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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)

(By the way, we should not be posting these random posts in the In Character Chat. We do have a Out of Character Chat)
Nathaniel Blacksmith

Train Station

Nathan looked up from his phone, shifting his gaze over to the... rather short male, that had asked him for his name, but right before he was about to say something, the sight of another girl seemingly taking pictures of him got into his eye. The boy found that to be extremely rude, but yet again, he wasn't able to respond to that, due to the Headmistress speaking up, followed by two limousine's driving in front of the group. Most of the other students seemed to be a bit baffled at the sight of the vehicles; especially after taking a look at the interior of them, but to Nathan, a drive like that wasn't really something special. He shrugged the incident off, gave that Excel guy a quick wave and got into the first Limo after handing his suitcase to the chauffeur. Eh... a bit too colorful, in my opinion. Nathan seated himself in front of the red haired, younger looking guy who seemed to be whispering something to the person next to him. that boy had a.... kind of familiar feeling to him, almost as if he'd seen him somewhere. ...probably just my imagination... but still... His expression formed into a more stern, questioning look, just straight up staring at the one in front of him for a while. From the corner of his eye, Nathan was able to notice how the road got suddenly dark, as if entering a tunnel of sorts, before eventually driving into what seemed to be a forest. a few minutes from there, the vehicle came to a halt, and the chaffeurs asked the students to exit the Limo, which Nathan did. He loosened his gaze on the familiar looking guy, unbuckled, and got out of the car. Once outside, the male breathed in some of the fresh air and locked his eyes onto the school. Well, it's nothing too special.. from the outside anyway.

@Fezzes @Tamura
The windows darkening lead Vishra to believe that the limo was traveling through a tunnel. The darkness soon faded away to light as they entered a forest of sorts and several minutes later, came to a stop near the academy itself. Climbing out of the car, Vishra was met with the sight of the school. "Not bad, not bad at all."
Evalynn finishes typing up the research on her fellow classmates. She noticed another doing the same and smirked. She types a simple code before inplanting it into the other girls computer. The code was a simpl code most hackers used to communicate. She looks out the window at the forrest and looked suprised. The school was more isolated then she thought. She climbed out of the limo carefully and took in the environment. I could get use to the isolation.
As Excel slowly got out the limo he took a deep breath of the forest scenery, "I geuss I can get use to this..." Then he slowly started to stretch his arms and legs.
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Nathaniel Blacksmith

The Academy

Nathan stood there for another moment, breathing it all in, when he noticed how the short kid from before stepped out of the Limo and gazed at the scenery himself. Well... i guess i never really gave him my name, did i? He thought, rubbing the back of his head. A faint sigh managed to pass his lips as he moved over to said person and tapped him on the shoulder. "It's Nathan." the male stated, giving him a slight smile before continuing, "My name. You've asked me earlier, remember? Anyway, nice to meet you...." There was another short pause in his sentence at that point, as he tried to remember the guys name. he knew he had stated it before, but needed a moment to actually get it, until eventually finishing off with, "Excel." Following to that, Nathan extended an arm, with the intention to shake the boy's hand.

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Jeice had remained silent the whole trip, and quickly exited the limo when the school came into sight. He collected his bag and stood behind the groups of students, being ignored.

"How does no one see me?"
Alan steps out of the limo, sad to leave the fanciness behind. Once he sees the school, however, he immediately forgets all about the limo. This is it, he thought. This is where everything changes. Hold on, Dad, I'm coming.
Conrad Lyons

Conrad practically jumped out of the limo, nearly colliding with the boy across from him, who'd been staring questioningly, almost accusingly, at him. He wasn't sure why, but he mentally noted it. The school was not quite as blatantly opulent as the limo was, but he still didn't like it. Besides, he'd never been to an actual school before. That could lead to some interesting moments. "So. School. This is a thing. This is now a thing I'm doing. Nice. Oh come on, tell me this isn't cool with a straight face." he thought aloud. Conrad turned back around, every else's outwardly impassive faces staring back at him. "Right. Not the best audience for that." he muttered to himself.
'I get it. Some people are standing there thinking they are on a mission, already spying on each other. Doesn't a spy team need to trust each other?' he thought bitterly. 'At least some people are trying to find stuff out about each other the normal way. By talking. Time to practise that. Go talk.'

