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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)


From the Depths of Hell
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi! In order to join this role play (the theme is in the Overview Tab), you must first like this post, and in doing so, you agree to these rules!:

  2. No godmodding
  3. No killing off other characters
  4. No OP characters
  5. Good grammar/spelling
  6. Romance is permitted, anything past romance "fades to black"
  7. Your character must be accepted before he/she/they can be involved in the rp itself.
  8. You must like this post, otherwise you WON'T be allowed to join the rp!
  9. Post at least once every two days, otherwise the rp will DIE!
  10. Tag whomever you include in your post so they know and can respond! :)

Like this post and I'll know you've read the rules and will comply! Thank you!
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Make sure to watch ALL of my tabs! I will be adding information to each one constantly. Teachers in the Neutral Tab, chatting or me criticizing you in the OOC, then info on the school or any missions, etc., in the overview, and any new students in the sign up. Thanks! :) This rp will start soon, either around 1am or after in EST, or on Monday or Tuesday. Depends on my mood. See ya then!
Dear (insert name here),

You have been accepted to the prestigious Inquisitor Academy. You have been deemed worthy to attend this school, whether it is due to your own talents or that of your family's. Thanks to those traits, you will be taught, trained, and perfected, all for your own benefit. You will become the best, and will be unleashed upon the will to do your bidding.

However, it is preferred that you keep this acceptance a secret. If you attend the meeting and bring any member of the government or any important official/protector, you will be hunted down. This school has had a history with the government, and would not want any further involvement with it. So please, keep this information confidential.

In the past, this school used to be a public academy, teaching anyone who was interested. Spies, agents, and officials would be trained for a multitude of military operations. However, when the school discovered the arts of thievery, lying, etc., well...the school took a turn for the better (in our case). The government did not approve, and attempted something quite abnormal for a "government of the people." They attempted to annihilate the school, with all of the students inside. This revealed the corruption of the government, and their thirst for blood and war. So, the school went into hiding. It was built in a new location, one that the government could not trace. This is where you willed be trained to fight the very government that rules you.

If you accept this fate, please meet at your local train station. Surprisingly enough, when you receive this letter, you will all be in close proximity to this location. It will be empty, so do not worry about being discovered. Be there at 6 a.m. sharp. Do NOT be late.

That is all.

- Inquisitor Academy


(Vivian is in red, each of the teachers will have their own color as well~)

Vivian Blackheart

Vivian was at her home, waiting for her letter to arrive. It arrived at 5 a.m., arriving at her porch with a loud thud. She had been waiting for this moment all her life. Her parents had gone to this school, and now she was going to attend it. She smiled at the thought of being trained at this academy, and immediately began packing. The train station the letter referred to was only a five minute walk from her home, so she would have time.

She changed into a pair of tight, black, shorts, a black bikini top, and a leather fur-lined coat to go over it. She had her daggers in leg sheaths on her thighs, and wore knee-high combat boots, which were steel-toed. She tied her white-blonde hair up into a loose ponytail, some strands sticking to her forehead. Once she was ready to leave, she packed a large duffel bag full of all of the clothing she owned, as well as toiletries and any other necessities. As she was zipping up her bag, she noticed the framed photograph she had beside her bed.

Mom...Dad...Viv shoved the framed photograph into her bag and zipped it closed forcefully, then slung her bag over her shoulder. She pushed the door open, locking it on her way out, and headed to the train station. Once she reached it, she looked at the cell phone she had in her jacket pocket, and read that it was 5:57 a.m.. She was a couple minutes early, but that wasn't a big deal. She sat in the shadows nearby a lamppost and sat beside the duffel bag he placed on the ground, waiting for the arrival of...whoever was going to take them to the academy, as well as any other new students.


