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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)

Mary looked at green-haired girl, and shrugged. "Well, we rode in the same limo, but we didn't actually talk." she said with a frown.
Vivian Blackheart

"Hurry up and get your asses out here, the Headmistress is waiting for us." Vivian poked her head through the other set of doors from the building, the one that the Headmistress exited through. Viv was annoyed that they were all taking their sweet time, when she was itching to punch something. "I'm feeling the need to punch something. If you don't hurry, that 'thing' could be one of you." Vivian scowled as she retreated through the door once more, annoyed and bored.


@Goddess Nebula




@Deltorian Nephran




@Midnight Phantom





Jeice quickly made his way through the doors and stood behind Vivian. Either she didn't notice him, or had no intentions of fighting him. Either way eh was very relieved.
Conrad Lyons

Conrad laughed out loud at his thoughts. He didn't have weapons. Fighting was for people who couldn't outrun or sneak past someone. At Vivian's impatient calling, he raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Ooh. Punching things. Scary." he sarcastically said to himself, although those around may have heard a little of it. Certainly she wouldn't have though. "Del." He turned his head back towards his friend. "Same dorm. Nice. Let's go." he rapidly He turned and skittered along to follow the Headmistress. More out of excitement than obedience, and it was pretty clear that he was excited. He danced from side to side, discharging his pent up energy in useless movements. "People are slow." he mentioned to nobody in particular.

@Deltorian Nephran @Anaxileah
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Jaron nonchalantly walked through the doors, he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. The faster he got out of this place the better.


Her eyes flickered over to the person loudly talking. She was angry. Talking about punching. This made Eevie want to take a step back, or at least flee behind her potential new friend. All of the people here looked tough... Well. She was tough... mentally. Physically was another thing entirely. She... was lacking rather horribly. With a shake of her head she flashed a smile at the girl she'd been chatting with. She pocketed her key while briskly walking towards the set of doors the headmistress had went thought. She side-stepped the girl whilst keeping her eyes glued to the floor, and through.

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Cherry walked through the doors. Her arms were crossed and she just wanted this to be over with. The phrase "Beggers can't be choosers" does not apply here though because she didn't even choose to go there but she was already there so... Meh.

Deltorian Kento

Del couldn't help but laugh slightly when the "exhibitionist" began talking about punching something. Shaking his head while he walked, he mumbled to himself, "Go home, your drunk." He felt his dual pistols hitting his chest as he walked along, something that comforted him slightly.

"Conrad, I need to talk about something. Privately if possible." As he said that he separated from the group and stood off from the group. "I will see who everyone is, even if my dignity goes down the drain."



@Goddess Nebula

Conrad Lyons

Conrad froze mid-step, then turned his head to face Del. "Ok." he said simply. He stepped away from the group with the Headmistress, joining Del. Del looked kind of serious, and Conrad caught the end of some kind of oath, ending with 'even if my dignity goes down the drain.' "
That doesn't sound so good" thought Conrad. He dipped his head. "Well?"

@Deltorian Nephran
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(Okay girly, idk if you read my overview, which you need to, but Vivian is not dorm partners with Lilly. Lilly doesn't have a dorm partner yet.)
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Deltorian Kento

Del stared intensely at the girl he had talked to before as Conrad walked closer to talk."I hate this about myself but I can stop myself. I need to know about everyone, their in's and out's before I can trust them, well your an exception as you are interesting as you are. I don't like when I don't hold all the pieces." Del began tapping his foot incredibly fast, obviously pissed. "Anyway, I just wanted to see if you would help me, seeing that you are deft in the art of moving without being detected. I just want to sneak into the girl's dorms, which are most probably next to the boy's dorms, hack and copy any information on other people and then GTFO. That might have clarified what I meant be dignity down the drain." He stuck out his hand and then made a face that said, "You with me?"


@Goddess Nebula


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Conrad Lyons

Well, that sounded needless. Oh well. Best to cement friendships as quickly as possible. If life on the streets and pulling heists taught him one thing, it'd be that it payed to have friends. He cocked his head, considering for a moment. Downsides, he could get caught. Unlikely in the extreme. Advantages, quite a few. Especially since as Del talked it became more and more obvious that the mere concept of not being in control of the situation was an aggravation to him. Eventually, he decided. "Yeah, sure. Sounds like a thing I can help with. I haven't been paying attention to who has been taking information. I assume you have, since you seem to be that type, and you already know that someone has. We find out which dorm they''re in, I sneak in at night and swipe whatever they've been using and give it to you. Once you're done I can sneak back in and put it back. God help me if they sleep with their thing in their arms or something like that. If we get some time I'll wander around, scoping out their room and subtly checking for weaknesses in the security. That's what we call 'casing' in the business. I can do that. I've been thieving for a while, and I'm very good at it. Wouldn't be here otherwise." rattled Conrad quietly. Indeed, he was pretty good at it. He was burgling high-security stuff before he joined the Sly Serpents. He'd learned to case alright, although the Sly Serpents had their own guy who was an expert at it. The sneaking in and stealing stuff part was what he was best at, though. Mainly the being unseen and unheard. Again, he could foil security with some skill, but he wasn't their expert at it. It was only a dorm, so it shouldn't be too high-security. However, this was Inquisitor Academy, so anything was really possible. However, he reckoned he could do it. He waited for Del to respond to his spiel.

