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Fantasy Instead of Hell, I Ended Up Reborn As Something I Hate (Out of Character Thread)

Do not worry. Until we have enough money as adventurers to build a business, we can hone our heat and air skills to later create the biggest, best sauna the world has ever seen. The goddess is sure to give us points for that!

All right, daydreaming moment over.
Oh my gosh, the Traveler's Song one is amazing and strikes all the right chords in me. Nice finds! I like the second one as well, as it greatly reminds me of an old English and I think Spanish sea shanty. I have one to share as well found from an old site I used to visit.


And on the agenda today...

Is a glorified panic attack.

And murder.
1.) Join scary adventurers group. Check!
2.) Sleep far away from adventurer's group. Pending!
3.) ???
4.) Profit.

Okay, so what will be the typical posting order?
Aniihya --> Noodle --> Flame --> Thanny? Is there a posting order? I am confused as to what triggers what.
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Normally yeah it goes Ani, me, flame and now you'd be next, I just think with a new character being introduced we kinda broke chain for a while to get our stuff in lmao
If you guys want to post another round now, you can. I will first be able to post tomorrow since I had surgery today and I am not doing well enough to post today
1.) Join scary adventurers group. Check!
2.) Sleep far away from adventurer's group. Pending!
3.) ???
4.) Profit.

Okay, so what will be the typical posting order?
Aniihya --> Noodle --> Flame --> Thanny? Is there a posting order? I am confused as to what triggers what.
Posting order is me posting marking the new round. Pound order is not specific though. Post whoever can though. I will let you know if I cant. If I dont post for 7 days without message, you will know that something may have happened to me. If that case happened, just post two or three rounds with out me. If I dont post for two weeks, just stop.
After a quick re-read, I just realised that I may have gotten the location mixed up. Were your characters inside a building when I showed up? It must have been rather confusing and startling to see a dwarf pop out of a forest or behind a tree inside a building. My apologies, and I will correct this when I get a moment.
Which means we just committed the first act of domestic terrorism by letting the half dragon blow up a tree?
Better a tree in a town with (hopefully) nothing around it than one in an overgrown forest, right? Thank you; this will help me with the setting.
Vaea: Wrath
Flame: Sloth (also called despair a few hundred years ago)
Giltarn: Pride
Ren: Greed
I can totally see that as so. Now watch as Giltarn becomes Escanor from Seven Deadly Sins and walks around as huge and with a mustache as charming as he is.
Oh gosh, if I suddenly become a toddler with anger issues and shadow knife faces and hunger enough to eat Gluttony, I will not ask for long: kill me now.

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