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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)

Nathaniel Blacksmith

The Academy

Nathan dropped his arm back to his side, once the handshake was over, but quickly moved it over to the back of his head again. Well, he seems like a nice enough person.. although i shouldn't forget that many of these people make their living by deceiving others... i should keep an eye out. He thought, although widening his smile at the sight of Excel's expression anyway. The boy gave him a nod as a response to his reply, repositioning both of his hands to his pockets. He remained like that for another moment, until soon another thought shot into his head. "So, Excel, who are you? Or... better yet, what do you do? What makes you special enough to get enrolled at the Inquisitor Academy?" Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow at the other male.

Evalynn slowly walks over to the bags on the curb and begins sorting through them until she comes across her own. She picks it up and begins walking toward the Headmaster, not having any reason to interact with everyone.
As Excel rubs his hands together he starts thinking of something to say, "Just a kid trying to follow in my parents foot steps i guess, and what I'm wanting to do...Well I'm trying to be the be the best thief possible. Thinking after his answer Excel decided to ask Nathan somewhat of the same question, "So Nathan, What are you trying to do with your life, what type of person do you wanna be?..."

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Headmistress Raven Renegade

"Alright, students, follow me and you will get a tour of the school, and then you will go to your dorms and settle down. Once you are settled, we will prepare breakfast for you." Raven said to the students with a terse smile before entering the front building. Staircases were on either side, and then the room extended into a large, office-like space. It also had a podium, as if announcements were made there, as well as a few rows of chairs for the students. She walked to the end of the building, waiting for the students to follow.


@Goddess Nebula




@Deltorian Nephran




@Midnight Phantom


Vivian Blackheart

Vivian nodded at the headmistress as she spoke to them, then went inside the first building. She looked around, partially intrigued in the fact that this room was an office as well as a sort of announcement place. She stood a few meters in front of the headmistress, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Can we hurry this up?" She asked blatantly, an irritated expression on her face. The headmistress glared at her momentarily, then proceeded to ignore her. Viv rolled her eyes and shifted her weight to one leg, sticking her hip out.
Excel noticed some students starting to follow the head mistress as she walked towards the office, so he quickly looks back at Nathan, "Well i hope we can carry this conversation on later, and we can start a friendly relationship perhaps? Then slowly Excel starts to turn and follow the Head Mistress and the other two students.

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Anaxileah said:
Headmistress Raven Renegade

"Alright, students, follow me and you will get a tour of the school, and then you will go to your dorms and settle down. Once you are settled, we will prepare breakfast for you." Raven said to the students with a terse smile before entering the front building. Staircases were on either side, and then the room extended into a large, office-like space. It also had a podium, as if announcements were made there, as well as a few rows of chairs for the students. She walked to the end of the building, waiting for the students to follow.


@Goddess Nebula




@Deltorian Nephran




@Midnight Phantom


Vivian Blackheart

Vivian nodded at the headmistress as she spoke to them, then went inside the first building. She looked around, partially intrigued in the fact that this room was an office as well as a sort of announcement place. She stood a few meters in front of the headmistress, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Can we hurry this up?" She asked blatantly, an irritated expression on her face. The headmistress glared at her momentarily, then proceeded to ignore her. Viv rolled her eyes and shifted her weight to one leg, sticking her hip out.
Terence grabbed his bag and had listened to the headmistress. He followed her inside the first building along with the other students. He heard some bits of conversations and heard Vivian asking for the tour to hurry along. "Impatient," he thought. Terence had a lot of patience because of his training.
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Evalynn follows a short distande behind the group. She exhales, just wanting to relex. Would they make us do classes today?? They might... She rubs temple, realising she left her programming glasses on. She slides them off her nose and hangs them by the neck of her sweater.
Cherry Rose barely even cares about what is going on. She just stands there following the Headmistress. "Can we just get this over with" she thought. Apparently not.
(RUDE xD )

Headmistress Raven Renegade

Raven stands there, annoyed with the disrespectful students. "We will continue forth once the rest of the students have entered the building." She said, looking away from the students.

Deltorian Kento

Del was just getting back out of the limousine with his glasses when he heard the teacher began to speak again about going on a tour of the school, which made Del completely rethink who the person was. "She has to be the headmistress because the only people who would know the whole layout would be the groundskeepers, the janitors, possible security personal and the headmaster or headmistress." Del thought as he picked up his luggage then walked forward and into the building.