He decided the first thing to do would be to talk to the guy who was staring at him. He was talking to someone else, however. Back to Del, then. He scuttled back to the group, trying to find Del. Yet another one of the agent types.

@BobbyW @Deltorian Nephran
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Vivian Blackheart

Vivian stepped out of the second limo, slipping her coat on as she did so. She didn't like carrying it, so she put it back on, enjoying the warmth it provided. The chauffeurs took the luggage out of both of the limos, then placed them on the curb as they waited for every student to exit the limos. Viv looked around, taking a deep breath and enjoying the view. She had always loved the forest, and it was a good place to train. Momentarily, she let out a small, genuine, smile, before reverting back to her original cold appearance. She walked past the now accumulating group of students and stood off to the side, alone, to think.

If I keep acting this way, I will never make any allies...but nobody has ever treated me with kindness before, other than my parents, so I have no idea how I'll react, nor do I have any idea how to BE nice... Vivian thought pessimistically to herself, observing the students. She pulled out one of her daggers and began tossing it around, catching it by the hilt or spinning it by the blade, either way was amusing. She had no plans on interacting with anyone, but she wasn't sure she could say the same for the others.

Headmistress Raven Renegade

After most of the students left the limos, Raven got out of the first one, nodding to each chauffeur in thanks. She walked up to the entrance of the school, not too worried about time now, since she wanted to give the students time to talk to one another and interact. They will eventually work together as teams, at least while they're at this school. Raven thought to herself with a small smile as she stood patiently in front of the large doors to the teacher's building/office.

Deltorian Kento

Del soon woke to find that he had fallen asleep in the limousine and almost everyone had left the limousine. "S***, Ok dad deal, I sleep every second night, you make sure that my brother doesn't annoy me." He said to himself as he pulled himself off the floor of the limousine.

As he quietly stepped out of the he noticed that Conrad was already trying to be "social" which wasn't working due to the many people trying to already be spies.
"Is it just me or is everyone try-harding. We are here to learn." It was at this point that he realised he wasn't wearing his glasses. "Great, I dropped my glasses. Don't worry, I only have slight short-sightedness." He said as he made his way back to the limousines to get his glasses.

Cherry Rose looked out the window to see nothing. She sighed and looked around at the people around her. She didn't know any of them. She sighed and pulled out her Smart Phone. She skimmed through some songs and then found I Don't Care by Apocalyptica. It was a nice song so she plugged her headphones in and started listening (Because there was nothing better to do).

@vl8041 @Anaxileah @Goddess Nebula @Eagershadow3 (At least I think these are the people in Limo #2 with Cherry)
noticing the student that Excel tried talking to back at the station extended his arm out to him Excel then reached his hand out and shook the other Nathan's, "well, its nice to meet you to, i hope were able to bond more while the school year goes on." Then Excel slowly let go of the other students hand, but still kept a friendly smile on his face.

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Evalynn shifts her weight, looking at all the students. She got most of the data she needed to begin some basic digging, so she didnt know how to interact beyond the basics. She turns toward Nathan and looks at him. The son of the Blacksmith's at this school. Interesting. She looks away from him, getting another scan of the students. No one really talking. She held her breath before making a small convorsation starter.

"Um... does anyone know where we are suppose to go"

Alan suddenly realizes that he left his laptop bag in the limo. He turns around to head back to the limo, and walks straight into the orange-haired kid behind him. "Oof!" He nearly knocks the kid over, but grabs his shoulder just in time. "Whoops, sorry about that! Didn't see you there!"

@Midnight Phantom
Vivian Blackheart

"The teacher wants us to mingle until we're 'satisfied.' Then we enter the school, of course." Viv rolled her eyes at the girl before walking towards the Headmistress, annoyed with the attempt at small talk these students were making.

(sorry for the short post. I'm just...really upset rn. I'll respond more tomorrow.
@Goddess Nebula)
"Thanks." Alan walks around Jeice and to the limo, and retrieves his laptop bag. When he turns around, Jeice is nowhere to be seen. "Jeice?"

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