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Fantasy [Interest Check][WIP]Heaven VS Hell


New Member
Heaven VS Hell

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti

Orbis Unum

Orbis Unum, a utopia for the Angeli. No sickness, no disease, no famine or pain or suffering. No war. It was a paradise one could only dream of.

Until Malum.

Malum, the first Angelus to crave being elevated above his peers, his crimes were so treacherous, they tainted other Angeli, corrupting them. Eventually, Malum was the first Angelus to draw blood in the history of
Orbis Unum, starting a civil war that would rage throughout the Angeli lands until finally, the Angeli Army lead by the Aequitas Squad, managed to defeat the rebels lead by Malum on the Plains of Veritas.

The Ultimate Defilement

Bloodied and routed, Malum and his followers retreated into the rocky draws of Mount Ignidenti'i. General Reubus, leader of the Aequitas Squad decided not to pursue Malum, thinking them broken, a decision that has haunted him since. For what happened that night while the Angeli celebrated their hard won victory still torments those who were present to this day.

Deep within the fiery depths of Mount Ignidenti'i, Malum performed a blood ritual so heinous, that upon it's completion, all Angeli present were twisted beyond recognition. Their fair skins were turned ashen, their bold and enchanting features warped, leaving behind nothing but demonic husks. Into the the molten magma of the mountain, Malum plunged the seed of General Reubus, sacrificing the General's unborn child to feed his dark, befouled magic.

What happened upon the completion Malum's ritual, none can really recall. Their broken memories filled with a blood curdling scream, and if that wasn't enough to make the Angeli feel dread, a sense of wrath roiled from the skies above plunging those below into a nightmarish horror none dare retell. Upon finally coming to their senses, a bloody mist filled the sky, and where Mount Ignidenti'i once stood, a void so black it chilled the soul when eyes crossed it.

Creation of Humans

God, in his fury over the abominable crime Malum had committed, had cast Malum and his followers from heaven. All of Mount Ignidenti'i had been damned, and now Malum could feel they were on a separate plane entirely. Many of his followers could not handle the separation and lost their insanity, throwing themselves into the heart of the mountain. This coupled with their defeat on the Plains of Veritas, and Malum's army was but a shadow of its former self. However, Malum had already made his first attempt at building his army.

Although nothing but a charred ruin remained of the seed of General Reubus, for a moment, Malum had felt the life of the unborn Angeli in his grasp for a moment before it blinked out. And even though ultimately it was a failure, Malum knew he could be successful, and the tens of thousands seeds his followers and him had stolen from the Angeli would be more than enough to raise a new Army.

It took Malum many centuries before he was able to coax a being from the seeds, and even then it was only a small success, for the creature took only a few breaths of the gaseous air around him before coughing up blood and releasing one last rattling breath. Although agitated, Malum knew that his current realm was too harsh for his creations, and so he sent forth his most cunning Captains to find a new realm for his creations to live, knowing that they would not be accepted in

The Dividing Plane

Malum's Captains returned with tales of a Plane that was dividing their new domain from Orbis, it would be perfect for Malum's new Army. However, his Captains also spotted General Reubus and his Aequitas Squad there as well, and it had appeared that General Reubus was on a crusade to find Malum and finish what had started so long ago.

General Reubus hunting him did not bother Malum, what bothered him was that if the General even had an idea of what Malum's new Creations were, he would cut them down without hesitation. No, he had to find a way to conduct the ritual on the new plane without the General knowing.

Malum decided that the it would be best to attack the general with his hordes, distracting him while he enacted the ritual far away. With this plan in mind, he gathered his forces and moved to the new plane. Once there, he left his army with instructions to attack General Reubus and the Aequitas Squad while he moved south to the edge of the continent they were on. There on the coast, he began the ritual hoping that his armies were engaged with the Generals.

Hours later, Malum left, leaving behind his creations who were lost in this new world. His mission completed, he retreated with what was left of his Armies back to their domain.

The Present

Malum and his Daemonic horde are still hunted across the Dividing plane. General Reubus never resting in his ceaseless search. The creations left behind Malum call themselves Humans. Over 3 millenniums, the Humans have grown and prospered. They show both aspects of the Angeli as well as the Daemons. The land the humans now live in is called
Terra Arbitrio.

The war between the Angeli and the Daemons has spilled over into the Human kingdoms. Some humans choose the Angeli, other the Daemons. Most try to keep to themselves or join the Imperium, a Human kingdom who wants to see both the Angeli and the Daemons cast from their lands.

Thank you for taking interest in this, I would love to see how many people are interested. This IS a work in progress, and positive feedback from fellow RPers will motivate me to work on it. By work in progress, I should clarify that I mean I have most of the ideas down, just too lazy to put them in words.

Again, thanks for your interest! If you have any questions, I will answer them, or let you know that another piece of this will be released that answers your questions.
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