@Goddess Nebula




@Deltorian Nephran



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Evalynn breaks open the acceptance letter quickly, before releasing a small sigh. It was about 5 am, and she was the only one in the entire household that was awake. She couldn't sleep at all knowing her possible future. She smiles before closing the acceptance letter and sliding it into a small bag. She stands up and stretches. "I'm finally leaving" she says quietly to herself before quickly grabbing a medium sized suitcase. She throws it quietly onto her bed and throws a smaller bag next to it.

Evalynn slides a long cream sweater over her thin figure and slides on a pair of long brown socks. She quickly ties her dark brown hair into a neat and tight ponytail. Throwing the rest of her clothing into the suitcase, she collects up her basic necessities, her tablet, laptop, and some strong processing parts from her computer. She stops and stares at a picture of her Family. Her Mother, Father and 3 older brothers all sit around Evalynn in a hospital bed smiling, Lynn with a forced smile. She glares at the photo before laying the frame face down on her desk. "I'm no long one of them..." She tells herself, throwing her phone and the acceptance letter, and a small wallet. She zips the bag closed and slides on a pair of brown hiking boots.

Lynn slowly opens her window, and tosses the suitcase out of it before climbing out herself. She looks around her room one more time before smiling, pulling the window closed from the outside and climbed down the wall from the outside. She picks up the suitcase and begins walking toward the listen train station, a smile across her face,not looking back toward her family's house. She arrives at the train station and pulls out her phone, looking at the time. 5:58. She laughs quietly, realizing she arrived a tad early. She sits herself down, leaning against her suitcase, and slides in a pair of earbuds.
Alan checks his mailbox for the twentieth time that morning. He knows that the letter is coming today. He doesn't question how exactly he knows; he chalks it up to a natural's intuition. Sure enough, the letter is sitting right inside the box. Alan grabs it, runs back to his apartment, and tears it open. "About time. Dad's not getting any younger in there."

He reaches into the hall closet and takes out a suitcase, then heads into his room. He gathers up some clothes and tosses them into the case haphazardly. He then fishes his laptop case out of a pile of unwashed clothing, puts his laptop carefully in, and zips it shut. As he struggles to close his suitcase, his eyes fall on the picture on his bedside table. His father, dressed in a sharp black suit, with his hand on a young Alan's shoulder. Both are smiling as wide as physically possible. "Hang in there, Dad," Alan says as he finally manages to lock the suitcase shut.

He walks over to his desk and pulls out the top drawer. He removes the notebooks and pens inside, then takes the drawer out and opens the secret compartment underneath. He retrieves a length of garrote wire and a pair of brass knuckles from inside. He wraps the wire around his right bicep, then puts on a gray hoodie. He stores the knuckles in the hoodie pockets, grabs his bags, and exits his apartment. As he approaches the train station, he checks his phone's clock. 5:59. Just in time. He takes a seat near a brown-haired girl and waits.

Deltorian Kento

Del was awake, he had been like so for the last hour, sitting in his room, listening to his twin brother's obnoxious snoring. He heard the front door open then close, meaning his father was home from "work". He heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the door to his room and stop before the door opened, revealing that his dad had brought him a letter.
"Kid, you should know what this is and I am technically not meant to know what is in here but I went through this. Good luck kid, and can you go to sleep next time. It's bad enough that your mother does it." Del nodded slightly as his father placed the letter on his bedside table then closed the door.

Del moved relatively quickly, reading the letter, dressing himself and packing his possessions into his small suitcase.
"Clothes, check, equipment, check, spare glasses, guns check." He thought to himself as he neatly placed his things into his suitcase. As he closed his bedroom door, he put on his long coat and strapped on his belt, specially designed to hold his dual pistols. Checking the time, it was only 5:30 but he had a long way to go to get to the meeting point.

As he closed the door to his bedroom, he realised that there was no longer any snoring and now just breathing, probably a few metres behind him. "I'll see you after I graduate." Del said as he walked past his brother and towards the front door while
resetting his glasses.

