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Realistic or Modern Inquisitor Academy (Spy School)

"Okay then," Veronica said after getting pushed out of a limo. "Well, at least I'm use to it," she said and walked to a fountain then sat on it waiting for a teacher or something. She was swirling her hand in the water. She could not stop thinking about her 10th birthday. 'Snap out of it. You have to get could grades' she thought to herself and slapped herself.

Is this better @Anaxileah?
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Evalynn picks up her bag and begins walking toward the dorms. She fumbles with her dotm key, attempting to read the number. Dorm 101. Oh gosh, I wonder whos my roommate. She stops infront of the dorm, still fumbling with her key until she gets a good grip on it. She unlocks the door and sees no one in the room. "She must have unpacked her things already, that or hasn't even come to the room." She places her computer bag on her bed, and puts away the rest of her clothing before taking her laptop and tucking it into the empty suitcase, then the suitcase in a corner away from everything. She adjusts her hair piece which was slipping before grabbing her small bag and walking toward the dorm exit.
John picks his suitcase of the curb and begins to walk around the fountain. "Well its big" he says as he takes in his surroundings. As he was walked around he noticed a young girl sitting on the fountain. As he went by he gave her an innocent smile and kept walking.

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Deltorian Kento

Del entered into the dorm rooms and soon found his room and instead of unpacking began to sitting on the bed, facing the doorway, listening. "Not bad. This place has relatively well insulated walls."

Del sat there for a while thinking over everything that had happened that day. His fellow students were already trying to get info on each other or they were just trying to make friends. The head mistress was someone who he didn't want to pass off, his dorm buddy was someone who could already trust. His dorm is mostly secure and he hasn't needed to pull the "I have guns" thing on anyone. "How much money do I have on me? I hope that girl will accept a twenty!"

Blacknife said:
John picks his suitcase of the curb and begins to walk around the fountain. "Well its big" he says as he takes in his surroundings. As he was walked around he noticed a young girl sitting on the fountain. As he went by he gave her an innocent smile and kept walking.
Veronica looked up from the water and waved at the boy. She got up and walked forward. (to the dorms) "Um? This is confusing," she said looking back. "Maybe I'll just stay there until a teacher of someone comes," she said and headed back. 'Maybe I could get to the roof,' she thought to herself and ran to a side of a building. "Let's see," she said holding her bags in her mouth. She placed a foot on the wall. "One, two, three," she said and started climbing.
John stopped and watched this girls frantic little run before b-lining towards a building. He though to himself "she wouldn't..." But sure enough this girl begins to scale the wall of one of the building. John just watches this happen and decides not to intervene. Hes sure she knows what shes doing.

As Veronica scaled the wall her foot slipped. "Not today," she said and placed her foot back into the position. Her pamals began to sweat. "No, I will make it," she said determind. She finally reached the roof. "Yes!" she said and did a back handspring. "It's so high up," she said,"I love it," she said. She looked down. "Hey, haven't I seen you before!" she yelled at the boy below her.

John put his hands to his mouth to mimic a microphone "Yeah! Like ten seconds ago!" he pauses and thinks about what to say next "What are you DOING up there?!" He asks with a raised eyebrow and childish smile.
"I like rooftops!" Veronica yelled a reply. "I could through you down a rope if you want to come up here!" she yelled not knowing what else to say. "Also it's also great spy practice!" she yelled to him. "What's you name anyway?!" she yelled to him once again now hanging off the roof. She didn't know what else to say so she hung quietly waiting for a resonce.

"Um. John!" He shouts back "And if you could drop a rope that would be swell!" He starts to walk towards the building as the girl hangs of the roof "Well" he says to himself "This could have started of a lot worse"
"One ticked off principal generally doesn't equal a good situation. Definitely should do what she says before we tick her off even further." Picking up her suitcase, Vishra heads off towards her dorm, glancing at her key. "102. That means I'm on the first floor. I wonder if my roommate is already there? In fact, who is my roommate?" Opening the door, Vishra realised that her roommate hadn't arrived yet, as there was no sign of anybody inhabiting the room.

Placing her bag on one of the bed's, Vishra started to unpack some of her belongings, she soon realized she faced a dilemma, "Where on earth do I put my laptop? I don't think the principal will like it if I bring it along and even if I did, there's no place I could discreetly have it on me. Damn laptop's size. I guess I could leave it under my bed but then again it could get damaged, so that's out of the question. The safest place would probably be inside something... My suitcase perhaps, it does have a lock on it after all." Deciding upon that route of action, Vishra tucked her laptop into the little-less-than-half empty suitcase, making sure it was tucked in between some of her clothing to avoid any harm coming to it. "Better head down soon otherwise the principal's going to blow a casket." Taking one last look at her new room, Vishra left.
Nathan didn't really pay too much attention to what was happening around him, and simply focused on his phone, which he had pulled out. He followed Headmistress Raven around, only looking up once or twice after hearing her getting pissed, and when he placed the key to his dorm into his pocket. Well, i guess i should do as she said and go drop my bags off at the dorms. The boy thought before following Raven's orders. It would probably be a bad idea to anger the woman even more anyway, so with that, Nathan headed over into the building, the headmistress talked about earlier.

