw more, sometimes.
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