Del arrived at the station just as his watch showed that it was 5:57. Taking a seat out of sight from people who entered, Del closed his eyes to meditate seeing as he would have to wait. He could hear the sound of someone's breathing coming from the nearby lamppost.
"Always be suspicious." He mumbled to himself as he concentrated on his own hearing, waiting for the train.
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Vishra stares at the letter in her hand. This single letter was the key to achieving her dreams. Getting sent this letter was a miracle in disguise; she can now go to a place where her talents aren't shunned by her parents, and all they thought was that she had received a scholarship to a private school. Smirking, Vishra uses a nearby blade to neatly cut open the letter and scans the letter. Reaching under her bed, Vishra pulls out her suitcase and most importantly, her laptop. Tossing some clothes in and preciously placing her butterfly swords and laptop somewhere safe but easily accessible, adding a lock onto her suitcase as a precaution, Vishra glances at her alarm clock. 5:10. Just enough time for her to get there. Writing a quick letter to her family, explaining where she was, and kissing her sleeping sister's forehead, Vishra sets out.

The cold air and the traffic were not kind to her but at least she was able to use her long hair as a blanket of sorts. Having called a taxi to bring her to the train station, Vishra realizes that she won't make it on time if they take the usual route. Directing the taxi driver to another route, name manages to reach the station with a minute to spare. Bringing her suitcase along with her, on alert for any pickpockets, Vishra walks towards where the letter specified. Scanning the area, Vishra sees two people sitting together and another two figures near a lamp post.
"So these are my new classmates? Looks like not everyone's here, I wonder where they are?" Taking a seat nearby, Vishra scans the area and is able to see a figure heading towards them but without her glasses the figure was bleary and unidentifiable, "I wonder who that is?". Putting on her glasses, Vesha checks her phone and realizes it's 6 o'clock. "Looks like the fun will now start~" Vishra whispers.
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Conrad rises groggily, an envelope having been thrown on him while he was asleep in the alley. Damned if he was going to sleep in a house. He tore it open. An acceptance letter from the school. It was all but a formality, as he'd been highly recommended by an Inquisitor, which he was told was basically an acceptance. Conrad gathered his things, or what he called his things.

It was only a short walk to the station, and there seemed to be someone outside. A girl, a little older than Conrad was. Maybe that'd be another student. Strange, same station. Still, it wouldn't do to let them know he was here too. Conrad crouched and padded silently around the station, clambering over the fence and coming in to the station from the track side.

All clear. Conrad jumped up onto the edge of the platform, but stayed out of sight. He peered over, seeing another one, a boy this time, sitting and meditating. He pulled himself the rest of the way up, rolling on instead of putting his feet up first. That way was quieter and gave a lower profile, so he tended to do it by habit. He tended to do a lot of things stealthily. A few ghost-like steps, and Conrad was up to the boy, placing his face close to the other boy's face. Time for a laugh. "Hello." he whispered, in the creepiest tone of voice he could muster.

@Deltorian Nephran
Jaron walks quietly down an empty road. In his hand was the acceptance letter for inquisitor academy, his left eye scanned the letter. He folded the letter up and stuck it in the front pocket of his jeans. A smirk spread across his face, who ever sent this letter must be good at finding people, they even used his real name.

After Jaron's short walk he arrived at the empty train station. He noticed a few other people at the station, most of them were his age. Jaron found an empty bench, and sat down in it, waiting for something to happen.
Vivian Blackheart

Viv looked around as other students began to arrive a couple minutes after she did, observing their appearances and their body language, analyzing her future fellow classmates. Right at 6:00 a.m., a woman appeared, walking quickly towards the assembled group of students, her blonde hair swaying in a ponytail behind her. The woman was wearing a lab coat over a black pencil skirt and a red bandeau. Her heels clicked against the pavement as she approached the students.

She must be the lady in charge, Viv thought to herself as the woman approached the center of the group of students.