He held the keys in a firm grip as he proceeded through the halls of the dorm building, swiftly unlocking his assigned room before entering once arriving at his destination. The dorm was nice enough, nothing too special, in his eyes anyway. He always had a hard time appreciating, or even realizing what kind of luxury he had the privilege to enjoy, considering the wealth of his family, so therefor, Nathan could be seen as your typical rich kid to some degree. Taking a little while to check out the dorm, the boy soon proceeded with emptying out his luggages, and filling the various closets and drawers he'd be living with from now on. Once that was done, Nathan got back out on the hallway, locked his door, and headed over to the fountain, they were supposed to meet at... Where.. to his surprise, he arrived only to witness a girl.. climbing onto the roof of one of the school's buildings from the outside wall.
Quite the sight, really.

He didn't even say anything as he watched the girl making her way up, probably out of fascination, but once she got ontop, the boy snapped out of his silent state and joined the other guy who was currently having a... conversation with the rooftop-girl. He rubbed the back of his head, shot a quick gaze at the other boy, but swiftly locked eyes onto the female again.
"...Are you... seriously just. randomly carrying a rope around with you, or was that some kind of joke?" Nathan yelled up at the person who'd turn out to be named Veronica, giving her a questioning look.

@Blacknife @Ceres

((It's been awhile since i've posted anything and i'm sorry about that. life's just been REALLY busy for me lately, and school's killing me. Also i won't be able to design my posts as did in the past since i don't really have access to a PC/Laptop anmore, as of now.))
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BobbyW said:
Nathan didn't really pay too much attention to what was happening around him, and simply focused on his phone, which he had pulled out. He followed Headmistress Raven around, only looking up once or twice after hearing her getting pissed, and when he placed the key to his dorm into his pocket. Well, i guess i should do as she said and go drop my bags off at the dorms. The boy thought before following Raven's orders. It would probably be a bad idea to anger the woman even more anyway, so with that, Nathan headed over into the building, the headmistress talked about earlier.
He held the keys in a firm grip as he proceeded through the halls of the dorm building, swiftly unlocking his assigned room before entering once arriving at his destination. The dorm was nice enough, nothing too special, in his eyes anyway. He always had a hard time appreciating, or even realizing what kind of luxury he had the privilege to enjoy, considering the wealth of his family, so therefor, Nathan could be seen as your typical rich kid to some degree. Taking a little while to check out the dorm, the boy soon proceeded with emptying out his luggages, and filling the various closets and drawers he'd be living with from now on. Once that was done, Nathan got back out on the hallway, locked his door, and headed over to the fountain, they were supposed to meet at... Where.. to his surprise, he arrived only to witness a girl.. climbing onto the roof of one of the school's buildings from the outside wall.
Quite the sight, really.

He didn't even say anything as he watched the girl making her way up, probably out of fascination, but once she got on top, the boy snapped out of his silent state and joined the other guy who was currently having a... conversation with the rooftop-girl. He rubbed the back of his head, shot a quick gaze at the other boy, but swiftly locked eyes onto the female again.
"...Are you... seriously just. randomly carrying a rope around with you, or was that some kind of joke?" Nathan yelled up at the person who'd turn out to be named Veronica, giving her a questioning look.

@Blacknife @Ceres
"You never know when it comes in handy!" she yelled to the boy. She tossed a rope down toward John holding on to the other end. She was happy to finally make friends with someone. (Sorry I just don't know what to post right now)

@BobbyW and @Blacknife
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John paused for a second analyzing the rope before firmly grabbing it and attempting to climb. John found scaling the rope to be easy as all those years of working in clock towers and large mechanical machines where starting to pay off. When he got to the top he pulled himself up before sitting himself on the edge of the building. He began to Ravel the rope up while turning to the girl and asking "So did you get in late too?"
"Yeah," she said. She carefully put it in her bag making sure not to cover her picture. "I'm Veronica by the way," she said to John. "So, when do you think the principal going to come?" she asked him not know what else to say. She started reorginizing her bag. 'That goes there and this goes here' she thought to herself.
(Pause the role play. I will need time to make a response, and I'm at school so it'll be a while.)
Headmistress Raven Renegade

Raven sighed as she approached the fountain after leaving the main teacher building. She noticed two students on the roof, and another looking up at them. She reached the bottom of the building, then stared up at the students and raised her voice, "If you students don't get down here, you will have to face the consequences of this school." She tapped her foot against the cobblestone impatiently, then glared around the buildings, wondering where the rest of the students were. She told them to meet at the fountain. She looked at her watch and continued looking around impatiently.


@Goddess Nebula




@Deltorian Nephran




@Midnight Phantom





Mary stepped out of the dorms and walked to the fountain. There, the headmistress waited. Seeing that at the moment not many people were out yet, she took this opportunity to ask questions. She approaches the headmistress with a polite smile. "So, um, did you come here when you were a kid?" she asked.

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Headmistress Raven Renegade

The headmistress looked down at the student, somewhat shocked that she had been approached by a student. "Yes, I did attend this school. I was top of the class, and enjoyed it greatly, so now I am headmistress." She explained curtly, then gestured for her to sit beside the student behind her, until the others came.

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Mary gave a small nod and sat next to the other student. "This is exciting." she muttered. "new school, new people, new life!" she said with a large grin.
Veronica threw her rope down and climbed down. She walked to the fountain and sat down. 'Way to make a first impresion.' she whispered to herself. Then she folded her arms. 'Well it could have been a lot worse' she said trying to look at the bright side. She let out a sigh ready to, most likely, though her rope up to John.
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