@Deltorian Nephran @Goddess Nebula @vl8041
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"My, my... She does have quite a temper." Walking towards where Vivian had just disappeared, Vishra spotted two students talking among themselves. Not that talking wasn't normal, it was just that... They had distanced themselves away from the group, almost as if they didn't want anyone to hear them. Entering the room the Headmistress had vanished into, Vishra noticed that some of the students were giving standoffish auras. "I should be careful with my phone and laptop, perhaps bring it with me wherever I go? But it's not like I don't already do that~"


@Deltorian Nephran
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Evalynn smirks before looking at Del dead in the eyes. "I can get you any information you want, for a price of course, also, good luck with trying to hack a hacker, Im not dumb enough to not put a protection on all my records. Just pay and they are yours" She smiles playfully looking toward Visha and giving her a slight nod, recognizing her as a fellow hacker. She looks toward Del and Conrad before turning away from them, holding her laptop close to her.

@Fezzes @Deltorian Nephran @vl8041
Mary gave a small, slightly confused nod at the vicious girl's barking but quickly followed everyone else. I have a feeling I'm gonna like it here she thought They've got a pretty good sense of humor.
Headmistress Raven Renegade

Raven was beginning to get really pissed. She barged back into the building, on the verge of stabbing someone in the face. "It's time to go! Let's move!" Raven left the building again and began walking throughout the courtyard anyway, not bothering to wait for the slacking students.

As she walked, she began explaining the layout of the buildings. "Alright! These buildings on either side are one and two. Each building has two floors, just like buildings three and four." As Raven counted off the amount of buildings, she pointed to each one. By the time the students got to the fountain, she pointed to the dorms. "Those are your dorms. Girls on the left, boys on the right. Go unload your luggage and meet back at this fountain, I'll be with you shortly." And with that, Raven left the group of students.

(Somebody please tag everyone for me. I'm having a really bad day right now)
Anaxileah said:
Headmistress Raven Renegade
Raven was beginning to get really pissed. She barged back into the building, on the verge of stabbing someone in the face. "It's time to go! Let's move!" Raven left the building again and began walking throughout the courtyard anyway, not bothering to wait for the slacking students.

As she walked, she began explaining the layout of the buildings. "Alright! These buildings on either side are one and two. Each building has two floors, just like buildings three and four." As Raven counted off the amount of buildings, she pointed to each one. By the time the students got to the fountain, she pointed to the dorms. "Those are your dorms. Girls on the left, boys on the right. Go unload your luggage and meet back at this fountain, I'll be with you shortly." And with that, Raven left the group of students.

(Somebody please tag everyone for me. I'm having a really bad day right now)

@Goddess Nebula





@Deltorian Nephran





@Midnight Phantom





John was in the middle of a late dinner when the letter arrived through the slot in his door which rang a bell when letters where delivered. He got up from his table and walked over to the small envelope on his floor. As he opened it to find he was accepted his heart both jumped and shattered. He has the opportunity to leave this place and go on spy style adventures but he didn't really want to leave his little home where all the people that ever loved him lived at one point or another. He sighed and started packing. He had enough time to catch the train out of town if he packed and then left immediately. So he got too it. After packing he walked out his front door for the last time. Locked his door for the last time and walked down his road for the last time. He arrived at the train station with 10 minutes to spare.
Mary gave a small nod and went into the dorm building. She quickly found her room and unloaded her bag into it before making her way back outside.
Jeice runs through the doors of the Dorm and finds his room, plopping his stuff on the bed. Before anyone can notice him in the building, he slips back outside and sits on the fountain.


She swallowed and quickly jogged to the building.
Girls on the... on the..left...or...right? She swallowed and hesitated mid step before the building. She rubbed her face and slowly entered. Girl were on the left. Defiantly. Her eyes could pick out little details, carpet wise and what not. The carpet seemed to be less matted than the other side. She nodded to herself and slowly started looking at the numbers. Seemed that 100s were on this first floor... so... 103 should be close. She chewed on the inside of her cheek before finding the room. She pulled out her key and unlocked the door. It seemed her roommate had already deposited her things. She sighed and set down her own on on the opposite side of the room. She glanced around, already making mental notes of hiding places. She'd defiantly use them later. She let out an already exhausted sigh and pushed her hair from her face. She pinched her cheeks hard for extra motivation before pocketing her room key and slowly strolling back outside.

(I don't understand what you two are doing with the time thing and the trains, but whatever, I'm having limos escort you to the school)

A limousine appeared in front of the two VERY late students, the chauffeurs getting out and taking their luggage. Once the students were inside, they took the students underground and resurfaced a while after to the well-forested area that surrounded the school. The chauffeurs kicked them out of the limousines and placed their luggage on the curb, immediately driving away afterwards.

(I need the two of you to read my rules and LIKE the post, as well as the acceptance letter and the information in the overview. @Ceres @Blacknife)
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