Headmistress Raven Renegade

Raven approached the group of students, slightly annoyed that there was only a small amount of students present. These students were either early or on time. Good. The others will get a mild punishment for their tardiness.

"Alright! Students, thank you for arriving on time. We will be departing soon, but since not all of the students are present, we will wait..."
Raven paused to look at her watch, then continued, "For approximately ten minutes for the other students to arrive. Until they do so, feel free to mingle." Raven finished, giving a terse smile to the students present. Once she finished, she leaned back on the lamp post that shone light on most of the students, her clipboard in hand.


@Goddess Nebula




@Deltorian Nephran


Alan looks up at the woman. Something about her mannerisms makes him feel... welcomed. If this is the lady in charge, he thinks, then this is gonna be just like learning from Dad.

He glances over at the girl sitting nearby. She doesn't seem like the sort to join this kind of school. He slides a bit closer and says, "Hey."

@Goddess Nebula
Evalynn looks up at the boy before looking back toward her phone playing music. A Melanie Martinez song just came on. Friends aren't important. She sighs annoyed. She looks around at the other mass of students and the headmaster, clipboard in hand.

"Those who are late won't have an easy start" Lynn says blantely aloud. She looks back to Alan then returns to hrr screen.

Excel wakes up tiredly from his long slumber and starts to stretch his legs and felling as if this was a normal morning. But then he soon realizes that that the academy acceptance letter came in this morning. Excel soon ran straight to his front lawn, then down to his mailbox which he then pulled out a slick white envelope which he removes with his fingernails. He then started to feel a warm sensation in his stomach as he gently took the paper out the envelope, then he started to read, and as he got further a bright grin came across his face. Then he looked at the bottom of the paper where the time, and area of the bus station was, “OH GOD I'M GONNA BE LATE!”

He then rushed to his room where he slipped on a white long sleeved shirt, a white fur coat, some black jeans, which he just found tossed on his bed, then he slipped on his black boots which had white laces, and finally he attached his to magnums to his slings on his belt. After he packed al his stuff Excel look looked around his room for a good minute, “I’m going to miss this place…”

Soon after Excel was running down the street to the bus stop which wasn’t that far away from his house. When he arrived he then looked at his watch, “It’s only six hopefully I here in time.” After that he then rushed to the area where he had seen all the students sitting. He started to feel nervous, but also excited as he started to approach the small group of people, Excel quietly sat down by some boy that was sitting by himself.

Jeice quietly made his way into the train station, catching no ones attention.

"Maybe no-one will notice I'm late?"

His arrival was a 6:05. Jeice is not the earliest riser, and with a stroke of bad luck, his alarm never went off at 5. As he sat on a bench in the station, he fixed the uneven buttons on his dress shirt, and adjusted his tie. How no one ever noticed the hulking near 6 foot boy, he could never understand.
Evalynn keeps her face against her screen, not trying to make interactions with anyone. She didn't want to get close to anyone, or share her talent, scared to be used for it like her brothers did. She looks up noticing more people arriving, she looks at the time. 6:05, five more minutes for the others to arrive. She looks over to Alan and moves away a little, still leaning against her suitcase.

Alan slides a bit closer to the girl, unwilling to give up. "My name's Alan. Alan Sonozaki." He offers his hand to the girl.
Terence woke up at 4am and went to his door, expecting his acceptance letter there and it was. He read over it and went to do his morning routine and get his things packed for the school. He put on a black suit with a red tie and had a black watch on his wrist. By the time he was ready it was 6:00 since he had taken extra time to check his weapons and make sure his house was clean. "Going to be late by7 minutes. What a shame, I'll have to endure whatever punishment is in store for me. That is if they didn't leave." He left his house with his bag of clothes and toiletries and had his knife sheathed, hidden under his sleeve while his pistols were holstered on his sides. He arrived at the train station.