Listening to the conversations, or rather complaints, around him, Del quickly made note of the "annoying ones". Then a very big question popped into his head as his mind wandered onto the topic of the families after listening to a conversation between two other boys.
"When do we graduate?" popped into his head as he shuffled along, trying to clear his mind.

He had just cleared his head when he remembered the girl that was taking pictures of all of the people here.
"Probably has details on everyone now, including me. I can probably try to have a look at her laptop. Maybe 3.am will have to do?" He though as he slowly walked over to the girl with a laptop bag and her luggage.


@Goddess Nebula



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Nathaniel Blacksmith

The Academy

Nathan rubbed the back of his head once more, thinking about how to answer Excel's question, but was unfortunatly cut off by the Headmistress before even being able to say something. He gave the student a nod as a response to his following statement, and got on with following Raven now as well. 'Start a friendly relationship.,,' i feel like the guy's a little too up-tight about it.

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Evalynn notices Del walking over to her, she follows his eyes to her laptop. "If you want information on the other students, you're going to have to wait. I haven't begun to dig yet" she says blantely, smirking at him. "Besides, its nearly impossible to get into my information" she crosses her arms and looks at Del. She already knew who her first target is.

@Deltorian Nephran
Grabbing her luggage, Vishra follows the horde of students inside. The Headmistress stood there, waiting for the left over students to come. "I don't think it'd be best for me to annoy her too much". So far eight students had arrives, including her, nine. "Looks llike we're waiting for two more people." Having a quick look at the present students, Vishra realized she didn't know some of their names. "Looks like I'll have to do some research. And I'm pretty sure that girl, Evalynn, sent me a message. I should check on that soon." Standing near the back of the room, she waited for the other students to come.
After everyone got out of the limo, Karon stands up with a groan, and exits the limo. He stopped at the large group of studends, he sticks to the back, where nobody will notice him.

Deltorian Kento

Del had noticed that the girl had begun talking to him about his next course of action. Not surprising as he was staring at her for quite a bit but still interesting. He made a large loop around the group of students, stopping every once in a while to try and through off the girl's line of sight before quietly walking behind her and placing his hand on her shoulder. Del then whispered before the girl could turn around, "Don't look around. I just want to talk, but I don't want people to listen in on this conversation." Soon after finishing the sentence, he scanned the rest of the crowd and they were all either busy talking, walking or loitering.

"OK, I just wanted to say three things. One, how do you know that I wanted to look at your laptop. Two, I just want to see who the other people are and I would be preferable to that I look at it without having to sneak into the girls dorms and three, if you do look me up, my photo is only accessible by my parents, my previous school and my brother's social media accounts, which barely contain anything on me. Sorry there are four things, my name is Del."

Soon after finishing his sentence, Del walked off looking for Conrad, as he would probably still messing around and not paying attention to headmistress. Del thought about what he just said and he wished that he got the right message through, especially as he was very unsocial.

@Goddess Nebula


Another limo arrived, directly behind the last two, containing any extremely late students. (@UnwantedTruth @Sneaux)

Their luggage was removed from the limos, placed on the curb, and the doors were opened, all done by the chauffers. "Hurry, or you'll be in trouble." One of the chauffers said to the students inside, trying to be nice.
Mary grinned as she looked up at the academy. She had spent the limo ride in an awkward silence with the girl she was sitting next to. I wonder how it got it's name. Probably some historical thing. She thought. She then skimmed the acceptance letter again. It was odd, but she thought nothing of it. She then looked at the chauffeur and nodded. She quickly took her suitcase and rolled it inside.

Vishra heard the soft motor of engines coming to a halt. "Another student?" Soon, a girl with pink hair came walking in, dragging her suitcase along with her. Grabbing out her phone, Vishra did a quick background check on the new student. "Mary Jameson; must be a late student. I don't think the Headmistress will be happy but this'll be interesting. Perhaps I should finally do some socializing?" Walking up to the new girl with a slight grin but dull eyes, Vishra said, "Hello Mary. Nice to meet you~. I wonder why you're late? If you want, you can answer me or if not, you can always glare at me and stay silent; whatever floats your boat~" "I wonder what she's going to say?"

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Mary continued to walk with her suitcase until a girl came up to her and started talking. She was slightly taken aback by the girl's words. "Um, I was just late, nothing much more to the story...hey, how did you know my name was Mary?" she asked with a confused expression.

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