Deltorian Kento

Del was in deep concentration when he heard the sounds of other students arriving one by one most of them relatively on time. Soon afterwards he heard the walking of an adult approaching the station.

Anaxileah said:
"Alright! Students, thank you for arriving on time. We will be departing soon, but since not all of the students are present, we will wait..."

Anaxileah said:
"For approximately ten minutes for the other students to arrive. Until they do so, feel free to mingle."

To this Del sat up properly and reset his glasses, still keeping his eyes closed. Then he heard the sound of ruffling clothes just in front of him followed by, a "Hello." in a supposedly creepy but supposedly funny voice. Opening his eyes, he found himself with his face within a few centimetres of the other person.
"Nice to meet you to. Don't try that on me again, as my brother does it all the time and it gets old after he does it while I am showering."

It was still relatively dark at the train station so Del couldn't get a good look at the other boy but he had a rough idea of who he was.
"Bright red hair meant that his parents we incredibly accepting or was very defiant or a weird freak of nature, scuffed looking clothes meant he was doing it tough or was part of a gang, few possessions confirms doing it tough and provides small evidence towards gang member. Quiet as he was able to get incredibly close to me, meaning that he could be thief." He thought as he heard shuffling from a different seat. "The name is Deltorian by the way... And you sneaky b****** are?..." He asked as he stared at the boy standing before him.


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Nathaniel Blacksmith

Train Station

Nathan was sitting at his kitchen table as he went through the letter in his hands yet another time. a large suitcase was placed next to his seat, his other hand holding onto the bags handle. He was wearing a simple pair of jeans, and a lumberjack-styled button-up shirt. Well... that's it.... i guess it's time... The boy thought, reenacting the events of the day until now. He had a pretty restless sleep that night, toss and turning too many times to keep track of, accompanied by waking up every now and then. At around 5 AM, Nathan was able to hear the sound of... almost non-audible footsteps approaching his room. They came to a halt right in front of his door, where following to that, the invitational letter of the academy was slid under it and into his room. This alerted the boy, and, not being able to shrug it off as the result of his imagination, he immediatly shoved his blanket aside and got out of the bed, slammed the top drawer of his bedside table open, and hastily grabbed the Glock 19C that was resting inside it. He ignored the envelope that was lying in front of the door as of now, and carefully placed a hand onto the doorknob. Nathan was trembling in fear. he knew for a fact that whoever the person in on the other side of his door was, couldn't be either of his parents. they were both fast asleep, and even if they weren't; neither of them would have a reason to sneak around their house, slipping an ominous envelope into their sons room. So with that, the boy gulped down his fear, followed by a deep sigh, before slamming the door open... just to see that there was noone... there.... or at least not anymore. He leaned himself out of the room, and took a peek into the hallway, looking left and right. There was someone in here... no doubt about it... the letter is proof enough.... Nathan thought while letting out another sigh of relief. he closed the door again and shifted his attention over to the envelope on the floor. Rubbing the back of his head, the boy kneeled down, grabbed a hold of it, and ripped it open with his nails. He unfolded the paper and carefully read through the letter, rubbing his forehead with a stern expression. I guess that explains it... And so, the boy proceeded with packing up for his departure, which brings us to the present moment again.

A third sigh got passed his lips after going through these thoughts again; he stood up from his seat, lifted the suitcase off the ground, and headed over to his house's exit. He walked down the road towards the trainstation that was mentioned in the invitation, and got there relatively quick. the male took a quick peek at his Rolex, just to notice that it was already 06:07. He was late, even though the letter explicitly stated to be there on time. Oh well. He let his gaze wander over his enviroment, taking a look at all the other students that were located at the station. His classmates semed to be a whole bunch of interesting characters; there was a guy with an eyepatch, a rather attractive looking blond girl, a guy that arrived around the same time as himself, and alot more. He placed his suitcase back on the ground and took his phone out of his pocket, browsing through it with the intention to pass some time.

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